Part Two of Five
Chapter Three
Laura woke to the smell of something cooking and she suddenly realised just how hungry she was and was soon slipping out of bed and then slipping on the dressing gown Emma had given her before wandering out her bedroom and going to the toilet again before going to find Emma.
Emma was in the kitchen stirring a saucepan of something and looking at something in another saucepan. “Hi Sleepyhead!” Emma grinned as she ran over to Laura and gave her a hug before leading her over to the table and forcing her to take a seat. “Dinner will be ready in ten minutes, so just relax and get ready to enjoy it.” Emma added as she ran off to carry on sorting it out.
“Is there anything I can help you with Emma?” Laura asked, feeling a little ashamed to be sat at the kitchen table while Emma did all the work.
“Yes, you can help me eat it when it’s on the plates.” Emma giggled.
Laura was soon sat taking in a deep breath as Emma put a plate of pasta and meatballs down in front of her, and then placed some fresh cut crusty bread down in the middle of the table before joining her.
“This smells amazing Emma.” Laura said licking her lips as she looked down at the plate of food.
“It tastes even better.” Emma said as she indicated with her fork for Laura to get stuck in.
Not one to not do as she’s told, Laura was soon sticking her fork in the pasta and putting it in her mouth. Laura had forgotten just how good real food tasted and she savoured every mouth full and even said yes to a second plate full when Emma offered it to her.
“That was the best meal I have ever had.” Laura said as she forced down the last fork full and then pushed the empty plate away before letting out a sigh to say she was full.
“I’m glad you liked it. I thought you could use a good home cooked meal after what you told me earlier.” Emma smiled when she saw that she’d done her job well and got a good amount of food into her new friend.
“Please let me do the dishes to repay you for what you’ve done for me.” Laura begged.
“How about we do them together, so they get done quicker, and then we can share a tub of ice cream while we see what there is to watch on the telly.” Emma counter offered.
Happy with that proposal they soon got the dishes done and were in the living room sat on the sofa enjoying a tub of Rocky Road ice cream together.

“I have to go to work tomorrow, but I can call in sick if you want me to hang out with you?” Emma asked later in the evening while the adverts were on. They had found a film to watch while they talked about trivial things.
“No, I’ll be fine, and I need to start looking for work, or you will be kicking me out again if I don’t start and pay my way soon.” Laura said, not wanting Emma to get in trouble, or risk losing her job.
Laura wanted to use the time alone to look into the truth behind what brought her to where she was now, and whether or not anything that happened to Larry ever really did happen in this reality.
Even though Laura had slept a big chunk of the day, she was still sat yawning when Emma decided she was calling it a day and heading off to bed. Laura turned in as well and was soon fast asleep as she dreamed about what happened and how she’d become a woman, and how her luck had changed with it.

Emma was sat at the kitchen table with a slice of toast and a mug of tea the next morning when Laura entered the kitchen still in her dressing gown and night clothes.
“Good morning Emma. You look very smart today.” Laura said as she put some bread in the toaster and then poured herself a mug of tea out and took a seat at the kitchen table facing Emma.
Emma was wearing a gray skirt and white blouse, and she had a matching gray jacket hanging on the back of her chair ready to put on just before she left for the office where she worked as a personal assistant.
“Thanks, I do clean up pretty good don’t I?” Emma said grinning as she struck a sexy pose for Laura.
“I was wondering what time you get home, as I would like to cook dinner for you tonight.” Laura said as she sipped her tea.
“I normally get back around six, but you don’t have to cook for us. I can soon whip something up when I get in.” Emma said, not wanting Laura to feel like she needs to cook for them.
“I’d like to do it as a thank you for all that you’re doing to help me.” Laura said with some pleading in her voice. “I’m not a brilliant cook, but I can cook a couple of things pretty well.” Laura added.
“I’m sure whatever you cook will be nice after being at work all day.” Emma smiled as she got up from the table and walked over to the sink so she could rinse off her breakfast things.
“I’ll clean up after you’ve gone out, so just leave them on the draining board.” Laura said.
“Thanks, you’re a real sweetie.” Emma said as she stepped over and gave Laura a thank you hug. “Oh, I better give you these as well why I think about it, just in case you need to pop out later.” Emma added as she handed Laura a set of keys for the house.
“Thank you. I was hoping to go out and have a look around, if only to get used to the area.” Laura smiled as she gripped the keys in her hand feeling happy to have a real roof over her head again, and not just the tinted sunroof of a car.
Laura walked Emma to the door and then gave her another hug before watching her walk down the hallway and then vanished around a corner and down a flight of stairs. Laura returned to the flat and then sat down to enjoy another mug of tea before getting the dishes washed and put away.
Emma had sorted Laura out with some clothes to wear, so once Laura had finished in the kitchen, she decided to take a shower before getting dressed and going out for a walk, and also to make a start on solving the mystery of what turned her into a woman, but the more time she spent in this body, the more she started to think she was better off now.
“It’s like a mirror image of how my life was as Larry!” Laura said to herself as she realised that everything that had happened since she ran out that house and found Emma broke down at the side of the road were all opposite to how Larry’s life would have happened.
