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Part One of Five
Chapter One
Larry’s breath caught in his throat when he heard the siren and he looked in his rear view mirror to see the dreaded flashing blue lights telling him to pull over. Part of him wanted to bang his fists on the steering wheel, asking how could this be happening to him, but he had that much bad luck in his life that he just let out a sigh and pulled his car over to the side of the road and then waited for the police officer to get out his car and walk up to the window. Larry wound down his window and looked up at the officer.
“Is there a problem officer?” Larry asked, but already knew that there was, and what it was.
Larry’s nickname was Lucky, not because he was lucky, no, just the opposite. Every time he thought something was going good in his life, it would suddenly change and Larry would find himself even more depressed with his life. Larry kept going though, thinking that his luck would have to change one day for the better, but it never seemed to. As a boy he would find himself getting in trouble for things other people did, just because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Unlucky Larry!” The kids would shout to him as he was lead to the headmaster’s office, but instead of earning the nickname ‘Unlucky’ Larry earned the nickname ‘Lucky’ because he never was.
Larry once bought an instant lottery ticket and scratched off the silver to reveal he’d won twenty thousand pounds, just to be mugged on his way home, and the ticket was stolen.
He thought his luck had finally changed for the better when he met a girl called Debra and fell in love, just to get home from work to find her in bed with who he thought was his best friend Roger. He’d walked out again when they both sat in bed laughing at him like it had all been some big joke on him. When Larry returned home after cooling down, he found that she’d gone and taken anything of value with her. It was only later that he found out she’d also cleared out their bank account as well.
His unlucky life seemed to continue as he lost his job and due to him not thinking to get a new bank account, or get Debra’s debit card stopped, He got home one evening after spending most the day walking around his home town looking for work, to find out that his landlord was stood waiting for him looking very unhappy because his rent cheque had bounced. Larry couldn’t understand why the cheque had bounced, and he talked the landlord into giving him a couple of days to get everything straightened out. When Larry went to the bank, he found out that Debra had used her card to clear out the account for the second time. So with no job and no way to pay his rent, he found himself kicked out and living in his car while he tried to get himself sorted out. Larry kicked himself for not thinking to cancel his wife’s card, but he hadn’t heard from her or had anything to do with her for a couple of months when it happened, and he was side tracked with losing his job and looking for a new one. He’d been given a good redundancy package and thought he was safe for a couple of months, but now he was left with nothing but his car and whatever he could get in it. Larry had no family or friends he could turn to, as Roger and Debra had told them lies about Larry abusing her and not being a very nice person, they even made up some stories to really make his friends hate him, not that they were really his friends. They were friends of Roger and Debra that just put up with him. Larry had heard some of Debra’s friends asking her when they thought he wasn’t close enough to hear them, why she was with him, but he never did get to head the reason she was. He wonder how long Roger and Debra had been doing it before he found out.
Larry was doing odd jobs where he could find them as he travelled from town to town, so he could eat the odd meal and also keep putting fuel in his car so he could keep moving, as he kept looking for his luck to change. Things like insurance, tax and MOT were not things Larry could afford, and that is why he was now asking a police officer such a silly question. He already knew that the ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) system in the police car had been triggered due to him not having any of the above.
“I think we both know why you’ve been pulled over.” The officer said as he looked down at Larry with that ‘did you really think you would get away with it look’ “Please step out of the vehicle and follow me.” The officer added as he stepped to the side and waited for Larry to exit the car.
Larry followed the officer back to his patrol car where a second officer was laughing as he found out from headquarters just how much trouble Larry was in, and how he had none of the things other than a licence to be behind the wheel of a car, and his car shouldn’t even be on the road. Larry sat in the back of the police car while the officers tag teamed him and by the end of it all, he was left stood at the side of the road while a recovery lorry turned up and loaded his car/home onto the back and then drove away leaving him with nothing but the clothes on his back and two pound twenty in his pocket.
“All my things are in that car, please just give me a break.” Larry had pleated with the two officers, but they didn’t care.
