To Make A Wish Chapter 23

 © September 2007-2012

Chapter Twenty Three


    Sara had never had problems like Jo was having with his sister when she was younger, and still a boy. Simon had always looked up to his big sister, mostly trying to work out why he couldn’t be more like her, but Simon still did everything his big sister asked. Sara was so lost in the old memories of being Simon and sneaking into his sister’s room to play dress up that she was soon dragging Sheana, Jo and Michelle into a vision of one such Saturday while his mum and sister were both out.

    Simon had found a dress that was to big on Sandy, but he knew he could get in it with a squeeze, so he’d got the dress on and had even added a bra and some padding to give him breasts as well. Sara remembered the vision of just how silly Simon looked in the dress as he looked in his sister’s bedroom mirror, but he felt so wonderful in it still that he didn’t really care how he looked.

    Sheana, Jo and Michelle saw the vision suddenly end just as Sara let out a squeal after looking in the Mirror in her vision and seeing the three of them stood there watching what she was watching. They felt the mind link end; it was like someone slamming a heavy door shut. Sara ran off down the road towards home at a pace none of them could keep up with.

     “Sara! Wait up!” Jo shouted as he tried to catch her up.

    Sara was too ashamed to do anything except keep running until she got to her house and the safety of her bedroom. She couldn’t believe that she’d just let Jo and Mike see what she looked like before she found Sheana and made her wish.

And now the story continues...

    Jo had stopped and was trying to get his breath back when Mike and Sheana caught up to him at the end of Sara and Sheana’s road. Jo looked to be having a battle of wills as he looked at the time on his mobile. “Why did this have to happen today?” Jo growled to himself. “I really have to get home and look after Abby, or mum will kill me.” Jo tried to explain his reason for not going after Sara.

     “We understand Jo.” Mike said as he put a hand on Jo’s shoulder.

     “Tell Sara I don’t care about what I saw in that... Whatever it was.” Jo said as he looked serious as he looked Mike in the eyes. “I’ll be back over just as soon as my mum gets back from the doctors.” Jo added before looking at the time and then running off towards home like him getting there and pushing his mum out the door would make the time go faster.

     “Did you not mind seeing what Sara once looked like?” Sheana asked as she started walking down her street towards the house.

     “No, not at all. Looks can be a bad thing when you meet people for the first time, and I feel like I got to know the real Sara from the beginning.” Mike tried to explain the reason for him not being bothered by what they just saw. “I more than anyone know how Sara felt growing up, so I won’t judge her about it.” Mike added as he took hold of Sheana’s hand and smiled at her. “I was lucky that I’ve never been very big and manly, but I can see that Sara had a much tougher time of it than I did.” Mike added as he thought of what he just saw in Sara’s vision.

     “I just hope Sara feels the same way when we get home.” Sheana said with worry in her voice. “I don’t think she planned on anyone seeing that memory, let alone Jo.” She added.

     “Jo’s not that shallow, even if he can act it sometimes.” Mike tried to explain. “He’ll be worried sick about Sara until he can get back here and let her see he’s okay with what he saw.”Mike added with some pride in his voice for his best friend.


    Prue was in the kitchen with Jenna sorting out dinner when they heard the front door open and then slam just before they saw Sara run past on her way to the stairs and the safety of her bedroom.

     “Sara? What’s wrong?” Prue asked as she saw that Sara had tears running down her cheeks as she ran past not saying a word. Prue wanted to run after her and find out what was wrong, but she had to keep an eye on the pan she was stood stirring. She thought about asking Jenna to stir it, or just take it off the stove while she went to find out, but that would mean her starting again from scratch, so she was stuck waiting to see if Sheana walked in the door and explain the problem. She didn’t have to wait long to hear the front door open again as she heard two heartbeats enter the house. This was soon followed by Sheana and Mike entering the kitchen.

     “Did Sara come past here Prue?” Sheana asked looking worried.

     “Yes, she just ran past sobbing her eyes out. What’s happened?” Prue asked looking just as worried. “Has she fallen out with Jo again?” Prue asked when she saw that Jo wasn’t with them.

