You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 47

You Have It All Wrong Four

By SaraUK


Part 47

    Danielle and the others all found out that their friends had loved the presents they all got from them for Christmas, just as they had loved the presents they had received in return. Danielle was like a small child as she told everyone about the wonderful time she’d had, and how large the pile of presents was she had to open. Danielle had already told her new friends about her lack of a real Christmas before this one, and they were all happy that she’d had such a good time this year, and hoped she had many more to come.

    With exams coming up it became a busy time to study for them, so Lianna. Lauren and Danielle didn’t get to spend as much time doing fun stuff with the other kids, but all three of them wanted to get top grades so they could all get into a good college.

    Ian was trying to spend as much time with Clare as he could, but between studying and the fact his mother wasn’t happy about Ian dating a girl like Clare, it was hard for him to balance it all. His mother had found out things were getting serious between the two of them and she had told Ian to stop seeing her, but Ian had said he’d move out before that happened. Clare had been around to Ian’s a couple of times, but since that had happened, she’d stayed away and Ian didn’t spend as much time at home either.

     “Do you think it’s worth you falling out with your parents over me?” Clare had asked Ian one lunchtime at school while they were all enjoying the sunshine for once.

     “Yes! I’m not going to let my mother say who I can and can’t go out with, and I love you with all my heart Clare.” Ian said as he pulled her closer and kissed her to prove his point.

     “I just feel bad about you and them not speaking much.” Clare said between kisses.

     “And that is one of the things I love about you baby.” Ian replied. “They will soon cave once they get to know you better, and mother sees that I’m serious about this.”

     “I hope your right.” Clare admitted. “Your mother is scary.” Clare added with a shudder.

    Ian was right and his mother did cave, but only after she made Clare cry one Sunday when Clare had gone around helping Ian study for his exams. His mother had snapped at Ian about Clare never being able to give him children, and her grandchildren. This had hit a nerve with Clare and she’d snapped back at Ian’s mother about how much she wished she could give Ian children one day, but life wasn’t that fair, and she’d have to live with not feeling complete as a woman until the day she died. Ian’s mother couldn’t help but see a young girl that was heartbroken over the very thing that had been worrying her more than the fact Clare was born a boy. She saw that Clare was a girl, but she was just unlucky enough to be born with the wrong body to match her brain.

    Clare and Ian’s mother became close after that, and Ian sometimes wished they were still not speaking when they got together and started picking on him and his father. His father had never had a problem with Clare, and Ian later found out that his father thought she looked better than most girls did these days, whatever that meant.

     “Too many ladettes around now, but people still get their knickers in a twist when it’s the other way around.” His father had said.

    Ian kind of understood what his father was getting at. It was fine for a girl to act like a tomboy, but not for a boy to act like a girl.

    One other thing that his mother couldn’t fault was the improvement in Ian’s grades since he’d been seeing Clare, and even though she was a year below him in school, she was still very bright.

    It was soon time to sit and do their exams and Danielle was nervous she would fail, but she gave it her best shot, and she’d spent many hours studying with Lianna and Lauren.

    They all seemed to sail through all their exams and they all thought they did pretty well on them, but they would have to wait to find out, so they focused on the school prom that would mark the end of their school life before they all went their separate ways and started college.

    Lianna and Lauren had their birthdays to celebrate before then though, as did Danielle. The three of them decided that due to there only being a couple of weeks between their birthdays, they would just have the one big party for them all, and then they would do something smaller for Danielle’s. Lianna had something planned, but she wouldn’t tell Danielle anything about it.

    Carl decided to throw the party at the hotel rather than the house, so all their friends at school received a very posh looking invitation to Lianna, Lauren and Danielle’s sixteenth birthday party at the Wayne Towers hotel. Carol had helped design the cards with Amber, and then Carol had sorted out the printing.

    The big night finally arrived and they even had a live band playing. Damon had offered to get his mates to play for them all, and they were a big hit. Lianna, Lauren and Danielle were all shocked to see that Cathleen, Penny and Kat were all backing singers for the band, but they sounded really good, but the biggest shock was how good Damon sounded on lead vocals.

