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Part Three of Five
Chapter Five
Laura sat playing with the hem on the skirt she had been forced to wear by Emma today, even though Laura had argued about wanting to wear jeans again, but Emma said she had nice legs and needed to show them off a little more. Emma had also got Laura in a pair of heels, which Laura was about to argue over, when she found that she could walk in them like she’d been doing it all her life.
Emma was behind the wheel of her little car driving her and Laura in the direction of the house where Laura’s new life began a couple of days earlier. Emma had a sat nav system stuck to the windscreen in her car, and it was directing them, but Laura could also remember some land marks from the other day, but they looked a little different now she was sat in a car, and not on foot walking.
“I was looking over some of the paperwork to do with the house, and I found it a little odd that I saw no mention of removal people taking things from the place.” Emma pointed out as she drove.
“Well trust me, they were there, and I got soaked to prove it.” Laura frowned.
“Don’t you mean Larry got soaked?” Emma asked with a grin.
“You know what I mean.” Laura frowned some more, but she soon broke into a grin this time. “What do you think the removal people were doing if they shouldn’t have been there?” Laura asked.
“Not sure, maybe trying to rob the place?” Emma shrugged. Not many people would look twice at a removal van and a group of men dressed the part emptying a house, and I bet there must be some expensive things in there.” Emma added with a frown of her own this time.
“What do we do if they are there again today?” Laura asked looking worried.
“I’ll park the car out the way and then we can look around and see what’s missing, then I’ll give BBS a call and see what they know about it.” Emma said playing the part of Laura’s personal assistant.
“BBS?” Laura asked looking puzzled as she tried to work out what that would spell out.
“Bailey, Bailey and Smith.” Emma pointed out with a grin. “Thought it easier to say it the other way.” She added.
They were soon turning into the driveway, and Laura could see the dip in the road where the large puddle had formed the other day that left Larry dripping wet as she remembered the laughter coming from the truck as it drove away. The trip up to the house was much quicker in Emma’s car, and Emma drove around the side of the house and then parked her car in an open garage before getting out and then closing the large double doors to hide the car from view if the removal people returned.
Laura pulled out the keys and then unlocked the front door, and saw that the alarm system had been opened and some wires had been cut to render it useless. Laura worked out that the removal men must have broke in through the same door she’d used, or Larry had to get into the place, and then unlocked the front door, or got a set of keys somehow, so they could then come and go removing things from the house.
“Where are you going Laura?” Emma asked as she followed after Laura who was flying up the stairs and down the hallways before going through a door that led to another set of stairs heading up to a third level in the house.
“I need to see if the mirror has really gone or not.” Laura said looking over her shoulder to see if Emma was still following.
Laura made it up into the large room in the loft and saw that it still looked the same as it did when Larry first came up here after hearing a voice calling to him, but the only thing that looked to be missing was the mirror, now there was just an empty space, not even a clear patch of dust free floor showed any sign of the mirror ever being there.
“It’s gone!” Laura shouted as she pointed at the spot where it was. Laura even turned and looked behind her and saw the crushed boxes she’d fell in when she first saw the changes that had happened to her, so she knew it to be the right place, but there was still no sign that the mirror was ever up in the loft to begin with.
“With everything that’s happened to you Laura, did you really expect a detail like letting this mirror stay out where others could find it would be overlooked?” Emma asked as she stepped over and wrapped an arm around Laura’s waist to let her know she wasn’t alone anymore. “Let’s go down and see just what’s been taken out of the place so far.” Emma added as she pulled out a folded up stack of papers all stapled together with a list of items catalogued in each room of the house. The only room that wasn’t catalogued was the loft space where they were currently stood looking around.
They soon found out that the removal men had been very busy, and had taken items from most rooms. Emma pulled out her cell phone and then called the number for the solicitor’s. She explained who she was and where they were, before asking if they had hired someone to remove the contents of the house. Emma then explained what had happened, and the fact that the alarm system had been disabled. Emma agreed to something after saying she would stop right where she was and then she ended the call.
Miss Jones is going to contact the police and get them to come out here because the house shouldn’t have been touched.” Emma explained as she placed her phone back in her purse. “We need to hang around and show the police what’s been taken.” Emma added with a sad smile as she looked at Laura.
“Great!” Laura said as she threw her arms up in air looking angry. “I’ve been robbed before I even moved in, and I didn’t even know it.” Laura explained when she saw Emma’s confused look. Emma was soon giggling though when she saw just how angry Laura was over the whole thing, this set Laura off when she realised that it wasn’t the end of the world, and with some luck they would be able to track the men down and get some of it back.
Laura ran over and looked out one of the windows in the now empty dining room when she heard the sound of an engine, but she already knew it was too loud and heavy sounding for a police car, and she was right when she saw the large removal lorry com into view.
“They came back.” Laura said as she ran over to Emma and grabbed her hand before taking off towards the stairs and then making their way up to the loft, hoping that the men didn’t realise that they might find even more stuff up there.
Emma got her cell phone out and made a call to the police directly this time and told them that the same men who had broken in and stolen some stuff already, were now back and Laura and she were trapped in the house hiding from them. The woman on the other end of the phone said that patrol cars were already on the way, but she would now make sure they had backup.
The woman stayed on the line with Emma until she heard the sound of sirens approaching and then Emma said she could see police cars pulling up outside the house, and the woman rang off and let Emma and Laura make their way downstairs just in time to see all four men being tackled to the ground by a dozen police men and women.
Laura had to wince when she saw one of the removal men make a run at a female PC, but she pulled something off her belt and flicked out her wrist to extend a bar and she soon had the man on the ground screaming out in pain from where she’d smacked him across his shins.
“Is one of you the owner of this property?” one of the officers asked as he walked over, once they had all four men in handcuffs and they were being led out to the waiting police vans.
“Yes, I’m the new owner.” Laura said stepping forward.
“Did any of them hurt you ma’am?” He asked.
