You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 22

You Have It All Wrong Four

By SaraUK


Part 22


    Lianna was having trouble sleeping, so in the early hours of the morning she wandered down to Danielle’s room and saw her tossing and turning in bed like she was having a nightmare. Lianna was quick to slip into the bed and pull Danielle close in a tight hug. It did the trick and Danielle was soon breathing softly as she relaxed in to a more peaceful slumber again. Lianna was soon drifting off to sleep as well.

And now the story continues...

    Danielle remembered she was having a nightmare about being locked in a cupboard in the dark, but before she got to scared Lianna was suddenly in her dream and she wasn’t scared anymore as Lianna held her close. The thing Danielle found odd was how real the embrace felt, and how much she wished it was real. As she started to wake up, Danielle could still feel the embrace and when she finally cracked open an eye she found herself looking at Lianna’s sleeping face on the pillow facing her. Finding the temptation to great to pass up on, Danielle slid her head closer to Lianna’s as she touched her lips to Lianna’s and then she slipped her tongue into Lianna’s mouth when it opened.

    Lianna was having such an amazing dream about her and Danielle kissing when she felt herself starting to wake, but the kiss didn’t fade, it just felt even better. She opened her eyes to find Danielle’s face touching hers as they kissed each other. Lianna was soon putting even more passion into the kiss as Danielle did the same.

     “Morning.” Danielle said when they finally stopped kissing each other. “Why are you in my bed again?” She asked with a smile, not looking too bothered to find Lianna laying there when she woke.

     “I couldn’t sleep, so I came to see if you were okay. I saw you tossing and turning like you were having a nightmare, so I climbed into your bed and hug you until you stopped, then I fell asleep until you woke me with a kiss.” Lianna grinned. “Morning by the way.” Lianna added just before she leaned in for another kiss.

     “Thank you for doing that.” Danielle said when they finally stopped kissing again. “I think the talk yesterday about the punishments I’ve had in the past triggered the nightmares.” Danielle explained as she lay cuddled up to Lianna in the nice warm bed.

     “Nothing like that will ever happen to you again Danielle.” Lianna said hugging her a little tighter. “The worst punishment you can expect to find in this house is the one you’re already doing.” Lianna giggled.

     “I don’t really see it as a punishment though.” Danielle giggled. “It’s nice spending time with you and Lauren while we do it. I’ve never had anyone want to spend any time with me before I met you two.” Danielle sighed happily as she snuggled into Lianna even more.

     “I love spending time with you.” Lianna smiled just before they started kissing again.

     “What do you normally do over the weekends? When you’re not sneaking out and saving damsels in distress that is?” Danielle asked with a grin a little later as they still lay in bed enjoying the fact Lianna didn’t need to get up and go to school.

     “Normally go to the movies, shopping or help out at the shop my mother owns with your mum.” Lianna explained. “I guess this weekend will be spent in the house due to Lauren and I being grounded still.” Lianna added with a sigh.

     “That sounds exciting to me.” Danielle grinned.

     “Which one? The movies, shopping, or helping out at the shop?” Lianna asked looking puzzled.

     “None of them silly.” Danielle giggled. “Just hanging out here with you.” Danielle almost purred.

    Lianna was just about to reply to Danielle, but a knock on the bedroom door had them both looking worriedly at each other. Neither one sure how their parents would react to finding them in bed together, not that anything could happen. They both let out a sigh when they heard Lauren’s voice after the door opened.

     “Lianna? Danielle?” Lauren asked as she made her way over to the bed.

     “Hi sis.” Lianna smiled as she poked her head over the covers.

     “Hi sis.” Danielle giggled as she poked her head out from under the covers. “Is everything alright?” Danielle asked looking worried when she saw the look on Lauren’s face.

     “I am now, but I was scared you might have run away.” Lauren pouted as she slapped her hand down on the covers where they covered Lianna. “I’ll leave the two you to do whatever it is your doing then.” Lauren added just before she turned to leave the room.

    Danielle reached out and grabbed Lauren’s hand stopping her. “Lianna was just cuddling with me Lauren; you can join us if you want?” Danielle asked looking hopeful that her sister would join them. “Please.” Danielle pleaded.

     “Okay, if I must.” Lauren said with a roll of her eyes, like it was a bother, but she’d do it just to keep Danielle happy. The speed at which she jumped into the bed and cuddled up on the other side of Danielle, said it was anything but a bother. “What were you talking about? If you were talking at all.” Lauren added with a giggle as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

     “I was just telling Danielle what we normally did at the weekends, when we’re not grounded because some cute girl dropped us in it.” Lianna said as she started to tickle Danielle.

