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Next Tuesday I start posting all new chapters, the new chapters will be posted weekly on Tuesdays.
Chapter Six
Jenna sat up and looked over to see Sara lying there with her eyes shut, then she looked over to where the men were stood. They were both moving towards Sara, Jenna moved closer to Sara and started to shake her.
“Sara, Sara. Please wake up.” Jenna was in a panic now.
The two men got to where Jenna was shaking Sara, and calling her name. They looked at each other. “That’s not Prue, Dave.” Paul said.
“I can see that Paul, but at least we have the other one. That is definitely the one called Jenna.”
“What shall we do with the other girl, Dave?”
We’ll take her with us, I’m sure the lab will find something she may be good for. They are always after test subjects.”
Sara was feeling really funny, she could feel someone shaking her and then she could hear Jenna’s voice starting to filter into her mind. Then she heard another voice, but this voice was her own. It was telling her to open her eyes.
Sara’s eyes opened just as one of the men was about to grab her under her arms, the second man was about to grab her legs. She grabbed the man that was about to grab her legs, around the neck with her own legs. The man tried to pull his head out, but before he could, Sara spun herself around on the ground and lifted him off the ground and was spinning him around. The other man had no time to react, before his partner in crime hit him.
Sara spun around and then flipped back onto her feet and took a fighting stance like Hypatia had shown her. She looked around and could see Jenna lying on the ground, she was crying.
“Jenna, Jenna, are you okay?” Sara asked.
Jenna’s head shot up when she heard the sweet voice. “Sara, you’s okay?”
“I’ve felt better Jenna, but I am doing okay. Do you care to tell me who they are Jenna, and how they know about you and Prue?”
Jenna looked all sad then said, “The bad men that after you and Sheana. Day after Prue and Me too’s.”
“Why didn’t Prue tell us?” Sara asked with a hurt look on her face.
“She scared you kick us out. She said we be alone again and we not want dat Sara.” Jenna was crying again now as she hugged Sara.
“I’m sorry you thought that Jenna, but Prue was wrong. We would never throw you out. Why would she think that?”
“We ascapes and be on the runs for some years now. Prue think you blame us for them finding you’s and was scared of how’s you act when founds out.” Jenna was still softly crying.
“I will need to have a word with your sister about all this Jenna. Thanks to her not coming clean, she nearly lost you.”
“Please not hurt her Sara, it as much my foult for’s not telling you.” Jenna was gripping Sara again.
“Jenna, I would never do anything to hurt Prue, but I will need to think of someway to teach her a lesson in trust. But for now, we need to do something with these two. They got a look at me, which is not good.”
“I do my mind fing on dem if you wants? I give dem funny memris.” Jenna said with a grin.
Sara looked at the two men as they were just starting to wake up and move. Sara walked over to the men and picked one up in each hand. “What the hell are you? That dart will knock out a vamp for a day!” he was trying to get loose from Sara’s grip, but just looked silly as he hung from Sara’s hand by his belt. The other man was trying to get loose too.
Jenna had to giggle as she watched them struggle, it looked like they were both trying to swim.
Sara lifted the one that had just asked the question. “Well I guess I’m not a vampire then.” She had a stern look on her face that made both men look worried.
“Well whatever you are, you can kill us, but the others will track you down.” The other man said as he tried again in vain to get loose.
“I have no plans to kill you or your friend here. But I do need to find out what you know about my friends and me. Jenna, I need you to form a link between me and each of them.” Sara looked at Jenna with a smile.
Jenna stepped over to where Sara was stood and waited while Sara dropped one of the men on the ground. She put her foot on the mans back and then dropped the second man and grabbed the back of his neck. Jenna stepped up to the man and put her hand on his forehead then she took hold of Sara’s free hand and made the link.
Sara searched for all the info she wanted and got all the answers she needed. She then helped Jenna to make it impossible to ID her. They then did the same with the other man.
She put them both in the back of their own van tied up and then picked up Jenna and made their way home. Sara had to carry Jenna as she had hurt her ankle when Sara pulled her to the ground.
“Jenna, I need to do something with Prue, but please don’t worry, I just want to scare her. Do you trust me Jenna?”
“I trust you Sara. We both should be punished.” Jenna was looking sad again.
“Let me deal with Prue, and I will think of something to teach you a lesson later.” Sara hugged Jenna, just happy that she was still safe.
Sara entered the house and made her way to the kitchen, she was still carrying Jenna. She put her down on Sandy’s knee and then went over to Prue. She grabbed Prue by the neck and pulled her up off the seat and then walked over to the wall. Karen and Sandy thought Sara had gone mad.
“Sara! What the hell do you think your doing?” Karen shouted as she tried to make Sara let go of Prue. Who was still pinned to the wall with Sara holding her by the neck.
“Why don’t you ask Prue. I just had a run in with some of her friends. They just happen to be the same guys that are now after Sheana and me. They tried to take Jenna and me by force.” Sara looked really upset with Prue. Prue just looked shocked and looked to make sure that Jenna was okay. She tried to make Sara let go, but she was just too strong for her.
Karen looked a little shocked at what Sara had just said. “Is this True Prue?” Karen looked hurt that Prue hadn’t told them.
Sara felt the fight leave Prue as she just hung there in Sara’s grip. Sara let her down so she could speak. Prue rubbed her neck then said, “Yes it’s all true Karen. They caught us a couple of years ago, but we escaped. I’m sorry that they found out about Sara and Sheana. I would never put them in danger, and if I could fix it I would.”
Prue walked over to where Jenna was still sat on Sandy’s knee. She wouldn’t make eye contact with Sandy, she just picked up Jenna and hugged her. “Sara saved me Prue. She was amazing.” Jenna said as she hugged her sister.
Prue turned to face Sara. “Thank you Sara, and I am sorry for not telling you about them. I will go and pack our stuff and we will leave.” Prue went to leave the room, but was stopped by Sara.
“Where are you going to go Prue?” Sara asked her.
“I don’t know, but with some luck they will follow us and leave you alone.” Prue tried to get past Sara, but without any luck.
“Prue, you were never the real target this time. They picked up the magic from the ring and have been trying to track it down for the past couple of weeks. But their machines can’t pin point such a large energy reading.” Sara told her.
“How do you know all this Sara?” Prue asked.
“I used Jenna’s power to read their minds. I also found out that the glitter is working both at the school and the stuff we let loose last night. They can’t track any magic source in the whole town.” Sara was grinning.
“What did you do with the men Sara?” Her mum asked.
“I left them tied up in the back of their van. Don’t worry, I didn’t hurt them. Well, not much anyway.”
“Sara they know what you look like now! I know you wouldn’t hurt them.” Her mum said.
“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that mum, they won’t be looking for me any time soon.” Sara looked at Jenna, then they both started to laugh.
Sandy, Prue, and her mum just looked at each other trying to work out why they were both laughing. Sara spent the next half-hour telling them what she and Jenna did to the men to stop them from being able to ID her. They were all laughing by the end. Sheana had come down part way through, so Sara filled her in on what happened. She looked a little disappointed at Prue, but by the way Prue wouldn’t look her in the eye. She could see that Prue was really sorry about it all.
Sandy and Karen finished off making dinner and Sheana sat playing with Jenna. Sara got an ice pack for Jenna’s ankle and then showed Sheana how to hold it in the right place. “I’m sorry I hurt you Jenna.”
“It not your fault Sara, you get zapped. I see Prue get zapped once, she not get back up.”
“Prue didn’t have the shield back then Jenna, she won’t be knocked out again.” Sara said as she hugged Jenna.
“I glad you okay Sara. I real scared when they shoot you with dat dart.” Jenna hugged her back.
They all sat down to eat when the meal was ready. Prue wasn’t really hungry so she just picked at her meal. “I’m sorry, but I’m not very hungry tonight. May I be excused? I need to use the bathroom.”
“You don’t need to ask Prue.” Karen said with a smile.
Prue got up and left the room, she looked back at Sara as she left the room. Out of all the things she had done since becoming a vampire. Having Sara upset with her was one of the worse.
“You need to talk to her Sara, she looks really down.” Sandy said.
“I’m not sure what to say Sis, she put us all in danger by not coming clean.” Sara snapped back at her sister.
“With how you acted when you came in, she had good reason too. You just picked her up like a toy.” Her mum added.
“I just wanted to scare her into seeing what could have happened if I hadn’t woke in time to stop them.” Sara let her shoulders drop as she realised that she was mad at the wrong person. She could understand why Prue did what she did, but at the same time it hurt that she thought she couldn’t trust them.
“So are you going to talk to her Sis?” Sandy asked.
“I guess I should go and make things right between us.” Sara got up and went to find Prue.
Sara could hear Prue softly crying in her room. She pushed the door open enough to poke her head around and look in to see where Prue was. She was sat on the bed with her head in her hands. All the anger left her in that moment, all she wanted to do was sit and hug Prue.
Prue jumped when she felt an arm wrap around her waist, and a weight rest on her shoulder. She turned her head to see Sara smiling at her in a sad way. That smile of Sara’s said more than a thousand words ever could.
Prue just threw her arms around Sara and hugged her, she was crying on her shoulder. Sara hugged her back and let her cry. “I’m really sorry Sara, I never meant to get you or Jenna hurt. I was going to tell you all tonight, that is why Hypatia gave us the case of wine.”
“Why did you really feel the need to keep it from us Prue? Did you really think we would kick you out?” Sara had given Prue a tissue so she could dry her eyes.
“It does seem a little silly now that I think about it all. I just felt like it was me that brought them here, and the thought of you all hating me was just to scary to think about. Then during dinner, you wouldn’t even look at me.”
“I’m sorry Prue, I was out of line to do what I did when I got back, I just wanted to scare you into seeing what could have happened. It was lucky that the dart they hit me with didn’t seem to work.”
“You were indeed lucky Sara. I got hit with one of those once and I was out of it for nearly a whole day.” Prue hugged. “So are we okay again now?” Prue asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.
“Do you think I would be sat here with you if I wasn’t Prue?” Sara replied with a smile.
Prue’s face lit up, she was really happy that Sara wasn’t going to kick her out. “I am really sorry for not telling you about those people when you asked the other night. But I wouldn’t have been much help, and by the sound of it you didn’t really need much help anyway.”
“I got lucky Prue, but what if it had been Sandy going to the shop? Do you think we would be sat here having this conversation?” Sara looked worried as she thought about what could have happened.
“Prue looked shocked as she realised what Sara was getting at. “Oh God Sara, I never even thought about it that way. I’m so sorry, I never would have put Sandy or any of the others in any danger if I had thought about it.” She was close to crying again now as all the thoughts of what her actions might have led to.
Sara could see that the point she had wanted to make since she got back with Jenna had finally hit home. “We got lucky this time Prue, but if you had let us known that they were looking for Jenna and yourself then we could have worked out a plan to keep everyone safe. But now I have to work out a punishment for you and Jenna.”
“Punishment? What do you mean by punishment?” Prue sat wide-eyed looking back at Sara.
“Yes Prue, I get punished when I do something wrong. So I think it’s only right that you two get to be punished.” Sara wasn’t smiling, or showing any sign that she was just teasing her.
“I said I was sorry Sara, and you said that everything was okay between us. So why do you feel the need to punish me still?” Prue was scared of what sort of punishment she was thinking about.
“So you think I should just punish Jenna then?”
“No! I would never want that Sara. Why would you even say such a thing. Please just punish me in whatever way you see fit, but don’t do anything to Jenna. She was only doing what her sister told her to do. She wanted to tell you from the start.” Prue let her head fall so she didn’t have to look Sara in the eyes again. “What will my punishment be Sara?”
