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Can't PM Admin, & we have an obvious spammer here,UPDATE

Most of you have noticed already but the spammer spawning season is upon us.

PLEASE make sure your anti virus, malware dection and fire wall programs are up to date as I see the creeps are at it again.

John in Wauwatosa

UPDATE: Erin squashed the spammer. GO ERIN!

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Mixed day yesterday

Well, yesterday was a bit of a mixed day. First, the good - I was pain-free, and that's a very good thing. Second, the bad. I had a nasty little flashback at work, so bad I felt like I couldnt breathe properly, and I was stuttering. Fortunately it didnt last too long, so I didnt miss any of my work. Last, the I-dont-know-what-to-think - I had a bit of an argument with my ex last night, and in the process learned that she understands perfectly what I'm doing, and thinks I'm crazy, but she shows no signs of keeping Sam from me.

Make of this what you will.

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Lost my zeal, where can I buy more

For a lark, I went on Fictionmania and looked up my first story. I didn't read it, but I read the comments. I had written something magical, that had really touched people, and it made me feel good about myself that I could connect with people.

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I'm embarrassed to be asking for help finding a story ...


About 3 years ago I asked for help finding this story, and must have just read it, but not saved it.

The protagonist is at a private school for boys at the start, and is asked to sing with a well known orchestra ... as a girl.

'She' is a hit and goes on to national, ( world?) renown.

It turns out she is intersexed and marries her one time roommate.

She also takes down a professor who was taking credit for work his students had done, and she exposes him.

Help, please?


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Sarah Carerra - 3.14 - L.A. County Fair

Somewhere out on the first row Chloe was staring up at that screen, and I hoped that she wasn't crying...yet.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.14 - L.A. County Fair
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: May 14, 2012

A busy weekend so far

Well, my weekend has been pretty full so far. First, on Saturday morning at work, I pulled my knee and spent the last hour or so basically doing my job on one leg. Its not hurting now, but its a reminder that one day, and probably sooner than I would like, I'll be either disabled or looking for another job, or both ....

Then Saturday evening I had the dinner for my mom and ex in celebration of Mother's day. Went okay, except having my mom use the male pronoun stung ....

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Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 13

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 13

After about fifteen minutes, my dad started to regain consciousness.

“I feel strange. What did you do to me Michelle?”

“I just gave you a taste of your own medicine, Dad or should I say Mom?”

My dad got up and walked over to a mirror and gave out a piercing scream.

“Michelle, let me see what you injected me with.”

I handed my dad the bottle.

“Oh my God, that is my original DNA. You have given me back the body I had 20 years ago.”

To another great MOM:)

That's our Erin here at BCTS.

You really do fit the mold y'know.
You guide and encourage us.
You're that Mom that has the home all the kids in the neighborhood are welcome at.
You scold us when we need it.
You make peace between us when we need it.
You have good recipes.
You tell great stories.
And you have made so many of us here a family, some the only family we have even.

Thank You Erin.
Happy Mothers Day.

*Grateful Hugs*

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Disability in TG fiction revisited....

Well dear readers, this ragtime gal goofed...I tried to post this earlier, but a glitch caused my entry to post twice (those troublesome Babbage engines will do that if not properly oiled....) In my attempt to delete one of the copies, I deleted both, so I had to repost. If you had commented before my abrupt deletion, I apologize...Rachel

Not long ago, while re-reading my introductory blog post about the need for more disabled TG characters, I was reminded of a book I read which was as far removed from the subject of TG fiction as one could be. Nonetheless, it provided what I consider to be a most intriguing idea.

The book was a series of profiles of influential disabled people--one of whom, a cerebral-palsied individual named Bernard Carabello, had spent his childhood in Willowbrook, a notorious institution for the developmentally disabled in upstate New York. His account of his years there was more chilling than the darkest Gothic horror--untended children sitting in their own filth; children restrained for torturously long periods; children poorly and hastily fed by an overworked staff, as well as poorly clothed. These unspeakably awful conditions were first brought to the public's attention in the early '70s by a young investigative reporter named Geraldo Rivera. His findings led to the eventual closing of said institution in 1973. (This turned out to be wrong. Incredibly, it stayed open until 1987.)

