You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 30

You Have It All Wrong Four

By SaraUK


Part 30

    Danielle woke after yet another nightmare where she was being shoved into the trunk of Ken’s, the child care works car and driven away to some place where he could tie her up and kill her. Danielle slipped out of bed and decided to go back to her own room and let Lianna and Lauren get some proper sleep without her screaming and tossing about all night.

    Lianna woke just as she heard her bedroom door click shut, and she looked over to see Lauren asleep on the other side of the bed, but Danielle’s spot in the middle was empty, so she slid out of bed and put her slippers and dressing gown on before she went to see where Danielle was going. Lianna could just make out the outline of Danielle at the other end of the long hallway that ran the length of the upstairs from one end of the house to the other before forming a U at each end.

     ‘Where’s she going?’ Lianna said to herself when she saw that Danielle was going to her own bedroom for some reason.

    Danielle got to her bedroom and slipped off her dressing gown and slippers before pulling back the covers and getting into the cold bed and curling up into a ball to wait for sleep and more bad dreams, but before she could drift off, there was the sound of her bedroom door opening. Danielle was scared it might be Ken, having escaped from the police, or he had been released after he explained his reason for trying to take her away. Danielle pulled the covers even tighter around her as she waited for the nasty man to rip them away from her, but that never happened.

     “Danielle? What’s wrong?” Lianna’s soft musical voice asked as she pulled the covers down and she looked into Danielle’s scared looking eyes. “Why did you leave my bed and come down here? Are Lauren and I keeping you awake?”

     “No, it’s the other way around. I’m worried that I’m keeping you and Lauren awake with my nightmares, so I thought it best if I come to my room and try to sleep in my own bed and let the two of you sleep as well.” Danielle said as she tried to pull the covers back up again.

     “Well you don’t think to good do you when you’re half asleep.” Lianna frowned as she used both hands to pull the covers away from Danielle before she pulled Danielle from the bed and made her get her dressing gown and slippers back on. Let’s go back to bed.” Lianna added as she left Danielle’s room and returned to the other end of the house and her bedroom where Lauren was just sitting up rubbing her eyes and trying to work out where Lianna and Danielle had vanished off to.

     “Where you two been?” Lauren asked sleepily.

     “Danielle was worried about keeping us awake, so she went to her own room to sleep there, so as not to disturb us, and I just went to bring her back.” Lianna said in a bossy voice as she looked at Danielle while she pointed at the bed for Danielle to get back into it.

     “That’s so silly sis.” Lauren said looking at Danielle. “We’re family, we all suffer together, and that includes losing out on some sleep if it helps you get some.” Lauren said as she gave Danielle a hug as she climbed into the bed again.

     “Lauren and I will help keep the bed dreams away.” Lianna said climbing in behind her and then pulling the covers back up over them all.

    Danielle was soon drifting off to sleep feeling warm and loved with Lianna and Lauren cuddled up to her on each side. If she did have any more bad dreams, she didn’t remember them.


    Carl and Mandy were sat in the kitchen having their first cup of tea, while chatting with Holly about the trouble from the day before, when Chrissy and Becky entered the kitchen.

     “Morning!” Carl said cheerfully to the two of them.

     “Morning.” Becky smiled back.

    Chrissy just scowled at Carl as she went over and gave her mother a hug. “Morning mother, do you need me to help you?” Chrissy asked Holly as she wrapped her arms around Holly from behind, and looked over her shoulder to watch her mother turning some sausages under the grill.

    Holly would normally say she could cope just fine, but she already knew that Chrissy would still be angry with Carl for not telling her that she’d been hurt the day before when the man trying to take Danielle pushed her out the way, causing her to bang her head on the doorframe. “That would be wonderful dear.”

    Chrissy was soon busy checking the hash browns in the oven and stirring the pan of mushrooms. “How’s your head today?” Chrissy asked as she looked over at Holly with worry in her eyes.

     “Still on my shoulders, last time I checked.” Holly said with a little laugh, she was hoping to make Chrissy see that it was no big deal, and she was fine now.

     “Mum.” Chrissy whined like a child. “I mean do you feel dizzy or have any blind spots in your vision.” Chrissy added looking more serious now she’d dropped the whiny child like voice.

     “I’m fine sweetie, and I don’t feel any dizzier than I normally do.” Holly said as she stepped over and gave Chrissy a hug as she kissed her daughter on the cheek. “So stop worrying, and stop being angry with Carl for not telling you about me getting some sense knocked into me.” Holly added as an order more than a suggestion.

     “He still should have told me, and given me the choice instead of making my mind up for me like I’m a child.” Chrissy pouted as she kept stirring the mushrooms.

