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Stardust is up and running on the lilypad server!

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If you don't get the site, it just means the DNS may not have cleared for you yet. Try to force a reload by holding down the shift or control key and clicking to reload the page. :)

Again, Piper has done most of the work. :)


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Road to Myself 19: Vacation '11

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Road to Myself - 19: Vacation '11
Annette MacGregor

Going on a family vacation - with outsiders who only know the OTHER you... Are there questions? Are there moments of awkwardness? What about vacationing in a state with no protections?

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Virginia Earthquake.

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I felt nothing, although my housemate and her Daughter said they did. It was a 5.9 quake centered in Mineral, Virginia. No word yet on injuries/deaths/property damage anywhere and no damage of any kind or injuries here in Southwestern New York State.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Andrew’s Dilemma

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I have decided to continue the series,mostly because of the all the responses that I have received. At the moment I am not sure where the story will lead but that is part of the fun of writing. I would like to thank everyone who left comments because it's your input that helps me most when it comes to where the story is going to lead and I hope you have enjoyed reading Andrews Dilemma as much as I have writing it. The next part of the series should be out on the weekend provided I can find the time.

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Two stories you may have read

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A year or so ago I got upset and removed my stories, the only one left behind was I, Actor,
I did write two stories under an alias they were A Bitter Wife and The Pawn, The name I used was Marcie Diane.
I am now at peace and contentment, my meds work for me and I learned to ask some simple questions for my self:

Did I do something to make the situation go bad?

Do I have control of the situation?

Is it my fault?

When I can answer no to each of them, I go about my business and do not rant or rave.

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about my last couple of pieces

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I wanted to take a moment to talk about my last couple of pieces. First, to put "Night Entries" to bed, I wanted to mention that its sort of Maeryn's fault. I was reading her story "Trick of the Mind.", and I kept seeing the little blerb at the start saying it was for the challenge "Written from the heart." I started thinking - what if I wrote something from the heart? What would it look like? And then the idea of an autobiography just seemed to fall into place. Then I made the choice to write it like I had a diary in those days, and the story flowed from there.

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U.K. Video alert.

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Something on one of the satellite channels, Mon. 29th Aug, that people in the U.K. may find interesting. Have not seen any previews so I don't know what it will be like but I have set my PVR.

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Britain's youngest drag queen.

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Spotted this story about 12 year old Redvers Stokes who won his village's annual competion with a drag act character called 'Naughty Nora'. Personally, I think his parents have a good, healthy attitude to his act. All to often it is the negative responces that can cause problems for young males who enjoy dressing up.

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Andrew’s Dilemma Part 24

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spoiler alert

a meteorite falls from the sky kills everyone except for the cockroaches there pretty much indestructible.

Just kidding, but you will have to wait a little longer Wren has the draft to be edited but it should be posted soon.


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Since I write crap

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Since I have been told so nicely that I write crap in my latest post and since the reads are so low I will be discontinuing my current series and will refrain from posting anything new for quite some time. I will continue to visit to check out some blogs and will most likely post a story some time during Christmas if I get around to it.

I thank all those who have been supportive. But spending 3 hours typing so I could post a story to be told I write crap and suggest that I enjoy abusive situations makes the endeavor not really worth my time and energy.

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Melody Blossoms

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My new novel is available for purchase on smashwords.

It's a comedy about a crossdressing boy and his adventures with his friends in a small town. It's not meant to be realistic or to deal with transgender issues, it's just a zany little romp with lots of off-the-wall costumes and predicaments.

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Deja Vue

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Well, here it comes again. I shall be away for a while this weekend at the festival that features so strongly in my stories. I shall have instruments with me...but I shall not be writing.

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"The remarkable lives on Newark sanitation truck No. 2646"

Here's a very sympathetic story from a major US newspaper about a transgendered sanitation worker. It includes a link to a video.


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A simple pre-writing poll...

I wanted to try and guage the potential reaction before I actually write and post it here when complete. I was thinking back on some of the stories I have read through the years and there is one that sticks out with me. It's called "King of Bandits: Jing" by Yuichi Kumakura. it is somewhat old-ish, with the first printings on the first series being sone in the late 1990's and early 2000's, with twilight Tales (the second of two series) being completed by the mid-2000's.

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04) OK, Chapter 3 tomorrow, hopefully.