One particular passage of the chapter on Carabello and Willowbrook caught my attention immediately, and set the idea machinery in motion. The Willowbrook staff, it seemed, had an unusual method for distributing the clothing donated by charities to the institution--they would throw it into a pile, and the kids who could dress themselves would grab what items they could. Whatever they got they were stuck with, whether it fit or not, whether it was appropriate for the time of year or not.

You can, no doubt, already sense where this is going--it doesn't take much of a leap of the imagination to picture one child who happens to be fascinated with a pretty dress at the top of that pile. The child grabs it, puts it on, and proudly displays it to the staff.

The problem is, the child is a boy.

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Emergency! JadenSkywalker8

Can anyone contact, phone, text, IM Jaden? See er Blog: I'm about at my limit 5-12-12 2:57pm.

E sounds clinically depressed. E might be getting close to irrational. One can not count on appealing to er reason, faith, charity, love, family, etc.

E needs to call er parents and go to a hospital emergency room or similar! Talking might help, but OTOH it might not. I think E needs to be with people who can physically stop er from hurting erself, taking those pills, etc. E also needs to see a psychiatrist ASAP.

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Can't remember name of story

I'm looking for a story on BC that I read a while ago and would like to read again, only I can't remember its name. A group of friends playing a rolpaying game end up in the game as the characters they where RPing. Can someone please tell me it's name?

P.S. Feel free to delete this after someones given it to me, I'll post a reply to say thanks.


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To the Mother of my Heart, on Mothers Day

My bio Mother passed away 13 years ago and i do miss her, but when i came here i met a wonderful, loving, giving woman who adopted me and took me into her loving heart. Andrea Lena DiMaggio is Mother to myself, Diana Michelle Howe and two other loving girls, Aunt to others and Sister to many. But to me, the very new girl that i am, she is my Mommy and i love her with all my heart.

This is the first time i can say to her, Happy Mothers Day.

Happy Mothers Day

Love Always, Diana Michelle

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Mother's day sexual stereotypes

Well, tomorrow is Mother's day, and my store has been pushing hard for sales, but looking at all the pink signs pointing out discounts on home appliances, weepy movies, and flowery perfumes got me wondering.

What if you had a mom who didnt fit the nice neat little stereotype? What if your mom would prefer to watch an action film than a three-hankie weepie? What if she's more comfortable with power tools than with knitting needles? Do those types of moms get left behind?

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R.I.P. Tori

I found out just last night that my cousin, Tori Nikol Swoape, took her own life on Monday, May 7th 2012. She was only 15 years old. I know I haven't posted anything in a while. While I am working on new material, this turn of events has derailed all of that. Please bear with me while my family and I mourn our loss.

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Wild Magic change

Until further notice, I have to change Wild Magic to once a week (So what's new? Argh!) I'm just too busay with medical issues and working with my kids on schoolwork and transportation issues. I hate having 5 teenagers sometimes! Sorry! The next one's almost done, hoping to post it in tne morning.


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Becoming Robin Book Four: Chapter 1


~* Take it Easy *~

Chelsea grinned as she hugged me. “Hey you!”

Brittany smiled and hugged me next. “So this is where you’ve been hiding, huh? We heard you were in the hospital. How are you feeling?”

“Sore, but getting better. I um... I had surgery to correct my birth defect,” I answered, blushing softly.

“Oh wow,” Chelsea answered. “So does this mean no more hiding in the coaches’ office?”

Becoming Robin Book 4: Being Robin


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Following Robin's gender reassignment surgery, life has begu to return to normal - or as normal as life in Alpine Springs ever gets. Two new neighbors have moved into the area, and Robin's taking on even more projects.