All of a sudden Laura wasn’t sure she wanted to become Larry again, even if she could find a way to do it. Laura was enjoying her time with Emma, even if it was just as friends and she had no other feelings for her new friend other than to spend time laughing and enjoying life for once.
Laura was soon showered and dressed, she did what she could with her hair, which turned out to be brush it out after blow drying it and then tying it back in a ponytail. Laura added a little lipstick, but just stepped back from even attempting to do anything with her eyes. Once she was ready to leave, and she made sure she had her little purse style backpack and wallet with the money in it, she left the flat and went to start her investigation into who she was now, and what had happened to Larry, if he ever lived at all.

Laura found a bus stop and got on a bus that took her into the town centre where she started looking around at some of the shops. Laura was looking for a mobile phone shop, so she could get herself a mobile, and then she’d have a foundation point for people to call once she started looking for work. She soon saw a sign stuck out that she recognised as being just the shop she was looking for and she made her way over to it. Laura knew she’d need to buy a cheap phone for the time being, as she was down to ninety pounds in her wallet, and she had no idea how long it would be before she found a job and would start getting any more.
An Alarm started going off as Laura stepped into the phone shop, and she jumped back looking worried she might have done something wrong, but it soon dawned on her that she was entering the shop, not leaving it, so she couldn’t have done anything wrong. Before Laura had too much time to work all this out though, she was being surrounded by people from the shop.
“I haven’t stolen anything!” Laura snapped as she stopped a man in a shop uniform from taking hold of her hand. “I was just walking into the shop when the alarm went off.” She pointed out.
“We know that miss.” The man smiled as he stepped back raising his hands to let Laura know he wasn’t trying to hurt her. “The alarm went off because you’re our one hundredth customer to enter the shop today.” The man added with a grin looking excited as he pointed at a poster in the shop window.
Laura looked at the poster and read that all month the one hundredth customer each day to enter each of their branches would receive a new phone and one year’s free contract.
“I’ve won a free phone?” Laura asked looking more shocked than the man expected her to, but the man didn’t know the years of bad luck Laura had lived with as Larry, so for Laura to win something like this was just to amazing for words. Laura’s smiled soon turned to a scowl though. “What’s the catch? How much is this free phone going to cost me?” Laura asked.
“There is no catch miss, you are free to leave the shop just as soon as we’ve taken some details and sorted you out with your new phone, and you won’t have to hand over a single penny.” The man said looking very serious about what he was saying.
Laura found herself following the man into the shop and fifteen minutes later she was walking back out the shop with her new mobile phone having not spent a single penny for it, and all she needed to do was contact the shop before the twelve month contract was up to sort out her bank details to set up a standing order for the contract, or she could turn it into a pay as you talk phone at that point.
The phone had been fully charged when she took it out the box and started looking at all the features on it, but she was shocked when the phone starting ringing. She looked at it for a couple of seconds trying to work out whether or not she should answer it.
“Great, they gave me a number that belonged to someone else.” Laura thought to herself as she hit the answer button and put the phone up to her ear.
“Hello, hello!” Laura heard a woman’s voice on the other end of the phone. “Is this Miss Laura Luck?” The voice asked.
“Hello. Yes this is Laura Luck.” Laura answered in a puzzled voice as she tried to work out how someone had got her number so fast, but then she thought it was probably someone from the phone company wanting to sell her something she didn’t need, hoping to get more money out of her than the phone is worth.
“Oh thank goodness.” The woman said on the other end of the line. “We’ve been trying to get hold of you for some time, and only just today found this phone number for you.” The woman added.
“Are you sure you have the right Laura Luck?” She asked.
“Are you Laura Luck of...?” The woman went on to give the address of Emma’s home.
Laura was left with her mouth hanging open as she tried to wrap her head around just what the hell was going on, but after touching that mirror and then getting knocked on his ass, only to wake up as a woman, nothing seemed to be impossible now.
“Yes, that’s me.” Laura finally answered the woman’s question. “What do you want me for?” Laura asked as she found a set of seats and sat down to try and recover from this weird life she suddenly found herself living.
“I work for Bailey, Bailey and Smith solicitors. We need you to come into our office to pick up some paperwork.” The woman explained her reason for needing to contact Laura.
“Paperwork? What paperwork?” Laura asked.
“You had an aunt that passed away some time back, and it turns out that you are the last remaining family member still alive. I believe she left quite a sizable fortune for you, as well as a letter.” The woman said.
Laura’s head was really swimming now as she heard what the woman told her. Laura agreed to go and see them and the woman texted the office address to Laura’s new phone. Laura used her new phone to pull up Google map and found the location and realised it was just down the road from where she was now. She’d arranged to go to the officers where the solicitors was located later in the day, so Laura decided to make the most of the time and take a look around some of the shops and get use to life as a woman.
Laura was having some fun looking at all the different things woman could wear, and all the makeup and skin care products, as she tried to work out how she was ever going to learn all this stuff. All thoughts of becoming Larry again, seemed to be gone from her head as she realised that Laura was getting something back out of life, where as Larry had everything taken away from him, so why would she want to become him again.
