TopShelf Blogs

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Serious stuff!

But I don't know if it is true...

You all MUST read about the latest congressional bill called 'SOPA'. It is being debated this week and it has a lot of support in this congress,
and if it were to pass then this site and others would be a banned site." Read and sign the petition!

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Disowned by Mom - Again!

i guess it was bound to happen, just like it has happened numerous times before. I have been once again disowned by my mother.

This time she did it more subtle than the last. The last time she disowned me she told me I was dead to her... that was in 1998. This time she just unfriended me on facebook. This is what got her so upset, my last status update from facebook on my main account.

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My Mother's Response

This is my mothers response to the letter I sent her.

Well! Reading your last e-mail was a shock to say the least. Here is my answer---I don’t care if you are a man or woman or stick or rock or barbarian!!! I just care if you are a good person!!! That’s the bottom line–the kind of living human being you are. Love, Mom

I started crying. I don't normally cry, but I did.

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My Quest story has passed into "Novella" territory

Well, my "Quest" story has officially moved into "Novella" territory. I dont think I can make a novel, but its going to be longer than any piece I've done other than "Trial of the Phoenix". I've got a ways to go, so we'll just have to see what the final tally is ...

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Anderson Cooper Show

I watch to show on the Transgender children they had a 6-8-11 year old little TGIRLS the 6 YO is soooo cute OMG so cute . The 8 YO told mom she wanted to be a witch for holloween and mom said boys are not witches on the way home she had a tamtrum in the car and on arriving home bolted out of the car into traffic trying to kill herself OMG. The 11 YO started to go into male puberty and is now on blockers, out of all of them the 11 YO was a tomboy and I think is still finding hershelf as far as being a girl.

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A bit of wish fulfillment.

I make a habit of haunting our local Salvation Army resale store, as well as several other second hand stores. Wednesdays, at the local Sally's Boutique (our nickname for the Salvation Army store) are half price days on clothes and shoes, and some really good finds can be garnered.

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feeling sick

Well, today I'm feeling super sick. I have a headache, feel like I'm running a fever, and I have thrown up once already this morning. Not only that, my daughter is home sick with her mom, having missed the last couple of days of school, so whatever it is must be going around. I hoped I could do some writing today, but ah, well.

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My apologies

For taking so long to post the final chapter of Assassin. As most of you know I've been fighting a battle with cancer and I think I've won that battle. Things though have had me puzzled. I wonder if the chemo and radiation effect the brain enough to not want to write. I would put off writing and just read stories. My Kindle wasn't any help at all except to help me with my writing when I was able. I found Lee Child and became an addict. His descriptions of an event or scene are incredible.

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School has been keeping me pretty focused and that has gotten in the way of my writing. Not a fan of that. Just how annoying do things have to be? Really? I just want to write some in order to relax, as that helps me out a lot more than most any other type of stress relief. Granted I am a weird dork for that but I am fairly okay with that.

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Poetry page?

I notice, for me, poetry doesn't rack up the hits. I think I understand why. People come here to read stories. But, I wonder, is it a good idea to have a poetry only site for TG authors. The poems wouldn't have to be TG in nature, but if there were enough interest I may want to try a shot at webhosting,

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waiting for help

Well, the one possibly good thing that came out my dinner with my brother was that he is sending my email contact info and my story "I am Nine years Old" to his friend who works with abused kids. Its possible he will be able to help me, but its really hard to wait for him to get a hold of me.

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When negative comments come.

Much to my utter dismay, AS IF, someone took exception to something I wrote and it made me feel quite sad. So, I took my utter sadness to a published author who I know has taken a great deal of criticism and gone on living. I did not actually think I would get a reply very soon, if at all, but at least I had tried.

