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Changes part 2 problems

Well it seems the gremlins have been in here somewhere and my original release was badly corrupted.

Hopefully its fixed now

i suggest if you have issues with copyright that you don't use kindles and other ebooks - download the standard pdf file instead.

for those of you who were sharp out of the traps last night - well i can only apologise, send me your email address in pm and i will get you a clean copy of the file sent out asap


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Declining numbers of female births in India

It appears for socio-culural reasons, many Indians find the idea of having girl babies unpalatable and these foetuses are being destroyed before birth by abortion.

Now I know abortion is a hot topic, especially in the US, and I admit being a well meaning Guardian reader, I'm pro-choice - but I find this practice abhorrent - and extremely short sighted as eventually, there will be a shortage of women for men to marry.

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Hope all our readers in Missouri are okay

I see from the BBC news that 89 people are believed killed or injured in storms in Missouri and the footage they showed was horrendous.

My commiserations to any readers who live or have friends and family in that part of the world, I hope they're all safe.


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Changes part 2

Hi again,

Well things have gone better than i hope which means that the second part of Changes, book 8 of the Gaby saga will be available over on Lulu in paper, ebook and pdf formats in the next 24 hours!

So if you want to know what our hero(in) gets up to next you know what to do!


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How others see me

Well, I had my one day shift today, and it was wonderful. I had been told I would spend the day in the back to prevent any issue with dressing female while wearing a male name tag. So I decided to wear a skirt and heels. But they forget to tell my new supervisor, so after I did some computer learning he sent me to the garden department. I'm glad he did, because I actually enjoyed it. Best of all, one lady was looking for something, and her older companion saw me, and said to her in my hearing, "I bet this young woman can help us." I could have kissed him.

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Rapture 2011 World Tour

I've been looking at forums/blogs/twitter feeds about the Rapture 2011 World Tour and was thinking about what a good opportunity if you had a Medallion of Zulu or something similar. All those people disappearing leaving their life/identity behind with just a pile of clothes/jewelry/etc. left to mark their passing.

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My girlfriend is on the road

well, as of this morning my girlfriend has left her home, her job, and everyone she knows to make a fresh start. She is going to Portland, not having anything waiting there except whatever hope she brings with her. I can do little but pray until she is reconnected with me, hopefully when she arrives.

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Bike 20.5.11

Sorry folks - I've been editing something for someone for the past hour and found I deleted it. Before I do something even more stupid - I'm going to bed, which means I don't have time to do a Bike tonight. I'll do one tomorrow before I write anything else - promise.

Hugs & apologies,



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PFH - The British Kid

It seems one or two of you like this, and as it's had a few reads and a couple of Kudos, I'll continue it for a bit, perhaps two more episodes, while Melanie writes her next one.

I've used some of her characters though I haven't worked entirely to canon as you'll see in part two, which I'm working on as I have time.

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Craig's List Trophy Wife

I am pondering which direction to take this story. I would like to write it with several alternates with her choosing the three different guys. Would you, the readers like me to do this. If not, if it came to picking one of the guys, maybe if get feedback on which guy you would like Lesley (the character, not me) to choose. Comment with your feedback. Thank you for helping me.

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I so wish I could use this in a story.

While researching ideas for a story I am working on I came upon this youtube presentation, Oh my heart wishes I had the ability to copy parts of this to put together a video, sadly I have not an artistic bone in the body and I am fairly computer illiterate.

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Do You Need A Wig (FREE)

My wife wears a wig 24/7 and we have 4 old wigs that are still usable and we would like to know if any of you girls need 1 and can not afford 1 So we will send 1 each so that they may go to they most use. Drop me a PM with your name and address and I will sent them to you USPS. They are collar length dark brown with a slight wave, just trying to make someone smile.HUGS & KISSES RICHIE2

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Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots

If one good thing has come from my Year O' Challenges, so far it seems to be Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots.

I've been following the comments on all the stories, and I've seen that a number of people seem quite interested in seeing more stories in this particular universe.

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RIP Jeffrey Catherine Jones

Yesterday Jeffrey Catherine Jones died. She was an artist who transitioned in 1990. Frank Frazetta once called her the worlds greatest living painter.