     “No! Sara was talking with us as we walked home using a mind link, but she had a flash back to a time when she was still Simon, and she was dressing up in some of Sandy’s clothes. She got upset that we all saw the memory and ran off before any of us could say anything.” Sheana explained. “I think she’s worried about what Jo might think of her, now he’s seen what she used to look like.” Sheana added looking nervous.

     “And just how does Jo feel about this?” Prue asked with a scowl when she saw that Jo wasn’t with them.

     “He’s fine with it Prue, he just had to get home to babysit his little sister, but he said he’d be over just as soon as his mum got home again.” Mike said to try and stop Prue drinking his best friend dry the next time she saw him.

    Prue let out a sigh. “I knew she’d have trouble with that new gift of hers. Hypatia tried to warn her not to use it to much until she had better control over it.”

     “I better go and make sure she’s alright.” Sheana said as she started making her way over to the doorway that led out towards the stairs.

     “I’ll wait down here and keep Jenna company.” Mike said as he put his school bag down in a corner and then started helping Jenna set the table ready for dinner.

     “Okay Mike.” Sheana smiled. “Oh Prue, is it okay if Michelle joins us for dinner?” Sheana asked.

     “Sure, but do you have any idea when that will be?” Prue asked with a grin as she looked at Mike still in his boy school uniform.

     “Be about twenty minutes.” Mike said as he held up his hand where the ring would normally be. “Do you mind if I borrow something to wear when I do change?” Mike asked as he looked at Sheana.

     “Sure, I’ll sort you something out when I get up to my room.” Sheana said just before she went to find Sara and make sure she was alright.

    Sara was lying on the bed sobbing her eyes out when Sheana got up to their room, so she ran over to the bed and sat down before pulling Sara closer for a hug.

     “How could I be so stupid sis? Jo hates me now.” Sara sobbed as she let Sheana rock her back and forth. “He’s seen what I use to look like, and he hates me.” She added between sobs.

     “Jo told me to pass on a message, he will be over later and he still loves you.” Sheana explained.

     “How can he still love me after seeing that memory?” Sara asked sounding puzzled as she sat up and looked Sheana in the eyes to make sure she wasn’t trying to lie to her.

     “He’s seen the real you Sara. How you looked when I first met you was the mask for this version of you.” Sheana said with a smile as she passed her sister a tissue to dry her eyes with. “Mike still likes you as well.” Sheana added with a grin.

     “I hope you’re right sis. I really am in love with him, and wouldn’t know what to do if he suddenly couldn’t deal with who I once was.” Sara said as she dried her eyes.

     “Trust me when I say he’d be here telling you himself if it wasn’t for the fact he’d got his abnormal sister to look after.” Sheana giggled at the nickname Jo had for his little sister.

    This soon had Sara giggling as she wiped her eyes. “The nickname does kind of suit her though doesn’t it?”

     “Yes it does, but I also sense that Jo would still do anything to protect her if he needed to.” Sheana said with a puzzled look, not understanding how two members of the same family could look like they hate each other, but still be willing to defend them with their lives.

     “That’s just the way it’s been for as long as I can remember with most families.” Sara shrugged. “Did you not have any family before you became a genie?” Sara asked. She’d wanted to ask Sheana more about her past for some time now, but she’d always been too afraid about upsetting her new sister.

     “No, I never had any family that I can remember.” Sheana said with a faraway look in her eyes. “I grew up rough on the streets like lots of others. We would fight over scraps of food. That is why I went looking for a better way to live, but was tricked into becoming what I am now.” Sheana added with a sigh.

     “Did it really turn out all that bad in the end for you?” Sara asked with a playful pout.

     “No!” Sheana giggled as she looked at her sister pulling a funny face at her. “But I did some horrible things in my past.” Sheana added looking ashamed of herself.

     “I understand that Sheana, but you had little control over it all, and you’re helping me to do some good now.” Sara said as she pulled Sheana into a hug this time.

     “It was me that was supposed to be making you feel better, not the other way around sis.” Sheana said as they hugged each other.

     “We both help each other when it’s needed sister dear.” Sara said as she enjoyed the hug just like Sheana was.

    Sara and Sheana finally stopped hugging each other and then Sheana waited for Sara to wash her face and clean herself up after all the crying before they both made their way down stairs to let Prue, Jenna and Mike see that everything was okay again. They had also got changed out of their school clothes, and Sheana had a dress and underwear laid out ready for Michelle to change into once she appeared.

