You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 11

You Have It All Wrong Four

By SaraUK


Part 11

    Mandy had agreed to close the shop a little earlier so they could get home and make sure the children were okay after all the trouble that had happened. Carl had stayed at the shop to help keep Chrissy under control as well as Becky, and to stop either of them running off in some mad attempt to protect Lianna.

    Vic had called to let them know that Lianna’s friends idea of dressing up a bunch of boys as girls had worked, and the reporters had left soon after seeing thirty or so boys all dancing around at the main gates. Peter had even managed to blackmail Lilith into telling them that it was her that made the call, and it was just a prank. Carl was impressed with just how smart the children were turning out to be, not that he agreed with blackmailing people normally, but in this case he was willing to look the other way.

    Carl had gone to the shop earlier in the day with Vic, and Vic was now with Brad at the school, so Carl was going to drive Vic’s car back to their house, so he could pick it up from there. Chrissy, Becky and Amy would be going home in Mandy’s car like they always did.

    Brad and Vic weren’t back yet when Mandy pulled into the driveway, so Chrissy started to worry that something else had gone wrong, but she was soon smiling and rushing over to greet the minibus when it pulled into the driveway and parked up in its normal spot.

    Vic had no sooner got out the passenger door and opened the side door, when he saw a blonde streak shoot past him into the minibus. It took him a second or two to realise it was Chrissy diving into the minibus to make sure Lianna was okay.

    Lianna was just about to slide out her seat when she found herself lying flat on her back with her head in Danielle’s lap with her mother looking down at her with worry written all over her face.

     “Hi mummy.” Lianna squeaked out due to Chrissy lying on top of her.

     “Are you alright my poor little baby?” Chrissy asked as she wrapped her arms around her in a protective motherly way. “I wanted to come to the school and sort it all out sweetie, but they wouldn’t let me.” Chrissy added with a pout.

     “I’m fine mummy, just feeling a little parental pressure at the minute that’s all.” Lianna squeaked out as she tried to give her mum a hint that she was still crushing her.

    Chrissy must have realised what she was doing because she got off lianna and sat on the empty seat across from her so she could find out what happened. “Are you sure none of the reporters got your name or picture?” Chrissy grilled Lianna for as much information as she could.

     “No mummy, everything is fine thanks to Simon coming up with such a brilliant plan to make the whole thing look like a prank.” Lianna explained as she tried to calm her mother down like she was the grownup.

     “I’ll have to think of some way to thank him for what he did today.” Chrissy said with some pride for the boy and what he’d done for one of her babies.

     “I wouldn’t worry too much about that mummy, Lauren has it covered.” Lianna grinned as she looked at a shocked Lauren.

     “And what does that mean young lady?” Chrissy asked as she turned to look at Lauren who was trapped towards the back of the minibus due to her mother blocking the aisle. Chrissy had suddenly become the protective parent again, and Simon was now the enemy.

     “Thanks allot sis, I love you too.” Lauren whined as she realised that Lianna had just dropped her in it with their mother.

     “They were going to find out sooner or later sis, so better to get it out in the open now.” Lianna pointed out.

     “Better to find out what?” Chrissy asked looking worried now as she thought Lauren and Lianna were keeping things from her.

     “Lauren agreed to go on a date with Simon if he could help sort out the problem with the press camped outside the school gates.” Lianna said when it looked like Lauren wasn’t going to say anything.

     “He only helped you so he could get a date with your sister?” Chrissy asked looking angry now. “I thought he use to be your friend?” Chrissy asked Lianna with a hurt tone to her voice.

     “He was, and still is mummy. He’d already got nearly thirty boys set up ready to help before he came and told us his plan.” Lianna explained. “All he wanted for helping us was a kiss from Lauren, but she had to go and put her foot in it and say that she’d even go on a date with him if he could fix the problem.” Lianna added with a giggle.

     “I trust you will be honouring the promise?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Lauren.

     “Yes mummy. He helped Lianna in a big way today, so it’s the least I can do to repay him.” Lauren said with a little grin.

