You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 21

You Have It All Wrong Four

By SaraUK


Part 21


    Danielle looked much happier on the walk home from Mable’s to how she’d looked on the walk there. She was almost skipping down the road hand in hand with Lianna as they made their way home again to help Holly sort out dinner for everyone.

    Holly sent Danielle and Lianna upstairs to get changed into some older clothes so they could both help out with dinner, Holly then informed Becky that Chrissy was going to tell Danielle about her past, as was Amy and Cathy, so they would have a couple of extra mouths to feed.

    Becky was glad that Chrissy going to tell Danielle about her troubled past and how the two of them first met. Becky also knew that it would help Danielle bond with them all being told such a thing, and also finding out that Chrissy use to like running away as well.

    Danielle and Lianna were soon back in the kitchen helping to get things ready for dinner.

And now the story continues...

    Lianna and Danielle were still helping out in the kitchen when they heard the sound of giggling and shouting just before they saw Lauren and the other kids getting home from school.

     “Hi mum.” Lauren said as she walked over and let Becky wrap her arms around her and get a welcome home hug and a kiss on the forehead.

     “Hello sweetie. Good day at school?” Becky asked.

     “It was okay, but I missed having my sister around.” Lauren pouted. “How you feeling now Danielle?” Lauren suddenly asked with a smile as she ran over and threw her arms around Danielle and hugged her.

     “I’m feeling much better, just a little bump and a bit of a headache.” Danielle smiled as she hugged Lauren back.

     “I’m glad you feel better, but I’m still upset over you running away though.” Lauren pouted some more as she playfully slapped Danielle on the arm.

     “Sorry about that.” Danielle mumbled as she was now being looked at by all the other kids.

    Lauren was soon giving Danielle another hug, just before Nicole, Jennifer and Jessica wanted to give Danielle a hug, so they could tell her just how glad they were to see their new sister back safe and sound.

     “Can we all get changed into our swimsuits and use the pool mum?” Lauren asked with a pleading look.

     “Okay, but I want you all to get your homework done later though. I don’t care if it is Friday and you have all weekend to sort it out either.” Becky said before any of the children with homework tried to argue the point.

     “Do you want me to start teaching you to swim sis?” Lianna asked as she looked at Danielle smiling.

     “I thought you were scared of the water?” Lauren asked with a puzzled look.

     “I lied about being afraid of the water; I didn’t want you all to find out my secret.” Danielle said looking a little shameful for lying to them all about so much. “Sorry.” Danielle added as she looked down at the floor just in front of her.

     “We understand sis, so are you ready to learn how to swim then?” Lauren asked with a grin as she lifted Danielle’s head again to look her in the eyes.

     “Yes please.” Danielle smiled back as Lauren took her by the hand and started pulling her out the kitchen to make their way up stairs so they could all get changed. Danielle looked back to make sure Lianna was following, and she was.

     “Lianna has a swimsuit that will help hide that little problem you have.” Lauren said as she pulled Danielle along. “Auntie Sara designed them for special girls.” Lauren explained as she gave Danielle a knowing look.

     “You can use mine, I don’t need it anymore.” Lianna grinned as she thought about the fact her nana Prue fixed her little secret showing.

     “I’ll just go grab my swimsuit, and we can all get changed together.” Lauren said as she let go of Danielle’s hand when they got to Lianna’s room.

    Danielle looked a little worried as she was led into Lianna’s room; she was worried about Lauren’s reaction when she saw Danielle’s birth defect. “Won’t Lauren get upset when she sees my...” Danielle asked nervously as she pointed down at her groin.

     “No, Lauren has seen mine hundreds of times while we’ve been getting changed and playing dress up in our parents room.” Lianna said as she waved off Danielle’s worries. “I think you could get away with wearing a normal swimsuit if you wanted to, it’s really not that big.” Lianna shrugged.

     “It feels big enough to me.” Danielle pouted. “I’ll be glad when it’s been removed, or fixed, or whatever they plan to do with it.” Danielle added as she waited for Lianna to hand her a swim suit to wear.

     “I know what you mean sis, and I’ll let you wear the special swim suit if it will help you feel a little more comfortable down in the pool.” Lianna said as she went into her walk in closet and then returned with two swimsuits.

