You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 26

You Have It All Wrong Four

By SaraUK


Part 26

    Danielle was sat up in her hospital bed waiting for her breakfast to arrive when her cell phone started ringing. She picked it up and smiled when she saw it was her mother calling, just like she said she would the night before.

     “I mum.” Danielle grinned, still not getting bored with saying that word. “How’s the family doing?” She asked.

     “Hello sweetie. The family are all doing fine, but they miss you, and I’m the one that should be asking you how you’re feeling.” Mandy’s voice said on the other end of the line sounding a little angry, but she was soon giggling.

     “I’m fine, still sore, but apart from that I feel okay.” Danielle said with a smile as she let herself relax back into the pillow that was propping her up.

     “Have you had your breakfast yet?” Mandy asked, just like any concerned mother would.

     “No, not yet.” Danielle sighed.

     “What are they playing at? I’ll call them and find out why you haven’t been fed yet.” Mandy said sounding really angry now.

     “Calm down mum, they’re sorting it out for me now.” Danielle said as she tried not to giggle. “I’ve not long woke up, so they couldn’t give it to me any sooner, not without waking me, and Gail said that would be mean, so she was waiting for me to wake.” Danielle explained.

     “Oh, that was nice of her.” Mandy said sounding like a different person again now. “Tell her thank you from me.” Mandy added.

     “I will mum. Is Lianna around, or as she left for school already?” Danielle asked, hoping that Lianna was still at the house, that was if her mother was still at the house, and hadn’t already left for work with her not being there the day before.

     “She’s stood at my side right now, waiting to snatch the phone off me.” Mandy giggled.

     “Hey Danielle, how you feeling? I’m missing you like crazy, as are the others.” Lianna’s voice said in one constant stream.

     “Hi Lianna. I’m missing you and the others as well.” Danielle smiled like Lianna was in the room with her, even though she wasn’t. “I know we’ve only done it a couple of times. But I miss not waking up with you next to me.” Danielle added with a sigh.

     “So did I.” Lianna said with a pout in her voice.

     “I missed waking up to your beautiful face, but they gave me some really good painkillers last night, so I slept the whole night, I don’t even remember having any dreams.” Danielle said.

    They spoke for another couple of minutes and then Gail entered the room with Danielle’s breakfast, so she ended the call and got stuck into it, as she was really hungry. Lianna had said she’d see Danielle this evening around six again. And she was gone.


    Danielle finished her breakfast of egg on toast and was sat reading while listening to music on her iPod when she saw her Nana Prue enter the room smiling at her and saying something that Danielle couldn’t hear due to the music blasting into her ears.

     “Hi Nana Prue.” Danielle smiled as she pulled the ear plugs out her ears and stopped her iPod.

     “Hello dear. Sorry I couldn’t get to see you yesterday, but I had a busy day at my practice, and couldn’t get anyone to cover for me on such short notice.” Prue explained as she walked over to the bed and gave Danielle a hug.

     “That’s alright Nana, I’m sure you would have been here keeping an eye on them if you could have.” Danielle said as she hugged Prue back.

     “I did call and speak to the doctor that did the surgery, just to make sure everything went okay, and he said it did, but they did find signs of past infection.” Prue said with some worry in her voice.

     “What does that mean Nana?” Danielle asked looking just as worried.

     “We’re not sure yet, we will need to run some tests and see how things play out as you heal.” Prue said not wanting to tell Danielle the truth so soon after her having this surgery done to make her feel like the girl she should have been from birth.

    Danielle could see that her Nana was keeping something from her, but she could also see that no matter how she tried, her Nana wasn’t going to say anymore about it at the minute. Danielle watched as Prue got up and grabbed a clipboard hooked onto the bottom of her bed and started flipping through the papers on it. Danielle had looked through them papers herself when Gail left it on the bed earlier, but it was all alien to her.

     “Can you understand any of that Nana?” Danielle asked when she saw that Prue was actually reading what was written on each page.

     “Yes, I can understand all of it sweetie.” Prue giggled.