“I’m not to sure yet Prue, but I will think of something suitable?” Sara was getting good at showing a poker face.
Prue looked at Sara, trying to read any sign of what she was thinking of, but Sara had learned to block anyone from reading her mind. Prue thought she was learning really fast, and was a little worried about what she was thinking of as a punishment. “You will only hurt me Sara, please don’t do anything to Jenna.”
“I’m not going to hurt you Prue, well not in the way you think. I just want to teach you that being part of this family means you have to trust us, and protect us. I know you have the protection part down, after what you did the first night we met. It’s just the trust that seems to be missing.” Sara was smiling again, but Prue wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing or bad. “Like I said Prue, I need some time think about it. Trust me Prue, you will be the first to know when I have made my mind up.”
Prue didn’t really feel any better knowing that, but she had screwed up. So she would have to pay the price. “Did you really mean what you just said Sara?”
“Yes I did Prue, you will be the first to know.”
“No, I didn’t mean that. I meant about us being part of your family?”
“Yes I meant that too Prue, you are part of this family. That is what got me so mad at you for not telling us everything.” Sara watched as a tear ran down Prue’s cheek.
Prue looked up at Sara and smiled as she felt a tear run down her cheek and Sara reached up and wiped it away. Prue just pulled Sara into a hug again and never said a word. Sara knew that there was nothing left to say, so she just let Prue hug her some more.
When Prue finally broke the hug, she looked Sara in the eyes and then saw that warm smile again. The moment was lost when they both heard Prue’s belly make a weird noise. “Do you want to go and get something to eat Prue?”
Prue went a little red then said, “I am hungry all of a sudden. The thought of having you upset at me was putting me off my food.”
“Well at least we know how to help you lose weight if you ever need one.” Sara said with a smile.
“I’d live with being fat, rather than have you upset or disappointed in me again Sara.” Prue said with a smile.
“I know you would Prue, and to a point I can understand the trust thing, but you need to learn that not everyone is out to hurt you or Jenna. Now come on and we will get you something to eat.” Sara stood up and held out her hand for Prue to take so they could walk down to the kitchen together.
Prue just loved the smile Sara had, she took Sara’s hand and let her pull her up to her feet. Then they walked back down to the kitchen to find Prue some food.
They all smiled when they saw Sara and Prue walk into the kitchen smiling and holding hands. Karen was proud of her daughter for being so strong in spirit as well as body, She knew that she had raised her right. Even if for fourteen years she was a boy.
Sara went to sort out some food for Prue, but she was sent back to sit with Sheana and Jenna, who had been placed on Prue’s knee so they could hug. Sandy and Karen went and sorted out some more dinner for Prue. Sandy came back with a couple of glasses with wine in and gave one to Sara.
Sara looked a little shocked that mum was going to let her have a glass. “Can I really have a glass mum?”
“I’m proud of how wise you are Sara, so as a reward you can have one glass.” Karen said with a smile.
“Thanks mum, but I did have the best two teachers a girl could have.” Sara looked at both Sandy and Mum as she said it.
“Keep that up and you may earn yourself a second glass.” Her mum said with a smile.
Prue just sat looking around at how they all acted with each other, and for the first time she could see that they were a really great family, and now she was part of it as well as Jenna. She pulled her little sister into a tighter hug and smiled as a warm glow filled her heart. Jenna felt all the warm feeling Prue was having and she loved it too.
Sara looked over at the two hugging and she smiled as all she wanted was for them to feel loved and protected. As strong as Prue was, Sara knew that it had left her tired after all these years. All the worry of who and what could happen to Jenna had left Prue feeling that way. But Sara could now feel that Prue was relaxing, She knew that Sara was able to protect her little sister. She even found herself feeling sorry for the person or thing that ever tried to hurt her.
The wine was really nice and Karen even let Sara have a second glass. She was hoping that the new powers she now had would stop her getting drunk. They all sat around laughing at each other as they said or did something silly. Sheana was not used to drinking at all and after the second glass she was a little unsteady on her feet, so Prue helped her up to bed, while Sara took Jenna.
They all got ready for bed and were asleep not long after, the last thing Sara remembered feeling was Prue/wolf get on the end of the bed. She smiled to herself as she thought of the perfect punishment for Prue, all she needed was some help from Sheana. Then she was asleep and dreaming of her day with Hypatia and then the fight with the men in the van.
The van with the two men tied up in it was still parked at the side of the road when another van pulled up behind it. “I’ve found the van base, but there’s no sign of Paul or Dave.” The man said into a mobile as he got out the driver’s seat.
He looked around the outside of the van, but couldn’t see any sight of them both and the van didn’t look like it had any thing missing. He tried the driver’s door and it opened, so he pulled the door open and looked inside. The keys were still in the ignition. He got worried that they had been attacked by a vampire or something, then he heard a noise coming from the back of the van. He pulled his side arm and made his way to the back of the van at a slow speed, so as not to make any noise.
When he got to the back of the van he slowly reached for the handle with one hand, while he kept his gun pointed at it with the other. The door clicked as he pulled the handle, he jumped to one side just in case someone or something jumped out at him, but there was nothing. He slowly leaned around the door to look inside. He had his gun pointed out in the same direction as he looked.
He lowered his gun when he saw the two men tied up on the floor of the van. He had to laugh, as the sight of the two men tied up on the floor of their own van was quite a thing to see. “What the hell happened to get you both tied up like this? Who you been pissing off this time?”
He looked to be waiting for an answer, but all he got was a mumble from behind the gag. He laughed again then set to work untying them both.
“Thanks Karl, I was beginning to think no one was ever going to find us.” Paul said as he sat rubbing his wrists.
“Who the hell managed to get the drop on you two? And why didn’t you call for back up?” Karl asked.
“We thought we saw the vampire called Prue, and her little sister, but it turned out to be some other girl and the younger sister.” Dave said in reply to Karl’s question.
“So you two were taken down by some other vampire that wasn’t Prue?”
“Yes we were taken down by this other girl, but she wasn’t a vampire. Paul and me hit her with a stun gun and then a tranq gun with a double dose in it, and she still woke in seconds and kicked our asses.”
Karl looked a little shocked when they said she shook off the tranq so fast. “So we have a new player in the area then? Did you both get a good look at her?”
“Yes we did, so as soon as we get back we will sit with the sketch artist and get you an image of her, so you can get it out to everyone in the field. But as to how we catch her is another matter.” Dave said.
“You okay to drive the van back Dave?” Karl asked.
“Yes I’m fine, she never really hurt us. I’m not sure what she is, but she wasn’t interested in hurting us.”
“Well whoever she is, we will find her and then see what she is and what we can do to use it on our side against the demons of hell. She could be the reading that we got, just before we lost the magic trace.”
“It shouldn’t take long to track her down once Paul and I tell the sketch artist what she looks like.”
“That’s the best break we’ve had in a couple of days, and may save you two getting your asses chewed off by the commander. He won’t be happy when he finds out you had Jenna in your sights and she got away. You both know how he has been wanting to get her back.” Karl sounded a little pissed that these two didn’t just follow them and call for back up.
Karl watched Dave and Paul get in the van, then he got in his van and followed them back to headquarters. They parked the vans and then entered a large warehouse. “You both go and see the sketch artist, then come and find me. We will go and see the commander together, so he can debrief you on what happened and the best way to move forward.
Karl stood and watched as the two men walked towards the room where they would find the sketch artist. He hoped that they could track this girl once they had an idea of what she looked like. He now had to go and find the commander and tell him what the two fools had done.
The commander was sat reading some paperwork on his desk when he heard a knock on the door. He put the paperwork down and removed his reading glasses then said, “Enter!” Karl took a deep breath and then entered the room. “Karl! Good to see you back. I take it that you found Dave and Paul?”
“Yes sir, I found the van just parked up at the side of the road.”
“Are Paul and Dave okay?” The commander asked.
“Yes, I found them tied up in the back of the van.”
“What the hell happened? And how did they let themselves get caught?” He sounded pissed now. Karl had no idea what he would be like when he heard the next bit.
“They found the vampire girl called Jenna, and who they thought to be Prue. But it turned out to be another girl instead. She took a full charge from a stun gun, then she resisted a double dose of tranq.”
“She did what! Who the hell is this girl, and how the hell could she resist both the stun gun and the tranqs? And why the hell didn’t they call for back up and hold back?” The commander was stood up now with both his fists on the desk.
“I think they saw it as a simple catch. How was they to know that the other girl wouldn’t drop when they stunned her.” Karl tried to defend what they did.
“I probably would have done the same thing in their place, but it still would have been better to call for back up and just follow them back to wherever they have been hiding.”
“I told them that sir. They did get a good look at the girl, and I have them with the sketch artist. I hope that we will be able to track her down in no time at all, we do know that she is going to the school on a daily basis. So she is either a teacher or a school girl.”
“If that is the case, then once we get the sketch we should be able to find her with no trouble at all.” The commander said.
Dave and Paul found Debbie sat at her desk working on some vampire sketches for their records, due to them not showing up on photo’s. She was happy in one way, as she had a full time job doing it. “Hi Dave, hi Paul. What can I do for you tonight?”
“Hi Debbie. Karl sent us to get you to sketch up a girl that we came across earlier. We thought it was the vampire called Prue with her little sister, but it turned out to be a new breed of demon.” Dave said as he and Paul sat next to her so they could watch her work on the sketch.
“Okay then, but I will do a sketch based on each of your descriptions. That way we stand a better chance of spotting the girl out on the street.” Debbie looked at Dave first, so he started to tell her what he remembered.
She gave Dave a funny look as she did the sketch. “Are you two trying to wind me up or what?”
Dave couldn’t work out why Debbie was saying that. “This is not a wind up at all Debbie. This is the girl that attacked us.”
“Did you take a blow to the head when she attacked you?” Debbie asked with a giggle.
“Look, just print that sketch off and then let Paul tell you what he remembers. Then we need to go and show The Commander.”
Debbie was looking at Dave and Paul to see if they were just trying to wind her up. She couldn’t see what the joke was, as she was only sketching what they told her too. She sketched up what Paul told her too, she had to fight really hard so as not to burst out laughing as Paul told her what he remembered. She printed it out and then watched as they both took the printouts and left the room. They both said thanks and were gone.
Debbie shook her head and hoped they weren’t going to show those drawings to the commander, but it’s their funeral not hers.
Karl was sat chatting to the commander when there was knock at the door. “Come in!” The commander shouted, Dave and Paul entered the room. “Dave, Paul. I’m glad to see your both okay. Karl said you got a good look at the girl that attacked you?”
“Yes sir, we just got done with Debbie.” Dave took the sketch from Paul and handed them both to the Commander.
He took them from him and then looked at them both. “In all the time that you have worked for me, what led you to think I had a sense of humour?” he slammed the sketches down with enough force to shake everything on the desk.
“I don’t understand Sir. That is the girl we saw with the young vampire called Jenna.” Dave said with a puzzled look. He thought the commander would have been a little happier with the ID they made of the girl.
“So your both telling me that this is the girl that attacked you both? And you’re sure you weren’t both in the pub drinking?”
“No sir. Karl found us tied up in the back of the van, and we would never drink on duty.”
“They are telling you the truth Sir. Do you know the girl that they had sketched by Debbie?”
“You could say I know her, and if she is the one that attacked them. We are in some real big trouble.” The commander passed the sketches to Karl.
Karl took the sketches and looked at them both. He found himself looking at a picture of Jessica Rabbit, and Betty Boop. “I don’t understand Sir, what does this mean?”
“Well it means one of two things. Cartoons are now real, and protecting Jenna. Or Jenna used her mind control to change what they thought they saw. I’m going for the second one.” The commander said.
