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Sarah Carerra - 3.13 - Carerra Business

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. The solemn tone of his words told me everything I needed to know. Sarah Carerra's career had come to an end.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.13 - Carerra Business
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: May 7, 2012

I ... fit

I had a spiritual moment today on my way home from watching "The Avengers". All of a sudden, I felt .... connected to everything around me. That me being trans isnt a mistake or sin but exactly what I'm supposed to be at this moment. I cant do justice to it, but it was amazing, and comforting.

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Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 8

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 8

I guess I should fill you in on my family. I am the middle son, I guess now the only daughter of my parents. I have an older and younger brother who fit the more stereotypical role of male. I was always on the more delicate and feminine side which of course drove my father.

Forgiveness, Another Talmuld Torah

Recently, two events have occurred that I note forgiveness is important:

1. I went to the CANDLES (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors) Museum in Terre Haute, Indiana. I learned three things. I mention one that is important to this Forum blog.

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Here's another bit of 'Spanglish', Erin

This was a sign on the wall of the first and original Round Table Pizza, before Bill sold the rights to the name and menu to some franchisers. ( For those of you est of the Rockies, or outside the US, Round table is strictly a West of the Rockies chain. The original was in the town where I attended high school, and it was THE PIZZA JOINT in the area.

If you could decipher the sign to the owner it was worth a free pizza. Everyone was on the honor system not to give i away, and it seemed to have worked.

OK, here is the sign

Seville der dago
Tousin bosses inaro
Nojo demis trux

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Am I real? Am I anything?

I've been thinking a lot about what's been going on between me and my brother and sister-in-law, and I think I understand their point of view. Essentially, they dont think that Dorothy is real, that there is no woman buried under this male flesh.

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No, I MUSN'T... Can't stop myself... EVIL RANT... Muwah ha h

I love BC.

I enjoy many of the stories here and the commentary.

There is little here that is bad other than the occasional mini-flame war. Fortunately we for the most part don't descend to that here . And Erin and her elves are vigilant the few times we don't mind our manners.

But there is a menace, an insidious evil lurking here.

OLD DOS control characters in titles!

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Gaby Book 8 Chapter *17* The Other Half


Chapter *8.17*

The Other Half

“Um morgen.” I offered to the woman I took to be Max's mum stood by the Cayenne at the bottom of our drive.

“Ah Gaby, nice to finally meet you, my son is always talking of you, Gaby did this, Gaby did that.”

“A um.”

“Get on with it Gloria!” the testy sound of Max's Gran called out.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 7

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 7

My group of escorts led me down the corridor to the dining room. We entered a great big room filled with heavy antique mahogany furniture. There was a great big table in the center that sat at least thirty people. My escorts told me that was for formal occasions. There were several smaller tables that were clustered around the big table.

Do Kids Know How to be Bored Anymore

A minor rant:

Do children know how to be bored and occupy themselves any more? I think the answer is no. They are always connected to something. In the car they get DVD players. When shopping with mom they have handheld video games. Waiting at the hospital they have laptops. In school they have Ipads. We are raising a generation that is not going to know how to be creative. Maybe that's why every movie from the 80s is being remade.

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Her Turn

Her Turn

At long last, it was her turn, and she woke the Body early, bursting with energy like a kid on Christmas morning.

She got up, and looked at the Body in the mirror, and frowned as she felt whiskers on the face. She went and grabbed the electric shaver, and put it to the face, but then the hands started shaking, and she cried to Him for help.

He sighed, and said, “Let me.”

He took the hand and steadied it, and then shaved the face with practiced ease, and then gave the hands back to her.

Throne of Glass - Debut Novel

A relative of mine, Sarah J Maas, is a young author (mid-twenties) writing Young Adult Fantasy fiction.

Her first novel Throne of Glass, will be published on August 7th by Bloomsbury Children’s. She has three novellas currently available on Kindle at $.99 and a fourth to come that introduce her main character.

Her main character is a young female assassin. As far as I know there are no TG elements to the story.

Her Amazon page is:

Her "offical" web site is:

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Changed license

I've changed the license on Kate and the Network to allow other folk to create derivative work.

It's become clear to me that I'm very unlikely to finish it, therefore, I now challenge other authors to finish this story.

I started the story at a time where I was very depressed and on the verge of suicide, and writing Kate and the Network helped distract me from those feelings. Since my transition is going quite well, (I've been Janet full time for nearly six months now!), Other interests are filling my time.

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WOW! and thank you so much

All I can say is WOW! I never realised my writing meant so much to people.
I'm sorry for flying off the handle like I did the other day. I was having trouble with lots of little things, and had been feeling down for sometime, and reading that comment was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak.

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Free Kindle eBook Behind The Enemy available this weekend

Behind the Enemy
I have entered my novel BEHIND THE ENEMY into the KDP Select system on Amazon for lending through their library system. It is available as a KINDLE eBook FREE this weekend only as a promotion. If you want a freebie, grab it now!
Follow the link > Behind The Enemy

It is also available as a paperback through Amazon, but you'll have to pay for it I'm afraid.

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The loop... you are in it...

Okay... to keep you all in the loop. Still having issues, which is still causing me creative issues. I already have the first eleven chapters plotted enough for me to write... if I would stop hurting long enough to finish 2 and go from there. I am not dragging my feet here, I am being held hostage by my kidneys. Once they get over their bad selves in hopefully a week and a half at the most(fingers crossed) my discomfort should fade enough to stop being an issue.

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The Angel on my shoulder

I'm pretty sure most of you have seen the image - the person faced with a choice with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, trying to decide which way to go.

Well, I have at least one devil on my shoulder, whose name is Worthlessness, and today he was very active, listing all my failures, ready to convince me I am only a source of grief to those who dare come close to me. It got to the point where I was seriously trying to figure out if ending my life would be a net gain for the people around me or not.

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Odyssey III Chapter 7

Chapter 7

One of the Berks County deputies quickly grabbed Richard who turned and punched the man in the face. The other deputy grabbed him from behind in an arm lock, slamming him face down over the trunk of the limo. Roughly they cuffed him as he proceeded to scream profanities. Virginia took her purse and began using it to beat the back of one of the deputies. In moments she too was handcuffed.

What is good writing?

What is good writing (or good reading). I am a voracious reader, that doesn't mean that I will read anything. Even with the same author depends on the genre, sometime a slight genre change is enough to make me drop some books (for example I like later works of Peter James but don't like the early stuff). How many of us really like those acclaimed writers like Nobel prize winners? I like a few and give majority a wide berth!

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I'm tired of flashbacks

I'm so tired of nightmares.

So tired of flashbacks.

So tired of feeling soiled and broken.

So tired of paying for a crime that not only am I innocent of, but am the victim.

The rape counseling is helping, but the above happens far often for my liking.

ah, well.

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Bread machine

So... I realy want to get a bread machine :) . And am looking at the Panasonic SD-YD250, But this is the same person that can't cook anything without my cast iron skillet. So if you guys could help me out a tad with your opinions and experiences. ie is it something that once the Novelty wears off it never gets used or can't live without it :) etc.

Please and Thank you

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it's that time again

Just a short comment to let you know that page 3 is now up, we have one more page in the buffer and then we shall need to do more, which I shall be working on over the next week or two, I am encouraged by some of the site stats, we are gaining fans and getting reasonable hits but I am curious as to why no one ever says anything - maybe they are waiting for the good stuff to happen - you know, the actual Transformation :).

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Giving up writing

I'd like to apolagise to all the readers here at Top shelf for having to put up with my stories for all this time. I've noticed a drop in the number of people reading my stuff, but I never realised that my writing was redundant and mundane. until it was pointed out to me in a comment, so I'll just stop writing and let other people that can write fill the space instead.

I'll be telling Sammi to post the parts she has left for the three stories that are on going, but after that there will be no more from me.



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Has anyone else had an luck trying to get to story site? None of the bookmarks I had, and used to check it twice daily, are working since early yesterday. I don't know if the two different servers she was using are both out, or if she didn't pay the bill, or if she decided to just pull it since there was no evidence of activity in 3 years. She said she was working on it, but......

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got a compliment about my car today

just came back from a regular maintenance for my car, and the lady complimented me on how well I've maintained the car since I bought it. As someone who struggles with feeling competent, it felt rather nice.

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The Mercy Seat -1-

Author's note-the song is not mine and I make no money from it.

It all began when they took me from my home
And put me on Death Row,
A crime for which I am totally innocent, you know.

Not Death Row anymore, but Swap Row, but many prisoners prefer to call it
by the old name, as the result is the same. When you go to the swap chair
, also known colloquially as the "mercy seat" you may not be fried as in
the electric chairs of old, but you'll still die. A total identity death
with all your memories changed to that of your victim and your very body

20,000 Reads

I just refreshed the my stories page and noticed that Chapter 1 of My Mistake has received 20,000 reads. If someone would have told me that it would eventually receive that when I first posted it in 2008, I wouldn't have believed you...

Thank you to all of the people that have read it and left comments. Rest assured that another chapter is coming soonish...


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