    Chrissy didn’t miss the little grin and the glint in her daughter’s eye as she said it. “Why do I get the feeling that you’ve wanted an excuse to go out on a date with this boy for some time?” Chrissy asked with a raised eyebrow.

    Lauren was going to deny it, but that plan failed before she spoke a single word, thanks to the snigger Lianna made. Lauren was beginning to have doubts about being best friends with her sister at the minute. “You better be sleeping with one eye open from now on sis.” Lauren said playfully as she slapped Lianna on the arm.

    Lianna just giggled as she knew Lauren was just playing with her. “I’ll add this threat to the list with all the others.” Lianna said pretending to be scared of her. Lauren and Lianna were soon looking at their mother again when she made a fake coughing sound to get their attention.

     “I’m still waiting to hear about your feelings towards this boy?” Chrissy asked looking all serious.

     “I like him mummy, he’s cute, funny, has a great set of legs.” Lauren just managed to get out the last bit before she started laughing which soon set off the others as they were all trapped just like Lauren was why Chrissy spoke with Lianna and now her thanks to Lianna being a blabber mouth.

     “We’ll talk more about this later.” Chrissy said as she got back out the minibus so the others could all get out and go into the house.

    Becky saw the look Chrissy was giving the two girls, and knew that she’d missed some very important piece of information while Chrissy was on the minibus with them. Becky also knew that if her wife said they would talk more about it later, she needed time to fill her in on something major, so Becky just let Chrissy take the lead and wait for it to be explained to her.

    Lauren and Lianna both knew that what Chrissy was really saying was; they would sit and listen to their parents lay down the law, but right now all Lianna wanted to do was take a dip in the pool and relax for a bit.

     “Can we go in the pool for a bit mummy?” Lianna asked with a pout. “I feel all stressed after putting up with them icky reporters all day.”

    Chrissy looked to be thinking about it, which always meant she was going to say yes, but had to make it look like she was playing the grownup. “Okay then, but only until dinner is ready, and I want you all to get your homework done right after dinner, or once the dishes have been washed, dried and put away in your three’s case.” Chrissy said as she looked at Lianna, Lauren and Danielle when she said the last part.

    All the kids ran off cheering as they all went up to get changed into their swimsuits and trunks. The only one that didn’t run off all excited was Danielle.

     “We brought you a couple of swim suits the other day sweetie, so go up and get changed so you can take a dip in the pool with the others.” Chrissy said as she walked over to a sad looking Danielle.

     “Thank you Aunty Chrissy, but I don’t feel like taking a dip in the pool.” Danielle said looking nervous all of a sudden.

     “Are you scared because you can’t swim?” Chrissy asked as she wrapped her arms around Danielle and hugged her.

     “No I can’t swim, but I’m also afraid of the water Aunty Chrissy.” Danielle was shaking now. “The first foster people I lived with took me and some of the others to the local pool near their home and some of the older kids threw me in the deep end and I almost drowned. I’ve been scared of the water ever since.” Danielle sobbed in Chrissy’s arms. “Please don’t make me go in the water.” Danielle begged.

     “We won’t sweetie, we won’t.” Chrissy said as she rocked back and forth while she soothed the frightened child.

    Mandy took over from Chrissy and walked Danielle up to her room so she could take off the school uniform and put on some normal clothes.

     “Will you be okay sat by the pool while the others swim?” Mandy asked as they walked.

     “I think so mummy, just as long as none of the others try to throw me in.” Danielle said with fear in her voice.

     “They won’t do that dear, not once we’ve explained everything to them.” Mandy said as they finally reached Danielle’s room and Mandy let her go in. “I’ll go and have a word with the others and see you down in the pool room a little later.” Mandy added before she gave Danielle a hug and kissed her on the forehead before walking back down the hallway to go and have a word with the other children.

    Danielle set to work taking off her uniform and then picking out something nice to wear while she sat by the pool and watched the others play around in the water.

    Once she was changed, Danielle picked up a couple of the teen magazines that Aunty Chrissy and Aunty Becky had go for her on Sunday when they got all the other stuff in her room, then she left her room and headed back down to the pool room where she could already here the others shouting and squealing as they splashed around in the water.