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Since there will be a mostly harmless shower scene, I'm probably going to raise the rating to R for this chapter, simply because there will be some description of female nudity and bathing. Nothing overtly sexual, thanks to it being from Drew's perspective, were the same shower scene written from Christina's perspective... Might have to take it up even higher ;P

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03) Two options...

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So... Chapter 3 could possibly be done... maybe.

I'm having difficulty deciding whether to post the chapter as-is, with only half as many words as the other two chapters so far and most other chapters are likely to have, and this, having taking over twice as long to write. Or, switch back from Janet's perspective to Drew's and keep writing (which is what would happen anyways, but as a new chapter), probably wind up taking until late Sunday to finish, and ending up with a chapter-and-half chapter length.

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Read it fast, this may not be available beyond today

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Here is an interesting cartoon I found in today's paper.

This is a direct link to the strip that may be gone tomorrow.

You may be able to see it later by clicking on September 03 2010 in the upper right corner for a while longer.

I'm not familiar with the site, just happened across it in the Indianapolis Star online.

Why September 03 2010 showed up today, I have no idea.

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Critical Mass

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I had a Critical comment left for me and I read it just a while ago. I honestly thought in my mind 'How dare you call my baby ugly" sort of thoughts. I read and re read the comment and eventually saw the commenter's point... all very good critiques and I'm sure very reasonable... I replied without heat (or not too much) and tried not to be Snarky... but I felt like someone had attacked me... now I think... who am I writing for... Me first of course... I write what I want to read... in this case, comic book stories with comic book science and physics... I'm not a scientist or engineer...

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Much better, and writing choices

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Well, I'm doing much better. Thanks to all who took the time to send a message of encouragement. Meanwhile, I decided to work on some lighter writing projects rather than do something depressing. Stay tuned!

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Stanman's health

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Here is the message I got from his relatives I found on Facebook to let everyone know what is Stan's health condition. I have asked where we can send letters and cards to so that he can know we care.

yes he is still in the hospital i don't know if u knew of his health conditions but he has elephantigo i am not sure if i spelled it correctly but its where he is retaining massive fluid and he went into a comma about a week ago he came to himself a few days later but they are still pulling two liters of fluid off at a time a few times a day.


Jennifer Boyle

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Gender stereotypes (YT videos)

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A couple of interesting videos that YouTube decided to recommend to me.

First up, a witty animation (in the style of BUPA adverts) looking at gender stereotypes:

I would advise you stay away from the comments though - there's some troll feeding going on (one commenter equating feminism and lesbianism with satanism. Oh dear...)

Second up, "What's wrong with Gender Roles?"

Oh, and Lizzie appears to have attracted a much nicer bunch of commentators :)

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002) Silly Motorists.

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OK, so yesterday and today I rode through the same exact speed monitor next to a school zone, at the same exact time. This is a 35mph zone when school's not either starting or ending. Yesterday, I get clocked going 31mph, today, 28mph. Yesterday, I think almost every single motorist who passed me through there honked at me and yelled at me to get off the road... I was going faster than your typical Sunday driver for freaks sake! Today, only ONE car honked at me and yelled to get off the road, and this was a coupla miles back before the speed monitor.

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Why ME?

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Why Me?

Why Do I feel like this?
Why do I trust People that are not worth trusting?
Why am I the way that I am?
Why do I want to be what I am not?
Why do I need to be what I am not, already?
Why do I lose control of my life?
Why do I try, Why do I care?
Why am I a failure, Why am I a freak?
Why do I let my past control my future?
Why do I let my past control me?
Why do I keep living?
How can I change, how I feel?
Would others lives be better without me?
Would things, be better if I was the real me?
Would things be better without me?

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Little bit down

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Well, I was a little bit down when I woke this morning. I struggled with the questions; "What am I doing this for? If I can't be female between my legs, what's the point?" I felt like "I'm going to die a freak, no matter what" I'm doing a bit better now, thanks to my friend Kylie, but those feelings are still there to some extent. Pray for me.

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Just to let y'all know, I am working on the next chapter of Transformation Blues, but it might be slow. I just learned that my cousin who is fighting a rare kind of small cell cervical cancer is cominjg to the end of her treatments. She can have no more chemo, and is getting to her last radiation treatments as well, then there is nothing more they can do for her. I'm incredibly depressed right now. Becky has been my hero all through this and I'm just heartbroken right now.