    Danielle suddenly found out she was very ticklish as she started squealing and trying to get away from Lianna, but found herself pinned in now with Lauren behind her, who also thought it would be fun to join in and tickle her new sister for getting them in trouble.

     “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Danielle managed to get out between squeals and giggles.

     “You don’t sound very sorry about getting us in trouble.” Lauren pouted as she carried on tickling her. “Do you think she sounds sorry sis?” Lauren asked as she looked at Lianna tickling her from the other side of the bed.

     “No, not one little bit, so I think we should carry on tickling her until she’s learned her lesson.” Lianna said as she carried on.

    They did finally stop the tickle attack when they thought Danielle was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. “You two are just mean.” Danielle gasped when she was finally able to speak. “But thank you for making me laugh like that.” Danielle added with a smile as she tried to remember if she’d ever laughed so much before, but she couldn’t think of a time.

     “We can do it a little more if you want?” Lianna grinned as she made a move to start the tickling again, but she was stopped when Danielle let out another squeal as she threw her arms around Lianna to stop her.

    Danielle was worried about Lauren starting again, but she didn’t have to as she felt her other sister cuddle up behind her. They all lay there in silence for a couple of minutes not saying anything to each other, then they heard a knock at the door before the door opened and someone entered the room. All three girls looked up over the covers to find Mandy and Chrissy stood looking at them with their hands on their hips pretending to be angry with them, but the smirks on their faces said otherwise.

     “We thought someone was trying to kill you Danielle.” Mandy said. “What were you doing to her?” She asked as she looked at a grinning Lianna and Lauren.

     “Tickle attack.” Lianna giggled. “I think she’s more ticklish than Aunty Amy.” Lianna added with some shock in her voice.

     “Judging by the noise she was just making, I’d have to agree with you.” Chrissy giggled. “I’m sorry to break up this touching moment, but the three of you need to get showered and dressed.” Chrissy added as she walked over to one side of the bed while Mandy walked to the other side to help Lauren get up.

     “Why do we need to get up and dressed mummy?” Lianna asked looking puzzled when she saw the time was still early for a Saturday. They normally got to have a lie in at the weekend.

     “The three of you are going to be helping out at the shop today as part of your punishment for the other Saturday.” Chrissy explained as she helped Lianna get out of bed.

     “That’s not fair on Danielle though mummy, she didn’t do anything wrong.” Lianna said as she tried to stop Danielle being punished for something the two of them did.

     “You do have a point Lianna, so Danielle can stop here today, while you two help out at the shop.” Chrissy said trying not to smirk when she saw the sad look form on Danielle’s face. “Or we could make it a small punishment for her running away.” Chrissy added as she looked at the look change on Danielle’s face.

     “I should be punished for running away Aunty Chrissy.” Danielle said a little too excitedly for her own good.

     “That’s settled then, so you all better see about getting showered. Your mother will sort you out with something to wear Danielle.” Chrissy said as she gave Danielle a quick hug and kissed her on the forehead before leading Lianna and Lauren from the room to help them get ready for work.

     “We need to teach our new sister to at least make it look like she’s being punished.” Lianna said to Lauren as their mother walked them back to their own bedrooms.

     “If what you said last night while we did the dishes is true sis, then I don’t think any punishment we have to suffer would seem like a punishment to Danielle.” Lauren pointed out.

     “Danielle has had to put up with a lot in her life so far.” Chrissy said with a sad sigh. “All we can do is show her endless amounts of love and hugs.” Chrissy added thinking about her two favourite things in the whole world, next to kissing and doing other things with Becky that is, but she wasn’t about to start talking about that in front of her children.

     “That sounds like a fun mission.” Lianna grinned as she thought about showing Danielle endless amounts of both.

     “How did the two of you end up in Danielle’s bed anyway?” Chrissy asked with a raised eyebrow as she looked at Lianna more than Lauren.

    Lianna thought about making something up, but knew her mother would see straight through it, so she decided to just tell the truth. “I was having trouble sleeping last night, so I walked down to Danielle’s room to make sure she was still in it, and she was having a nightmare, so I climbed into her bed to see if I could help calm her down, and I must have fallen asleep.”

     “And how did you end up in there as well?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Lauren.

     “I got worried when I saw that Lianna’s bed was empty this morning when I woke, so I ran down to Danielle’s room to see if she was with Danielle, and I ended up being asked to join them by Danielle.” Lauren explained with a grin.

     “And the tickle torture?” Chrissy asked.