    Lianna was quickly out the pool and running over to see how Danielle was coping with being near the water. “Aunty Mandy told us what happened to you sis, and I just wanted to let you know that none of us would ever scare you like that, but if you ever feel like having a go at swimming again, I’d love to teach you.”

     “Thanks sis, but I’m fine just looking at magazines and watching all you play around for the time being.” Danielle smiled as she looked Lianna up and down in her red swimsuit. Danielle was finding it hard to believe that Lianna had been born a boy, and still was come to think about it. She was suddenly blushing a deep red when she realised that Lianna had noticed her looking at her body.

     “I know what you’re thinking sis.” Lianna said with a frown.

     “You do?” Danielle asked looking worried now that Lianna had worked out she had feeling for her.

     “Yes, you think red just makes me look fat don’t you?” Lianna said in an overly dramatic way.

    Danielle found herself giggling as she watched Lianna put the back of her hand up to her forehead like she was about to faint. “I was actually thinking you look pretty amazing for some one that wasn’t born that way.” Danielle said when she stopped giggling and waved her hand up and down Lianna’s body.

     “Thanks sis.” Lianna said with a grin. “I’d hug you, but I don’t want to get your clothes all wet.” Lianna giggled as she looked down at her wet body and swimsuit.

    Danielle found herself looking at Lianna’s body again as well. She mentally slapped herself across the face before walking over to the tables near the pool and taking a seat so she could look through the magazines and not at Lianna.

    Lianna was soon running off and jumping back in the pool with the others. They were all having fun and Danielle was happy to sit and watch them swim and play various water sports until she saw her mum and dad come into the room and walk over to sit with her.

     “Hello pumpkin, how do you think you did on the tests today?” Carl asked as he sat down at the table after helping Mandy to take a seat next to Danielle.

     “I think I did okay daddy, but I could be wrong.” Danielle said as she closed the magazine and put it down on the table.

     “It will be a couple of days before we find out, then I can sort out some home schooling to help get your grades up where needed.” Carl explained. “Your mother and I have a little present for you.” Carl added as he placed a long blue jewellery case on the table in front of Danielle.

     “What is it daddy?” Danielle asked as she looked at the long box just sat there on the table waiting for her to open it and see what was inside.

     “You’ll just have to open it and find out sweetie.” Mandy said as she pushed for Danielle to open it and find out.

    Danielle slid the box closer to herself and then she pressed in a little button on the side until she heard a little click and the lid popped open a little so Danielle could then open it the rest of the way herself. Sat in the box was a beautiful heart shaped locket on a long silver chain, and a cute little wrist watch that was also silver.

     “There so beautiful, mummy, daddy. Are they really for me?” Danielle asked as she picked up the locket in her hand and was shocked at the weight of it. Danielle knew it wasn’t some cheap over the counter piece. This was proved even more when she popped the locket open and saw that it had her name engraved on the inside of one side and a space for a picture on the other side.

     ‘Danielle, a beloved daughter and sister’ was engraved in it.

    Danielle had to wipe away a tear that was running down her cheek tickling the side of her face just before she jumped up and threw herself at Mandy. “Thank you mummy, and you to daddy, it’s so beautiful.” Danielle said as she sat down on Mandy’s knee and lifted her hair out the way so they could help her put the locket around her neck.

     “We thought about putting a picture of us all together in the locket for you sweetie, but then we decided to just let you have it as it is, that way you can pick the picture yourself.” Mandy said as she closed the clasp on the chain and then helped Danielle to tidy her hair up again.

    Danielle already knew what picture she’d like to put in the locket, but she knew it would seem weird to everyone else if she asked Lianna for a picture. Even though she saw her Aunty Chrissy and Aunty Becky was a couple, then there was Aunty Amy and Aunty Amber, not forgetting Aunty Cathy and Aunty Sara. Danielle still felt scared to even think about her and Lianna being together.