Perhaps like me the name didn't ring any bells, but once I searched out some of her work I recognized them immediately. So many of the paperback covers of fantasy tales I read back in the 70's had her name on them. Also she was one of the artists that made National Lampoon such a hit in its hey day. A truly remarkable person.

Rest easy.

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Drunken tears do not make it better.

A comment on an old story. My, that's a circuit breaker in a good way. An antidote of sorts for the reality shits. You don't know. Some of you might but most don't I expect. What? Are you on something? Ummm, yeah maybe. You probably don't want any though. Well the comment maybe, assuming there's something to comment on. This is the expurgated version... good thing too I think. What??

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Bike Archive

I never fail to be amazed how someone could want to archive anything I wrote unless they were doing some sort of study on compulsions or classic lunacy. That someone could keep it up to date--it does involve a lot of effort--then create a map site and keep that up to date as well--I'm absolutely staggered. I'm also grateful although my thanks seem somewhat inadequate in comparison.

Thanks to PS and Ben for doing this, I know many readers find it an easier way to read such a long saga, so on their behalf, I thank you also.

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In another number system, it's the ultimate answer. In a third, it's just over a third of a century.

What's the significance? Well, this might provide a clue...

(Photo a bit blurred as it was taken on my mobile phone at work, where I'd taken the item pictured)

Needless to say, if my comments later on this evening make even less sense than usual, you'll know I've consumed an extra glass of vino... :)

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Oh, Katia what shall I do with you?

Gwendolyn's Muse, "Khadijah" is really confused with me right now, wondering just what I am up too. Those who have been following "Lt Katia in Afganistan" may have perhaps felt that she would end up a Nigab'd once warrior living in seclusion in the home of her love intrest. And to be frank, I had been thinking that she might too.

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Story Critics

I often see comments about stories written on this site that are little more than a put down in some cases.
The vast majority of the Stories on BC are works of fiction and I often wonder if the person who makes some of these comments knows what the "FICTION" means.
The dictionary definition is;

fic ·tion”‚ [fik-shuhn]
1. the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form.
2. works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction.

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f2m: The Boy Within

I was over at Baen Books WebScription Ebooks site, they sell and give away ebooks there, yes some are free. I was looking through their "Young Adult" section to see if there was anything interesting for free, and I noticed a book titled f2m: The Boy Within. My first thought was, what an odd coincidence, my second thought was this is in the Young Adult section. Out of curiosity I clicked on the link. and a free sample

Has anyone read this book?

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I haven't written anything for a while, why?

Hummm, well first of all i was bitten by a Star Wars bug. I was writting a story that was up to 60,000 words. I mean i was on a roll... the story just poured out of me. I know the Star Wars genre hasn't really been seen here on BC, and that's 1/2 of what got my muse going in the first place.

Then someone somewhere sent me a cute little gremlin, he was cute and fuzzy and cuddly and totally had it out for my computer.

Yes... i was forced to reformat with 60,000+ words written.

talk about a complete downer.. *sigh*

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Where we are now

The next chapter is done but things have been rough lately, due to PTSD therapy. I know I will feel better once I am through it, but the during part sucks massively.

The story is going well but I have caught up with what I have already written. So, if I can actually keep up, I can write enough to stay ahead of the curve. This could cause update issues, but I don't know for sure. We will definitely see.

Just wanted to keep you all in the loop.

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IDAHoT 2011

Courtesy of a link on Warwickshire's corporate intranet homepage, I've discovered that apparently today has been "IDAHoT 2011" - International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.,41-

Apparently May 17th was chosen because the date is the anniversary of the World Health Organization’s May 1990 decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders.

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The Time is Now!!!

It is the Time to Act!!! The Time to wish and to ponder, the time to the time to desire and the time to quest!! We all have a life time to accomplish so much and everyone either belives they have the time to accomplish there desires or the time itself not worthy to waste on desires or even that there desires are ou of reach for some either honest or made up reason. Well that stops now!!

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A reminder of my first crush

I was having a chat with my girlfriend Kylie the other day, and the subject of my earliest crushes came up, and I thought I would share with you all about it. She was my cousin, and five years older than I. I met her because we spent a lot of time with my aunt when I first came back from overseas, and so I got to know her a little. To me, she was amazingly beautiful, graceful, and kind, and I was smitten from the first.

