Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Transgender Battle in the West

It seems from my perspective that the battle for rights is joined in a way I have not seen before, at least in the West. I know that in Washington DC there are those who are pressing for a Rights Bill, that this time includes Transgender folk. If you remember the old bill was called ENDA and it threw us under the bus.

To be clear, I think it is mostly the FtM folk who are driving this as they do not seem as easily cowed as most MtF folk, or perhaps I am the only one who is cowed.

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Bike 2200

As we speed towards episode 2200 of Bike, do I detect people are getting bored with it? It seems comments are fewer than usual and even the kudos are a bit lower than I usually get - or am I being a little hypersensitive? Do readers want me to continue or has it had its day?

As for the number of transgender people in a single dwelling in Portsmouth, I was in a house with six others, which makes seven last week, so perhaps my storyline wasn't quite so preposterous as it may have first seemed, just a tad unusual.

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Recuperation is long and slow, but there is a plus side

In January of this Year I stepped on the scale at the VA hospital in Philadelphia my weight came out as the last four digits as my SSN but with a period after the first three numbers such as as 123.4.
I decided I needed professional help and got it. Now ten months later I weigh 80 pounds less1425797_709287929082924_1452247874_n.jpg

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TopShelf's Christmas 2013 Three Wise Men Story Contest

Okay, Christmas is just around the corner, and I am still designing the official Contest page. My medical condition has worsened and money is very tight. I am currently offering $400 in prizes as of the moment. It may increase depending on what I can do between now and the end of submissions.

Here are the basics to get you started:

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Openly Transgender Mormon Woman... I NEED help !

I was extremely surprised to find this on a TV Station in Salt Lake City. Part of the video refers to several transgender women living in Portland, Oregon. I am none of them. Lots of people here know my real name, it is no secret.

This article is also mentioned in a thread on I am really sorry, just reading about it has upset me so much that it is obvious I can not participate in it at all. I think the tactics being used are absolutely despicable and likely to put genuine efforts back years.

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Had a nice conversation with Sigh last night.

I had a nice conversation with Sigh last night, and I just wanted to thank her publicly for talking with me, and tell everybody she is a sweet woman who I am glad to consider a friend.

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The best years we can have.

I saw a blog about De-transitioning and read the blog it referred to and the replies. Days later, it finally sinks in that while the circumstances surrounding my coming out and transitioning are dreadfully sad, and painful, the last few years are the best of my life.

It is wrong, just wrong for me to keep trying to be a gate keeper any longer. I just wanted to save people pain. But, what if in trying to save people pain, I just increased their pain?

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Balancing act

There is quite the balancing act going on with my new post: Unreachable. It seems that there are some who are really enjoying the story and I wish I could just throw it all up at once, but it really is too long (180k+ words). Add on top of that that I'm selling it on Amazon and it leaves me in a bit of a lurch. Of course I want to sell books, it helps with the bills, but I also like sharing my creations as well. I also like reviews and comments and kudos in abundance.

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The Adventures of Crewman Six

In just about any story, whether it be a TV show or a written work of fiction, the writer often finds he or she needs to include a nameless character in the mix in order to make the story more interesting or carry a scene. I used to refer to these as throw away characters since many of the ones I included in my stories shared the same fate of the extra crewman Captain James T. Kirk often included in his away team. You know the guy, (and they were always guys in the early Star Trek days), the one who went behind the boulder and was zapped.

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Children's book update

It's been a while. A long while. But finally my illustrator is devoting a whole week to doing the drawings on the children's book "But I'm not a boy." There are two pictures already posted but this will be the complete thing. I've had others turn me down because the girly activity the main character wanted to do was too stereotypical. Oh well. Onward and Upward.

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I found this blog on de-transitioning, and thought I would share it. It bothers me, because of how similar our stories are, giving me fear that should I get the surgery, I'll only end up doing what he's doing ...