“No, we hid when we saw them pull up outside, but they have been in a couple of times now.” Laura added as she looked around at all the empty rooms.
“We’ll do all we can to help you recover everything, but we will need a list of missing items.” The officer said as he looked around and wondered just how much stuff they had taken from the place.
Emma handed him the list, and he soon had a couple of officers wandering around making notes of what they still had, and what was unaccounted for.
“You’ll need to get a security company out to take a look at that alarm system for you, and I’d get them to add an update that contacts either them or the police in future.” The officer offered as an idea to the two of them. “But not until our crime scene guys have been and dusted for prints.” The officer added as he walked off to start organising his people.
“I’ll call Paul and get him to come out and sort it.” Emma said as she made a call and filled Paul in on what had happened. Emma smiled as she had to tell him that Laura was fine, as was she.
“Did he ask about me?” Laura asked looking eager to hear the answer, but already knowing it was true.
“Yes, he asked how you were, but didn’t give a damn about me.” Emma said in mock hurt, but was soon grinning again. “Just be gentle with him.” Emma added as she wrapped an arm around Laura’s waist and rested her head in Laura’s shoulder.
“I’m not sure getting close with Paul would be a good idea Emma.” Laura said as she gave it some serious thought.
“Why not?” Emma asked looking shocked as she stepped around to look Laura in the eyes as she answered.
“I’m scared that things won’t work out between us, and if they end badly, I will lose you as a friend.” Laura explained worriedly. “I don’t want to lose you over some boy, even if he is your brother.” Laura added with a sigh.
“As Paul’s sister, yes I need to look out for him when I can, but as your best friend, I would be an idiot to let you not take a chance and see if the two of you could hit it off.” Emma said with some pleading in her voice. “And you will never lose me over some guy, and I would never think about stealing your guys. Especially not this one.” Emma added the last bit with a shudder.
Emma and Laura had just finished speaking to the police and telling them what had happened when they saw a van pull up and they saw Paul jump out and run into the house looking for them both. All Emma’s worries about Paul being more worried about Laura were laid to rest when he ran over and threw his arms around his sister first.
“Are you okay sis?” Paul asked.
“Yes, we’re both fine, I told you that on the phone.” Emma said brushing off her brothers worries.
“What were you both doing here in the first place?” Paul asked as he broke the hug and stepped back to look them both in the eyes as they explained.
“We came to check out Laura’s new home, and found out that a group of men were clearing the place out so we called the police and hid until they arrived to sort it all out for us.” Emma explained in a matter of fact way.
“This is your house?” Paul asked looking shocked as he looked around at the size of the place. “I thought you said you were homeless yesterday at Em’s place?” Paul added looking confused now.
“I said I was homeless when I met Emma, but I’d been to see a solicitor in the morning and been told I’d been left this house by an aunt I never knew I had.” Laura explained, but left out the part about the money. If she was going to give it a go with Paul, she didn’t want money to be the thing that made him want to go out with her.
Emma must have had the same thought because she never said anything about the money, which also meant she couldn’t say anything about her new job, not that Paul ever took much notice in what Emma was doing work wise anyway, as she jumped from job to job trying to find something she enjoyed doing.
“Wow, you really are lucky.” Paul smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay Laura.” Paul added as he stepped over and pulled Laura into his chest.
Emma couldn’t help smiling as she saw the contented look on Laura’s face as she let Paul wrap his arms around her as she rested were head on his chest. Larry had never been a tall man, so Laura wasn’t very tall either at five feet three inches. Paul was just over six feet which meant he could rest his chin over the top of her head as he also looked happy to stand hugging Laura close.
Laura had never felt anything like this before, as she let Paul play her protector. She thought that maybe she should be freaked out having been a man up until a couple of days ago, but like she said to Emma, she never felt right as a man, but couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Now though she could do just that, she never felt right as a man because she was a female soul in a man’s body, but thanks to a magic mirror, she was now freed to live the life she should have had from birth.
The two of them broke the hug when Emma cleared her throat. “Sorry to break this touching moment up, but we better let Sparky here get to work and see if he can do anything with this alarm system.” Emma smiled as she looked over at the messed up box of wires on the wall behind the front door. Emma also pointed out the reason for her breaking up the budding romance when she looked over at a group of people in white paper suits that had all stopped working to watch the show between Paul and Laura.
“Wow, they did a real number on this thing didn’t they?” Paul said looking at the mass of wired and smashed up casing. “I can tell you now that this will be a complete redo.” He added with a sigh.
“How much are we talking, and how long to get it all sorted out?” Emma asked.
“Let me make some calls and I’ll see what I can sort out.” Paul said as he looked at the alarm system again. “I’d recommend a full refit of a better system if I was you.” Paul added with a frown.
The officer in charge said the same thing when he spoke to us earlier” Laura chirped in trying to look like she was in some sort of control, even though she felt all tongue tied when she went to speak to Paul.
“I wouldn’t go to mad though, not if you plan to sell the place.” Paul pointed out as he looked around at the size of the house and thought it was a little on the large size for one person to live in.
“I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the place just yet, but I’d like to know it’s safe while I make up my mind.” Laura answered.
Paul gave Laura a smile and a nod before getting out his phone and making some calls while he walked out to his van and sat in it taking down some notes as he spoke to different people.
The police finally got done and said they would be in touch as they found out more information on the stolen furniture.
Emma made a call to the solicitors while Paul was on the phone, so Laura decided to take a look around and see if she could find any clues as to who this Watcher was. She couldn’t find any clues, but there was enough things in the kitchen to make a drink, so she made them all a cup of coffee and then waited for Emma and Paul to get done on their phones.
“Walter says he’s sorry about what happened, and we’re to send them the bill for the new alarm system, and they will cover the refit.” Emma grinned as she walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table before taking a sip from her mug of coffee that Laura pointed to.
“Wow, that’s great. You really are good at your job.” Laura said looking very impressed with her friend.