“Miss, Miss?” A woman on a makeup counter said as she tried to get Laura’s attention in one of the large department stores. “Do you have some time to spare? We have some wonderful skin care and makeup products to show you.” The woman added in that cheesy fake smile way they do when they want you to trust them.
Not having anything pressing for an hour or so yet, Laura decided to see if she could learn a thing or two about looking after her skin and also putting on makeup. Laura was lucky and the woman she had showing her the products loved the sound of her own voice so much that Laura just sat and watched in the mirror as the woman worked on her. Thirty minutes later Laura was looking a hundred times better than she did when she sat down.
Laura was handed a makeup case with all the products in that had been used on her face and then she got a shock when she went to pay the woman.
“How much do I owe you?” Laura asked as she got her wallet out her purse.
“There is no charge Miss.” The woman smiled with pride at just how beautiful she’d made Laura look. “This is a training day for us, we just ask that you fill in these forms and let the management know how we did. You also get the products we used in the hopes that you will return in the future and continue to buy them from us.” The woman added with a grin this time.
Laura was more than happy to fill in the form and she gave the woman that worked on her a glowing reference as to how good she was. Laura couldn’t help noticing just how feminine her hand writing was now as well. Laura was almost skipping along now as she caught her reflexion in shop windows and found it hard to believe that she was once a man called Larry that had so much bad luck, but now she seemed to be struggling to give her money away as she was showered with prizes every time she needed something.
Bailey Bailey and Smith Solicitors. That was the text written on the brass plate to the side of the large heavy looking wooden door, as Laura stood outside the old looking building. Laura had no idea what she was walking into, but she hoped it would give her some answers as to what happened, and how come she was now getting all the things she’d wished for when she was Larry.
Laura walked up the steps and then opened the wooden door and entered the offices and walked up to a woman behind a large desk and let her know who she was.
“Hello. I got a call earlier today asking me to come in and speak to someone about an inheritance.” Laura explained to the pleasant looking woman.
“Miss Luck is it?” The woman asked with a smile as she got up and stepped around the desk to take Laura to the room where two men and a woman, all of which were in there forties were sat. The two men looked like brothers, so Laura thought the woman must be the Smith part of the name, leaving the two brothers as the Bailey part.
“This is Miss Luck to see you.” The woman said before she led Laura over to a seat facing the three of them and helped her to sit down. “Tea or coffee?” The woman asked.
“Coffee please, white, no sugar.” Laura said sounding nervous.
“I’d like to thank you for taking the time to come and see us Miss Luck.” One of the two men started, while Laura waited for the woman to sort out her drink for her. “I’m Walter Bailey, and this is my brother Peter, and his wife Sally.
“We were married after we started the partnership.” Sally smiled when she saw the puzzled look. “We did toy with the idea of changing the name to Bailey, Bailey and Bailey, but we all thought it would be a little too much.” She added with a giggle.
“I still don’t understand what I’m doing here.” Laura said after taking a sip from her coffee that the woman had placed in front of her before she left the room to let them talk.
“I’m sure Miss Jones explained it to you on the phone earlier?” Walter asked.
“Yes she said that an aunt had died and left me some money, but I wasn’t aware I had any aunt’s or other family for that matter.” Laura explained, but she knew next to nothing about this body she was in now, or what sort of family it might have.
“We had all but given up hope of ever tracking you down ourselves, but Miss Jones had done something on the computer, that informed her if your name ever showed up anyplace, and she got a hit yesterday, but was unable to make contact with you until this morning.” Walter said as he looked at some paperwork in front of him.
Laura realised that her name would have shown up just after the incident with the mirror. Laura Luck didn’t exist before then, so she wouldn’t be able to find any real person with that name before yesterday, well other than the one she was now, and whatever background had been magically produced for her.
Over the space of the next hour, Laura found out that she now owned a large house and had just over three million pounds. And she left the solicitors with a folder full of paperwork and details about her own past that the solicitors had managed to find out about her. Laura had found out that her date of birth and age matched that of Larry Unluck, so that made things a little easier for her to remember. The solicitors had requested a copy of Laura’s birth certificate when they were trying to track her down, so Laura now had that, as well as a full history of everything she’d ever done, or the Laura Luck she was now had done.
Laura had retained the solicitors to help handle the estate, and she would need to return to the offices in a couple of days to collect her new credit cards, so she could start spending the money she now had. Laura also left the offices with the keys and codes for the house she now owned. Laura had been in too much shock to take any notice of the address, but she was in for a shock when she did check it out.
Sally Smith had sorted out a transfer of twenty thousand pounds from the estate into Laura’s bank account to help keep her going while they got everything else sorted out for her, so Laura walked down the road and back into the main shopping centre again, and went to see if she was able to get any money out of her bank account.
Laura wasn’t sure if the pin she’d had as Larry, would still work now she was Laura, but she put her card in and punched in the pin number and smiled when it worked and she saw that her account had just over nineteen thousand pounds in it. Laura new some of it would be gone right away due to her being overdrawn, well Larry’s account was, so it stood to reason that Laura’s would be until now.
