To Make A Wish Chapter 34

 © September 2007-2012

Chapter Thirty Four


    “I thought you’re deal with Valeck fell through when you got your ass handed to you by a dragon?” Karl asked as he tried to keep an eye on the commander and now the four guards pointed guns at him, but none of them took a shot due to the commander raising his hand to stop them.

     “That was a setback, but we now know what stops the Slayer.” The commander smiled.

     “Turning her friend into a monster and then watching her put it down and morning for her? I hate to be the one to point out the flaw in your little scheme, but the Slayer only has one other friend, and I can’t see her witch letting you take her like you got Prue.” Karl frowned.

     “But that wasn’t Prue she killed, just a first stage clone we wanted to test out to see if we could use it to catch the Slayer, and it almost worked, if not for her having a pet dragon.” The commander mocked. “We will have more luck the next time we send another clone in after her. The Slayer will be so confused that not even she will know what to do.” The commander laughed like a true evil SOB.

     “Prue’s still alive?” Karl asked looking shocked, but glad at the same time.

And now the story continues...

     “Yes, she just left with Valeck.” The commander pointed out as he looked at the closing hanger doors where Valeck had driven out of. “To bad you won’t live long enough to see the Slayer become my prisoner and then my experiment to make a whole army of super solders.” The commander added as he nodded to his men to shoot him.

    Karl spun on the solders and got ready to take a couple of them with him before he died, but none of the guns would fire. Karl smiled as he knew this trick to be the work of the slayer and her witch friend. Karl’s smile got wider when he saw the Slayer appear behind the four guards.

     “Having a problem firing boys?” Sara asked with a grin.

    The four guards all pulled out telescopic sticks and got ready for a hand to hand fight with the slayer. Sara smiled and then let her hair form the red helmet and she set to work on seeing just how good the four of them had been trained. It turned out to be not that well as Sara soon had the four of them lying on the ground groaning in agony.

    Karl had called out to the Slayer the minute they were in the warehouse and he knew that she’d be able to hear him, he’d tried calling her while in section six, but she didn’t answer him then. Karl saw her look at the commander and start walking over to him as she retracted her helmet so he would see most of her face as she killed him for what he did to her friend. Even though Karl had managed to make contact with the slayer, she still had no idea Prue was still alive.

     “Slayer! Stop!” Karl shouted as he ran over to stop her killing him. “Prue’s not dead; it was a clone you killed the other night. He’s got her locked in a head device that stops telepathy, so that is why you can’t communicate with your friend.” Karl explained.

     “Prue’s not dead?” Sara asked, not sure she’d just heard Karl correctly or not. “Where is she?” Sara growled as she covered the last twenty feet between her and the commander in a flash. She had the commander by the throat and up in the air having trouble breathing.

     “Valeck just left with her locked up in the back of a van.” Karl said, hoping to stop the slayer killing the commander. “Don’t do this Slayer; you’re not a killer, not in this way. Revenge is a dark cold road to walk.” Karl tried to talk her down.

     “Stay here and help Karl with him, while I go and stop Valeck.” Sara said as she looked at Sheana who had used her magic to pin the commander to the floor where Sara had just dropped him.

     “How do you plan to catch up and stop him?” Sheana asked.

     “I think I can help with that.” Karl said as he walked over and picked up the computer tablet the commander had dropped when Sara lifted him up off the ground. “I noticed while looking through their system that all their vehicles have kill switches to stop them being stolen.” Karl added as he brought up a screen and then found the van Valeck had left in. “And now they have one un-stolen van.” Karl said as he hit the screen and smiled. Karl showed Sara where the van had been stopped and she was gone in a flash of red.

    You think you’re so clever don’t you?” the commander asked as he looked up at Karl from the ground. “You think they will give you my job if you show them just what evil things I’ve been doing in section six?”

     “I was never after your job sir; I was just doing my job. Something you seem to forgotten.” Karl said sounding disappointed with what the commander had become.

     “Let’s see what the others think of the work I’ve been doing in section six shall we?” The commander asked as he hit a couple of buttons on his phone and another set of alarms started going off.

    Karl was too late to stop the commander doing whatever he did, but he soon had the commanders phone in his hands and he looked at the screen just in time to see all the locks on the cell doors in section six being opened and then the doors from section six to the rest of the base all opened as well.