    It was a strange sight that greeted them in the kitchen when they got down there, due to them finding Michelle sat at the kitchen table playing with Jenna while still being dressed in Mike’s school uniform. Sheana realised that she and Sara had been a little longer than she first thought.

    Michelle jumped up when she saw Sara and Sheana enter the room, which turned out to be a bad idea as her trousers fell down due to her having undone them. Michelle’s hips were a little wider than Mike’s, so the trousers were a little tight on Michelle. She’d undone them just before the final change took effect.

     “Sara! Are you alright?” Michelle blushed as she pulled her trousers back up and held them around her waist.

     “I’m fine.” Sara giggled as she looked at the pretty girl dressed in the school boy’s uniform that no longer fit her. “Are you alright with me still?” Sara asked looking a little more nervous now.

     “Do I really need to answer that?” Michelle asked with a frown, which would have looked better if she wasn’t trying to hold up her trousers at the same time. “I never had a sister to borrow clothes from, but I did do the same thing with my mum’s things before I got some clothes of my own to wear.” Michelle explained as she held out her arm to give Sara a one handed hug. “I know for a fact that my mother was nowhere near as good a clothes shopper as your sister Sandy.” Michelle pointed out.

     “Thanks Michelle.” Sara said as they hugged. “I better let Sheana take you up and help you find something a little better fitting.” Sara added once they broke the hug.

     “That would be great.” Michelle giggled as she looked down at herself in the ill fitting clothes.

    Sheana took Michelle by the hand and was soon running from the room pulling Michelle along behind her as she tried to stay in the shoes that were a little to big now.

    Sara took a seat at the table next to Jenna, who leaned over and gave her a hug. “You’s otay Sara?” The little girl asked looking worried.

     “Can you not tell?” Sara asked with a grin as she tapped the side of her head. Jenna normally knew the answer to a question before she asked it.

     “No’s, I be good and not go poking around.”

     “Yes I am fine now, or will be once I’ve seen Jo and know that everything is okay between us still.” Sara said looking nervous again.

     “Sheana said he was, and he’d be a fool to think of you as anything but a girl.” Prue said from over near the cooker. “None of this is pretend for you Sara, the period you had at the start of the week proved that.” Prue pointed out.

     “Please don’t remind me.” Sara groaned as she thought about how bad she felt. She just hoped that her next one wasn’t quite as bad, but she now knew what to expect when it hit, and she wouldn’t be going out as the Slayer either.

    Sheana returned to the kitchen with a more suitably dressed Michelle, and they all helped Prue to finish getting dinner ready for the rest of the family.

    Karen and Sandy walked through the door at the same time looking worn out from a busy day at work, so they dumped their purses in the living room and sat down to enjoy their dinner with the others. Sara told them about the trouble with her flashback while Sheana, Jo and Michelle were in a mind link with her. Karen and Sandy both said that Jo wouldn’t stop loving her because of that. They also said the same thing Prue had said about that not being who she was anymore as well.

    They had just finished eating and were clearing away all the dishes when there was a knock at the front door, so Sara said she’d go and get it. She looked worried when she saw it was Jo stood their looking out of breath.

     “Hi Jo.” Sara said looking nervous about what he was about to say, but he never said a word, he just stepped closer to her and then took hold of her head in both hands and kissed her with all the passion he could.

     “I love you Sara, and no vision or crazy mind trick is ever going to change that.” Jo said once he’d done kissing her.

     “Okay.” Sara giggled just before they kissed again.

    Once they’d stopped kissing in the doorway, Sara pulled Jo the rest of the way into the house and then closed the front door before leading him back to the kitchen where the rest of the family were still clearing away all the dishes. They all stopped what they were doing when they heard Jo’s belly make a weird nose.

    Jo had taken a deep breath on entering the kitchen and catching a wiff of the wonderful smell of what they had just had for their dinner.

     “Did you have any dinner before you ran over here?” Sara asked as she looked at Jo and then his tummy again when it made the same noise again.

     “No, I just ran out the house the minute my mum got back.” Jo said looking a little sheepish. “I just wanted to let you know that I was okay with what I saw. I tried calling you, but I think you still have your phone on silent.” Jo added.