     “Am I going to live?” Danielle asked, as she thought the reason for all the alien writing was to stop the patient from finding out they were going to die.

     “Yes you will live a long and wonderful life my dear, but only if you stop running away and trying to get yourself killed.” Prue added the last bit with a frown as she looked at Danielle.

     “I didn’t try to get myself killed Nana.” Danielle said it like Prue was being a little over dramatic.

     “You did run away thought, which could have been bad if your father and Uncle Brad hadn’t found you when they did.” Prue pointed out looking smug.

     “Point taken.” Danielle sighed as she realised her Nana had her on that one.

    They didn’t have time to say anything else to each other as there was a knock on the door just before the doctor came in with Gail and another nurse. The doctor gave Pure a hug and then the two of them spent a little time chatting about the surgery Danielle had done, while Gail and the other nurse set about taking the dressing off Danielle’s groin so the doctor could take a look.

    Danielle being a wimp when it came to seeing blood or anything remotely icky, she let her head drop back and she closed her eyes while the doctor had a prod and a poke down where he’d done the surgery.

     “It’s healing up nicely, but I think we’ll keep the catheter in for another day to be on the safe side, and also give the antibiotics a little more time to work.” The doctor said to the nurses and Prue more than Danielle.

    Danielle looked up at the doctor when he said that bit. “Will I be able to get up and walk around then?” Danielle asked looking hopeful.

     “Yes you will Danielle. We just want to give the stitches chance to heal a little more before you start running around and doing back flips.” The doctor said with a grin.

     “I couldn’t do back flips before the surgery, so I won’t be trying them now either.” Danielle giggled. “I’m not very athletic.” Danielle pointed out.

     “Me neither, that’s why I became a doctor.” He chuckled.

    Gail and the other nurse who Danielle found out was called Stacy redressed Danielle’s groin and then Stacy changed the catheter bag for an empty one before they left her to carry on with her reading. Prue had wandered off with the doctor after saying she’d be back later.


    Danielle was lying in bed waiting for the pain relief to kick in after the doctor come and checked on her groin after Gail and Stacy changed the dressing covering it, when she saw Mable and Jane enter the room. Jane had a large gift bag in one hand and a bunch of balloons in the other that must have been filled with helium because they were all floating and bouncing around on the ceiling.

     “Hi Gran, Aunty Jane.” Danielle grinned as she held her arms open to get a hug from them both.

     “Hello my dear child, how are you feeling now?” Mable asked as she was the first to give Danielle a hug.

     “Sore, but better now I’ve been fixed.” Danielle grinned as she enjoyed the hug from her Gran.

     “You say that like you were broken.” Mable scolded Danielle lightly. “You were still a wonderful child, even if you were confused about whom you were.” Mable added as she hugged Danielle even tighter.

     “Leave something for me to hug you old goat.” Jane said as she playfully slapped Mable on the arm.

     “Much more cheek from you young lady, and this old goat will take you across her knee.” Mable threatened as she broke the hug with Danielle and slapped Jane on the backside as she moved in for a hug.

    Danielle just giggled as she watched the two of them playing around. Danielle thought it was just like watching a mother and daughter, but Danielle already knew that Jane wasn’t Mable’s daughter, but she could see that Jane thought of Mable as a mother to her, just like she now looked at Mandy as a mother.

     “I thought we were friends Danielle, and yet I’m the last to find out that you were hiding a secret from us all, and then you were foolish enough to try running away.” Jane pouted as she stepped closer to Danielle so she could give her a hug.

     “I’m sorry Jane, but I didn’t know what was happening, and I was scared I’d be sent away again if I told anyone.” Danielle said as she looked down at her lap in shame. “I never told Lianna either, and I...” Danielle trailed off, not sure whether or not to tell them.

     “And you what?” Jane asked with a raised eyebrow. “You love her don’t you?” Jane smirked as she watched Danielle start to blush.

     “Yes, we love each other.” Danielle mumbled while still looking down at her hands resting in her lap.