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Tell Me Why You Cry

You’re at lunch with Megan and Sandra, who both report to you in your department at Sales, Inc. You arranged the lunch because you know that their work has been suffering due to a conflict that the two seemingly haven’t been able to solve on their own.

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Intersex woman interviewed on BBC

Following the German legislation about intersex babies having the option of no sex recorded on the birth certificate, this intersex woman who is also a therapist calls for more legislation in Europe.

There is also a link to transgender people seeking election in Pakistan.


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Jas surprised me this morning

as she came home sooner than I had expected did not think she would feel upto travelling so soon, or allowed for that matter. But just after the twins left for class my Aunt and Jas arrived at the door it was such a wonderful surprise.

Jas seems so much happier, I guess I was not as observant as I thought.

I is just so great to be in her arms once more.

She has been busy getting her filing information ready for court and will Have a new Birth Certificate with in the next month.

Goddess Bless you All

Love from Desiree

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where are all these tears coming from ?

Well, last night I was having a conversation with Jaci, when out of the blue I started shaking and crying. I bawled and bawled for about twenty minutes, while Jaci just let me go at it, but finally I wound down enough to regain some control again, at which point I wanted to know why this happened. Jaci thinks this was because of the tension I had going into my physical finally coming out, but I'm not so sure that's the only reason.

Ah, well.

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Now on Kindle 'God Save the Queen'

Although it is actually the second cooperative effort between Persephone and myself, 'God Save the Queen' is the third of our works to be published on Kindle under the names HW Coyle and Jennifer Ellis. It started as a lark but took on greater importance when Crewman Number Six decided to take a more important role. More on that later.

We both hope you enjoy it.

Nancy Cole
a.k.a. HW Coyle


God Save the Queen


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Looking for character information for The Center universe

Hey everyone,

I've been on-and-off poking at a long-format Center story (35k words and climbing) for something like two years now, and was thinking that for National Novel Writing Month (AKA NaNoWriMo), I'd make a stab at actually finishing it and getting it posted. However, I've run into a bit of a snag...


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Sometimes Things Work Out Right - Non TG

I am sure many of you are aware we are part time antique dealers specializing in silver. We had done shows for about 20 years before my prostate surgery. For the last five years we've been doing only on-line auctions; however, a few months ago we decided to rent a showcase in one of the nicer antique malls in the area. It basically is giving us a chance to sell a rather large accumulated inventory. We had aske the operators of the mall about getting a larger showcase, and a couple of weeks ago one became available. Two weeks ago Saturday we moved our inventory into the larger case.

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Sometimes it takes a generator to get the sparks flying....

Since I finally, after an untold number of weeks, have cleared the sleep deprivation-induced fuzz from my brain, I decided to make use of the writing generators this site links to.

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TopShelf's October 2013 Costumes Contest Results

The 2013 TopShelf's October 2013 Costumes Contest has ended.

But who won?

Muwhhahhaahaaa! *Evil laugh*

... if you really want to know....

"YES! Tell us already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

then click the title link above... and enter at your own risk!

TopShelf's October 2013
Story Contest Results

by Sephrena Lynn Miller

No Copyright Intended © 2013

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Reviews: David Levithan and Greg Egan

Every Day by David Levithan (Knopf, 2012) is a novel whose main character, A, wakes up every morning in the body of a different person. "The Safe-Deposit Box" by Greg Egan (Asimov's SF, 1990) has the same basic premise, but a very different plot and tone.

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Talked with Beverly Taff in Wales, U.K.

We talked for a few minutes, but Bev had to go see to her wife, who is home from the hospital. The storm that hit England a couple of days ago, missed Bev and her family by several miles, but the rest of the U.K. really got clobbered. I hope all the rest of our friends in the U.K. came out of it okay.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Trying to avoid a minor disaster.