     “Take a seat Jo, and I’ll warm up some of the leftover’s for you.” Prue said as she started putting a plate of food together for him.

    Jo was about to argue with Prue, but found himself being forced down into a chair by Sara, so he just took the seat and then waited for Prue to finish putting the plate together and then warming it through in the microwave. He was soon tucking into the meal and enjoying it. Sara sat with him while he ate, happy that he was such an understanding person to still love her, even after what he’d seen in the memory she’d accidently let him see.

    Once dinner was finished for them all, and they had got the dishes washed and put away. Sara, Sheana, Michelle and Jo all went up to Sara and Sheana’s room to sort out the charms that would make Jo and Michelle into grownups, so they could then look like the owners of the new internet Cafe.

    Michelle pulled out some clippings from some magazines to show Sheana what she thought her and Jo should look like. Sheana tweaked them a little and then charmed a couple of rubber bands.

     “Wont we look a little silly with a rubber band wrapped around our wrist?” Jo asked as he held it up in his hand.

     “I’ve done the same with these as I did with Michelle’s wring, so no one else will be able to see or feel it once you have it on your wrist.” Sheana explained.

     “Do they have the same one hour delay as well?” Michelle asked as she looked at the one Sheana had given her.

     “No, they will let you change back to your normal form as soon as you remove them.”

     “Well don’t just stand there looking at them, give them a go!” Sara said eager to see what the two of them would look like.

    Jo and Michelle both looked nervous as they slipped the rubber bands onto their wrist. Nothing happened to start with, but soon they both started to look a little older as they both grew in size. Things suddenly got a little weird though when Jo’s chest started to puff out like he was growing breasts, just before his clothes changed to that of a woman and his hair suddenly grew out into a long wavy mass of blond hair.

    Michelle had gone the other way as her dress became a pair of trousers and a polo shirt as her hair got shorter and she looked like a middle aged man.

     “I think we got the rubber bands mixed up.” Michelle said in a much deeper male voice.

     “What gave that away Sherlock?” Jo asked in his new female voice as he put his hand on his hip trying to look angry, but just came across as looking sultry instead.

    Sheana said sorry, but the fact that her and Sara were giggling at the odd looks the other two were giving them didn’t add much weight to the words Sheana was saying.

    Jo and Michelle did take a quick look at each other before quickly removing the rubber bands and swapping them with each other before slipping them back on the right wrist. They were soon looking like they just had, but this time it was Michelle playing the grownup woman, and Jo playing the grownup man.

     “Now that feels much better.” Jo said as he looked in the mirror at the man he’d been turned into. Sheana had given him a good looking body, but it wasn’t overly macho, just well balanced.

     “I don’t know why you didn’t like this body Jo dear.” Michelle said as she pushed him out the way and then started checking out the grownup curves she now had. “I can’t wait to take this body out shopping for clothes.” Michelle added as she kept turning from side to side checking it out from every angle.

     “You don’t need to go out buying clothes Michelle, just touch a finger to the rubber band and think of the outfit you wish to wear, and your clothes will change to match.” Sheana explained with a grin.

     “Any outfit I want?” Michelle asked with a grin. “All I have to do is touch the rubber band and think of it?” Michelle asked to make sure she understood correctly.

     “Yes, any outfit, just touch the rubber band and think of it.” Sheana confirmed.

    Sheana, Sara and Jo looked on as Michelle’s blouse and skirt suddenly morphed into a replica of the Catwoman costume Michelle Pfeiffer wore in the Batman Returns movie with Michael Keaton.

     “Did you mean to do that Michelle?” Sara asked with a worried look.

     “Yes, I’ve always wanted to see what it felt like to wear something like this.” Michelle said as she looked at herself in the mirror. The charm had even made her makeup match the way Michelle Pfeiffer’s looked in the movie as well. “I could get so use to all this.” Michelle added with a sexy looking grin.

     “I hope you have some more normal looks in mind as well as all the fantasy ones?” Jo asked as he touched his rubber band and changed into an expensive looking business suit. Jo had thought about trying out the Batman look, but he didn’t want to encourage Michelle to keep playing around.

     “Yes I have lots of different looks to choose from.” Michelle said as she changed from the Catwoman costume to a female version of the suit Jo was now wearing. “How many times can we change before the batteries run out?” Michelle asked just before she changed back to the blouse and skirt look, but in a different colour.