“Feel free to remove anything that you need from the vehicle sir, and you can get your car back just as soon as you provide all the relevant paperwork and pay the fine.” One of the officers had said to him like he’d not just heard what Larry told them about living in it, and not having the money to insure, tax and MOT it, never mind pay the large fine they wanted him to find from somewhere.
Larry had seen that it looked like it was going to rain, so he’d pulled his coat out the trunk of his car and slipped that on and stuffed some spare clothes in his backpack before they took his car away. He started walking down the road not really having any idea where he was going. The police had stopped him in the middle of nowhere and all he could see were trees and long driveways that led to houses so far away from the road that he couldn’t see them. He’d stuck to the country road hoping to avoid the police and their new updated ways of finding out a car wasn’t legal to be on the road, but once again his bad luck had struck again.
He’d been walking for about an hour as he stepped his way around some large puddles that had formed due to all the rain they’d been having the past week or so, when he heard a noise and looked up just in time to see a larger lorry drive out of a gateway and soak him as it went through a large puddle he was just about to walk around. Larry was sure he heard the men in the lorry laughing at him as he was soaked, but they never stopped to see how he was.
“Assholes!” Larry shouted as he looked at the lorry driving away. He saw that it was a removal company. Larry was angry and looked up the driveway where the lorry had just come from. “I’m sick of taking this shit!” He said to himself as he started walking up the driveway to see the people living at the house and report the men for what they had just done to him.
Larry thought he must have walked for miles before he finally got to the house, but before he could make it all the way there, the heavens opened up and he was getting soaked even more, so he ran the last hundred feet and banged on the front door, but got no answer, so he looked through a window and saw that most the rooms looked empty, or were in the middle of being emptied. He looked around the place and felt like his luck might be changing when he just happened to try a side door and found it opened. Looking around to make sure he wasn’t being watched, Larry slipped inside and then started looking around for some way to keep warm while he dried his clothes. Larry wasn’t happy about breaking into someone’s home, but he didn’t see it as breaking in as he never broke anything. He was surprised that no alarms went off though, and he stayed close to the door he entered through for a short time after, just in case police cars pulled up and he needed to make a quick getaway.
He found some towels stacked up on some boxes and the house seemed warm enough once he was out of his wet clothes, so he looked around to see if there was gas and power and he smiled when he found that the house had both so he turned on the heating and laid out his clothes to get them dry. It was starting to get dark, and Larry doubted the removal guys would be back again that night, so he decided to spend the night, and then be gone in the morning, first thing.
Finding a kitchen Larry saw some boxes and opened them wondering if they might have any food in them and he got luck when he found tins of beans and sausages as well as other tinned goods sat in one of the boxes. He then found a saucepan and was soon cooking himself a feast. Larry thought it would serve the assholes right when they got here the next day to find a mess in the kitchen to clean up.
Larry had a good meal and then went in search of a bed to sleep in. He made his way up the large staircase and then started looking in all the rooms to get the lay of the land before picking a room to finally get some real sleep in a real bed for the night, instead of winding back the passenger seat in his car and sleeping in that.
“Now these people have some serious money.” Larry said as he looked around the house. Larry wasn’t a thief, so he never went looking for anything to steal, he just looked around some of the rooms before the stress of the day and a belly full of food got to him and he finally found a bed that looked good enough for him, which after living out your car for the past six months was any of them, and he was soon fast asleep.
Larry woke up when he thought he heard someone calling his name. It took him a couple of seconds to remember where he was, and then he was worried that someone might have come back to the house, and he slipped out of bed and cursed himself for not bringing his clothes up with him. They were all still draped over radiators down stairs, even the clothes he’d packed in his backpack had been soaked, so they had been draped over radiators as well.
He stopped moving and held his breath for a couple of seconds while he listened for any sign of people being in the house, but all he could hear was his own heart thumping in his ears as he calmed down from the sudden panic of being caught he’d felt on first waking up.
“Calm down Lucky, you’re on your own, and just scaring yourself.” Larry said out loud hoping to get a grip of his fears.
Still not sure that he was alone, Larry decided to take a quick look around and also grab his clothes just in case he had to make a quick getaway. He didn’t want to be a naked homeless person. Being homeless was bad enough.
