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The Revival of the Absolution

Note: this is a work of fiction and the characters, settings, etc. belong to Willams Street. If you have no idea of who TOM, SARA, Toonami, or the Absolution are, skip to the notes section of the story. This is a NON-TG story.

The Absolution was dead silent. It had been silent since that fateful September day back in 2008 when Toonami was shut down. There was a brief moment when TOM almost came back to life, but that was a while ago. The people responsible for that increase in the robot’s brain activity were startled when they saw what occurred because of the April fool’s joke.

Being safe

Last night as I drove to work, I listened to a marriage therapist talk about the different needs men and women have in a relationship. According to him, Men need to feel successful, women need to feel safe.

If that's true, then I really am a woman, because safety was the quality that was really missing in my marriage. I dont blame my wife, a lot of it was my fault - I was the one with the massive secret called "Dorothy", after all.

But regardless of fault or blame, the fact is that I never felt safe in my relationship with my wife.

Or with most other people, in fact.

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i cry

copy rights 2012 rues post on any free sites give me credit for doing this out of boredom

I Cry

I cry for those who have no love, who are in pain.
For those who cant see themselves as they want to,who struggle to be who they want.
I cry for the ones with no voice, who sit in terror of past wrongs.
I offer not pity be strong feel my hand helping you if you slip and my shoulder for you to lean on if need be.
These tears are for the silent screams that all of us shout that no one hears.
Feel my joy as you take a step with out help.

Puppy Power!

By Stanman63
My dog friend Moo-Moo recently gave birth to a passel of puppies. She is a German Shepard/Poodle mix with German Shepard markings, but the size of a Toy Poodle. The father is a black mongrel about her size. Talk about Puppy Power! Scrappy Doo, you have no way to meet their cuteness.

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hurt my knee last night.

At about 615 this morning I dislocated my knee, and unlike the usual when this happens, it stayed out for several minutes, leaving me in enough pain to have to call my supervisor for help. I spent the last 45 minutes of my shift having to move very, very slowly and carefully, doing light work as I went.

Hopefully, this is a one-off, and not a sign I'm going to get in further trouble with it ...

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I had a very strange evening

I went out to eat at a fast food restaurant and felt a bit lonesome and bored afterwards. So I did something I do once in a while and headed over to the nearby casino to people watch.

As usual when I do this, I leave my purse and money in the car, taking in only myself, my keys and my phone and a small amount of cash in case I get hungry.

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Shorted out a flashback at work last night

Last night, I started to have a flashback, and I found a new way to ground myself. I started clicking the button on my safety knife (its the knife I use at work to open boxes). The sound of the clicks somehow kept me from spiraling out of control.

Interesting, no?

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Reggie's Ad Campaign

Reggie’s Ad Campaign

I guess you could say its all my fault.

My wife had opened up a little store to sell lingerie, and before we knew it things were so busy she was seriously considering expanding to have locations across the country.

Her business model was simple. While stores like Victoria’s secret tended to cater to the already beautiful, she focused on helping the less than perfect be as good as they could be.

Origin Story

Origin Story

Author's note: The story that is referred to here doesnt actually exist, so dont look for it. But if enough people decide they like this, maybe the story will come ...

Dorothy sat at her computer, reading and rereading the message logs for the last couple of days, shaking her head.

“I’ve got my share of eccentric friends who send me messages. This might be the first time I’ve gotten a message from someone who must be actually insane.”

Sorry about the mix up

I'm sorry that the wrong story has been posted.
SamanthaK does all the posting for me, and she is visiting with a friend this week, and I think she was having a little bit to much fun when she made this mistake.
I've texted her and pointed out the problem, but I'm not sure when it will be fixed.
Please bear with us for the time being and I hope to have it fixed soon.



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Work progresses

Work progresses quite well, though slowly, as there is a lot of backstory in this chapter and I am hindered by both my shoulder and wrist, not to mention the occasional migraine. That and I am doing another edit on Tegan, to deal with a couple of issues that were noted. So I am a busy girl typing when I can and trying to keep my health up at the same time. It's just so much fun. Good thing I have practiced at one hand typing.