    Carl had heard Cathleen saying how good the band was, so he’d made some calls to some old friends in the music industry and they were there that night to hear them play. They seemed to be blown away by just how good they were, and they were soon sorting out for the guys to meet up with them and sort out a record deal.

    Danielle, Lianna and Lauren all had a wonderful night and Danielle got more photos to add to her ever growing collection of photo albums.

     “It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was holding the two of you in my arms.” Chrissy said with a snuffle as she fought back the tears trying to leak from her eyes. “And now you’re both sixteen and look so beautiful.” She added as she pulled them both into a hug.

    Danielle had been stood with the two of them when Chrissy came over, and she to found herself being pulled into the group hug by a very weepy Chrissy.

     “I’m not actually sixteen yet though aunty Chrissy.” Danielle tried to remind her.

     “You will be in a couple of weeks though.” Chrissy pointed out. “And you’ve grown up so much in this past year.”

    Danielle didn’t know what to say to that, a lot had changed, and all for the better as she thought back to being saved in the shop by Lianna, and then finding the bravery to go to Lianna’s house , even if it did get Lianna and Lauren in trouble, but at the same time she’d found out who and what she was, and with a lot of help from her new family, she was now the girl she was meant to be all her life, and very much in love with the girl of her dreams, even if that girl still had a ways to go down her own path to becoming complete.

    The party finally came to an end and they all made their way home. Danielle had been pressing Lianna for details on what she had planned for her actual birthday, but Lianna would just smile at her and say she’d have to wait and see, but there were a couple of little details they needed to take care of first. One of the little details was a visit to Sara and Cathy for Danielle to have some measurements taken for some reason.

     “I’ve just decided I hate surprises.” Danielle whined as she stood in the middle of Sara’s work room at her home while she called out measurements to Amber. “Please tell me what you have planned for my birthday Lianna.” Danielle whined some more in a pleading tone.

     “You’ll find out in a week’s time.” Lianna grinned as she found it cute when Danielle acted like this. Lianna thought she was just like a small child that wanted to know everything right now.

     “I hate you.” Danielle grumbled as she stuck out her tongue and then tried to fold her arms across her chest, just to have Sara make her hold them out again so she could get some more measurements.

     “Do you really hate me?” Lianna smirked, already knowing the answer before she saw Danielle fighting with a grin.

     “You know I don’t, but I really want to know what all this is for, and what you’re planning to do for my birthday.” Danielle pleaded.

    Sara had finished with the measurements, so she handed Danielle a robe to put on, as she was stood in just her bra and panties. She and Amber then left the room, so Lianna could help to calm Danielle down with a hug and a kiss.

     “I’m not going to tell you anything, but I promise you will have a wonderful time.” Lianna said just before she leaned in and kissed Danielle.

     “I’m already having a wonderful time just being with you.” Danielle sighed as they broke the kiss and she licked her lips to taste Lianna still on them.

     “You’re too easy to please.” Lianna smirked. “Maybe I should cancel what I have planned then.” She added.

     “NO! Please don’t do that.” Danielle shot back sounding worried. “I don’t know what you have planned, but please don’t cancel any of it.” Danielle added as she wrapped her arms around her like she really would cancel whatever it was she was planning.


    The next week was the longest of Danielle’s life, but she went to school and helped to sort out details for the prom with the others, and she kept trying to get details about this secret birthday surprise Lianna had planned, but Lianna was keeping tight lipped about it all.

    Saturday finally arrived, and Danielle found a room full of gifts when she entered the dining room that morning as she came down for breakfast with Lianna and Lauren.

     “Now can you tell me what you have planned for my birthday?” Danielle pleaded.

     “No, but I will show you as the day goes on.” Lianna smiled.

    Danielle just frowned, but she was soon grinning again as she thought about the fun she would have finding out.

    They all had a large family breakfast together, and Danielle did find out that today was going to be all about her and Lianna, so this was going to be the only time she got to see the rest of the family together.