    Danielle had just started to get undressed when the bedroom door opened and Lauren entered the room before closing the door again and walking over to the bed with her swim suit in her hand. Danielle had frozen with her t-shirt half on and half off, as she looked at Lauren through the neck of the shirt.

     “Danielle’s worried about you freaking out when you see her little defect.” Lianna said with a roll of the eyes like Danielle was being silly.

     “Why do you think I came back in here to get changed?” Lauren asked with a grin. “Well not to freak out, but to see what all the fuss is about. After all, we’re all girls here, right?” Lauren giggled as she placed her swim suit on the bed before stepping over and helping Danielle to finish taking off her t-shirt.

     “You really want to see it Lauren?” Danielle asked in a shaky voice, still not sure it was the right thing to do.

     “Yes I really want to see it, and let you also see that I’m fine with it.” Lauren said in a calming voice as she smiled at Danielle. Danielle couldn’t help seeing her Aunt Chrissy in that smile, and Danielle suddenly felt like she could talk to Lauren about anything, and she’d never judge her for it.

     “Okay then.” Danielle said as she slipped off the skirt she’d put on when they got back from Mable’s, so they could help make dinner. Then she placed the skirt on the bed before she slipped off her bra, she wanted to drag out the unveiling of her little secret as long as she could.

     “If you don’t get a move on sis, I’ll pull them panties off you myself.” Lauren frowned as she stood with her hands on her hips trying to look all bossy now. Danielle couldn’t help giggling as this pose made her look more like Aunt Becky.

    Danielle took a couple of deep breaths as she hooked her thumbs through the waist band on her panties. She quickly pushed them down and then stepped out of them, leaving her naked for both Lauren and Lianna to see. Danielle had closed her eyes waiting for Lauren to start screaming and shouting, but there was nothing like that. She finally opened her eyes and looked down to see Lauren just staring at it.

     “It doesn’t look anything like Andrew’s use to look before nana Prue fixed it.” Was all Lauren said as she looked at it from all angles.

     “But it doesn’t look anything like a girl’s either.” Danielle pouted.

     “Very true, and I can see why people made a mistake when you were born.” Lauren said with a sad look. “Nana Prue will soon have you looking just like me.” Lauren added with a smile.

    Lauren was soon getting undressed and even let Danielle have a good look at her naked body as she did so. “It’s only fair I let you have a good look at me too sis.” Lauren grinned as she struck a sexy pose making both Danielle and Lianna giggle.

     “Thanks for being so understanding about me Lauren.” Danielle said after they had all got their swim suits on.

     “I’ve already got one freak for a sister, so what’s one more.” Lauren giggled just before she ran from the room. Danielle and Lianna knew that Lauren was just playing with them, but it still didn’t stop them running after her for saying it.

    Lauren jumped straight into the pool when they got down there, and Lianna followed suit, but Danielle just stood at the side of the pool looking nervous with her hands pulling down the small skirt piece that ran all around the lower part of the swim suit she had on. She giggled as she watched Lianna splashing Lauren with water for what she’d said up in Lianna’s room.

    Danielle jumped and let out a squeal when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she spun around and stepped back, but forgot she was stood on the edge of the pool and she started to fall back. She fell backwards into the pool with a loud splash. Danielle started to panic she was going to drown, but her feet found the bottom of the pool and she soon realised that it was only up to her chest.

     “Are you alright Danielle?” A worried looking Jennifer asked from the side of the pool where she’d just been stood watching Lianna and Lauren playing around. “I didn’t mean to scare you sis.” She added as she dropped down into the pool and waded over to give Danielle a hug.

    Jessica was with her, and she also dropped down into the pool and came over to make sure Danielle was okay. “We were just shocked to see you in a swim suit and so close to the edge of the pool.” Jessica explained.

     “I did try calling your name, but Lianna and Lauren were making so much noise you didn’t hear me. I tapped you on the shoulder, and the next thing you’re in the pool. Sorry.” Jennifer said again with a pained look. “Am I forgiven?” Jennifer asked with a pout.