So with some money in her purse and a smile on her face, Laura headed for home to sort out dinner for her and Emma, and Laura had decided that she needed to tell someone what happened and also she wanted to read the letter that had been given to her with the instructions that she was to open it when she was alone.
Laure got back to Emma’s place and sat in the living room looking at the letter in her hands with her name wrote on the front in a very old but very posh looking hand writing. It took her a couple of minutes to pluck up the courage to open it and read what was written inside.
Dear Laura
I’m sure as you sit and read this letter, you have a head full of questions as to what happened to you, well let me try and explain.
The mirror you found in that house was stolen many years ago and had remained so until you stumbled upon it. You were meant to find it and lift the curse that had been placed on your family at the time it was stolen. The curse cost the life of your entire family line except you, and for that I am truly sorry. I find that your curse was the worst though when you were born a boy, when you should have been born a girl, and then forced to suffer unlucky events one after the other through your life, but I hope you will now find all the happiness that I can offer you.
The mirror is back where it belongs now, and I hope that you can find some luck and live a happy adventurous life with all the new people you will meet along the way. You will never hear from me again, but I will be keeping an eye on you and making sure you get everything you deserve out of this new life.
Yours faithfully
The Watcher
Laura read the letter a couple more times and ended up thinking she had more questions now than she got answers, but it did explain the reason for her not being as freaked out about becoming a girl as she thought she should have. Laura folded up the letter and placed it back in its envelope and placed it back in her little backpack, so Emma could read it later when she got home from work, and Laura found time to explain everything to her. Laura was still planning to come clean with Emma and see if they could remain friends after the truth was laid out on the table.
Chapter Four
Laura was busy in the kitchen sorting out dinner when she heard the front door open and then slam shut again, so she went to see if Emma was alright, but looked worried when she saw a man struggling in the hallway with a Television in his arms. Laura ran back into the kitchen and grabbed the knife she’d been using to chop up some mushrooms ready to add to the omelettes once Emma got home. Then she hid just inside the doorway and waited for the man to make his way past. She leapt out at him, making him almost drop the Television as she held the knife out, aiming it at his throat.
“You picked the wrong flat to break into buddy!” Laura screamed at him as she kept the knife pointed at his throat in her shaky hands.
“Wow, wow. Calm down.” The man said looking worried as he nearly dropped the television on the floor. “I didn’t break in, I used a key, and this is my sisters place, so who the hell are you?” The man asked with a frown.
“I’ll ask the questions, as I’m the one with the knife.” Laura said looking suspicious of the man and his story still.
“Yes I can see you have a knife, but I’d feel better if it wasn’t pointed at me.” The man said looking worriedly at the pointy end of the knife shaking around in the woman’s hands.
Laura calmed down and moved the knife away from his throat as she started to remember what she’d spoke to Emma about the day before, and the fact she said she had an older sister and a younger brother.
“You must be Emma’s older brother David?” Laura said with a smile as she tried to catch him out just in case it wasn’t really Emma’s brother.
“No, I’m her younger brother Paul, but nice trick trying to catch me out.” Paul smiled; proud of what the woman had tried to do. “And you are?” Paul asked.
“I’m Laura. Your sister has been kind enough to let me stop here until I can get myself back on my feet again.” Laura said with a genuine smile as she lowered the knife before stepping back into the kitchen and placing it back on the table where she’d just grabbed it from.
“Nice to meet you Laura. Sorry I scared you just now, but do you mind if I take this into the living room as it’s quite heavy.” Paul said as he looked down at the television in his arms.
“Please do. I’m sorry.” Laura said as she squeezed past him and opened the living room door so he could put the television in there.
“I’m just dropping off this TV for Emma. She’s been having trouble with that one.” Paul said as he pointed over at the one in the corner. “I’ve just got this one working again, and said I’d swap them out and then get this one fixed and sold on.” Paul added as he walked over and started unplugging the old TV and then he hooked up the new one and made sure it was all working okay.
“Do you fix TV’s for a living then Paul?” Laura asked as she watched him working.
“Yes, among other things.” Paul chuckled. “Computers, microwave ovens, pretty much anything with an electrical part in it.” Paul added looking proud of his skills.
“Do you want to stop for a drink, and maybe dinner?” Laura asked, wanting to make up for scaring him when she jumped out with the knife.
“A drink would be nice, but I don’t want to put you out over dinner.” Paul said as he followed Laura back to the kitchen.
“I’ve got plenty, and it’s no trouble.” Laura said. “I feel like it’s the least I can do after trying to kill you earlier.” Laura said with some pleading in her voice.
“Okay then, I’ll stop for dinner, but as long as you keep the knifes pointed towards the table.” Paul chuckled as he gave Laura a worried look.
“I promise.” Laura blushed. She found herself feeling all funny as she sat talking with Paul. There was just something about him that made her feel all warm inside. These feelings were all knew to Laura, and she’d never felt anything like this while she was Larry either.
Larry had married Debra, but he can’t say he ever truly loved her, not in the way she was feeling about Paul right now. Larry had dated Debra and then married her because he felt it was the right thing to do, and Debra was looking for a meal ticket while she played around with Roger behind his back, but this thing she was feeling with Paul felt wonderful.