Much to my astonishment, I received a reply within hours! What was said felt so profound to me that I decided to share it here, though I left the confidential part out:

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One to One

Heard this on BBC Radio 4 this morning while I was having a shower (I rise late now I don't need to go to work :) ) Evan Davies is investigating 'Deception' as a topic and in this case he's interviewing Penny, a MtF TS about how she felt compelled to hide her true nature for so long. It's a very sympathetic treatment which seems to reflect the experience of many here from what I've read.

She was born in 1951, 11 years after me, so I know only too well the atmosphere and attitude of the general public to unconventional gender and sexual conditions, for want of a better phrase.

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My character scares me...


Did you ever experience that one of your characters started to scare you? It just happened to me with the protagonist of my most recent story. He started out in a rather bad situation and I invented reasons for him to be there. I filled him with life and realized I made somekind of dark prophecy about my own life. The protagonist suddenly became my author avatar and was found wanting... It made me wonder if I'm really that bad, if my life and reasoning is that shallow and depressive.

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Editing and Beta reading

Hello one and all, I am in need of one or more people to help me with editing work for a story I have written that is set in Enemyoffun's DarkRealms Universe. What I need specifically is help with grammar and at least one person to be a beta reader. Anyone interested, please pm me and we'll take it from there. Thank you for your time.

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7 years 2 weeks for me.

Wow. Well, I've always said that time's fun when you're having flies... or something like that. What a great place Erin and her assistants have created and maintained for us all.

Thanks to all of you for all your hard work, dedication and commitment to all us frustrated scribblers, and to those who read our efforts.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Four years and Fifty-two weeks ...

Is what it says on the "My Account" section.

Sounds almost like saying four minutes and sixty seconds, doesn't it?

So anyway, it means I have been here at this site for five years.

Bloody Hell!

I don't think I've been a member of anything for that long and I owe it all to you lot.

Erin has to sit at the top of my thanks though, for if she did not have the tenacity and strength to keep this place alive, I certainly wouldn't have been here for that long and neither would any of the rest of you.

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C Sprite stories

I have heard from TG wed site on yahoo, that C Sprite was going to give permision to allow one of her's stories to be posted on BCTS soon

just wanted to know when that was & will it have the last 3 chapters that are not on crystal site

will C Sprite be giving permisison for the other stories to be posted on BCTS also or just this story

i undestand that the author in involved in RL issue and just does not have the time to re post and or to finish the 2 stories

i'm looking forward to re reading them with the 3 new chapters, i'm just hoping its soon

lol Jo Ann

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Strength of Materials

In my writing of this next short story, I really did exercise my poetic license to the point that I might get a healthy fine. I hope you all like it, though I know some will not. I think I will call it "Battle Field To Cradle". I plan to publish it shortly after this blog entry. And yes, it is TG, and with some spanking (my trade mark) and some chains and bondage along the way, though none of it is sexual, she just needs a bit of correction for a short time is all.

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1 year 45 weeks

i looked up on account and it said ive been a member for one year and 45 weeks. i was reading this site before then but just wasnt sure i was ready to join. i am glad i finally did. i enjoy the stories posted here and the opportunity to PM authors. i think think that is a great feature.

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A stressfull day

Well, yesterday was rather stress-filled. First, I had to stay awake longer than normal so I could get new glasses with a "associate appreciation" coupon my work gave me. An extra 10 % on one purchase so with the staff discount added, I got 20 % off. Glasses still cost nearly $ 400, anyway. And of course, because my coupon is in my boy name and I was in femme mode, I had to explain my situation to the sales lady, not fun.

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Six And A Half!!

I just noticed, I've been a member here for six years, 26 weeks. That's six and a half years!

It's true, I haven't been crowing about my milestones here, so why this one? I'm not sure, really. Maybe its just because I'm amazed how long I've been hanging around? Maybe I'm just looking for a pat on the back. Who knows? I've been in a crummy mood lately, so maybe this is just me, reaching out somehow.

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It`s that time of year again, Christmas is only a few weeks way and already the christian world is going nuts.

I hate Christmas with a passion and think it should be banned along with Easter.