     “Yes I forgive you sis.” Danielle smiled as she hugged Jennifer and Jessica back. “I lied when I said I was afraid of the water. I just didn’t want to risk anyone finding out about my problem.” Danielle explained to the two girls.

     “We can understand that sis.” Jessica said as she hugged Danielle a little tighter to let her know they weren’t bothered about the lie she’d told.

     “Lianna said she’d teach me how to swim if I came in the pool.” Danielle grinned. “I’m just glad I fell in the shallow end.” She added as she thought about droning her first time in a swimming pool.

    Lianna and Lauren had both swam over to check on Danielle while she spoke with Jessica and Jennifer. “Are you alright sis?” Lianna asked looking worried.

     “Yes I’m fine, but Jennifer pushed me in.” Danielle pouted playfully just before she splashed Jennifer with some water.

     “Looked more like you jumped in to me.” Lauren giggled as she joined in with the splashing around.

    They were soon joined by the other kids and they played around with a beach ball for a bit, and then Lianna took Danielle over to a quiet part of the pool so she could start and teach her to swim. Danielle was a quick study and was soon able to do the doggy paddle. The lesson was cut short when Becky entered the pool room and told them all to go and get cleaned up ready for dinner.


    Becky was helping Holly in the kitchen when she saw Chrissy, Amy and Mandy walk into the room smiling, but all looking worn out from a busy day at the shop.

     “Hello baby.” Chrissy said with a sigh as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Becky and pulled her close for a long loving kiss. “How are Danielle and Lianna getting along?” Chrissy asked the minute they stopped kissing each other.

     “They’re both doing just fine. And hello to you to beautiful.” Becky giggled just before she pulled Chrissy back again for another kiss.

     “Sorry, but I’ve just been worried all day about what happened.” Chrissy said between gasps, as she tried to get some air back in her lungs again.

     “I’d be more surprised if you hadn’t been worried.” Becky smiled as she stroked Chrissy’s cheek while looking at her beautiful wife’s face. “They’re the best of friends again now. I even caught them kissing.” Becky added with a grin.

     “I knew there was something between the two of them.” Chrissy grinned back. “No one could be that upset with someone if they didn’t love them.” Chrissy added with pride.

    Mandy looked a little more shocked to hear the news about Danielle and Lianna making out, but even she couldn’t fault Danielle’s choice. “Do we need to have a talk with them?” Mandy asked, as she tried to play the responsible parent.

     “I think it might be best to just sit back and see where it goes for now.” Holly suggested. “It’s not like either of them can get up to much is it.” Holly pointed out.

     “Where are they all anyway?” Chrissy asked.

     “They all went in the pool when they got home from school, so I sent them all up to get changed and cleaned up ready for dinner.” Becky said. “They even got Danielle to join in, and Lianna was teaching her to swim when I went in to get them all out the pool.”

     “So the being afraid was just a lie?” Amy asked.

     “Yes, she was just scared we’d find out her secret and send her away.” Becky said with a sad tone to her voice. “She was having a lot of fun doing the doggy paddle though, when I told them dinner would be ready soon, so I don’t think it will be long before she’s joining a swim team.” Becky added with a giggle.

    They all stopped talking when they saw the kitchen door open and then Lianna, Danielle and Lauren entered the kitchen and stopped dead in their tracks looking worried when all the grownups looked at them without saying a word to begin with.

     “Do you want us to set the table for dinner nana Holly?” Lianna asked.

     “If you don’t mind dear.” Holly smiled at the three of them.

    Danielle took a quick look around and then made eye contact with her mother before she was led quickly from the room by Lauren to help set the dinner table.

     “Are you sure everything is alright with Danielle? She looked scared of me just now.” Mandy asked with some worry in her voice.

     “I think she’s just worried about what you and Carl are going to say to her about the whole running away thing.” Becky said. “What do you and Carl plan to do to her for running away?” Becky asked.

     “We spoke earlier when he called to let me know that child services went to see him, and he managed to get them to hand over custody to him, so we can move ahead with the surgery, just as soon as mum can pin down the closest date. We’ve decided to do nothing, she’s been through enough already, and I can’t see her doing it again, not now.” Mandy smiled as she thought about just how happy Danielle looked when she entered the kitchen just now.