Larry did a full sweep of the house and found himself to be alone still, so he grabbed his clothes and then returned to the bedroom he’d been using to get a little more sleep when he heard a clicking from just above him. He’d not realised there was another floor above the one he was on, but given the size of the house, it stood to reason that there was, so he looked for a door to take him up to it, and he soon found one and made his way up a narrow flight of stairs to a large room that spanned the whole house looking at it.
Thinking it was possibly a rat, or a bird making the noise, Larry turned to go back down the stairs when he heard the wind whisper his name, or that’s what Larry hoped it was, but he turned around and looked deeper into the large room anyway for some reason as he felt a strange need to follow the sound to its source. Larry thought it might have been a ghost, but he still felt the pull to keep going, even though he was scared out of his mind.
Larry walked deeper and deeper into to the room and he had to do a double take when he walked past a large dusty mirror and thought he saw a woman stood next to him, but when he looked again it was just him. Thinking he was losing his marbles he turned to keep looking when he heard a woman’s giggle from just behind him, so he spun around and looked around, but there was nothing there. He went to turn back and saw that the woman was looking at him again from the mirror, but the things that really freaked Larry out was the fact he couldn’t see him, just this woman looking at him and smiling. Larry reached out with his hand and touched the mirror, and the woman did the same on her side. Their fingers touched, or more to the point Larry’s fingers touched the face of the mirror and he was hit with some sort of electric shock and he fell to the ground in a heap, out for the count.
“What hit me?” Larry thought as he felt life entering his body again as he went to open his eyes and found his vision blocked by a mass of blond hair. Thinking that a wig or something with blonde hair had fallen on him, he went to move it aside just to find out it was connected to his head. “What the hell... My voice!” Larry screamed out sounding like a woman, and things soon got worse as he sat up and felt a weight on his chest that just didn’t belong there as it jiggled and wobbled around.
Larry sat up and brushed the hair out of his eyes and looked down at the two mounds of flesh stuck out from his chest. “No, no, no!” He shouted as he cupped a breast in each hand and felt that they were real. He was soon on his feet looking at himself in the mirror, or herself as that is what he saw now, a young woman, a pretty looking woman, but a woman all the same.
Once he’d processed the fact he now had a girls face and a girls chest, he was drawn to the area between his legs where his manhood once lived, but now there was just the perfectly shaven thatch of hair he’d seen many a model advertise in the magazines he’d seen while looking at magazines in news agents.
“How can this be happening to me? I can’t be a girl!” He said, but it was a woman that looked back at him as he spoke, and it was a woman’s voice that said it. “How can I be this unlucky?” He asked the girl in the mirror, like she was going to give him an answer.
“I’m dreaming, that’s it. This is just a really weird dream, and I need to wake up.” Larry said to the girl in the mirror, even though it was a musical woman’s voice saying the words, which just drove home even more that Larry was now a woman.
Larry dug his new longer sharper looking nails into his arm and let out a scream of pain when it hurt, but he never woke up and he just watched in the mirror as the girl’s arm went red where he’d just watched her inflict pain on herself.
“Think Larry, Think.” He said out load feeling weird hearing a girl’s voice. “This all happened when you touched the mirror, so touching it again should fix the problem.” He added trying to apply logic to how he now looked.
He reached out with first one hand and gently touched the mirror hoping to feel the same flash of pain and then become himself again, but nothing happened, so he then tried it with both hands while trying to remember what he looked like as a man, but still nothing happened as he opened one eye that he’d shut on reflex when he expected to feel blinding pain.
Larry started to freak out and stepped back tripping over a box and landing in another one. He managed to crawl out of the one he landed in and then he was just trying to work out what to do next when he heard the air brakes on a lorry and ran to the window to see the removal lorry from the day before. Larry had no idea how long he’d been knocked out while this weird body swap thing happened, but not wanting to get caught breaking and entering he ran down to the bedroom where he’d left his clothes and got another shock when he found his male clothes were now designed for a female body. He just got dressed as quick as he could, stuffing some of the items in his backpack and made a break for freedom, hoping that he could outrun any of the removal men if they should choose to run after him, or her as it was going to be a woman they saw running away.