     “What have you just done?” Karl asked in utter shock as he tried to reverse it all, but it was no good, the phone only allowed it to open all the doors, not close them again.

     “Now we all die.” The commander said as she slipped a small pistol out an ankle holster.

     “You first asshole.” Karl said as he pulled his gun and shot the commander right between the eyes before the commander had time to point his gun at him.

    Sheana looked on in shock at what Karl had just done, but also at just how fast he did it. She released her hold on the commander and then looked at Karl to see what he needed her to do. “I thought you just told the slayer killing was not the way?”

     “I already have blood on my hands, but the slayer doesn’t, not human blood anyway.” Karl explained the reason for his words to Sara.

     “How can I help you?” Sheana asked as she formed two large glowing blue balls in her hands to show Karl she was ready for anything he had in mind.

     “We need to hold them back while we get as many of the people to safety as we can.” Karl said as he led Sheana back into the base and down a long hallway so they could get ahead of the experiments and warn all the others in the other sections.

    Karl found a intercom and he punched in a code to give an all area warning that the base was being overrun with demons and all people were to arm themselves and get to safe rooms set up around the base. Once that was done he led Sheana to an area where she could do the most good with her magic. Karl had also sealed all doors to the outside, so nothing got out into the general public.


    Valeck had his foot to the floor and the van was screaming at him to slow down, but he didn’t care, he just wanted to get himself and Prue away from the base, so he could spend some quality time torturing Prue without the damn fool calling himself the commander getting in the way. Valeck growled with anger when the van’s engine suddenly cut out and the vehicle rolled to a stop. Nothing he tried would get the vehicle to start again. And he couldn’t get out the van in daylight and maintain his human form for long.

     “Looks like I’ll just have to kill her and then make a run for it in wolf form.” Valeck said to himself as he got out his seat and slipped through the door into the back of the van where Prue was locked into a seat, blind deaf and dumb to what Valeck was about to do to her. Valeck pulled out a silver stake from his belt and he placed it on Prue’s chest and traced a cross where her heart was, and then he pulled back ready to drive the stake straight through her heart.


    Prue had no idea how long it had been since Valeck caught her, she’d been kept in this helmet that blocked out everything. They were feeding her something to stop her desecrating, but she was still hungry for normal food, that never came because they were scared that the slayer might hear her thoughts if the helmet was removed.

    She still couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been to go out trying to track down Valeck, just to walk right into a trap and get caught. She did have time to drop her ring down a drain though before she was taken down by four of his men, she killed two of them in the battle. Prue had been hit with a dart, that is how she knew it was a trap, but when she tried to call out to Sara for help, there was nothing, not even the link she normally felt with Jenna.

    Valeck had kept her locked away and strapped up ever since he caught her and now she found herself wishing he’d just kill her, but she had a feeling he was keeping her alive for another reason. Prue had felt them stick with needles as they took her blood and then they gave her more drugs putting her to sleep. She could feel herself getting weaker and weaker as time went on. She was shocked when they finally felt them moving her as she was walked some distance before being forced to step up into something that felt like a vehicle. They tugged and pulled her around until she was unable to move a muscle.

    Prue had felt the van speed off and she was still trying to free herself, but they had her locked down to tight to even move a finger, never mind get free. She was in total darkness and no sound got in, but she felt the vehicle suddenly slow to a stop before she felt movement around her. She could feel something being pressed against her chest as it traced an X on her chest, right over her heart, but then it was removed and Prue was waiting for the pain as it was slammed into her chest properly, but it never happened. She felt the vehicle rock violently like it had been hit by something and then it stopped before it rocked again. Prue was praying to anyone that would listen, for this all to be over one way or the other. She got her wish as she felt weight on the helmet just before she started to see light appear as the helmet was being ripped open.

    Blinded by the sudden brightness of being able to see again left Prue squeezing her eyes shut, to stop the pain as she let her eyes get use to seeing again. When she could see again, the sight was the best she’d ever seen and her new favourite colour was most definitely red.


    Valeck had just pulled his hand back to drive the stake in when the back doors on the van were ripped away to leave the Slayer stood in the gaping hole looking at him with an evil smile on her face. “You left before I had time to say goodbye.” Sara pouted.