“Thanks.” Emma grinned with pride. “I kind of took over the running of the house when our parents died, even though Rachel was the oldest, I just fell into the roll better.” Emma explained.
“I’d like to meet Rachel and the children.” Laura said. “Is she anything like you and Paul?” Laura asked.
“Yes and no.” Emma said after some thought. “Rachel is a natural mother, but not so good when it comes to sorting out bills and things like that, but her husband Nigel is pretty good at balancing the budget and making sure that Mindy gets to all her hospital appointments on time.” Emma added with a sad smile as she said the last part about Mindy.
“Is Mindy sick then?” Laura asked looking worried.
“She has a heart murmur, but she’s healthy still, and the doctors are keeping an eye on it.” Emma explained. “You wouldn’t think anything was wrong with her when you see her running around.” Emma added with a grin.
They stopped talking when they saw Paul walk into the kitchen and take a seat at the table. “I’ve got a friend coming over to take a look at the place and give you some options.” Paul said just before he picked up his mug of coffee and took a sip from it. “It’s too big a job for me to take on, and I don’t have half the gear to do the job anyway.” Paul added.
“I spoke with the solicitor’s dealing with the inheritance, and they said to send them the bill, so make sure this friend keeps the price real, and the best on the market for that price.” Emma explained as she pulled out a business card with the solicitor’s name and other details on.
Paul took the card off his sister and then looked at it before looking at Emma again with a suspicious eye. “What aren’t you two telling me?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” Emma asked just before taking a sip from her mug of coffee to hide the grin on her face.
“I’m not sure, but you’re acting like you work for Laura more than just a friend.” Paul said with a strange look on his face, as he tried to explain what it was he was seeing going on between them.
Laura and Emma looked at each other as if they were talking with their eyes and Laura finally gave a little nod to let Emma know it was safe to come clean with Paul and let him know about the three million she’d also been given as well as the house.
“Laura has come into some money as well as the house, and she’s hired me to be her personal assistant.” Emma explained to her brother.
“How much money are we talking about?” Paul asked as he looked first at Emma and then at Laura.
“Just over three million pounds.” Laura said in a whisper, looking nervous as to how Paul might react over her wanting to keep it from him in the first place. Paul knew nothing about what happened to Larry and his wife over money, and the reason for her wanting to find out if Paul liked her before he found out about the money she now had.
“Three million! And you left this little detail out why? Scared you couldn’t trust me?” Paul snapped angrily as he got up from the table. “I liked you yesterday just fine when I thought you were just Laura, Emma’s new friend.” Paul added just before he stormed out the room with Emma following close behind calling his name.
“Paul, Paul, Paul! Please stop and let me explain!” Emma shouted as he ran after him and slammed the driver’s door shut just as Paul was opening it to get in.
“Stop and wait for what sis? She doesn’t trust me, so why should I fool myself into thinking we could ever have anything?” Paul asked with a growl while he tried to make his sister move out the way so he could get in his van and leave.
Emma slammed her elbow into Paul’s side making him hunch over with a groan. “Stop being such a dick bro, and come back inside and let me explain the reason for Laura acting like she is.” Emma said as she grabbed hold of Paul’s ear and started pulling him along like an angry mother would a child that had done something wrong.
Laura was still sat at the kitchen table part in shock over the way Paul had just left, and part because he’d just said he’d liked her. Laura was close to tears again when she heard Paul and Emma’s return, but it sounded like Paul was in some pain, and Laura soon found out why when she saw Emma walking into the kitchen with a hunched over Paul trying to keep up as he was pulled along by his ear. Laura found herself trying not to giggle now, as she thought it looking quite funny to watch.
“Sit down and listen up buddy boy.” Emma said looking scary serious as she pointed at Paul in such a way as to dare him to even try moving from his seat again until she’d said her piece.
Emma started to explain the story that Laura had told her about a boyfriend called Roger had led Laura on and then ran off with her best friend and all her money, just to steal even more when he found out about Laura being made redundant. Emma then explained that was the reason for Laura being homeless and walking the streets with nothing when she stumbled across Emma trying to change the wheel on her car. Laura was glad Emma hadn’t decided to tell Paul the truth, she had a feeling not even Emma would be able to stop Paul making a break for it at that point.
Paul sat with his mouth hanging open by the end of Emma’s explanation, and he found himself wanting to find this asshole called Roger and teaching him the finer points of what not to do with someone as beautiful as Laura was. “I’m sorry Laura, I had no idea all that had happened to you, and I can understand why you didn’t want to tell me about the money now.” Paul said looking ashamed of how he’d acted earlier.
“It was never really a case of not trusting you Paul, it was more the fact I liked having you both as friends. That means more to me than any amount of money ever could.” Laura said as she looked down at the table looking sad she’d just blown any chance she might have had with Paul. “I’m sorry Paul, and I liked you a lot once I found out you weren’t a burglar.” Laura added, not seeing as it could make things any worse by coming clean with him.
“You liked me? As in you did, but don’t anymore?” Paul asked looking worried.
“I still like you Paul, but I just thought you didn’t like me anymore after what I did.” Laura said as she had to wipe away a tear. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get use to this new body and all the crying it liked to do, but she kind of liked the fact she could just relax and let all her feelings show when she wanted to, so she was soon softly sobbing into her own hands as she let everything just flow out of her.
Laura was soon being hugged as she found herself being pulled into a strong pair of arms. Laura thought it was Emma until she heard Emma ask if anyone wanted another cupper from across the other side of the room. Laura looked up and found it was Paul hugging her.
“I’m sorry if you think this is moving a little fast Laura, but I don’t like you, I think I’m in love with you, and have been since I first saw you pointing that knife at me.” Paul smiled as he leaned in and then waited a second before letting his lips touch hers and she felt the most amazing kiss she’d ever felt in any body she’d owned.