One of the removal men had just unlocked the front door and opened it, when he was knocked over by a blonde streak hitting him in the chest before bursting from the house with a jacket in one hand and a small backpack in the other that looked like the type some girls used as a purse these days.
“What the bloody hell!” The man screamed as he flew back and landed on top of a second man stood behind him.
The other two delivery men just looked on as they saw the woman running faster than they had ever seen anyone run before. Her long blond hair was flapping behind her like a cape as she ran down the drive and out of sight. None of the men were fit enough to run after her, and it didn’t look like she’d stolen anything.
“Bloody squatters!” The man that got knocked over shouted as he saw the woman vanish around the bend and out of sight.

Larry looked back a couple of times and slowed after realising that he wasn’t being followed.
“How much worse can my life get?” Larry said as he felt tears start to flow from his eyes as he walked over and sat on a fallen tree at the side of the road. He’d felt like crying a lot in the past, but always stopped himself because it wasn’t a very manly thing to do, but in this new body, he just didn’t seem to care and was happy to just sit with his head in his hands and have a good cry about how crappy his life was.
He finally pulled himself together, or herself together and took a couple of deep breaths before opening the purse style backpack and seeing if he had a tissue to blow his/her nose. He found a tissue and also a wallet that wasn’t his, but he/she pulled it out and looked inside to see if this new girl he found himself to be had any ID or money.
“Okay this is getting weirder by the second.” Larry said as he pulled out a photo ID with a picture of how he looked now and the name Laura Luck on it, and he also found some money in the wallet as well. Close to one hundred pounds, as well as a bra and some panties. Larry had got dressed in such a hurry when he saw the lorry pull up outside the house that he’d just slipped on the tight fitting jeans and blouse before slipping on the very feminine looking training shoes and running from the house. After running away and having to try and stop the new breast bouncing around painfully, Larry looked for a place to slip behind and try putting the bra on, and also the panties while she was at it.
“Laura Luck? So I’m not Larry Unluck anymore?” He/she said sounding confused as she ducked behind a large clump of bushes and slipped out of her clothes and tried to work out how to put a bra on. “But it still doesn’t look like I have a place to live.” He/she said when she hadn’t found an address in the purse, or driver’s license.
He got the bra on with very little trouble, it was like he already knew how to do it, but he’d never had much practice removing Debra’s bra, due to them not having much of a sex life. It seemed she was getting all the sex she wanted from Roger, not that Larry had been that bothered, sex was never something he found any great need to seek out with Debra or any girl for that matter.
Once dressed again, and feeling much better now her breasts were supported, Larry, now Laura, looking up and down the road deciding that she needed to pick a direction, and working out which way she’d been walking the day before when she got soaked and had to find shelter in the large house. Laura started walking down the road towards whatever lay in that direction.
Chapter Two
As a guy walking down the road, Larry had never given much thought to people looking at him, but as a girl he was now noticing how cars would slow to get a better look at her, and she was getting shouted at by the odd driver as they shot past. She’d even have a couple of cars stop and ask if she needed a lift. She said no thanks and just kept walking.
Laura carried on down the country lane hoping to find a village or someplace to stop and get something to eat, and maybe find a hotel for the night, so she could work out what had happened, and how to get Larry’s body back, not that she didn’t mind being a woman the more she walked in it. Laura walked around a bend and saw a woman struggling to change a tyre on her car, so Laura stopped when she reached the woman and asked if she needed any help.
“Hi, I was wondering if you need any help?” Laura asked when she saw that the woman was stood trying to work out how to use the jack that she’d pulled from the trunk of the car.
“Could you please?” The woman asked with a pleading in her voice. “I’ve got a stupid flat tyre and I don’t have any idea what this thing is for.” The woman pouted as she held up the jack for Laura to see. “I tried calling for a recovery service, but I’ve got no bars on my phone out here. The woman added as she looked around.
“That’s the jack, and it goes down here.” Laura said as she took the jack off the woman and then set about changing the tyre with the puncture.