     “Here, let me help you put the watch on.” Carl said as he took it out the jewellery box and waited for Danielle to offer him her wrist so he could place the strap around it for her. “We thought you could do with a proper watch, so you weren’t looking on your mobile all the time.” Carl added as he finished doing up the strap and he gave her a peck on the cheek.

     “Thank you so much, I’ll think about a good picture to put in the locket.” Danielle said as she first looked at the new wrist watch, and then she went back to looking at the locket as she popped it open to read the engraving again.

     “All the girls have the same lockets, but with a different engraving in them of cause.” Carl pointed out. “We got Craig a wrist watch, and Diamond a locket, so we thought it only fair for us to get you both as well.” Carl added with a chuckle.

    Danielle was happy to stay sat on her mum’s knee as they all watched the others playing around in the pool until it was time to go and get ready for dinner. Chrissy, Becky and Amy had all gone to help Holly finish getting it ready. Holly was still the one in charge, while the others just did what they were told. Mandy still being no good at cooking was banned from the kitchen unless she was going in there to eat a small meal, or make a pot of tea first thing in the morning.


    Lianna and Lauren slipped on their bathrobes and ran up to their rooms to take a quick shower so they could wash of the chemicals from the pool and then slip on some clothes so they could go back down and have dinner before they had to do their punishment and homework.

     “Do you feel any more relaxed now sister dear?” Lauren asked as they walked down the hallway to their rooms.

     “A little, but it’s still scary to think some reporter could come back and find out the tip Lilith gave them was true, and what Simon did was just to cover it.” Lianna said as they finally got to her bedroom door.

     “Let’s just try to think positive shall we then.” Lauren said as she gave her sister a quick hug before running off down to her bedroom door and vanishing inside to take a shower and get ready for dinner.

    Lianna walked into her room and had to stop when she saw her reflection in the dressing table mirror. All she could see looking back at her was a girl in a swimsuit, due to her having opened her bathrobe to take a better look at herself , now she was alone in her room. Lianna knew she’d never hear the last of it if she looked at herself to much around the others.

    Looking at the time Lianna realised she needed to get a move on, or she’d be late for dinner, so she ran to her bathroom and started the shower before slipping out of her wet swimsuit and hanging it over a free rail on her towel rack and then stepping under the warm water. Lianna couldn’t help running her hand over her new look pluming that her nana Prue had done Sunday morning, then she ran a hand over her fake breasts. She smiled as she closed her eyes and thought about being a real girl one day, and all that she was feeling now would then be real.

    Lianna was soon showered and back in her bedroom looking for something simple but nice to wear. Lianna wanted to look nice for Danielle because she loved to see her face light up with the winning smile she had when she was truly happy about something. Lianna had a feeling that Danielle hadn’t had much cause to use her smile before her and Lauren met her the other Saturday. Lianna had just finished brushing out her damp hair when she heard a knock on her door and Lauren entered the room smiling at her.

     “You ready to go down and eat sis?” Lauren asked from the doorway.

     “Yep, all that swimming has given me quite an appetite.” Lianna said as she put her brush down and walked over to Lauren at the bedroom door so they could go down for dinner.


    Danielle had wandered into the dining room to find Amy and Amber setting the table, so she walked over to see if she could help. “Do you need any help Aunties?”

     “We can always use another pair of hands.” Amber said as she handed Danielle the silver wear she was just about to start placing on the table. It was only a knife, fork and spoon, but Amber still showed Danielle how to place them on the table in the right way.

     “What do you think to living here then Danielle?” Amy asked as she followed her and Amber around the table putting a plate down at every place Danielle placed the cutlery. “I hope Jessica and the others are all treating you alright?” Amy added.

     “I love it here, but I love having Jessica and the others to spend time with even more.” Danielle beamed as she thought about all the fun she’d had with them the other night in her bedroom, and then at school the past couple of days. “They’ve all been really nice to me. I couldn’t ask for more Aunty Amy.”

     “You make it sound like you’ve never had any friends before coming here.” Amy said with a sad look as she put the plates down so she could give her a hug.