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Doubts - quite long

I suppose it was bound to happen. Nay, it was destined to happen. In fact I've done it to myself on purpose. In a little over a month's time I am set to begin hormone therapy, if I decide to go through with things. I purposefully set a time in motion for HRT as sort of a way to "put up or shut up" and it looks like shut up is about to win out.

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Snoopy & the Red Baron to return to the Emeryville mudflats

The artist, Tyler Hoare, plans to install them this weekend.

Not counting the time they were taken down as eyesores, he says they only last about 5 years maximum before the forces of nature destroy them. Some of his other creations have lasted as little as a day, because they were down at the waterline.

This may be the last time he can do it, though, as not only he is getting older, ( he's in his 70s), but there are only 3 posts left of the 20 or so that were there to mount his masterpieces on when he started.

For more, and pictures, go to:

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Odyssey III Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Kylie drove the DUKW over to Leo’s shop the next day. Larry followed behind her with his four ways flashing as they drove the short distance down the state highway since the vehicle had not yet been licensed. Those that saw the big shiny monster making the short trip down the Bozman-Neavitt Road did more than one double take. Among those were Serena and Misty. When they saw the shiny polished metal DUKW turn up Almost Neavitt Road they knew it was heading to Leo’s Collision and Repair. It was only seeing Larry following the behemoth that they realized it had to be from the Clan Wells Point. They exchanged perplexed looks wondering what they were up to now. Not being from the area they had no knowledge that the DUKW had been stored in the Barn for years. Their curiosity reinforced their desire get on better terms with the Clan.

Double Trouble in SPA Chapter 2 of 8

Double Trouble in SPA
Chapter 2 of 8

A pair of twins cause headaches at Hayfield Hall.

An unauthorised story set in the SPA Universe created by Karen Page. These events are intended to take place one year after the events described in “A New Style of Education.” Reading that story first is essential.

Note: This story assumes the counselling team at Hayfield Hall does not change significantly as a result of events yet to be revealed in Karen's story.

Don't be afraid.

The latest update of Wishful Thinking is not yet coloured, the artist has some school work she needs to do, so instead she has posted the rough pencil sketch, which actually looks awesome in my opinion.

here is a link to the latest comic.

Enjoy please.

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Two big pieces of news today

Well, just got two big pieces of news. First, the federal government has passed a law extending anti-discrimination protection to trans people, meaning we no longer have to worry about things like losing a job or being denied housing because of who we are.

The second big announcement is one that effects me personally. The Alberta government has announced that they will once again cover SRS. This means that once I get my 2nd opinion in December, I will go on the list, and once they clear the backlog, I will be whole.

I actually cried with happiness when I heard this.

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SRS funding re-instated in Alberta

Although I do not follow politics... a friend of mine does, and just mentioned to me something I thought I would pass on. Especially to Dorothy Colleen... and anyone else in Alberta.

The new Premier of Alberta seems to have broken with tradition in a big way, by re-instating funding for SRS patients in the province (up to 25 per year) -- without waiting to be forced into it by the legal actions still winding their ways through the courts.

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Denmark allows gay marriages... in church!

Spotted on Google+, shared by a prominent Googler (Kristoffer Sorensen):

The Danish Folketing has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a full ecclesiastical marriage service in the national Evangelical-Lutheran church for homosexual couples, to be instituted as a full, official marriage equal to that of heterosexual couples.

After a lengthy and sometimes heated debate, which ran some three hours over its expected time, 85 members voted in favour of the law, 24 against and with two abstentions.


Apparently, the reason the Folketing can rule in this way is that the Protestant Church in Denmark is a State Church.

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 © 2010-11 by Angel O'Hare. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.