     “Lianna and I were punishing Danielle for dropping us in it last weekend.” Lauren giggled.

     “Well you shouldn’t have done it, but due to you both finding our little lamb and saving her life, we’re going to end your grounding after you’ve helped out at the shop today.” Chrissy got out before she was attacked by two screaming girls trying to hug her to death.

     “Do you really mean it mummy?” Lianna asked.

     “Yes I mean it.” Chrissy said looking shocked at the question. “We can’t have you grounded tomorrow when we all take Danielle out for a fun day of shopping.” Chrissy added with a grin.

     “Danielle will flip out when she finds out we’re going shopping tomorrow.” Lauren said as she hugged her mother to thank her for ending the punishment. Neither Lauren nor Lianna saw helping out at the shop as a punishment.

     “That girl needs a good day of shopping to help teach her how to be a girl.” Chrissy grinned excitedly. Chrissy loved going shopping just as much as her daughters did.

    Chrissy let Lauren and Lianna go and take a shower while she sorted out clothes for them to wear while working at the shop.


    Mandy was sat on Danielle’s bed when she walked back into the bedroom after taking a shower and making herself smell like a flowery meadow.

     “I’m sorry you don’t get to have a bubble bath today sweetie. I know how much you love them.” Mandy said as she got up and set to work helping Danielle get dressed.

     “I don’t mind mummy. I’m looking forward to seeing where you work.” Danielle said sounding excited about doing something new. “What will I have to do at the shop?” Danielle asked.

     “Play around, laugh a lot, do the odd bit of work when we ask you to.” Mandy giggled.

     “Doesn’t sound much like a punishment to me mummy.” Danielle pointed out with a puzzled look.

     “The punishment part is getting Lianna and Lauren up early on a Saturday, but even that seemed a bit mute after all the noise they had you making earlier.” Mandy grinned. “I’m glad you’ve found some friends to share some good times with.” Mandy added as she pulled Danielle into a hug.

     “I’m glad I’ve found you all mummy.” Danielle said as she hugged Mandy even tighter, still not getting bored of using the word mummy.

     “I’m glad you found us too, sweetie.” Mandy said as she hugged Danielle even tighter. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you again, well not unless it leads to you having a better life that is.” Mandy added as she thought about the surgery Danielle needed to make her feel like a real girl.

     “I know what you mean mummy.” Danielle giggled, but inside she was scared about going under the knife, even if it would fix the birth defect she was born with.

     “We better get you dressed, or we’ll never get the shop open today at this rate.” Mandy giggled as she broke the hug and then set to work helping Danielle get her hair dried and styled before getting her dressed in a skirt and blouse.

    Mandy was already dressed, so once Danielle was dressed they made their way down to the kitchen where Holly was sorting out some breakfast for them all. Amy was already in there sat with Amber, but Chrissy, Lianna and Lauren were still upstairs getting ready.

     “Don’t you look posh?” Amber grinned as she looked at Danielle in her uniform for the shop. “Morning sweetie.” Amber added as she held her arms open to get a hug from her newest niece.

     “Good morning Aunty Amber.” Danielle grinned as she got a hug.

     “Hey! Save some hugs for me.” Amy pouted as she held her arms open ready to receive Danielle, so she could get a good morning hug.

     “I’ve always got hugs to share Aunty Amy.” Danielle grinned even more as she went over and jumped onto Amy’s knee and started hugging her. “Good morning Aunty Amy.” Danielle said as she hugged.

     “Good morning honey. Looking forward to spending the day at the shop today?” Amy asked after they stopped hugging, and Danielle was still sat on Amy’s knee enjoying the way she was being treated.

     “How did you know that I’d be coming to the shop today? Aunty Chrissy only just made her mind up while in my bedroom.” Danielle looked a little puzzled.

     “We knew that Lianna wouldn’t want to be far away from you today, nor you from her, so we just decided to make it look like you were being punished.” Amy grinned as she let the cat out of the bag.

     “I’m quite excited about seeing where you all work.” Danielle grinned happily.

    They all heard the clicking of heels just before Chrissy entered the kitchen with Lauren and Lianna following close behind dressed in the same style of skirt and blouse Danielle was now wearing.

     “You look amazing sis!” Lianna said as she rushed over to take a better look at her sister.

     “Not as good as you do though.” Danielle pouted as she let Lianna help her to get up off Amy’s knee.

     “Now you’re just being silly.” Lianna giggled. “How anyone could ever think of you being a boy is beyond me.” Lianna added as she saw how small Danielle’s waist looked in the skirt, and how her hips and chest came out to give her a nice looking figure. “I’m jealous.” Lianna pouted playfully, making Danielle blush a little at the compliment.