     “I never really have Aunty Amy. I always felt different to the other children.” Danielle said, not wanting to say too much about her past and the problems she had growing up feeling different to the other kids she got to live with. This led to the other kids and foster parents not wanting her around for long before she was shipped off to another home for the same thing to start all over again.

     “You’d have to be from another planet to not fit in around here.” Amy giggled as she thought about her and Chrissy being transgendered and married to women, and now having Lianna starting her transition as well.

    Danielle hoped her Aunty Amy was right and she could fit in here, she had so far. The only thing worrying her was how they would feel when she told them her secret. “I already feel like I belong here with you all Aunty Amy.” Danielle said as she looked up at her Aunty with a smile.

     “I’m glad to hear that, and I want you to know that you can always come and talk to me or any of us about any problems you’re having.” Amy said as she looked Danielle in the eyes. Amy thought she saw a flicker of something in Danielle’s eyes that said she needed to talk to someone about something, but it was gone again in a flash, so Amy thought she may just need a little more time to settle in before she felt comfortable enough to open up to them all.

     “How many foster homes had you stopped at before you ran away from this last one?” Amber asked as they started setting the places again.

     “Twenty five, thirty.” Danielle shrugged. “I stopped keeping count some time back now.” She added with a sigh as she kept placing cutlery around the table.

    Amy and Amber had both stopped dead in their tracks when Danielle had told them the number; they had both expected her to say two or three, not almost thirty. Neither of them could understand why such a sweet child like Danielle had never found foster parents, or someone to adopt her before now.

     “I just find that so hard to believe.” Amy said as she looked at Danielle still laying out cutlery.

    Danielle just shrugged like it was no big deal and carried on helping them set the table. She wasn’t about to get into a conversation about why she felt like such an outcast in all those foster homes, and the reason for her finally running away from the last one they placed her in.

     “You’re Aunty Becky, Uncle Brad and Aunty Jayden all grew up in foster care as well you know, so if you want to talk to someone that understands the problems you’ve had to deal with...” Amy said trailing off at the end, so Danielle could work out the rest for herself.

     “I may in time Aunty Amy, but right now I’d just like to forget about all those places and enjoy being here with all you.” Danielle smiled as she kept on working.

    They finally finished laying the table and then Danielle followed Amy and Amber back into the kitchen to see if she could offer anymore help. Amy thought about telling Chrissy, Becky and Holly about the number of foster homes Danielle had been placed in, but thought it could wait until later in the evening when the kids were all in bed and they were sat relaxing in the living room.

     “Can I offer my help with anything Nana Holly?” Danielle asked with a grin, loving the fact she could now use the word ‘nana’.

    Holly didn’t really have very much left to sort out with Chrissy and Becky helping, but she could see the child wanted to feel useful, so she set her to work stirring a saucepan with onion sauce in it. “If you can stir this for me while I go and check on the roast potatoes that would be super.” Holly smiled as she kissed Danielle on the cheek just before she walked across to the other side of the kitchen where the oven was with the roast potatoes in

    Danielle was still stirring the sauce when Lianna and Lauren entered the kitchen to see if they could carry anything through to the dining room. “What have you done wrong now sis?” Lianna asked looking worried when she saw her new sister stood stirring the contents of the saucepan.

     “I’ve not done anything wrong.” Danielle giggled. “I’m just helping Nana get dinner ready.”

     “Don’t let them know you like cooking sis, or they will come up with some new way to punish you when they have to.” Lianna said in a hushed tone, hoping that her parents didn’t over hear her say it.

    Lianna was soon groaning when she heard her mom talk to her from right behind where she was stood talking to Danielle. “So you actually like helping out in the kitchen then? Good to know.” Becky was grinning when Lianna turned around looking worried.

     “Hi mom.” Lianna said looking nervous as to what sort of cruel things she’d think up for them now. “Have I said how much I love you today?” Lianna asked just before she threw her arms around Becky and hugged her.

     “I love you to sweetie, now go and help Lauren, Jessica, Nicole and Jennifer take the dishes into the dining room before I come to my senses.” Becky said as she pointed Lianna towards the counter where Chrissy and Amy had been placing vegetables in bowls ready to be taken out and placed on the dining table.