     “Maybe you should go and let Danielle know that.” Chrissy said as she gave Mandy a little push towards the kitchen door.

    Mandy took her sisters advice and was soon going through the door and looking for Danielle. She was around the far side of the table, and wouldn’t look Mandy in the eyes when she saw her enter the room.

     “Danielle? Can I have a word with you?” Mandy asked as she walked around the table to where Danielle was stood looking worried.

     “Yes mother, do you want to go to another room?” Danielle asked in a shaky voice as she thought that Mandy was about to shout at her, or do something far worse.

     “No, we can talk here. It won’t take long to say what I have to say.” Mandy smiled as she pulled out a chair for Danielle to sit on and then one for herself. “I want to talk to you about a punishment for the silly thing you did last night.” Mandy started.

     “I’m really sorry mummy, please don’t send me away. I know I was being really silly.” Danielle got out just before she broke down in sobs of tears.

    Lianna went to run around the table to comfort Danielle, but Lauren stopped her and made her look at Mandy to see that she had no plans to do something like that to Danielle. Mandy pulled Danielle up onto her knee and then wrapped her arms around the sobbing child and just held her close for a couple of minutes as she rocked her back and forth.

     “I’ve got no plans to ever let you go Danielle. I just wanted to let you know that me and your father won’t be carrying out any punishment for what you did last night.” Mandy said as she made Danielle look her in the eyes and she moved some damp stray hairs out of her eyes for her.

     “You’re not? But why? I did a bad thing.” Danielle snuffled.

     “You’ve been punished enough all your life so far sweetie, so I think we can cut you a little slack just this once, but don’t make a habit of it.” Mandy warned, but she was grinning as she said it.

     “I’ll never do anything like that ever again mummy.” Danielle said as she threw her arms around Mandy and clung onto her like she never wanted to let go again. Mandy was happy to let the child stop there hugging her like that for as long as she wanted. “I love you.” Danielle said when she finally broke the hug and looked Mandy in the eyes again.

     “I love you too sweetie.” Mandy said with a tear in her eye as she kissed Danielle on the forehead. “Now get back to helping your sister set the table for dinner.” Mandy giggled as she slid Danielle off her knee and then playfully slapped her bottom before watching her run off giggling.

    Nicole, Jessica and Jennifer soon turned up to help. But Peter, Richard and Craig were still missing, not that it surprised anyone. Brad found them in the games room a little later and brought them all back to the dining room with him when dinner was ready and on the table.

    Everyone had arrived home, so they all sat down to eat with Danielle back in her old spot between Lianna and Lauren. Danielle smiled as she watched her two sisters piling food on her plate. She liked the fact that everyone cared about her so much.

    Once dinner was over, Danielle looked worried when her Aunty Chrissy, Aunty Amy and Aunty Cathy all walked up to her and stopped her from clearing the table with Lianna and Lauren.

     “We need to have a chat with you Danielle.” Chrissy said as the spokesperson for the group. “Lianna and Lauren will be fine doing the dishes this evening.” Chrissy added as she took hold of Danielle’s hand and led her out of the dining room and down the hallway to the family room where they could talk in private.

     “Am I in trouble Aunty Chrissy?” Danielle asked looking worried.

     “No sweetie, not at all.” Chrissy said as she stopped walking and knelt down to give Danielle a loving hug to prove her point. “We just want to explain some things to you.” Chrissy added sounding very cryptic about it all.

    Danielle felt more relaxed as she looked into the face of her beautiful smiling Aunty as she held out her hand for Danielle to take hold of, so they could carry on walking down to the family room.

    Amy and Cathy sat on a sofa facing the one Chrissy was helping Danielle to take a seat on, but when Chrissy went to join them, Danielle wouldn’t let go of her hand. “Do you want me to sit with you?” Chrissy asked as she looked down at the worried face Daniele was now wearing as she nodded for Chrissy to sit with her.

     “I think you better kick things off Chrissy.” Cathy said as she looked at Chrissy now sat with Danielle cuddled up to her.

