I have a little challenge for anyone who wants to run with it. I have a conversation, but no story, so I offer it up to see if anyone can make a story around this conversation
A Woman is speaking to a man - "Look, you. These, (points at her breasts) are not a political statement, or a economic statement or even just a sexual statement, the fantasies of men notwithstanding. What they are is a pain, quite literally. So explain to me why you would want a pair of your own?"
I don't know about a whole story,but an answer to the question could be they represent power if used properly! Lol Taarpa
Dorothy, thanks for the challenge
I wrote a short ficlet, first writing I have don in a very long time. Hopefully it can get some creative juices flowing.
Check it out when you can, its called "Convesation with my Sister"
Dorothy just posted her challenge and you were able to write a story that spoke to it perfectly.
Thanks Deaconblue
I have really had a hard time finding either time or motivation to write with my work schedule, but Dorothy sparked a thought, and I was able to get it written.
I'm glad that you liked it.
I liked the story, Kristine
I'm glad my challenge stimulated.
Here is a challenge for you all
Can any top Kristine Roland's posting?
May Your Light Forever Shine