     “Lianna really is her mother’s daughter.” Jane grinned as she took hold of Danielle’s hand to let her know she didn’t mind, and was happy for the two of them. “Finds herself a pretty girl and holds on to her for all she’s worth.” Jane added as she made Danielle look her in the eyes so she could see Jane’s warm loving smile.

     “I thought she hated me for some time last week, that was why I ran away.” Danielle sighed. “Lianna was so upset with me lying to her about all this.” Danielle added with a wince as she was reminded of the surgery.

     “That just shows you how much Lianna loves you, if she can react like that to being kept in the dark about something so important.” Jane pointed out. “Have you kissed each other yet?” Jane asked grinning again.

    Danielle had to giggle at the way Jane was acting; she was more like a teenage girl than a grown woman in her late twenties. Danielle thought she could be talking to one of her sisters with the way Jane was hanging on every word.

     “Yes we’ve kissed a number of times. Lianna was in my bed when I woke on the Friday morning after Uncle Brad and daddy rescued me from the homeless people in the alley.” Danielle blushed.

     “How romantic.” Jane swooned as she cupped her hands together and acted all girlie. Jane still had the balloons wrapped around her hand on a ribbon which made them all bounce around, which reminded Jane she had gifts for Danielle. “I’ve got some things for you from all the girls at the salon.” Jane added looking all excited for another reason now.

     “They didn’t have to get me anything Aunty Jane; they already gave me all that money, which I spend on some new clothes yesterday when I went shopping with Lianna and the others.” Danielle grinned.

     “No they didn’t have to Danielle, they wanted to.” Jane smiled. “I learned a long time ago to just let them do what they want to do.” Jane giggled with a wave of her hand as she placed the large gift bag on the bed next to Danielle.

     “This feels like Christmas.” Danielle grinned as she reached into the bag and started pulling out smaller gift bags and boxes. “Even though compared to my Christmas’s, this is way better, even though I’m sat in a hospital bed.” Danielle grinned, but Jane and Mable just looked at each other sadly as they tried to imagine what sort of a time Danielle must have had in the past.

    Danielle thought she was dreaming as she found chocolates, cuddly toys makeup and a nail art kit. She also found a card in there so she opened that and had to wipe away a tear when she saw it was a get well soon card that all the girls at the salon had signed. She only met them the once and they had all thought enough of her to buy her gifts and send a card.

     “Will you thank them all for me Aunty Jane, and tell them I will call in and thank them in person just as soon as I’m back on my feet again.” Danielle snuffled through happy tears.

     “You can count on it, but they will hold you to your word, so you better come and visit the salon to thank them, or I’ll get lynched.” Jane said looking worried, which just made Danielle giggle at the silly look on Jane’s face.

    Prue returned and saw Mable sat on the sofa in the corner of the room watching Danielle and Jane playing around on the bed with some of the cuddly toys while munching on some of the chocolates Danielle had been given. Prue went to sit with Mable and to talk about Danielle and how well the surgery had gone. Gail poked her head around the door and asked if anyone wanted a drink, and she was soon leaving again to sort out cups of tea for Prue and Mable, while Jane was going to share a glass of juice with Danielle.

     “Aunty Jane?” Danielle asked as she watched her Aunty playing around with the nail art kit. Jane was getting set up to decorate Danielle’s nails for her.

     “Yes Danielle?” Jane asked with a grin.

     “You said that you’d tell me your story when we had some time, and I’m not going anywhere at the minute, so I was wondering if you’d tell me how you became the woman you are now.” Danielle asked with hope in her voice.

     “I did promise you didn’t I?” Jane said with a frown like she was trying to think of some way to get out of it, but she started grinning which let Danielle know she was just teasing her. “I must warn you though; it’s very dull and boring compared to your short life so far.” Jane said just before she started telling Danielle her story.

Jane’s Story

    I was your typical little boy, a bit small for my age, which meant I tried to make up for it by doing dares with my friends, but this soon got me in more trouble than I wanted and all my so called friends were told to keep away from me as I was a trouble magnet.