     “They don’t run on batteries Michelle.” Sheana pointed out with a puzzled look.

     “I know that silly. I just mean how many time can we change before they won’t work anymore?” Michelle asked with a smile as she looked down at Sheana now she was playing a much older woman in heels.

     “The bands will keep you looking like that for up to twelve hours, just like the ring you wear, but I would say you’d have about eight hours if you kept changing clothes and looks like you just were.” Sheana warned.

     “That’s good to know.” Jo said as he removed his rubber band from around his wrist and then reverted back to his normal looking self.

    Michelle did the same and then smiled as Sheana pulled her into a hug. “I take it you don’t like the grown up version of me then?” Michelle asked as they hugged.

     “It’s okay, but I just wouldn’t feel right having feelings for an older woman.” Sheana pointed out the problem she was having with seeing Michelle as an older woman.

    Jo and Michelle stopped a little longer, and then Sheana blinked them both to Mike’s house before returning home to get some sleep before the last day of school for the week. Sara was worried about what Sheana might try to do to the new games teacher after what he did to Mike. They had games tomorrow, and Sara just knew that Sheana would find some way to upset Mr Weatherly.


    Sara had hoped to find the time to call Hypatia and talk about their plan to expose the spies at the school pretending to be teachers, but they had got carried away sorting out the grownup looks for Jo and Michelle the night before. Sara smiled when she saw the two boys stood at the end of the road as her and Sheana made their way up the road to meet them.

    Sheana looked just as happy to see them as well, or more to the point she was happy to see Mike, just as Sara was happy to see Jo stood waiting for them.

    Even though Jo and Mike had both said they weren’t bothered with what they saw in Sara’s vision the day before, she still never opened a mind link between them as they walked to school, instead they just talked about normal teenage stuff, and what they planned to do over the weekend, all the time keeping it all very cryptic just in case someone was listening in on it.

    Sara was going to be spending the day training with Hypatia again, and also talking about the opening of the internet cafe and the installation of all the computer equipment. Well Michelle would be talking to Samantha about that part, but Sara was interested in finding out more about the cafe and when it would be ready to open.

     “Do you have anything planned for Sunday?” Jo asked as he walked along next to Sara looking hopeful that she might open a mind link so they could talk more freely about their plans for the weekend.

     “Depends on what Tia says about the new jobs at the cafe tomorrow when we see her.” Sara said, not wanting to use Hypatia’s full name just in case someone over heard it. “I’m hoping to be sorting out a date to start our training for working there.” Sara pointed out the fact that none of them had any experience at working in a cafe of any type.

     “Shouldn’t we talk about all this someplace a little more private?” Jo asked with a knowing look.

     “Fine, we’ll talk about it at lunchtime then.” Sara said, ending the conversation.

    That wasn’t what Jo had in mind when he spoke, but he could tell by the way Sara was walking, that now would not be the best time to bring up what he did mean. Jo knew that the vision they all saw yesterday had left Sara to afraid to let any of them into her mind until she had better control of her new gift.

    They were soon at school and the two girls let Jo and Mike walk them to their homeroom before they went to theirs. Sara let out a sigh as she watched Jo and Mike walk away before she entered the room with Sheana at her side.

    Sara was feeling a little depressed about all the trouble that was revolving around her now. All she’d ever wanted was to be a girl, but she was getting tired of all the other stuff that had come along with it. The Slayer powers were cool most the time, all except this new gift of telepathy, and the memories, she could have lived the rest of her life never sharing them with anyone. Also all the trouble with the soldiers trying to find out who she and Sheana were was also an unwanted pain in the neck for her to deal with. She found herself wishing she could just be a normal fourteen year old girl, with normal teenage girl problems to deal with.

     “Are you feeling alright sis?” Sheana asked looking worried when she heard Sara let out another sigh as they took their seats.

     “I’ll be okay.” Sara said with a forced smile. “Just wishing my life was a little less complicated.” Sara added with a look that left no doubt what she was talking about without actually saying anything.

     “The trouble with wishing for things is they don’t always turn out like you hoped.” Sheana said with a grin trying to make Sara cheer up a bit, and it seemed to work as Sara was soon giggling at the private joke.