“Thank you so much for helping me.” The woman smiled as she watched what Laura did, just in case she needed to do it again at some point in the future. “I’m Emma Good, by the way.” The woman smiled as she held out her hand to shake Laura’s.
“Laura Luck.” She replied as she shook Emma’s hand covering it in dirt and brake dust off the wheel she was just removing from the car, ready to put the spare on. Laura found it odd trying to work with the added weight to her chest, and the fact they kept getting in the way as she worked.
“That’s funny.” Emma giggled, which just earned her an odd look from Laura. “Good, Luck.” Emma pointed out as she first pointed at herself when she said the ‘Good’ Part, and then at Laura when she said the word ‘Luck’. “It was good luck you came along when you did.” Emma smiled.
“That makes a change.” Laura said with a sad smile. “I normally just bring bad luck with me.” She explained, but then remembered that Larry had all the bad luck, she’d been lucky enough to find she had money in her purse, and also she’d come upon a fellow female in trouble, and she was able to help.
“That’s a very negative outlook to have on life.” Emma pouted. “Care to talk about it?” She asked.
“Not much to tell you really.” Laura shrugged, not having any idea what she could and shouldn’t tell this woman.
“Tell me anyway.” Emma said as she sat cross legged on the pavement waiting for Laura at start explaining, while she worked on the fitting the spare wheel.
Laura decided to stick to a version of the truth and she told Emma about catching her boyfriend in bed with who she thought to be her best friend.
“I’d find it hard to call them a friend, never mind my best friend.” Emma grumbled.
“I thought the same thing after it happened.” Laura frowned. “Then the bastard cleared out my bank account before running off with her.” Laura added with a sigh.
“What an asshole!” Emma shouted. “Sorry, I don’t normally curse like that.” Emma added as she slapped a hand over her mouth, making Laura giggle when she moved it away again and left a dirty hand print from where she’d got dirty shaking Laura’s hand earlier.
“I’m sorry, but you’ve just put dirt all over your face.” Laura giggled as she showed Emma her dirty hands from changing the wheel.
Emma got to her feet and then used a side mirror on the car to take a look, and she was soon giggling as well, as she went in the car and pulled out her purse before she pulled out a pack of wipes and set to work removing the dirt and then redoing her makeup. “Better?” Emma asked as she smiled at Laura.
“Much better.” Laura smiled back as she put the last of the nuts back on the wheel and then lowered it back to the ground and then tightened off the nuts. “There you go, all fixed again.” Laura added, feeling proud that she was able to help someone out for once without something going wrong.
“Thank you so much Laura.” Emma said as she threw her arms around Laura and hugged her.
“Glad I could help Emma.” Laura replied. “I’d hug you back, but my hands are dirty, and I don’t want to mess up your clothes.” Laura added with a giggle.
As Larry, Laura would have got excited about someone like Emma hugging her like this, but as Laura, she just felt it was like she used to feel when hugging a man. There was no sexual feeling involved at all, not that Larry had been a very sexually focused person to begin with.
“Let me help you get cleaned up.” Emma said as she broke the hug and then grabbed some wipes and set to work helping Laura. “Can I give you a lift someplace, as payment for the help?” Emma asked as she worked on Laura’s hands.
“Just a lift to the next town would be fine, thanks” Laura smiled as she took another wipe off Emma and she finished cleaning up her hands as best she could until they got to a place with soap and a sink with hot water.
They were soon in Emma’s car and driving down the road towards a town, or more a city as it was. Emma pulled into a service station that also did tyres, so she could get the puncture fixed ready for the next time she needed it.
“Thanks for the lift Emma and I hope you were taking notes ready for the next time?” Laura giggled as she slipped her backpack over her shoulder and then got another hug from Emma before she went on her way.
Laura walked down the road and saw a cafe, so she decided to call in and have a coffee and a sandwich before she set about getting some answers and also working out what she was going to do now she was stuck in this new body. She had just finished her sandwich when she heard a familiar female voice speak to her.