    My parent’s tried to understand what my problem was, but I didn’t understand it myself, so they just left me to my own devices. I had two older sisters but neither of them were close to me, and would take every opportunity to get me in trouble, to the point of them both grinning as our father took me across his knee and beat me for something they had done.

    I pulled away from people and this is when I found I had a thing for girl’s clothes, and I would sneak into my sister’s bedrooms and borrow their things when everyone was out. I felt alive when I was wearing a dress and I danced around the house laughing and smiling, but only when I had the house to myself. My father was a real man’s man, and would never understand my desire to dress in girl’s clothes. I think he hated the fact I wasn’t taller and more muscular.

    What I didn’t know was that my sisters had found out about my dressing up in their clothes and set up a trap for me to get caught by my father. They left a note saying that our parents would be away for the weekend and they were going to a party and I would have to look after myself. I was over the moon because I’d have the house to myself, so I’d be able to dress up and not have to worry about getting caught.

    I went through my sister’s things and picked out a pretty silk dress and then selected a bra and panty set to wear under it. I even found some stockings and garter belt to wear as well. I used some of my sister’s makeup and wet my hair, which was long for a boy, something else my father didn’t like. Then I used my sisters curling tongs to style it into a more feminine look. I was soon Jane and I danced around the house happy to be alive. Well I was until I saw my mother and father stood in the doorway looking at me dressed in my sister’s things.

    My sisters had ripped up the note my parents left saying they would be back at six that evening. So I was caught red handed, or red nailed as it was in my case. My father went berserk and ripped the clothes from my body before dragging me to the bathroom and scrubbing the makeup and polish from my nails. He then beat me so badly that my mother had to call the police and an ambulance because she was worried he was going to kill me.

    The police locked him up, but all the charges were dropped when it turned out he could go to prison for it, and my mother loved him too much for that to happen. She talked me into saying that it was someone else that beat me, and my father was the one that found me and carried me home after fighting off the men that hurt me.

    Scared for my life, I packed up what I could carry in my backpack, and I stole some money from the house keeping jar, and I ran away, never to return. I knew my sisters would only find some way to get me in trouble again, they had said more than once while our father was locked up, that they wished he’d killed me. The sister whose dress my father ripped to bits wasn’t happy with me over that.

    I drifted from place to place, stealing food where I could until I fell in with a group of kids just like me, living on the street and living anyway we could, we soon started working as a team. This went well for a couple of months until we got caught and sent to a juvenile detention centre. That was a wakeup call, and I was soon offered protection by one of the big boys that took a liking to me. My small size made me an easy target, and he was willing to defend me if I did things for him. I won’t go into details about what happened while I was in there, but he did stop any of the other boys doing anything to me. I did my time and got out. My parents had been informed of where I was, and they wanted nothing to do with me, as I wanted nothing to do with them either.

    The social system helped me find a room in a YMCA and I found a job. This led to me having enough money to find a small place of my own, but I was still fighting the urge to dress as a girl. I started buying myself a female wardrobe and I started to practice styling my hair and doing my makeup when I wasn’t working. I was still in the closet, and would spend all my free time in my little bedsit dressed as Jane when not working.

    I was doing agency work, so I bounced from job to job, but it was while I was working in an IT department in an office block that I heard some girls talking about a club they had been to and had a great time, even thought the place was full of guys all dressed like woman, and some of them looked really good.

    It took me a couple of days to find out the name of the place, and I checked it out online at a cafe, due to me not being able to afford a computer of my own, never mind getting the internet. It took me another month to pluck up the courage to get dressed up and go to the place.

    I’d spent a couple of hours shaving what little hair I had off my legs and chest before doing my hair and makeup. I slipped on the best underwear I had and then the new dress I’d bought myself. I looked in the mirror and thought I looked amazing when I left the house. I did look okay for going to work in an office, but not for a night out at The Closet. I looked like a librarian in comparison to the girls going into that place.

    My heart sank as I stood across the road looking at all the beautiful looking creatures cueing up to get in, and I knew that I would never fit in with all them, but I found I couldn’t bring myself to just walk away either, so I stepped back and leaned against the wall just watching them all go in. I thought that was as close to heaven as I’d ever get.

