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What ever you use as a computer, and no matter what your politics are, I think that most will find this youtube vid to be really inspiring. I won't say that these folks were lilly white morally but one can not dispute their contribution.
History in the past , present and furture
Gwen; So promoting IBM Proaganda! Richard
What every your technology?
Very interesting.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
No corporation is ever lily white
but IBM has always been a real workhorse, driving innovation... i'm not a real fan of corporations, but where would BCTS or the internet be without IBM?
You presumably don't remember IBM in the '70s, when they fought tooth and nail to stop other hardware companies (Amdahl comes to mind) making add-on parts for their mainframes.
It's with good reason that IBM lawyers are known as Nazgul.
So what's new?
Big tech companies love their lawyers and hate anything that could be regarded as competition. They're also known for rather dodgy practices. MS-DOS 1 was a slightly tweaked and ported version of QDOS, which in itself was a slightly tweaked version of CP/M. Back in the days of Windows 95, there was a popular email / newsgroup signature tag-line:
Windows 95: 32-bit extensions to a 16-bit GUI for an 8-bit operating system based on 4-bit code, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.
Nowadays it's Apple that generates the headlines with its lawyers. It saw that Samsung's Galaxy Tab was getting a bit too popular for its liking so their lawyers managed to convince a judge to remove the Samsung product from the European market, despite the fact the supposed imitative factors would also apply to most iPad rivals (oh, and they faked some of their evidence - the Samsung product has a different aspect ratio and screen resolution to the iPad yet they were shown as the same size in the court submissions. Hmm...)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
could indeed be solved by people thinking together. What a shame that some people choose to be ignorant.
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I'm an honorary catgirl. =) I like fine seafood, and I love huggles and gentle scratches! ^_^