Laura wrapped her arms around Paul’s neck as she wanted the kiss to never end, and Paul wasn’t in any hurry to stop it either. Laura felt Paul’s tongue probe her lips and she just sucked on the tongue forcing it further and further into her own mouth as she felt a warm tingly feeling spread all through her body.
“I love you to Paul.” Laura said in a breathy voice when they did finally stop kissing. This comment just made Paul grin even more, which Laura thought to be impossible until Paul did it.
Paul wanted to say more to Laura, but a man’s voice shouting his name stopped him, and he had to go and talk to the man about the alarm system, but he did steal another quick kiss before he jumped up and ran from the kitchen with a grin on his face.
“I’m sorry Emma, but I just couldn’t help myself.” Laura said looking worried as she touched a finger to her lips like Paul was still touching them with his lips.
“Don’t be sorry if you really meant what you said Laura.” Emma said as she sat down next to Laura and looked her in the eyes to see if she did mean that she loved her brother.
“I do mean it.” Laura said with a pleading to her voice. “I think I know what love feels like for the first time in my life, and I like it.” Laura giggled like a child as she let Emma wrap her arms around her. “I truly feel like I’ve found a place I belong.” She added with a sigh as she enjoyed the hug Emma gave her.
Laura and Emma were just cleaning up in the kitchen and looking through some of the boxes they knew to have tins and other food in to see what was worth taking with them, and what needed throwing out due to it being past it’s sell by date, when they saw Paul enter the kitchen again with a couple of men looking around and taking notes. Paul smiled at Laura, and Laura just blushed as she grinned back at him.
Paul showed the men all around the house and then the men spent some time looking through their van before telling Paul they could do most of what he wanted, but a couple of the items were a special order thing, as they were too expensive to just carry on the van. Paul told them to get started and he was soon giving them a hand so he could keep the cost down, and also had an excuse to hang around and spend time with Laura. Paul did try to explain what he’d asked them to do, but Laura just looked blankly at him, so he just shut up and said the place would be like Fort Knox by the time they’d done with the place, and a private security company would be informed the minute anyone tried to break in, or someone pushed one of several panic buttons that would be installed around the house.
Emma and Laura did a run into the small village just down the road to get fish and chips for them all while Paul and the other two men worked their way around the house fitting little sensor’s everywhere.
“You’re going to be keeping that house aren’t you?” Emma asked as they waited for the chip shop to cook the fish. “I can tell by the way you’re looking at the place, you’ve fallen in love with the place, not that I can blame you.” Emma added with a smile.
“Yes I am, I feel a connection to the place that I can’t explain, but I was hoping that you’d want to move in there with me?” Laura asked.
“It would be a step up from my poky little two bedroom flat.” Emma grinned.
“Is that a yes then?” Laura asked grinning herself now, as she hoped she’d understood what Emma was trying to say.
“Yes, I’d love to move in to that big house with you.” Emma squealed with excitement as she hugged Laura while the two of them jumped around, earning strange looks from the few other people waiting to be served.
They returned to the house with lunch and they all enjoyed it. Laura and Emma started planning out what they wanted to do with each room while they waited for Paul and his friends to finish with the alarm system. By the time the alarm was fitted and working correctly, then had a pretty good idea of what they wanted to do, and Emma had taken some notes so they could contact some people and get some of the work done before they moved in. Other stuff would be down to Paul to sort out, like the large TV and entertainment centre they both wanted installed.
Paul followed Emma back to her place, so he could sit and have a chat with Laura about how they felt about each other.
Chapter Six
Laura and Paul had sat and talked when they got back to Emma’s place, and they had both decided to take it slow while Laura got herself back on her feet, and her and Emma got moved into the new house.
Paul helped his friends get finished up with the new alarm system over the next couple of days, and Emma went with Laura to sort out the paperwork with the bank at the solicitor’s officers so she got her new credit cards and cheque book giving her full control of all the money. Laura also sorted out a contract and a will just in case anything happened to her. Emma was shocked when Laura left everything to her and her family, even though she still hadn’t met Rachel and her husband and two girls.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do Laura?” Emma asked as they left the offices and made their way towards the shops so they could do some clothes shopping for them both.
“You’re the closest thing I have to a family of my own Emma, and I want you to have it all if anything happens to me.” Laura said as they sat in the car after Emma had found a parking spot in a car park.
“If things work out between you and Paul, then you will be family.” Emma grinned as she wiggled her eyebrows.
“He asked me out on a date last night while you were out the room.” Laura said looking worried.
“What did you say to him?” Emma asked looking hopeful.
“I said I’d think about it.” Laura blurted out seeing that she’d said the wrong thing judging by the look Emma was now giving her. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to rush into anything.” Laura added in her own defence.
“Going on a first date with a guy isn’t rushing things Laura, it would only be rushing if you both went to bed on the first date, but Paul isn’t like that, and I doubt that you’ll be eager to jump in the sack on the first date either.” Emma said as she gave a confused looking Laura a sad smile.
“Do you think he’ll ever ask me again, or have I blown it?” Laura asked.
“He’ll ask you again, I’ll make sure of it.” Emma frowned. Just remember to say yes next time.” Emma added with a giggle as she pulled Laura into a hug. “Now we need to get you a dozen outfits suitable for going out on a date with him.” Emma said as she got out the car and then walked around to Laura’s side before dragging her into the shopping centre to start a monster shopping session.
Never having been shopping for women’s clothes before, and not ever having been with Debra when she went, while she was still Larry. Laura was led around the shops with Emma explaining each item of clothing and the best time to wear it, and what colour went best with what. Laura was having trouble taking it all in, but Emma did he best to calm her down again when she said that she’d soon get the hang of it, and Rome wasn’t built in a day. Laura wanted to remind Emma that she was made in less than a day, but changed her mind when she realised that it would just make her sound whiny, and Laura was glad the mirror had changed her and her luck at the same time.
Emma spent a little time in each shop explaining under garments to Laura, then they moved on to shoes and boots, before she took Laura into the clothes shops and started kitting her out with some dresses that left her looking like a total babe.