     “I know you have some questions about why there are three all girl couples in this family Danielle. Your Aunt Becky said you’d been asking her about it, but she said it would be up to me to explain it to you.” Chrissy smiled down at Danielle, whom was looking up at Chrissy from where her head was nestled into her shoulder.

     “I have always been told that it’s wrong for two girls to love each other, but you all look so happy and very much in love.” Danielle said looking a little confused.

     “That’s just the fear some small minded people have about what they deem to be the ways some things should be, but we can’t help who we fall in love with Danielle.” Chrissy tried to explain. “I think you already know that don’t you?” Chrissy added with a grin.

     “I do love Lianna, but I’m confused as to whether or not it’s just the fact I was raised as a boy, or if I just love her because I now know she use to be a boy and I’m a girl, even if I do have a defect.” Danielle sighed heavily.

     “Danielle, you are a girl, just as Lianna is where it counts.” Chrissy placed her hand on Danielle’s chest to make her point. “You just love the soul of the person; don’t ever be ashamed of that.” Chrissy added as she hugged Danielle even closer.

     “So you don’t mind that I’m in love with Lianna then?” Danielle asked looking hopeful.

     “No, not at all, but you will need to be careful while around others.” Chrissy warned. “They may not be as understanding as we are here.” Chrissy added as she indicated the house around them.

     “How did you know that Aunty Becky was the right woman for you?” Danielle finally asked the question she’d wanted to ask since finding out that Lianna and Lauren had two mothers and no father.

     “That is what we want to talk to you about Danielle.” Chrissy smiled. “You see your Aunty Cathy, Aunty Amy and I are all the fathers to our children.” Chrissy said as she looked at Danielle suddenly looking confused as she tried to work out what Chrissy was getting at.

     “You’re all like Lianna?” Danielle suddenly asked with her mouth hanging open in shock.

     “Yes we are, but none of us were as young as Lianna when we transitioned” Chrissy smiled as she helped Danielle to close her mouth again.

    Chrissy went on to tell Danielle her story of leaving home and then finding Becky after Mable’s son David took her, or him as it was back then to Mable’s where she lived while keeping her female side a secret until Mable caught her one day. Chrissy told Danielle about how she ran away that night scared, and then ended up getting stabbed and almost dying from it.

     “You got stabbed?!” Danielle said looking shocked as she suddenly sat up.

     “Yes I got stabbed.” Chrissy said as she lifted her top up and showed Danielle the scar. Danielle ran her finger across the scar and made Chrissy giggle. “Don’t do that, it tickles.” Chrissy said as she playfully slapped Danielle’s hand away.

    Chrissy then went on to tell her about the other times she ran away, and how foolish it had been. Danielle sat and listened to the whole story and then Amy and Cathy explained how they came to be the way they were, and how meeting Chrissy had been the best thing to ever happen to them.

    Danielle was left with a lot to process by the time they finished explaining it all to her, and she was shocked to find out that none of them had been born girls.

     “You all look so beautiful; I just can’t believe none of you were born this way.” Danielle finally got out.

     “Thank you sweetie, but the point is, we still fell in love with girls, so there’s nothing wrong with the way you and Lianna feel about each other.” Chrissy grinned as she hugged Danielle closer.

     “Thank you for sharing your stories with me.” Danielle said. “I used to think I was the only one that felt this way, and add to that feeling like I should have been born a girl, but being told I was a boy and then suddenly starting to grow breasts, well...” Danielle trailed off, not knowing how to carry on.

     “We understand most of what you’ve been going through Danielle.” Chrissy smiled.

     “I wish I’d started growing breasts at your age.” Amy pouted.

     “I’m not sure that would have been a good thing with how your father was.” Cathy pointed out as she thought about the fact he tried to kill Amy in the shop, and would have if it wasn’t for Chrissy stabbing him with a pen and then Brad turning up and stopping him. Amy’s father was finally knocked down by Vic after he tried to kill Becky, but ended up stabbing Frank instead when he stepped in front of the knife. This had all just been explained to Danielle, so she knew what Cathy was getting at with her comment to Amy.

     “Good point Cathy.” Amy said looking worried now she’d thought about it a little more.

     “We better let you go and see if Lianna and Lauren need any help in the kitchen with the dishes, or you can be sneaky and hang out with us for the night and let them sort it out.” Chrissy grinned.