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The secondary BC server, the one that handles almost all of my sites except BC and handles my mail, is under attack by spam emailers from the Ukraine. I'm trying to get a handle on the problem. I'm going to be busy with this, so if the site is neglected today, that's why.

Also, has anyone heard from Piper? Last I heard from her was early Tuesday morning. She was on the road with the truck full of servers from Bob's place and had stopped at a motel. Nothing since then and I can't reach her cellphone either.


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Not the best day I've had

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Well, today was not one of my better days. First, I went to go to the local library to get some stuff printed out, I decided to go in male mode because later I would have to pick up my ex, and I didn't feel like having to change in hurry when I came home. As it happened, it was a good thing I did, because I actually ran into my ex and my daughter in the mall. My ex was buying my daughter a small fish, so that's why they were there.

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01) Anyone like epic poetry?

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So I mentioned in a comment to something somewhere around here the other day that I wrote an epic poem once right?

I've also mentioned that I've done strict milieu-driven stories with no main character - letting the reader slip into that role.

I haven't previously mentioned that I've written a lot of stories that merge science fiction and fantasy elements into one.

Anyways, the idea has entered my head, and I'm starting to think up a nice little story in which I will marry all three of the above things to each other.

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Chatroom link

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The chatroom page has the wrong address, the right one would be:

if you use a dedicated client:



channel: #Mainroom

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Chimera Chapter 4

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Dear readers,
To everyone that has read my first book I am sorry Chapter 4 has taken so long to finish. Some real life issues had come up recently that forced me to put my writing on the back burner while I dealt with them. I hope I can get back to my writing soon. I don't want to let my story fall to the wasteland of unfinished works. Thank you all for your understanding.


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To all the awsome authors

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First off I want to Apologize for not commenting on stories. Ok... now on to the reason for this, I want to Apologize for not reading your story *sigh* soooo lost on how to put this . if it comes out wrong sorrrry . some stories I cant read here (tooo close to home or little locked door I dont want opened) sorry .some I have to try and get in the right frame of mind to read. skipper by Bev took me a year to finish. I read one offsite the link was posted here, couldnt sleep for 2 days was sooooo mad and upset I wanted to hurt someone. Yes I know it was prob only a story but its the way I am.

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posting the saga


I've now resumed the posting of Gaby book 7 that Sephrena started some while ago. It is my intention to get at least one chapter up a week at which point i will commence with posting book 8.

On my website today you get a holiday gallery from Nena and the concluding part of Never My Love. go to


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i want to thank all the authors who have taken time to answer my comments about their stories. i appreciate their thoughtfulness. while not an author my self i think i realize that these people are pouring their hearts out to us. just keep up the good work.

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Anyone want to hire me?

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Do you need someone to babysit, tutor, clean your house, cook meals, any-crap-job-you-can-think-of... in return for room, board, and internet access?

I am hanging from the knot at the end of my rope by my fingernails.

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001) Kids say the darndest things

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Ok, for the following to make any sense, a little background... I have gynaecomastia, it's not all that severe really, my breasts are only A-cup. I also have a lot of body hair, even for a guy, and my beard grows back in so fast I don't really bother shaving it, just sorta keep it trimmed. I just recently used some hair removal cream on my body hair, so it's still pretty short though...

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Drowning out "The Voice"

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Last night, I ended up spending most of my shift dealing with "The Voice." Some people probably have heard "The Voice" - its the one that tells you that you are not enough - not good enough, not smart enough, in every aspect of your life, you're not enough. Pray I can drown it out, before I start feeling like I should apologize for taking up space and breathing valuable oxygen....

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Mammograms - the joys of womanhood

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It doesn't take long - that's the best bit - a breast X-ray, which is just as well because it isn't the most comfortable experience I've ever had. I think this is my third or fourth time for one of these close encounters with a plastic clamp and X-ray machine, where the woman radiographer asks you to relax while the corner of the unit is poking in your armpit and a large perspex plate is squishing your boob.

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Having to make a choice

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I have to make a decision, and I need help. See, I started working on a Ret-con origin for Commander Steel, and I came up with a unique way of dealing with the cyborg aspects of his story - without making tech that would be difficult to explain. But Lilith said it didn't really work for that universe. So the question is, do I drop that aspect, and try something else, or should i make the story not a part of that universe and keep the idea, cause its interesting? What do you guys think?