The so called season of goodwill to all men yet we have people dying in Afghanistan for no good reason but to make the politicians look good.

I served 23yrs in the british Army and did duty every Christmas day, mainly because the married got the time to spend with their families. I didn`t mind that but why do we have to Christmas music deafening us when we go to the shops.

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Keeping up the theme of recent comments...

Those of you who've been here a few years may remember a devilishly difficult Christmas tune acronym quiz I've run over the past few years.

As it's still November, I thought I'd share with you the answer sheet - so allowing you plenty of opportunities to download it, abridge it and save a copy with the answers removed to try out on your friends / family / neighbours / colleagues etc.

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Why 729 is the Answer to Life ...

Someone (thanks again, mittfh) has been intrigued by the working of Jeffrey/Denise's cute card hustle in the last chapter of 'A Quiet Night In'.

Susie and Jeffrey have used this as an excuse to engage in a little Siscratic dialogue about the maths behind the trick. They've added a rambling comment explaining why, in this case, 729 is the answer to life the universe and everything. If a minority of a minority of a minority are interested, it's at -

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That time of year

Christmas. I know it is a month and a half away, but already it raises its head. I am not on top form at the moment, with the PTSD making inroads into my daily thoughts, and the usual feelings of 'unreal' and 'fraud' sitting laughing at me. As I came home today, the boss was pushing me to come out on the team Christmas do next month, and it was all I could do not to cry in front of him. He is a good friend, but he deserves better from me.

Not a good time at the moment, so whatever I write may suffer. Sorry.

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Canon and I'm Not Supergirl

I wrote this first as a comment but thought it worthwhile to repeat in a blog.
Like I've said before there are elements in 'I'm Not Supergirl' that just doesn't fit into the canon universe. Additionally someone else has the canon rights to that character. Other characters are also going to appear that others have also claimed prior to me. The biggest reason for this is that I write too cotton-picking slow!

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Name change

Well, as of Wednesday Morning at about 10AM CT, my name is officially Joy Anne Phillip.

The judge signed the order, and now the only things I have left to do in this journey is the SRS (which I may not get) and to tell my mother that she has four daughters now. All my boy clothes (with the exception of about 6 shirts totsl) are gone. Not having to keep two warddrobes certainly helped.

Need to get my voice higher, but I can't seem to find good voice coach stuff on the Web.

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spent the day cuddling

Well, my daughter came over this afternoon, and I spent several hours just watching TV and movies and cuddling with her and my mom and my dog. I needed that, and once again I am reminded just how blessed I am to have my daughter, and how much my transition would hurt her. Ah, well.

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Grew up with a lot of veterans around me and with the stories they told me. I'm not talking about the politicans or if a war is right. I'm talking about the women and men that did the sweating, the bleeding and, sadly enough, the dying. Maurice (kind of grandpa/ KW vet Be), Tom (friend of Maurice / KO vet Be, Joe (J Hess/KW vet US), Thank you for spending time with a kid. To every vet's and the women and men currently in uniform, thank you.

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Russian Meteorology

Many centuries ago in tsarist Russia, Tsar Rudolph sat on his throne in a dank and musty palace near the Kremlin. It was late fall, and the weather was dreary. His wife, the Tsarina, was peering out the window, looking across the bleak square.

"Rudolph, my liege, it is beginning to snow," she said with some conviction.

The Tsar, with nothing much else to do walked to the window to take in the scene.

"Catherine, that is just more of the same miserable rain we've seen for days."

"No, it's starting to snow. You can see a few flakes falling out there."

"It is only rain."

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Being Normal - an essay.

Being Normal?

An Essay by Angharad.

I’m sitting here in my dining room, which serves as a study cum computer room and library–I use the latter term loosely, I have books all over my house, but the dining room has a few more than the others, about a thousand more but that’s not the subject of this piece.

The idea for this arose as I was dressing this morning and is one that has occurred to me many times. It’s simply this, that much of the time the sort of things I wear are not that dissimilar to the things I wore many years ago, ie before transitioning.