     “I’d like to go and help, if you don’t mind?” Danielle asked as she slid forward and stood up. “They will get done quicker if I help out.” Danielle added with a smile before she left the room and made her way back to the kitchen.


    Lianna and Lauren were up to their elbows in pots and pans. Lauren could see that something was bothering Lianna, which wasn’t helping them to get the dishes cleaned and put away.

     “What’s wrong sis?” Lauren asked when she saw Lianna looking over at the kitchen door like she was willing someone to walk through it.

     “I’m just worried about Danielle.” Lianna said with a heavy sigh.

     “She’ll be fine. I bet mom, Aunty Amy and Aunty Cathy are just telling her about their past.” Lauren said in a, don’t worry about it tone of voice.

     “I guess they are, but I’m worried about something else as well sis.” Lianna said with a nervous look on her face as she chewed on her bottom lip trying to work out if she should say anything to Lauren about it.

     “What is it sis.” Lauren asked as she came closer so Lianna could tell her without being overheard, even if they were the only two in the kitchen at the minute. “It looks like you and Danielle got everything sorted out, so it’s not that.” Lauren smiled.

     “We kissed.” Lianna said looking worried as she looked over Lauren’s shoulder to make sure no one had just walked in on them. “We kissed and it felt like the most amazing thing in the world.” Lianna added in a dreamy voice.

     “That’s wonderful sis.” Lauren said as she threw her arms around Lianna and hugged her. “But why do I get the feeling there’s more going on than just the kiss?” Lauren asked when she saw that her sister still looked worried about something.

     “Mum dragged us around to see Gran this afternoon, and Danielle asked what sort of trouble she might be in for running away, so I started joking with her about Gran locking her in the cellar with the spiders and rats, or she might lock her in the stocks and whip her, just like we use to do to each other and the others.” Lianna explained.

     “That was a little mean of you sis.” Lauren pouted. “But I’m sure she knew you were just teasing her though.” Lauren added with a shrug.

     “That’s just it sis, she freaked out and thought it was really going to happen to her.” Lianna said with a hurt look on her face. “Mum told me that Danielle had really had some of them things done to her. Danielle said it was a cupboard and not a cellar, but it really was done to her, she even got beaten with a slipper and a leather belt.” Lianna added with tears in her eyes, just like Lauren now had, as she found out about the brutal upbringing their new sister had put up with.

     “We need to replace all those nasty memories with happy ones sis.” Lauren said in a firm tone. “Danielle needs to be overloaded with happy memories.” Lauren added with a grin.

     “I was thinking of having a word with Uncle Carl and Aunty Mandy about throwing Danielle a welcome to the family party, or just call it a late birthday party.” Lianna told Lauren about her idea.

     “That sounds like a wonderful idea sis.” Lauren giggled as she danced about all excited about them having another party so soon after their own. “You said you went to see Gran today? How mad was she over the two of us sneaking out with you dressed?” Lauren asked looking worried for what she had to expect when she saw their Gran next.

     “You need to give Danielle a hug for that one sis.” Lianna grinned. “Even though I’d been mean to her, she still begged Gran to not have a go at us over it; she said that if we hadn’t gone out, then she never would have found such a wonderful family.” Lianna told her sister what Danielle and their mum had said.

     “Just when I think I can’t love that girl anymore, she does something like that for us.” Lauren beamed with pride for her new sister.

     “Hey! Don’t love her too much.” Lianna warned as she playfully slapped her sister’s arm as she started giggling.

     “Don’t worry, she’s not my type.” Lauren grinned.

     “Oh yes, she’s not called Simon.” Lianna grinned. “Oh Simon, oh Simon.” Lianna said in a breathy whisper as she held her hands to her chest and fluttered her eyelids.

    Lianna and Lauren were still playing around when they suddenly realised they weren’t alone in the kitchen anymore. They both looked over and saw Nana Holly stood in the doorway with Danielle stood at her side trying not to giggle.