When Laura was still Larry, he’d often wondered if he was gay, but he never wanted to do anything with a man as a man himself, but at the same time he found himself not wanting to be with a woman either. Having read what was written in the letter though, and the part about him being born a boy when he should have been a woman, was suddenly beginning to make more sense to her now.
“So how did you meet my sister then?” Paul asked after Laura had made them both a mug of coffee.
Laura explained how she had found her stranded at the side of the road the day before, and how Emma was having trouble trying to work out how to use the jack to change the puncture.
“I bet that was a funny sight to see. Emma changing a tyre.” Paul started laughing. “She never has been any good with her hands, but she’s one of the most caring people I’ve ever met.” Paul added.
“I already know that Paul.” Laura smiled as she thought about what Emma had done for someone she hardly knew.
Laura and Paul were still sat in the kitchen when they heard the front door again, but this time it was Emma getting home from work. She poked her head around the door frame and smiled when she saw Paul sat chatting with Laura.
“Hi guys. I see you’ve met Laura then bro?” Emma grinned as she stepped into the room looking tired from a busy day at work.
“Yes we’ve met.” Paul grinned. “A little warning next time might be advised, I won’t end up with a knife held to my throat then.” Paul added with a frown.
“No! Laura you didn’t?” Emma asked looking shocked.
“I’m sorry Emma, but he scared me, and I thought he was trying to steal your TV.” Laura explained.
“I almost dropped the thing when this crazy eyed girl ran out the kitchen and tried to attack me.” Paul said playing up what happened.
“I don’t have crazy eyes?” Laura pouted as she playfully slapped Paul as she leaned across the table.
“Wow Laura, what did happen to your eyes? You look amazing.” Emma said getting distracted when she noticed the total makeover Laura had gone through since she left for work that morning.
“I went into town and got a free makeover in one of the large department stores.” Laura grinned. “They were having some sort of training day and I got some free makeup as well, just for being brave enough to let them work on me.” Laura explained.
“I knew I should have pulled a sicky and come with you.” Emma pouted as she sat down next to Laura and rested her head on Laura’s shoulder. “You definitely live up to your name don’t you?” Emma added with a giggle.
“I guess I do, because I won a free phone and a year’s contract to go with it.” Laura giggled.
“I hate you now!” Emma said as she got up and stormed out the room. Laura looked worried for a second or two, but then she saw Emma run back into the room grinning as she threw her arms around Laura’s neck just before she kissed her on the cheek. “Just kidding, I’m glad something good happened to you today.” Emma added just before she ran off to get changed out of her work clothes.
“What did Emma mean when she said you lived up to your name?” Paul asked while they waited for Emma to return and Laura had got up to carry on sorting out the dinner for them all.
“My last name is Luck, so your sister thinks that I’m really lucky.” Laura giggled a she looked at Paul over her shoulder and caught him checking out her backside. Paul turned a deep shade of red as he looked away and carried on drinking his coffee.
Emma was soon back in a pair of cut off jeans, large baggy t-shirt and slippers. Laura was just getting everything dished up, so she took a seat at the kitchen table and they all started eating.
“This smells and looks really good.” Emma smiled as she took in a deep breath just before she picked up her knife and fork, and started eating it.
“I hope you didn’t mind me inviting your brother to join us?” Laura asked as she started eating hers.
“Not at all. Paul very often joins me for dinner.” Emma grinned as she saw the way Laura and Paul kept looking at each other. “It’s the only way I can be sure he’s eating properly.” Emma added as she punched Paul in the arm.
Emma noticed as the meal went on that Laura was acting like she’d never been in love before, but Emma knew this to not be true because Laura had told her about being dumped by some guy called Roger for her best friend. Emma was beginning to wonder if Laura was lying about this ex boyfriend.
I’ll help you do the dishes Laura.” Emma said at the end of the meal.
“You rest up sis; I’ll help with the dishes.” Paul said as he got to his feet and put a hand on Emma’s shoulder, stopping her from getting up.
“Thanks Bro.” Emma sighed, happy to be off her feet for a little longer while she sat at the table and chatted with the two of them while they washed, dried and put away all the dirty dishes.
They all went into the living room to carry on chatting, but Paul soon had to go and meet up with a friend who was having trouble with his PC and was desperate for Paul to rescue some work he was in the middle of doing when the problem accrued.
“It was great meeting you Laura, and thanks for a wonderful dinner.” Paul smiled as he let Laura and his sister walk him to the door where they both gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he left with a silly grin on his face.
Emma was giggling as she closed the front door after watching Paul take a bag of rubbish of Mrs Ash, the old biddy that lived a couple of doors down, as he made his way down to his car. “I think someone has a crush on someone else.” Emma said as she followed Laura back to the living room.
“He is nice Emma. I hope you don’t mind.” Laura said thinking that Emma was referring to her liking Paul, not the other way around.
“So you like my baby brother as well?” Emma asked, grinning even more.
