TopShelf Blogs

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Having an issue with MS Word 2010.

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This morning at 1:00 AM I finished a short story, complete with the extra spaces between paragraphs that Drupal requires. As far as I was concerned, it was ready to publish.

This morning I got up and decided to give it one last read to check for continuity. Much to my discomfiture, all those blooming extra carriage returns are gone! Can I have not remembered correctly? Did I forget to save my work? I am quite certain that I saved it and I have auto save set at 5 minutes.

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021) Who's the cute teenage girl in that mirror? Part II

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Just went to a local thrift store where no one pays much attention to what others are doing and tried on various pant sizes. 30" mens relaxed fit slip off my waist and sit around my crotch, 29" mens relaxed fit compress my hips and still want to slip off my waist, just can't with the hip compression going on.

Sizes 4-6 womens though... depending on style, are almost perfect. There was this pair of size 5 skinny jeans that were practically molded for me...

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The forbidden topic

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Well, I had an upsetting moment the other night but because it involves my faith, I'm not giving details publicly. The last time I did that my blog got pulled. So if you want to know, PM me, but otherwise, just know I'm not a happy camper at the moment.

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It would have been eeire

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Seeing the entry in the list this morning for Bike 1491, it occurred to me how eeire that it would have been, if the 1492 entry had fallen on Monday, which is the day we celebrate Columbus day here in the states.

So close...

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming..


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020) Ganbatte! Yattane! Banzai! Goal!

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I didn't want to write this in with the other entry, since this is a much different sort of topic. The previous entry today was much harder to write, so I decided to do it first. Anyways!

My weight loss goal of 140 pounds was reached as of yesterday morning. I lost roughly 45 pounds between late June and now.

I still have a little bit of remaining pudge in some areas, but that should go soon enough as I move on to the next stage of my get healthy plan: muscle toning.

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019) To Be, Or Not To Be

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I came out to my older brother at work yesterday. I'd been debating with myself internally over doing so, but since we were about to go off-property for a while to do another properties shrubs, and it got over 80 degrees quickly, I really wanted to take the uniform t-shirt off. Problem was, I was wearing a bra with straps and a thin tank top underneath.

I know I could have told a half-truth about gynaecomastia and nipple chafing, but I wanted to be fully honest with him. To be honest, I think I was hoping in some corner of my mind to find some local support.

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Day 4 after Surgery

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First of all. the surgery itself went very well, but I re-affirmed my belief that the squeaky wheel DOES get the grease. For months, the V.A. tried to tell me that my blurry vision was a simple problem that could be solved by using eyedrops. I insisted that it was much more than that, and finally went to an outside opthemlogist who informed me that I did indeed have a cataract! I went back to the V.A. with the proof and they finally did a more detailed exam, confirming the cataract and finally scheduled me for the surgery.

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No YHIAW tonight

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Sorry Everybody who's waiting for this weeks "You Have it all Wrong" by SaraUK this week, I'm afraid I'm had a thumping headache most of the day and I haven't got the HTML done for it. Hopefully I'll feel better after a nights kip and if so I'll do it first thing Sat morning.



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The Incompatible sequel

Thought I'd post a quick update and tell everyone that the sequel to Incompatible is finished. As I mentioned before it's roughly half the length of incompatible at almost 12,000 words. Once the story is edited I will post it as soon as humanly possible.

For those that haven't read my previous blog entry, the title for this particular story will be 'Transfigured: Makings of a Spellbinder'.

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A Quick Update

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So it's been a while since I posted anything of real substance, no?

Well, here's the sitch.

I think I've already said this, but I've moved back in with my parents in my home town. I've got another job (at a surprisingly small pay cut) and I'm getting to see my cousins more often than I have in over ten years, which is great, not to mention playing with my niece Shelby and spoiling her with lots of toys.

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Gaby Book 9 - More Changes part 1

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Book Covers for your Stories

Hi Everybody,
     now that most the work with transferring servers seems to be finished, I thought I could take some time to post this note.

Some of you may know, but other's probably don't, that I've been making book covers for not only my own, but other people's stories.

I make these using Stock Art purchased or found freely (royalty free archives) off the internet.

Here are some examples of my work:

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Attempted class

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So I attempted to go to class today as I missed last Thursday and Last Tuesday, one to a migraine and one to this illness. Chi Gung, which is more meditative and has only a few actual moves actually wiped me out. So as I was panting on my way to Tai Chi, my teacher stopped me, asked how I was and sent me home. That was sweet of her.

