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Real love

There have been a number of news articles lately about supposed Christians acting hatefully towards gay, lesbians, or trans people.

But fortunately, not all Christians are like that, even ones who think its a sin.

A couple of people I can point to as examples of that is my brother and sister-in-law.

No matter how much they may think I'm making a mistake in transitioning, they continue to show love and support to me even when I was acting in a way that made me less than loveable.

Just wanted to give them some props for this.

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Some random thoughts.

As I wander in the tunnel I dug for myself, and knowing that the light coming toward me is an oncoming train that I built, fueled, and sent toward me, I wonder if I am going to survive its impact. Somehow, no amount of bracing myself seems to be helping ...

I seem to have a high self-preservation instinct. Not only cant I kill myself, I cant even make myself go crazy properly....

Every day I pray I havent wasted my life, that somehow, something I've done will actually mean something in Eternity. If not, why be here at all?

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I met a girl today.

I met a girl today; one of us, and she seemed quite happy and adjusted working the counter at Safeway, a local grocery store. I told her how thrilled to see one of use being treated decently and with respect. Some of us get none.

It made my day. As I finish this, I will return to my sick bed, wishing that she and all of us of the sisterhood will finally be given the lives we so long for.

She says we will meet later. I wonder


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Like Brothers, Like Sisters Background

Maybe because I like to listen to the directors commentary on DVDs (as well as watch Columbo in French -- but THAT's another story {Ah, une chose de plus, monsieur.}), I wanted to pass along some background on Like Brothers, Like Sisters.

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I hope you dance

I hope you never lose
Your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger

May you never take one
Single breath for granted
God forbid love everLeave you empty handed

I hope you still feel
Small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes
I hope one more opens

Promise me that you will give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice, to sit it out or dance
I hope you Dance

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The hidden image

Outside my mother's room is a charcoal portrait of me, taken in my 20's. I have a mustache in the picture, and for many years its been a bit of a challenge to not look at that painting without feeling a bit pained.

But yesterday, I happened to glance at it, and somehow, something had changed. Like one of the hidden images in some pictures, all of a sudden I could honestly see a girl in that face, even with the facial hair.

Make of that what you will.

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Gaby Book 8 Chapter *22* Night of the Realm


Chapter *8.22*

Night of the Realm

“How did you manage that?” Sophia asked, arriving at our table as my dance partner left.


“Dance with Prince William of course!”

Redwork/quilting (Image heavy)

Hi all.

Just thought I'd share my currant WIP's (Work in progress) from a predominantly female craft that seems to be not represented in the stories at all. Patchwork & Quilting.

Firstly, a redwork project that I would have started just after Shrub got elected, all the US presidents in Redwork!

Presidential redwork

(The strip of blocks in the left of the picture is something of C's called "á–h my gosh" Each 6 inch square block contains, on average, around 40 pieces!)

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Last Call

A little something I felt compelled to whip up in rememberence to the Fallen Heros.
Be forewarned, this is raw and unedited. Please forgive me any mistakes I've made with my grammer and sentance structure/spelling.

As any author would hope for their audience, Have a good read. ^_^

In deference to my cousins...

To the citizens of the United States of America

From: Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

In light of your failure in recent years to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up 'revocation' in the Oxford English Dictionary.)

Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas, which she does not fancy).

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Oh the Humanity!!

I was looking over my stories, like I do, and I noticed that I had no comments for College Girl 3 and 4. This makes me sad. While I am aware that some chapters have only 1 comment, these two are sad and lonely, wasting away for want of a comment, some sort of love or recognition, it is heart breaking... All I can hear now is those poor chapters crying out in their loneliness and privation. I cannot hear any other story because of their lamentations. OH THE HUMANITY!!

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One Day at the Bridal Shop

One Day at the Bridal Shop

It had been a pretty normal day for me during my shift at the bridal shop, until late in the afternoon, when a small group of girls came in.

They were obviously a bridal party, with the bride-to-be giggling and blushing as her girlfriends teased her with different gowns.

Then she turned the tables on them by throwing the most God-awful bridesmaid outfits possible, an assault they took with giggly grace.

Pink? Why Pink? - Part 08

'Too bad it is so black, if it had some pink and some gold details it would look cute.'

'Did I just think that?'


Pink? Why Pink?
Part 8
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro


A Tale of Two Sirens Ch. 1

A Tale of Two Sirens

By Dustin Carter and Loki

Olivia-Munn as the real Danielle.jpg ww.png

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Anyway, I heard a juicy rumor floating around the campus earlier. Apparently there’s some chick at one of the Karaoke joints around here that’s really good. Like competition for us kind of good.”

“Oh really now?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “This I’ve got to see for myself. What’s her major?”

“No. She’s in the local high school with that Cindy chick you were helping a while ago.”

“This just gets better and better.”

JadenSkywalker8's well-being

I've gotten several requests for this and so I would like to let everyone know that I am ok, and I managed to get a therapist. I just got back from South Carolina, twelve plus hours in the car :(. Also, apparently my therapist doesn't think i have a very good psychiatrist.
hugs :)

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They say confession is good for the soul, but bad for the reputation, so I might as well find out if they're right by making a confession of my own.