Laura blushed, but couldn’t help giggling as she thought about Emma calling a man that stood nearly a foot taller than her, her baby brother. “I don’t know what came over me.” Laura said as she realised that thinking about Paul made her feel all giddy inside, like she had butterflies in her belly trying to escape. Laura looked serious as she realised that she needed to tell Emma everything, and hope that she first believed her, and second, still wanted to be friends with her. Even with all the money she had now, she would give it all away if it meant the difference between having Emma as a friend and not.
“What’s wrong Laura? I love the idea of you and Paul hitting it off.” Emma smiled thinking that was the reason for Laura looking all serious. “He’s normally to shy around women to get a date, but he hit it off with you right away. It was nice to see him laughing and enjoying himself.” Emma added as she sat down next to Laura and pulled her into a hug to let her see that she was fine about it all.
Laura just let Emma hug her for a couple of minutes before she let out a sigh and broke the hug so she could sit up and looked Emma in the eyes. “I need to come clean with you about some things Emma, and I hope we can still be friends when I’ve said them.”
“What is it Laura? You can tell me anything.” Emma said as she saw the worry in her friend’s eyes.
“I hope your right Emma, because what I have to tell you is pretty hard to believe.” Laura said finding it hard to swallow. “It happened to me, and I still find it hard to believe.” Laura added as she shook her head as she tried to work out where to begin.
Laura spent the next twenty minutes telling Emma everything about herself, and a man called Larry. Emma sat and listened to it all, she even sat and listened to the part where Larry broke into the house and then found the magic mirror that turned him into the girl she was now looking at. Laura sat looking at Emma after she finished speaking; just waiting for some sort of reaction from her, but Emma looked to be in shock at what she’d been told.
“I think I should leave. I can see that you don’t believe me, not that I can blame you.” Laura said as she went to get up from the sofa, but was stopped by Emma reaching out with her hand and stopped her getting up.
“Please don’t get up Laura.” Emma smiled with tears in her eyes. She’d been so moved by all the things poor Larry had been through, and the look she saw in Laura’s eyes told her that this woman had no reason to lie, and she could have made up any story she wanted to, but she’d told her this story, and Emma believed her for some strange reason. “I believe you, don’t ask me why, but I just know that what you said is true.” Emma added with a slight pleading to her voice as she looked a little confused.
Laura just fell back into Emma’s arms when she held them open for Laura to get another hug that she looked like she needed, and Emma just felt like playing mother for a bit and offer her some motherly support. Laura had left out the bit about the money and the house she’d been left by a mysterious aunt called Watcher though, not wanting that to influence Emma’s decision in any way, not that she thought it would, but playing it safe anyway.
“I’m scared of what the future will hold for me Emma. I don’t know anything about being a woman.” Laura said after she’d lay in Emma’s arms for some time.
“Just be yourself Laura, and you will be just fine.” Emma said soothingly as she stroked Laura’s hair. “I’ll help you with the other stuff, but the most important thing is to not let people think you’re something you’re not.” Emma added.
Laura lifted her head and looked Emma in the eyes. “But I’m not a girl.”
“If you took all your clothes off this minute and stood in the middle of the room, what would I see?” Emma asked as she tried to make Laura see the point she was getting at.
“A girl, but...” Laura got out before Emma cut her off by lifting a finger to Laura’s lips.
“No buts Laura. You are a woman through and through. I bet you can even get pregnant if you want.” Emma pointed out. “Just not anytime soon.” Emma added when she saw the shocked look Laura was giving her.
Emma was soon giggling which seemed to set Laura off and they were soon both rolling around on the sofa laughing.
“I’ve had twenty four years to learn how to be a girl Laura, and I’m still learning as I go, but in your case it’s sink or swim. The fact that you’re a real girl and not transgendered will help you.” Emma said once they stopped laughing and was just lying on the sofa in a heap. “Just tell people you were a bit of a tomboy, which should cover any slips you make.” Emma pointed out with a grin.
“That’s a pretty good idea.” Laura said after thinking about it for a minute or two.
“I have been known to have the odd one every now and then.” Emma giggled.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Laura pouted as she looked at Emma just before she playfully slapped Emma’s leg. “I do have a little bit more to tell you as well Emma.” Laura said as she sat up again looking just as serious as she had when explaining the other news to her.
“Is this where you tell me you’re from another planet?” Emma asked only half joking.
“No.” Laura giggled. “You remember me telling you about the free phone I won?” Laura asked.
“Yes, I remember.” Emma pouted, but was soon giggling again. “What else did you win today?” Emma asked with a roll of her eyes.
“Not won, but inherited.” Laura said nervously.
“Inherited?” Emma asked looking puzzled. “How could you inherit something a day after becoming a girl called Laura?”
“I’d just left the phone shop and turned on the new phone when it started ringing and a woman on the other end of the line said she’d been trying to track me down for some time. I asked if she had the right Laura Luck and she gave this address.” Laura explained.
“That’s just weird.” Emma said looking worried.
“I’d already been turned into a girl, been shown kindness by an amazing woman, and won a free phone, so I was okay with weird by this point in the day.” Laura frowned.
“Thanks hon.” Emma grinned as she gave Laura another quick hug before forcing her to carry on explaining.