     “I don’t know what for sis; you really do look very beautiful.” Danielle pointed out.

     “Yes we all look beautiful, now can we eat before we get rushed out the door with empty bellies.” Lauren said as she forced her two sisters to take a seat so Nana Holly could feed them.

    They were soon sat down ready to eat, but Danielle and Lianna still found time to compliment Lauren on how good she looked. Lauren suddenly didn’t mind the conversation. They stopped talking when Holly put a plate of BLT’s in the middle of the table. Danielle soon found a couple of them on her plate as Lianna and Lauren helped her sort out her breakfast. She wondered if they were still following nana Holly’s orders to fatten her up.

    Once breakfast was over and the girls had gone up to brush their teeth and finish getting ready to leave, they made their way back down stairs to where Mandy, Amy and Chrissy were stood waiting for them. Becky was stood with her arms wrapped around Chrissy making the most of the little time they had left before Mandy dragged her away for another hard day at work.

    Mandy was taking one of the other cars today, rather than trying to get everyone on her BMW. She was going to use the people carrier. Lianna and Danielle sat in the very rear of the car, while Amy and Lauren sat in the next seats forward, and Chrissy sat in the front next to Mandy, who was driving.

     “Is everything alright Danielle?” Lianna asked when she saw the worried look Danielle had as Mandy drove up the road towards the shop.

     “I’m not a big lover of going in cars.” Danielle said. “Normally if I go in a car, it’s because I’m being moved to a new foster home.” Danielle explained.

     “I’m not going to let you get away from me that easy.” Lianna grinned as she took hold of Danielle’s shaking hand. “You don’t ever need to worry about that happening ever again.” Lianna added with a promise in her look.

     “I know all that Lianna, but it’s so hard to just push all those feelings aside.” Danielle sighed. “It all feels like a dream still.” Danielle added with a giggle. “And I don’t need you pinching me to prove otherwise!” Danielle warned when she saw Lianna’s hand start to sneak towards her, ready to pinch her again, like she did the day before.

    Chrissy, Mandy and the others all giggled and smiled when they saw how well Danielle was beginning to settle into her new life with them. Even thought they all knew that Danielle was safe living with them, they also knew it would take time for Danielle to let go of all the scared thoughts she must still be having, it had only been a week since she came to live with them.

    Danielle looked out the window, happy to let Lianna hold her hand as they made their way over to the shop. Danielle was soon looking around trying to see where they were when Mandy pulled the car into a parking area behind some buildings and turned off the engine.

     “Here we are, all set for another day of slavery.” Lianna said all dramatically as she undid her seatbelt just before she did the same for Danielle.

     “Keep talking like that missy, and I might just see what interesting jobs I can find for you to do today.” Chrissy said with an evil grin as she helped Lianna get out the car.

     “You know I’m only joking with you mummy.” Lianna said with a nervous smile, not wanting to find out what sort of jobs her mother could find for her to spend the day doing.

    Danielle stood waiting excitedly for Mandy and Amy to open up the shutter and back door to the building, before they all entered the shop. Lianna and Lauren led Danielle over to the kitchen area in the room they entered into, and they all set to work making a pot of tea and sorting out juice for themselves.

     “We’ll give you a quick tour of the place in a minute.” Lianna said when she saw Danielle looking around.

    Danielle could hear the clatter of another shutter opening towards the front of the shop and then she heard keys unlocking a door before there was a tinkling sound of a bell that sounding like the type to let someone know there was a customer entering the shop.

     “I hope the work isn’t too hard for me to pick up.” Danielle said nervously. “I’ve never worked in a shop before. Come to think about it, I’ve never worked anywhere before.” Danielle added looking even more nervous now.

     “You won’t even realise you’re working here most the time.” Lauren said as she wrapped her arms around Danielle to make her feel better. “Let’s show you around while we wait for the kettle to boil.” Lauren added as she broke the hug and took Danielle by one hand, while Lianna took the other as they led her out into the shop.

    Danielle had never seen so much pretty underwear in one place before. It took her a couple of minutes to look out the front window and realise she’d walked past this place and looked in the window many times on her way to and from her last foster home. She let out a sigh when she thought just how close she’d been to her dream life.

     “Everything alright sis?” Lianna asked when she heard Danielle’s sigh.

     “Yes, but I just realised where the shop is.” Danielle said as she pointed out the window. “I’ve walked past this place many times and stopped to look in the window.”