“I’m not sure I’m ready for these sorts of dresses Emma.” Laura said as she stepped out of one dressing room in a silky blue dress that felt like her panties were on show it felt that short.
“Trust me, you look totally stunning.” Emma grinned. “Paul won’t be able to keep his hands off you in that little number.” Emma added as she clapped her hands together excitedly.
“I don’t want to be fighting your brother off all night while on a date with him.” Laura said looking worried.
“Maybe so, but you don’t want him looking at any other woman either.” Emma explained the reason for the outfit.
Laura suddenly felt a pang of jealousy as she thought about some other woman catching Paul’s eye, and she liked the dress a lot more after that, and she stopped fighting with Emma and took her advice as they bought more and more dresses, shoes, underwear and jewellery to match each dress. Laura found it nice to be able to spend money and not have to worry about it for once.
“I never realised how much work goes into looking so pretty for our men.” Laura said as they called it a day and headed back to Emma’s car, laden down with shopping bags.
“So true, but the big question is, did you have fun doing it?” Emma asked with a smile.
Laura didn’t answer right away, as she gave it some thought. She’d laughed more today than she could ever remember doing before, and she did learn a lot about how to dress as a woman, so her answer was clear. “Yes, I’ve had one of my best days ever.” Laura said with passion in her voice.
“One of your best days ever?” Emma asked with a raised eyebrow. “What are the others?”
“The day I met you at the side of the road.” Laura grinned.
“That was one of mine as well.” Emma giggled as she bumped her shoulder into Laura’s.
They were soon back at the car and on their way back to Emma’s flat. Both girls were looking forward to moving into the new house now, so they didn’t have to keep struggling to find space for all their clothes in the little wardrobes they had in their bedrooms at the flat. Just one of the bedrooms in the new house was larger than Emma’s whole apartment, and each walk in closet the girls would have were larger than Emma’s bedroom. Now that Laura had the money in her hands so to speak, they were moving forward with getting all the building work done and Paul could now start work on the entertainment room, but the biggest worry Laura had at the minute was the meal Emma and Paul were taking her to that evening.
Emma and Paul had both been speaking to Rachel their big sister about this amazing woman that had come into their lives, and she wanted to meet her, so they were going that evening for dinner.

Laura was a little nervous as they got ready later in the day. Even though Emma and Paul both said Rachel was really nice and got on with everyone, even if she did tend to be a little scatter brained at times. Laura was still worried this big sister to Emma and Paul would not like her, or worse see right thought what she is now and tell Paul that he’s in love with a man, not that Laura looked anything like Larry anymore, and was able to have children, just like most other women.
Emma had spoken with Laura one morning about female monthly problems. Laura hadn’t wanted to listen, but Emma made her, because she didn’t want Laura freaking out when they hit. Emma had roughly worked out when Laura should expect them working on the number of days from when she was first turned into a woman. Laura was still amazed at just how cool Emma had been about her wild story of touching a mirror and then waking up looking like a woman, but then again Laura was having trouble remembering a time when she didn’t have Emma at her side, and it had been less than a week since they first met.
“Aren’t you ready yet?” Emma shouted as she entered Laura’s bedroom to find her stood in her underwear looking at the wardrobe trying to work out what to wear.
“I’m not sure what look to go for. I don’t want your sister to hate me.” Laura said looking worried.
“Rachel won’t hate you, and I said to keep it simple.” Emma said as she pulled Laura out the way and then started pulling some items out the wardrobe and also a chest of draws.
Laura looked a little shocked when she found Emma was putting together an outfit of light blue blouse, jeans, socks and trainers for her to wear, and she was also getting out a second blouse to be taken with them. “I thought you’d want me to dress a little smarter than this for a first meeting with your sister?”
“Trust me when I say that both Emily and Mindy like to share their dinner with others, and you being a new face, will be the one sat between them getting most of it.” Emma giggled.
Laura had never spent much time with children as Larry or Laura, so she had no idea what she was letting herself in for, but Emma seemed to have a much better understanding, so Laura did as she was told. She was soon dressed and then she did her hair and added a little makeup just to impress Paul more than anyone else. Laura joined Emma in the living room to wait for Paul to turn up, so they could all go over to Rachel’s in Emma’s car, due to Paul only owning a van, and that was full of electrical tools and equipment.
Emma and Laura both stood up when they heard a key in the front door just before they saw Paul walk into the living room smiling at them both. He walked over and gave Emma a hug and a peck on the cheek before he stepped over to Laura and gave her a much longer hug as he leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips that left her feeling light headed and glad he had her firmly wrapped in his arms.
“You both look very beautiful this evening.” Paul smiled as he ran his tongue across his lips tasting the waxy residue of Laura’s lipstick on them.
Laura smiled up at him as she had to reach up with her hand and wipe away a little of her lipstick from his lips herself. “Thanks Paul, you look pretty nice yourself.” Laura said just before she let her hand slide around to the back of his neck so she could pull his head back down for another kiss.
Emma gave them a couple of minutes before she had to pull them apart so they could get going. “Come on you two.” Emma said in mock annoyance as she pushed the two of them towards the front door. Paul and Laura both laughed, but did as they were told.
Laura realised that once they moved into the new house, it would be a lot easier for Emma to go see her sister as they drove past the entrance to the new house on their way to Rachel’s home, which was just on the other side of the small village where her and Emma had gone to get the fish and chips the other day while the alarm people worked with Paul on replacing the broken alarm system. Laura had had a call on her cell phone while out shopping with Emma earlier in the day to let her know they had tracked down and recovered most of the items stolen from the house, and it would all be returned shortly. All four men had been charged with the crime, and also some other crimes around the area. The police had found a stack of different removal company signs all on magnetic sign board that they could stick on the side of their van to stop people being able to report them.
Emma pulled into a drive way of typical looking three bedroom house that Laura took to be Emma' sisters Rachel house and they all got out. Laura followed Emma up to the front door and watched as she rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer it. Laura was stood with Paul just behind Emma feeling really nervous about making a good first impression.