     “Now you will get to see your friend die Slayer.” Valeck said as he went to finish his mission and stake Prue through the heart, but his hand wouldn’t move. “What are you doing to me?” Valeck asked as he strained to make his hand move. “How are you able to stop me? I’ve taken drugs to stop you being able to do this.” He screamed as he tried to will his arm to move.

     “Got some help from a friend. You met her last night when she invited you to a barbecue. Too bad you left before the main course was served.” Sara smiled as she stepped into the van and then grabbed Valeck and then threw him out the van and watched as he slid up the road making a trench as he slid along until a tree stopped him with a loud cracking sound as his arms folded around the tree the wrong way making him scream out in pain this time.

    Sara had called on Hypatia to help her gain control over Valeck, and between them they did just that. Sara was now ripping off the steel bands and straitjacket holding Prue captive before she pushed her fingers into the lead lined steal box on her head and then she ripped it open revealing a beaten and ill looking Prue.

    Prue blinked a couple of times before her eyes adjusted to the light after being kept in the dark for a week, but she smiled when she saw it was Sara smiling back at her, or it was Sara looking like the Slayer, but even that was the best sight Prue had ever seen.

     “What took you so long?” Prue asked teasingly as she started to giggle.

     “Sorry, stopped to get my hair done on the way.” Sara giggled as she fought back the tears wanting to flow. She threw her arms around Prue and started to hug the life out of her. “I thought I’d never see you again Prue.” Sara explained as she hugged her.

     “I thought the same about you and the others.” Prue said as she tried to return the hug, but she was weak from not being fed any blood or any other form of food for a week.

     “How are you feeling?” Sara asked as she sensed just how weak Prue was.

     “I feel as weak as a kitten right now.” Prue said as she tried to stand, but just fell to her knees on the floor of the van.

     “I need you at full strength Prue, and I mean now.” Sara said as she slipped off one of her gloves and then rolled up her sleeve before putting her arm up to Prue’s lips. “Drink now?” Sara ordered.

     “I can’t Sara, what if I can’t stop once I start.” Prue said looking worried.

     “I’ve spoke with Hypatia, and she thinks you’re much stronger now, and nothing will get you back on your feet quicker than my blood.” Sara said as she pushed her arm towards Prue’s mouth again.

    Prue let her fangs pop out and then she bit down on Sara’s arm just before she started sucking out the life giving blood. Prue had never tasted anything like it, and the power she felt flowing through her was amazing. She forced herself to stop when she felt fully healed and she looked at Sara to make sure she was okay, and Sara was already pulling the sleeve back down and putting her glove back on.

     “I think you might need this.” Sara said with a smile as they stepped out the van and she handed Prue her ring back.

     “Did you know they had me all this time then?” Prue asked looking puzzled as she slipped the ring back on her finger where it belonged.

     “No, I was just carrying it with me, so I felt like you were still helping me in some way.” Sara said, not feeling they had time to explain about the thing she killed thinking it was Prue she killed. “Kill now, talk later.” Sara added as they looked at Valeck getting to his feet and trying to fix his broken arms.

     “Now that sounds like fun, but he’s mine.” Prue said with a grin as she looked at Valeck under the tree.

     “Do you need me to stick around and play backup?” Sara asked.

     “No, but you can stop and then we can blink back to the base together when I’ve done. This won’t take long.” Prue said as she looked at Sara in a way that said this was going to be over fast.

    Sara watched as Prue picked up the silver stake that Valeck had dropped when Sara ripped the back doors off the van, and she was across to the tree in a blink of an eye. Prue slammed Valeck back into the tree and pinned him there with one hand while raising the stake with her other.

     “I hope you find the peace in death that you never found in life Valeck.” Prue said with sorrow in her voice as she slammed the stake into his heart pinning him to the tree. and then stepped back and watched as her Sire burst into flames and then fell to the floor in a pile of ash.

     “I hope you’re well rested Prue, we have one hell of a battle ahead of us.” Sara warned as she took hold of Prue and then blinked the two of them back to the base.

     “What’s going on?” Prue asked as they were set upon by something from a horror movie Prue had never laid eyes on before.