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Egg McMelton or Breakfast Club Sandwich

I've had something so good the last few mornings that I had to share it. I call it an Egg McMelton. :)

For each sandwich:
Chopped onion, about one thick slice chopped
Another slice of raw onion, red is really good
Two slices of crisp bacon, or not so crisp if you prefer
Some lettuce, iceberg is fine, leaf lettuce is good, or spinach
A slice of tomato, optional because I seldom have tomato in the house
An egg, the star of the sandwich

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Life Updates

I haven't been around much of late. I do continue to check in to see what is being posted, and occassionaly comment when I can, but work has had me traveling and insanely busy this year.

There have been some good changes though.

My wife and I have both been on diets since January. I'm down 40 pounds, and she is down over 30 pounds. It's interesting as we are both doing totaly seperate diets, she is on Nutra-System, and I'm doing a low-carb approach. But they are working well.

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My ex decides to remove my father from the family tree

Well, once in a while, my ex surprises me, and its rarely for a good reason. Tonight, we had a belated mother's day dinner for her and my mom, and she mentioned about my dad, that she wanted my daughter to consider someone else as her grandfather, instead of my dad. Now, my dad committed suicide, so apparently, that means he cant even be in the family tree in her view. Doesn't give me a lot of hope on how she will react when I come out. Ah, well.

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Bike 14.5.11

Apologies for no Bike tonight - didn't get home until after 11.30pm and am too tired to write, hope to do better tomorrow.

As per the previous blog about what to wear to the CTC AGM dinner - I went with my Jaques Vert dress (cream, green and black flowers on a cream background), a short sleeved black cardi with glittery bits and black courts.

I also had an attack of IBS and spent half the evenng in the loo -which doesn't help my energy levels.

So, hopefully tomorrow I will bore you some more with tales of the Cameron clan.

Hugs to all,


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Real Life Hannah Montana

Real Life Hannah Montana

By Stanman63

Here is a Real Life Hannah Montana. Currently, Megan Campbell is posting Sarah Carerra. Thought that Real Life Hannah Montana would be cool.

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Arecee's here

Hello everyone, and thank you for your concern as to why I haven't finished the rewrite of Homecoming Princess. There are several reasons, one I won't get into because it's personal and the others I will explain. As most of you know I'm writing my Assassin series and am almost finished with it. It's obviously very long and takes much time to research and bring together in a story. Writing a story this long doesn't leave time for a rewrite of princess, nor other stories I have in the works, Twisted being one that comes to mind.

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Slow recovery

Edeyn Many of you are aware that I severely broke my arm in November of 2009. Many of you are aware that before that time, I had the ability to type quite fast and efficiently -- in excess of 120 words per minute. And... most who are aware of both are also aware that when I was done with PT, I lamented the loss of over 65% of that speed.

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Concerning 'Fugue'

Just in case there are still a few people out there who are interested, after a ridiculously long wait the next installment of 'Fugue' has made it's way to my proofers. Hopefully in the next few days it will be ready to post, so if you're still following the story despair not, there is more to come.


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about Roxanne

I started this story back in early 1991. I knew the family well since they were my neighbors. Ronnie was really the driving force for the protest and it continued till the day he graduated. He followed his sisters footsteps and went to law school as well. Having to deal with a great many of the social issues that the TG and TS community deal with every day, they both became great advocates,with first hand experience. The true story didn't end well for Ronnie, but I didn't know that till his elderly mom told me. That was shortly after they buried her husband.

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The Protest

While I realize that the size of the penis is important to some men, I know men who are men that don't really care. Yet, they seem to have a very good relationship with their spouses. It appears that in a lot of stories, tg as well as mainstream stories where sex is mentioned, men in these stories don't seem to function well if they're penis isn't long, thick and throbbing. I don't know what it is with this because I have never had to live this way until my teen years and even then I didn't act like the boy they wanted me to. But this is all water under the bridge right now.

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The Rusted Blade on hiatus this week.

To those who did not read the notes last week, due to real life complications darkice and I are delaying the next chapter of The Rusted Blade until next week. We found that if we don't keep a fair lead on the story, we *will* write ourselves into a corner, and then finding a way out of it without retconning what we've already released is tricky at best, and can interrupt the flow of writing.

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Feels a little like being adrift at the moment. Finishing YMIFE brought a release of a tension inside me that isn't unlike finishing reading a good book or series, and I've been basking in the relief for a while.

