If you have asked yourself this question, and even if you havent, here is what may be coming soon from me:
A couple of ret-con projects, both going about the speed of molasses in January....
A fan-fic taking place in the universe of a TV show popular enough to make me intimidated in terms of not wishing to alienate anyone who enjoyed the series .....
A quiet little story that starts with a quiet little conversation in a park and keeps threatening to take a detour into the Twilight Zone .....
A truly ambitious project where I take a story of a mystery, and tell it from two points of view ....
my first and probably only attempt at creating a musical ....
An attempt to salvage something out of the amount of effort I put into AD & D as a young person ....
A couple of new song parodies, assuming I can get them to work ....
As you can see, things may take a while. Hopefully something will show up here soon.
And all those thoughts are going to be combined into ONE story!!!
Watching and waiting....