     “The commander has been playing mad scientist and was trying to clone vampires and other demons for use in the private sector, but he set them all loose on the rest of the base and now we have hundreds of people trapped.” Sara explained what Sheana and Karl had told her in a mind link while Prue was taking care of Valeck.

     “I can’t leave you alone for a minute without you started the end of days can I?” Prue grinned as she ripped the head of something that looked like a vampire. It burst into flames and burnt up like one, so Prue guessed it must have been.

     “Teach you not to go all inclusive at club psycho then.” Sara said sticking her tongue out just before she threw the remains of some demon past Prue to knock another demon to the ground as he dived for Prue.

    The two of them stopped talking and focused on killing the demons as they fought their way towards the area where she sensed Sheana and Karl were making their last stand with the rest of his men.

    Sara could sense a couple of men cut off from the rest and they were not doing to good, so Sara and Prue took a detour to rescue them.


    Adams and Tanner were down to their last bullet each and then they each shot one more demon before drawing their knifes and got ready for hand to hand. Neither one knew they stood a chance against even one of these things attacking, and they had four to deal with.

     “It was good fighting at your side man!” Tanner shouted as he got ready to go down fighting.

     “Likewise Tanner! Catch up on the other side” Adams shouted as he saw two of the demons leap at him and he closes his eyes waiting for them to start ripping him to bits, but nothing happens and when he opened his eyes he just saw the Slayer twisting the head off the second demon that had leapt at him, like it came with a detachable head to begin with. He then saw that the Slayer’s vampire friend was doing the same with the last of the two that were going after Tanner.

     “You’re not getting off clean up duty that easy boys.” Sara said in her sexy slayer voice as she grinned at the two men. “We need to find you some more ammo.” Sara said when she saw that all they had left was a knife each.

     “There’s an armoury just down this hallway.” Tanner said as he pointed in a direction with his knife.

     “I’ll take lead, Prue you cover the back and let’s get these boys back in the fight.” Sara said as she started off down the hallway with the two confused solders following. Neither one looking to bothered to have back up, just as long as they got out of this alive.

    They were soon at the armoury and Sara kicked the door in rather than wait for one of them to remember the code. “It’s kill or be killed, so lethal weapons only boys.” Sara smiled as she watched them grab the big guns and ammo for them.

     “Just in case I don’t get time later Slayer. Thanks for saving us.” Adams said as he loaded his gun and got ready for more combat.

     “Just remember this the next time you have a taser pointed at me.” Sara smiled.

     “If we get out of this alive, I will never raise a gun or any weapon against you ever again.” Adams said with a hand on his heart.

     “That goes for me as well.” Tanner said as he snapped Sara and Prue a salute.

     “Thanks, but we need to get moving. Karl and the others are pinned down and losing ground to the other monsters fast.” Sara warned as she led them out the armoury and down the hallway towards the sound of gunfire and screaming.


    Sheana was praying for Sara and Prue to get to them fast as she was now covered in demons and the weight was starting to force her magic to its limits. Sheana had constructed a force field to keep the demons away from the people trying to escape, but the doorway had been locked and this left her, Karl and a dozen of his men trapped in a hallway and they were slowly being forced into a tighter and tighter space as the demons pushed down on the shield.

     “I can’t hold this much longer.” Sheana said in a strained voice as she felt it becoming too much for her to hold them off.

     “You did what you could Witch, and helped save a lot of lives today.” Karl said as he looked proud to be dying with this masked woman.

    Just as Sheana felt the last of her power leaving her, she felt a new source of power joining hers and she suddenly felt alive again as she pushed back against the demons staking up all around them. That was when Sheana heard the voice in her head. “Sorry I’m late, but we had to stop for ammo on the way.” Sara’s voice said.

    “Did you find Prue?” Sheana asked, happy to hear Sara in her head and the fact she was so close made her feel even better.

    Sara didn’t need to answer Sheana’s question as Prue was suddenly in the thick of it jumping from demon to demon pulling heads off and then jumping to the next and doing the same thing. She was throwing the odd one out her way and letting Adams and Tanner finish them off for her, but they soon had them all dealt with and Sheana was able to drop the shield and then collapse to the floor unable to stand.