Been keeping busy. Managed to earn enough to pay for the replacement washing machine and the repairs to the car and a dozen other things. Doesn't leave much for the mortgage or the groceries, but the wolf isn't at the door yet.

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Graduated, but it isn't for me.

Well, the day has arrived, I have finally graduated from my LPN Class, two years, however. I have figured out that it isn't for me, so I get to enjoy figuring out what I do enjoy.

that will hurt.

also A 'friend' of mine borrowed books a while back and I haven't heard from her since, I lent her like 10~20 books that I have a sinking feeling I won't ever see back...There goes another 200 or so dollars.

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I am Captain America

In preparation for the movie coming out this summer Marvel Comics is releasing variant covers for the Captain America series.

More than a few have racial or gender changes. I know that it's supposed to illustrate how there's a little of the hero in all of us, but I can dream! :) Some are very good.


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Waterloo Road TG Episode!

I was able to download a programe called Expat Sheild, an can now access the wonderful and fascinating world orf the BBC. I say this seriously and in no way mean any ridcule to anyone.

The TG episoce is one hour long, without commercials, and is quite excellent. There are a half dozen sub plots and like someone else, I found the parts about the girl with a brain tumor, and the GID boy to be especially moving.

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"One year, 52 weeks"

That's how long I've been here, according to my account info. Since that actually translates into being my second anniversary here, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on what how far I have come in those two years. Two years ago, I hadn't even dreamed of going out in public as Dorothy. I hadn't even really faced my rape. And now, I am a hair's breath from working as a woman.

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Transgender discrimination costs Massachusetts millions

The Boston Business Journal has a short article about a study of the economic impact of transgendered discrimination in Massachusetts.


The study can be found at the Williams Institute website:

Press Release:

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Troubles with choice

I found out this morning that I have to go to a formal (dress code is: smart) dinner on Saturday evening, so I made an appointment to get my unruly tresses tamed (sounds better than getting a haircut) first thing on Saturday - my hair won't be tidy, it never is - it's very fine and flies about like tissue paper in the slightest draught.

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Waterloo Road TG Storyline

It looks as though Waterloo Road (which bills itself as a "Contemporary drama series set in a challenging comprehensive school") is including a TG storyline in the current series.

From the synopsis of tonight's episode (already available on iPlayer): "A shy and effeminate year 12 pupil is branded a 'perv' when he is caught poring over a lingerie magazine - but the truth is far more complicated than Chris imagines." (Judging by the cast list, Chris is probably Christopher Mead, Deputy Head)

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gave myself a scare this morning

Well, I managed to give myself a scare this morning. I tried to get a hold of Wal-Mart about the job, and was told I didn't get it, which almost killed me. Then I went to phone back to find out why, and realized, I was phoning the WRONG STORE! A quick recalculation got me the right one, and I was told they were just waiting to hear from my supervisor from my old store, and he will be in this afternoon. I'm praying he gives me a good reference, and trying to restart my heart at the same time.

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Heads-up for Google Docs Users :-)

Just letting everyone know that, at least as of this posting, there's something strange going on with Google Docs. New documents are being saved, and you can link back to them directly if you share them or copy the link somewhere, but they are NOT currently being saved under your "Owned by me" area, or anywhere else that I can tell.

Some reports suggest some of the "lost" documents are appearing an hour later, but others never show up at all. Like I said they're being saved because you can link back to them, just not being added to the list. There's a forum thread at Google Support Here

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New chapter edited and in the can, so that is good. Still nothing original done lately. Part of the new fun is the chronic pain, which seriously sucks but I doubt anyone believes otherwise. Most of the pain is in my right arm and wrist which makes even this little post a bit of a trial. Thursday I am having a pain procedure done which kills one of my pain nerves. It regrows but it takes a while and that gives me a great deal of relief. Having your dominant hand be a source of pain is not something I would recommend.

This means a new chapter Sunday at the least.

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The Google Title whatsit

Just wondering if anyone else is as blown away as I am by the latest Google title thingie. These are often clever and interesting, but this one... I've sat and watched it several times in simple admiration. Whoever did this one is a bloody genius.

Wonderful tribute animation, style, movement ... brilliant.

I expect a bunch of you might have to wait a few hours till it clicks over into tomorrow. Time zones huh.


