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Odyssey III Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Larry was all smiles when he, Rachel and Tony picked up Krista for church. “Kylie was released from the hospital this morning. She says she’s doing well, still a little tender, but doing a lot better. While she really wants to come home, she’s looking forward to at least getting out and seeing some of the local sites.”

“That sounds great,” Krista enthused. “I really miss her and I know you really do. Just a few more weeks and she’ll be coming home.”

Quick Question

I went to a transgender support group the other day (Tuesday) which is a good step for me. It was the second group I've attended and this one is somewhat close to my house.

An interesting comment came up, even though no one made an issue about it, and it got me thinking.

Does one need to dress in female clothing to be considered Trans? I myself only own one dress and two bras and have yet to have opportunity or desire to wear the dress out (partly because of a hairy back... okay, mainly because of a hairy back)

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The DRU Triumvirate

Its come to my attention as of late that I'm finding it harder and harder to run this universe on my own. The DRU is getting bigger by the day and as one person I can't keep track of everything---new authors, new ideas---so I've decided to ask for help. Maggie Finson and Donjo have graciously agreed to help take some of the burden off my shoulders.

I'm currently calling it our Triumvirate LOL :)

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Blind Date 2

2012 copy write post on free sites only personal use is granted just give me credit for trying to write it . sorry about the punctuations !


Blind date 2

As the door closed behind me I turned and looked at Dani. "You had this planed from the start didn't you "!

With a slight soft chuckle a confident "yes "was her reply .

"So whats in store for me on this blind date? " I asked looking at Dani with a slight grin .

Life imitates Art

The link tells it most of everything you need to know about it, except for the fact that the Girl mentioned is a fifteen year old on her high school baseball team.

This is one of the tings I have considered about my story Baseball Rose, how other schools would react to Melanie and Jay on the team. Apparently my thoughts on the subject, which would have come out later, were not too far off.

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Showing one's real face, {pic included in this entry}

I have decided to upload and display my ugly kisser for your entertainment and/or enlightenment. I feel safe and secure in doing so, since I am comfortable with my position on the "transition trail grid" and do not feel the immediate need to progress further until and unless financial considerations permit me to do so.

I recently turned 65 and I don't think I look too bad considering that. At least not bad enough to frighten the children and horses. *giggle*

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Story Post Limit

I know everyone loves putting up stories and getting comments and input. But with over 12 new stories available a night that always leaves other author's stuff to be further pushed down the page and possibly unread. I have talked to Erin about this, but wonder what others think; I wonder, in the sake of fairness, we limit postings of new stories to one per day per author. This would allow others to stay near the top of the page longer and give readers time to get acquainted to lesser known authors.

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Every day, I'm faced with choices. Some are trivial, some could be life-altering. Sometimes, I can see the right choice without much problem, and others I really struggle with trying to figure out what to do.

One choice I'm dealing with right now has to do with my plans for mother's day. See, my ex, my mom, my daughter, and my brother and sister-in-law are going to a restaurant, and of course I'm going to.

But the question I've been dealing with is this: What the heck do I wear?

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An offer to my readers.

This is something new at this site and if Erin doesn't veto it, well someone has to break new ground at times, right?

For those of you following 'The Price of Betrayal'...

The clues are all there in the story, okay maybe there is one thing I haven't given out yet, but that doesn't matter here.

But all the important stuff has a solution and I've told you all what they are in the story up to this point.


If you find them.

The first person to PM me with the whole shebang, who has actually figured this one out, gets a custom made story from me made to what you want.

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Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 10

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 10

Upon entering the classroom I noticed besides the instructor I was the only other person there. Guess there are not too many women in my father's kingdom. No surprise there. We need to get my father into the new millennium.

The instructor introduced herself as Penny Brown and begin her lecture. I could see that I was not the only one who did not like this topic. I could tell her heart was not in it.

More Wishful Thinking

Well, in a few hours Wishful Thinking page 4 is going up, this marks the last time we will see male Riley, well sort of, I am delighted to see that this comic has become quite popular and I want to thank everyone of you for showing support for us, I believe a speak for CrystalAsh and Michelous in this also.

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President Obama Declares Support for Gay Marriage

Obama backs gay marriage
By: Jennifer Epstein
May 9, 2012 11:03 AM EDT

For President Barack Obama and his top political advisers, the decision to back gay marriage came down to a choice between two unpalatable alternatives: support it and brave the backlash in battleground states where the issue could be a liability – or keep silent and be accused by allies of gutlessness and putting politics over his principle.

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I should flirt more?

I got one strange piece of advice from my councilor yesterday, and that was that I should flirt with people - not in a "I'd like to date you" kind of way, but be friendly and complimentary and social. I'm not entirely sure I know how to "flirt" causally as a male would, much less how a woman does it, so it could be interesting ...

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Tom Gabel of Against Me! Comes Out as Transgender-Who is He?

Tom Gabel of Against Me! Comes Out as Transgender

I thought this might interest some of you folks. However, his (her) name means nothing to me. I haven't a clue about his person, their group or their music


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Columbus Area Therapists

Has anyone heard of these

Smithies, Christine

52C W 5th Ave
Columbus , OH 43201
(614) 294-1751
County: Franklin

White, Angela

2 Easton Oval Ste 450
Columbus , OH 43219
(614) 475-9500
County: Franklin

Johnston, Lynne

5701 N High St Ste 208
Worthington , OH 43085
(614) 436-0444
County: Franklin

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Somewhere Else Entirely -51-

Garia's last major confrontation looms... and she heads out with the King to try and knock some sense into the Society of Questors. Of course, Garia has an idea, but can she quell the mob long enough for her plan to be heard?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

51 - Cauldron

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *18* Din Dins


Chapter *8.18*

Din Dins

Of course we weren't the only people in the room, my um 'guardians' seemed to know the mixed group of family and friends in residence, introducing me to various people that live in a world so far removed from mine that I doubt they've ever shopped in Aldi.