     “Well you could have fooled me over the child part, looking at you pouting like that.” Holly smirked.

    Chrissy was trying hard to keep the pout going, but even she was beginning to see the humour in what she’d just said and how she was acting, so she was soon grinning. “How can I be all moody if you’re going to keep poking fun at me mummy?” Chrissy said in a child like voice again as she let Holly hug her again.

     “Simple, don’t try to be moody and go give your other family members a good morning hug.” Holly said as she walked Chrissy over to the kitchen table and stood her right in front of Carl.

     “I’m sorry I kept the news of your mother getting hurt from you Chrissy, but like I said last night. She was already sat up and hugging Danielle in a protective way when I got home, and I couldn’t see the point of making you worry.” Carl explained for what felt like the hundredth time.

     “You still should have given me the choice Carl.” Chrissy argued.

     “I know, but I thought I was doing you a favour.” Carl said as he opened his arms and let Chrissy step into them.

     “I hate you.” Chrissy pouted as she let Carl hug her.

     “I know you do.” Carl chuckled as it looked like anything but hate. “Can’t you feel me shaking from all the hate I’m feeling?” Carl added in a dramatic voice.

     “I’m sorry Carl.” Chrissy mumbled as she enjoyed the hug she was getting. “I hate being mad with people, it’s so tiring.” She added with a sigh.

     “And we all hate seeing you angry with us.” Mandy said as she stood up waiting at Carl’s side to also get a hug from Chrissy.

    Chrissy was soon letting Mandy give her a good morning hug as well, then Chrissy skipped back over to carry on helping Holly sort out breakfast for them.

    With it being a Saturday, they were only cooking for them, as they were the only ones that needed to be up at this time. Amber wandered into the kitchen with Amy, as she wanted to spend some time with her wife before Amy had to leave for the shop with Mandy and Chrissy.

     “Are you taking any of the girls to the shop with you today?” Amber asked after helping Amy take a seat at the table and sitting down herself.

     “No, we thought Danielle could use some time having fun with the others just hanging out around the pool and in the games room, or doing whatever else they can find to do.” Mandy said.

     “I was thinking of having a big family get together tomorrow and having a barbeque.” Carl said. “I thought it would give Danielle a chance to meet all her family, and Vic said Cathleen is back for the week from college. He says that she’s eager to meet her new cousin.” Carl added.

     “Kat and Penny have been driving me mad with questions about Danielle as well, so I know that they would love a chance to meet Danielle.” Amber said.

    Penny and Kat had become like sisters since Faith married Dan and Hope would babysit for them while they went out having fun. Both Penny and Kat had shown a keen interest in fashion and design, so they both jumped at the chance of working for Sara and Amber working on designing fashions for Carla, Vicky and all the other girls that wanted to look there stunning best when they went out on the town.

    Cathleen had shown an interest in becoming a doctor, so she could follow in her Nana Prue’s footsteps and help from another angle. Everyone still found it hard to believe that the little girl they had all played with was now able to sit and have conversations with Prue about transgender issues and use big words none of them understood but Prue.

     “It sounds like a wonderful idea, and I’m sure the kids will all chip in and help get everything cooked and set up.” Mandy said with a grin.

     “I was thinking of inviting an old friend from college. He’s only just moved into the city with his daughter, and they don’t really know anyone yet.” Carl asked the group to make sure none of them were bothered.

     “I’ve got no problem with you inviting them.” Mandy said as she looked around the table and got the same answer from them as well. “What’s his name?” Mandy asked.

     “Richard Bell and his daughter is called Tina.” Carl said. “He lost his wife to breast cancer some time back, so it’s just the two of them now.” Carl explained.

     “I’m sorry to hear that. It must be hard on him trying to raise a daughter on his own.” Chrissy said with pain in her voice. “How old is Tina?” Chrissy asked.

     “She’s the same age as Craig, Richard and Nicole. She’s going to be starting at the same school as all the others after the holidays, so I thought it would be good for her to have some friends when she starts there.” Carl said looking hopeful that they would all get on.

     “I can’t see that being a problem.” Mandy smiled, already knowing that they would all help Tina fit in, just like they had Danielle.

    Chrissy made a list of things they would need for the barbeque the next day, as she was the head organiser for these things with Holly helping her, and they were soon giving Carl a list to sort out.