I came home, slept and have rested quite a bit. It seems to have helped. My hopes is that I can be fine tomorrow and I will be over this. This sucked so much.

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A Call To the 2011 TG Day of Remembrance

My grief lies all within, and these external manners of lament are merely shadow to the unseen grief that swells with silence in the tortured soul. ~ William Shakespeare

I would like to remind ALL readers here of the 2011 Transgender Day of Remembrance, November 20, 2011.

I know it's more than a month away, and I will probably submit this again next month, BUT, if you haven't visited the Day of Remembrance website,, I would encourage you to do so.

Why is this so important? Because trans people are in greater danger of being killed.

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Bad crappy weather.

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I'm at work and it's quiet. Why? Because it's wet, rainy, and miserable.
But that's not all.
There's snow mixed in with the rain.
It's actually,snowing in Moncton only a half hour away from here.
Friggin Canada eh.

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Surgery Update

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very quickly. Back from surgery. All went well. Back up tomorrow for followup. still blurry but looks promising. Lots of eye drops to use...clear shield over my eye to protect it until it heals. touch typing sucks. LOL

can barely read what I'm typing...can't even start reading responses. Thanks to everyone who responede to my blogs. will type more as I start seeing better.

Be seeing you all soon.


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Sick heather is random

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I hate being sick. I got the plague. Not the actual plague because I got vaccinated for that, but rather whatever cold variant is floating around the area. I missed class for two days, which is not acceptable and I am against that. I feel run over and it is hard to focus, which gets in the way of homework. Blech...

Of course the lack of focus also means no writing as I just want to lie here and have people or things entertain me. Maybe I need to get a dancing monkey or two... oh... Jungle Book might work for that. Sorry, random...

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Maiden of Magic's Future

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Greetings all,

I am wondering if I should continue with Maiden of Magic. I only had 7 comments from people other than myself on the second chapter thus far. The lack of comments is disheartening, since I enjoy reading the feedback that I get from them, which helps with writing the additional chapters.

Also, are the retcons themselves disinteresting now?



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Surgery today.

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Off I go to have things stuck in my eye. I should be back this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to update. If not, don't worry. Simple surgery for the cataract and I'll be okay in a few days.

Thanks for all the info and encouragement you all have shown me in my previous posts about this. I feel confident and I'm looking forward to be able to look forward, if you get my drift.

Be seeing you all.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Why this site rocks !!!

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I just wanted to thank Erin (and all her other personas) for creating the atmosphere of this site. I must say, I enjoy writing and I enjoy having an audience. But this site is so different than other story sites. It is so supportive and user friendly. I know that some of what I write doesn't appeal to all (or most) but at least those that appreciate what I am trying to accomplish let me know. I posted two stories yesterday, one seems to be a hit, and the other is moving up the hit list at a leisurely pace (like usual).

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Almost took my daughter to work with me

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Well, last night I managed to do something so dumb it scares me - I was driving my daughter to her mom's, and instead I started heading for work. Fortunately, I caught the error in time, so no damage was done, but still, its pretty frightening.

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Web host for TG site.

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A few weeks or months ago I posted this on another site and was directed to ask it here...

Now before I ask my question I feel I should state up from that the other site suggested I ask directly if this site would be able to host my site, but I do not honestly think this site would be able to do such so instead...

I am looking for a web site host that would be friendly to transgender fiction stories, as my site is a personal site I doubt it ever be that big or use that much bandwidth, but I do need functioning PHP.

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My first BCTSiversary.

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1am (GMT) October 4th 2010. That's when I arrived here. You girls and guys and your stories (and your administrating, you know who you are) are so awesome, I decided to stay. ^_^ I have commented and blogged, but no stories of my own. Yet. I have started writing one, though I will not give a release date. After all, the future is clouded, uncertain, and possibly contains highly distracting shiny objects! = )
(Read More)

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putting "Its for your own good" to bed

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Just a note on how "Its for your own good" came about. See, I was reading Moongoddess' last chapter of "Magnetic Personality" where they tried to turn Lorna into a straight woman, and the thought came to me, "what if they had succeeded?" So I found myself having a nightmare that basically became the story. Its scary stuff, so I'm glad it was just a dream ....

