I'm done being stuck in my rut and back to writing. I have decided to put the DRU on the back burner though....well soon as I finish up I Bump Back and Are You a Good Witch that is. Misty's story comes first, I posted the fourth chapter of it today. I'll move onto Kelly from there. After that I have a few Non-DRU ideas I've been actively brainstorming and working on.
So I hope everyone bears with me for now :)
Glad to have you back!
Happy New Year's Eve
It's always good to get a story from you GLAD to have you back :-)
Woo HOO!
Glad to see you back. I enjoy your writing.
*welcome back hugs*
I hope the time away from it all was a good balm for your muse; and that you had a good time in general.
Happy New Year! and all that. I look forward to reading your hard work once more.
I'm glad you're back
It was great, going back through "I Bump Back" - I liked it even better the second time. And I love the title.
I hope it continues to be fun for you.
Kaleigh Way
Some Idle Speculation about Tracy
I know you're not planning on writing more from Tracy's perspective anytime soon, T__T but this may come up in Kelly's story, if Kelly ends up back in Ravencrest. But I've been thinking (now look here Horace, I warned you about thinkin') as I reread Tracy's and Kelly's previous stories, that I may see you foreshadowing something. Trace, talking about Malice, says to Agatha Crawford in _For the Fairest_ Part 8, "...if anything tried to hunt her, I'd rip out its throat. She's my best friend and I'd defend her with my life" (my emphasis). Later on in that story, Trace does track Malice down and save her from Damien. And in Season of the Witch, Trace shows up to save Malice (and the others) from the cultists.
So I think to myself, what do you call someone who's sworn to protect a witch with their life? A warden. (That would go over well with Daddy Locke.) Am I right? Am I absolutely, totally, and in all other ways wrong here? (Or are you unwilling to tell us just yet?) Anyway, just something I've been wondering about.