    They all finished their breakfast and then finished getting ready to leave for work. Carl was going into the office, as he left early the day before, due to the trouble with Danielle, and he wanted to have a meeting with his lawyers to make sure they kept the pressure on the police to not go easy on Ken Douglas, and he also wanted them to look into what dealings this ken had had in Danielle’s sketchy history with all the foster homes she’d been moved to. Carl was beginning to think Ken was grooming Danielle for his own sick little games, and she would end up so lost in the system that he’d be able to just make her vanish all together, but Danielle running away and finding Lianna and Lauren threw a large spanner in his machine.


    Danielle woke and found she couldn’t move due to Lianna and Lauren pinning her down, Danielle couldn’t even see what the time was, but she knew it was getting late due to the amount of sun streaming in through the window, due to there being a small crack in between the curtains.

     “Morning.” A sleepy sounding Lianna said as she started to wake when Danielle tried to look at the clock on the bedside table behind her.

     “Morning.” Danielle smiled just before she leaned in and gave Lianna a quick kiss.

     “What time is it?” Lianna asked when she noticed the sunlight poking through the small gap in the curtains herself now.

     “It’s just gone nine thirty.” Danielle said as she finally worked her way free of Lauren and managed to look over Lianna.

     “That’s cool.” Lianna grinned, like she had just realised something.

     “Why is that cool?” Danielle asked looking puzzled.

     “It means we get the weekend off, so we can just hang out and have some fun.” Lianna informed her as she cuddled up close to Danielle again.

     “Is that why Aunty Chrissy or mother never called us then? Danielle asked.

     “That would be the reason.” Lianna grinned even more.

    They just lay there cuddling each other for some time, but soon Danielle felt the need to use the bathroom, so Lianna had to release her and then she sat up in bed and watched Danielle run off to the bathroom.

     “Good morning Lauren.” Danielle said to a sleepy looking Lauren as she tried to get her feet in her slippers while she kept trying to find the second arm on her dressing gown, when Danielle returned from the bathroom five minutes later.

     “Morning sis.” Lauren said with a yawn, as she gave Danielle a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek just before she dragged herself out of the room, so she could go and get a shower and wake herself up.

     “She’ll be her old self again, once she’s taken a shower.” Lianna giggled.

     “I was thinking of taking a soak in a bubble bath, as it looks like we don’t have anything to rush for.” Danielle grinned as she looked at Lianna hopefully.

     “That sounds like a great idea, can I join you?” Lianna asked as she slipped out of bed.

     “I was hoping you would.” Danielle grinned even more.

    Lianna and Daniele were soon slipping into Liana’s bathtub together, so they could wash each other’s backs and various other body parts. Lianna also got a good look at Danielle’s new look groin and she felt that pang of jealousy again, but also she felt happy for Danielle and the fact she now looked like a girl and felt like a girl instead of a freak. Danielle’s words for how she felt, not what Lianna thought of her for a second.

    Once done in the bath, they both got dried and dressed before going down for some breakfast after looking in on Lauren and finding her already gone. Lianna and Danielle thought she must have looked in on them and just made her own way down for some breakfast after hearing the two of them in the bath.

    Lauren was sat at the kitchen table when Lianna and Danielle entered the kitchen. Holly was doing something over at the cooker and the kitchen was full of the wonderful smell of something nice cooking.

     “Morning Nana!” Lianna and Danielle said at the same time.

     “Morning girls. I’m doing Lauren some French toast for her breakfast; do you want some as well?” Holly asked as she looked at the two of them over her shoulder.

     “MMM yes please.” Danielle said as her mouth started to water at the thought of tasting French toast again.

     “Yummy, count me in as well please Nana.” Lianna said as she helped Danielle take a seat at the table and then she poured the two of them a class of orange juice out each.

     “How are you feeling today Danielle? Lauren was just telling me that you were having trouble sleeping last night.” Holly asked with worry in her voice.

     “I’m feeling alright Nana, but I was having trouble with some bad dreams, but Lauren and Lianna helped me get past them.” Danielle said with pride for her two sisters.

    The three girls were soon sat eating their breakfast as Holly enjoyed the silence for a short time while they ate. Once the three of them had finished eating, they helped Holly get the kitchen cleaned up while she told them about the barbecue planned for the next day.

     “You’ll get to meet the rest of the family.” Lauren grinned as she looked at Danielle, who was looking a little worried knowing this.

     “How many are we talking about?” Danielle asked with a quiver in her voice.

     “Too many to count, but they are all really nice, and will love you to bits sis, so don’t look so worried.” Lianna said as she gave Danielle a hug to help calm her.

     “Lianna is right sweetie. They will all love you to bits, and none of them are ever nasty to anyone.” Holly backed up what Lianna had just said. “I was looking for some helpers though, to help me get things ready.” Holly added.