     “How am I supposed to get dressed if I have no idea what we’re going to be doing?” Danielle asked as she stood in the doorway to her walk in closet looking over her shoulder at Lauren, who was tasked with making sure Danielle got dressed.

     “Just put something simple on for now, Lianna has your outfit for later already sorted out.” Lauren said sounding cryptic as she walked over and led Danielle into the closet and helped her pick out a simple looking dress and some sandals to go with it.

    Lauren soon had her dressed and then they went down stairs and found Lianna dressed in pretty much the same sort of dress and sandals.

     “What happens now?” Danielle asked eager to get this surprise birthday started.

     “Now we go to the first place on the list of things we’ll be doing today.” Lianna said as she took hold of Danielle’s arm and led her out the front door and into the waiting chauffeur driven Mercedes Benz S class.

     “Where are we going?” Danielle asked as she looked over at Lianna sat next to her in the back of the car.

     “You’ll see when we get there.” Lianna smiled as she took hold of Danielle’s hand to help her relax.

    They drove around for a short time until Danielle was totally confused as to where they were, but she soon realised where they were when they pulled up outside Aunty Jane’s salon.

     “You’re treating me to a makeover?” Danielle asked excitedly.

     “No, this it Aunty Jane’s part of your birthday gift.” Lianna admitted.

    The chauffeur helped the two of them to get out the car, and then he handed Lianna a card with his number on it, and told her to call when they were ready to be taken to the next place on the list.

     “The chauffeur knows more about my birthday than I do?” Danielle complained as Lianna led her into the salon.

     “Everyone knows more about your birthday than you do.” Lianna said in a matter of fact way.

    Danielle wanted to say more, but she was stopped by a very hyperactive Aunty running over to them and pulling them both into a hug as she wished Danielle a happy birthday.

     “And how’s my little birthday girl doing today, do you feel any older?” Jane asked.

     “I feel like I’m going grey over trying to work out what Lianna has planned.” Danielle frowned.

     “Just relax and enjoy the day, you’ll love it.” Jane grinned.

     “Great, another one that’s in the know.” Danielle frowned again as she looked at Lianna, who was trying hard not to start grinning at her.

     “She doesn’t like surprises we’ve found out.” Lianna said to a puzzled looking Jane.

     “You’ve dropped yourself into the wrong family if you feel like that.” Jane giggled. “Well, let’s see about getting you two into the hands of my team of mad scientists then.” Jane said as she led the two girls deeper into the salon.

    Danielle and Lianna were soon being treated to a full spa treatment before they had their nails, hair and makeup done. Both of them looked stunning by the time Jane and her team had finished with them.

     “Won’t we look a little silly going out the shop wearing the clothes we came in wearing?” Danielle asked when she saw that Jane had led her to a changing room where her normal clothes were waiting for her.

     “Don’t worry sweetie that will be fixed at the next place you’ll be stopping.” Jane said as she helped Danielle to get dressed again.

     “And where will that be?” Danielle asked, hoping that Jane might tell her.

     “You’ll just have to wait and see.” Jane grinned as she tapped Danielle on the nose just before she dropped the dress over Danielle’s head without it touching her hair, which was up in a very fancy do on the top of her head.

    Danielle just let out a sigh and finally accepted that she was going to be in the dark until such time as Lianna wanted her to find each part out. She was soon dressed again, and then she met up with Lianna out in the waiting area. Lianna looked just as good as Danielle, so she knew that where they were going, Lianna was going to enjoy herself as well.

    Lianna had called the chauffeur, and he was waiting for them when they left the salon. He helped the two of them to get in the car before he got behind the wheel and pulled off in the direction of their next stop. They both waved to Jane as she stood out on the pavement and waved to them with a grin on her face.

    Danielle had lost all track of time while in the salon with Jane’s team working on her, but it was already three in the afternoon. Danielle looked puzzled when she saw that the chauffeur was pulling into Sara and Cathy’s drive.

     “Is this where we’re getting our new clothes from?” Danielle asked, but already knew the answer. Lianna just nodding in agreement as she was helped out the car by the chauffeur who then walked around to Danielle’s said and helped her get out as well.