“So we’re back at square one then? We still have no idea who this girl is, and no way to track her down? And if we did, we couldn’t stop her.” Karl sounding really depressed.
The commander laughed then said, “This is the trouble with all you guys now days, you all depend on computers and fancy gadgets too much. It’s time for some good old-fashioned detective work. If she is as strong as Dave and Paul say, then she will make a slip, and we will get it on film.”
“Well, we do have all the cameras set up in the school, and the ones outside the school are also ready to go. If she does let her power show, then we will get it on camera.” Karl said sounding a little more upbeat about it all.
“I want you to put the word out to everyone, they are not to move in on her. I want to find out a way to stop her before we try anything.” The commander was looking pointedly at Dave and Paul.
“What do we do with these two? Will they be able to keep working with their minds altered like they are?” Karl asked.
“They should just see the sketches as Jessica, and Betty now. That is how Jenna’s power works. I never had any idea she could use it like that though. I wonder if this new girl has helped her refine it or if this girl has some power as well? I can only take the fact that she didn’t want to hurt them, as a sign she doesn’t want to fight if she doesn’t have to.”
“So you think she might be on our side then Sir?” Karl asked.
“I don’t think we’re going to be that lucky, and we don’t really have a side. I think she is just going to protect Jenna, which will put her on the other side when we try to take Jenna.” The commander said.
“So you’re still planning to take the girl away from Prue?” Karl asked with a shocked look.
“Damn straight I do Karl, and I will find a way to catch this other girl as well, she sounds like an interesting girl.”
“But how do you plan to catch her Sir? She got back up after they hit her with a stun gun and the tranq. Just how do you plan to catch her?”
“Dave and Paul said that she did go down, but got up again. So we will hit her with a bigger jolt and then use more tranq to keep her out long enough to catch her. If we use a steel mesh net and run a charge through it, that should keep her under control.”
“Goes to show why you’re the boss sir.” Karl said with a chuckle.
“It’s just a matter of taking the Intel you have and then forming a plan. If Dave and Paul hadn’t had a run in with her, we wouldn’t be able to formulate a way to catch her.”
“So it wasn’t a total loss then?” Karl asked.
“No it wasn’t, but I still would have liked to have caught Jenna, and not have to face a unknown enemy.” The commander said as he looked at the two men, still stood off to one side.
Dave and Paul both knew he was having a dig at them. They were both happy when he said they could go and inform the others of the plan and what to expect from this girl. Debbie had already told a couple of them about the mind trick that Jenna did, so they had the Mickey taken out of them.
All the teams were doubled up and they were all armed with steel nets and extra stun guns. They didn’t bother with the tranqs, due to them not working last time. The teams took to the street on the hunt for Jenna, Prue, and now Sara.
Sara woke the next morning having slept really well. She was happy to be spending the day with Jo, and Sheana was looking forward to spending the day with Michelle.
Sheana did love spending time with Mike, but she was really looking forward to spending some real time with his female side. She was out of bed right after Sara, She waited for Sara to finish in the bathroom then she went in and took a shower as well.
Jenna woke as Sara was about to dry her hair so she sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Sara made it look as pretty as she normally did. Jenna found herself wishing she could make her hair look as pretty.
Sara saw her sat watching, so she smiled at her and then said, “Morning Jenna, do you want me to make your hair look nice too?” Jenna answered this question by jumping off the bed and then running over to where Sara was sitting.
Sara sat her at the dressing table and then sprayed Jenna’s hair with some water and set to work styling it to look like her own hair. It looked almost identical to Sara’s by the time she was finished. “Do you like it Jenna?” Sara asked.
Jenna looked in the mirror and saw that it looked like Sara’s and she loved it. “Fank you Sara, I’s look just like you now’s.” Jenna jumped off the chair and hugged Sara when she bent down so she was at the same eye level as her.
Prue had morphed back into her human form while Sara worked on Jenna’s hair, so Jenna went over to Prue so she could show off how pretty it looked. “Your hair looks very pretty Sis.”
“Does you fink I looks like Sara Sis?”
“Yes you do Jenna.” Prue agreed with a smile.
Sheana had returned from the bathroom, so Sara set to work on doing her hair as well. Then they set to work on finding the perfect outfit’s for the day.
“I take it you and Sheana have a couple of big dates today then?” Prue asked.
“Yes we do, I’m not sure what we will be doing, but it will be nice to do some normal stuff for one day.” Sara had a weary smile on her face as she answered.
“I know what you mean Sara, you have had a lot to deal with since you changed. But you have dealt with it really well, I’m proud of you.” Prue had got off the bed and gave Sara a hug.
“Can I’s come with you’s Sara?”
Sara knelt down and looked a little sad as she said, “I’m sorry Jenna, but until we can work out a way to make you look different, you better stay out of sight.” Sara could see the sad look on Jenna’s face and felt really bad, but she knew that she had to be cruel to be kind in this case. “Tell you what Jenna, I will bring you something nice back with me, and I will see if we can find some way to make you look different enough so we can take you out next time. How does that sound?”
“Okay I guess’s, but I will miss you while you out todays.” Jenna said with a small smile.
Prue had put on a bathrobe while Sara was talking to Jenna, so she took her down for some breakfast as Sara and Sheana finished getting ready for their dates.
Sheana had gone for a nice summer dress and sandals. She wanted to look nice for Michelle.
Sara had gone for a pink T-shirt and a white skirt that was quite short. She had a nice set of legs, and wanted to show them off. She put on her pink sandals to match the T-shirt, took one final look in the mirror before grabbing Sheana by the hand and heading downstairs, and off to meet Jo and Michelle.
“Aren’t you going to have breakfast before you leave?” Karen asked them both as they got to the kitchen.
“We’re going to grab something with Jo and Michelle, if that is okay mum?” Sara answered for them both.
“That’s fine dear, but just remember to, or I won’t be very happy with you both.” Mum pointed at her in a firm manner at them both. “Yess mum.” They chorused in a drawn out tone.
Karen laughed at them both and then told them to have a good time and let them get going.
The girls left the house and made their way up the road, they could see Jo and Michelle stood at the end of the road waiting for them. Michelle was wearing a summer dress a little like the one Sheana had on, but in a light green whereas Sheana’s was in a light blue.
Sheana wanted to hug and kiss Michelle, but it wouldn’t look good for two girls to do something like that in public. They hugged and cheek kissed like two friends would. “You look really beautiful Michelle, I’ve really missed you. I love Mike just as much, but I wanted to spend the day with Michelle. I hope you don’t mind?”
“You look good yourself Sheana, and I am happy to be Michelle for you too.” Michelle gave Sheana another hug.
Sara had walked up to Jo and got pulled into a long hug and an even longer kiss. She just melted into his arms. When they did break the kiss he said, “You look amazing Sara. I really missed you yesterday. I hope you had a good day?”
“I missed being with you too Jo, but I did have a great time with Hypatia. She said she will help me with my training.”
“I’ve seen you fight Sara, and trust me when I say you don’t need to learn any more.” Jo said with a chuckle.
“Before yesterday Jo, I would have said the same thing, but Hypatia showed me that I am just using the skill I have. After we had been fighting for some time, she started to block my moves.”
“She did? How can you get past it, and stop it from happening if you have to fight a demon?” Jo asked looking worried.
Sara started to walk alongside Jo, with Sheana and Michelle walking just behind them. Sara filled in Jo and Michelle about their day and then what happened last night when the two guys tried to take Jenna. Jo and Michelle were both a little pissed when they found out, but happy that Sara came around fast enough to save her.
“Hey, talking about those guys. When we stop for some food, I have some little gadgets to show you two. Jo and I spent all day yesterday working on them.” Michelle said with a grin.
“So you worked out a way to stop them being able to see us while at school?” Sheana asked.
“Yep, I have some little bits and bobs that should help keep us under their radar.”
Jo led the way to a restaurant and they all ordered what they wanted and Michelle started to explain what she had for them all. She placed what looked like four MP3 players on the table.
“I used the case of these MP3 players to house the electronics so no one would think it odd for us to have them. They should stop our faces from being picked up on camera by blurring it. I thought about a jamming device, but that would make them come and do a visual check. So I thought if they could see us, but not be able to ID our faces then we should just merge into the crowd.” Michelle seemed proud that she was able to help out for once.
“I wasn’t aware that was even possible Michelle. Are you sure it will work?” Sara asked.
“Yep it works. We were trying it out yesterday once I got them all working. I tried to break into the signal for the cameras at the school, but without the right code for the frequency they are using I could be trying till the day I die.”
“If you had the codes Michelle, could you do even more to throw them off our trail?” Sara asked as she looked at her.
“Yes, I could put a delay on the feed so they would think they were watching it live, but it could be a week or whatever time frame we want to make it. But like I said, I don’t have any idea on where to start trying to work out the right code. I’m sorry Sara, but it goes beyond what I can do.”
Sara went in her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. “Maybe this will help Michelle.”
Michelle picked up the piece of paper and then opened it. “These are all the codes for their camera system at the school and other places around the town. They even have the codes for their mainframe. How did you get this Sara?”
“When I changed the two guys memories last night, I pulled all this out at the same time. So can you do your magic now Michelle?” Sara asked with a grin.
“With all this Sara, we can cripple them for good.” Michelle was grinning.
“No Michelle, I just want to keep them away from us. If we attack them, then they will know that we have the codes. If they do that, then we’re back to square one. The best way to keep us all safe is to just keep an eye on them.”
Michelle could see the sense in what Sara was saying when she thought about it. “I’m sorry Sara, you’re right. If we attack them then they would know about us having all this. I can set up the delays without them finding out, but we will need a week’s worth of footage before we can do a proper delay so they won’t know we did it.” Michelle started talking to herself about what she would need to do. She only stopped when Sheana pulled her into a long kiss. Luckily they were in a corner booth out the way, so know one saw them do it.
“Why don’t you save all that talk for later when you’re back home. I want to have a fun day shopping and just relaxing. Do you mind?” Sheana asked with a smile.
Michelle looked deep into Sheana’s eyes. “I’m sorry Sheana, I get carried away sometimes when I start to think about stuff. I promise not to talk about it again today.”
The food arrived just after that, so they all got stuck in. Sara had gypsy bread, and Sheana had the same, as she liked the sound of it. Michelle had toast and jam, Jo had a full English breakfast.
It all tasted really nice and they cleared the plates in no time at all. Michelle paid the bill, as she wanted to thank them all for what they had done for her. They all tried to argue she didn’t need to, but she wouldn’t have any of it. So they all thanked her for the enjoyable breakfast.
Sara and Sheana got up to use the restroom and dragged Michelle along with them, which made Jo laugh. Michelle had a worried look on her face as she was pulled along. Once in the restroom and they knew they were the only ones in there, Sara said, “Don’t look so worried Michelle, you’re just a girl like us. I’m sure you’ve used the ladies restroom before when you’ve been out with Jo?”
“No I never have, I was always to scared to try and go in. If someone realised that I was a boy, I would have been in really big trouble.”
“Well you are a real girl now Michelle, so stop worrying and have some fun.” Sara said with a grin.
Michelle thought about it for a couple of seconds, then she realised that Sara was right. “You’re right Sara, I am a real girl now. This is going to be so much fun, a whole day of shopping with you both. I hope Jo is ready for what he will have to put up with.”
“I hope he likes looking around ladies clothes shops, because he will be doing a lot of it today I think.” Sara was grinning which set the other two of with a fit of the giggles.
They all finished up in there and with one final look in the mirror they all left to find Jo.