    I’d been stood there for some time freezing my butt off when I saw a minibus pull up and a stream of girls piled out and entered the club, all apart from two of them who looked right over to where I was stood and then they looked excited about something before they walked over to a Large man and spoke to him and pointing over at where I was stood. I thought they were reporting me for something, and I got scared when I saw him talk to another couple of men working with him. They started to make their way across the road towards me, so I decided it was time to leave, but I wasn’t use to walking around in high heels out on the street and one of my heels got caught in a cracked paving slab and I twisted my ankle, I fell to the ground and banged my head. That was the last I remembered until I woke up in a hospital bed the next day.

     “What happened to me?” I asked as I went to sit up, but stopped when my head starting to thump. I had a bandage wrapped around it, and I could feel a good sized lump under it.

     “You had a nasty fall and bumped your had. We’re sorry for that.” A female voice said.

    I looked over and saw it was one of the women from the night before, and then I saw the other one sat next to her. Both of them looking worried. One blonde and the other had raven black hair with little red highlights in it.

     “Why are you sorry? You didn’t push me.” I said puzzled by the worried looks they both had.

     “We were the ones that asked Frank to come and talk to you, when we should have come over ourselves.” The blonde woman explained.

     “Frank?” I asked, not having any idea what the woman was talking about.

     “Frank is the name of the large man we spoke to just before you tried to run away.” The blonde explained.

     “I’m sorry if my being stood there upset you, but there was no need to set the heavy mob on me.” I said as I finally managed to sit up. “I don’t blame either of you, so please just leave me alone lady, and I won’t bother you again.” I added with a sigh, sad that i would never fit in anywhere.

     “I’m Chrissy and this is my sister Amy.” The blonde woman said smiling at me in a way that left me wanting to see more of that smile. “We want to help you John.” Chrissy added as she reached out and took hold of my hand.

     “Help me do what?” I asked looking even more puzzled than I had been. “And how do you know my real name?” I asked.

     “We want to help you explore your feminine side.” Chrissy grinned. “I’m sorry, but we had to go through your purse to find out where you lived and what your name was.” Chrissy added looking a little ashamed of what they had to do.

     “Why would you want to do that?” I asked them. “Why would anyone want to help me, and what’s in it for you? I’m not into anything kinky.” I didn’t trust them to start with, not after the way my own sisters treated me.

     “Neither are we John.” Chrissy said with that same smile. “Do you have a female name picked out for yourself?” She asked me.

     “Jane.” I found myself telling her like we were already the best of friends.

    Chrissy and Amy explained how Amy had stood across the road many timed without ever being spotted and helped until she almost died after giving up on life, and they had promised to help anyone else they saw stood across the road from the club, which happened to be me.

    I found myself trusting these two women from that first day more than I had trusted any of my own family in all the time I lived with them.

    Carl and Vic had been to my bedsit and didn’t like the place I was stopping, and said as much when they returned to the hospital. They said it was worse than the place Amy was living when they found her. I had no idea what that meant, but it seemed to make Chrissy spring into action. Chrissy made a call to Mable and that night I was taken back to Mable’s. She waited on me like a mother hen until I was able to get about again on my ankle.

    I soon learned that Chrissy and Amy were nothing like my sisters, and they really did want to help me. They took me over to their home a couple of days after I moved into Mable’s and they did a makeover on me, and I left the house to go to the club with them, and I looked just like one of them. It felt like heaven to me, and I spent the night dancing and giggling until i couldn’t stand on my ankle. Frank carried me out of the club and then went back to Mable’s with me and helped me get to my room before saying sorry for scaring me and leaving again. I was soon fully recovered from the twisted ankle, and I became another member of Chrissy and Amy’s ever growing little dance group.

    If you’ve ever wondered how the two of them stay so thin, just spend a night dancing with them, and then you will see. I started going around to the house quite a bit, and I got to spend time with all the children, and I was soon being called Aunty Jane, as I was dressing as a girl all the time by then.