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South Pole Sodomites

Gay penguins to undergo reparative therapy (good thing they weren't at the Tehran Zoo!):

Buddy and Pedro, a married pair of male African penguins at the Toronto zoo are being seperated
and paired with female penguins. Apparently this wasn't done for religious or moralistic reasons but
because the population of this species is in perilous decline. Let's hope they can rise to the occasion.

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Blog About: 


I'm not Supergirl.

After so long, I finally finished my Retcon fanfic. I always knew it would end up fanfic because Lilith stated that the Man or Maid of Steel would not be making an appearance. However, I had an idea I thought was interesting and fun. I just wanted to have a little fun with the concept and run with it. Things got crazy when others finished theirs way, way before I did and helped shaped the Retcon universe. That caused me all kinds of problems until I managed to work my way around it. In the end, I finished and I'm rather happy with it.

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a day that started well, but has gone not so good

Well, today started promising. I was able to get a whole chapter done on my "Quest" story. But I made the mistake of having MSNBC on in the background, and so when they started talking about the Pen State case I lost my ability to write, or do much more than feel ill. Hopefully, I'll feel better soon.

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In Case Anybody Missed It

I just posted the 2012 Ultimate Writer's Challenge challenge list in the forum.

For those still interested in trying to finish enough of the 2011 set to get the prize, there's still time! It's open 'til March 1, 2012 for those who wanna try to get it, and of course, it's not like I'm gonna tell people they can't write stories off the list's ideas whenever they want anyhow.

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struggling with doubts about my gender

Well, the last couple of days I've been fighting with doubts about my trans status. I'm not sure where this is coming from, unless its anxiety over the possible fight with my ex, and I'm looking for the easy way out - If I'm not trans, no fight, right? I wish I could know for sure if my rape caused this struggle, or not. I could live with either answer as long as I could have some facts on my side. Ah, well.

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There will be more YHIAW By SaraUK

I just wanted to thank everyone that took the time to read 'You Have it all Wrong 1,2.and 3' And leave a comment asking for more of it.
Well I'm pleased to tell you that I will be adding a 4th book to the series soon.
In the mean time I hope you take the time to read something a little different by me called 'Project Guardian'

Happy reading, and Chrissy and Co will return.

Hugs and Love


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Product Placement (image)

Seen on Richard Wiseman's blog. If you have had a sense of humour bypass or hate carefully arranged images with a passion, don't read any further.

For those of you remaining, this might tickle the cyclists among you. The photographer was presumably commissioned to produce a photograph featuring a (fully clothed!) couple posing in front of a bicycle.

Then the photographer got inspired - while the models were probably completely unaware of the rather 'interesting' framing...

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watched a pretty dumb movie last night

Well, last night was a good example on why you shouldnt get a movie based on the blurb. I saw this movie at my work called "Amanda" which said it was about a "player" guy who meets the perfect girl - but dumps her when she tells him she was born a man. I'm not sure what I was hoping for, but it was a pretty pedestrian romantic comedy. He's pretty bad about the trans thing, calling her new vagina "a wound", making me wounder what she would see in him, but he learns he cant live without her, makes a big romantic gesture, and wins her back by declaring that "love has no gender".

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Hello All who care to read this, i have read a lot of post recently (including my own) on depression. I, for one am glad people are starting to speak up about this potentially dangerous subject openly, as it can be deadly.

I have an offsite blog Looking Forward, Moving Forward where i write about T* issues and very often about depression and the gender gifted, but it is for everyone, no matter how they identify.

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'My Transsexual Summer'

I watched this against my better judgement - usually, I stay well away from cliche TV - and on the whole was pleasantly surprised. There were still cliches, Drew takes two and half hours each day to apply her makeup, and sadly looks like she should either be on the catwalk or stage - it's OTT big time. Presumably a case of overcompensation, sadly because both she and Donna - who is all tattoos and piercings could make quite attractive females in a more conventional way. All the new women had rather male voices which also shattered the illusion they were trying to create.