     “I wish you’d come in to look around then.” Chrissy said from just behind her. “We might have been able to help you sooner.” Chrissy added with a pout as she wrapped her arms around Danielle from behind and kissed her on the cheek.

     “I’m sure things wouldn’t have worked out as well as they did if I hadn’t met Lianna and Lauren first.” Danielle pointed out with a smile as she enjoyed the hug she was getting from her Aunty.

     “You do have a good point there Danielle, but I like to think we can help everyone that walks in that door looking for something to make them feel that little bit special.” Chrissy giggled. “Let’s have a drink, and then we can all get started.” Chrissy said as she looked at her daughters and then walked them all back through to the back room.

    Amy was sat at a computer typing in passwords so she could log onto the net and check the online sales, while Mandy had taken over making the pot of tea. Chrissy led the girls over to the table and sat them down before going to help Mandy finish making the drinks.

     “Lauren, you can help Amy with the online orders to start with, while Lianna and Danielle can help me and Mandy in the shop doing a stock check and restocking the shelves.” Chrissy informed the girls as they sat having their drinks.

    Danielle was eager to show that she could do the job, so she was happy when they finally finished their drinks and started work. Lianna and Danielle were soon working together as they checked the racks of underwear to make sure they had all the sizes listed on a piece of paper. Lianna was soon showing Danielle where to find the extra stock and then how to mark down the numbers left once the rack was fully stocked. They would then take the sheet of paper over to Chrissy or Mandy so they could reorder the stock they were out of or low on.

    They were soon giggling as Chrissy and Amy started dancing around the shop to some songs on a classic radio station they had playing in the shop. Danielle found her two aunties very funny to spend time with, as they acted like a couple of teenagers. Lianna and Lauren didn’t seem to mind either as they joined in and danced around the shop with them. It wasn’t long before Danielle was getting dragged around the shop doing some silly dance and giggling.

    The three girls had to keep running into the back room when a customer came into the shop and Chrissy and Amy would suddenly stop acting silly and look very professional again. Danielle thought it looked like a weird game of musical chairs, but the person had to act serious when someone entered the shop.

    Just as the time got to ten thirty, Lianna put the kettle on and set to work making a fresh pot of tea. “We always take a short break at this time.” Lianna explained as she sorted out making the drinks.

    Lianna, Danielle and Lauren all sat with a can of soda while Mandy, Chrissy and Amy had a cup of tea. It got cut short though when a couple of customers came into the shop and that was how the morning went.


    Danielle smiled at lunchtime when she saw her father enter the shop carrying a large basket. “Hi Daddy!” Danielle shouted with a wave of her hand as she helped Lianna check some stock on a rack.

     “Hi pumpkin. I hope they’re not working you to hard?” Carl asked as he walked up to the back of the shop with the basket in his hands.

     “No!” Danielle grinned. “I’m having a great time.” Danielle added all bubbly.

     “Are you having too much fun to stop for some lunch?” Carl asked with a grin as he held up the basket the best he could for saying how heavy it was.

    Danielle hadn’t thought about food, but now her father had, she was feeling quite hungry. “No, I’m really hungry.” Danielle said as she looked at Lianna to make sure it was okay to stop what they were doing.

     “Let’s go eat.” Lianna said to the unasked question in Danielle’s eyes.

    Lauren was helping Chrissy and Amy in the back room as they set the table ready for the food’s arrival. Danielle thought they must do this all the time, to know when it’s going to turn up like this. Carl had no sooner put the basket down on the table, than he was being jumped on by Mandy. Mandy had been on the phone when Carl came in and locked the front door behind him and then turned the sign to say the shop was closed for lunch.

     “I hope you don’t do that to all the delivery guys?” Carl said when Mandy finally let him up for air.

     “No, just the special ones.” Mandy purred.

     “Do you mind? Some of us have to eat when you’ve done.” Lauren said in a whiny voice, just like all teenagers forced to watch grownups showing each other signs of affection. She did start giggling though, so no one took her too serious.

    Lauren was soon running off into the shop squealing as her Uncle Carl started chasing her around trying to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Am I making someone jealous?” Carl shouted as he chased her around the shop.

    The squealing stopped as it turned into a fit of giggles as Carl tickled Lauren for her cheek. They wandered back into the back room with Lauren rubbing her cheek where Carl had managed to kiss her.

     “I’m sorry to tell you Aunty Mandy, but your husband is cheating on you with a much younger woman.” Lauren giggled as she took her seat at the table.

     “Hey! Less of the much younger woman!” Mandy said with fake horror in her voice as she wrapped an arm around Lauren who had sat down next to her. “You make me feel old.” Mandy pouted.