It didn’t take long for a woman to answer the door, and Laura could see right away that she was Emma’s sister. They looked just like each other accept Rachel looked a little older, but Laura thought looking after two small children would make anyone look older.
“Emma, Paul! Come in come in.” Rachel said as she stepped aside to let all three of them enter the house. “And you must be this Laura I keep hearing about.” Rachel smiled as she pulled Laura into a hug the minute she stepped through the door just in front of Paul.
“Yes, hello Rachel. Thank you for inviting me over for dinner.” Laura said nervously as she hugged Rachel back.
“Don’t thank me yet, you’ve not tasted it.” Rachel giggled, which instantly made Laura feel better and more relaxed as she to found herself wanting to giggle.
“Emma and Paul have already told me that you’re a wonderful cook, so you can’t fool me with that.” Laura smiled as they broke the hug and Rachel got a better look at her brother’s new girlfriend and her sister’s new best friend.
Rachel opened her mouth to speak, but stopped and then looked down instead. Laura’s eyes followed Rachel’s and she saw a little girl stood there tugging on Rachel’s trouser leg as she looked up into Laura’s eyes nervously.
“Mindy!” Emma shouted as she scooped up the little girl making her scream out and start to giggle and squirm as Emma held her in one arm while tickling her with the other.
“As you may have guessed, this little thing is Mindy my oldest daughter.” Rachel laughed as she watched Emma playing around with her. “Emily is in the living room with my husband Nigel.” Rachel added as she led the way to the living room.
Laura saw a man sat in an arm chair with a little girl sat on his knee playing with a little stuffed bear while watching some sort of Disney movie on the TV.
“Nigel? This is Laura, Emma’s new friend.” Rachel said as she stepped aside and let Laura and Nigel get a good look at each other. “This cute little thing on his knee is Emily.” Rachel added as she stepped over and picked up an excited looking little girl now holding out her hands to get some attention from her mother.
“Hello Nigel, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Laura smiled. “Emma and Paul have told me all about you, Rachel and the girls, that I feel like I know you all already.” She added with a nervous giggle.
“Hello Laura.” Nigel said as he got up and shook Laura’s hand. “Rachel and I feel the same way about you. Emma and Paul had had nothing but nice things to say about you.”
“You have two very beautiful daughters.” Laura said as she looked at Emma still holding Mindy in her arms and Rachel with Emily in hers.
“Thank you for saying so Laura, but wait until you’ve got to know them a little better, and you may change your mind.” Rachel laughed. “Say hello to Laura girls.” Rachel told her daughters.
“Hello Laura, very pleased to meet you’s.” Mindy said sounding very posh as she said it.
“Hello’s Laura. You my new Aunty?” Emily asked.
“No, I’m just a friend of your Aunt Emma’s.” Laura tried to explain.
“Mummy tell daddy that Uncle Paul hope to make you my new aunty though.” Emily pouted.
“Your mummy talks too much.” Paul said as he stepped forward and took Emily out of Rachel’s arms and gave her a stern look as he did so. Paul was soon giving Emily an airplane ride around the room trying to distract everyone from what Emily had just said.
Laura smiled as she looked at Paul playing with Emily and making her giggle as he flew her around the room. She found herself hoping that she one day would be called Aunty Laura by the two girls. Before she became a woman, she never would have believed in love at first sight, but now she couldn’t think of living the rest of her life without Paul being a part of it, and watching how great he was with Rachel’s little girl, just made her want him even more.
“I hope you don’t mind Rachel, but I wanted to get the girls a little welcome present.” Laura said as she went in her purse and pulled out two little stuffed teddies.
“Ahhh, he so cutes.” Mindy said as she reached out and took one of the teddies out of Laura’s hand. “Thank you Laura.” Mindy added as she held the cute little blue teddy to her cheek.
Paul had to stop flying Emily around the room so she could get her new cuddly off Laura. “Thank you’s.” Emily said as she to cuddled the teddy to her cheek to feel just how soft his fur was.
“You really didn’t need to do that Laura, but thank you anyway, and I think you’ve just made two friends for life.” Rachel smiled as she looked at her two little girls looking at their new cuddles.
Laura was soon looking worried though when she was taking hold of Emily so she could give her a thank you hug. “Red my favourite colour. How you know dat?” Emily asked as she kept looking at the teddy.
“Just a lucky guess.” Laura said. “I’m glad you like it Emily.” Laura added as she felt the sudden desire to have kids of her own one day.
“I not like, I love him.” Emily said as she held the teddy close to her cheek again.
Laura was soon handing Emily back to Paul, so she could get a hug from Mindy as well. “Was it guess with my favourite colour as well’s?” Mindy asked as she looked Laura in the eyes.
“Yes, they sort of spoke to me and said they wanted to come home with me, so they could come and live with you and get looked after by two very special girls.” Laura said it like she was letting Mindy in on a big secret that she shouldn’t let anyone know about.
“We’s takes good cares of dem.” Mindy whispered back. “You’s very pretties, I like you’s.” Mindy added with a grin as she kissed Laura on the cheek.
Emma had to take Mindy back off Laura so she could pop to the bathroom and wipe her eyes. She’d been moved to tears by Mindy’s comment, and Emma had seen her friend’s eyes filling up.
Paul was stood waiting for her when she got out the bathroom. Laura could hear both girls giggling from the living room, so she guessed that Emma was keeping them entertained.
“Are you okay?” Paul asked looking worried as he stepped up and wrapped his arms around Laura making her feel safe as she rested her head against his chest.
“I am now.” Laura sighed. “You’re so lucky to have such a wonderful family Paul.” Laura added, not bothering to lift her head up to look at him.
“I know, and I hope you realise that you’re part of it now as well Laura.” Paul pointed out.
