After so long, I finally finished my Retcon fanfic. I always knew it would end up fanfic because Lilith stated that the Man or Maid of Steel would not be making an appearance. However, I had an idea I thought was interesting and fun. I just wanted to have a little fun with the concept and run with it. Things got crazy when others finished theirs way, way before I did and helped shaped the Retcon universe. That caused me all kinds of problems until I managed to work my way around it. In the end, I finished and I'm rather happy with it. I think it's ironic that Retcon's popularity has faded somewhat before I did find 'The End.'
Because this is right at 33k words, I'm going to post in three parts, once a week. By the way, this is completely finished. No one is going to be left hanging.
For those following my Alone series, I'm going to start posting new stuff for that over at StarDust next week. Bear in mind I'm going to be moving soon and so all of this is subject to change without notice. Dog-gone real life!