     “Well you don’t look it Aunty.” Lauren smiled as she got a hug from her.

     “Nice recovery.” Mandy grinned as she kissed Lauren on the other cheek to what Carl kissed her on.

     “Why does everyone keep kissing my cheeks?” Lauren whined as she started wiping her hands over both cheeks trying to remove something that wasn’t there.

     “Because you’re a very cheeky girl.” Mandy said just before she leaned in and kissed her again.

     “Stop it!” Lauren whined some more.

    The others all giggled as they watched Lauren getting kissed over and over again by Mandy. They finally calmed down and all filled their plates with cold cuts of meat, salad, pasta and rice.

    Danielle seemed to have Lauren and Lianna helping her to fill up her plate, just like they did at home, not that Danielle minded one bit. She was feeling really hungry and managed to clear everything on her plate.

     “Thank you for the meal daddy.” Danielle said as she sat back from the table feeling quite full.

     “You’re most welcome my dear.” Carl smiled back. “I’ve got to keep you fed, so they don’t work you to hard this afternoon.” Carl added with a worried look, but he was soon fending off an attack from Mandy.

     “You make us sound like slave drivers.” Mandy said as she playfully slapped him. She was soon being held in his arms as he started kissing her again, but Lauren kept quiet about it this time.

    Lianna, Lauren and Danielle were soon clearing the table and getting all the dishes washed and dried, while Chrissy and Amy went back out to open the shop. They let Mandy sit and spend some time with Carl before he had to get back to the hotel and an afternoon meeting he had with an old friend from college.

    Carl finally left for his meeting and the girls got back to work doing stock checks and generally helping out around the place.

    Danielle’s feet were killing her by the end of the day, and she swore she’d never complain to another shop worker for as long as she lived, now she knew what they went through every day of the week.

     “Here you go sweetie.” Mandy said as she handed Danielle an envelope with her name on it.

     “Am I being fired already?” Danielle asked looking worried as she took the envelope from her mother’s hand.

     “No silly, this is your pay packet.” Mandy giggled as she pulled the puzzled looking girl into a hug. “You don’t think we expect you to work for nothing do you?” Mandy asked as she looked down into Danielle’s eyes.

     “I thought we were being punished though?” Danielle asked still looking just as puzzled by it all.

     “That’s just something we say, but we don’t mean it.” Mandy explained. “Just open your pay packet and know you earned every penny.” Mandy added as she let Danielle out of the hug so she could see how much she’d earned for working all day on a Saturday.

    Danielle ripped open the envelope and was shocked when she pulled out two twenty pound notes. “You’re paying me forty pounds for one day’s work?”

     “Do you not think it’s enough?” Mandy asked teasingly. “That’s what we pay Lianna and Lauren.

     “No! I think it’s too much mum.” Danielle said as she tried to give the money back to Mandy.

     “You earned every penny of that today sweetie, so spend it with pride.” Mandy said as she made Danielle wrap her fingers around the money so she couldn’t hand it back to her.

     “We’ve got so much to teach you.” Lauren said as she led Danielle out to the car. “You never try to give back your pay for the day.” Lauren added looking worried.

     “They might think their paying us too much.” Lianna warned with a giggle.

     “I’m sorry, but I just didn’t expect to get paid, and I still have all that money back at home to spend.” Danielle pointed out.

     “Well you can spend some of it tomorrow when we all go into the city shopping.” Lauren grinned.

     “Shopping? I thought you two were grounded for another week yet?” Danielle asked.

     “We were, but mom said if we worked at the shop today, then that would be the end to our punishment, and we’d be allowed to take you into town tomorrow, so we can show you how to have a fun day out.” Lianna explained part of the plan.

     “You mean trying on clothes and stuff like that?” Danielle asked looking nervous about it all. “What if someone sees my...” Danielle looked down at her groin.

     “What, your sexy figure?” Lianna asked with a grin. “God you can be so vain sis.” She added with a roll of her eyes.

     “No! I mean my defect.” Danielle said through gritted teeth as she pointed at her groin this time.

     “I knew what you meant sis.” Lianna giggled. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been out a bunch of times and never had any trouble.” Lianna said brushing off Danielle’s worries.

     “Our mothers and all the other kids will be coming as well, so we’ll have safety in numbers anyway.” Lauren pointed out as she also tried to help Danielle relax.

     “It will be nice to finally get to see what it feels like to be a girl.” Danielle said as she thought about being able to try stuff on that she’d only ever been able to look at in a shop window before this week.