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More Folks Read My Stuff Than I Thought

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More Folks Read My Stuff Than I Thought
Annette MacGregor

I got a few very complimentary comments on my latest short story, and today I happened to notice that the read count had already broken 3,000. This got me wondering...

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018) My Very Own Glass Slipper

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Not literally. My entry titles are often not literal.

Remember, though, how in Cinderella, the way they determined who she was, was by finding who the missing glass slipper belonged to. They determined that by trying to find who it was the "perfect fit" for.

Well, you may recall that I'd never been able to find gloves that fit until I couldn't find mens small and tried womens, finding that, for the first time in my life, I could actually understand the phrase "fits like a glove".

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300 Rains update

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Just to let everyone know, I finished the next chapter of 300 Rains. I still have to go through and edit it, but basically it is done. So that means next Sunday, the usual 300 Rains posting day you all get a new chapter. I would be able to get it to you tonight but I have homework to do. Sorry folks.

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Upcoming Surgery.

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Sooooo...Tomorrow, Monday, I go up to Buffalo for my pre-op stuff. Unfortunately it isn't EXACTLY the pre-op I'd LIKE to be going for...this is for my cataract surgery, which will be done on Wednesday.

I'm very upbeat about this, and have complete confidence in the surgeons, and trying very hard not to obsess over the surgery itself, nor for the recovery and return to what I laughingly call "normal" sight in my one good eye.

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New chapter and Gabycon guide

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to start with theres a new chapter up on BC of book 7.

More important though is the release today of the Gabycon 2011 official guide which includes pictures from the weekend as well as an exclusive first peek at a new Angharad Gabfic and the first chapter of book 9!

follow the links



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Stuff and Nonsense

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"Phew, what a scorcher, Jeffrey! October the 1st is early this year."

"I blame the EUSSR, Susie. They're sending us their overheated, continental air and probably scheming to plunder our newly discovered gas reserves in return. The sooner our maritime climate reasserts itself, the happier I'll be."

"Hear, hear, Jeffrey, bring on the equinoctial storms, and let's turn our faces to the open seas. We've had more than enough trouble with dog days this autumn. It's not natural; the next thing you know, neutrinos will be travelling faster than the speed of light."

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had a nasty flashback at work

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Well, last night, things were zooming along great until after the last coffee break. Then the slightly shaky feeling I'd had on and off blossomed into a full blown flashback that left me in tears and gasping for air. One day I would really like to be free of these blessed things ....

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Just a quick visit

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Hi Y'all!

Just have a little while, but wanted to let everyone know I'm alive, and I'll try to show up every once in a while. No idea when I can be on reliably again, Docs say it might not be til Christmas. I'm working on the third chapter of Transformation Blues, and some other stuff (tease!) and I hope to have it for you soon. I love you all!


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In Virgo Veritas addition redux

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Something happened to my last change, and for some reason it did not appear on the site. Unfortunately I wrote the new stuff ON the site. RE-wrote it, and hopefully it is at least as good as the first version no one ever saw. It is really up there this time. I promise.

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'Neath Quicksilver's Moon - Sunset

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As mentioned at the start of the public (free) publishing of the completed version of Jaye's Quicksilver story, it will be unpublished on the tenth of this month, in preparation for publishing in several formats. I encourage anyone who wants to save it as-is to use the "printer-friendly" format button on the title page for the series to grab it all at once. It's yours to keep, a gift from Jaye and me. I think he would be pleased. I know I am.

Thank you for all your comments and kudos.

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the source of my reluctance to complete a transtition

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I've been thinking hard about why I have such a hard time sometimes with the idea of moving forward. It has a lot of factors - a lot of fear of losing my child, some general anxiety about the necessity of this transition, to name two. But one major factor is the fact that the closer I get to being female, the closer I get to the heart of my abuse. It was the justification my attacker used for his use of me, and it led to me making a connection between being girly and being hurt. I hope I can move past that part, eventually.

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So Many Pills To Take Add On Part Three

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So Many Pills To Take Add On Part Three

By Stanman63

I went back to a radiologist yesterday for a blood test to check and see how the meds are doing. I am doing fine the meds are not adversely affecting me. In fact, I am doing very well, almost where he wants me. I go back on the 12th for another blood test, and he has refilled my prescriptions as well.