Jo got up and made his way to the exit as he saw the girls leaving the restroom, so they all got to the exit at the same time. He noticed that Michelle had a new bounce in her step as she walked beside Sara and Sheana.
They left the café and made their way into town. Jo put his arm around Sara, and Michelle held hands with Sheana as they walked. They soon found themselves in town and started looking in the shops. Michelle was having a lot of fun being able to try stuff on and then find out what Sara and Sheana thought of it.
Sheana soon got into the spirit of shopping and was also trying stuff on and laughing with Michelle and Sara, as they experimented with some really awful looking dresses, skirts and tops.
Jo was happy to see Michelle having a good time, he even found himself feeling a little jealous of her. He found himself wondering what it must feel like to be able to just shop and try stuff on like Michelle now was. As the day went on he found himself wondering if Sheana could make a ring for him so he could try it. But what would Sara think if he asked her if Sheana would turn him into a girl, if only for a shopping trip.
He was snapped out of his day dreaming when he heard Sara calling him. “Jo, Jo! You coming or what.”
“Oh, sorry Sara, I was miles away then.” Jo said, as he picked up the bags he was stood holding between his legs.
“Are you okay Jo? I guess it’s not been a very nice day for you as it? Why don’t we go and look in some music shops?” Sara had put her arms around his waist and he put his around hers.
“I’m okay Sara. It’s nice to see Michelle having so much fun. I’ve not seen her this happy in some time, you and Sheana are good for her. So I can live with being your pack mule for the day.” Jo said, trying to hide what he was really thinking.
“Your much more than a pack mule Jo, and I hope you realise that?” Sara pulled his head down to hers and kissed him.
“I know I am Sara, I was just kidding with you. So where to now?” he asked with a smile.
“I thought we could go down to the arcade and get a drink and play on some of the games for a bit. Do you like that idea?” Sara asked.
“That sounds good to me.” Jo looked a little happier now he knew that they were not going to be doing any more clothes shopping for a bit. He led the way to the arcade and then brought them all a can of pop each, and then found a free table.
Jo put the bags down and then went to play on one of the fighting games, Michelle went to play a doubles game with him. Sara sat and rested with Sheana, as she wasn’t really a big game player. She just wanted to let Jo have a little fun.
Sara wanted to take the time to talk to Sheana about the idea she had to punish Prue. So she told Sheana her idea and they worked out the best way to get it to work. They sat watching Jo beat Michelle for a bit, they both came and sat with Sara and Sheana again and they finished their drink before they all made a move to go and look in some of the other shops.
They looked in some of the music shops and then they found a couple of game shops, so they let Jo look around them for a short time. Sara saw a shop that sold the things she needed, so Sheana could cast the spell Sara wanted to use on Prue as her punishment for not trusting them.
Jo soon found him self being dragged in and out of clothes stores again, and he was once again wondering what it would be like to have the same fun Michelle was having, but once again he found himself wondering if Sara would think any less of him.
Michelle could tell that something was bugging Jo, She knew him well enough by now to know. She made a mental note to ask him later, once they had got Sara and Sheana home.
With it being a Sunday, the shops were all closing at 4pm so they started to make their way home. Sara and Sheana thanked Jo and Michelle for a really great day and then they left them at the end of their road to head home.
Jo and Michelle watched the girls walk down the road and then headed back to Michelle’s place, or more Mike’s place. They went through the park on the way so Michelle could use the ring that made her look like Mike with the right clothes.
“No matter how many times I see you do that Mike, I still think it’s amazing.”
“I just wish I didn’t have to become Mike any more, I really do love being Michelle. But I know Mum and Dad would never understand.” Mike looked a little sad to be back as his male self.
“Hang in there Mike, at least you only have to be like this for short spells at a time on the weekends.” Jo put his hand on Mike’s shoulder as a sign he really did feel for his friend.
“Thanks for being there for me Jo, I know that a lot of people wouldn’t understand why I dressed like I did. Never mind being seen out and about with me.” Mike smiled at Jo.
“We’re friends Mike. I don’t care what you look like, I know what a great friend you are. That is what matters.”
“I know I’m lucky to have a friend like you Jo. Now I have a girlfriend that likes me as Mike, or Michelle.” Mike had a goofy grin on his face.
“Did you have a good time today Mike, as Michelle that is? You looked really happy when you were trying on clothes with Sara and Sheana.”
“Yes I did Jo, I never realised how much fun it could be. I’m sorry it wasn’t as much fun for you.”
“It’s okay Mike, I was happy watching you have a good time.” Jo chuckled. Then he looked all serious again. “What does it feel like Mike, being a girl?”
“It’s hard to put into words really Jo, it just feels nice. Why do you ask?” Mike was trying to work out why Jo would ask such a question.
“I just wondered that’s all, no reason really.” Jo tried to brush it off, but Mike could tell that he had a reason for asking.
“You’re thinking of giving it a go aren’t you?” Mike asked.
Jo’s head shot up and he looked Mike right in the eyes. “Don’t you dare say a word to Sara or Sheana about this Mike.”
“Why not Jo, I’m sure that Sheana could make you a ring like this one. Then you can see if you like it or not.”
“Sara is the best thing to happen to me, and you. I don’t want to lose her because I had some silly idea that it would be fun to see what it’s like to go shopping with her as a girl.”
“Don’t be silly Jo, I’m sure she would understand and enjoy doing it. And you never know, you may enjoy it too.” Mike smiled.
“Do you think I’m a freak Mike for thinking about it?” Jo sounded a little sad now for even saying anything to Mike about how he had been feeling all day.
“If I think you’re a freak, then what does that make me?” Mike sounded a little pissed that Jo would even think that.
“I’m sorry Mike, I didn’t mean it like that. I just saw you having such a great time with Sara and Sheana, and I felt like the odd one out. I was really jealous of you today. You got to do stuff with Sara I never could, I just wanted to feel that spark you all had.”
“I can see what you’re saying Jo, it was fun doing all that girl stuff. Tell you what, I will have a word with Sara for you. That way you won’t feel to bad if she doesn’t like the idea of her boyfriend being a girl every now and then. What do you think?”
“I’m not too sure Mike, what if she dumps me over it?” Jo sounded worried now about the whole thing.
“Come on Jo, think about it. She was a boy herself until a couple of weeks ago. I think she will fully understand what you’re saying, and jump at the chance. I think it would be good for you to have a taste of what fun it can be, being a girl.” Mike put his arm around Jo’s shoulder and gave him a manly hug.
“Okay then Mike, I will let you have a word with Sara for me. I just hope I don’t end up back at the point of being girlfriendless again.”
“Trust me Jo, I know she will be happy to go shopping with you as a girl. I know I would love it.” Mike was grinning.
They made their way back to Mike’s place so they could try out some of the codes that Sara had got them.
Sara and Sheana got home and found everyone in the kitchen. Sandy had been baking cookies with Jenna while Prue sat chatting with Karen at the table. “Hello you two.” Karen said. “Did you have a good time today? I see you got some clothes, judging by the bags you’re both carrying.”
“Yep, we found a couple of really nice tops and a skirt each.” Sara said as she put the bags down on an empty chair at the table. She then pulled out the tops one at a time to show them all. Then she took the skirt out and held it up to herself so they could all get a idea of how it would look on her.
Sara got Sheana to do the same. They all liked their taste in clothing, and the fact that it was all on sale, so they didn’t cost too much.
Once they had shown everything, they both headed upstairs to get washed up ready for dinner.
Sara got the bag out with the things in that she wanted Sheana to cast a spell on. “You better make it fast. I don’t want Prue or Jenna walking in on us while we’re doing this.”
“Why don’t you go and keep a look out for anyone coming, while I do my magic then.” Sheana said as she put the items on the desk ready to cast the spell.
Sara was looking out the bedroom door, she could hear Sheana talking in that same language she used when casting other spells, she turned just in time to see some bright blue lights enter the items and then they glowed for a short time before returning to looking normal.
“There you go Sara, all done.” Sheana picked them all up and then walked over to Sara and put them in her open hands.
“Do you think I’m doing the right thing Sheana?” Sara asked, not sure anymore if she even wanted to punish Prue for what she had done.
“I know you have a good heart Sara, but she really does need to learn to trust you a little more, and like you said. She could have lost Jenna for good if it had been Sandy or mum, and not you that went to the shop.” Sheana gave her a hug to let her know that she did understand the way she was feeling.
“Thanks Sheana, I just had some doubts there for a minute.” Sara smiled at Sheana as they broke the hug.
They both got washed up and then made their way back down to help with dinner.
The girls could both smell the dinner cooking as they got to the kitchen door, they both realised just how hungry they really were. Mum had done a proper Sunday roast with all the trimmings. There were Yorkshire puddings, and onion sauce, roast potatoes, mashed potato’s and lots of vegetables.
Everyone else were already sat at the table, so Sara and Sheana took their seats and they all got stuck in. They both told the others about some of the silly things they tried on through the day and all the others had a good laugh at it all.
The dinner was so filling that they didn’t bother with any pudding. Sara washed the pots, and Sheana dried them. They joined the others in the living room and they all had a couple of cookies a bit later as they all watched a movie.
Sara carried Jenna up to bed when it was time. She put her in bed after Sheana pulled the covers down, then they both went to brush their teeth and got ready for bed themselves. Sara felt Prue jump up on the bed in her wolf form just as she was falling asleep.
Sara woke in the morning just as the first rays of light were coming in through the window, so she made a move and got out of bed and went to get the item that would give Prue her punishment for not trusting her.
Prue was having a weird dream that someone was putting a dog collar around her neck and then she felt her body change a little bit. She realised a little too late that it wasn’t a dream. She opened her eyes to see Sara sat on the bed next to her. She tried to morph back to her human form, but she couldn’t. So she tried to speak, but all she did was bark.
This woke Jenna and Sheana. Jenna just looked at the dog lying at the end of the bed it was a beautiful looking Border Collie. Jenna then realised that the dog was Prue, but why was Prue pretending to be a dog. It was at that point she sensed the panic in her, and how she was stuck as this dog.
“Sara, Prue in trouble. She can’t become Prue.” Jenna said sounding worried.
“I know Jenna, I did it. This is her punishment for not telling the truth she has to spend the next week as a dog. She will have no choice but to trust that we will feed her and look after her.” Sara looked at Prue in her new dog form and could see that she understood every word she just said.
“I have to a holes week with outs seeings my sister?” Jenna sounded sad.
“I’m afraid so Jenna, that is your punishment for your little part in this.” Sara wasn’t happy with what she had just done, but a punishment is a punishment. “Unless you feel like spending the week as a little kitten?” Sara asked with an evil grin on her face.
Jenna got a real worried look on her face, and then she leapt at Sara and hugged her. “I sorry Sara, please not do that to me’s.” Jenna was softly crying into Sara’s nightie.
Sara pulled her away from her and looked her in the eyes. “I was only teasing you Jenna. I think having to look after your sister for a week will be punishment enough. And for the record, the collar can only be removed by Sheana or myself. So you won’t be able to let her change when we’re at school.”
Sara could feel that Prue wasn’t happy with all this, but that is what Sara wanted her to feel. She just hoped that by the end of the week Prue would have more trust in them all.
Sara stroked Prue’s head and felt her pull away, so she got up and went to use the bathroom and get ready for school. Sheana got in the shower after Sara got out.
Sara had just finished drying her hair when Sheana came out the bathroom, so Sara set to drying her hair for her and then they got there uniforms on and went down for breakfast.
Jenna got down off the bed and went with Sara and Sheana. She pulled Prue down off the bed by the collar, so Prue got the idea that she was to go down for some breakfast as well. Prue just wanted to stay lying on the bed and sulk.