“Remember when you asked me a question the other night? Well I’m ready to give you an answer now if you want to ask me again.” Laura said as she lifted her head up this time to look him in the eyes as he asked it.
“Laura Luck, will you do me the great honour of letting me take you out on a date?” Paul asked with a smile.
“Yes, yes, yes, I’d love to go out on a date with you Paul Good.” Laura grinned as she watched Paul lean down and start kissing her.
Emma could tell by the way the two of them were grinning as they entered the living room again, that Paul had asked the date question again, and Laura had said yes this time. “I’ll go and see if Rae needs any help while you keep an eye on these two little monsters.” Emma said as she playfully tickled the two squealing girls just before she got up off the sofa and left the room in search of her sister.
Laura soon found herself sat on the sofa where Emma had just been, but instead of Paul sat at her side, she had Emily cuddled up to her on one side and Mindy on the other, as both little girls played with the little teddies Laura had bought them. Paul ended up sat in an armchair smiling at Laura as she entertained the two little girls.
“Rae wasn’t joking when she said you’d made friends for life.” Paul grinned.
“Do you come from a big family yourself Laura?” Nigel asked as he tried to find out a little more about her.
“No, it’s just me.” Laura said looking a little sad about it. “I did have an Aunt apparently, but I only found that out the other day when I got a call from a solicitor asking me to go in and see them.” Laura added.
“Oh yes, I remember Rachel telling me about the house and money that was left to you. Sorry about the death of the aunt though.” Nigel said.
“Thank you Nigel, but like I said, I never knew her, but she helped me out when I needed it the most.” Laura smiled as she looked down at how she looked, and then at Paul before pulling the two little girls in a little closer. “I love your family Nigel, it’s worth more than any amount of money or property.” Laura added feeling jealous of how loving they all were.
“Well I hope you don’t mind becoming an adopted aunt, Laura, because those two have taken quite a shine to you.” Nigel chuckled.
“I’m sure they have enough aunts with having Emma.” Laura giggled as she thought Nigel was joking with her.
“I wants to call you Aunty Laura.” Emily said with a pout as she looked up at Laura.
“Me two’s. I finks it be cools having two aunties.” Mindy added as she cuddled into Laura even more.
“I’d love to be your Aunty Laura then.” Laura said just before she was being jumped on by two squealing little girls acting all excited as they kept shouting. “Aunty Laura, Aunty Laura, Aunty Laura!”

Emma found Rachel in the kitchen sorting out dinner for them all. “Need any help sis?” Emma asked as she walked over and gave her sister a quick hug.
“I think I’ve got it all covered, but thanks for the offer.” Rachel smiled as she hugged Emma back before going to check on the joint of meat cooking in the oven.
“So what do you think to Laura then?” Emma asked in a whisper, not wanting to worry Laura if she heard her name being mentioned.
“She’s great, and really pretty. I can also see that Paul’s taken quite a liking to her as well.” Rachel grinned.
“I think he just asked her out on a date while she was using the bathroom.” Emma grinned back.
“Sounds like the girls like her as well.” Rachel giggled when she heard the two girls screaming Aunty Laura over and over again. “How are things with you and the new job?” Rachel asked Emma looking a little jealous.
“Great, but it’s hard to think of it as a job most the time.” Emma grinned even more. “I guess it will get a little harder as I help her invest the money and we have to start looking at companies to take an interest in.” Emma added.
“When do the two of you move into the new house?” Rachel asked.
“The end of next week we hope. We have decorators going in on Monday to start painting the place, and hopefully we will have the furniture back by then as well.” Emma explained.
“I hope we get invited over for dinner once you’ve got settled?” Rachel asked with a pout.
“Laura would have you all over any time you want to come.” Emma said looking excited about them all going over to the house as well.
“I bet it’s nice and quiet out there isn’t it?” Rachel asked in a dreamy voice.
“Yes, the house is so far back from the road that you can’t even hear the noise from it, and the closest neighbour must be over a mile away.” Emma giggled. “You still having trouble with the neighbours?” Emma asked as she looked towards the side that she new Rachel had had some trouble with in the past.
“Worse than ever sis.” Rachel sighed. “They have a nasty little dog now that tried to take a bite at Mindy the other day, and she got so scared she almost passed out due to her heart murmur.” Rachel explained.
“Still got all the boy racers using the road as a race track as well?” Emma asked.
“Yes, all hours of the day and night, and if it’s not them racing up and down, it’s them driving along with that noise booming out all the time.” Rachel complained.
“Maybe you should move in with us.” Emma giggled.
“Don’t tempt me sis.” Rachel giggled back trying to put all the trouble with where they lived to the back of her mind.
Dinner was soon ready and just like Emma thought, Laura had Emily sat one side of her and Mindy the other. Emma was worried that Laura might get sick of hearing the two girls saying Aunty Laura this, and Aunty Laura that, but Laura just looked more excited every time she heard one of the girls call her name.
“That was a wonderful meal Rachel.” Laura said at the end as she sat back feeling full.
“Thanks Laura. I’m sorry you ended up wearing some of the girls though.” Rachel said as she saw the stains on Laura’s blouse.
“Don’t worry about it.” Laura said waving off Rachel’s concerns. “I’ll just suck on my blouse later if I get hungry.” Laura added with a giggled which soon set Emily and Mindy off.
Laura went to get up and start helping to clear the table, but was stopped by Nigel. “You sit and talk with Rae, Emma and the girls. Paul and I will sort out the clean up.”
“We will?” Paul asked looking shocked, but he soon agreed when Nigel gave him a look. “Yes we will.” Paul said as he got to his feet and was soon helping Nigel while the girls all went to the living room.
“Is it always like this around here?” Laura asked just after a rather noisy sounding car went past outside with music blasting out.
“No!” Rachel said with a wave of her hand. “Sometimes it’s worse.” She added trying to make light of it, but Laura could see that she was getting sick of it.
“If it’s not the cars racing back and forth, it’s the wild life trying to attack the girls by all accounts.” Emma said with some anger in her voice.