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More on my Page with

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I have now sold more than 430 books, so many thanks.

Just a quick line to let those of you who may be interested, I have revised Tango Golf and published the new edition through Amazon Kindle. I have also listed the first edition on my page there for those who don't have Kindle.

Find it and my other Kindle books here.
Tanya's Page

Once again, many thanks to those who have supported my work. I hope to publish some new books soon, as well as completing some Work In Progress.


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Rusted Blade nearing completion!

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So, as of last night the climax of the book is written. We still have to write the denouement, but that won't take long as it is already planned out. Once finished, we will run an editing pass or two, and then post the whole finale in one fairly large post. I had thought to post individual chapters, but we don't want to break the 3-post front page rule. I'm very excited about this, because it marks the first work of novel magnitude I have ever completed, with or without a collaborator, and for darkice as well.

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Zebra finches can have same sex pairs

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A link to the BBC site, although it talks about experiments done at Berkley, one wonders if they'd do the same as the gay penguins did in raising a chick from a donated egg.

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02) Official Reading for Chapter 1 is up, Chapter 3 delayed.

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Subject says it all. If you don't want to go back to the story page:

In other news... Chapter 3 is going to be further delayed... Not sure when I'll be able to finish it, but I ended up running all over town on errands yesterday cutting into what would have been writing time.

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5th Gabycon in Dorset

Hi folks

Just a reminder that the 5th International Gabycon will be taking place over the weekend of 9-10-11 September 2011 in the Dorchester area.

If you'd like to attend the weekend or even just be a day visitor drop me a line either here or to maddyannebell @ so we have some ideas of numbers. We can also point you towards possible accomodation venues.

format is as usual

Friday evening dinner
Saturday bike ride (weather permitting)with various readings - this year it will include stuff from book 8 and book 9!

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wrapping up "Night Entries"

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I've posted part 3 of "Night Entries", and there will only be one more part. Sorry this has been so hard to read, but I think it was good for me to get out. Not to give anything away, part 4 ends on a hopeful note, so that's good.

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A decision about Through the years

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Okay, I have received several messages about my typos and I agree with all of you. When I write I move fast because I tend to forget stuff quickly. So when an idea hits, I type like the wind. I may also be partly dyslexic. I thank each and every one of you who have point out my mistakes, because let's face it, I haven't caught them.

But I was thinking of going back and fixing hte typos in the posted ones and was wondering if that would be fine. I really don't want to submit them all over again.

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Cuba gay man and TS woman to marry

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This was mentioned as a same-sex marriage but clearly it isn't as the bride is a post op transsexual who is legally female; but apparently it's a first for Cuba.


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When choosing a rating (G, PG, R) should I go by the current chapter or the work as a whole. I have most chapter's being pg, but there are a few that are X . Should I mark every chapter as X or should I go by the content of the one post.

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Two years three hours

Wow... I've been a member for two years, where has the time gone?

Thank you all so much, for being such a wonderful, accepting, caring group of people. A true community in every important sense.

As my anniversary gift to myself, I'll post the next chapter in "Out of the Ashes" this weekend. Or... soon.

...ish :)

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My first posted story.

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This is to express a new story I have in mind. It will be very short and coming in the next week or two. After that there will be a halt for a while as I'll be starting on classes and other things.
I will be adding to the Crescent City Universe created by The Professor, adding more types and some great little wrinkles that fit right in. I have asked The Professor and received permission so I really hope you like it.
This will likely end up a side story, fitting into it but not directly tying into anything with Cassie.

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Well I had a new hip put in on the right side to match the left side and all is doing well even better than well . I am sore but I have my pain meds . I will tell you the doctor that works for the hospital really pissed me off and when I ashed to leave him would not discharge me , but if you ruffle enough faethers they want you out before you call the lawyers. So I am home and doing well THANKS EVERYBODY--RICHIE2

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tough stuff to wade through

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Those of you who have read chapter one of Night Entries can see this is not easy stuff for me to re-live. I can only assure you all that there will be some nice moments, but we have to get through the dark stuff first. Keep holding on to me, we'll all get through it together....