     “I’d love to help you get things ready Nana.” Danielle said looking excited about learning how to cook more meals.

     “Lauren and I will help as well.” Lianna said for the two of them, but Lauren didn’t argue.

     “That’s wonderful.” Holly said happily. “We will have lots more to do in the morning, but we can make a start on some of the things today, like baking the quiche and things like the chicken pieces, so they just need warning through on the barbeque tomorrow. And we can marinade some of the steaks as well.” Holly said as she started forming a plan of attack.

    The three girls were soon up to their necks in pots and pans as they helped their nana get things ready for the next day. The time went fast and they were all taking a break to enjoy a sandwich and a cold drink for their lunch.

    Lauren used this little break in their busy day to give Simon a call and put off their plan for him to join them for dinner that evening. With everything that had happened the day before, Lauren hadn’t had time to ask her parents about Simon coming over for dinner anyway. Lianna had told Lauren to invite him over the next day for the barbecue, but Lauren didn’t want Simon’s first visit to the house as her boyfriend to be at a big family get together, so she said she’d sort something else out later in the week. Simon had sounded a little sad about it all, but he understood the reason when Lauren explained what had happened. They all enjoyed a light lunch and then got stuck in again.

    Holly finally said they had done enough for one day, and she sent the three of them off to find the others and have some fun. So they were just making their way into the hallway to head up stairs and get cleaned up when someone rang the doorbell. Danielle let out a scream and then pulled Lianna and Lauren away from the front door when they went to see who it was.

     “Don’t get the door, please just keep away from it.” Danielle begged the two of them.

    Brad was soon running into the hallway from the pool area looking ready for trouble. He looked over and saw Danielle part hiding and part trying to pull Lianna and Lauren away from the door and then looked at the three of them for an answer.

     “What’s wrong?” He asked.

     “Someone’s at the door, but its made Danielle freak out.” Lianna explained to her uncle.

     “I’ll see who it is.” Brad said as he walked over and opened the door to find a delivery guy with some food for the barbecue.

    Brad helped the guy take the boxes to the kitchen while Lianna and Lauren took a shaking Danielle up to Lianna’s bedroom.

     “You’re safe now Danielle. That man will never be able to hurt you again.” Lianna said as she held Danielle in her arms while they sat on the bed.

     “Uncle Carl will make sure he never gets near you again.” Lauren said as she sat the other side rubbing Danielle’s back for her.

     “I’m sorry for being such a baby about it all, but I just can’t get his image out my mind.” Danielle snuffled as she sat sobbing again. “He called me the devils child, and said I was evil.” She sobbed. “I’m not evil, am I?” Danielle asked the two of them.

     “Like he’s an expert on who’s evil or not.” Lianna said with a roll of her eyes. “He’s nuttier than a Snicker chocolate bar.” She added with a giggle.

     “Just think of how wimpy he looked while Uncle Brad had hold of him.” Lauren reminded Danielle, as she tried to help Danielle get over her fears of the nasty little man that scared her the day before.

     “It was funny to see the way Uncle Brad was throwing him around, and then the way he was holding him a foot off the ground by his neck.” Danielle started to giggle as she remembered what happened when Brad saved her.

     “Hold on to those memories for the times you feel the fear of what nearly happened, and you will soon find that he doesn’t scare you anymore.” Lauren explained.

    There was a knock on the bedroom door and then Brad poked his head around the door to check on Danielle. “How you feeling now kiddo?” Brad asked as he stepped into the room fully.

     “Better now, sorry for making you worry Uncle Brad.” Danielle said with some shame in her voice for screaming out and panicking for nothing.

     “Don’t ever feel sorry for being scared Danielle.” Brad said as he walked over to the bed and knelt down just in front of Danielle and looked up into her eyes. “I’d rather you do that a hundred times and have me come running to your rescue, than lose you again.” Brad said looking serious as he said it.

     “Thank you Uncle Brad.” Danielle threw her arms around Brad’s neck as she said it.

     “Any time kiddo.” Brad replied as he hugged Danielle back. “I’m going to leave the three of you to have some fun now, and make my escape before you start trying to paint my nails, or try out some new makeup on me.” Brad added with a chuckle as he got to his feet and almost ran from the room.

    Danielle, Lianna and Laure were all rolling around on the bed as they had visions of Brad with pink fingernails and a heavily made up face. It had also helped to snap Danielle out of her mood, and the three of them were soon doing just as Brad had said and were playing around with makeup and nail art kits.

    Lianna grabbed her phone and checked to see if this Clare had tried texting her again, but there was still no reply, not since she’d tried calling the person at school and finding out they were in the library with her.