     “Prepare for a crash course in it then tomorrow sis.” Lauren grinned as she helped Danielle get in the car so she could put the seat back in place and get in herself.

    Danielle felt more relaxed on the return trip to the house. She knew where they were going now, and she had no fear of them taking her to another foster home. Danielle couldn’t help smiling when she saw the large house come into sight when Mandy pulled into the driveway and made her way up to the house and parked the car.

     “Do you want me to carry on teaching you to swim?” Lianna asked as they entered the house and could hear the other kids playing around in the pool.

     “I’d like that a lot please Lianna.” Danielle smiled.

     “Mom, can we get changed and go in the pool please?” Lianna asked as she turned to look at Chrissy stood with Amy and Mandy just behind them.

     “Okay, go and have some fun.” Chrissy said as she waved them off. “I wonder where they get all the energy from?” Chrissy asked tiredly as she looked at Amy and Mandy either side of her.

     “I still ask that of you two most the time.” Mandy giggled as she led them to the kitchen so they could let the others know they were home.

     “Hi mum!” all three women said as they entered the kitchen and saw Holly looking in a cook book as she worked on the evening meal.

     “Hello dears, how did the girls do at the shop today?” Holly asked, referring to Lianna, Lauren and Danielle.

     “They all did really well, and Danielle turned out to be a wonderful little worker.” Chrissy said as she walked over to her mum and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Dinner smells amazing mum.”

     “Thank you sweetie.” Holly said as she hugged Chrissy back just before she got hugs from Mandy and Amy. “Where are the girls now?” She asked.

     “They went up to get changed so they could take a dip in the pool before dinner.” Chrissy explained. “They heard the others playing around in there, and I think they wanted to join in the fun.” Chrissy added.


    Lianna, Danielle and Lauren were soon in their swim suits and making their way back down to the pool where they could hear the other kids giggling and squealing. Lauren dived in at the deep end, while Lianna slipped into the shallow end with Danielle, so she could give her some more lessons.

     “Hi honey. Did you have a good day at work with your mother?” Becky asked as she swam over and started talking to Lianna and Danielle.

     “Hi mum, yes we had a good time, and Danielle is a natural at shop work.” Lianna said as she gave Becky a hug.

     “So you like shop work then Danielle?” Becky asked as she gave her a hug.

     “Hello Aunty Becky. Yes I had a really good time. Aunty Chrissy and Aunty Amy can be really silly at times.” Danielle giggled as she hugged her Aunty Becky.

     “Just some of the time?” Becky asked with a raised eyebrow and a grin.

    Becky had to go and sort out Craig and Richard, as they were both tormenting Nicole and Jennifer down the other end of the pool, so Lianna started teaching Danielle another couple of swimming styles, one of them being the back stroke.

     “Thanks for teaching me to swim sis.” Danielle said as she swam across the pool on her back looking up at the glass ceiling above the pool.

     “Glad to be able to help you, I’m just sorry I acted like such a jerk to you the other day.” Lianna sighed.

    Danielle stopped swimming and stood up in the pool so she could look Lianna in the eyes when she spoke. “You had every right to be upset with me Lianna. I never should have kept my secret from you; I don’t know why I did now. If anyone was going to understand how I felt, it would have been you.” Danielle said with some pleading in her voice for Lianna to understand what she was trying to say.

     “Okay then, we’re both sorry for being jerks then.” Lianna giggled when she saw the stern look Danielle was giving her. “Now get back to your practice.” Lianna added looking bossy this time.

     “Yes mum.” Danielle said as she stuck her tongue out, just before she fell backwards into the water again and carried on swimming up the pool on her back.


    Becky was quick to get out the pool and pad over to where Chrissy was stood with Mandy and Amy either side of her as they all checked up on the other children before they went up to get changed out of their work clothes.

     “Don’t even think about...” Was all Chrissy got to say before she found herself being hugged by a dripping wet Becky.

     “Don’t what?” Becky giggled, knowing full well what Chrissy was about to say to her.

     “Never mind.” Chrissy giggled as she gave up and hugged Becky back.

    There was a squeal from the side of them as they saw Amber do the same thing to Amy. “I’m all wet now baby.” Amy whined just before Amber started kissing her and cutting off all other complaints.

     “Do you want to come up and help me get dried off?” Chrissy asked when Becky finally stopped hugging her and stepped back to check out her handiwork.

     “That depends?” Becky asked with a smirk.

     “Depends on what?” Chrissy pouted.

     “On whether or not we’re going to the club tonight? I want to show off my beautiful wife.” Becky pouted back as she moved in for another hug and a kiss.

