Merlin’s Curse Part 4

Sorry about the delay though will be more like that with more part other then on weekends sometimes. Made this the longest to date to make up for the delay. I am fooling around with writing from a different point on view in this chapter there will be times in the future that I will do so again.

Also if you need help with the text I used for the short hand and for the emoticons.

Merlin’s Curse
Sakura Strife
Part 4

Faith and I were practicing our ley line magic. It was still the same day that we went to the mall and my father showed us the basics we both had about ten spells or abilities based in ley line magic mastered. We can use our second sight which is what I taught Faith to do to see the spell on me. We both can do a protection circle, as well as a few other spells including moving an item without touching it. We promised my father that we would not try any other spells if they showed.

“Wow Faith you’re getting this fast,” I said with a smile on my lips . I saw a look of pleasure on her face at the compliment.

“I feel so behind though,” she said looking at me. “Your book is so full I mean you know so many potions and I do not know any.”

“You know I can teach you potions, though not tonight. Maybe this weekend?”

“Sure it’s a date,” she said as her hands flew to her mouth and she blushed.

And that my friend is when the calming spell dropped on me. I thought that the world was laughing at me, the guy who takes turning into a chick and does not even complains. I crouch down into a ball and just start crying and screaming at the same time. I can hear something in the distance but I do not know what it is.

The next thing I remember is Faith kissing me. Man can she kiss! I could feel it all the way down to my toes and I swear I saw fireworks go off.

“Thanks,” I said ashamed. “I needed that.”

“I can see that the spell dropped, your aura was all tweaked out and I could tell that you were in a tail spin. I did the only thing that I could think of to pull you out.”

“Thanks, what do you say that we stop with the magic and just watch some TV?”

She nodded and we went up to the living room. We cuddled on the couch and put on the TV. As we were flipping through the channels we saw a news story and left it on to hear it out.

“And the top story of tonight is it has been confirmed, the curse has evolved. People outside of the curse day are become more cursed. There are people that are spell casters are gaining the power of the lycanthrope or others. This is happening to a growing number of the cursed, there is no apparent reason for the change in the curse but it is happening. Unfortunately that is all the information that we have at this time. Back to you Brad.”

I looked at my screen jaw a little wide that is strange the curse or blessing has acted the same for about seventy five years why has it changed now. That though was a thought for another time and we turned to a movie channel and watched it. After the movie Faith went home.

I then got ready for bed and drank the potion. My last though was, I hated that it was Wednesday and that I would have to go to school tomorrow.


I was in a room with a bunch of books. I could see a desk with man that I would recognize anywhere since there are many pictures of him from when he cursed the world. I looked around the room shocked at the fact that I was dreaming about Merlin. Though with the fact that I just had my blessing day I guess that it was not too far of a far off idea that I would dream of him.

“Hello Koneko,” Merlin said with a small smile. “You most likely have many questions for me.”

“I am dreaming,” I said without skipping a beat. “You are just made up any answer you would give me would just be myself giving it.”

“You are dreaming, but I am real. I placed the curse that some still call a curse, and others call a blessing on a world ready to die. I gave up my will to live when I made up my mind to curse the world. You see my visions of the future were dried up I did not know what was coming and was afraid that the reason that I could not see the future was that magic was so weak in the world. I know now that is not the case.”

He stopped and took a drink out of the cup on his desk. I felt that the look that was on my face more than likely was one of complete shock.

“Oh you are thinking that you would not even dream of me saying that right. You see, I know that because I can read you mind as well. Well the world’s own magic took over the curse from me, letting me live, though I have been stuck in a coma ever since, living on pure magic, I will never be able to interact with the waking world ever again.”

“That must suck, though I know many people who would place that fate as too kind for you.”

I looked at his face and seen his eyes for the first time now and they were shocking. There was a six pointed star inside of a circle, with the left being a cats eyes in striking green. His right eye was a golden dog looking eye and both his pupils were a very bright orange color.

“What are you?”

“I am all of the magic races put together. I am the second strongest mage in the world.”

“Second strongest? what you cursed the whole world who the hell is more powerful then you?”

“You are. That is what I saw in my vision, me teaching you how to go above and beyond the limits that the coven has placed on the world. You will be able to do spells that people have only ever dreamed of, I made the spell that make the grimoire give people the spells the list that they gain the spells from. They are missing the most powerful spells, though your book has them. I will be spending every night with you teaching them to you.”

And with that we went into a hell of training that I was not ready for. He spent the whole time teaching me the spells that use both earth and ley line magic together. When I somehow knew that I was close to waking, he stopped us.

“You will need something other than the grimoire to prove that I am real I can feel it. Take this ring, it will permit you to gain full human form other than eyes, should you chose. Other blessed have been gaining gifts like this after their blessed days, so that when I got to you no one would look twice when I gave you it.”

“I do not want it.”

“I know you do not, that is why I also am giving a ring to your Faith that will let her become a cat at will, though she will not have the other powers of the Nekomori.”

“What other powers? The enhanced senses in human form and regeneration?”

“No there are potions that only the other magic users can do and witches cannot. The fact that people do not use those potions is why people become unblessed.”

With that I woke up.


When I woke up I saw the ring on my finger, so it was real. I then checked my grimoire and there where the spells that I mastered. Than I had to test something I though Nekomori and the book flipped and showed me a potion that permits me to fly anytime while in my cat form invoking it once. Wow, so that was what Merlin was talking about.

My mother than came into the room and said, “Get dressed in anything you feel like. You are not going to school today.”

“Not that I am not happy to miss more school, but why?”

“You need to see a doctor to clear you to go back to school.”

“Oh, okay. I will get ready as a do I want you to read the potion that I am opened to on my grimoire.”

“Your dad would be better to look at it. It would mean nothing to me.”

“Just read it please.”

I heard her gasp as she read I came out of the closet wearing a skirt and tee shirt. What do I have to say? Faith said my legs where too good to cover.

“I have never heard of anything like this. What made you thing to check the book?”

“This ,” I replied as I held up my knew ring using it to become as human looking as mom, then falling on my ass. That was when I became my normal self and got back up.

“You are gifted. Wow, lucky, some say that means you are destined for great things. So you were thinking about being a Nekomori while holding the book.”

“Yes I think it may be why people lose the blessing. What if since they did not use anything other the shifting power, if that is why they do not get to keep their powers.”

“That is an idea, though one we should think on, though, we should think on it later since we have to get you to your doctor’s appointment.”

Let me tell you this. I hate going places with my mom that we do not have a traveling circle to. We own a car, and well, I hate the thing. I feel like I am going to die every time that I get into the thing. However, we made it to the doctors without getting in a accident.

The lobby was full of pictures of pregnant woman and there were a lot of women’s magazines in the area. My face went whiter than white.

“Mom what kind of doctor is this?”

“A gynecologist, sweetie. We need this note to confirm you are female so that we can change the records at school”

“You are so dead; leave it to you to find one of the few places that I would choose school to be at other than here.”

“That is what moms are for, though this is a very big day for most mothers and daughters.”

“So you always wished for a daughter so that you could do all this crazy stuff with.”

“Not really. I knew that I could have another kid at any time so I was not really bummed over it.”

“You will know the real reason that we girls call the curse a blessing.”

“Why is that?”

“Other than your first few periods you can chose when you have kids. This is because we live so long and women have a finite number of eggs.”

“Oh, shit! I did not even think of periods.”



I walked the halls looking around seeing all the glows around people that tell me what their emotions the people in the hall are felling as well as their overall nature. While going down the hall I could also see a lot better there are colors that I did not even know existed.

“Hey Faith! Where is that hot dude that you had with you on Monday?”

“Hey, Ashley, not sure, though he is not a he anymore. He is now one of the hottest girls I have ever seen.”

“Faith, one of the few open lesbians in our fine school.”

“Hey, I do not mess with anyone who does not see things my way, Brittany. Shoot, I still have you three great platonic friends.”

“Nice to see you joining the blessed side.”

“Yeah Sarah I agree. I spent all of yesterday with Koneko. That is the hot girl’s new name, by the way. She helped me with ley line magic. That and her dad, Mr. Strife were very helpful.”

“The Mr. Strife?” said Sarah. “He is famous as the strongest male witch. I heard that the university in town is paying him five times the amount that they ever paid their most paid professor to come to this city.”

“I heard the same thing,” said Brittany. “Though I also heard the only reason that he said yes was because he had vision of the future and as such, came here knowing that this was where his family needed to be.”

“Yeah,” said Ashley. “I heard that he even went so far to say that the one that his child was destined to spend their life with is in this city.”

I than checked my watch to see that Koneko was about five minutes away from being late. I sent a text to Koneko saying: WRU? :-X

Koneko: Doctors Office…

Faith: wtf O.o

Koneko: Still classified as male on all my records

Faith: OIC

Koneko: So I get a another day off school

Faith: Lucky

Koneko: Would rather be at school

Faith: Y? O.o

Koneko: Um…

Faith: Come on it could not be that bad.

Koneko: No former guy should have to be here.

Faith: Are you at a gyna office?

Koneko: Yes

Faith: LMAO XD

And with that I fell down laughing.



“Koneko, the doctor is ready for you.”

My mother and I went back to the doctor’s exami8ning room. I was told to strip and put a smock on. About five minutes later a Nekomori came in the room in the white garb of a doctor.

“Hello I am Doctor Cat. I will be doing your exam today. So I was told that this is your first exam. May I ask why you, as a mother, thought it was wise to not have in for regular exams?”

My mother stared daggers at the doctor to the point that I was happy that my mother did not know any Nekomori magic yet.

“Simple, my daughter Koneko was my son Samuel until his blessing day yesterday. We are mainly here to confirm that she is indeed female and get all the needed changes to her documents.”

“Oh, I am so sorry, though there are times that the blessed think that they do not need to worry about exams. The fact that I have never seen you as well, made me think that you are in that camp.”

“We just moved here, my husband just got a job here. If it was up to me we would have waited till after our son’s blessing day.”

“OK, now let us get started. Koneko I am going to explain everything that I am doing. Your mother is here to make sure that everything is done the way that it needs to be done and I do not over step my bounds.”

“I know in theory what you need to do,” I said with my tail twitching. “For the record, I am not twelve.”

With that the doctor did all the tests that needed to be done. Let me tell you this I am so going to try and come up with a way to do it all by magic. That exam sucked.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Strife. It is a girl! I will be able to get all the information changed so that she will be able to go to school tomorrow. Also I would feel honored if you both would keep coming to me.”

With that we left the office and went out to a nice café to have lunch.



The day has sucked so much. So far I have only known Koneko for around three days, and yet I cannot stop thinking of her. The day has been normal so far, but that is because my next class is my magic class which is one of the only reason I did not skip today to support Koneko.

“Okay class, you all have you all know what are doing for, now get to it,” the teacher said, then walked to in front of my desk.

“Welcome, Faith. This is mostly just a free class to work on your magic. I will work with you to teach you the basics. Once you have the basics down you are free to work on any magic you want.”

“I see you do not have the circle though you have the six sided star.”

“Yes the circle is very rare, though I hear you are close to having one. May I see your grimoire? You see, you need to give me permission to open it as well as see it.”

“You have permission this once to look into my grimoire and see what I can do. Once your hands leave the book the permission is over.”

“Wow, someone just took the fun away from my first lessen. No matter, let us see what we are looking at for ley line magic first.”

The teacher then went through the ley line portion of the book.

“Wow, you have the basics down on ley line magic already. Let us take a look at your earth magic portion.”

The teacher then went through that portion of the book.

“Ok. Well I see in your transcripts you have had home economics so you know how to follow a recipe. That is the basics of potions, though with potions you do not want to get close like you do in cooking because if you mess up the potion may not work or it may do something you do not want it to. The pots we have will hold any explosions, at least.”

With that the teacher then went back to the front of the class as I worked on potions, the first being one to change your hair color.

By the end of the class I had 3 potions in my book. As I made my way to advance gym class I saw Brit, Sarah, and Ashley in the locker room for it.

“Nice to have our friend in the class,” said Brit.

“Yeah,” agreed Sarah and Ashley.

We all got dressed and went out to gym. The gym teacher passed out wrist guards like the one that Koneko has to all the witches in class as I and all the other cursed went to other areas of the gym. Most of my classmates pulled out a lance, put three drops of blood on their wrist guards, then they put three drops on the guards of people that only had a triangle pointing up. The class took to the sky playing a soccer looking game just with using their hands.

“Hey Faith,” said the coach. “You have your lance, right?”

When I nodded she said, “Good now in advanced gym we work on different things. The blessed that are just witches do different sports while flying, or will go through obstacle courses. I will be teaching you how to fly today. Have you ever flown before?”

“No, I could never afford the charms.”

“That is good, because the charms that witches use and non-witches use are different. You will have a lot more control over your flight with this than any charm made for a non-witch.”

I will say this about flying it really does rock. After class I asked the teacher, “So why did my one friend say that she was not sure my blood would work for her flight charm.”

“This is a very low level flight charm. There are other charms out there that only full witches can evoke. These even wizards can.”

“Cool so there are better flight charms.”

“Yes there are.”



We spent the rest of the day at home I spent my time in my spell room working with my mother on Nekomori spells. We both have been flying as a cat and it ROCKS. After we both mastered around twenty spells, my alarm went off telling me that school would be getting out. I ran outside and took to the sky, flying to school. I got there right as the final bell rang and class was let out. Faith came out of the school about three minutes later.

“Hey good looking,” I said with a smile.

“Hey yourself,” she said as she ran and gave me a hug. “So you got to go to a gynecologist?”

“Yeah, leave my mother to find one of the only places I did not want to go other than school.”

“What? You didn’t want to go to school? But I was there.”

“Well, with you there it is worth going.”


“Here is a gift for you.”

I handed her a wrist guard that I made for her with a flight spell in it. “I know now that your blood should be able to kindle it.”

I watched her put it on prick her finger and place the three drops on the wood she then shot in the air way too fast. I rekindled mine and took off after her.

“Wow, this is crazy way better then the wizard ones we used in gym.”

“No wonder you took off. You really have to think to get those to do what you want them to.”

After around thirty minutes of flying we went to the mall, Faith saying that she agreed to meet some friends there that I had to meet.

When we got there I say her friends one was Nekomori with the tail and ears. I later found out her name was Ashley. Then there was a earth witch named Brittany. Then the last a lycanthrope named Sarah.

“Hey girls, let me introduce you to Koneko,” Faith said then pointing to them each in turn. “Koneko, meet Brittany, Sarah and Ashley. They have been my friends for as long as I can remember.”

“Nice to meet you,” they each said in turn. I could tell that they were not happy to have me along, like I was a useless fifth wheel. The first hour was not that bad though, as they slowly started to warm up to me. In the end the mall was a really fun place to hang. We even went and saw a chick flick, which if I was completely honest did not suck as much as I claimed. Please, never tell Faith.

“You did it Faith,” said Ashley. “Found the one girl that acts so much like a dude it’s almost not lesbian to be with her.”

Faith blushed and we all said our goodbyes to Brittany, Ashley, and Sarah.

“Do not take what they said to heart. I do not really care how you act. It is cute.”

“I understand. Shoot, I almost went in the guy’s bathroom twice already. I know that there is a lot that I have to learn about this being female crap.”

“Do not put yourself down, you are just learning now. Normally you would have had sixteen years of training. People will just call you a tomboy and call it a day.”

“So, Faith, how about we get some dinner? I am starving.”

“Is this my beautiful Koneko asking me on a date?”

“Yes it is.”

We ended up going to seafood restaurant. My dad gave me a lot of money for tonight, saying that I would need it. Now I know why.


I was having fun with Koneko big time, even the girls started to like her in the end. I could tell that they were angry that I brought Koneko to the mall. Though, in all fairness we had a rule to the mall hangouts, no boyfriends. I broke that rule even though Koneko is not a boy, well, now.

The movie was really good. I did get the feeling that Koneko did like it more then she let on. I can let her have her little bit of male pride that she is holding onto. She ended up taking me out to a very nice seafood restaurant, though I did not have the heart to tell her I did not really like seafood. I will say this, though, the food was surprisingly good.

We then took a walk at the beach by the lake.

“I had a really good time with you. You know I found this ring on my finger when I woke up. I had no idea what it was though.”

“It is called a blessing. I got one as well; they appear sometimes on the day of blessing. Try it. Will the ring to activate. A blessing is never harmful. mine lets me become fully human, though; I cannot even stand without a tail.”

“Yeah, my mom and dad said that they had to go through physical therapy to learn to walk. That is where they meet.”

I willed the ring to activate and I started to shrink. I panicked as I got smaller and became a purple cat. As I transformed I felt my ring become a collar. I then saw Koneko transform as well.

*Can you hear me?*

I jumped so high it was crazy.

*I take that as a yes, Nekomori or any human as a animal can project their thoughts while in animal form. It is part of a Nekomori’s power as well as part of every spell that can transform a human.*

*This is so cool.*

We spent about a hour until dark playing tag. As a cat it was so much fun. We then both became human Koneko flew with me back to my house. As Koneko was about to leave, on impulse I grabbed her and gave a deep kiss.

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