     “Still no reply from this mystery girl?” Lauren said heavy with sarcasm.

     “No, and I’m worried about her.” Lianna said. “What if they feel that I can’t be trusted sis?” Lianna asked with pain in her voice.

     “And what if the reason they ran away when you called them, was because it’s just some jerk trying to get to you.” Lauren argued. “You’ve got no idea who this Clare really is, and if you can trust them, so don’t go saying too much to them until you’ve had a face to face meeting with them.” Lauren added with anger in her voice.

     “Lauren’s right Lianna. You need to be very careful this isn’t just some kids playing with you in some sick twisted hope of getting you to open up to them, so they can use it against you later.” Danielle said as she backed up what Lauren had said.

     “Why would anyone want to do that?” Lianna said with disbelief in her voice.

     “I’ve seen kids do things that you would find hard to believe, but they still did them, and smiled as they did it.” Danielle said with a shudder as she remembered all the times she’d been tricked in the past. “Please be careful, and don’t agree to meet anyone while on your own.” Danielle added as she wrapped her arms around Lianna and hugged her.

    Lianna agreed to do as her sisters asked and they were soon being called down for dinner.

    Danielle thought Brad must have spoke with Mandy and Carl about what happened, because they never said anything about it later in the evening when they were all having dinner, but she could see they were a little worried about her still. The rest of the evening was taken up with everyone telling Danielle stories of what happened at other barbecues they’d had in the past.


    The house seemed to be buzzing on the Sunday morning when Danielle, Lianna and Lauren went down for breakfast. Danielle could see men and women out in the garden setting up tables and doing something with the barbecue.

     “Morning girls!” Chrissy said as she gave them all a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “How did you sleep last night Danielle?” Chrissy asked after hugging her and kissing her on both cheeks like the French do.

     “Morning Aunty Chrissy.” Danielle giggled. “I slept much better than the night before, but I think I have Lianna and Lauren to thank for that.” Danielle said with pride as she looked to either side of her where they were stood.

     “I use to be the same way when something upset me through the day.” Chrissy admitted.

     “You still are baby.” Becky said as she wrapped her arms around Chrissy’s waist from behind and rested her chin on Chrissy’s shoulder so she could look at Danielle. “Morning girls.” Becky added with a grin just before she started kissing Chrissy’s neck.

     “Stop doing that in front of the children.” Chrissy said as she tried to break free of Becky, but couldn’t, not that she was trying to hard by the looks of it.

    Danielle found herself wanting to do the same thing with Lianna as she watched her two aunts playing around, but she was soon being dragged over out into the dining room and handed a plate by Lianna as they all got what they wanted for breakfast.

    Once breakfast was out the way, everyone was handed a job to do by Chrissy, and they all got busy doing it. Danielle couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she watched her Aunty Chrissy, Aunty Amy and Aunty Amber all playing around and making everyone laugh as they got their jobs done.

    Everything was soon done and ready, so everyone went up to get changed ready for the rest of the family to arrive.

    Danielle was looking in her closet trying to work out what to wear when there was a knock at her bedroom door just before she saw Mandy poke her head around it.

     “Hi sweetie, why aren’t you dressed yet?” Mandy asked as she entered the room and walked over to where Danielle was stood just outside her walk in closet wearing nothing but a bra and panties.

     “Hello mother. I don’t know what to wear for a family barbecue.” Danielle whined.

     “Do you mind if I help you pick something?” Mandy asked.

     “No, I don’t mind at all mother; please help me.” Danielle pleaded as she grabbed Mandy’s hand and pulled her into the closet with her.

    Danielle was soon dressed in t-shirt, shorts and sandals, and Mandy had pulled Danielle’s hair up into a high ponytail.

     “Are you sure I’ll look alright mother? I thought you’d want me in a dress or something a little fancier.” Danielle said as she looked at herself in the mirror.

     “The other kids always end up playing games, and I don’t want you to worry about getting one of your pretty dresses dirty, and all the others will be dressed the same way, so you’ll fit right in.” Mandy said as she waved off Danielle’s worries about looking scruffy when she met the rest of her new family.

    Mandy led Danielle from her bedroom by the hand and met up with Lianna and Lauren at the top of the stairs.

     “Is everything okay sis?” Lianna asked when she saw the worried look on Danielle’s face.

     “I’m scared about meeting everyone.” Danielle said nervously as she let Lianna take hold of her hand now and walk her down the stairs.

     “You don’t have any reason to be scared, not unless you fear being hugged to death that is.” Lianna giggled.

     “I can think of worse ways to die.” Danielle found herself giggling.

