From the New Yorker:
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
From the New Yorker:
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It's Not a Common View,
But I think medicine, science, etc. will conclude in the future that TSs are physically intersex, because we have brain features the opposite sex of our genitals, our chromosomes and even our genes. I wouldn't be surprised to find that other types of TGs might also be intersex with a mix of both sexes in parts of our brains.
OTOH, it's possible that advanced societies will have much greater amounts freedom and support for any gender choice or behavior; that universal health care will make any kind of surgery not a problem and that 'intersex' will not be a meaningful category. That we will all be considered humyn and that anything not fitting with our self-conception can be changed.
OTOOther-Hand, maybe any member of an advanced society will be cyborg. Who will program our brains' electronics/wetware?
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Not all of us
“Remember: your kid is going to want his genitals. Your kid is going to want her genitals,†Ambrose tells the camera.
It's strange, but I would expect him most of all to understand, that not everyone is the product of their genitalia.
I have no desire for my genitals, and wish they would be removed.
Liking it until...
The pseudo-scientific guff in this paragraph:
"Today, we pride ourselves on letting children defy antiquated gender stereotypes. Boys can now have dolls, and girls Erector sets; we agree that the salient differences between genders are social constructs, and give little leeway to those who insinuate that, say, women have less aptitude for science and engineering. Yet, even as many fight against the persistence of rigid gender norms, we still separate the sexes as soon as kids are old enough to be potty-trained; when gym class arrives and locker rooms are needed, we push the boys and girls even farther apart. For all the progress that has followed from the enlightened credo that gender is but a construct, we keep hesitating at the notion that sex, too, does not obey strict binaries. Some people aren’t just pushing away from prototypes of sinewy maleness or delicate femaleness; they were born with bodies that don’t conform to the “M†or the “F†boxes on the census form. There are children, in other words, whose genes have not defined for them which bathroom to use, or where to change for gym class; babies can be born with XX chromosomes in certain cells, and XY chromosomes in others—mosaic genetics."
Science has proven time and again that there are fundamental differences in brain structure/chemistry that differentiates the sexes, as there are physical differences that differentiate the sexes. In fact, this fact is spurring new thinking on trans-sexual people along the lines of either their brains or their body developed in the wrong way whilst in their mothers womb.
Science had proven time and again that males and females have differed aptitudes/affinities and are naturally drawn to certain jobs and sectors of society. The differences are not huge, but they are there. There are also exceptions, but they in no way disprove the fact that the sexes are different.
Males are better at warfare, science, technology/IT, advanced medicine (Surgeons, consultants) and education (High school/collage/university lecturers and teachers etc), engineering and other technical and physical jobs, whilst women tend to be better at jobs that require 'emotional intelligence', the ability to empathise (which men lack) etc.
The only gray areas are early education and medicine.
But this difference in the sexes is not wrong, or something that needs to be corrected. Men and women are two parts of a complimentary whole.
Intersex people are just people who were screwed over by fate and biology and should be given a 'gender' on the cirtificate if it helps them.
Trans people should also not be ridiculed and shunned for something they have no control over.
This should be obvious. They should not need to use pseudo-science in an attempt to reinforce their point.
Medical research into Inter-sex
Oddly enough, I seem to be right in the middle of this issue, and the people driving the inquiry are the members of my church. I have been privately told by a person in authority that the church has not treated us fairly and they mean to remedy that. This does not mean recognition tomorrow for all people who say they are Trans, or Inter-sexed, but it does mean that they are putting money into finding the facts and mean to treat those they encounter fairly and with compassion.
They have already paid for a Karyotype test for me, and on the 27th I am going to a local university to talk about the results with a genetic researcher. I also believe that eventually they will find differences in our brains that explain much of this, and that time may not be far away. I was recently told of high definition imaging that has the potential of identifying those brain differences if they exist.
Those who have met me, know that I do my utmost to be a normal woman, not flashy, trashy, or an exhibitionist. Sooner or later after months of knowing me many finally tumble to it, and it is my hope that by setting the best example that I can, it will eventually ease the way for us. And, I do my utmost to look as close to a Nun as possible to avoid sending any sexual attraction signals because it seems that if a man gets attracted to me and finds out later, he feels defrauded.
Many males are very insecure about their sexuality, and they quickly feel threatened at the idea of being seen as gay for being attracted to a tranny.
And, in my case, since the etiology of my own "transgenderism" may be due to the extreme trauma I suffered at the hands of males when growing up, it may be finally seen that physical and sexual abuse and molestation as a child may cause the abused to reject any identification with their biological gender? It is too late for me, but perhaps what they learn from me and those like me will help us all.
In the mean time, I am content to live my life out as a female.