Merlin’s Curse - Part 5

My life has sucked, as my muse did not want to work on this… Also there will more than likely not be anther chapter until December since I will be doing NaNoWriMo.

Merlin’s Curse
Sakura Strife
Part 5


I was back in Merlin’s study again. I could not believe this. Merlin himself was teaching me how to do magic. We spent the whole night so far on mixed spells again. I had around a hundred stored potions in me that I can activate by connecting to a ley line and saying a magic word. Before you come out and say what is the use of drinking potions in a dream, well come on, we are talking about Merlin. He said that everything that happened in this dream will carry over to the waking world.

“You are making good progress Koneko. I plan on taking you to around five hundred spells in mixed magic, then see where you sit on the other disciplines of magic that you have access to.”

“What happens when I get that point?”

“I will unlock your other disciplines for you. I think that I will start you with pixie magic after the Nekomori magic, since you will have the most trouble with lycanthrope magic.”

“I was looking at these spells and finding that for the most part there is no difference in what one can do in one discipline to anther, just with how much work has to be done to get it done.”

“That is the case.”

“What is the use of knowing them all then?”

“Could you imagine if you combined all different disciplines into one spell?”

“Not really, what would it get stronger?”

“Yes it would. The curse that I placed on the world used all the disciplines plus a few others. When we are done with your lessons you will be able to use more disciplines than anyone else. I am going to teach you a very useful skill how to read a person’s grimoire without their permission.”

With that the lessens got back underway.


I got up and got dressed in the outfit that Faith said that I HAD to wear to school on my first day back. It was a tasteful dress that was sleeveless, with a hem that started at mid-calf one side and went up to my knee on the other.

I also used a mixed spell to make it look like I had makeup on. I went to the kitchen and had breakfast. It was a nice big meal, as is normal for days that my mother would call big days and this one fit that description. It was, after all, Thursday, which meant that I only had the hell that is school for one more day before the weekend that I really was looking forward to.

I flew to school, going way faster than I normally would have gone. I really wanted to meet Faith for the day.

Faith was waiting for me right outside of the school doors. She was hot in a skirt and tee.

“This is so not fair, I am wearing a dress, and you are in a skirt set.”

“I was always a girl and good job on the makeup,” she said with a smile.

“It is a spell. I am not really wearing any.” I stuck my tongue out at her. She picked that moment to kiss me.

“Oh we need to go to the pet store tonight,” I tell her. “I have a spell in my ley line part that is on the binding of a familiar. We’ll need to go to a shop at The Mall. They have a very big selection of animals that just roam free. That way they can choose you.”

“Choose me?”

“A familiar works it will let you do way more ley line magic with less risk to you. But the familiar chooses the person with magic, not the other way around.”

“So we’ll be able to bring them to school?” she asked me.

“More than that one of the first spells that you will place on it is one that stops its blood and other things such as hair and such from going more than a inch from the animal when not attached or when you do not want it to. That means that you can take them ANYWHERE, since health regulations about not having a animal in a area would be null and void.”

“Cool, but my book has not shown me that spell. Will I be able to use it?”

“More than the likely the reason that you have not gotten the spell yet, is because you have not worked that much with the ley line magic. I know that most schools have the witch work on earth magic first if they have a choice in it.”

With that the bell telling us to go into the school went off and the hell that is school started.

Faith made a motion telling me to go first, so I did. I went straight to the office to turn in all the information about my new status, and to get the schedule that would be set in stone for the rest of the year. Looking over it next to Faith I saw that it was still a copy of hers, now with girl’s gym being the same as well.

We made our way to the next couple of classes, then lunch. The day went fast until we got to magic class. That was a pain in the ass big time.

“Oh hello you must be Koneko,” the teacher said as I walked in, thus separating me from Faith. “I am looking forward to teaching you the right way to do magic.”

“What do you mean?” I ask with a small spark in my eyes.

“Well, I know that in the old days your family was the in-family on magic, but things have changed. I look forward to helping to mold you into a fine witch.”

I smirked at him at that point. “If and when you can read my grimoire without my permission is when you can start to teach me how to do magic. Till then just let me use this class as a study period.”

“That is impossible. The way that the spell works, you cannot read a person’s grimoire without their permission. It is a old kick back to when people had to learn spells on their own.”

“Is your grimoire here? If so, let’s see if it is really impossible.”

He handed over a older looking book without any real markings on it. “I forbid you from reading my grimoire,” he said with a smug look on his face.

I made a circle with the six sided star in the middle of it with salt, then placed his grimoire into the circle I connected to a ley line, and said “Quod occultum sit facienda. Talis enim ordo postulat ut potens.” Feeding ley line energy into circle. I opened his grimoire, showing him his spells in plain sight, even though he or someone he had not given permission to see it was not touching it.