     “Lauren and I will protect you from the masses.” Lianna said bravely.

     “My hero.” Danielle said in a breathy voice as she threw her arms around Lianna and kissed her on the cheek.

     “Break it up you two; we have guests waiting to meet you.” Mandy giggled as she split the two of them apart and pushed them towards the patio doors at the back of the house.

    Danielle could hear lots of people talking as they got closer to the doors and then Danielle saw them all sat out there in the large garden. She tried to stop walking, but between Lianna holding her hand and pulling her out into the garden, and Mandy giving her a gentle push, Danielle found herself being forced to step out into the spotlight. All the talking stopped as everyone turned to look at Lianna and the girl stood next to her.

     “Hello everyone, and thank you for coming!” Mandy shouted out to everyone. “I’d like you all to meet my new daughter Danielle.” Mandy added as she placed her hands on Danielle’s shoulders.

     “Hello.” Danielle squeaked out as she gave a nervous little wave.

     “I’ll let Lianna show her around you all, and do the more personal introductions.” Mandy said just before she let Lianna start showing Danielle around.

    Danielle knew some of the people, but others she had not met yet. She saw Kim sat at a table with a man she took to be her husband and her Gran was sat with them as well as Jane and another man. This was the table Lianna was heading for first, as it was the closest.

     “Hello Gran.” Danielle said as she gave Mable a hug.

     “Hello my dear. How are you feeling now?” Mable asked referring to the operation and the trouble from Friday.

     “I’m feeling much better now, and don’t need as many painkillers.” Danielle smiled as she enjoyed the hug her Gran was giving her.

     “That’s good to hear.” Mable said. “I know you’ve already met Jane and Kim, but I’d like you to meet David, my son and Kim’s husband, and this big Ox is Mark. Jane’s boyfriend, but he should be her husband by now.” Mable added as she gave the man she’d just called Mark a slap on the arm.

     “Hello Danielle. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Mark said as he reached out to shake Danielle’s and, but shocked her when they shook, and he then lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of it.

     “Hello Mark.” Danielle blushed. “I feel like I know you already with everything that Jane’s told me about you.” Danielle added with a grin.

     “I hope it was all good things she told you about me?” He asked with a worried look, just before he started grinning again. “And I will marry my girl when I’m good and ready old woman.” Mark added in mock anger as he looked at Mable.

    Mable just laughed at the old woman comment along with the rest of the table. “I’m going to keep pushing you until you finally make an honest woman of her.” Mable warned.

     “Hello Danielle. I hope that everyone is treating you okay?” David said as he also shook Danielle’s hand, but didn’t try to kiss the back of it like Mark just had.

     “Hello David. Yes they are all so wonderful.” Danielle beamed. “Hello Kim, Jane.” Danielle added as she looked at the two women.

     “Hello? Is that all I get?” Jane pouted. “Where’s my hug girlfriend?” Jane asked as she held her arms open for Danielle to step into.

    Danielle was soon being hugged by Jane, and then she got one off Kim after that. “Hi Aunty Kim.” Danielle said as she enjoyed the hug.

     “Hello shrimp.” Kim giggled as she hugged Danielle.

    Lianna had a lot more people to get around, so she was soon leading Danielle over to the table where their Nana Prue was sat with Granddad Frank, Vic, Jenna, Cathleen, Penny and Kat.

    Danielle looked scared as she didn’t know Jenna, Cathleen, Penny and Kat yet, and they were all looking her up and down, which wasn’t helping Danielle to relax.

     “Hi everyone.” Lianna grinned. “I’ll just introduce you to the family members you’ve not met yet.” Lianna added as she looked at Danielle.

     “Okay.” Danielle said nervously.

     “This is Uncle Vic’s wife Aunty Jenna.” Lianna said as she led Danielle over to Jenna.

     “Hello Jenna, it’s nice to meet you.” Danielle said as she reached out to shake Jenna’s hand.

     “Hello sweetie.” Jenna said as she took hold of Danielle’s hand and pulled her into a hug. “And it’s Aunty Jenna to you.” Jenna added with a grin.

     “Okay Aunty Jenna.” Danielle said as she hugged her newest Aunty back.

    Lianna waited for them to finish hugging before she moved onto the other introductions. “These three misfits are our cousins. Cathleen, Penny and Kat.” Lianna giggled as she found herself being pulled down onto Cathleen’s lap while Penny started to tickle her for her cheek.

     “Who you calling a bunch of misfits?” Penny asked as she made Lianna squeal.

     “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Lianna screamed as she tried to make her escape, but couldn’t.