     “I can’t turn my back for two minutes without you two starting to play around.” Holly said in a stern voice, but it didn’t reach her eyes, so Lianna and Lauren knew she was just playing with them. “I’ve found you a helper, so hopefully you might get them done before it’s time for breakfast.” Holly added as she pushed Danielle in the direction of the sink where the other two were now stood grinning.

    Daniele was a little shocked when Lauren threw her arms around her neck and hugged her. “Thanks for getting us out of trouble with Gran.” Lauren said just before she kissed Danielle on the cheek.

     “That’s what sisters do for each other, right?” Danielle asked with a grin as she thought how wonderful it was having people that loved her, and wanted her to be part of their lives.

    Lauren wanted to say more, but a fake cough from Holly let her know that they needed to get the dishes finished before they could talk more.

     “I don’t mind you talking, but I’d like to see some action while you do.” Holly said as she led the three girls back over to the sink where the dishes were waiting to be washed and dried.

     “What did mother want to speak to you about Danielle?” Lianna asked as they carried on doing the dishes with Danielle washing while Lianna and Lauren dried them.

     “She was telling me how you and she have more in common than I thought.” Danielle smiled. “I’m still finding it hard to believe she’s ever been anything but a female.” Danielle said as she thought about her Aunty Chrissy, Aunty Amy and Aunty Cathy. “Aunty Cathy said I’m just like your mother, but I think she was teasing her about the running away thing we seem to have in common.” Danielle giggled.

     “Mother does get teased about her younger days when she used to run away from her problems rather than face them, not that Aunty Jayden minds.” Lianna giggled. “It was on one of them little holidays that Mother met her and then returned home with her where she met Uncle Callum.” Lianna explained when she saw the puzzled look Danielle was giving her.

     “They never told me that, but I guess there are a lot of things I still need to find out about my new family.” Danielle smiled at the thought of being able to say that. “Aunty Cathy told me about her finding a new career as a makeover specialist after your mother stopped with her for a week when she thought your mum was seeing Uncle Vic behind her back.” Danielle added.

     “Yes, we try not to do things behind mothers back for that reason.” Lauren frowned. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson in that respect sister dear?” Lauren asked as she looked Danielle in the eyes with concern in them.

     “I’ve done running away from things sis.” Danielle smiled. “I have a reason to stop right where I am.” Danielle added with a bigger smile as she looked at Lianna grinning back at her.

     “Yes, I heard all about your reason for stopping.” Lauren grinned as she gave Danielle a wink that said she knew all about the kisses she’d shared with Lianna.

    Danielle blushed as she looked over to see if nana Holly was looking at them, but she had her head buried in a book pretending to take no notice. Danielle had no idea that Holly already knew about the kiss, most of the others in the house knew about it as well by now.

    With Danielle helping they soon had the dishes done and then they were allowed to go to their rooms, but they all went up to Danielle’s room and sat on the bed while Danielle told them about her little adventure the night before. They were soon joined by Jennifer, Jessica and Nicole, so they could all hear about Danielle’s scary adventure. Jennifer looked proud of her father when Danielle told them all how she remembered watching her Uncle Brad throw two of the homeless men out the way as he fought his way through to where she was laying on the ground half dazed from smacking her head on a large metal bin.

    The party moved down to the kitchen a little later when Chrissy and Amy poked their heads in Danielle’s room and said that they were making drinking chocolate down in the kitchen. Danielle was soon sat at the kitchen table having a laugh as Chrissy and Amy told them stories of their weddings and other adventures they’d had.

    Once they had all had their hot chocolate, they were all looking tired so they were taken up to bed. Mandy let Lianna and Lauren give Danielle a hug at the top of the stairs before she led Danielle down to her bedroom, while Chrissy and Becky walked Lianna and Lauren in the other direction to their rooms.

     “I’m glad to see you finally got over your mood with Danielle Sweetie.” Chrissy said as she helped Lianna get ready for bed.

     “I’m sorry for letting you down mummy.” Lianna said with a look of shame. “I’m not sure why I acted like I did now.” Lianna added as she tried to work out why she did act like she did.

     “I think we both know why you acted like that.” Chrissy smiled. “Love can make you do strange things, and act like you wouldn’t normally act.”

     “Love?! Who said we were in love?” Lianna asked in a high pitched squeak.