     “Is everyone alright?” Karl asked as he checked over his people and also made sure Sheana was okay. “Will you be okay?” Karl asked looking worried for Sheana sat leaning against the wall panting heavily.

     “I’ll be fine in a couple of minutes.” Sheana smiled tiredly.

     “Tanner, Adams, good to see you made it. I thought you two were goners when you drew all those demons away from us.” Karl said as he walked over and gave both men a manly hug and a smack on the back.

     “We would have been boss, if not for these two.” Adams said as he gave Sara and Prue a nod. “What happened anyway, and where did all these things come from?” Adams asked as he looked around at all the demon corpses scattered around.

    Karl explained to his men what had happened and how the Commander was using section six to breed these things in some attempt to make a super solder that could be controlled, but he’d gone insane and finally released them into the rest of the base.

     “Where is the commander now?” Tanner asked with anger in his voice over the men they lost in this pointless battle.

     “I shot him, but he won’t be dead long though.” Karl warned. “He said that he had been drinking vampire blood for the past month, so he’ll be back from the dead in a couple of hours.” Karl added as he looked at his watch to see what the time was now.

     “We’ll go now and leave you to clean up this mess, but I will be taking the commander with me. I have someone that wants to have a word with him before he meets his final death.” Sara said as she held out her hand to shake Karl’s. “I hope we can be friends after all this?” Sara asked with a smile.

     “A friendship forged in the heat of battle is stronger than steel Slayer.” Karl smiled as he shook her hand. “You will never have to fear battle from us again.” Karl added as he looked at the rest of his team. Karl’s men all snapped Sara, Sheana and Prue a salute to say they would follow any three of them into battle again if they ever needed too.

     “You know how to get hold of me if you ever need my help again.” Sara smiled as she turned and walked away to collect the commander and take him to see Hypatia. Hypatia wanted to find out the names of the people he reported to, and find out what other things they were working on.


    Sara blinked her and the commander back to Hypatia’s, while Sheana took her and Prue. Hypatia and Samantha both jumped at Prue when they saw her stood there grinning at them.

     “Don’t you ever go dying on us again!” Hypatia scolded Prue with a grin. “I aged years when I thought you had been killed my dear child.” Hypatia added as she pulled Prue into a hug.

     “Sorry about that, but it’s not like I planned any of it.” Prue giggled.

     “I saw what Sara did for you Prue, how do you feel now?” Hypatia asked as she referred to Prue drinking Sara’s blood.

     “I feel fine, no different to how I felt when you cured me.” Prue said as she thought about how she did feel. “Not that I plan to start drinking human blood, and it wouldn’t taste as good as the Slayer’s anyway.

     “That’s because you control the thirst, and not the other way around now.” Hypatia pointed out.

     “I’ve brought you a gift. He’s drank vampire blood, so he should be waking up again soon.” Sara said as she kicked the commander in the side with her booted foot.

     “I have a special room for him to wake in, and then I will spend some time finding out who he was working with.” Hypatia said as she walked over and grabbed the commander by the leg and started to drag him away. “It’s good to see you up and about again Prue, but I think you should get home and let a little girl know you are still alive.” Hypatia said with a smile as she looked back over her shoulder.

     “Has no one told her that I’m not dead yet?” Prue asked looking shocked it had been kept from Jenna.

     “We thought the fact you would be walking into the house would be a better way for her to find out.” Hypatia said just before she walked through a door and then down what sounded like a set of stairs still dragging the commander behind her.

     “Shall we go home then?” Sara asked an eager looking Prue who was already holding her hand out to Sheana. They were soon gone and then Sara touched her belt and she too was gone.


    Jenna was helping Sandy to bake cookies when they heard a voice speaking to them from the doorway. “They smell good, I hope I can have one when their finished.” Prue said with a grin.

     “Prue? Prue! You alive!” Jenna shouted as she ran over and jumped up into her sister’s arms and hugged her like she was never going to let go. “Why you not dead still?” Jenna asked looking a little puzzled, but also looking glad it wasn’t the case either.

     “It’s a long story that I will explain with a lot of help from Sara and Sheana, but right now I just want to sit and cuddle with my baby sister.” Prue said as she took a seat at the table and hugged Jenna.