    I started seeing Prue, and she put me in touch with her friend Sarah. I started talking out all my problems and I opened up about my past. Sarah was a real big help in making me see that I was worth something to someone, and she said I was already on the best medicine having Chrissy and Amy looking out for me.

    Becky gave me a job at the club, but I couldn’t walk in heels and carry a tray of drinks, so they thought it best if I tried something else. Frank and the others use to joke with me about having trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time, but I knew I was a poor excuse for a waitress. I’ll give Becky her dues; she really tried to help me get better at it. I even had lessons from Chrissy, she came to work with me for a week, but even she had to admit I just wasn’t cut out to wait tables.

    I was down in the dumps for a couple of weeks feeling useless, and then Cathy said she’d give me a go in the changing service room, and I was soon styling hair and doing makeup and nails. I’d been learning from Chrissy and Amy how to do makeup, but I was already good at doing hair, and I think Cathy was hoping that Chrissy had worked her magic once more. It was Chrissy that showed Cathy how to do makeup, and that got her the job at the changing service.

    I’d finally found something I loved to do, and I was really good at it as well. I worked at the changing service for a couple of years and then I saw this cute little place while I was out shopping with Chrissy and Amy one day, and I fell in love with it. Carl helped me buy the place and I finally moved in to my own little apartment above the shop. It took me some time to get use to ordering others around, but I finally found a great group of girls to work for me, and we are all like a family, as you can see from all the gifts they like to hand out.

    While all this was going on, I found out that I was a transsexual and I started hormone treatment and finally had the surgery a couple of years back, and I felt like a whole person for the first time ever.

    I fell in love with a sweet guy called Mark, who treats me like a princess all the time. We live together now, and he knows all about my past, but says he doesn’t care about that person I was pretending to be, he just loves the woman I am. And I owe it all to Chrissy and Amy for making a promise to never let another sad soul suffer while watching the two of them have fun.

    Jane finished her story at the same time she declared Danielle’s finger nails done.

     “What do you think?” Jane asked as she let Danielle get a better look at her finger nails.

     “I think your story is amazing Aunty Jane.” Danielle said.

     “I was talking about your nails, dopey.” Jane giggled as she held up one of Danielle’s hands for her to look at. “What do you think to your nails?” She asked again.

     “Wow Aunty Jane, they look amazing” Danielle said as she looked at her nails now sporting a silver and purple tiger stripe pattern with cute little cats head’s stuck over the top. “Thank you Aunty Jane, thank you for making me feel so pretty and wanted.” Danielle added as she threw her arms around Jane and hugged the life out of her.

     “You were pretty a long time before I got my hands on you.” Jane giggled as she hugged Danielle back. “I’m just glad you bumped into Lianna and Lauren when you did.” Jane added.

     “Don’t you mean it was a good job Lianna came to my rescue?” Danielle corrected Jane.

     “Whichever, I’m just glad you found each other. I think it’s a match made in heaven seeing the two of you together. Reminds me of a younger version of Chrissy and Becky.” Jane grinned.

    Danielle smiled as she thought of her and Lianna still being together when they got to Chrissy and Becky’s age. Danielle knew already that was going to happen, because she already couldn’t live without Lianna being part of her life, and the feeling just got stronger with each day that passed.

    It was soon lunchtime and Mable, Jane and Prue all left, so Danielle could have her lunch in peace. Becky arrived a little later in the afternoon and stopped for some time. Danielle grilled her about more stories she and Chrissy got up to before Lianna and Lauren came along. Danielle hugged Becky as Becky explained how she felt when Chrissy ran away for a month when she thought Becky was seeing a man behind her back, just to get pregnant. Danielle couldn’t see Becky ever going with anyone behind Chrissy’s back looking at them now, and from what she’d been told their love has always been the same, but Chrissy found it hard to confront people with problems back then, so she just ran away from them.

    Danielle’s day really brightened up when she saw Lianna enter the room. Lianna ran over to the bed and sat on the edge of it as she threw her arms around Danielle and hugged her for the longest time before they found each other’s lips and then had a long kiss.