     “No, they sometimes turn out much better.” Sara’s voice suddenly said in Sheana’s head. “Sorry if my mood is worrying you sis, but I’m just a little depressed with all the stuff going on around me, and not having the answers.” Sara explained.

     “Do you regret freeing me from the ring?” Sheana asked sounding worried as to what the answer might be.

     “NO!” Sara snapped at Sheana making her jump in her seat a little as she let out a little squeal.

    Sheana was now getting some strange looks from some of the other students. “Sorry, but the seat was cold on the back of my legs.” Sheana lied as she played with her skirt to make it look like that was the reason for the little squeal.

     “Sorry for making you scream just now.” Sara giggled in Sheana’s head.

     “Yes, you sound full of sorrow, sister dear.” Sheana growled just before she too was giggling in her own head. “It’s nice to hear you giggle though.” Sheana added in a happier tone.

     “I don’t mind you seeing my darkest secrets sis, but I just couldn’t risk Jo and Mike seeing anymore of them at the minute, not until I’ve asked Hypatia how to get better control over them.” Sara tried to explain her reason for not linking all their minds on the way to school this morning.

     “I can understand all that sis, but Jo and Mike really don’t care, but they may feel hurt if you keep closing them out like you are.” Sheana said sounding worried. “I think Jo proved last night just how much he loves you, and the way you once looked didn’t make him feel any different.” Sheana added.

     “Aren’t we full of wisdom today?” Sara said with a smile in her voice.

     “It comes with age, and watching them daytime shows on the TV with Prue and Sandy.” Sheana added with an excited edge to her voice.

    Sara wanted to say more, but their homeroom teacher entering the classroom stopped her as she wanted to focus on what she might have to tell them before going to their first class of the day.

    The two girls were soon making their way to the science block where they had the new teacher Mr Blecker for general science. He seemed to know his stuff, but Sara couldn’t see the commander picking someone that didn’t, so that was nothing to go by. The lesson was soon over and Sara and Sheana were soon making their way to the gym so they could get ready for their games lesson with their normal games teacher, and the dreaded Mr Weatherly.

    Sara and Sheana both looked nervous as they got changed into their gym clothes. Both girls were expecting to see Mr Weatherly walk into the changing room, to tell them all to get a move on, but he didn’t. They still got changed quicker than they ever had before, as did some of the other girls, so Sara thought that she and Sheana weren’t the only two that expected him walking in.

    Mr Weatherly was stood with their normal gym teacher talking about something none of them could hear when they all got to the gym; ready to play whatever sport they saw fit to torture them with this week. Sara heard Sheana growl when she caught sight of the man responsible for tormenting Mike the day before, and almost revealing to the school that Mike was also a girl called Michelle.

     “Calm down sis.” Sara said as she grabbed Sheana’s arm and pulled her over to the other side of the gym as far away from Mr Weatherly as she could. Not that Sara thought it would do any good once they got started.

     “Good of you to finally join us ladies!” Mr Weatherly said, but he made it sound like he didn’t think any of them were ladies.

    Sara thought he made it sound like all these girls were wasting their time being anywhere near a gym, and his time along with it. Sara was beginning to have trouble with this man as well, but she had to keep it in check if she hoped to stop Sheana doing something they could both regret. He reminded Sara of what she remembered of her father, or Simon’s father. He use to speak to her mother the same way.

     “What a dick.” A girl to the other side of Sara said in a whisper. Sara was glad it wasn’t just her thinking that.

     “Right then ladies, today we will be trying to teach you how to play badminton!” He shouted like it was a joke. “Just so you can all understand the concept of the sport, Miss Goodblood and I will show you how to play, then you can pair off and have a go yourself.” He added in the same tone.

    There was a collective round of huffs and grunts at the way Mr Weatherly was referring to the girls ability to play sports, even Miss Goodblood looked unhappy with his opinion towards girls playing sports.

    Sara had been distracted by the thought of Miss Goodblood’s name, as she wondered if a vampire would really think that was true. She soon snapped out of her thoughts when she saw all the other girls helping to set up the nets and then they all stood around while the two teachers set up to give them a demonstration of the sport called badminton.