     “A mother just knows these things, that and your mum saw the two of you kissing this morning.” Chrissy giggled as she nudged Lianna with her shoulder as they sat side by side on the bed.

     “Are we in trouble then mummy?” Lianna asked when she realised there was no point trying to lie her way out of it.

     “No, not at all honey, but we will need to have a chat with you and Danielle about the way you act while at school and out in public, or out in general.” Chrissy said as she pulled Lianna into a hug with her.

     “Danielle’s had such a tough life mummy.” Lianna said with a sigh as she enjoyed the hug. “Can we throw her a late birthday party, or do something really cool, just to show her how much we love having her here with us?” Lianna asked as she looked up at her mother with hope in her eyes.

     “I’m sure we can come up with something, but would anyone from school want to come and spend time with her yet? She’s not had much time to make any new friends.” Chrissy asked as she started to form a plan in her mind.

     “All our friends would come to the party.” Lianna said as she sat up looking excited about the thought of throwing Danielle a party. “They all took a shine to her in the two days she spent with them.” Lianna explained.

     “Okay then, I’ll have a word with the other grownups, but for the time being, just keep it to yourself. We’ll make it a surprise party for her.” Chrissy grinned. “Now get in bed young lady.” Chrissy ordered as she pulled back the covers and then helped Lianna to climb in.


    Mandy had helped Danielle get ready for bed and then helped her climb into bed. “I hope you plan on staying in bed tonight sweetie?” Mandy asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

     “I’m sorry I tried to run away.” Danielle blushed. “I was just being silly.” Danielle added.

     “I know about your feelings for Lianna, and I also know that the two of you kissed.” Mandy grinned.

     “You do?” Danielle asked looking worried. “Am I in trouble?”

     “No, but I would like you both to try and keep it a secret to the outside world honey.” Mandy said with some worry in her voice. “Most of the world won’t understand the way you feel about each other.” Mandy warned.

     “I do love her mummy; I love her more than I’ve loved anything in my whole life.” Danielle said with a pleading in her voice.

     “What, even more than you love me?” Mandy pouted, but she was soon grinning again when she saw the worried look on Danielle’s face. “I’m just teasing you sweetie.” Mandy giggled as she leaned down and gave Danielle a hug before kissing her on the forehead.

     “I’m not sure if I’ve actually said this to you or daddy yet mummy, but thank you for adopting me and making me feel wanted.” Danielle snuffled as she threw her arms around Mandy’s neck and hugged her for all she was worth.

     “I’m the lucky one having you as part of my life Danielle, just please don’t ever run away again.” Mandy said as she also shed a few tears as she hugged Danielle back.

     “I promise mummy.” Danielle whispered in Mandy’s ear. “I hear that Aunty Chrissy is much better at it anyway.” Danielle added with a giggle.

     “Don’t get me started on that subject.” Mandy giggled back as she wiped away the few tears from her cheeks that she’d shed. “But I must admit that if she hadn’t run away a couple of times, then we might have not found you so fast last night.” Mandy said with a shudder as she thought of what might have happened to Danielle.

     “I’ve got no reason to run away again mummy, and I’ll come and talk to you if I ever feel I have.” Danielle said as she lay her head back on the pillow and let her mother tuck her in for the night.

    Mandy tucked Danielle in and then kissed her on the cheek before wishing her sweet dreams before she left the room to go and cuddle with Carl for a couple of hours while they all talked about their days.

    Lianna was having trouble sleeping, so in the early hours of the morning she wandered down to Danielle’s room and saw her tossing and turning in bed like she was having a nightmare. Lianna was quick to slip into the bed and pull Danielle close in a tight hug. It did the trick and Danielle was soon breathing softly as she relaxed in to a more peaceful slumber again. Lianna was soon drifting off to sleep as well.


To Be Continued Next friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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Child and Parent guide:

Parents Children
Chrissy & Becky Andrew/Lianna, Lauren (Twins)
Amy & Amber Jessica
Ann & brad Jennifer
Sara & Cathy Peter
Mandy & Carl/Carla Craig, Danielle (Adopted)
Jayden & Callum Richard, Nicola (Twins)
Dan & Faith Penny, Christopher

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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