    Danielle was shocked to see Chrissy and Mandy come out of the house to greet them as well as Cathy and Sara.

     “Look at the two of you...!” Chrissy said as she ran over and gave them both a hug before Mandy did the same.

     “You look so beautiful princess.” Mandy said as she led Danielle into the house, while Chrissy did the same with Lianna.

    Danielle went to complain when she saw Chrissy and Cathy lead Lianna off in another direction, but she was stopped when Mandy reassured her that they would soon be back together.

     “Lianna wants to see the wow factor when you both see each other dressed.” Mandy explained as she helped Danielle out of her clothes before she handed her a sexy looking black bra and panty set to put on.

     “I wish I knew what she had planned for me.” Danielle admitted as she slipped off her bra and panties, so she could put on the new ones.

     “Trust me, you’ll love it sweetie.” Mandy smiled. “I can’t believe you were once that skinny little thing that came looking for Lianna a year ago.” Mandy added when she saw just how much Danielle had filled out in all the right places. She now had a nice figure and her breasts had grown a lot as well.

     “You would have had a lot of trouble convincing anyone you were still a boy looking at you now.” Sara smiled.

     “Mum says she might have died if we hadn’t found out about her being intersexed.” Mandy said with fear in her voice. “I don’t believe in god, but I thank him every day for Lianna and Lauren sneaking out and saving you in that shop.” Mandy added as she gave Danielle a hug.

     “Don’t worry mum, I’m fine now, well apart from the risk of being crushed to death that is.” Danielle giggled.

     “Sorry.” Mandy giggled back as she broke the hug and then stepped back so Danielle could see the garment bag Sara was holding.

     “I hope you like it Danielle. Amber and I have been working with Lianna for some time designing and then getting this made for you to wear this evening.” Sara explained as she unzipped the garment bag and revealed a beautiful black velvet cocktail dress with little diamonds all over it.

    The dress was actually velvet and taffeta and the diamonds were actually rhinestones. It had a sleeveless lightly scooped neckline and a classic 1950’s look to it with a velvet top and a taffeta full skirt with a velvet belt which tied in a bow at the back.

     “It’s so beautiful Sara.” Danielle said as she ran her hand over the two different fabrics. “Can I try it on?” She asked eager to find out what it felt like to be wearing such a beautiful dress.

     “We didn’t make it for you to just look at.” Sara said as she took the dress off its hanger and then undid the zip at the back for Danielle to step into it.

    It fits me perfectly.” Danielle said with shock in her voice as she ran her hands over the fabric, she loved the feel of it.

     “I should hope so; we didn’t measure you the other week for the fun of it.” Sara said sounding offended, but she was soon smirking, so Danielle knew she hadn’t really just upset her aunt.

     “I’m sorry Aunty Sara, but I’ve never had anyone make me a dress before.” Danielle said as she stepped over to get a better look at herself in the full-length mirror that was in the room. “It feels so wonderful in all the right places.” She added as she ran a hand down her thin waist.

     “That’s the big difference between one that’s made just for you, and a standard one you buy off the rack.” Sara smiled at the complement Danielle had just paid her. “This is also mine and Amber’s little part of your birthday gift.” Sara added as she gave Danielle a hug.

     “We better see about getting these sandals on your feet.” Mandy said as she pulled a pair of black sandals out a box. They had little rhinestones on them to match the bodice on the dress.

    Now when Danielle looked in the mirror, she saw a much older looking version of herself. She could easily pass for eighteen or nineteen.

     “I look so much older than sixteen now.” Danielle said as she studied the woman in the mirror. “I never thought I could look this elegant.” She added as she turned to look at Mandy and Sara.

     “Face it sweetie, there was a time you never thought you’d be a normal girl.” Mandy said as she looked at her now grown up daughter. “I’m so proud to have you as my daughter.” Mandy added with tears in her eyes.

     “I’m the proud one to have such wonderful parents and family.” Danielle said as she fought back the tears. Jane had used waterproof makeup, so there was little risk of Danielle spoiling her makeup.