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017) My Fingers, My Toes, My Breasts, Oh My!

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I just noticed as I was about to post this that my blogs are suddenly getting an awful lot of reads, I'm not that interesting am I?

Well, on to the purposes of writing this morning.

I've recently noticed that my fingernails, toenails, and the bit of skin that comes over them slightly, have all gotten incredibly healthy.

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The Family Girl #012: Channeling Mary


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #12: Channeling Mary
Or, "Retro? What retro?"

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Does anyone know where the word/prefix "retro" comes from?   I'm sure many do, but I didn't so I had to google it.   Anyway, it's a Latin prefix that means "backwards" or "in the past."   Hence you now get words like "retrospective" or "retroactive" et cetera.   Last Monday, I indulged in a little bit of retro-ing.

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Title Images Redux & Incompatible Sequel Update

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Well I thought I'd post an update and tell you folks that I'm almost finished with the sequel to Incompatible. The main part of the story is finished I just need to tie up some lose ends and maybe add a few details. I hope to have it completed by the end of next week, but it just depends on my schedule and how much writing I get done. The Sequel will be roughly half the length of Incompatible, but is an important bridge between the first and last stories.

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100 million years old virus causes longer pregnancies

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:14 pm Post subject: Was a 100 million year old virus the why of human pregnancy

The above article claims that about 100 million years ago, a virus infected the DNA and made it possible for placental mammals to exist. As the scientist claim, the virus was able to worm its way into mammal DNA as a place it would be able to replicate itself rapidly and relatively safely.

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Musetta: Her Philosophy of Life and Death

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"So, I am dying. That sucks, but we are all going to die at some point. I believe it’s called ‘the end of one’s life’. I can remember thinking when I visited Gloria in the hospital many years ago that life invariably leads to death. That’s easy to say when you’re thirty. The impact of that statement has a little more import now that I’m 67, and know that my time is very limited."

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The emergence of me

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For 36 years I have lived a conflicted life. I went through abuse when I was younger, but I made it through. I took up wrestling in High School and did pretty well at it. I have memories of my life as Keith that I will enjoy, but I have decided that the real, complete me must be set free. I have decided to transition, but maybe not in the way that many may think. I didn’t go out and buy a bunch of dresses (though that would be a hoot) and I didn’t start wearing makeup (I doubt I would do it correctly without practice) and I am not shouting out to the world I am trans accept me.

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Un-disappearing text

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Passing on a tip I got from Tekzilla daily. There is a plugin for Firefox and Chrome called Lazarus that saves text as you type it into a form on the internet. Should your browser crash, you forget to save the text or anything should cause the text to go poof, simply return to the scene of the crime (form) and the plugin will allow you to retrieve the saved text and fill in the form again. You can find the free plugin at and maybe leave them a donation.

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First, Second, Third person, that is the question!

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I've got an old short story called "Extreme" that I published on Storysite as an excercise in a creative writing class. I wanted it to leave the reader feeling breathless and emotional. It is about the most extreme combat that anyone could come up with; a really, really despirate situation that repeats every day until the poor soldier is either killed or is pulled from duty.

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whats coming up from me

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Well, my muse has been a busy girl. This is where things stand for me at the moment: "Notification Service", a look at a future war between the sexes with a focus on a family caught in the crossfire - status, almost done; "Command Performance", a dark story from one of my nastier nightmares - status, being beta tested; "Quest for the Silver Cleric", which will be my D & D story - status, in progress; "Indestructible", a slightly different super-hero story - status - in progress; and story whose title I cannot reveal, because it will give the game away, but it is also in progress.

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Soundtrack to my thoughts

What do you listen to when you write? i'm writing Slacker 3 right now and i have been trying to get into a skater mindset, so Phantom Planet, ween, Fountains of Wayne, Avril... a little, offspring... but i was wondering if anyone else soundtracks their writing?
Rawking out,

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The Gender Spectrum

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This mornings' discussion around the story "The Beneficiary", caused me to get curious about intersex penile sizes. In doing just a little google search, I found a very interesting NOVA site with an interesting article and several links to yet more informative articles.

