Dry Spell

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What is really sad, that, ever since my arm started the spasm thing I have barely written. Since my last blog post I have written nothing. This is not a good thing for me as writing is very therapeutic. I am not sure what the problem is, as I can't seem to really focus on much. If I had to guess what is the problem I would probably go with depression getting worse as well. I mean... my arm has gotten worse, more fun and games with poverty and life being generally crazy. So... that would probably be it.

Sigh... this is getting ridiculous.


Make that two.

I have a very good idea what you are going through. Hang in there, It has to get better.

Dry Spell

Take your time and heal

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


You thought about trying the voice dictation software?

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I guess it is a bad thing

I guess it is a bad thing that your arm doesn't work... If that wasn't true I'D suggest to play a computer game and kill some aliens. Tha always helps me when I'm frustrated or depressive.

Seriously why do you get no job? Is the economy crisis still that bad in america?
Reading sad things like this always reminds me that as bad as it is at home, it can always get worse... Having our "communist" social security system certainly has its advantages ;)

I hope you'll have some luck and get better.

PS: I hope I didn'T pry to much ^^