Where do I find these challenges?

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I keep reading stories written to some "Ultimate Writers' challenge". Where are the writers' challenges posted? Is this just something that Melanie does or is it a Big Closet thing? I haven't written a story in quite awhile and maybe I'd get some inspiration from a challenge.
Hugs, Jezzi


There's a forum post

Just follow my author's name over and you should be able to find it, or check the 'Writer's Challenge' forum.

There was someone who shall remain anonymous who was nice enough to work me up a nice little PDF of the Year O' Challenges as well, so if anyone wants a copy all they gotta do is PM me and I can email them one.

Melanie E.

Desirable change?

One problem with Forum Posts, specially in the writer's challenge forum, is there is no category for "Contests: ", which if present would have allowed linking back to that contest group page, at a latter time. In deed the linkage would place the post starting it all at earliest date, once selected.