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Taking a Break

Robinverse has basically blown up in my face, and I now have authors who previously were interested running like hell the other way because I made the mistake of making overt the fact that magic has subtly existed all along.

I promised I'd continue to post Becoming Robin here, and maybe I will eventually finish posting it, but for the foreseeable future, I'm going to step down as a TopShelf author.

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I was red in the face last night and this morning

Well, at our lunch break last night, a co-worker said I looked red in the face, and then when I got home this morning, my mom said the same thing. It could be a sign of high blood pressure, which would be very bad. If I have to stop the hormones due to high BP I don't know what I'll do ....

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Gay couple fights for names on child's birth certificate

DES MOINES, Iowa — Melissa Gartner will have to wait a bit longer to find out if she'll be listed on the birth certificate of the child her wife bore.

Melissa Gartner, 41, and Heather Gartner, 39, sued the state when the Iowa Department of Public Health refused in 2009 to list both names on the birth certificate of their daughter, Mackenzie.
Iowa District Judge Eliza Ovrom heard arguments in the case Monday and will issue a written ruling at a later date.

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Genre Baiting

Genre-based attacks on stories posted as comments are not allowed. I'm tired of this unfriendly behavior. Multiple and repeated attacks of this sort MAY NOT get further warnings and MAY result in banning from the site.

If you don't like the genre of the story you are reading, exercise the muscle between your ears and stop reading it! You don't have to tell anyone publicly about it either.

If you like BC as a place to come and read the kind of stories you like, allow other people the same dignity and respect you would like to have.

Hugs to all,

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Wouldn't you know it!

Wouldn't you know it! Now that I've finally got stuff to post and am being productive again, here comes a disruption, A Really Big One. Understanding Spouse has been transfered from Columbia SC to Clearwater Fl. There's not a pay increase but they are picking a large chunk of the moving cost. Additionally, there has been talk of closing the office here in Columbia anyways. Better a job in Fl. than unemployed in SC if you know what I mean. Plus the standard of living is about the same or so I'm assured by the web.

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Can writing be that draining, really?

I've been beavering away at two different stories that are funny at times and quite poignant others, and I am doing an extensive scriptural study along with exhaustive notes and am feeling quite drained.

Both stories were meant to be dramas with postively comical moments in them and now I find it quite difficult to keep them that way, at times breaking out in tears, and thunder for no real reason. My God, I thought my drama days were long over!

Come on, can writing really be that draining or am a simply a selfish wimp?

Much peace


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Lulu offer

Lulu seem to like having regular offers - they've just launched another one for UK readers, which is valid until 11:59pm Friday.

20% off site-wide, up to a maximum discount of  £100.

The code is: EARLYSHOPPERUK305

So if you've been procrastinating over the possibility of buying one of Maddy's books... :)

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BigCloset TopShelf's October 2011 TG Terror Contest Results

And now for the Contest Results:

We had 33 wonderful entries in the 2011 TG Terror Contest and had 144 votes cast by Site Members. Here are the Top Results.

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\o/ YAY \o/

For those who have been following the numbers, I have finished the Tegan story. While it is only 160 pages and 56.7k words it was difficult to write for a number of reasons. But its completion means I can get back to other things that I want to finish. Now I can do more 300 Rains, Journey is the Destination, Whateley, Kim Possible and other fun stuff that is out there like Chalice and the Wand. The editing phase of this will take a bit but not be as time consumptive as the writing nor as problematic. So I am really excited to be finished.

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Busy week and Twisted Dreams on Amazon Kindle.


What a week! Been writing so much that my fingers are bleeding... not quite, but almost. Have amost finished MARINE Book 1, just waiting on my Muse for a cracking ending that grabs people and makes them want the next book so badly... so perhaps a week or two to get it just right. I've just had another light bulb moment for a new book, so we'll have to wait and see. I have a week away with the family soon, so may get a chance to do some more writing.