“Hello again.” Emma said smiling at her. “I thought you’d be at home by now.” Emma added, but soon took a seat when she saw the sad look appear on Laura’s face. “What’s wrong Laura?” Emma asked looking concerned.
“I don’t have a home, or any place to live.” Laura said fighting back the tears again. She wasn’t used to all this crying stuff that came with this new body.
“You mean to say that all you have are the clothes on your back and that’s it?” Emma asked as she pulled out a tissue and handed it over to the now sobbing Laura.
“I’m sorry.” Laura said as she dried her eyes. “I’m not use to all this crying stuff yet.” Laura added with a snuffle.
“What you sorry for? It sounds like you’ve got every right to cry by the sounds of it.” Emma said looking confused, but she soon recovered. “Well you have a place to stop now.” Emma added with a smile as she got to her feet and then pulled Laura up as well.
“Where?” Laura asked looking shocked at someone wanting to help her. Being as unlucky as she’d been as Larry, this was new territory for her.
“I have a spare room you can use until you get back on your feet again, and find a job.” Emma smiled as she linked her arm through Laura’s and led her back towards the garage fixing her car tyre.
“I couldn’t ask you to do something like that for me Emma. You don’t even know anything about me.” Laura tried to argue.
“Looks like we’ll have time to get to know each other then doesn’t it.” Emma said closing down any and all arguments Laura might have.
Laura smiled nervously as she let Emma pull her along, but the biggest worry Laura had was she knew nothing about being a girl, even though she now looked like one, and she wasn’t sure how Emma would react if she suddenly said ‘by the way Emma, I use to be a man, but I got zapped by a magic mirror and now I look like this’. Laura just thought she’d take Emma up on her offer and then see what she can find out about the girl she now was, and whether or not anyone still remembered a man called Larry Unluck.
The garage had Emma’s spare wheel fixed when they got back there and they were soon back on the road and making their way to Emma’s home.
“Why were you out on that road this morning anyway Emma?” Laura asked just trying to make some light conversation.
“I stopped the night at my sisters while I babysat for them.” Emma explained. “It was too late to drive back home last night, so I crashed on the couch for the night and then left this morning first thing. Then you found me at the roadside looking like a right narna.” Emma giggled.
“Do you have a big family?” Laura asked.
“I have a brother and a sister. My sister has two little girls called Emily and Mindy.” Emma said with pride. “I love them to bits and love getting to look after them.”
“How old are they?”Laura asked.
“Emily is two, and Mindy is three, nearly four.”
“How old are your brother and sister?”
“Rachel is four years older than me at twenty eight, and my brother Paul is two years younger than me at twenty two. That makes me twenty four.” Emma grinned.
“I can work things out for myself Emma.” Laura giggled. “Unlike some girls I know that struggle with anything mechanical.” Laura reminded Emma about her not being able to work out how the jack was supposed to work.
“I knew how that jack worked; I just wanted to make a new friend, so I pretended to look dumb.” Emma said, but Laura could tell she was just joking with her. “I’m glad I didn’t know how to use it now.” Emma added with a smile.
“How long had you been there trying to work it out?” Laura asked as she wondered whether or not Emma might have driven past her.
“I’d been trying to get hold of my brother for about three hours before I finally gave up trying to get a signal and decided to have a go myself.” Emma frowned. “Then you came along and played my hero.” Emma swooned just before she started giggling, which set Laura off.
“You’re quite insane Emma.” Laura giggled.
“So I’m told.” Emma sighed, just before she started grinning. “How old are you anyway?” Emma asked.
“I’m twenty four, just like you.” Laura said, but not sure if she was or wasn’t. Larry had been twenty four like Emma, but he wasn’t Larry anymore, or a boy for that matter.