     “Shall we go and see if Lianna’s ready yet?” Mandy asked once she’d pulled herself together and taken a couple of deep breaths.

     “Don’t forget this.” Sara said as she handed Danielle a little clutch purse with some makeup and other bits in she might need later in the evening.

    Danielle took the purse off Sara and then followed Mandy out into the hallway where she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Lianna stood with Chrissy and Cathy. Lianna looked stunning in a cream coloured silk dress that made her blossoming female figure look even more eye catching than normal.

     “Wow Danielle, you look breathtaking.” Lianna said as she closed the distance between them until they were almost nose to nose.

     “I was just about to say the same thing about you.” Danielle giggled. “I love you so much Lianna.” Danielle said as she wrapped her arms around her and then pressed her lips to Lianna’s.

     “I bet I love you more.” Lianna grinned when they finally came up for air.

     “I doubt that.” Danielle grinned back.

     “I’m willing to try and prove it to you, but right now we need to get going again.” Lianna said as she looked at the small watch she had on her wrist.

     “Where to next?” Danielle asked with a smirk because she already knew Lianna wasn’t about to tell her. “I know; I’ll have to wait and see.” She added before Lianna could say a word.

     “You’re learning.” Lianna giggled as she let Chrissy slip a small jacket that matched her dress on her. Sara slipped a jacket that matched Danielle’s dress on her at the same time.

    Lianna then slipped her arm through Danielle’s before she led her back out the house and into the waiting car. The chauffeur closed their doors and then got in before driving away as the two girls waved to Chrissy, Mandy, Sara and Cathy.

    Danielle was having a wonderful time just being with Lianna for once, but she was also excited to find out what Lianna had planned next. She soon found out when the chauffeur drove into the west end where all the theatres were and he pulled up outside one of the largest ones and a man was quick to open the door and help the two of them to get out the car. Danielle saw that they were going to see a production of the live stage version of Grease, the film made famous by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.

     “Are we really going to see this?” Danielle asked in shock. She’d watched the classic movie and then seen that they were doing a live version of it, and she’d shown an interest in it, but she never expected to get the chance to see it.

     “Your father helped me sort this part out, but he got us a private balcony box, so we don’t have to worry about anyone seeing us holding hands and cuddling up to each other.” Lianna said as she took hold of Danielle’s arm and led her into the theatre.

    Lianna showed the usher their tickets and he was quick to do all he could to make sure they didn’t want for anything as he led them up to the private box. Lianna had a little bit of a shock when she saw that there was a bottle of champagne, a bowl of strawberry’s and a folded piece of paper with her name on it. Lianna picked up the note once the usher had sat the two of them down and was now opening the bottle of bubbly.

    Dear Lianna

    Please enjoy this bottle of champagne and try to not get to drunk and start acting foolish, I’m putting a lot of trust in the two of you. And most importantly remember to have a good time!


    Carl and Mandy

    Danielle waited for the man to pour the champagne and leave again before she looked at Lianna to make sure it was okay for them to have any of it.

     “It’s a gift from your parents, but we’re not to get to tipsy on it.” Lianna grinned as she picked up the two glasses and handed one of them to Danielle before holding hers up to toast Danielle on her birthday. “To the most beautiful caring woman I know on her sixteenth birthday.” Lianna said as she lightly tapped her glass to Danielle before she took a sip from it and giggled when the bubbles went up her nose.

    Danielle giggled when the same thing happened to her, but she loved the way it tasted, and she was soon being fed strawberries by Lianna, and she did the same to her. Both girls had to grin when they saw people pointing up to their balcony box and tried to work out if the two of them were anyone special. The lights went down and then the musical started and Danielle laughed and clapped along with the songs and had a wonderful time.

    The usher returned just as the show ended and Danielle found herself and Lianna being taken backstage to meet the cast and Danielle left with sighed books and posters, as well as a pink ladies jacket which the whole cast had signed for her.

     “Thank you for such a wonderful day.” Danielle said once they were back in the car, which the chauffeur had pulled down the side alley to miss the crowds at the front of the theatre.

