I just went to the maps to check the link works - I have trouble with some links on another site.
Lo and behold - none of the 'thumbnails' of the maps display.
I checked on some comments (for instance, I know Bev has a picture signature) - her pic doesn't show either.
How very confusing it all is.
I should be visible,
I'm quite the oil painting. ^_^
Still present for me
MS haven't re-broken the pictures for me yet - though I don't know about "the maps", which would these be? Added to a story perhaps?
PS - yes E - goosebumps and all.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
The Maps....
First, here is a link to the maps of Palarand
Those maps, thank you Julia yes, visible, thumbnails and all. I was one of those who lost all the linked pictures previously. IE11, UK location.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Maybe you're accessing the cached version ....
.... because all images have disappeared from my computer too. I cleared cache before trying.
I have never visited that page or an page that has those images and I can see the images.
Images missing definitely
I just called up a few chapters of 'jihad' - they always have an image at the beginning ...... except now! They no longer appear.
Just saying.
All the history etc., used F5 for refresh, opened new stories, pictures still present. Jihad, which I have not read before, has a map at the top of the new chapter. Weird being on the other end of this.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
I have always thought ...
... that Switzerland is 30 or 40 years behind the times. Now it seems it's either a leader (as this is the second time the images have disappeared) or a mere 2 weeks behind the times. It is highly frustrating.
I need details of what is happening, what browser, what OS, what ISP, which pages being viewed and which images are missing. Unfortunately, I am just about to head home from my visit with my brother and I have a 7-hour drive ahead of me.
Piper and I will do what we can but a problem like this that strikes only a few people is unlikely to be fixed from our end. We may be able to tell people how to fix it from their end, though.
Hugs to allm
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
No Problem
on my MacBook Pro running OS 10.6.8 and Safari 5.1.10. I've been following this as generally, in my experience, such things are caused by Microsoft breaking HTML standards, which normally affects Macs first, but I've had no problems through both outbreaks of the problem.
Another datum
Firefox 26.0 on Trinity / Ubuntu 12.04 Linux. Firefox has these add-ons:
- Adblock Plus
- Flashblock
- It's All Text!
- NoScript (currently awaiting an update restart)
- Tab Mix Plus
- Web Developer
- Ubuntu Firefox Modifications
- Littlefox theme
When I brought this browser up to check BCTS, the site was blocked by NoScript and the images were visible. When I whitelisted the site ("Allow bigclosetr.us") the images went away.
- "allow cloudflare.com" -- images are back.
- "allow projectwonderful.com" -- images are still visible.
- "allow assoc-amazon.com" -- still visible.
- google-analytics.com stays blocked. Period.
Experimentally forbidding cloudflare.com: boom, images gone. In Web Developer, the GlamourBoutique section now reads:
<div class="content"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.glamourboutique.com/tgfictionbooks.aspx" target="_blank"><img style="display:none;visibility:hidden:" data-cfsrc="/topshelf/system/files/glamourboutique_03r-1.jpg" alt="glamourboutique_03r-1.jpg"/><noscript><img src="/topshelf/system/files/glamourboutique_03r-1.jpg" alt="glamourboutique_03r-1.jpg"/></noscript></a></div>
...So cloudflare scripting is part of getting images displayed.
When I permit cloudflare again, the status bar briefly reports, "Read ajax.cloudflare.com" in the course of rebuilding the page. Perhaps the up-and-down that we've been seeing is cloudflare working on their own scripting?
Throughout these past weeks, cloudflare.com stayed permitted in my older browser (FF3.5.6), so it wasn't a straight NoScript ban that took the images away, yet, as previously reported, images got a noscript block in the older browser in that outage and this one. Maybe they're pushing too hard for HTML5 and triggering protective reactions in HTML4 browsers (/guess)?
(and even previewing this message triggered a security Captcha panel from cloudflare, even after escaping the brackets)
Details for Erin
Hi Erin
I am using Windows 8.0
IE 10.09
All images were there last night.
When I use the site today, then none appear.
Exactly the situation that was there a week or so ago.
Signature images (e.g Bev Taff's, Extravangance's)
Images in stories (e.g. Beginning of Jihad episodes)
The 'thumbnails' in the 'Anmar map repository' - there are supposed to be pictures upon which the user can click to link to the pdf files - all these are missing.
Images appear OK upon other sites.
The 'http' link in the source
points to a file on BC but is does not seem to be being served up for some reason. It was earlier today.
More details for Erin
I have just invited a neighbour up, with her lptop. Windows XP and IE. It all works fine, running through the same router as I am. I then borrowed a Kindle Fire. Also working fine. Images all appear. Seems it's only the configuration on THIS computer that has problems.
What about other images
Like the BC Logo in the top left and the Hatbox kitten on the right?
You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.
Just thought I'd toss this little bit of weirdness into the fray. On my laptop, the pictures have been coming and going at the same pace as everyone else who has had this issue. But on my smart phone, the pictures have stayed put; never disappearing. This, in spite of the fact that even at this moment, they are both connected to the internet through the same wifi signal in my home. The only difference in my mind is that the laptop is running windows 8 and the phone is running the latest android.
The only pictures that are still showing on my laptop are the ads on the home page. Everything else, including the book-shaped boudoir button in the top left corner of the home page are all gone. All of the pictures that I have loaded into my "file browser" list are still there on that list, but do not appear in any of the other locations where I have put them (including this message).
The girl in me. She always there...
(Lora is temporarily unavailable
due to technical difficulties.
Please stand by...)
Still no problems here!
Firefox 26.0 (x64) for Linux (Arch Linux, Xfce + Caja [MATE version of Nautilus] + Compiz + Emerald)
Relevant extensions:
Disconnect: Whitelisted (Google x2, Advertising / Project Wonderful x2, Advertising / Specific Media x2)
NoScript: Whitelisted (Project Wonderful, Cloudfare, Bigcloset, Google Analytics)
AdBlockPlus: Project Wonderful whitelisted
Other extensions: All-in-one Sidebar, Colorful Tabs, Colorzilla, Download Helper, Download Statusbar, Down Them All, ForecastFox, Greasemonkey, LastPass, Magic Actions for YouTube, New Scrollbars, No Squint, Omnibar, Social Fixer, Stylish, Tab Mix Plus, XMarks.
So any problems people are experiencing is unlikely to be anything to do with all that lot (unless you're running NoScript or similar stuff and have blacklisted Cloudfare!)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Cloudflare seems to be the problem
I let NoScript whitelist ClourFlare.com and bingo I see the pictures. This is on OSX + Firefox 26.
Looking at the logs the URL that CloudFlare seems to present to my browser changes. This makes it difficult to control properly. Other sites I have browsed also use CloudFlare but they presnt a load of popup Ads etc which is why I notmally block www.Cloudflare*
I can understand the reasond why Erin is using a service such as CloudFlare but sometimes these can be more of a hindurance that a help.
To who?
For Erin and BC Cloudflare seems to be very useful in keeping BC up and running. And this "problem" seems to affect very few, the rest of us have merrilly skipped along with no problem. So it would seem that for Erin and crew it has been more help than hindrance.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Cloudflare and images
The problem appears to be that some configurations of browsers and OS's and perhaps ISP's are blocking the cloud. The cloud however is the direction nearly everything on the internet is moving because it is more efficient use of resources. Without the cloud servers, we would need another actual server and/or faster servers which we do not have. Yet.
The cloud costs us half as much a month as the COLO fee for another server and there is no hardware cost. It makes it possible to keep the servers working fast enough to keep up with demand without spending 4 to 10 thousand dollars on new hardware. This may require some adjustment of configurations on the client end.
Complicating this is MS who seems to have made a decision to unilaterally block third party and cloud sourced files of certain types. This maybe because they have their own cloud services that they want to sell. They have a history of such behavior and of getting caught at it and of getting a public black eye over it, so I would not be surprised. Other large internet and technology companies have done similar things or even do them as a matter of policy but MS seems to be often trying to be sneaky about it. :)
We will continue to try to offer people info on how to configure systems so this does not happen. Unfortunately, I have been unable to duplicate the problem from my equipment so I still don't know exactly what is going on. More later.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks for the update
I could debate till the cows come home about 'the cloud for everything' mantra is nothing more than a load of bunkum/snake oil. Sure it has its uses but it is not the be all and end all that it is supposed to be.
Even Private cluds have their limitations.
Someone somewhere has to buy the servers that runs the cloud. There are parts of my business that need sub milli-second response times. There is no cloud private or otherwise that can give me that. However for sites like BC using the cloud as a front end makes perfect sense.
As you say Erin, some Operating System suppliers and ISP's seem to be out to make using someone elses cloud as difficult and an unhappy experience as possible. My ISP is one of the more enlightened ones who allow me to run servers and VPN's into my home. Many want to charge you business rates for that.
I am sure that you will get to the bottom of it. It would be nice to have a 'New Users Start Here' page where things like whitelist settings etc for the various Operating Systems and browsers could be explained and demo'ed. I'd be willing to contribute to is as I am sure that others would do as well.