    Karen and Michelle came running into the room and looked like they had seen a ghost until Sara explained what the commander and Valeck had done with a clone of Prue. Sara formed a mind link and then showed Prue the battle she had, and what she ended up doing in the end. Prue was glad Sara had killed the thing they created. Prue was also a little upset with the things Jenna said in anger when she thought Sara had killed her, but all was soon forgiven.

    Sara called Jo and he was soon joining them when he used his phone app to transport himself from his bedroom over to Sara’s house in seconds. It turned into a welcome home party and they all looked happy to have the whole family back together under one roof.

    Prue enjoyed a feast to make up for a week of not being allowed to eat anything at all, and she had Jenna sat on her knee getting hugged the whole time.


     Things got back to normal and nothing much was happening on the MIB front while they sorted out the mess that the commander left behind. Sara kept going out on patrol to help them out, but things sort of died down to almost normal. Sara started enjoying life a little more now she wasn’t playing shadow games with the men in black.

    Sara was shocked when she felt Karl calling for the Slayer, but she opened a mind link and spoke with him expecting trouble.

     “What is it Karl?” Sara asked using her slayer voice.

     “Hi Slayer. I just wanted to let you know that head quarters were so happy with what I did when the commander went psycho, they have given me the job of the new commander.” Karl said with pride.

     “Does that mean we have to start fighting again?” Sara asked.

     “I hope not. I know that I’d lose, and I have no wish to find out what makes you tick.” Karl chuckled. “I think the right person already has those powers and I can always call you if I have use of them this way.” Karl added.

     “What about the teachers and all the spy stuff at the school?” Sara asked; she just hoped it didn’t upset him to know that she already knew about the plants at the school and all the camera equipment.

     “It is all being removed, as are the teachers and other staff members we placed in there.” Karl chuckled. “I’m sorry that we had such a rough start to our friendship Slayer, but I hope we get to kick some butt again one day.” Karl said with a smile in his voice.

     “Anytime Karl, just don’t get all soft being sat behind that desk.” Sara warned.

     “Trust me, I plan to still spend as much time as I can out in the field keeping an eye on things, but I will feel better knowing that we have you out there with Prue and your little witch friend.” Karl chuckled some more.

     “Thanks Karl and good luck with the new job.” Sara said just before se ended the mind link.


    Karl was good to his word and he had all the cameras and other stuff removed from the school as well as most the teachers and other staff they planted in there. Two of the teachers decided to stop at the school, not to keep an eye out for the Slayer, but because they found they enjoyed teaching. One was Miss Reagan the art teacher, and the other was Mrs Barlow the history teacher.

    Sara was happy working at the cafe when not at school or out fighting demons. Jo was beginning to enjoy spending time with Sara, Sheana and Michelle as a girl and actually got excited when they mentioned a shopping trip once in a while.

    Michelle settled in just fine as part of the family, but she did get upset when she found out from Jo that Mike’s parents were selling the house and moving to America because they had both been offered good paying jobs over there. Part of Michelle felt sad to see them leave, but a bigger part had found more love and a better feel of it being a family here with Sheana and Sara than she ever found at her old house as Mike. Michelle even got on better with Sara’s mum than she did with her own as Mike.

    Hypatia found out who was funding the commander’s little science experiments and she set things in motion to have them dealt with, then she let Prue have the honour of running a stake through his heart and ended his short second life.

    So life had turned out to be far from boring for Sara since making that wish after finding a ring and freeing the genie trapped inside. She now had a much larger family, her mother and older sister both had good jobs, and Sara and her friends were all having a good time working at the cafe, as well as keeping an eye on the men in black. Sara never told Karl about their link to their system, just in case someone ever tried to repeat the old commander’s experiments, or someone decides to go after her again, not that Karl or his men would ever be the ones to do it. Sara had a feeling they would be fighting at her side against the ones that tried.

    Sara and the gang still have many adventures to have, but for the time being I’ll leave them alone and let them have a normal life, or as normal as a family can have when you have a witch, a slayer and a vampire all living under one roof.

For Now

    Authors note: I’d like to thank everyone that took the time to read my adventures of Sara and the gang, and I want you all to know that I do plan to write more tales about them, but I want to take a break and work on some other stuff for a bit, but didn’t want to leave the story just hanging without some sort of an end to it.

    Hugs, Love and Happy Reading.



Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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