Sandy and Karen were just finishing a bacon sandwich each when they saw Sara and Sheana enter the room with Jenna close behind pulling a Collie dog, which they knew to be Prue. They just couldn’t work out why Prue was in the form of a Collie.
“Is there any reason why Prue is in the form of a Collie?” Karen asked.
“Yep, she is serving her punishment for not trusting us over the thing with the men in black.” Sara said as she sat at the table.
“And just how long has she agreed to stay in this form?” Sandy asked.
“She is like it for the next week, but she has no choice in the matter. The collar is what is keeping her like it.”
“Didn’t you think it would have been best to ask me if I thought it was okay to do this Sara?” Mum looked a little upset with Sara, but Sara felt it was the right thing to do.
“I’m sorry mum, but it was me that nearly got caught the other night, and what would have happened if it had been you or Sandy that was taken? That stun gun could have killed you. I’m sorry if I have upset you Mum, but I have decided on this punishment and she will stay as a Collie for the next week. As I told Jenna upstairs, only myself or Sheana can remove the collar so please don’t try.”
Karen couldn’t really argue with Sara, as she did have a point. Prue should have told them about being wanted by these men. So she just let out a big sigh and then finished her tea and went to finish getting ready for work.
Sandy set about making the girls some bacon sandwiches and then chucked a couple of piece’s down on the floor for Prue to eat. Prue thought it was degrading to have to eat like this, but she was hungry and couldn’t really see how she was going to be able to eat using her paws. So she made a start on it just like any normal dog would.
Sara and Sheana finished their breakfast and then went to brush their teeth before they left the house for school. Mum had already left, so they both gave Jenna a hug and then Sandy. Sara went to stroke Prue, but she pulled away from her. She started to wonder if Prue would ever forgive her for this, and if it was really the right thing to do after all. They both left the house and headed up the road where they could see Jo and Mike waiting for them.
Sandy looked down at Prue as she sat on the floor with her head on Jenna’s lap. Jenna was stroking her and looking sorry for herself. She had only eaten half her breakfast, so Sandy knew she wasn’t happy with what Sara had done to her sister.
“Are you feeling okay Jenna? You’ve not finished your breakfast.” Sandy sat at the table next to Jenna as she asked.
“I not feel like eating Sandy.” Jenna said as she looked down at Prue.
“Can you still read Prue’s mind Jenna?” Sandy asked.
“Yes I can. She not happy being stuck as a dog.” Prue looked up at Sandy as Jenna said it. “She say don’t blame Sara, she know that she should have said sooner about the men.”
“Do you think Prue would like to get out for a bit? We could go to the park.” Sandy asked looking hopeful that it would cheer Jenna up a little bit.
Jenna did look really happy for a couple of second, then looked all sad again. “I not able to go out Sandy, if the bad men see me with you, you get hurt.”
Sara and Sheana left me a little gift for you Jenna, now go and get cleaned up and I will give it to you.” She helped Jenna down off the chair and gave her a playful smack on the bum as she ran off to get ready.
Sandy finished cleaning up the kitchen and then went to get ready to go out. She found Jenna trying to close the zip on her dress. Sandy did it for her and then sat her on the bed.
Sandy pulled out a hair tie and went to put it in Jenna’s hair, but she jumped back on the bed and looked really scared. “Sara said she not turn me into a kitten, she promise me.” Jenna started to cry.
Sandy jumped back from Jenna when she saw Prue jump up next to Jenna and growl at her. Sandy put her hands up and backed away. “Calm down Prue, I’m not trying to hurt Jenna. Sara gave me this ribbon, so Jenna can go out and play. It will only make her look like a different little girl.”
Sandy took the ribbon and tied it in her own hair. Prue and Jenna watched as she shrank in size and took on the form of a little girl around the same age as Jenna.
Jenna sat on the bed rubbing her eyes and Prue just tilted her head sideways. This made Sandy giggle, which sounded cute as a little girl. Jenna jumped off the bed and ran over to Sandy and gave her a hug.
“I sorry for not trusting you Sandy. I let you put it in my hair nows.” Jenna was smiling again now.
Sandy took the ribbon out and waited till she became her normal self again, then she sat Jenna on the bed again and tied the ribbon in her hair. The change didn’t take as long as it did with Sandy, as Jenna was already the same size as the form she was taking on.
Jenna jumped down off the bed and looked in the full-length mirror seeing the same little girl that Sandy became looking back at her.
“I looks just like you did Sandy. Du bad men nots find me now.” Jenna said with a giggle.
“I did say that Sara and Sheana left me a gift for you Jenna, and not a punishment. I hope you realise that Sara would not let anything bad happen to either of you.” Sandy pulled Jenna into a hug.
Jenna hugged her back and then said, “Prue says she is sorry for scaring you Sandy. She was just trying to protect me.” Jenna said as she looked at Prue who had jumped off the bed and come and sat next to them both.
Sandy turned to face Prue and ruffled the fur on her head. Prue was beginning to like this, so she licked Sandy’s face. Sandy giggled as Prue kept licking her. “Does this mean were going steady Prue?”
Prue stopped licking her and stepped back, then she let out a growl. “Prue says she sorry, but she wanted to hug you. But with no arms, it’s hard.” Jenna told Sandy for Prue.
Sandy gave Prue a hug and Prue rubbed her head up the side of Sandy’s face. “She like that Sandy, she like that a lot.” Jenna said with a giggle.
“We’d better see about getting off to the park, or we will never get there at this rate.” Sandy said as she stood back up and took Jenna by the hand.
Sandy grabbed the lead off the coat hook, from the day they had the picnic and hooked it to Prue’s collar. Then they left the house and headed towards the park.
Sara was a little worried that she might have upset Jo yesterday, he had been a little quiet on the walk to school and didn’t really seem in a very good mood when they parted at the classroom.
“Sheana, was Mike okay with you today as we walked to school?” Sara asked as they sat waiting for the teacher to come and take roll call.
“Yep, he was really happy about yesterday. He said Michelle had a really good time. Why do you ask?”
“I think I might have upset Jo, he’s been really quiet with me. Do you think he had that bad a time yesterday, that he might want to break up with me?” Sara asked, looking a little worried.
“Don’t be silly Sara, I’m sure it’s nothing like that. You wait and see, he will be fine at lunch time.” Sheana said with a smile.
Sara smiled back then said, “You’re right Sheana, I’m just being silly. Sorry for bothering you with it.” The teacher came in and they got stuck into the first day of the week back at school.
Sara looked for Jo as they went from class to class but never saw him. She was happy when it got to lunchtime and she would be able to spend some time with him. They saw Mike in the lunch line, but Jo was no where to be seen.
“Hi Mike, where’s Jo?” Sara asked as she looked around to see if he was just running late.
“Hi Sara, hi Sheana. Jo said he had some stuff to do and wouldn’t be able to make it this lunch time.” Sara could tell that Mike knew more than he was letting on, but short of using force, she wasn’t going to find out till one of them wanted to tell her.
They all got their lunch and found a table. Sara felt a little lost without Jo being there, but she ate her lunch and then they all went out to the tree and sat in the shade.
Mike and Sheana didn’t hug, as they didn’t want to make Sara feel any more down than she already looked. Sara was glad when the bell went for the afternoon classes, she was sick of feeling down.
Sandy sat on a bench watching Jenna play with the other kids as they ran from the slide to the swings and then playing in the sandpit. She was just glad to see her having some fun. The only sad part to the day was not having Prue to chat with, she kept looking at the collie next to her and wondered what she was thinking as she watched her keeping an eye on her little sister.
There was a stand at the park that did hot dogs and burgers, so Sandy went and got them all a hot dog and a can of pop. She got a bottle of water and a bowl so Prue could have a drink as well. She took the sausage out of the bun and held it for Prue as she took bites out of it, then she poured some water in the bowl and let Prue have a drink.
Sandy got herself and Jenna an ice cream when they finished the hot dogs, and she shared hers with Prue. Jenna was back on the swings as soon as Sandy said she could.
It was nearly three in the afternoon when Sandy dragged Jenna off the swings and they made their way home. She could see that Jenna was worn out when they did get home, so she took Jenna up to Sara’s room and helped her get washed up. Then she put her on the bed and left to go and sort out something for dinner.
Once she sorted out what she would be doing she went back and made sure Jenna was okay. She found her asleep on the bed with Prue lying next to her. Sandy smiled and then went back to the kitchen to get dinner on and ready for when everyone got home.
Sandy was really beginning to miss having Prue to help her do the meals, but she wasn’t going to try and talk Sara out of her punishment for her. She knew that it would make it look like she was siding with Prue against her own sister. So for now she would just have to put up with doing the dinners on her own for a week. She looked at the time and knew she needed to make a start if dinner was going to be ready in time.
Sara walked with Sheana to the main gates and could only see Mike stood waiting for them. She let out a big sigh and knew that it was all over for her and Jo now.
“Hi Mike, no Jo again?” Sheana asked, as she got to him.
“No sorry. He said he was going to try out for the football team, so he wouldn’t be able to walk home with us.” Mike sounded really nervous so Sara knew it to be a lie, but let it go and just started walking home.
They left Mike at the end of his road and walked the rest of the way to their own house in silence. Sheana didn’t know what to say to try and make Sara feel any better. She couldn’t understand why Jo would want to stop seeing her, they both looked like they were getting on so well.
Sara headed straight upstairs when she got home. Sandy tried to speak to her, but she just ignored her and disappeared out the room.
“What’s wrong with Sara?” She asked Sheana.
“I think Jo broke up with her. He was quiet on the walk to school this morning, and then she didn’t see him again all day. Mike said he was just busy doing other stuff, but he didn’t seem too sure about it.”
“Oh, I see. I’ll try and sit with her later and see if I can help any, but for now I better keep an eye on dinner. Go up and make a start on your homework, and make sure Sara does the same. Mum will be really upset if she starts getting bad grades because of some boy.”
“Okay Sandy, I’ll do my best, but she may not want to think about homework tonight.” Sheana said sounding sorry for Sara.
“I know Sheana, but just do your best. It may do her good to think about something other than Jo right now.”
Sheana made her way upstairs and found Sara just getting changed out of her school uniform. They both put on a pair of denim shorts and a T-shirt then she got her schoolbooks out and did the same for Sara.
They both tried to be quiet, as Jenna was still asleep on the bed. Sara knew what Sheana was trying to do by keeping her mind off thinking about Jo too much.
They both spent the next hour doing homework and then stopped when Sandy poked her head around the door to say that dinner would be ready in ten minutes. They both knew that another half-hour would see it all done, so they would finish it off after they got the pots washed later.
Sara moved over to the bed and gently shook Jenna till she saw her open her eyes. “Jenna, dinner is ready.”
Jenna turned over to look at Sara and stretched. “otay Sara.” Then she smiled at Sara.
Sara waited for Jenna to use the bathroom. Prue had woken and got off the bed, but she just sat off to one side waiting as well.
Prue was looking at Sara and could tell that something was bothering her, but being stuck as a dog meant she couldn’t ask her what it was.
Jenna came back so they all headed down for some dinner. Sandy had done a nice dinner, but Sara just wasn’t that hungry.
Sandy had told mum when she came in what Sheana had said, so she just let Sara eat what she wanted and then let her clear the table with Sheana. They got the pots washed and dried and then went back upstairs to finish their homework.
It took a little longer than half an hour, before they both finished. Then they went back downstairs for a little bit. There was a knock at the front door so Sandy went to see whom it might be she found Michelle stood there.
“Hello Michelle, is everything okay?” Sandy asked.