    Holly went back over to Danielle with a small jug to pour the onion sauce into, which she let Danielle do with her watching to make sure she didn’t spill any on herself and get scolded doing it.

     “Very good Danielle. Now take it into the dining room and then help your sisters take the other dishes in.”

    Danielle was almost skipping as she left the kitchen with the jug of onion sauce. Holly and the others all smiled when they saw how happy the young girl was for being part of the family. Danielle placed the jug on the dining table and turned around to find Diamond stood there grinning at her.

     “Hello baby sister.” Danielle said as she threw her arms around Diamond and hugged her like she was seeing an old friend she’d not seen in ages.

     “Hi sis.” Diamond said as she hugged Danielle back. “I see mum and dad gave you their gift’s then.” Diamond added as she pointed at the locket hanging around her sister’s neck.

     “Yes they gave it to me while you... Sorry I mean our brother was playing in the pool with our other brother and sisters.” Danielle said with a grin, hoping that Diamond would like the fact she was treating Craig as another sibling all together at the minute. Diamond started grinning, so Danielle took that to mean she did like her thinking of Craig like he was brother to both of them.

    Diamond followed Danielle back into the kitchen to help bring the rest of the food in to the dining room and put it on the table, but the others had already taken care of it by the time they got back in there, so the returned to the dining room and took their seats. Lianna was now sat next to Lauren, so Danielle sat next to Lianna and then diamond took the seat next to Danielle.

    Danielle smiled when she saw how cute Diamond looked in a pretty little light blue dress, knee high socks and a pair of black Mary Jane style shoes. Craig only had short hair, so Diamond was wearing a wig, but it was a very good wig that looked like it was made from real hair, and she had on a little bit of lip gloss to finish off the look.

    They all started to dish up the food on the table, and Danielle started to think that Diamond had been planted next to her by their mother because she started to put food on Danielle’s plate for her. She even caught Diamond looking over at their mother and nana Holly a couple of times like she was checking something with the two of them.

     “Are you trying to turn me into a fat older sister Diamond?” Danielle asked playfully with a pout when they finally finished filling up the plates and they started eating.

     “No! I was just told to make sure you put plenty on your plate, as you’re too skinny for your own good.” Diamond added the last bit like she was repeating what someone else had said. Danielle saw Diamond look at her nana as she said it, so Danielle worked out it must have been her.

     “It won’t hurt you to get some meat on your bones Danielle dear.” Holly said in a matter of fact way as she kept eating her dinner. “I think it will be some time before we need worry about you being fat, if we ever need to worry about it.” Holly added as she looked over the top of her glasses at the skinny girl sat across from her.

    Danielle liked the fact that her nana Holly was worried about her, as were all her other family members, so she just smiled and started eating her dinner. She was about half way through when she asked a question.

     “Aunty Chrissy, can I ask you something?” Danielle asked looking a little worried now as most the table was looking at her.

     “Sure sweetie, ask away.” Chrissy smiled as she sat looking at Danielle waiting for her to start speaking.

     “I was wondering if it would be alright for me to do the dishes tonight so Lianna and Lauren can go and get their homework done.” Danielle asked. “I don’t have any to do, and I really don’t mind doing them on my own.” Danielle added when she saw the look Chrissy had on her face.

     “There will be quite a lot to do Danielle, so I think it best that Lianna and Lauren help you.” Chrissy pointed out. “After all they are being punished for doing things they shouldn’t have.” Chrissy added as she looked at her two daughters sat facing her.

     “I don’t mind helping Aunty Chrissy.” Diamond said. “I’ve not got any homework either.” She added with a smile as she looked at her sister sat next to her.

     “Neither have I, so I’ll help as well.” Nicole said with a smile. Nicole looked at her brother Richard, but he just kept eating his dinner like no one was talking.

     “It’s hard enough getting your brother to help do the dished normally. I doubt very much he’s going to volunteer when he doesn’t.” Callum said about his own son, not very happy with the way Richard had been acting lately.