     “We’ve not done yet.” Lianna grinned.

     “You still have more planned for me?” Danielle looked shocked.

     “Yes, we still need to have dinner and cake.” Lianna said like Danielle was being silly. “You can’t have a birthday without a birthday cake.” She added with a grin.

     “I had the day with you all to myself, and that is much better than cake.” Danielle sighed as she cuddled up to Lianna in the back of the car.

     “I’m glad to hear that, but we still need to have some dinner.” Lianna said as she wrapped an arm around Danielle.

    They were soon pulling up outside the hotel Carl owned and they were helped out of the car before being shown into the hotel.

    Danielle thought they would be led into the restaurant, but the man was taking them in the other direction towards another set of doors that led into one of the function rooms. Danielle was just about to ask Lianna what was going on when a chorus of voice shouted out ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!’

    The room was full of people and she knew them all, as it was her whole family all sat around a large table in the middle of the room.

    Danielle was left feeling speechless as she was led over to the table and helped to sit down by Carl, who then did the same thing for Lianna right next to her.

     “Did you really think we would let Lianna have you all to herself for the whole day?” Mandy asked with a grin.

     “I gave up trying to work out what Lianna was doing hours ago.” Danielle giggled.

     “How was the musical?” Carl asked.

     “It was really good, and I even got a signed pink ladies jacket.” Danielle grinned.

     “Did you get the strawberries and champagne?” Carl asked.

     “Yes thank you daddy, they were really nice, but the bubbles kept tickling my nose.” Danielle giggled some more as she waved at everyone.

    Danielle told them all about her day and the musical while they all enjoyed the meal Carl had sorted out for them. Danielle’s mouth fell open again when she saw some members of staff wheeling out a trolley with a massive cake on it with sixteen candles burning away on the top. Everyone started singing happy birthday to her and Danielle had tears in her eyes as she blew them out. She was handed a knife to make the first cut before the staff took over and got it all cut up so everyone got a slice.

     “Thank you for such a wonderful birthday.” Danielle said as she looked around the table at everyone enjoying their cake.

     “I still have one more thing I need to do Danielle.” Lianna said as she turned Danielle to face her.

     “What more is there for you to do Lianna? I’ve had the best day ever already.” She said as she looked deep into Lianna’s eyes.

     “I still have one more gift to give you.” Lianna said as she pulled a small purple ring box out her purse and opened it to show Danielle what was inside.

    Danielle found herself looking at a ring with a large diamond in it.

     “I know you said you’d say yes when I finally asked you, but I’ll ask anyway.” Lianna said nervously. “I want to give you my heart Danielle, so will you do me the honour of becoming my wife and marry me?”

     “Yes...! Yes...! Yes...!” Danielle said as she threw her arms around Lianna and planted her lips on Lianna’s lips.

    Lianna was finally able to get the old ring off Danielle’s hand so she could put the new one on that made it official. Danielle then had to walk around the room showing everyone the ring. Carl was the only one to know about this part of the day due to Lianna going to Carl and asking for Danielle’s hand in marriage. Carl had then taken Lianna to buy the ring as he knew Lianna didn’t have that kind of money to spend on a ring herself.

     “I do need to warn you Danielle.” Lianna said a little later in the night when she got her alone for a couple of minutes.

     “What’s that?” Danielle asked looking worried.

     “I’m not sure I’ll be able to top this birthday next year.” Lianna giggled as she looked at Danielle still looking at the ring on her finger.

     “I’ve got you, so what more could I possibly want out of life.” Danielle grinned as she wrapped her arms around Lianna just before she started kissing her.


To Be Continued Next friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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Child and Parent guide:

Parents Children
Chrissy & Becky Andrew/Lianna, Lauren (Twins)
Amy & Amber Jessica
Ann & brad Jennifer
Sara & Cathy Peter
Mandy & Carl/Carla Craig, Danielle (Adopted)
Jayden & Callum Richard, Nicola (Twins)
Dan & Faith Penny, Christopher

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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