Will she be able to balance her new comic book? How will the other girls at school react when she enters the locker room for the first time? And what's Jessica, of Heedless Despair, doing with that contract?


Like the rain in the desert you watered
of faith my heart, drowned my fears
Like a sweet voice in the silence
So we got love, "True Love"

And so I was waiting to you daily
Without law, without a schedule
And so I went awakening
In every dream where were you?

And no one was looking for, and nobody planned it that way
It was the destiny, that you were for me
And no one will bet, that it would be so happy
But Cupid took pity on me

I love you because the person who am I when I am with you

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Feeling a tad grumpy today

well, today isnt a bad day so far, but I'm feeling a tad grumpy, and I'm not really sure why. Its not one of my black dog days, where I have to fight off feeling like a worthless failure. Its not even one of those days where I feel like a fake, that I will never be a "real" woman no matter what I do. Its just a blech day, and I guess those happen sometimes.

Ah, well.

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Bike 1700 - delay

Sorry but I don't feel 100% tonight, my hands are very painful and I'm finding it difficult to concentrate, so I'm opting for an early night. I hope to finish it tomorrow. I think I might have to go and see my GP sometime as this arthritis is becoming a real nuisance - I can't even turn a door-knob with my left hand at present.



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requiem for a dream

I forgot who said this "without purpose there is no life". I would like to add 'and dreams'. Just 'buried' one in the past week. Not accepted it but lost hope in every getting it fulfilled due to several different reasons.

Made my head 'misfire' a few times this week and am extremely tired. >sigh<

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Increase in Hatbox Amount Request

What with vet and doctor bills, repairs to the house and other expenses, I just had to borrow $800 to pay this month's bills. Accordingly, I've increased the amount I'm asking in the Hatbox because, quite frankly, the time I spend running the site could be spent doing something that would earn money. Expenses on the site have gone up also, since running websites and servers is Piper's actual job, I feel I have to pay her at least some for the time she spends working on the site and the servers as well.

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Transgender A.U. student leader finds acceptance

Sarah McBride says she loves politics and loves her home state of Delaware.

A native of Wilmington, McBride, 21, has been active in Delaware politics since the age of 13 and worked on the 2008 election campaign of Gov. Jack Markell (D). When Markell won the Democratic primary in September 2008, he and his wife Carla invited McBride to introduce the future governor on the stage where he delivered his victory speech.

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The Ken & Barbie Virus

Ken & Barbie Virus

The world is fine. The world is perfect, thanks to perfected biotechnology, genetic engineering and the like. Pollution is a thing of the past genetically engineered microbes dissolve waste and convert it into usable fuel products. The oceans are pure of toxic waste once more. Even the greenhouse gasses are being reduced.

Humanity no longer suffers from diseases, cancers or the like. The world is perfect — except when it is not.

I am about to become one of the unlucky not.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 11

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 11

I made it back to my room with mixed feelings. On one hand, I was glad that I was going to have the body I always wanted, but at the same time, I was wondering why did my father want it permanent for me? Was it out of love for me, that he wanted what was best for me or was it just another way for him to control me? I did hope it was more out of the first but feared that it was more from the latter.

FBI grabs server, then returns, internet privacy violated?

This is plain weird and a bit scary too. The FBI siezed a server dedicated to helping create a safe, anonymous communication environment for folks in other countries seeking a better life, according to the owners of the server. See what you think? Are they right to suspect the returned server has been interferred with or are they paranoid? Should they be able to take the server through the claim of national security or terrorism?

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Having one of those days

Have you ever had one of those dreams, where you had everything you ever wanted and were truly happy. I had one of those last night, maybe it brought on by pain medication that I took before bed who knows but when I woke up I felt cheated and couldn't help but be upset, I tried going back to bed hoping that it would continue but that rarely happens.

I have never really been truly happy, most of the time I just try to get by and not think about the fact that I should have never been born this way. I have known all of my life that I was different at least inside, I was different.

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