“Hi Sandy, I’m doing okay thanks. Is Sara in?” Michelle was a little worried how this was going to go. It didn’t help that Jo had done a runner on him right after school.
Sandy led Michelle to the kitchen and said she would go and get Sara for her. Sandy went to the living room. “Sara, Michelle is here, and she wants to have a word with you.” Sandy could tell by the look on Sara’s face that she had a good Idea what Michelle was about to tell her. Sandy put her hand on her sister’s shoulder and said. “I’m sorry Sis, I really thought he was different.” Sara just gave her a weak smile as she was fighting back the tears.
Sara found Michelle sat at the table, she was wearing a light blue T-shirt, and a dark blue skirt that ended just above the knee. She also had on a really nice pair of white boots. “Hi Michelle, You’re looking really nice. I love the boots.”
“Thanks Sara.” Michelle said as she stood up to greet Sara. She looked nervous as she walked over to her.
“Come on Michelle, we’ll go up to my room. We can talk up there better than we can down here.” Sara took Michelle by the hand and then led the way to her room.
Sara led the way to her bed and sat on it, then patted the space next to her for Michelle to sit there. Michelle was looking at her hands as she played with a crease in her skirt.
“It’s okay Michelle, I know what you’re here for. It’s a shame he’s too scared to come and tell me himself.”
“You mean you worked it out yesterday?” Michelle asked.
“No, I worked it out today when he was quiet this morning and then when he wasn’t around at lunchtime. The last piece was him not being at the gate tonight when we left school. Did he really have football try outs, or was he just not willing to see me?”
Michelle let her head drop. “He couldn’t face you Sara, so he left to go home before you and Sheana got out. I’m sorry for lying to you about it all.”
“I know it must be hard for you to come here and tell me all this Michelle. I just hope that our breaking up won’t stop you and Sheana still having a relationship?”
Michelle’s head shot up when she heard what Sara just said. “You’re going to split up with him over this? I thought you would understand why he would want to see what it was like.”
Sara looked a little puzzled at Michelle. “He’s the one that just split with me. What can I do about it?”
“I didn’t come here to break up with you for Jo. What sort of a friend would I be to you if I did, I came here to talk about the fact that Jo wants to see what it’s like to be able to go shopping as a girl. He wants Sheana to make him a ring, he is just scared you won’t want him anymore if he asked you about it.” Michelle took a hold of Sara’s hands and looked at her hoping she would rethink what she just said.
“You mean he wants to go out and do some shopping like we did yesterday?” Sara asked looking a little shocked.
“Yes, he said we all looked so happy and was having so much fun, as the day went on he felt really jealous of how close we all looked. He told me last night as we walked home. I said I would have a word with you about it and see what you thought.”
“Then why was he so cold to me today then, and wouldn’t hang out with me?” Sara was trying not to cry as she thought of him not being there for her today.
“I don’t know Sara, it’s just the way Jo can be sometimes. You mean so much to him Sara that it would kill him to lose you now. He was scared that if he asked you to turn him into a girl, even if it is only to go shopping. That you wouldn’t love him any more.”
“He can be really stupid sometimes can’t he?” Sara said.
“What do you expect from a male.” Michelle rolled her eyes as she replied.
Sara had a tear running down her cheek as she burst out laughing at the way Michelle came out with what she said. She pulled Michelle into a hug when they stopped laughing and then Sara started to cry on her shoulder.
“Just let it all out Sara, I know that Jo will never let you go.” Sara hugged Michelle a little tighter as she tried reassuring her. She was happy that she still had him. She was even happier that he wanted to see what being a girl was like. Sara was snapped away from her thoughts when she heard Michelle ask. “So do we have another member to our shopping trip for next weekend?”
Sara pulled away from her then said, “It looks like we do. I’ll sort out something with Sheana and get a ring made for him, or her.” Sara giggled and Michelle joined in as well.
“Do you want me to give him a call and tell him the good news?” Michelle asked.
“Please do Michelle, and tell him I am not happy with him for making me think I was being dumped.” Sara was wiping away the tears as she spoke.
“Don’t worry about it Sara, I am going to let him know just how close he came to losing you over the way he acted today. I really wasn’t happy with how he treated you at all.” Michelle had got her mobile out as she spoke and then pushed a couple of buttons and was waiting for Jo to pick up.
“Hi Jo its Michelle, I spoke with Sara and you’re in big trouble. She thinks you’ve dumped her.” Sara could hear mumbled shouting at the other end of the phone, then she started talking again. “Well I did tell you not to run away from her today. How else was she going to react. Okay then, yes I am round at her house now. Okay then, see you soon. Bye.” She ended the call and then put her phone in her pocket again.
“He’s on his way round now.” Michelle was grinning.
“I can’t believe you did that Michelle, he must be really worried now.”
“Good, he is getting a taste of how you must have felt most the day.”
Sara went to the bathroom to wash her face and remove the signs she had been crying, or at least do the best she could. Michelle waited for her to finish before they went down to wait for Jo to turn up.
Sara and Michelle had only just made it to the top of the stairs when they heard the doorbell.
Sandy got up to go and see who it was this time, she got a shock when she saw an out of breath Jo stood leaning on the door frame trying to get his breath back.
“You’re the last person I expected to see stood at the door. Or have you finally got up the nerve to finish with Sara yourself, and not get your friend to come around to do it for you!” Sandy was really mad with Jo for upsetting her sister.
“Why would I want to finish with Sara? I love her. Michelle just called me and said that Sara thought I had dumped her, so I ran all the way here to say she is wrong.” Jo sounded desperate as he gasped out of breath.
Sandy was about to say something else, but got stopped when Sara said, “I can take it from here Sis.” Sandy turned to see Michelle and Sara both grinning.
“I’ll let you take it from here then Sis.” Sandy hugged Sara as she went back to the living room to carry on watching the movie that Jenna had asked to watch.
“Hello Jo, how did the football try out go?” Sara asked with just a hint of sarcasm.
Jo had been watching both Sara and Michelle walk down the hallway, till Sara said that. Now he was looking at the floor. “I’m sorry Sara, I’ve been a real jerk to you today.” He was still stood just outside the front door, so Sara pulled him into the house and shut the door. She kept hold of his hand and led him to the kitchen and then sat him down in a chair at the table and jumped on his knee.
He still wouldn’t make eye contact with her, till she lifted his head with her finger. He found himself looking right into her eyes, he felt like he could look into them forever. “Michelle told me why you have been acting so odd today, why didn’t you tell me yesterday? I love the idea of you coming out shopping with us as a girl. I love the idea that you’re open to the idea.”
“Do you really mean that Sara? I was scared you would dump me when you found out.” Jo looked a little happier now Sara had explained.
“Yes I do you big dumb ox.” Sara planted a long kiss on him to show how much she really loved him. He just sat grinning when they broke apart.
Michelle saw Sheana poke her head around the door and smile when she saw her sister kissing Jo. Michelle held her arms open, so Sheana ran to them with a grin on her face and she sat on Michelle’s knee. “Hi babe, I’ve missed you.” Sheana said as she kissed her.
“I’ve missed you too Sheana, but I did get the happy couple back together, so I think it was worth it.” Michelle said with a smile.
“You’ve earned a reward for that Michelle.“ Sheana pulled her head up to hers and then planted a kiss on her lips.
“You two should fall out more often if I get treated like this when I get you back together.” Michelle was grinning as she spoke, which got the others all laughing.
“I have no plans to upset my baby any time soon, so you will just have to find some other way to get your rewards Michelle.” Jo said as he stole another kiss from Sara.
“Poop! You can be such a spoil sport Jo.” Michelle replied, sticking her tongue out at him.
Sara and Sheana both laughed and Jo just sat there with a big grin on his face. Sara slid off Jo’s knee and got them all a drink of juice and then sat on Jo’s knee again.
Sandy came into the kitchen a little later and was happy to see Sara and Jo back to nomal. “Jo, I am sorry for snapping at you when you first got here. I was just looking out for my sister.”
“Don’t be sorry Sandy, I was being an ass today, so I asked for everything I got.”
“May I ask what had you acting in such a way Jo?” Sandy asked with a little worry in her voice.
Jo went a little red in the face and didn’t really know what to say, but he was saved when Sara said, “I’ll fill you in later Sis.”
Sandy looked at Sara and got the message that Jo wasn’t really comfortable talking about it. “Oh, okay then. Well I am just happy to see you all back to your old selves. Or not as the case is, apart from you Jo who still is his old self.” Sandy stopped speaking when she realised that none of them except Jo were their old selves. “You all know what I am trying to say!” Sandy shouted as she turned around and left the kitchen.
The others all looked at each other and knew what she was trying to say, but couldn’t find the right words to say it. Then they all started to laugh.
Jo and Michelle stopped there for another hour, Sara said she would sit and work out what she wanted Jo to look like as a girl and then get Sheana to charm a ring for him. Then each kissed their partner and then returned to the living room.
Mum and Sandy were sat on one of the sofa’s with Jenna snuggled up between them, and Prue was lying on the floor looking sorry for herself. Sara later found out that Mum had told her to keep off the furniture while she was a dog.
They all sat watching telly for a little longer and then Sara picked up a sleepy Jenna and took her up to bed. Sheana pulled the covers back and then covered her up when Sara put her in. They both got ready for bed and settled down for the night.
Sara felt a little odd in the morning when she woke and couldn’t feel the weight of Prue on her feet. When she looked down at the end of the bed, Prue wasn’t there. She looked down the side of the bed and saw her asleep on the rug. She let out a sigh and then went to get a shower before she had to get ready for school.
Sheana walked in the bathroom still trying to rub the sleep from her eyes, as Sara got out the shower. She hugged her good morning and then left to dry her hair. She found Jenna sat on the floor hugging Prue and looked a little sad.
“Morning Jenna. You don’t look very happy, is everything okay?” Sara asked as she bent down to where Jenna was sat.
“Not weally. I miss hugging my sister, and she not like being stuck as a doggy.”
Sara wanted to say something, but couldn’t think of the right thing to say, so she just stood up again and walked over to her dressing table and made a start on drying her hair. She was glad that she could block Jenna from reading her mind now, because if she could have read her thoughts, she would have know that Sara was really missing having Prue to chat with.
Sheana wanted to have a go at doing her own hair this morning, so Sara left her to it and went to take Jenna down to get some breakfast, but she said she would wait for Sheana. Sara got the impression that Jenna and Prue were really beginning to hate Sara, so she left them to wait for Sheana and went down to see if Sandy was up yet.
Sandy had made Gypsy toast this morning and knew that Sara really loved it. She knew that Sara had entered the Kitchen when she heard her belly make an odd noise. She turned and saw it was Sara, Sandy also saw the sad look on her face. “Morning Sis, you don’t look very happy. I thought you got everything sorted out with Jo? So why the long face?”
“It’s not Jo, I think Jenna and Prue really hate me Sis.” Sara sounded really depressed. She sat at the table and put her head in her hands.
“Sara, you can’t do what you did and then expect them to still be really friendly with you.” Sandy had come and sat next to Sara and pulled her into a hug. Sara took the hug and felt a little better.
“Do you think I’m being too hard on them both Sis?” Sara asked as she looked up at her big sister.
“I think keeping Prue as a dog for a whole week is a little hard, but I do think they needed to be punished. Mum and I think it’s a really good one you thought up for them both.”
“Mum didn’t look too happy yesterday when she first found out.” Sara pulled herself away from Sandy and sat back up again so she could look at Sandy better as they talked.
“You’re just growing up a little quicker than mum would like Sara, and now you’re a girl she worries more about you. It’s just mum being mum.”