Managed to get another title.. TWISTED DREAMS.. onto Kindle with slight revisions, but it is still on my site and here for free.

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Any rules on this site for fan fiction?

I'm sure it's been discussed here before, but I was curious if there are any rules or discouragement for a story that might be considered "fan fiction"? I ask because I was developing a story that involves the setting, but none of the characters of a commercially published work. Do you just need a disclaimer or should derivative works be avoided? I don't want to cause the site any trouble.


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I'm Home

I'm Home.

I've been on a journey of discovery, pain, love, and hope these last few weeks. I shared some of it, with some of you. You see, my mom remembered my telling her I'd been abused.

I've also spent the last week+ on the road, with my wife DJ most of the time, with one of my sisters and her spouse part of the time, and running down the corridors of my mind whenever I allowed my self to think.

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Killing off characters

Killing Billie off in Bike is the hardest thing I've had to do and it's left me feeling like I've had a real bereavement, I've been flat and depressed since - so why did I do it?

At times I've allowed the fantasy stuff take us away from the realities of life. Cathy's had to deal with all sorts of low-lifes and some quite absurd incidents too. At times the story has been humorous, verging on comedic; at others it's been more like a thriller and just to let you get your breath back I slip in a couple of domestic bliss storylines.

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Alone: The Series!

I swore I would never write a serial. After posting my first novel in parts just as soon as I finished them, I decided that method just didn't work for me. If I wanted to go back and changed something due to the way the story was currently developing, whoops sorry! So what am I doing? Writing Alone. Honestly I never intended on there being any additional chapters, but a few of the comments got me thinking. My muse whispered seductive clues in my ear and the next I know there's an 'Alone2' and an 'Alone3' I might add.

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Recruiting Authors

I'm recruiting authors to join my new universe, the DarkRealms. I've already written one story for it, Life is Precious. Maggie and Lilith have both contributed as well, both their stories are still currently on the front page for those of you who haven't read them. So if anyone is interested in writing a story, PM me and pitch me an idea :)


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UK Television series

I spotted the following on

Channel 4, Tuesday 8 November 22:00

My Transsexual Summer

New series. Seven transgender men and women convene at a summer retreat, where they share a mutual understanding of what it is like to be a transsexual in Britain today. In various stages of gender reassignment, members of the group share experiences and provide an insight into the problems and prejudices they face in everyday life, and build the support network they need to reach their long-term goals


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For romantics everywhere

For romantics everywhere

This has no transgender element in the story. However, for all of the visitors to this site who love a good romantic story this is for you.

He has arranged it all just to propose, so click the link and shed a tear of happiness.

Perhaps one of the writers on this site could use something similar in one of their stories.

Love to all

Anne G.

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right place, right time

You ever get the impression that you are in a place for a higher purpose? Well, in my case, it was more than an impression, it was like getting a smack on the head. See, while I was in Slave Lake, one of the girls I was working with told me her son just came out to her as trans, and she had been doing research into it, when along comes me, doing my RLT. I talked with her awhile, and then gave her my e-mail addy so she can get a hold of me if she needs to. The rest of my time there was okay, but that little moment was just ... special.

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Transient global amnesia

I saw this article in today's Guardian, which has possible implications for scientists understanding and ultimately treating Alzheimers.

It has absolutely nothing to do with transgenderism but does have an amazing picture of a fluorescent micrograph of a mouse's hippocampus (part of the brain).


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The Definition of Insanity

A giant redwood fell over the other day and was featured on the daily evening news. It seems this tree was old. Older than me. I wonder what it figured out about life that caused it to uproot itself.

After I posted my last story I asked myself . . . What the Fuck?

You see -- I never quite get around the idea that my next story will be my best.

I never see the rejection coming until Lucy's pulled that GD ball out from under my swingin' boot.

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