“I was asked to report to the offices of a solicitor’s where I was informed that an aunt had died and left me a sizable inheritance as well as a house.” Laura explained.
“Just how sizable is this inheritance?” Emma asked as she sat forward looking interested more than ever now.
“Just over three million pounds.” Laura said with a pained looked as she waited for Emma to show some sign of reacting to that little piece of information.
“T.H.R.E.E. M.I.L.L.I.O.N. P.O.U.N.D.S.?” Emma asked it like she was saying every single letter like a sentence. “Wow, you really are lucky.” Emma said as she shook her head in amazement.
“I’m not sure lucky is a strong enough word for what this is Emma.” Laura pointed out as she got up and went to her bedroom and returned with the folder the solicitor’s had given her with all the details for the house and money she now had.
Emma looked through it and couldn’t; stop reading the amount her new friend now had, as well as the house. “What does the house look like?” Emma asked when she saw the address and that it wasn’t too far out of town.
“I’ve got no idea; I’ve not seen it yet.” Laura shrugged. “I’ve been too hung up on the money, and all the other things that have been going on to look into it yet.” Laura pointed out as she indicated the fact she was now a woman and seemed to be the luckiest person on the planet to go with it.
“I wonder if we might be able to see the place using Google map.” Emma asked as she got up and went over to a desk where she had a laptop.
Laura wandered over and stood behind Emma as she brought up the program and punched in the address and then waited for the map to load before she took it down to the street view. Laura’s mouth fell open as she saw the house she’d sheltered in the other night appear on the screen.
“Oh my god!” Laura said when her mouth was able to open and close again. “That’s the place.” Laura said pointed at the screen.
“Yes I know. I just punched in the address.” Emma said not understanding what Laura was saying to her.
“No, I mean that’s the house I broke into the other day, and ended up looking like this.” Laura explained looking all excited.
“You mean the place where the mirror is?” Emma asked.
“Yes! Well it was there, but the letter said the mirror was back where it belongs now, and I was to just live my new life to the fullest.” Laura said sounding confused as she tried to explain what had happened to the mirror, or she thought had happened to the mirror after she read the letter addressed to her that she left the solicitor’s with.
“Can I see the letter?” Emma asked looking just as excited as Laura did over it all.
Laura grabbed her backpack and fished out the letter and handed it over to Emma so she could read it and see for herself just how strange everything was. Laura sat on the sofa again and just looked at Emma while she read the letter what must have been a half dozen times judging by the length of time she sat there not speaking or taking her eyes off the letter.
“Heavy reading isn’t it?” Laura finally asked when she couldn’t take the quiet anymore.
“That’s one way of putting it.” Emma said with a sigh as she passed the letter back to Laura and had to wipe away a tear or two. “Did you never think you were maybe transgendered growing up?” Emma asked as she referred to the part in the letter that said Laura should have been born a girl to begin with, but due to some curse on her family name, she came out a boy.
“How do you know you’re different, if all you’ve ever known is the person you are, and the body you’re in?” Laura asked with a shrug.
“You seem to like Paul; did you feel that way while you were Larry?” Emma asked.
“No, but I can’t say I felt like I loved anyone while I was still Larry.” Laura said looking confused as she tried to find the words to explain just how she did feel about others while she was a male. “I just felt like I never fit in anywhere growing up, and I had trouble making friends at the best of time, but add the fact that things went wrong when I was around other people, I just kept to myself most the time.” Laura sighed.
“What about Roger and Debra? I thought they were your friends at one point?” Emma asked as she tried to help Laura see that her past life wasn’t all bad.
“I think they just saw me as a push over and desperate for some sort of friendship. An easy mark to get a free ride.” Laura said with some anger in her voice as she thought about all the added trouble Larry went through because of them two. “Debra got to laze around living off my money and then spent all her time sleeping with Roger while I earned it. Then when I got laid off and my settlement came through, they heard about that and cleared me out again.” Laura added.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that Laura.” Emma said as she sat on the sofa next to Laura and pulled her into another hug.
“I didn’t go thought that, Larry did.” Laura said looking on Larry’s life as being a different person now. “You’re the first real best friend I’ve ever had Emma, and I’m glad I found you broke down at the side of the road yesterday.” Laura added as she cuddled into Emma a little more.
“Having read that letter, I wonder if we were meant to meet on that road, and I was also meant to help you get back on your feet again.” Emma thought out loud.
“Does that bother you if it did turn out to be that way?” Laura asked as she lifted her head and looked Emma in the eyes.
“Nope, not at all, but I would like to meet this Watcher and thank them for bringing us together.” Emma grinned. “You’re my best friend as well Laura.” Emma added as she pulled Laura back into a hug again.
“They gave me the keys and codes for the alarms to that house; do you want to go take a look at the place with me some time?” Laura asked.
“Sounds like fun, but I’ll have to sort out some time off at work.” Emma pointed out.
“How would you like a new job?” Laura asked as she sat up again and looked Emma in the eyes to show just how serious she was.
“A new job doing what?” Emma asked looking confused.
“Helping me to become a better woman. Go shopping with me, help teach me how to dress correctly and stuff like that, but most importantly have fun with me.” Laura grinned.