By Angel O’Hare ®

great comic book heroes that wont ever be movies

Some characters work real well in the funny books, but I cant see them ever being made into movies, and they include:

Shazam - The whole "Captain Marvel" thing probably means he'll never go to the big screen. Not to mention he has some of the same problems that Superman has in terms of being so powerful that audiences cant really connect with him.

Blue Devil - I loved the humor in the book, but again naming issues come up (there is a college that uses "Blue Devils" as its team names, and I'm sure they would have an issue with the use of the name).


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Coming soon, honest...

It's been a while, I know. Unfortunately, that's how life has been for far too long now. I have about 6,000 words written of the next chapter and the rest planned out ages ago. So why is it not up yet?

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Doubting myself

There are some trans people who somehow never doubt who they are, and can easily withstand any pressure to be anybody else.

But not me, I get moments of doubt.

When I was young, this doubt came partially out of fear - the fear that I had to be insane to have this feeling of femininity coming out of a body that was anything but female. So trying to disbelieve the feelings came a form of protection against that fear.

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Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story, author unknown. It's about a boy who is very intelligent and disliked by his classmates & teachers--because of his smugness. In order to have his mom buy him a mountain bike he had to join a dance troupe. The troupe had a recital coming up & one of the female dancers left, so his Mom and the instructor for the troupe wanted him to replace her. So they dressed him up in the girls' outfit & have him dance the girls routine. They go to a store where they will pick up the outfits for the troupe.


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I got a nibble about publishing "Quest", but I need help

Well, I had been looking on the net for info about publishing "quest", and believe it or not, I've got a nibble of interest. The one thing I need is a synopsis of the story, and I'm kinda not sure how to make that work. If anyone who beta tested the story could help?


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The Indy: "...let's forget gender altogether."

There's an interesting comment piece in today's Indy. It mainly deals with gender roles in the workplace (so arguing from the WISE / MICE point of view1), but could be applied more widely:

Instead of fighting for gender equality, let’s forget gender altogether

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Zach's Meteor

Zach’s Meteor

I was born in a small town, as the song says, but unlike the song, I managed to find a way to leave it behind, and until recently, I thought I thought I would never come back.

Until the day Zach’s meteor changed everything.

My way out of my small town was through medicine. I got into med school, and ended up taking Psychology, and became a psychiatrist who specialized in gender issues.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *23* Homecoming Queen


Chapter *8.23*

Homecoming Queen

We did make a stop near Frankfurt Airport for the necessaries and for Gloria to have a break from driving. It seemed to get brighter the closer to home we got, the sun even showed its face as we travelled up into the Westerwald, false hope however, it chucked it down when we dropped down to cross the Rhein at Koblenz!

“I'm home!” I sang out sticking my head round the kitchen door, “could someone help me with the bags?”

Silence was the loud reply so I dumped my Handtasche and went back down to where Gloria was pulling my bags out of the boot.

California - Prop 8

There saying on all the Net News spots thaT CALIFORNIA'S PROP 8 (SAME SEX MARRIAGE) IS HEADED TO THE FED SUPREME COURT IN WASH. DC. I just wonder if this will change the laws in both the states that voted for Same Sex Mar or voted against Same Sex Marriage like the voters just did in North Carolina reasonantly

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Double Trouble in SPA Chapter 1 of 8

Double Trouble in SPA

Chapter 1 out of 8

A pair of twins cause headaches at Hayfield Hall.

An unauthorised story set in the SPA Universe created by Karen Page. These events are intended to take place one year after the events described in “A New Style of Education.” Reading that story first is essential to understanding the events in Double Trouble.

Pink? Why Pink? - Part 09



"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares?


How much to write each day

In the past, it seemed as if I could knock out 5000 words a day without any problem. In fact, 5000 words was my minimum goal a day when I was working on my novels and those words seem to come with no problem. Now it seems that 2000 words is about as much as I can take and 3000 words is a chore. I don't know if maybe it is what I am writing that is causing such a lack of production or if I have been over extending myself.

I wonder, how many words do most writers get to each day? Is it every day? Every other day? Once a week?

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