There are bits of my mind that scare the heck out of me.

Sometimes it feels like I may not be alone in my head, and somewhere in the boatload of darkness inside me there is something, or someone else.

And that something or someone isnt a nice critter in any way, shape or form.

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Masterful writing style

Well, I finally overcame the heat of my shyness and bought "50 Shades Of Grey". The thing I find amazing is the writing style. It just flows so naturally and there is never any need to stop and go back to figure out what happened. This is how I want to write when I grow up! :)

On another note: the protagonist is ME, and I need to get back to the book to see what happens to me.


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Connecting with me via YM is impossible these days...

Connecting with me via YM is impossible these days. I have several programs, one in particular that interferes with the connection. If anyone wishes to write to me, have any questions and or suggestions for any of my stories please use the message systems here on this site.

I wish to thank those of you who have welcomed me back with open arms. Those of you who have read my stories and gave me a few kudos for my writings. I'm not used to receiving anything other than a few comments for my writing, the kudos are a bonus! Giggle, giggle...

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Le Gasp!

You may all gasp in surprise and fear, for yes indeed it is another chapter and in a timely manner. The world must surely be at an end!

I know I am notoriously slow for a number of different factors, health and other projects being but two of the factors causing this. But I just had to crank this one out to keep you all from hanging. Besides, Takeshi was so sad in my head and I needed to do something before he got my brain soggy... so I was in effect looking out for me.

I was feeling good and Terpsi was feeling spry, despite being evil with Tegan. So there you have it. Enjoy.

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Jessica's Journey - Part 14

I just wanted to let my readers know that I will be posting part 14 of the story sometime this week but it could be 2-3 before there is anything new. I am moving to my new apartment on Friday and will be arranging to have the internet hooked up but not sure how long it will take. I plan on continuing to work on the story so when i am finely online I should be able to post right way.


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I am a person who doubts almost everything. probably because I already believe in two completely impossible things already, and despite what Alice in Wonderland recommended, that's probably my limit, or maybe even over it.

What makes my impossibilities even harder to deal with is the fact that they are regarded as totally incompatible with each other in the sense that people who have tried to assure me that one is impossible, almost always believe that the other exists.

What are these two impossibilities?

Simple. The existence of God, and the existence of Dorothy.

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I struggled and fought until I was too exhausted to continue, but felt that I had succeeded in resisting temptation. Heavenly Father had been kind to me in a very special way.

The attraction of a young college student to a rich and powerful man who led her to face her darkest weaknesses somehow drew me and made me feel guilty in spite of the fact that I did not sin. I was tempted but did not sin. So why did I feel so guilty, as if I had sinned?

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Gaby Book 8 Chapter *21* The King and I


Chapter *8.21*

The King And I

True to her word Heidi was on hand a short while later to help me get ready for the evenings festivities. The Residenz these days is home to various exhibitions and museums but hidden away upstairs there are enough rooms to allow several to be utilised as changing facilities for events held in the complex. I was a bit wary of changing with a load of other women but the room I was directed to was divided into smaller cubicles offering a reasonable degree of privacy.

Magazine Article: The Transgender Athlete

Thought it might be useful to mention that the current (5/28/12) issue of Sports Illustrated has a six-page article with the above title. (It doesn't seem to be available on their website to non-subscribers, but many public libraries subscribe and may also have computer access to it.)


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Changing story names

I just put up a new story last night named "The Cure." Several people have jumped to conclusions about the story that might ruin what the story is about and I don't want to do that. Some people have assumed that the cure refers to making someone no longer TG (which I assume is different than doing a body swap or transformation style story). I also wonder if such an assumption has kept others from reading the story, another thing which I don't want.

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Black Mold

This is partially an FYI, partially a request for help.

Bill and I (and our Chocolate Lab Penny) recently had to re-locate to a local hotel.

The reason, as you probably suspect, is that "Black Mold" was found in our home.

Much of our furniture and other things are going to be tossed out in the process of cleaning the house.

This process includes tearing up all the carpets, and scrubbing all the walls, floors, and ceiling with bleach to make sure it's ALL GONE.

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Mr. Sun

Good Morning Mr. Sun

Early in the morning comes through my window Mr. Sun
I just thank God for another shiny day
today as another day I’ll keep on trying being better girl
and also I will add a small pinch of love

Good morning to life
good morning to love
good morning to joy
good morning Mr. Sun

I’ll keep on trying being the best everywhere
I’ll keep on trying doing my best anywhere
good morning to all

It is good to give thanks to God
and to make melody to His name.

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Becoming Robin Book Four: Chapter 3


~* Chaos Theory *~

““Eep?” Nikki asked.

“That was Moira. She said she loved my song and wanted to lay down some music backing.”

“I’m so sorry,” Nikki answered quickly. “It was an accident. I printed off a copy of your lyrics when you emailed them to me, and Moira dropped by unexpected. I couldn’t just lie to her when she asked me who the author was. Please don’t be mad?”


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