“I guess you’re right Sis. Oh and for the record, I’m not planning one keeping Prue as a dog for the whole week, I just said that to worry them both. I’m going to take the collar off tonight when I get home from school.” Sara smiled a little.
“I’m glad to hear that Sis, I’ve missed having Prue to chat with.” Sandy said as she got up to go and make a start on the Gypsy toast.
“I know what you mean Sis, I’ve been a little lost. I hate it when she pulls away from me when I go to stroke her. That really hurts me when she does.”
“I’m sure she will be okay with you again once you let her become human again. I do think you picked a really nice breed of dog for her to spend her time as.”
“I’ve always liked Collie’s their just such a beautiful dog. I wanted Prue to look her best for her Punishment.”
“That’s what I love about you Sara. Even though you are handing out punishment, you still think about them in a caring way.” Sandy gave her a quick hug as she put the plate of food down in front of her.
“Did Jenna have a good time at the park yesterday?” Sara asked.
“She really did Sara. Thanks for doing that for her, she was really down on Sunday being stuck in all day, and not having you or Sheana here made it worse.”
“Got anything planned for today then Sis?” Sara asked.
“I’ve got a couple of idea’s, but I will save telling you about them till tonight. I can just tell you how it all went then.” Sandy was grinning.
Sheana walked in just then with Jenna holding her hand and Prue walking just behind looking a little sad. They both looked at Sara then looked away again.
Sara finished her Breakfast and then went up to get ready for school, she didn’t like how frosty it suddenly got in the kitchen. She wanted to just take the collar off then, but she wasn’t going to give in to them being like this with her.
She was just putting her tie on when Sheana entered the bedroom. “You okay Sara?”
“I’ll be okay Sheana, it’s just getting a little too much with the way Prue and Jenna are acting towards me. I’m beginning to think I went a little overboard with it all and they both really hate me now.”
“I thought the whole point to this punishment was to make them suffer in some way?” Sheana was a little puzzled why Sara was feeling the way she was.
“It is Sheana, but its not who I am. I just don’t like being hated.” Sara sounded really down about it all.
Sheana walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. “I know it’s not who you are Sis, but they needed to learn a lesson. Cruel to be kind, I think that is how the saying goes. Am I right?”
“Yes you are Sis. Thanks for being here for me.” Sara hugged Sheana back and then she helped her get ready for school.
Sandy had made Jenna some Gypsy toast and then done some for Prue and she sat feeding it to her as Jenna ate hers. Prue liked this more than yesterday when Sandy just dropped it on the floor for her.
Prue was a little shocked that she hadn’t had any blood urges since Sara put the collar on, so she worked out that Sheana must have blocked them when she cast the spell. Prue saw Sara and Sheana come back into the kitchen dressed for school.
Sheana bent down and hugged Prue. “Bye Prue, have a good day and keep an eye on your sister.” She then stroked her head before heading over to Jenna. “I’ll see you later Jenna, you be a good little girl for Sandy and I will see you tonight when I get home from School.” She then gave Jenna a hug.
Sara just gave Sandy a hug and headed towards the front door, she knew that Prue and Jenna hated her so she didn’t even try to talk to them. Prue just let out a whine as she watched her leave the kitchen, but Sara never looked back till she was out the room, but when she did look back, Prue was sure she saw a tear in Sara’s eye. Prue realised at that point that this punishment was hurting Sara as much as it was her and Jenna.
Before she had time to move, she heard the front door shut, and she knew that it was too late to let Sara know that she wasn’t upset with her.
Sandy slumped down at the kitchen table next to Jenna. She had seen Prue looking at Sara as she left and the fact she went to go to her when she heard the front door close, and then she just sat down again and let out another little whine.
“You otays Sandy? You look and feel sad.” Jenna asked.
“Not really Jenna. I’m worried about Sara, she thinks you and Prue hate her for what she has done.”
“I upset with her, but I not hate her. I just feels bad that I can’t see my sister and she not able to hugs me.”
“That is what a punishment is Jenna, you realise what you can lose by doing something silly. The down side is that Sara is getting punished as well in more ways than one over it all. This isn’t who she really is, so please don’t hold it against her.”
Prue looked up at Jenna and then barked at her. Jenna looked down and then said, “Otay Sis, I sorry. I hug and make her feels better tonights.” Prue barked again and then rested her head on Jenna’s lap.
Sandy looked at Jenna and then Prue. “I take it Prue doesn’t want you upset with Sara any more as well?”
“Prue make me realise that’s we could be’s out on the street again, or de bad men could’s have me if nots for Sara. Sis say she sorry too’s for not letting Sara stroke hers.”
Sandy smiled then said, “I’m glad you’re both going to forgive her for the punishment, and bare in mind that if you had trusted us from the start, you would both be okay now.” Both Prue and Jenna wouldn’t make eye contact with Sandy at that moment.
Sandy cleared away the breakfast pots and then set about washing them, but had an idea and got a chair from the table and then stood Jenna on it. “You wash, and I will wipe. Do you want to do that Jenna?”
Jenna had a big grin on her face and set to work washing the pots. Sandy left out any sharp things like knives, she didn’t want Jenna to hurt herself as she did them. Prue sat watching Jenna have a good time with Sandy, she wished it was her stood playing with the bubbles and making Jenna giggle. Prue was really hating this punishment, she wondered if she was going to be able to make it till next Monday morning. She realised that Sara really understood people and knew how to make a point.
Once the pots were all done, Sandy lifted Jenna down and then took her upstairs to put some dry clothes on. Prue followed behind.
Sara and Sheana had met up with the boys and were on their way to school. Jo was his old self, which made Sara feel and act a lot happier than she had been yesterday.
“You okay Sara? You seem a little down still, Am I still in trouble for yesterday?” Jo asked looking a little worried.
“No Jo, everything is fine with us, I am just a little down over the punishment I set for Prue. Not sure I did the right thing now, she said she was sorry and I punished her anyway.”
“You needed to make a point Sara, sometimes it’s tough I know, but your heart is in the right place. Prue and Jenna will see that later, but it could have turned out a lot worse if it had been Sandy that took Jenna to the shop. Sandy would be dead and Jenna would be nothing more than some lab rat now. Not to mention we would have one very pissed off demon slayer on our hands.” Jo had his arm around Sara, so he pulled her in for a little hug.
“When you put it that way Jo, I guess I did have to make a point, but I still don’t like what I did.” Sara rested her head on Jo’s shoulder as they walked to school.
“How long are you planning to keep Prue as a dog anyway?” Jo asked.
“I told her till next Monday morning, but I am going to take it off tonight. I’ve made my point, I can sense that Prue really just wants to be able to talk to people and hug Jenna. And I don’t see any fun in making Prue or Jenna suffer too much.”
“That is why I love you so much Sara, you’re just all heart. But remind me never to upset you.” Jo laughed.
“Well I wasn’t very happy with you yesterday Jo.” Sara lifted her head off his shoulder and gave him an evil grin.
Jo looked worried and then asked Mike a question to try and change the subject. “Mike did you have any luck with the codes, and cracking into the signal from the cameras at the school?”
“Yep, the codes work fine and we can watch what ever they watch, but I will need to get some hi tech gear to be able to form a loop feed so we can view the footage before they do.” Mike said looking a little worried.
“Won’t there be a lot of footage to go through everyday? How do you plan to keep us out of the images?” Sara asked.
“Not as much as you think Sara. They have no idea what you look like and that they’re looking for two magic source’s not one. With that in mind they had to put the cameras up every place in the school, but we can pick a couple of routes to travel around the school. So then I only have to delay the feed in those area’s.” Mike was smiling at the cool plan he’d come up with.
“That is a really good idea Mike, I’m glad you’re on my side.” Sara grinned.
“One thing to remember. If you do have to use any of your powers then make a note of where you did it and at what time. That way I can find the footage and delete it. I’ve also set up a spy in their computer system that will send any data to a server my dad has at a huge hub. It’s impossible to find and they will never be able to spot it. I’ll be able to keep an eye on what their doing and let you know if they are getting close to you or the others.”
“Are you sure they won’t find out your spying on them Mike? I don’t want you getting hurt.” Sara asked, sounding worried for Mike.
“Not a chance of that Sara, they have links to all the vans out in the field, all I am doing is collecting the data as it is passed around. Thanks to the codes you gave me, they will never know. If we did what I wanted to do and attack them, then they would have been on to us right away.”
“In that case then, we stick to watching and protecting. I will only fight them as a last resort.” Sara said.
“I did read that they have doubled their teams and are looking for you now Sara, but they have no idea what you look like, or what you are. They are under orders to use stun guns and something called Electro nets to catch you if they find you.” Mike sounded a little puzzled at some of the stuff they would be using.
“The shield that Sheana charmed me with, was disabled for a short time when they stunned me. They must think that hitting me with more of the same will keep me from being able to fight back.” Sara didn’t sound to bothered about it.
“Sara, if they have a way to stop you then don’t you think you should be a little worried?” Jo asked sounding a little pissed.
“They just think they have a way, but Sheana fixed it the same night I got stunned. If they try it again the shield will build up a charge and then send a blast back at them while I stay perfectly safe.”
“So they will really be making the shield stronger the more power they feed into it?” Mike said with a chuckle.
“I wish you would keep me up to date on all this stuff babe.” Jo said sounding a little happier knowing that his girl is fully protected.
They were getting close to school so they stopped all the talk about the men in black as they had started calling them. To anyone watching them enter the school, they all just looked like the rest of the kids ready for another day of learning. They all agreed to a place to meet at lunchtime, and Jo got some stick from Sara about whether or not he would turn up. He just took it with a smile and kissed Sara saying sorry for yesterday. Then they left Sara and Sheana to enter their own class.
Back at home Sandy had got Jenna dressed in some dry clothes and was just putting the wet clothes in the wash basket. “What do you want to do today Jenna?”
“I not know Sandy, you have any idea’s?” Jenna asked looking hopeful.
“I do have one, but I’m not to sure you would really want to do it.” Sandy said with a grin.
“What, what? Sandy!” Jenna was jumping up and down on the spot, clapping her hands together.
“Well if you turn around I will show you, but no peaking Jenna.”
“Otay, but I not like to be kept waiting Sandy. Will I like it?”
“I hope so Jenna, but I will let you decide. Now turn around and let me show you what I have in mind.”
Jenna turned around and waited for Sandy to tell her she can turn around again. She was good and never once turned around, not till she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw the same little girl she saw in the mirror yesterday when Sandy put the ribbon in her hair.
“Sandy is dat you?” Jenna asked with a grin on her face.
“Yes, it me Jenna. Can I play with you as little Sandy today?” Sandy asked with a grin.
Jenna answered the question with a big hug and a giggle. “I love that Sandy, will you play dolly’s with me and have a tea party?”
“Yep, we play lots of fun games Jenna, but you need to show me how. I’ve not been a little girl in some time now.” Sandy replied, sounding cute.
Prue had watched as Sandy put the ribbon in her hair and then started to get smaller and her clothes changed to match her new size and age. She was happy that Sandy was willing to spend the day as a little girl to keep her sister happy.
Jenna took Sandy by the hand and then led her over to her doll collection and they started to play with them, then they had a tea party later. They even got Prue to give them horse rides around the bedroom.
It was soon lunch time and Jenna thought that Sandy was going to become big Sandy as she led Jenna by the hand down to the kitchen, but she just opened the fridge door and took out a couple of paper plates and a couple of glasses of milk.
“Here you go Jenna, I make us lunch before I became little.” Sandy said with a grin. “Don’t feel left out Prue, I make you one too.” Sandy pulled out a third plate and sat feeding Prue as she ate her own. Jenna soon got in on the act and they both sat feeding Prue and then themselves. Prue gave them both a good tongue bath to thank them for the food and they both giggled.