    Miss Goodblood looked serious as she got ready to play, where as Mr Weatherly looked bored, like this was going to be too easy for him. “How do you want to decide who serves first?” Miss Goodblood asked.

     “I’ll play the gentlemen and let you serve.” Mr Weatherly said like he was doing her a big favour.

    Sara was suddenly hiding a giggle with a fake coughing fit as she found herself probing Miss Goodblood’s mind to see what she was thinking at that minute. Sara found out that she wanted to shove Mr Weatherly’s racket some place that would make his eyes water, and it shocked Sara to find a woman like Miss Goodblood having thoughts like that about anyone.

     “What’s wrong sis?” Sheana asked looking worried.

     “I’m fine.” Sara said getting herself under control again. “Sorry.” Sara added when she saw the scowl Mr Weatherly was giving her.

    Miss Goodblood looked more worried for Sara though. “Are you sure Sara?” She asked. “Go and get a glass of water if you feel you need to.” She added looking concerned for her students well being.

     “Thank you Miss Goodblood, but I’m fine again now.” Sara smiled.

     “That’s good to hear, now let’s get this game underway shall we?” Mr Weatherly said sarcastically. “I don’t expect any of you to be able to play to my standard, but you’ll get the idea of how the game is played.” He added.

    Sara didn’t need to use her mind reading gift to see what all the girls stood around watching were all thinking. They all had the same look that said he was a sexist pig, and they all hoped that Miss Goodblood would teach him a lesson. Sara thought it would be good if Miss Goodblood did teach this nasty little man a less, not that he was that little at six feet two inches tall, but he did have a small minded view of women.

     “Sheana? Forget what I said earlier, I want you to play with him a bit and help Miss Goodblood to win.” Sara said in a mind link with her sister.

     “Are you sure Sara?” Sheana thought back.

     “Yes I’m sure, but keep it small.” Sara thought back with an evil tone to her words.

     “Can I humiliate him a little while I’m at it?” Sheana thought back with the same evil tone to her voice.

     “Please do.” Sara said before she closed down the link so Sheana could focus on Mr Weatherly and the bad day he was about to have.

    Sara knew what she’d just told Sheana to do was wrong, but he was such a sexist pig that watching him get beaten by a woman while being surrounded by a bunch of girls would be a nice way to humiliate him and get some payback for what he did to Mike the day before, and all the other kids he must have upset since he arrived.

    Sheana got ready to help Mr Weatherly have the worst match of his life, and in front of a group of girls at that. Miss Goodblood served and Mr Weatherly went to hit it, but he missed. He looked confused as he looked at his racket like there must be a hole in it for him to miss a shuttlecock. There might as well have been thanks to Sheana pushing the shuttlecock out of phase just enough for it to pass through the racket without any of the girls stood around noticing.

    There was a collective giggle when the girls saw him miss the shot, and Miss Goodblood was trying not to giggle. He tried to brush it off as he got ready to serve, but tripped over his own feet and fell over. He was soon back on his feet as he finally served the shuttlecock back to Miss Goodblood, who hit it back over the net, just for Mr Weatherly to miss it again.

     “I’m not sure this is very helpful for the girls Mr Weatherly.” Miss Goodblood tried to point out as she saw just how bad he was at this game. “I could do the demonstration with one of the other girls? A couple of the girls play in tournaments they’re that good at it.” Miss Goodblood added with a smirk.

     “I can play this sport.” He said getting angry at the fact all the girls were sniggering under their breath at him making a fool of himself.

     “They must play a very different game then where you learned to play it.” Miss Goodblood said looking cocky. “Shall we carry on then?” She asked as she got ready to serve again.

    Sheana didn’t have to do much more to him now, he was making mistakes on his own, and Miss Goodblood ended up winning the match. All the girls cheered for her as they looked at Mr Weatherly like he was the world’s biggest loser. Sheana had one last trick up her sleeve for Mr Weatherly, and she used it as he bent over to pick up the shuttlecock. She made his shorts rip open up the back, so all the girls stood behind him got to see his underwear. He jumped up looked that shocked that he spun around trying to hide what had happed from the girls that he was soon showing them all what had just happened to his shorts.

    Mr Weatherly ran from the gym to the sound of girls giggling at his humiliation as they all rolled around on the floor with tears streaming down their faces. Even Miss Goodblood was on her knees crying with laughter.