Laura took some time to look at Emma more closely while she drove the car and focused on the road. She had long reddish brown hair that looked like it had been dyed that colour, she also looked to be around the same size as Laura, and was very pretty and had a personality to go with it, but Laura still couldn’t find it within this new body to want to love her like he use to love woman when he was a man still. Laura did find herself loving Emma as a friend though, and she felt closer to Emma on that level than she ever did to her old male friend Roger, but he’d been the one sleeping with Larry’s wife and then started telling everyone that he’d stepped in and stopped Larry from abusing Debra. Larry soon realised that he’d been played from the start and all Debra wanted was his money, as Roger didn’t like to work, and Larry had found out he was keeping Debra and Roger for some time before getting home from work early one day to find them playing around in his bed. That all seemed like another lifetime now he was sat in the passenger seat feeling the bra holding his/her breast as still as it could, but they still reminded Laura they were there every time Emma hit a pothole in the road. Laura was soon worried about another problem arising when she suddenly felt the need to use the bathroom.
“How much further is it to your house Emma?” Laura asked nervously, as she hoped they could make it there before she needed to go too badly. Peeing for the first time as a girl is not something Laura wanted to do in a public toilet.
“Just another five minutes.” Emma smiled. “It’s not much to look at though, so don’t go getting too excited.” Emma warned.
“I’m sure it’s better than sleeping in a car Emma.” Laura pointed out. “I’m just feeling the need to use a bathroom.”
“Oh I see. Can you hold it for five minutes?” Emma asked.
“Sure, let’s just get home.” Laura smiled as she liked the sound of that.

Emma was soon pulling into a parking area and then she showed Laura the way to her apartment which was in a block of flats, but it was in a nice area and a couple of old biddies smiled and said hello to them both as they walked past on their way to the shops, judging by the little trolleys they were pulling along behind them.
“Home sweet home.” Emma said as she opened a door and let Laura enter the apartment and then showed her the way to the bathroom.
Laura stood and looked at the toilet like it was an alien thing to her. Larry would have just lifted the seat and aimed, but as Laura it was a case of sit down and just let it flow. She pulled down her jeans and panties before sitting down and then she relaxed and let it out. Laura remembered seeing girls in films grab some toilet paper and wipe down there when they had done, and now she knew why as she was left feeling a little damp after she finished. She wiped herself and then flushed as she got herself dressed again and then washed her hands before going to find Emma.
“Feel better now?” Emma shouted.
Laura followed the sound of Emma’s voice and found her in the kitchen making them a cup of coffee each. “Much better thank you.”
“Let me give you the tour while the kettle boils.” Emma said as she led Laura back out the kitchen and into the living room which had a sofa and two armchairs in it, and a TV and stereo in one corner with a small collection of DVD’s and CD’s stacked up next to it on a shelving unit. “This is the living room. Bathroom you’ve already seen, so that just leaves the bedrooms.” Emma added as she led the way down a short hallway to one of two doors at the other end.
Emma opened the first door she got to and then stepped inside and Laura followed. There was a double bed in there and it was already made up, but the bedside table had nothing on it, so Laura wasn’t sure if this was Emma’s room or the spare room she was letting her use for a couple of days.
“I hope this will be alright for you Laura?” Emma asked, snapping Laura out of her daze as she looked around the room.
“This is your spare room?” Laura asked when she realised what Emma just said.
“Yes, I’ve got the other room, this is just a little room compared to mine, but like you said, anything will be better than sleeping in a car, right?” Emma smiled as she took Laura by the hand and led her into her bedroom. “We look to be the same size, so I want you to feel free to come and help yourself to any of my clothes until we can get you some of your own.” Emma said as she stepped over to a large fitted wardrobe and opened the doors to let Laura see what was in there.
“I couldn’t take your clothes as well as letting you put me up for a couple of days Emma, but thank you for the offer.” Laura said as she stepped back and went to leave the room again, as she felt like she shouldn’t be in a girl’s bedroom, even if she was one now.
“You stop for as long as you need to Laura, and you can’t wear the same clothes all the time.” Emma said in a firm voice. “You will be stopping with me until we can get you back on your feet, and then we will look at whether you still want to move out, our just become roomies.” Emma added with a grin.
“Thanks Emma. I’ve never known anyone as kind as you before.” Laura snuffled as she felt ready to cry again, but she held it back and threw her arms around Emma and hugged her in thanks for all the kindness she was showing her.