"Oh er sorry Frau Strechau, just admiring the paintings."

So you know RE: Through the years

I am working on the next few installments of Through the years, but I had a thought for a plot idea and have been looking up information and working though the thoughts and possibilities of that plot and the possible outcomes.

So I will try to look over what is ready and send it off for editing when I get the chance and hopefully I can decide on how I will proceed.

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Our own worst enemies....

Yes, I know. Your ragtime gal has never been the best blog-keeper--the detritus of three different blogs on the net, begun but not maintained by yours truly, attests to that. I believe, however, that in this circumstance I have a passable excuse.

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I would like post more here eventually but, I am trying to write some fantasy that I can't seem to get right(sadly). Its a story I would really like to share so I am going to be deleting, rewriting, and hitting my head against the wall till I can write without ruining it. It will probably be awhile because I have a long way to go.

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Tomorrow is another day

Tomorrow starts the first day of my eighth decade. I'll celebrate by going to Fort Smith to visit a manufacturer of farm equipment. I'm not sure where I'll eat lunch. In the afternoon, I'll visit an advanced care organization that is surrounded by a hospital - nice people. They take care of post operative patients and patients recovering from serious illnesses. As far as celebrating goes, I'm not much for it. Maybe I'll celebrate if I make it through the next three decades with my mind and senses intact; so far so good.

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The Angry Mermaid 54 Y Morforwyn Dicllon 54

Drustina is forced to consider alternative ways to reach a just peace in Dane-mark. Unusually, she find's herself getting entangled in politics and subterfuge. The sword is not enough.

The Angry Mermaid 54


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 54.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.

Credit card recommendations?

Can anyone recommend a credit card company that will let you sign up with your legal (male) identity and billing address but issue that same person a (second) credit card with their female name? I'd like to be able to buy stuff while I'm out en femme without dealing solely in cash and without having awkward questions about the obviously male name on my current card. My current credit card's web site will let me request additional cards, but they want a social security number for each one, so I thought I'd ask here first in case anyone has advice.

Many thanks!

-- Michelle

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The end of days is coming!!!

Stay a while and listen...
So for those of you who don't know In round about a week from now ( 6 days and nine hours, but who's counting?) "Diablo 3" is being released.

Aside from the normal hell and the destruction of Tristem (Again) it would release the Doom days curse on the world ( and in Doom I mean the game not the "end of all life" and the likes): A drop in human productivity . In my group alone there are 6 people who hold prime jobs in major companies who took a week off for the sake of helping man-kind fight against the forces of hell.

so my questions to you are:

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I had my session with my rape councilor today, and among other things we talked about boundaries. Its something I struggle with, tending to go back into passive-aggressive rather than state my needs and wants clearly.

But, bit by bit, I'm getting stronger and more confident, and I hope to continue my growth in this area.

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2012 April Fools and Other Wise Contest - Last Chance!

We only have 13 entries so far in the contest, so I'm going to allow a few more days for anyone to mark a story that was posted during the contest time, April 1 to May 5, as an entry in the contest. Unfortunately, things got really busy around here the past week or so and will continue busy through next Monday, so I'm not sure how many days I'm going to be able to allow for this. So hurry. I will start the voting no later than Thursday, May 17 but hopefuly, sooner than that.


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Another Freebie on promotion.... Queen of Hearts

I'm just too good to novel - Queen of Hearts is on a Promotion today (May 8th) and tomorrow with Amazon Kindle Select.

Queen of Hearts
Find it here > Queen of Hearts

Grab it while you can.

Honest, I don't mind if you forget and have to pay for it :)


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Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 9

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 9

The next morning I awoke early and went to take a shower in my private bathroom. Then I went to get dressed. “What to wear for my first day of lessons.” I opted for something casual and comfortable, so I chose a black skirt and a baby blue top to go with it.

Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python #2

Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python skit.

To all who took the time to read my first blog Thanks, I have just decided to move from my old Novawoman99 ID to a newer more up dated one suggested by a dear friend and writer on this board so now I will Be Drum roll cymbals crash. Misha Nova. Its about time the Novawoman99 name was created to describe my self when I had just gained enough momentum to go Full time at work and therefor the world.

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I Think Someone Stole My Book!

So, I have been slaving away for years, secretly writing a romance novel. When I write, sometimes I really get into the story and actually try to live it, mostly to write the realisim. Sometimes I worked so hard that the windows in my office would fog up, depriving me of view of, harbor with huge plastic boat sitting in it. Or maybe I was sitting in steaming tub with rubber ducky and writing with laptop? Man, I got the good stuff this time! Woooeeeee!

So, I called the book "50 Shades", goodness those are a lot of sunglasses to carry around.

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A little Spanglish for my brother this morning

Sing to the tune of "Desperado":

Desayuno,  ¿por qué no vienes a nuestras mesas?
You've been visiting other places
Son casi diez.
 ¡Ay, haces tan frio!
You don't have any more pancakes.
Me gustan aquellos tanto.
 ¿No hacer má¡s puedes?

Con abrazos,

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I have been very sick...update

I have begun to feel a bit better, but am still down with this whatever-it-is. I've been to the VA health clinic and have gotten some anti-biotics which will, I hope, kick this thing in the ass and get me feeling better.

I thought to post this to update anyone who might have been concerned about me. Thanks for caring.

hugs and love,

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