“You want to give me a job hanging out with you and having fun going shopping and stuff like that?” Emma asked, just to make sure she understood what Laura was asking her to do.
“Yes, you said you were a personal assistant, so I want to hire you to be mine, of sorts.” Laura explained.
“I’d do that for free Laura; I don’t need you to pay me to do any of that.” Emma said looking just as serious.
“I know you would Emma, but I have more money than I could ever spend, and I’d like to see the world and have some fun, and I’ve had more fun being around you in the past two days, than I’ve ever had in my life, so I’d like for it to carry on, and for you to experience it all with me.” Laura said pleadingly.
“If I take the job, I will want to help you invest some of the money, so we can have lots of fun.” Emma said, sounding all business like. “And we will need to talk about a wage for me as well.” Emma added.
“Name your price and you’ve got it.” Laura said looking just as serious about it all.
“That is a sure way to kiss goodbye to all your money.” Emma frowned.
“Now you can see why I need a good Personal assistant then can’t you.” Laura giggled. “Does this mean you want the job then?” Laura asked.
“Do I look totally insane? Wait! Don’t answer that.” Emma giggled.
“Can I get back to you with an answer to that question later?” Laura giggled some more.
“Hey! You cheeky cow.” Emma said in mock hurt just before she grabbed a cushion off the sofa and threw it at Laura.
They were soon in a heated battle as the cushion flu back and forth, but there was no clear winner by the time they were both too tired to throw anymore as they both lay on the sofa giggling as they got their breath back.
It was soon getting late and they both called it a night and headed off to bed, but not before they formed a plan to go and see the house the next day. Emma was going to call in and quit her job, so she could start working for Laura, right away.
To Be Continued Next Sunday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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There's gotta be a catch
Hope that is not too much for her to handle.
Oh and 3 million pounds is not THAT much money. I must be invested properly though!
Mirror Image Part 02
Is she being set up for a downfall? Her change of luck and gender seems a bit far fetched not to be a scam.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Going really fantastic for her at the moment
But there has to be a hitch ahead ....
A good chunk of change.
3000000Lb Stirling a house, investments stocks etc Is a very good nest Egg. properly managed it would give any family Dynasty a leg up in this world.
I am not certain about this but we in the Providences out in the Wilds of the Washington Territory's count our money differently. A trillion dollars US is a lot less than a Trillion British. Could someone on the British side of the Atlantic Pond educate this Yankee as how this works.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
There's gotta be a catch
Hope that is not too much for her to handle.
Oh and 3 million pounds is not THAT much money. I must be invested properly though!
FWIW, 3 million pounds is merely about 4.7 million USD. Nothing to sneeze at but barely sufficient for two people to have a comfortable retirement without a ton of frills, as long as it is invested properly. Don't forget, Laura is young, she will have to live the next, what, 60 years or so on it. It is not enough to be frivolous with.
Kimmie .....
Kimmie, you must have grander plans than me, I could live exceedingly well on 3mil :P
Not including inflation.
A good family income in the US is 100,000 USD per year before taxes (50K per adult, say.) Say you live 60 years living off the principal, then that is six million USD for that time span. So yes it means 4.76 million say after taxes needs to be invested properly for two people to be sufficient for a just comfortable lifestyle allowing for inflation and say doing some modest traveling.
.... And if Laura goes ahead and have children. Forget about it being enough. One million would go to educating two of them at a top flight institution in the US. I would imagine even in the UK, the addition of children would drain money a lot quicker.
interest on $4.5M
at 4% interest, the income on the base capital would be 120,000 pounds - that's about $180,000 - long term deposit is about 4.5% in Australia -of course the USA and Europe having had so much economic woes in past years don't have a lot of interest at the moment. But invested in Australian mining, you could make about 7% interest without risk - that's $315,000
Healthy income without it being too much I'd say.
If you already had a large house, then it becomes a bit healthier as you have little outlay for living expenses.
A gentle income from most seasonal type jobs would make for a nice lifestyle.
I do hope the bank account still isn't accessible by Deb and Roger the lodger the dirty old sod.
I think I'd be out looking for them now and retrieving some lost revenue!
Some people live on less
3 million if done right can last for the rest of most people's life and Larry/Laura has had to live on less than the 20k a year that I make, so they should be okay if the money is invested properly.
Keep up the great work
I don't live in your world
A good income is $100,000 a year? I've never made $100,000 a year in my life, and I live in a middle class house with my wife and 5 kids. It may depend on where you live though. My wife and I together make less than 40,000 a year, and we do okay. A hundred grand? I can buy 4 houses for that!
I hope she HAS or rembers too CANCELL the card that Debra & Roger used too drain his bank account ... B4 they get anymore of her money ...
very nice Sara.
You've come so far from that frightened girl I used to talk with at Crystals. I'm very proud of you.
Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I'm not forgetting, Sara UK
Like some others who have assumed that's all!
Her name is Luck, and it's only just started, house, $3M, friends, boyfriend, phone, makeover etc.
In one day!
Life is an Oyster, enjoy.
Great story Sarah, thank you.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)