     “Yes I’ll be joining you at the club this evening.” Chrissy smiled. “I could do with a night out.” Chrissy said just before she planted a kiss on Becky’s lips.

    Chrissy was soon being led up to their room so the two of them could take a shower together before dinner, so they would have more time to get ready and then spend a little time with their children before going out for a night of dancing. Holly would be keeping an eye on the children while the others were out, not that they needed much watching these days.


    Lianna, Danielle and Lauren had all been excited to hear what their parents had said while they ate dinner, but the other children hadn’t been quite as excited to hear that they were all back on kitchen duty, due to the other three’s punishment being cut short for good behaviour.

    They soon had the dishes done once they had all finished their dinner and they spent an hour cuddling with their parents before it was time for the grownups to go and get ready for a night out, while the children wandered off and did their own thing. Richard, Craig and Peter ran off to the games room to play on the latest action adventure game Peter had brought with him. Peter was stopping the night, so his parents could also have a night out at the club.

    All the girls wanted to help Danielle make up for all the girl time she’d missed out one, so they were all going to pile into her room and play around with makeup and try on each other’s clothes, so they could start and explain each of their styles to Danielle, to see if any of them might be what Danielle liked to wear.

    Danielle had just finished putting on a light blue dress belonging to Lianna when all their cell phones started bleeping to let them know that their parents were ready to head out, and they had to say good night to them. Danielle soon found herself being dragged down stairs to the hallway where a large group of women were stood waiting for them. The only male among the large group was Brad, who was stood next to Ann. Danielle looked around for her father, but couldn’t see him anywhere, and her mother looked amazing when she finally picked her out of the crowd, but her mother was stood with another woman that also looking very pretty.

     “You look amazing mummy.” Danielle said as she walked over to give Mandy a hug. “Has daddy already left?” Danielle asked.

     “Your fathers not going to be around this evening sweetie.” Mandy grinned as she looked over at Carla stood beside her. “You have two mothers this evening. I’d like you to meet Carla, your second mother.” Mandy said as she stepped aside and let Danielle get a good look at her father, who now looked like a beautiful woman in a sparkling blue evening dress, long blond hair, makeup and heels.

     “Daddy?” Danielle asked with a look of amazement on her face as she looked the woman up and down. Danielle couldn’t help noticing the fact her father had what looked like real breasts and quite the impressive figure to go with it. “You look amazing.” Danielle added, not knowing what else to say.

     “Hello pumpkin.” Carla said in her husky sounding female voice. “I hope this doesn’t bother you too much? I just like to let my hair down once in a while.” Carla giggled as she touched the long blond hair she now had.

     “I don’t mind one bit daddy.” Danielle frowned as she said it. “Sorry, I should have said mommy.” Danielle added just before she stepped forward and held out her arms to get a hug from her newest mother.

     “I like the sound of that sweetie.” Carla said as she hugged Danielle back.

    All the other kids hugged their parents and then stood with Holly as they watched them all leave and get on the minibus and drive away with Brad driving.

    Holly let them all run off to carry on with what they were doing before they got the call. Holly went back to reading her book and enjoying a glass of wine in the living room. She made all the children hot chocolate later in the night before sending them off to bed. Holly looked in on each and every child to make sure they were all tucked up in bed.

    Danielle and Lauren were both in Lianna’s bed with her, as they were having a form of a sleepover. Lianna had asked nana Holly if it would be okay to do this while they were having their hot chocolate earlier.

     “I hope you can all get some sleep, or you’ll feel it tomorrow when you all go out shopping.” Holly warned as she got them all tucked in and kissed them on the forehead.

     “I know I won’t have any trouble sleeping. “Danielle got out just before she had a big yawn, and she was having trouble keeping her eyes open as she lay between Lianna and Lauren in the middle of the bed.

     “I better not stop you getting some sleep then.” Holly smiled as she gave them one last kiss before going to the bedroom door and turning off the light before leaving the room and closing the door.

    Danielle soon found Lianna and Lauren cuddling up closer to her as they all drifted off to sleep, so they could get some rest, ready for the busy day of shopping they had planned out for tomorrow.


To Be Continued Next friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Child and Parent guide:

Parents Children
Chrissy & Becky Andrew/Lianna, Lauren (Twins)
Amy & Amber Jessica
Ann & brad Jennifer
Sara & Cathy Peter
Mandy & Carl/Carla Craig, Danielle (Adopted)
Jayden & Callum Richard, Nicola (Twins)
Dan & Faith Penny, Christopher

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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