     “Where are all the others?” Danielle asked, shocked not to see the room filling up with all her other brothers and sisters.

     “They all thought it would be better if it was just me that came over to see you tonight.” Lianna smiled. “I hope you don’t mind just having me and your parents for company?” Liana asked with a smirk, already knowing the answer by the look on Danielle’s face.

     “So I get you all to myself then?” Danielle asked with a grin.

     “Sort of, but Uncle Carl and Aunty Mandy will be joining us shortly. They’re just talking to the doctor at the minute.” Lianna pointed out.

     “I’ll take what I can get.” Danielle sighed. She did love having all her family come see her, but she also found it a little overwhelming at times, so she was happy to just have Lianna sat on the bed hugging her at the minute.

    Lianna told Danielle about her day, she left out the odd name calling she had to put up with from some of the students that wasn't alright with her being at the school, but they were just a very small number, and Lianna had done like Lauren said and just blanked them. Most had already given up when they saw that it wasn’t getting them anywhere, and the couple that seemed to be trying to get a response from her, weren’t worth worrying about.

    Carl and Mandy finally turned up and spend some time chatting to Danielle and Lianna, but the time went far too fast again, and it was soon time for them to leave, so Danielle could get some rest.


    It was another couple of days before Danielle was allowed to return home, but she was able to walk around again now, and the catheter was out, which meant Danielle needed to learn some new ways to go to the toilet and wipe herself off when she’d done.

    Danielle couldn’t stop looking at her new look pluming down below as she stood in her private bathroom at the hospital the first morning she was allowed to go use the toilet instead of just relying on a catheter and a bag. All she saw was a girl looking back at her, and she smiled as the girl smiled back. Gone was the small deformed thing between her legs that made everyone thing she was a boy, and she didn’t miss it one bit.

    Gail spent some time talking to Danielle and Explaining things she needed to look out for and how important it was for her to wipe after using the toilet. Danielle had always sat to pee anyway, due to the small size of her privates, and it was always messy, so she had been wiping after peeing for as far back as she could remember, but now she had to wipe in a different way.

    Danielle had lots of visitors over those couple of days, and she was happy to be able to get up and take short walks with them, but Danielle was missing her own room back at home, and she was missing her Nana Holly’s cooking, even given how nice the food was in the hospital.

    It wasn’t a shock when Carl and Mandy arrived on the Thursday lunchtime, to find Danielle sat on the bed dressed with all her things packed away, ready to go home.

     “I thought we’d have to drag you out the place.” Carl chuckled as he watched Danielle get up off the bed ready to leave.

     “I just want to go home and eat some of Nana Holly’s cooking.” Danielle said with some pleading in her voice.

     “We better see about getting you back there then.” Mandy said as she walked over and gave Danielle a hug. “I thought you might like to give this to Gail and Stacy though first.” Mandy added as she handed Danielle a large wrapped box that was quite heavy.

     “What is it mummy?” Danielle asked as she held the large present in both hands.

     “It’s just a box of chocolates for the two of them to share. A little thank you for taking such good care of my baby.” Mandy said as she smiled down at Danielle.

    Gail and Stacy came into the room, so they could say goodbye to Danielle and wish her luck. Danielle handed over the present and the girls opened it and grinned when they saw that it was a very expensive box of chocolates. This earned Danielle another hug from them both, and also earned Carl and Mandy a hug to go with it.

    Danielle walked out to her father’s car holding her mother’s hand smiling. She felt very different now, and felt ready to take on the world as the girl she was meant to be, and also help Lianna achieve her goal of feeling the same way.


To Be Continued Next friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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Child and Parent guide:

Parents Children
Chrissy & Becky Andrew/Lianna, Lauren (Twins)
Amy & Amber Jessica
Ann & brad Jennifer
Sara & Cathy Peter
Mandy & Carl/Carla Craig, Danielle (Adopted)
Jayden & Callum Richard, Nicola (Twins)
Dan & Faith Penny, Christopher

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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