    Penny finally stopped tickling her, and Cathleen let her back up off her knee before looking at Danielle. “Hi Danielle, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Cathleen said as she held out her hand to shake Danielle, but Danielle soon found herself sat on Cathleen’s knee, but Penny didn’t try to tickle her, which Danielle was glad about.

     “Hello Cathleen, Penny, Kat.” Danielle said as she looked at the three women. “You all look so pretty.” Danielle blurted out before she could stop herself. “Sorry.” Danielle blushed.

     “I like this one.” Penny said as she leaned over and gave Danielle a hug.

     “Leave some for me to hug.” Kat whined from the other side of Penny to what Cathleen was sat. Danielle was soon sliding back off Cathleen’s knee and going to give Kat a hug.

    Danielle went from being scared about meeting these three to not wanting to leave them as they started telling Danielle how they all thought she was really brave for all she’d put up with in her short life.

     “I’m sorry to break this up, but I still need to introduce her to the rest of the family yet.” Lianna said as she pulled Danielle to her feet and got ready to move on to the other tables spread out around the garden.

     “You’re just jealous of her being sat on my knee.” Kat teased, as she pulled Danielle back down again and wrapped her arms around Danielle to stop Lianna being able to pull her back to her feet. “I’m glad you finally grew out of that tomboy faze as well.” Kat added as she looked Lianna up and down.

     “Yes, you do look better now Lianna.” Cathleen said as she tried out Lianna’s name for the first time. “I’ll miss being able to call you Drusilla though.” Cathleen added with a pout, just before she started grinning.

     “I won’t miss it one bit.” Lianna frowned just before she stuck her tongue out at the three young women and then took hold of Danielle’s hand and ran away to introduce her to more of the family.

    Danielle found it all a little overwhelming, but they all seemed really nice and she got hugs off them all. Lianna was finally leading Danielle over to the table where Carl and Mandy were sat talking to a man that Lianna had never met before and there was a girl that looked to be around Craig, Nicole and Richard’s age sat next to him. The girl looked just as scared as Danielle felt. She was watching the other kids running around having fun, but looked too nervous to get up and join in.

     “Have you finally met the whole family now then Danielle?” Mandy asked as she pulled Danielle down onto her knee for a hug.

     “Almost.” Danielle said as she looked at the man sat talking to Carl.

     “This is Richard and Tina Bell. They’re friends of your father’s that we invited to this little get together, so Tina can meet some new friends. Tina will be starting at the school after the holidays, just like you, but she’ll be in the same year as Craig, Nicole and Richard.” Mandy explained.

     “Hi Tina, it’s nice to meet you.” Danielle said as she slid off her mum’s knee and sat in the empty seat next to Tina. Lianna sat in the one next to that.

     “Hello.” Tina said looking nervous.

     “Have you met my brothers and sisters yet?” Danielle asked as she tried to get Tina talking a little more.

     “No.” Tina said as she shook her head from side to side looking scared at the thought of going over and talking to any of the other kids playing around. “I’m fine sitting here.” Tina added as she went back to looking down at her lap.

     “That’s not going to work for us though.” Danielle said as she looked at Lianna with a grin. Tina was soon being pulled to her feet and dragged across the lawn to meet the other kids.

     “Try not to get dirty Tink!” Richard Bell shouted as he saw the two girls dragging his daughter away.

     “Daddy!” Tina whined when her father used his pet name for her.

     “Why did he call you Tink?” Lianna asked.

     “It’s silly, and you will just laugh at me if I tell you.” Tina pouted.

     “Well tell us anyway.” Danielle grinned.

     “It’s a play on my name. If you say it really fast, it sounds like you’re saying Tinkerbell, so daddy started calling me Tinkerbell, which he later shortened to Tink.” Tina explained.

     “I think that’s a really cool nickname.” Danielle said.

     “You do?” Tina asked with a puzzled look.

     “Yes.” Danielle said looking serious.

     “You don’t have to be nice to me, just to keep your parents happy.” Tina said when she thought that Danielle and Lianna were just pretending to be nice. “I know how this works. You both play nice in front of the grownups, but shun me when we get out of sight.” Tina explained.

     “What sort of barbecues have you been going to?” Lianna asked looking shocked at Tina’s comment. “If we didn’t want to spend time with you, then we wouldn’t be doing this.” Lianna added as she led Tina over to where the other kids were all playing around with a beach ball and a net. It looked like a weird version of volley ball.

    They all stopped playing when they saw Danielle and Lianna dragging the new girl over they had all seen sat with Carl, Mandy and man that seemed to know them both.

     “Hey everyone. This is Tina, but she likes to be called Tink.” Lianna said as she pulled Tina into the middle of the circle that had formed around them.