So for those who know they are intersexed, and for those who are just trying to figure things out, here is the link:



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L'Shanah Tovah Techatemu VeTikatevu - Happy New Year 5722

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לשָׁנָה טוֹבָה תֵחָתֵמוּ וְתִכָּתֵבוּ

L'Shanah Tovah Techatemu VeTikatevu


Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year begins tonight and runs two days Thursday and Friday. While it is the New Year, it commemorates the the sixth day of creation, “When man(kind)is called into being", when Adam and Eve were created, which was the culmination of G-d's creation.

To all of my many friends here at BCTS I wish you:

Leshana Tova Tikateiv V'Techateim
Leshana Tova Tikateivi Vetichatemi

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had an interesting conversation at work

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Last night, one of the janitors came up to me, and asked me why I have two names, so I told him about transitioning. He asked me which name I prefer, and I told him "Dorothy." He said, "Cool. Nice to meet you, Dorothy." Then he went on his way. Pretty cool, yes?

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Daughter to Demons

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Daughter to Demons, the second of four stories by Jaye Michael I'm completing on his behalf and at his request, started posting today. It seems particularly appropriate to the days leading up to Hallowe'en and the days of all saints and the dead, respectively.

The last series was posted as a marathon, very rapidly, in order to get at much as possible out in the world as quickly as possible. This story will have a more leisurely publication schedule, once a week or more, depending on what else is happening in the world.

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On CNN, senstive report about T kids

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It is really quite sensitive, and presented an opposing view. The child was very natural acting.

I was surprised that the nasty comments were not that many.


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So close...

Well here is a story that is so close to some written here.

Yep, football player becomes cheerleader, unfortunately he isn't wearing a skirt though...

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Re: Temp Editor

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I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone that offered to help with the editing of Jessica's Journey, I have decided to go with djkauf mostly because I am familiar with his work and have enjoyed most of the stories that he has worked on.

Thanks once again to everyone that stepped up and offered to help.


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016) Just got back from a trip to a sporting goods store...

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I wanted to try on womens cycling kit without doing so in the presence of the guys who work at the local bike shop just down the street. Some of them have known me since I was like eight years old. Others, since they've started working there. I don't know if any of the rest of you are familiar with the kind of bond that forms when you're an extremely regular customer at a shop of that sort for 18 years, but if you are, you'll understand my reluctance to out myself to my "bicycling family".

Because that's exactly what the folks at Reggie's Bike Shop are for me, a second family.

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Thank you to everyone who has wished me well

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Everything continues to go well, 6 days after getting out. I've cut the pain pills in half and may quite in a day or so, and went out for several hours shopping with Gwen and Shelly.

Didn't buy much as we we pricing and trying to locate an exhaust fan for the kitchen. I need to let the landlord's agent know our ideas, as it will soon be too cold to keep the back door and kitchen window open to keep the smoke alarms from going off,or when cooking onions.

I'm still less comfortable when sitting or standing vertically, but if I can kick back even a bit it isn't bad.

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The Missing Link

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"If you want something doing, Jeffrey, do it yourself."

"That's what gran says, Susie, but I've begun to doubt the wisdom of her words since I met you."

"Are we ever going to visit your gran, or is she a comedy device like my car?"

"I haven't decided yet - I'll have to discuss it with my other half."

"You are your other half."

"Not Denise - Jamie."

"We'd be better off dropping that persona, Jeffrey. Our little blog did better than his 50,000 word epics."

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Of Earth and Anmar

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I am continually surprised by the number of readers who seem to thirst for the next chapter of Somewhere Else Entirely. That being the case, I thought I'd jot down a few notes about the story - without giving anything away, I hope - so that readers know what to expect.

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The Family Girl #011: The pluses with the minuses

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #11: The pluses with the minuses
Or, "So that's what it's like?"

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Two weeks ago, I was scheduled to go abroad, but that got changed quick, coz, the Saturday before, one of the guys in the office died.

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Wren's back in hospital

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She posted this on FB a few hours ago

In the hospital again, after a minor fall. To my BCTS friends, please let everyone know. I don't know when I'll be back, as they plan to send me to a long term care facility, and I don't know if they will have wireless, or how long I'll be there.

I hope everyone will join me in wishing her well.

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Becoming whole

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When I first went online looking for answers for my gender issues, I came across a site called Daily Strength that I found very helpful. (My profile can be found here: ) One of the features is the ability to create a goal, and I decided that mine was to "become whole". I wasn't 100 % clear what I meant by that, and in fact my idea of "wholeness" has radically changed. When I joined that site, I viewed my need to be female or as feminine as possible as a form of addiction, and hoped that somehow I could be cured of it.