After listening to many users, I have decided to download Firefox and give it a try. The problem is when I try to find a safe site to use for the download, there are dozens that appear to be legit; however, I found out the hard way that many of these download sites install all sorts of malware and worse on my computer. For those in the know, what site do you recommend. Preferably the official Firefox site. Thanks.

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A Tragic Story of High School TG Student

The story of Tocarra, a transgendered girl in an alternative high school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is told by her teacher in the publication, Rethinking Schools. It's a tragedy, but like all tragedies it shows the triumph of spirit. The opening paragraphs of the story follow. Click on link to read complete story.


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Sometiimes it is worth it

So here I am, watching the read totals pile up on Unreachable but the kudos staying put and feeling sorry for myself. I tend to compare myself to others and how they are doing far more often than I should.

So I do what I normally do. I check other numbers: namely sales and reviews. For kicks, I go to goodreads and come across a review that leads to a link that leads to a greater review. All I can say is WOW!!!! Did they give me the royal treatment and I didn't even ask.

I wanted to share the link out of courtesy and maybe those who get ebooks can look at other reviews.

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breathing a sigh of relief

Well, I am breathing a sigh of relief. I had a physical today, and by the time I went there I was shaking and near tears because the last time I went the prostrate exam set off my PTSD something awful.

But as it happened, the doc didnt need to do that this time, so I escaped without a major meltdown

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Writing Groups

As part of my quest to get better at writing I've decided to actually follow the advice I keep seeing out there - yeah, I know, that's a radical idea and all, but it just might help... So, I found a nearby writer's group and intend to go there next week.

But that leads to my question. What to expect?

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You HAVE to read this one

I hardly ever write for the blog. I've recently read a story that deserves all the praise I can heap on it. It's very good. There are a few grammar and spelling errors, but you quickly lose your critical thinking as the story gripes you. Got your attention? heeheehee

The Story is "Zapped" by the late Bob Arnold.

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I have all these story ideas in my head, mostly just taking up space and gathering dust unfortunately. I try to get them written down, but by the time I start to actually do so, my mind has wandered off to the next great story idea. I just can't stay focused on a story long enough to actually really write it. I even made a long list where I have written down the gist of most of these story ideas, though many are still not even in that list, but the actual writing of a story never really happens.

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Review: The Stormlord trilogy by Glenda Larke

The Stormlord Trilogy by Glenda Larke (called the Watergivers trilogy in Australia, and maybe some other countries) is a secondary world epic fantasy, consisting of three volumes, The Last Stormlord, Stormlord Rising, and Stormlord's Exile. I wholeheartedly recommend it as a fine adventure epic with nifty political intrigue, knotty moral dilemmas, clever and consistent worldbuilding, and emotionally affecting characterization. The reason I'm mentioning it here is one particular character, a FtM transsexual. He doesn't appear until the third book, but he has a fairly major role to play when he appears.

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Financial Crisis

Hi.... So a couple weeks ago I posted asking for help, and I was given a lot of info that did help.

We have next week, an appointment with WIC and an appointment next month with a few other services.

Unfortunately, because Amy is on SSD (Disability), the state of NJ considers her money "Un-Earned Income" so it counts against us double/triple when it comes to SNAP/FoodStamps and similar services.

Right now, if we can make it through this month, and the next, December and on are looking QUITE WELL....

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I have a couple of post that are the same with just a different format to them .. If you want to run with the story line in them you can .. As i see three different directions for them to go. . So feel free to take them over and put your own spin on them ... Lets make these Stories BCTS.. I would luv to have every one put there shilling's worth in to them...

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Tell me it's getting better?

Just feeling a little melancholy and shaky this morning, and I have to sleep before I get up at 7:00 AM. I've been approached my a PHD Doctor from a big local university who tells me that he knows that we have not been treated very well, and he wants me to help him make that better.

Those who know me, can confirm that I live a quiet life, and try to avoid the drama and hand wringing that makes so many of us miserable. I am no activist, not one bit. And, I am pretty much a prude, just trying to do the best I can to live like billions of other women.