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Heads up, BBC 1, Thursday evening

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10.35 pm, Thursday on UK's BBC1 is Me, My Sex and I

"...tells the story of people born neither entirely male nor female, talking to medical experts at the forefront of the field" Radio Times

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I may need youall to hold on to me

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Keep me in your prayers, everybody. The idea I got was to create a diary of my 13th year of life. Its going to be scary, and hard to write at times, so I may need all of you hanging on to me.

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Busy Week

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Since last Tuesday the following has happened:

I've posted 8 parts of Bike
3 Short stories

which involved 19,062 words

8,785 hits*
823 Kudos*

I used to get "Could do better" regularly written on my school report, so I suppose, I'll have to try harder.


* at the time of counting.

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01) Official Chapter Readings

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While at work today I experienced an epiphany... I think the thought was something along the lines of I might actually be able to catch up with my reading of Angharad's Bike serial if I could just copy a buncha chapters to my phone in audio format and listen to them while at work... Which led me to, well, what if other people wanted to listen to my story while doing other things instead of taking the time out of their day just to specifically read. Or maybe even they might want to read along with me and hear the way I voice the characters in my head when writing.

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Whee! More fun for Heathers

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I get to start classes this fall. The VA Voc Rehab people are paying for it! So I get to go back to school and learn something that might be helpful in terms of getting a job. And what am I going for? Mental Health Counseling.

That's right I am going to shrink heads! And I wonder what I am going to focus in. :) Our community could always use another shrink, right? Besides, I can work on getting published and take classes. It will be awesome.

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God Save the Queen - Chapter 15 Delayed

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As many of you know Nancy and I have striven to make sure that each chapter of God Save the Queen has been published on time every Tuesday for the last 14 weeks.
Sadly I've just managed to break that. Real world dramas and workload on my part (not Nancy who is far better organised and disciplined) have left me somewhat behind on Chapter 15, so I must apologise that it will be a few days late.

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Scary stuff, man, scary effin stuff...

A quick summary of recent history, so those of you that don't think like I do can understand my slight cause for concern.

First, there was the unrest in Egypt that brought down the ruling party there. i think it safe to assume that most of us are at least passingly familiar with what all went down there. Then, like a contagioun, the unrest spread through out the Middle East. Some places there was no voilence. Others... Well, look to the current situation in Lybia as an example. not there is this:

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A Little Gossip, A Little Chat, A little Idle Talk...

It's been a tough 4 or 5 years. Let's see, I told my kids I was transsexual, my church refused to renew my pastor's license, One of my children informed me in no uncertain terms that he wished I HAD killed my self about 3 or 4 years ago. And, it grieves me so but I have to admit, if only to myself (Okay, and all of you!!) that my marriage was shattered years ago, what little is left has been held together my my love, my unwillingness to give up, and a barrel of superglue.

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*Le Sigh*

As much as I like to watch lightning storms, which is quite alot I assure you, the ones that have been showing up in my part of the world have been quite depressing as of late. It sucks like that. And the power is about to go out. So, here's hoping nothing too bad comes of this and the power isn't out for too long. There's a bit too much rain blocking the view of the sky, so I can't get a good view of Mother Nature's own light show.

I find that rther annoying... >_>

Minor update (A.K.A. looking for something to do less than a minute after original posting.) :

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Whedonfest was awesome. I think we raised about 800 or more for charity, but it's too soon to tell. Once the final accounting is done we will have a better idea. Great people, lots of fun, and some fun cosplay. One I figured everyone might get a kick out of was a friend of mine dressed as Mal, if Mal was a hot girl instead of a guy. Same shirt and suspenders, same gun, but the short shorts were epic. Very fun outfit and she looked good in it. My FtM friend Dorian dressed as Tony Stark, Simon Tam and Spike from Buffy. Lots of fun.

Now I can hopefully get my brain back and do some writing.

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making contingency plans

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Well, I'm making some contingency plans in case things really go into the crapper here. I may have to get a second (third, maybe, since I'm also helping the ex and taking care of my daughter) job. Under those circumstances, I don't know when I would sleep ... The other thing I can do is figure out where I can save money - without totally sacrificing my dreams of being able to at least be on hormones. "Tight" don't even cover it. Ah, well.

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Decision time

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Well, here I sit in my finest skirt and top reading BC/TS trying to force myself to make a decision. Do I stay at home and enjoy 'Kerry Time' or go play on the stock market? Quick check of the figures, the stock figures, not mine. Not looking like much encouragement to work. Oh well, decision made and unfortunately someone out there needs my help.