They were soon back in the kitchen enjoying a mug of coffee while Laura let the stress of being turned into a girl flow out of her as much as it could, but Laura wasn’t sure if she should come clean with Emma about what happened, but part of her was worried about Emma kicking her out for being insane. Laura decided to leave it as a secret for the time being and see if she could find out what happened to get her looking this way, and if there was still any record of Larry Unluck.
“Do you mind if I ask how you ended up with no place to live?” Emma asked. While they sat drinking their coffee.
“You remember me telling you about my boyfriend sleeping with my so called best friend? Well he left and cleared out our bank account. I was upset, but never thought he would come back and have a second go, but he did and left me with nothing to my name, and the landlord kicked me out. I was living out my car until yesterday when I got pulled by the police and they took my car for not being insured, taxed or MOT’d.” Laura explained.
“We better see about getting it back for you then.” Emma said looking shocked that the police would take a person’s car, when they were using it as a home, but the law is the law, and she knew that they wouldn’t be able to turn a blind eye to a car being on the road in that sort of condition. Emma had seen enough cop shows on TV to know that.
“There’s no point trying Emma.” Laura said. “The car was on its last legs, and it was due to be put down anyway. I’ll just pay the fine and let them crush the thing and put it out its misery.” Laura smiled like it was no big deal, but really she had no idea if she even still had a car, as it was Larry that owned that one, and she didn’t see a drivers license in her wallet or purse for that matter.
“They will have to track you down first.” Emma grinned; liking the idea of harbouring a known fugitive was exciting. “Makes me feel like I’m breaking the law keeping you here.” Emma giggled.
“Thanks, that makes me feel much better about stopping here.” Laura frowned, but couldn’t help smiling when she saw the silly grin on Emma’s face. “I don’t think they will be flashing my picture on the telly or on the front page of the news papers just yet.” Laura added.
“True, but that does make me think that maybe you should give this address as the place you’re living now, so you can start looking for a new job.” Emma pointed out.
“Are you sure you don’t mind me doing that?”
“Not at all, and you will be here for some time anyway, I hope.” Emma smiled, looking glad of the company.
Emma wanted to find out more about Laura, but Laura faked feeling tired and asked if it would be okay for her to go and take a nap. Emma understood and then ran off to her room and returned with a night gown and some clean underwear for her new friend. Laura gave her a hug and thanked her again for all the help and then went into her new room and got ready for bed.
To Be Continued Next Sunday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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definately a change in Luck, I would say
Laura sounds like she might have a chance to make a life for herself.
Hmmmm . . .
This looks like it will be a very interesting story! For one thing, I'm thinking this is the golden opportunity for Laura to get some revenge on Roger and Debra, perhaps even getting some of her money back. I'm now looking forward to Sunday again!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
This could go anywhere and, knowing Sara, it probably will.
Now that PG is finished (for the moment) we have MI to look forward to.
Nice start. A mystery to *solve*, well several
Several mysteries but all related.
Comes down to WHY. Why was he so unlucky? Why was he pulled over where he was? Why was he in that particular house? Why did the magical mirror *call* to him? Why was she changed? Why is she so very lucky?
A mistake made before she was born and *the powers that be* are fixing what went wrong? She did recollect after her transformation the HE never felt quite right in his body.
So a soul in the wrong *shell*? Swapped lives for the better? A different time line, one where she was born and not he?
And what of the double dealing ex-wife and so called best friend? And the lies/fraud they committed?
And will her junker car be something else entirely?
How much remains the same and how much has changed?
I have ideas where this MIGHT go but likely it will be a happy surprise.
Good job Sara.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Mirror Image Part 01
Wondering about Emma and if she can help Laura.
May Your Light Forever Shine
I Love This New Story!
I love this new story and I look forward to reading more of it. It seems that Larry's life is like a coin that flipped when he found that mirror and became Laura. It is as if the coin landed on the good side and it is surely a sign when she meets someone in Emma. whose last name combined with her last name is Good Luck literally. I am so looking forward to where this adventure goes.
Sweet and Nice
I had forgotten how nice this story was and wish I had re-read it earlier. If you are looking for a sweet story I think this one would fill the bill.
Jeri Elaine
Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.