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a writer's challenge

I love the writer's challenges and contests here. Even when I can't come up with an entry, (which is most of the time), I love reading what others create within each contest or challenge. So I decided to create a personal challenge, just for me. I wanted to create a story with a title that began with the letter "z", and keep it under 500 words. You guys have read the result - "Zombie-Killer Girlfriend". And judging from the comments, it turned out pretty good.

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Music Inspires the Savage Beast

I'm fairly certain I've blogged extensively in the past about how music tends to affect my muse in strange ways, but I just had probably the best example ever of this phenomenon while working on Boys Don't Cry today (Don't worry, I'm still working on Robin too :-) She'll be back soon).

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Whatever happened to Aaron Smith? Chapter 1 revised

I've had someone helping me with my new chapter of AJ's story, and because of that we've gone over the first three chapters. The revision of chapter one is now up. I simply replaced the old chapter 1 with the new text. This will be the same thing I do with chapters 2 and 3.

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'Corrective Rape'

The term Corrective Rape is one applied to the brutal sexual assault and rape of lesbians, gay and transgender people by thugs usually young men. It is purported to teach them a lesson but frequently leaves them devastated or even dead. It is a hate crime of the first order, and seems to be on the increase.

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Roller-coaster of emotions

I feel like I'm riding a roller-coaster of emotions. One moment, I'm feeling pretty good about the choices I'm making, and the next I'm either wracked with fear that its all going to go up in smoke, or I'm beating myself up for being so selfish as to risk my relationship with my daughter over a couple of inches of flesh between my legs. Hopefully, the ride will smooth out soon.

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Man Trapped In Women's Prison

There's fodder for a story here, somewhere! This news item first appeared last week, but I just tripped over it while poking around a news consolidation site.

BERLIN | Wed May 4, 2011 11:20am EDT
(Reuters) - A mayor in Germany helped rescue a man who became trapped in a women's prison after mistaking it for a shortcut to a nearby park, police in the northern city of Hildesheim said on Wednesday.

Hildesheim Mayor Henning Blum heard the man's cries for help while passing by the prison near the city center and notified police who came and freed the 24-year-old.

The man told police he was strolling through town and did not immediately notice he had walked into a prison. By the time it dawned on him where he was, the gate to the jail had already closed, locking him inside.

Police said they are investigating why the prison gate was open, enabling the man to wander in.

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Notice of a probable BCTS BBQ in Northern Utah, June 19

Shelly/Shalimar and I are going to be moving east in the last half of June, and spending a couple of nights and one day, a Sunday, north of Salt Lake with Penny Cardon, author of ‘Educated in the Hills’.

We will be traveling with a couple of other BCTS members, Beth Williams, & Sparrowchild, so that will make 5, and I have already contacted one other BCTS member about it.

To make it a bit easier to get there, we are thinking we may hold a BBQ in the Ogden area, and invite anyone from this community, as we have twice, out in Walnut Creek, CA.

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Dungeons and Dragons

I've been meaning to talk about my experience with Dungeons and Dragons for a while. I got involved in A D & D in my teens, and because I couldn't afford the books, a friend allowed me to borrow his. I copied out the Player's handbook, the DM's Guide, and the Monster Manual by hand, and then made a world. I used my love of map-making to create a series of maps for the main continent, covering climate, languages, races, and physical features. I also created two thousand years of "back story" to explain how things got to be where they were when the players would arrive.

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One of my pet peeves

I watch a lot of movies, okay it's one thing I do to just relax.

But the thing here is, why, why do the women in those always keep their high heels on?

A real woman (and me when I was going through RLT) would get rid of them in a heartbeat if they had to move quickly, quietly, or were in the wilderness.

Sorry, was just watching a movie where both female leads kept wearing their heels in a damned jungle.

And I know, I know, it's sexy and all that. But come on here.


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Louisiana - crimes against nature - sex offenders.

I happened across this article on the Huffington Post, which has reference to transgender as well as biological women being labelled as sex offenders, possibly for life , because they had unnatural sex - ie they had oral or anal sex for money.

The article claims that black women and transgender people were being targeted by the police. It's worth reading even if it does show the authorities have a mediaeval approach to life - this is what the police do when they're not out hunting witches one supposes.

See for yourselves.

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