“On a side note, never say that anything is impossible. It makes you look stupid.”

I walked to a desk next to where Faith was and helped her get to the point where she would be able to bind the animal tonight if one chose her.


I watch Koneko walking into the school with a slight smile on my face, loving how the dress fit my woman. She has a nice ass and tail. We both went into the office to get her new schedule, which I was glad to see that it was still the same as mine. And so we went to the fun-ness that is school.

It was fun watching her take the teacher of the magic class down a peg or two.

Gym was not what I was hoping it to be. Koneko got thrown with the Nekomori, though I will say this she was looking like she was having fun with the Nekomori. I went up to the teacher and asked, “Why did you put Koneko with the Nekomori? She is a really powerful witch as well.”

“Ah she is a visible Nekomori. That give her advances over just witches. Her senses are way higher than those that just a witch, so whatever team that she would be on would have a unfair advantage.”

“But could I not use magic to gain the same skills that she has?”

“Yes you could wither through earth charms or ley line magic you could. But for the most part students in high school are nowhere near that level at this point in learning to use their gifts. Though I think that she is one of the few that would prove me wrong. I have seen her use a lot of demon magic to help her. The game that they were playing is permuted of course.”

“Demon magic?”

“It is what some of the people that follow magic call magic that uses both ley lines and earth magic, though you could also call it angelic magic. If it is something physical that is used as a attack, it is demon magic, increasing speed and strength is demon magic, which is what she did. Using it to heal or defend people is angelic magic. Demon magic is not viewed as bad, just like angelic magic is not viewed as being good. It just is.”

“Koneko said that I am almost at the level of doing combined magic.”

“I know of her family, and they are known as the main leaders in magic development. If she says something about magic I would believe her. Now go ahead and get ready for your next class.”


“Ko-chan,” Faith yelled as she ran towards me after cleaning up. “So did you have fun cheating using demon magic?”

“Ah, the teacher is an old school term person. People tend to call it just mixed magic now. And I did not cheat. We were told that we could do whatever we wanted within reason to win. There were other people using magic to help them as well. They are just not on my level of magic.”

“She said that your family was a big name in magic.”

“Yeah, my father ancestors did a lot of work in magic when it first started showing up with the curse. At the time they were persecuted for it, since most people tried to just ignore the magic and go on with their lives. As you seen in magic class, some people feel that they are way higher level than my family, though why a teacher at the high school level would think so is beyond me.”

“Why did you tell the teacher to never say impossible?”

“Simple, the really high level magic is subjective. It does what you think that it can. At one point people said that you needed a plane or something like it to fly, and that no human could fly. Or they even said that magic is not real. The spell that I used to open his grimoire you could not do. It is angelic magic.”

With that the rest of the day went by fast. We made our way to my house and then went to the magic mall.

We made our way to the familiar shop. What is really nice is that some of the animals that were ‘Magic’ in nature came back like dragons, unicorns, as well as many more.

“So what type of animal would you like the most?” I ask Faith.

“Mythic,” she said with a smile.

I let her go first. She stepped into a circle and shop clerk cast a spell on her so her familiar would come to her. A beautiful unicorn made its over to her and stopped next to her. I smiled, seeing that she got her wish, since a unicorn was ranked number two on the mythic scale, with dragons coming in as number one. This is a power scale, not on scale of most wanted. Unicorns are number for females on that list.

Next, I stepped into the circle and let the clerk cast the same spell on me. Not much later a purple dragon hatchling landed on the top of my head. I smiled, since even though I am female now, a dragon was still the one that I was hoping for.

Then we both went into the next room with the clerk, where they had all the tools needed to bind a familiar and bond our new friends to us.


“Oh my god! She is so beautiful,” I was gushing after we got back from the mall and were sitting on the couch. “Though she is so big, how is she going to get out of your house?”

*I will shrink myself down,* I heard inside of my head. *Do not be alarmed. One of the pluses of having a mythic as you call it for a familiar, is that I am able to think and reason.*

“Um what is your name?,” I said out loud.

*Celeri, also you just need direct your thoughts to me I will hear. Your mate has heard all of this as well.*

*Yes Celeri, it brings joy to my heart that you would feel that I should be a part of you and your partners first talk.*

I was shocked that Koneko could hear what Celeri said.

*I am Ignem,* said anther voice in my head.

*It is with great joy that I meet you Ignem,* came Koneko’s response.

*I find great joy that you spoke to me,* I said.

With the shocks of talking to our familiars done, we relaxed and watched TV. There was a news story of how some of the witches that could do demon/angelic magic are starting to grow wings.

“That might be a pain,” I heard Koneko say before she started to scream.

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