“Wild life?” Laura asked looking worried.
“They have a dog next door and it almost took a bite out of Mindy the other day.” Emma explained. “Scared her and left the poor thing feeling faint due to the heart problem.” Emma added as she pulled Mindy tighter to her, as she had Mindy sat on her knee starting to fall asleep.
“Did you not report them for it?” Laura asked as she had a sleeping Emily cuddled up on her knee.
“I made a call, but they pretty much said I had to call after the dog took a bite out of her.” Rachel said angrily. “I had to stop Nigel from going round there and killing the dog, but he did warn the owner that he would kill the dog if it came anywhere near his girls again.” Rachel added.
“What did the neighbour say to that?” Laura asked with some pride for Nigel and his actions.
“They called the police and we had them turn up to give Nigel a warning, but they soon decided to go and warn the owner of the dog instead by the time Nigel had done chewing them off a strip or two.” Rachel giggled. “The poor police officers didn’t expect to be told off by the person they had come to have a go at.” She added with a snigger.
Paul and Nigel got the kitchen cleaned up and then they sat talking about growing up and some of the things they did as children. Rachel told the story of how she met Nigel and fell in love. Laura was happy to listen to all their stories as it made her feel even closer to this family that had adopted her so completely.
Laura was sad to see the evening end, but she jumped at the chance to come and do it again soon. The thing that Laura wouldn’t miss though was all the cars that kept racing up and down the road all evening. The noisy cars would set off the dogs barking and it was like a war zone most the night, and it was set off again just as they were leaving the house when another car shot past setting off the dogs again.
They got in Emma’s car and drove away waving to Rachel and Nigel as they did so. Emily and Mindy were in bed asleep, or they hoped they were still asleep with all the noise the dogs were making.
“You okay Laura?” Emma asked. “You’ve been pretty quiet since we left Rae’s.” Emma added sounding worried.
“I’m fine.” Laura said with a smile. “I love the girls to bits, and was sad to see them go to bed.” Laura added with a sigh.
“I could tell that, but something else it bothering you.” Emma pointed out. “What is it?” Emma asked.
“I was just worried about the area your sister is living and what harm may come to the girls if they all stay there.” Laura said.
“What can you do about it? Buy them a new house some place safer?” Emma asked with a giggle to let Laura know she was joking.
“No, I was thinking of asking them to move in with us at the new house.” Laura said looking serious. “We have fourteen bedrooms, then there’s the attic space and all the other rooms that I don’t even know the names off. Why don’t we all move in together?” Laura asked.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea Laura, but what if things don’t work out between us all and you can’t cope with being around any of us? Do Rachel and her family end up on the street?” Emma asked.
“I’d never do anything like that to them.” Laura said sounding hurt that Emma could even think such a thing.
“I know you wouldn’t Laura, but these are all things that Nigel and Rachel will need to think about.” Emma pointed out.
“I’ll sign the house over to them then, so I can’t sell it or kick them out at that point.” Laura said in a firm tone. “I just want my nieces to have a safe place to play, and sleep.” Laura added with a more pleading tome to her voice this time.
“Do you think there might be room for me as well?” Paul asked from the back seat of Emma’s car.
“I’m sure we can find a bed for you to sleep in.” Laura grinned, but suddenly started blushing when she saw the way Paul started grinning at her.
“Rachel and Nigel won’t be easy to convince, but I think they will go for it in the end, and without you signing the house over to them as well.” Emma said as she frowned at Laura. “You can just let them keep the money from the sale of the house, that way they can always buy another place if they ever feel the need to.” Emma explained.
“While we convince them, I think we should get a couple of the room painted up to suit the girls.” Laura grinned with excitement over being able to spend more time with the girls in a safe quiet home.
Laura was soon worrying about other things when Emma started asking Paul questions about the place he planned to take her best friend out on a date. Laura had forgotten all about her date with Paul until just now, but she was still looking forward to getting dressed up and letting the world see that she was pretty and had a beautiful man on her arm.
To Be Continued Next Sunday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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ami right or ami right
... 3 million with all this lot and the money she will be spending on the house will take a substantial chunk out of it. Now we all know how lucky she is now and she will probably get some very lucky investments and get a far better return then 4% or so that is typical of very conservative government bond vehicles.
At a guess it will cost at least 300K to properly renovate and decorate the old place, depending on condition of the roof, grounds, etc and then proper cars, another 50K, wardrobe, another 7K or so and all in all it will out some 360K or more when it is all said and done.
And then there will be Laura's own children. In the US it is estimated to cost about a quarter mil USD to raise a single child to age 18, before even university or college costs are factored in. The latter for a top notch uni would be about another 300 to 400K USD at a guess assuming no scholarship. So say for two children it will be over a million USD to do it properly.
I can understand how nice it is to have a family though, a lot.
I think you're getting sidetracked by one detail of the tale ...
Kimmie, please stop obsessing over the money, You are forgetting the the most important fact, the story has magic in it!
Mirror Image Part 03
Wondering if the solicitors told those goons so that they could profit from the ransacking of her new domicile?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Mirror Image
Great story, looking foreward to more!
Absolutely brilliant
Don't take this the wrong way, but I think this is your best story yet. Your others were good but this is exceptional, this gives me something to look forward to each week, thank you.
Good story
I do like this story!
I did a quick currency exchange calculation and the 3,000,000 pounds comes out to 4,723,920 US dollars - well at the time I checked anyway. I don't care how you slice it, that is a lot of money.
Jeri Elaine
Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.
bringing a smile to my face is always a god thing. I have felt a lot like Larry lately. Dreaming of life on the other side of the mirror is fun.
3 million is about the right amount. 1 million goes so quickly, as someone else pointed out half a million can disappear with just getting settled into this new life. With three she has enough to live on comfortably, but still need to find some way to generate income for her future. Now magic in the equation will allow her heart and beaming personality shine.
I look forward to the next installment.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing