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Karin Bishop's "Role Of A Lifetime" on Kindle

My new book, "Role Of A Lifetime", should be available at Amazon in the next few hours. They've assured me the glitches I saw in the preview aren't there, so I have to trust them.

And trust you! For those of you who commented and wrote me that you prefer Kindle versions, please let me know if your copy is okay. If you've read my other books, you have them for comparison, for formatting, table of contents, and so on. The general look of the thing. If there's anything amiss, I'll fix it.

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spent the day femmed up

well, I planned to meet a friend for lunch today, so I got a little femmed up for the occasion - skirt, hose, heels, necklace, lipstick and eye shadow. I had a nice lunch, and am doing my laundry with no hurry to change into pants for work. Its hard for me to explain to someone who isnt trans how .... nice a feeling this is.

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Do you know?

Do you know what it’s like to hate everything about yourself?
To hate your hair style and the shape of your toes?
To hate every thought in your mind and every word that you speak?

Do you know what it’s like to plaster a smile on your face?
To fool the world that you’re happy, and to fool yourself?
To pretend that nothing hurts, and that this act actually matters?

I know what it’s like to hate everything about myself.
I know what it’s like to plaster a smile on my face.
What I don’t know, is if I can do it again tomorrow.

Our new Webcomic

OK this is my first blog ever so I might mess it up, I'm GreatSage and me, Michelous and Crystal Ash have just released page one of our new Webcomic.
It is called Wishful Thinking 2.0 and tells the story of Riley, and his wacky friends dealing with Riley's magical transformation into a girl.
here is a link to it on Smack Jeeves, I hope that you enjoy it.

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Oldest painting of a Transvestite found..

I found this while browsing the news sites this morning and thought it would be of interest to some readers.


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Feminism and the Transgendered

I posted quite a long comment on the 'Out of Canada' blog today, but it was about something that deserves a wider discussion. I came across rather a good link which sympathetically addresses the issues involved, and gives quite a lot of detail and history.

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My friend's suicide

Had a bit of terrible news last night. One of my friends has commited suicide in Penarth, near Cardiff, Wales, UK.

Her body was found in Cosmeston lake and it it suspected she's taken an overdose before throwing herself in.
Aerie was a manic depressive who had tried 3 times before to end it all. It seemed none of us could help her shed the burdens she carried.

Rest in peace Aerie. I'll so, so-oo miss you!

Aerie  RIP Resized.jpg

A beautiful, beautiful friend!!!

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went to a bible study last night

went to a bible study run by my brother's church last night. It was pretty good, and they called me Dorothy without hesitation. Not sure what they thought about the whole thing, it simply never came up. But the end result is I got what I want more than anything else - to treated like the woman I am.

All in all, not bad.

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Question to you all

Quick question to you all: Should I post the first chapter of my DRU story now or should I wait until I have several chapters done first? The first chapter is already done and edited, ready to go. So, you all let me know what you will prefer and I will post as you will.

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MP spouts nonsense on gay marriage

Just in case those of you in the US thought your politicians had cornered the market in spouting nonsense in their campaigning against gay marriage, one of ours has apparently decided that it opens the door to bigamy and child marriage...

Ho hum.

The story's featured in the Huffington Post.

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New Karin Bishop Book! Role Of A Lifetime

There is a new Karin Bishop book: "Role Of A Lifetime"

It's available now in all formats at Smashwords here (some folks have complained about Smashwords being tough to navigate):

Having a little difficulty with the Amazon Kindle version, but should have things ironed out there in a day or two. In the meanwhile, Kindle versions are available at Smashwords, as well as EPUB, PDF, and other formats. And it's only $4.99!

Here's the synopsis:

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Change of plan...

Meh. I had originally intended, and openly written about, calling chapter 49 of Somewhere Else Entirely "A Day of Ceremonies". Fool! I ought to have known better! Some of my minor characters had other ideas...

So, everything suddenly exploded on me, as unintended consequences frequently do.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -49-

The day has finally arrived when Garia is deemed old enough to be considered an adult. That means a formal ceremony, following a similar one for Prince Keren. Does anybody really think that it will all go smoothly? This is a significant moment for Garia as it means she is now head of her own noble house. There are changes for her staff, too.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

49 - Coming of Age

School dictionary

One thing I have a bit of trouble with is understanding some of the school references.

There seems to be a large difference in terms and some are very confusing.

I will list off the ones for canada that I know(although there is some new ones being used which are mostly slang type in cities)

age 4 - preschool/daycare - for children of age 4 or younger stay most of the day and not much is really taught to children.

age 5 - kindergarden - children are in school for half a day. Learn to write names mostly.

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One Year

One Year

Well I logged in this morning and noticed that I've been a member of BCTS a year now. I was a little surprised by this since that time seems to have flown by. There's something special about this place it's not just a place for posting stories it's a community and I'm really grateful to be a part of that. I'd like to thank everyone for making me feel so welcome this last year.

Well off I go... Work beckons...

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As I was at my counselor I did recieve several nice compliments from him. I think they are important, because they solidify what I already know about myself.

The first was when I said I wouldn't get any facial reconstructive surgery. He said he didn't see the need. I've been blessed with high cheek bones and I think my face has always had feminine qualities to it, now if I would add to that some make-up (which I don't wear as of yet) think how far I should come. The thing about make-up, is 1) I break out easy and 2) I never learned and don't want to look like a harlot.

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Good news out of Canada.

There seems to be a lot of "negative" news stories coming out of my country lately. The transgender beauty contestant or the gender not matching appearance on a passport as prominent examples...

Well, here's something that provides a little hope. Ontario looks like it's poised to take a step forward in transgender rights: changing gender without SRS.

Although I'm sure the comments will be a mixed...

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excuses and more excuses

I am just full of excuses.

I actually had this lastest episode of Wrong side of the bed written a few months ago, but one of my beta's suggested a few changes. Before I could do so, I had my car stolen, it was recovered 4 days later at the cost of $1,000 total due to towing and repairs.

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The Wrong Side of the Bed 5

The Wrong side of the Bed 5

by Anistasia Allread

Nikki slipped behind the wheel and heard a car slowly coming down the street.

Someone lost? she thought. She closed the door and looked behind her. She watched as an old Cadillac slowly approached her house. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest as she saw four men riding in the car. Nikki quickly slipped down in the seat of her blue bug and held her breath as the car slowly rolled by.

New story, new fun

So, as I am working through issues on 300 Rains, I have decided that I need to throw out a new story. And to that end I have decided to play in the Dark Realms Universe. I have finished the first chapter of a story and this should be a lot of fun, at least for me. I think the character is a hoot and should be entertaining, at least for some measures of entertaining.

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Kindle Books by BC Authors

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to remind you or inform you that you can leave reviews on Amazon even if you didn't buy an item from them. We have several authors now who have put their wares up on Amazon and need reviews and stars to help others know how good they are. I've left a couple so far for stories I read, one on here and one on Kindle. As I catch up with my reading I plan on adding more reviews.

Unless anonymity is an issue, lets all leave reviews for books/stories we've read that are on Amazon for sale. Spread the word with good reviews and 5 stars!!



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Archie Comics Gender Swap: Issue #636 To Debut 'Archina

Archie Comics Gender Swap: Issue #636 To Debut 'Archina'

The article states:

Archie Comics has announced that Issue #636, which is scheduled for release on August 22, will focus on issues related to gender and perceived gender roles by featuring gender-swapped versions of the three main characters.

There is a cute illustartion. See link below.


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Fighting back from depression

Well, despite the temptation to wallow in feeling down, I'm fighting back. Yeah, sometimes, life sucks, but you got to carry on. Its not in good times you find out who you are, but how you deal with troubles. So I'm going to keep fighting to find positive things in my life, no matter how hard I have to look. I'm a stronger woman than my fears would have me believe, and I can do this.

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I've Fallen OUCH

Well things where going to smooth , Yesterday my left leg just gave out from under me and I fell hitting my head and breaking my right elbow.This is the third break in 2 years I wonder if my bones are becoming brittle it's something I am going to look into after I get the cast off. The doctor said we will tke it week by week as far as the cast goes.

You know how people say they know it broke .I knew I broke it as soon as it happened HUGS EVERYBODY --LOVE RICHIE2


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Dick Clark Gone

ABC News

April 18, 2012

Dick Clark, the music industry maverick, longtime TV host and powerhouse producer who changed the way we listened to pop music with "American Bandstand," and whose trademark "Rockin' Eve" became a fixture of New Year's celebrations, died today at the age of 82.

Clark's agent Paul Shefrin said in statement that the veteran host died this morning following a "massive heart attack."

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The Angry Mermaid 52 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 52.

Well, after completing 'The Ram' (not very satisfactorily I might add.) I've returned to 'The Angry mermaid.'Lets see if I can do a better job with this story.



The Angry Mermaid 52


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 52

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.

making progress on my story

well, I'm making some progress on my "quest" story. I've now done 20 chapters, almost 30,000 words. I've also got a "road map" so I know basically where the story is going from here. The way I see it, it should take 5 more chapters to wrap things up, and if I can average just over 2,000 words per, I'll go over the magic 40,000 word mark, and have an honest-to-goodness novel on my hands.

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My Untamed Dress

Most of the time I successfully resist my exhibitionistic wanna be stripper inner self with great success. Though several years ago, I did go clubbing in not enough clothing, those days are long over for me and I strive to be as modest as a Nun, or more. It seems my Muslim days left a permanent mark on me.

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