    Chrissy looked at Becky to see what she thought about giving Lianna and Lauren the night off so they could concentrate on their homework without rushing. Becky gave a slight nod to let Chrissy know it was a good idea. Chrissy let out a sigh before turning back to look Danielle in the eyes. “Very well, I’ll let you, Diamond and Nicole cover for Lianna and Lauren tonight, but I expect you two to get top marks when you hand the homework in.” Chrissy said in a warning tone as she turned her look on them.

     “Yes mother.” Both children said at the same time.

     “Thanks for doing this Danni.” Lianna grinned as she turned in her seat so she could wrap her arms around Danielle and hug her as she kissed her on the cheek.

     “No problem Lia.” Danielle said using a shortened version of Lianna’s name like she’d just done with her. “I’ve seen how long it takes you to do your homework, so you need all the help you can get.” Danielle added just before she started giggling at the shocked look Lianna was now giving her.

    Lianna was soon giggling as well, and they carried on eating dinner as they filled in the grownups on what had happened at the school through the day. Lianna and Lauren told them about the reporter they saw getting arrested, which Carl said he’d look into and make sure he got the harshest sentence allowed for what he did. Carl also said he’d be having a word with Mr Stanman about stepping up security at the school to offer better protection to the students.

    They all finished their dinner and had desert before Danielle, Diamond and Nicole got all the table cleared and made a start on cleaning up the kitchen, under the watchful eye of nana Holly.

    Lianna and Lauren had both given Danielle, Diamond and Nicole a hug before they went up to get their homework done. Danielle had got Nicole to help her remove the new watch before she set to work on washing the dishes while Nicole and Diamond dried and put away. It took them some time to get the kitchen looking the way Holly liked it, but it was a fun time as Nana Holly told them all some stories about things that had happened while the others were growing up. Danielle found out a little more about Lianna, or more to the point Andrew, and how he came to be dressed in his sister’s bedroom. Danielle also found out that they use to call Lianna, Dru, but she didn’t like it, and if Danielle ever wanted to have some fun with her over it, just call her Drusilla.

     “It sounds like something Dracula would call his daughter.” Danielle giggled.

     “Lianna thought the same thing, so she decided on the name Lianna Amy Clarke.” Holly informed the young girl as she washed the dishes.

     “That does sound much prettier, and it suits her much better than Drusilla.” Danielle said with a dreamy look.

    Holly didn’t miss this, but she wasn’t about to start grilling the girl as to her feelings towards her granddaughter in front of the other two. She’d seen the same look in Chrissy’s eyes ever since she first brought Becky home to meet her all those years ago. Holly had also seen that look in Lianna’s eyes when watching Danielle while she wasn’t looking.

    Once the kitchen was spotless, Holly went to spend some time in the living room with the other grownups while Danielle, Diamond and Nicole went up to their rooms to relax. Danielle found herself sat in her room feeling alone, and not liking it much, so she got out her iPod and then looking at the instructions on how to connect it to the docking station Aunty Chrissy and Aunty Becky had brought for her when they brought the iPod and other stuff, she soon had it all hooked up and working.

    With music playing Danielle turned her attention to the large makeup case Aunty Jane had given her. She’d had no experience using makeup before, so she decided to practice. Danielle had seen what Aunty Jane had done to her on Sunday, and also watched Aunty Chrissy a couple of times, but she soon found out that they made it look much easier than it actually was. She was soon getting frustrated with the way she’d made herself look like a clown. Her frustration soon turned to panic when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

     “Just a minute!” Danielle shouted as she tried to do something with the mess all over her face, but must have sounded more panicked than she thought because the person on the other side of the door didn’t wait even a second before they burst into the room.


To Be Continued Next friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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Child and Parent guide:

Parents Children
Chrissy & Becky Andrew/Lianna, Lauren (Twins)
Amy & Amber Jessica
Ann & brad Jennifer
Sara & Cathy Peter
Mandy & Carl/Carla Craig, Danielle (Adopted)
Jayden & Callum Richard, Nicola (Twins)
Dan & Faith Penny, Christopher

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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