    Once they had all recovered from the humiliation of Mr Weatherly, they all got down to enjoying the rest of the sports class. Mr Weatherly never came back to the class, much to the satisfaction of Miss Goodblood. They finished the class and then went down to take a shower and get dressed so they could help the other girls spread the news of Mr Weatherly being beaten by a girl and then ripping his shorts.

    Sheana thought she’d need to blink Mike to a hospital when they told him and Jo what happened at lunchtime, he was laughing so hard. Mike had already worked out that Sheana must have had a hand in it though, but it was so subtle that not even the men in black could have been able to pick up on it.

     “Don’t you think that was a little dangerous?” Jo asked once Sara had finally formed a mind link for them to talk about it. Sara was trying to keep her mind on the matter at hand, but her thoughts did drift to the gym as she ended up showing Jo and Mike the moment where Mr Weatherly’s shorts ripped. The vision soon had Mike rolling around on the floor in a fit of laughter again though.

     “He was asking for much more than what he got Jo.” Sara snapped. “He’s just a sexist pig that thinks all women belong in the kitchen, or are only good for making babies.”

     “I can’t argue with that.” Jo said.

     “What!” Sara snarled as she leapt at Jo pinning him to the ground as she looked down at him. “You sexist asshole.” Sara growled down at him.

    Sara had broke the link as she lost her cool with Jo’s comment, and there were a number of students stood around looking at Jo get his ass kicked by a girl. Sara had grown up as Simon listening to his father saying the same stuff to his mother before he finally left and never came back.

     “Sara! What’s got into you all of a sudden?” Jo asked looking scared. “I was just agreeing with you about Weatherly.” Jo tried to point out as it looked like Sara was getting ready to hit him.

    Sara’s anger faded just as quickly as it arrived as she sheepishly slid of Jo and then cuddled up to his side and kissed him on the cheek like they were just playing around. Most the students that had stopped expecting a fight to break out. All wandered off looking disappointed when they thought it was just them playing around.

     “Sorry about that Jo.” Sara pouted. “Can you forgive me?” Sara asked like it was a given that Jo would forgive her, but Jo still looked worried as he sat up and moved a couple of feet away from her.

     “You can’t just go all psycho on me like that and then expect me to just brush it off Sara.” Jo said with fear in his voice. “What was all that for anyway? Do I come across as a sexist asshole?” Jo asked looking hurt.

     “No, not for a second Jo, but it’s...” Sara trailed off, not sure she wanted to tell anyone how her father used to beat her mother, and Simon wasn’t brave enough to do anything about it.

     “But what Sara?” Jo snapped at her as he got to his feet with a hurt look on his face. “I’ve been asked to take a lot from you since we first met, and I have with an open mind, but I won’t sit around and put up with you thinking that about me.” Jo said just before he turned and walked away.

     “Jo! Jo! Please don’t do this!” Sara shouted to his back as he walked away.

    Sheana and Mike had just sat looking at Sara, they couldn’t work out why Sara had suddenly lost it with Jo like she did, but neither of them knew anything about Sara’s dad beating her mum either.

    Sara wanted to run after Jo and explain it all to him, but she didn’t want anyone to know that when she was Simon, he was too scared to stand up for his mother against his dad, and she wasn’t sure her mother would be happy with Jo finding out about her being beaten by her husband.

     “Just give him some time to cool of Sara, and he’ll be alright again.” Mike said, but he didn’t sound like he believed his own words as he said them himself.

     “Thanks Mike.” Sara said, but she gave Mike a look that said they both knew otherwise. “Maybe he’s right to run away from me.” Sara said as she got up and decided to take a walk on her own for a bit.

     “Where are we going sis?” Sheana asked as she went to get up as well.

     “We’re going nowhere sis. Stop and spend some time with Mike.” Sara said as she stopped Sheana from getting to her feet. “I just want some time alone to think about what I’ve just done.” Sara said as she walked off in a different direction to what Jo had just taken.

    Sara might have been worried about other things as well if she’d noticed the fact a maintenance man had stood and watched how quick Sara had leapt on Jo and then managed to pin him down to the ground, but that was the last thing on Sara’s mind at that moment in time.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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