    Tina looked worried for a couple of seconds before she started getting hugs off them all, as they welcomed her into the group. She was soon grinning and giggling as they all carried on with the game, and she was part of it.

    Danielle played for a short time, but then she started to feel a little sore in her new groin, so she dropped out and went to chat with some of her new family while the others carried on playing. Lianna dropped out as well and went with Danielle. Danielle spent the rest of the afternoon finding out more about her family.

    Cathleen, Penny and Kat were more interested in finding out more about Danielle though, and they were all hugging her and wiping their eyes by the time Danielle got done. Lianna was left feeling a little jealous though, when the three young women said they would treat Danielle to a shopping trip with them the next day, while Lianna was at school. The three women were going to be spending the day together anyway, and thought it would give Danielle something to do while the others were all at school.

    The day finally came to an end, and Danielle who had feared the day at the start, was now sad to see it end. She hugged all her new family as they left, and she even got a big hug from Tina.

     “Thank you for making me feel so welcome today.” Tina smiled as she looked at all her new friends. “Are you sure you don’t mind me hanging out with you tomorrow Danielle?” Tina asked to make sure it was okay.

    Danielle had found out that Tina was being dragged around with her father while he sorted out selling one of the hotels his family owned, to Carl, and she was spending most her time sat out in a waiting area trying to kill time. Danielle had gone over and told Cathleen, Penny and Kat about this, and they had talked Tina’s father into letting them keep her entertained while they did the same with Danielle.

     “No I don’t mind one bit Tink.” Danielle grinned as she gave Tina another hug. “I’m looking forward to spending some more time with you.” Danielle added.

     “I’ll see you in the morning then.” Tina said just before she left with her father.

    Everyone was finally gone, and a cleanup crew had arrived to start sorting everything out while they all went into the house to relax.

     “What’s wrong Lianna?” Daniele asked when she saw that Lianna had become quiet as they sat around in her bedroom listening to some music.

     “Nothing.” Lianna said not very convincingly, as she looked at a magazine while lying on her bed.

     “I think I know you well enough by now, to know when you’re lying to me.” Danielle pouted as she snatched the magazine away and then spun Lianna over as she dived on top of her. “Start talking or I’ll kiss you to death.” Danielle added in an evil sounding voice.

     “Do you like Tina?” Lianna asked out of the blue.

     “Yes, I like Tina; she’s fun to hang with once she got over her shyness.” Danielle said with a puzzled look on her face, as she tried to work out where that question suddenly came from.

     “I thought so.” Lianna said as she tried to make Danielle get off her as her eyes started to well up with tears.

    Danielle could see that Lianna was upset about something, so she pinned Lianna down even more, even though it was putting pressure on her groin and making it hurt. “What’s wrong Lianna? Speak to me.” Danielle ordered.

     “You’re falling in love with Tina, and after tomorrow, you won’t want to spend time with me anymore.” Lianna snuffled.

    Danielle leaned in closer and licked away the tears that had fallen from Lianna’s eyes. She tasted the saltines on her tongue just before she looked Lianna in the eyes and said. “You’re an idiot.” Then Danielle touched her lips to Lianna’s and kissed her with all her heart. “I’m in love with you; I just like Tink as a friend.” Danielle added between kisses.

    All the worry Lianna had been feeling since she found out that Danielle was going to be spending more time with Tina, just washed away as they kissed each other. Lianna was soon looking worried again though, when Danielle let out a groan of pain.

     “What’s wrong?” Lianna asked.

     “I’m just a little sore from fighting to hold you down on the bed.” Danielle said as she tried to play down the pain she was feeling.

     “I’m going to run you a nice hot bubble bath, so you can take a soak and see if that helps ease some of the pain.” Lianna said as she jumped off the bed and vanished into the bathroom.

    Danielle was soon relaxing in a bubble bath, with Lianna sat on a stool next to her making sure Danielle didn’t want for anything.

     “Thank you for looking after me so well.” Danielle smiled up at Lianna just before they started kissing again.

    Danielle felt much better when she got out the bath once the water started to cool, and she was beginning to wrinkle. Lianna helped her get ready for bed and then Lauren joined them and they all cuddled up in Lianna’s bed and fell asleep.


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Child and Parent guide:

Parents Children
Chrissy & Becky Andrew/Lianna, Lauren (Twins)
Amy & Amber Jessica
Ann & brad Jennifer
Sara & Cathy Peter
Mandy & Carl/Carla Craig, Danielle (Adopted)
Jayden & Callum Richard, Nicola (Twins)
Dan & Faith Penny, Christopher

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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