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Big Closet access blocked

I did a day trip to York (UK) yesterday. The purpose of the trip was to see the 6 remaining LNER A4 Class Pacific's (Steam Engines and yes I can hear some the groans from a few readers). They are on show at the UK National Railway Museum. They include the loco 'Dwight D Eisenhower' that is on loan from the US Museum in Green Gay and 'Dominion of Canada' which is on loan from Canada.

The event was organised to remember the 75th Anniversary of 4468 Mallard reaching 126 and a bit mph. It is half term holidays here and I had to queue for almost an hour to get into the Museum.

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Requesting help with a name for a race of aliens....

This has been driving me slightly mad on and off since I first made mention of this race of aliens in my latest story Battle for Earth and since I've been unable to find the right spelling myself I thought perhaps I would turn to the folks here for the solution. The name of the race is the 'Ferlesh'. The main issue I've having is with the spelling of the name itself. I actually like how it sounds, but I loath the way I've spelt it. I've tried every variation I can think of and this is sadly the most tolerable of the lot.

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No Bike - technical hitches

We have had a series of power cuts here, which after working a twelve hour day did little for my temper. It also caused the computer to go down three times. I am therefore not risking anything tonight. I hope to restore normal Bike service tomorrow. (This is what happens when you sell off all the utilities to foreign companies - idiot politicians, shoot the lot of them).



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New Story posting.

Barbie Lee has graciously allowed me to edit and post her new story, "Jessica Rabbit." It was originally posted last week at Fictionmania and, having read it, I felt it deserved to be here with so many other great stories.

I have corresponded with Barbie several times since then, doing the edit and making sure I would be able to do the story justice and abide by Barbie's requests that certain parts of the story remained unchanged regarding coloqualisms and other things. We have exchanged several emails and I believe I got it right.

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New story

My apologies that the promised 'few weeks' before starting my next story has turned into nearly five months. It has been a busy summer! However, I have now written 25,000 words towards a new story entitled Dancing Queen. This should be enough to keep me going with weekly postings until the New Year (by which time I hope to have written the remainder). Bronwen is currently correcting my punctuation and pointing out mistakes, and I am looking for a suitable title image so that I hope to begin posting next week.


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Been Getting Some Add Requests

Hi. As some here know, I chat and correspond with some of my BCTS friends via Yahoo Messenger. Yes, I know YM's pretty old, and it's not exactly Google+ or even Facebook, but I am a child of the nineties and I grew up with Yahoo. Well, anyway, I use Yahoo Messenger for chatting.

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The next step

So I'm sitting here debating whether or not I should post the unreachable on the site. The problem, it's long.... really really really (don't make me write it 100 times) long. It comes in at 185k words. The transgender part doesn't show up until 150k words in. So I'm wondering if I should or would people think it a big waste of time.

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What the Hell !!!

I guess I will never understand the denizens of this site. "Severance Pay", has in my opinion ALL the elements that would make most of you go goo goo, yet the kudo count is low! How come?

I can see Authors not being impressed with my writing but this is beyond the pale.


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News of my recent writing, and call for beta readers

I haven't posted anything here for a while, but I haven't been idle. I've finished several first drafts recently, and would like to get feedback on them from beta readers before I do final drafts and post them here, or offer them for sale on Smashwords and the Kindle store.

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This week

you can read the usual updates both here and on my site but also if you weren't lucky enough(!) to attend Gabycon last month you can at least get a feel for it with the Gabycon guide! Its available on paper and ether and contains some exclusive Gaby scribblings!


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I have a growth on my foot

spent most of yesterday at the hospital because I have some kind of growth on the bottom of my foot. I love the fact that I can go to the hospital without worrying about how I'm gonna pay for it ....

The best they could tell me is it isnt a bone spur or something like that. They think its an infection, so I will be on antibiotics ...

ah, well.

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