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Is it book/movie worthy

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The God Bless the Child trilogy has really been the most complete work that I've ever done. It is the only work that I put serious thought into while crafting it, and the only work I actually sat down and edited (sorry to admit this but the rest i just type as i go and then post, I don't even do a second read) With the trilogy I actually kept close tabs on character's personalities so that they responded consistently (on two occasions I had to re-write scenes to put the right character in there because of the response I needed).

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015) It's my birthday...

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And I lost another inch from my waist and an inch from my height.

I've always been 5'5.5" ever since... mid-high school? Fairly recently, I've been feeling like I'm slightly shorter, and when I googled "m2f hrt shrinking", there were results, so apparently, some people do experience a slight loss of height on hrt. So I decided last night to check, and I was 5'4.5". Decided to measure again this morning to be certain, and it came up the same, maybe a sixteenth of an inch higher.

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Looking for an Editor for my Halloween Story

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Hi everyone,
I've just finished my halloween story and I'd be greatful if someone could edit it.

As you may or may not know, english is not my mother tongue and suggestions on how to improve the grammar and the text in general would be greatly appreciated ;)

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A Comma Alert and an OpenOffice Macro

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"That's a job well done, Susie."

"What have you been fiddling away with, hunched over like that, Jeffrey?"

"I finally managed to force myself to reread our first nine chapters, and I've inserted a multitude of missing commas."

"Come again."

"That's right - our comma count has increased from 1,553 to 2,216."

"Sometimes, Jeffrey, I worry about your pernickety attention to detail."

"I didn't tot them up by hand, Susie."

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Updated Chapters 1 & 2

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Zoe and I went through both Chapters 1 and 2 to make them present tense, since we both liked the read on Chapter 3 in present tense, those who read the stories before, the only things changed is the tense from past to present.

Hope you guys enjoy my story as it unfolds:)

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Editor needed

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Hey guys and Gals, Just trying to put my feelers out of a new Editor, my old one lost the time to do it.
I've had Chapters 3 and 4 of my story ready for editing for awhile now, and I'm not blaming Piper one bit for not being able to do it.

So if anyone can help me out that would be fantastic :)

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Sketchy TG/AR - To post or not to post, that is the question

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I've not posted a new story in awhile. It doesn't mean I've
stopped writing. It just means my writing's grown more and
more into the gray area of TG/AR. I think we've had this sort
of conversation on TG sites again and again and often times
the opinions and comments are the same. "Freedom of speech"
comes up, or someone might mention the book and movie "Lolita"
as reasonable excuses for TG/AR to creep into the creepy.

It's a TG story dying to be written though but nobody seems
brave enough to post it. I certainly can't post mine without

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OT Possible help for Post Traumatic Stress

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For all of you out there who suffer from this I found this Yahoo Article interesting especially the last paragraph.

Not sure if helps or not but would be nice if it does.


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wondering about talking to my ex

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As I mentioned in my last entry, I got a hug from my ex last night. Well, she had also tried to get me to talk to her, and even said, "I'm not your enemy" It made me think that the time may come very soon for me to come clean with her. Too bad I'm such a scardy-cat. Ah, well.

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014) I Thought My Boobs Grew A Little More...

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But my bustline just had some redistribution occur.

My bust measurements had been 34, 38, 35. They are now 33, 38, 36.

In plainer terms, below the bust used to have a 34 inch circumference, at the bust, 38 inch, and above the bust 35 inch. Now, below the bust is a 33 inch circumference, at the bust is still 38 inches, and above the bust is now 36 inches.

Even plainer terms, I lost an inch from my chest (not bust!) and added it to my cleavage (not bust!).

My bra size is still 38B, but it APPEARS more prominent.

Something I found interesting while randomly surfing wikipedia:

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013) The Wrecking Crew

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Had an interesting day at work today.

A couple weeks back our housecleaning crew (nicknamed The Wrecking Crew, which I'll get to later) was emptying out an apartment that had been just recently vacated when they turned on the stove to clean without first checking if anything was in it. So of course, there were a bunch of plastic handled pot lids inside, which melted and started a little fire. That wasn't really all that interesting a day for me, I was clear out back end of property and just saw the commotion over it from a distance, heard the story later.

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