Enjoy the day it can only get better.


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Quick note on Rusted Blade.

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A bit of a quick note on rusted blade. For people fallowing the story you might have noticed the lack of posting this week. This was intentional, we are kind of at the climax of the story. So we have decided to hold off posting until the story is completed. The big reason for this is that breaking up the story into weekly chapters as everything finally comes together would just be to evil, even for me.

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Stardust Work Going On

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We're working on the servers at Bob's place today so Stardust and other sites on Bob's servers may experience some outages. Like right now. :)

Things should be back up soon, the spaghetti monster behind the servers is making things difficult.

Erin, Piper, Sapphire and Lani

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Joan Joyce- The best Ted Williams ever faced

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ESPN has an article on Joan. She was one of the greatest softball pitchers of all-time and I knew her very slightly back in the mid-1980's. Joan played golf at the same golf course my late father did.

There have been a few women pitchers who can get male professional baseball players out.

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The rug has been pulled out from under us

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Well, just when things started to go well, my mother got a notice from her bankruptcy lawyer. Apparently, she has not been paying him, nor has she been doing what he told her to do. So now he is suing her to get a garnish on her wages to make her pay. I'm trying to get her to talk to a professional counselor, its clear she's not making good decisions, but I'm not having much luck. She told me the reason why she has kept this from me is because she thought I was too fragile myself until very recently when I started working as Dorothy, by which point it was too late for me to help much.

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Southern Comfort - It's a small world

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First I found BC/TS.
I found stories that were well written, not all about sex, realistic and within a community who actually cared for others, not just about their own voices.
After a while I plucked up the courage and stopped lurking, though the next step was just as hard as I tried posting a story. Thank god no one shot it down in flames as I think we all are terrified and exceptionally fragile at that first post.

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Computer Problems and New Ideas

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Hi, I'm having sporadic computer issues (I think I overloaded it) so while it's up, I thought I would let anyone looking for me know, I'll try to be on, but I'm downloading a bunch of files to DVD discs so that I can free up some memory. I have a 500G backup, but I don't know how to use it!

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What a strange day so far

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So it's my birthday today and through Facebook I've gotten a bunch of wall to wall postings. I managed to get yelled at on one by my brothers wife for using the word...and I kid you not...Porn.

She got mad because I'm not setting a good example for any kids who may be reading the posts. Like my brothers kids, one of who had put things far worse on his own posts. I have no children and I'm not truly a fan of the drooling little snot factories anyway. So I'm having fun writing back and forth with my brother and four friends when she steps in and ruins my fun.

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Through the years: Troy's Story

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When going back in the parts I'd written, I noticed parts that I forgot to fix before posting. So please not there may be subtle changes, nothing too big, spelling. Names and some simple sentences that made no sense and others that were just wrong and had no baring on the story,

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My summer Odyssey so far

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It’s been a hectic summer. I had hoped to post sooner but real life has a way of messing up intentions. I took my vacation and loved it... despite the heat rash from hell in the nether regions I managed to get on the first day. (Note to self: dummy!!!! wear shorts on 90+ degree days when you’re going to do a lot of walking!)

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Happy Birthday to me.

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AsI sit here alone celebrating my 47th birthday I know why I have become somewat alone.

I do not belong in society. Always on the outside looking in. Never able to commit to a relationship.

Too much of a coward to take my own life.

Counting the days down for death all because I never had a chance to live.

No danger here. Just a faux boy wondering "what if?"

Learning to live in my own skin.

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Added an epilog to "The Verdict of the Phoenix"

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For those who care about such things, I added a little epilog to the end of "The Verdict of the Phoenix". What's been added doesn't change what went before, but just adds a bit. Thanks to all who have commented.

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Be prepared

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for oodles of useless descriptions of fieldwork - I'm dormousing tomorrow - simply for research purposes of course, then cycling on Sunday - more research, naturally.

I shall probably be exhausted after the weekend (if not before) but it's been a very busy week work wise, so doing something different should be good - and those little furry critters are so cute - no not cyclists, dormice - duh!



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Posted Magnetic Personality part Three

Hello all, after a marathon writing session, two beta reads and an edit, Magnetic Personality part three is now live. I thought a Friday post would give you a bit of weekend reading and hopefully enjoyment.
Have Fun,

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