They all went back upstairs and played for a little longer, but they both got tired and got on Sara’s bed and fell asleep. Prue got up on the bed with them and watched over them as they slept.
Sara and Sheana met up with Jo and Mike at lunchtime and they had a really great time. Sara had really missed Jo yesterday, for the first time since becoming Sara, she’d felt like she used to as Simon, and she didn’t like it. They chatted about music and some of the teachers they had, but soon lunch was over and they all headed back to school for the afternoon lessons.
Jo and mike were waiting at the gate come home time and they all walked home together. “Do you want to get together later and do something Sara? “Jo asked.
“I’d like to, but I want to work on what look I want for Josie with Sheana.” Sara said with a sad look on her face.
Jo just looked a little puzzled then said, “Who is Josie?”
“Your female alter ego Silly.” Sara said as she pulled him into a hug and kissed him.
“So you think I look like a Josie then?” Jo asked with a smile.
“Not yet, but when I’m done with you, you will.” Sara was grinning.
“You’re not going to make me look like some blonde bimbo are you Sara?” Jo looked a little worried.
“So you think that all blondes are bimbos do you?” Sara sounded a little pissed with what Jo had just said. “If you haven’t noticed Jo, we are both blonde.”
“I didn’t mean it like that Sara, I was just worried that you would want some pay back for me upsetting you yesterday. I just don’t want to be some tall skinny woman with large breasts and no brain. I think you and Sheana are really smart and good looking.” Jo was really worried now, he had just pissed of the two girls that could make him look like anything they wanted.
Sara and Sheana were just looking at him with an evil look in their eyes, but then they both burst out laughing. “The look on your face Jo.” Sara said between laughs.
“You little witch! You had me really worried there for a minute.” Jo said as he let out a big sigh.
“She’s the witch, I just slay things.” Sara said with a smile.
The boys walked the girls to the end of their road and watched as they parted and walked away down the road, then they made their way home themselves.
Sara saw Sandy’s car parked out front so she never got her key out, but the door was locked. She got her key out and unlocked the door and made her way to the kitchen, but there was no one there, so she looked in the living room and that was empty too. Both girls made their way upstairs and looked in Sandy’s room, but that was also empty. So she made her way to her own room with Sheana walking close behind. She poked her head around the door and could see Jenna asleep on the bed. As they entered the room and got closer to the bed, they saw another little girl sleeping next to her.
Sara and Sheana both knew that the little girl was the one that they had come up with for Jenna, so they worked out it must be Sandy. They looked at each other and smiled as they both realised that Sandy must have spent the day as a little girl to keep Jenna Company.
Prue opened her eyes as she realised that some one had entered the room, she looked up and saw Sara and Sheana stood there. Prue moving made Sandy wake up, she turned to see what Prue was looking at and saw the two girls stood there. She looked at the clock and saw that she had slept longer than she thought she would.
She slipped out of bed and then untied the ribbon and waited for the spell to wear off. She was soon back to her normal self. “Oh God Sara, Sheana. I lost all track of time. I will never have dinner ready on time now.” Sandy wailed sounding panicked.
“Don’t worry about it Sis, you don’t have to do big fancy dinners every night of the week. I saw some cold cuts of meat in the fridge, so why not just do a salad and I’m sure we have some sort of potato product in the Freezer you can do with it. If you give me ten minutes to get changed I will give you a hand.” Sara gave Sandy a hug to help calm her down.
“Thanks Sara that is a great idea, but what about your homework?”
“I don’t have much, and I can do it later. I’ll let Sheana do hers now, then I can do mine while Jenna and Prue are downstairs watching telly after dinner. I’m not in the mood for the cold shoulder tonight.” Sara sounded really down over the whole Prue and Jenna thing.
“Sandy just hoped that Jenna woke and gave Sara that hug she said she would give her soon. Prue jumped down off the bed but was a little too late to catch Sara before she went into the bathroom and shut the door.
Prue was trying to wake Jenna when Sara came out the bathroom. Sara looked over at them quickly but then made her way to the bedroom door to go help Sandy sort dinner out. “You sure you don’t need a hand Sara?” Sheana asked.
“I’ll be fine Sis, just get your homework done now, and I will get mine done later. You can spend sometime with Jenna then.” Sara sounded so sad when she said that. Prue could see how hurt she was feeling about the thought of her and Jenna hating her, she just wanted to tell her how wrong she was.
Prue finally got Jenna to wake up and she sat up on the bed and saw Sheana sat doing her homework, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked to see if little Sandy was still around, but she was gone. She slid off the bed and went to see if Sara was in the bathroom, but it was empty. She used the toilet while she was in there and then went to find out where Sara was.
“Hellos Sheana. You know where Sara be’s?”
“She is helping Sandy sort dinner out, she slept a little longer than she wanted to and Sara said she would help her fix something. I think she is also trying to give you and Prue some space, as she knows your both upset with her for what she did to Prue.”
“Prue tell me off for how I treated Sara this morning. I not want Sara sad with me Sheana. I love Sara, like I’s love you.” Jenna had a tear in her eye.
Sheana turned her chair and lifted Jenna up onto her knee. “I know Sara will be happy to hear that Jenna, she really does think the world of you and Prue.”
“Can I go tell her now Sheana?” Jenna asked looking hopeful.
“I think it best you leave it till after dinner, she is busy and I don’t think we should make dinner any later than it is going to be already.” Jenna was about to speak, but her belly rumbled. “See what I mean, your belly thinks it’s a good idea to let them sort out dinner.” Sheana giggled which set Jenna off as she held her belly.
Sara and Sandy got stuck in sorting out everything for dinner, and Sara told Sandy why Jo was being so odd at school the day before and what they were going to do. Sandy thought that it was a great idea for Jo to have some fun as a girl, and she liked him that little bit more for it. Not many guys would want to get even closer to their girlfriend.
Once everything was ready Sandy went and told the others while Sara sat and made a start on eating hers so she could go and get her homework done so she could sit with Sheana and make the ring that would turn Jo into Josie.
Dinner was quiet and, Mum could see that Sara was trying to not make eye contact with Jenna or Prue. Sheana and Sandy would keep giving Prue little bits of food from their plates and the dishes on the table as the meal went on.
Sara was finished before everyone else so she asked to be excused from the dinner table so she could go and do her homework. Sandy had already told Mum why she didn’t do it when she got home so she let her leave the table and she didn’t have to worry about the pots as she had helped with dinner. Sandy and Jenna washed, and Sheana and Karen wiped.
As much as Jenna liked playing in water and helping with the pot washing, all she really wanted to do is go and see Sara. She had been so down through dinner that Jenna could feel all the sadness that Sara was feeling. Even Prue could feel it, but stuck as a dog, there was very little she could do about it.
Prue could see that Jenna wasn’t going to be able to go up and see Sara any time soon, so she went to see if she could try and make Sara see that she wasn’t upset with her. She pushed the bedroom door open with her nose and saw Sara sat at her desk doing her homework. She walked over to her and sat waiting for Sara to see her, but Sara was miles away in some daydream.
Sara was trying to do her homework, but all this trouble with how Jenna and Prue were treating her had got her all mixed up. She was day dreaming when she felt a weight on her lap that made her jump. When she looked down she saw Prue with her head rested on her lap. She was looking up at her with sad eyes.
“Is something wrong Prue?” Sara asked as she looked down at Prue. Prue just let out a whine and then rubbed her head along Sara’s lap.
Sara reached out her hand to stroke her, but then stopped. Prue was hoping she was going to stroke her, but was sad when she stopped and moved her hand away again.
Prue lifted her head and then barked at her, this made Sara jump back and put her arms up out the way. She thought Prue was about to bite her. Prue dropped her head back on Sara’s lap and slid it up and down her leg again. Prue saw Sara’s hand move towards her head again and she closed her eyes waiting for her to stroke her head, but there was still nothing. Then all of a sudden she felt her playing with the collar and she felt it being removed.
Prue opened her eyes and saw Sara putting the collar on top of the textbook she had been working from to do her homework. Prue soon morphed into her human form and fell on the floor when she tried to stand up, she tried to speak but couldn’t.
“Don’t worry Prue, you voice will return in about half an hour, and you will be able to walk and use your arms around the same time. Sheana told me that because you have been stuck as a dog for so long, it would take a little time for you to recover.”
Just then Jenna burst into the room to find Sara, but on seeing her sister sat on the floor. She ran over to her and threw her arms around her and started to cry.
Sara was happy to see Jenna hugging Prue, so she got up and left, to give them some time alone. “Jenna, she will be back to normal in around thirty minutes.” Then Sara left.
Sara found Sandy in the kitchen making a pot of tea for her and Mum. “I’ve taken the collar off Prue, so you have you friend back now.” Sara sat at the kitchen table and opened the textbook again and carried on doing her homework.
“I take it by the long face still that it didn’t go to well with her then once she was her human self?” Sandy asked.
“Sheana said it would take around half an hour for her to be able to walk again and speak. Jenna came in just after she became human again, so I left them to spend some time together. I’m really not in the mood for the two of them being upset with me.”
Sandy wanted to tell her to go back up, but thought that Prue and Jenna would be down soon enough. So she just left Sara to finish her homework. It only took her fifteen minutes to finish it all up so she closed the book and then went to sit with Sandy and Mum in the living room. Sheana had gone up to make sure Prue was okay.
Sara had only been sat in the living room for ten minutes when she saw Sheana, Jenna and Prue walk in. Sandy jumped up and hugged Prue, and Jenna was looking really happy again now. Sara slipped out the room why they were all hugging and took her schoolbooks back upstairs. She didn’t feel like she had any right to be part of the happy scene. So she put her books away and then just got on the bed.
Prue broke the hug with Sandy and turned to speak to Sara, but found she had gone. Sandy turned when she saw the odd look on Prue’s face and she only just realised that Sara had left the room. “Where did she go?” Sandy asked.
“I guess she must have gone back upstairs. I think she’s trying to keep out your way Prue.” Sandy said sounding sorry for how Sara must have been feeling.
Prue took Jenna by the hand and then led her off upstairs so they could sort out things with Sara once and for all. Prue poked her head around the door and could see Sara lying on the bed with her back to them.
Sara felt someone sit on the bed, she turned over expecting to see Sheana sat there, but was shocked when she saw Prue. She was even more shocked when she saw Jenna jump up on the bed and lie next to her. Sara saw Jenna’s hand move out the corner of her eye, she closed her them waiting for Jenna to slap her face for what she did to her sister, but Jenna just hugged her then she opened her eyes just as Jenna leaned in and kissed her cheek.
“I love you Sara. I sorry for being mean to you dis morning.”
Sara looked at Jenna, and was shocked at what she just said. She just burst out crying. Jenna looked at Prue with a worried look on her face, she wondered if she might have said the wrong thing, but Prue knew that she had said the right thing. Prue got on the bed behind Sara and Jenna was still in front, they both hugged her and waited for her to stop crying.
It was nearly ten minutes before Sara did stop crying. She slid out of the hug and went to the bathroom to blow her nose and put some water on her face. When she got back to the bedroom, she found Prue and Jenna sat side by side waiting for her to get back.
Prue patted the bed between her and Jenna, so Sara shuffled over to it and sat down like the naughty child that got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “I’m sorry Prue, and Jenna. It was really wrong of me to do what I did. I know you must really hate me Prue.” Sara was fighting back the tears again now.
“I was angry at first, but I had a lot of time to think. And I came to realise that if you hadn’t been there, they would now have Jenna and I would be dead, or part of some new field test so they could work out whether a new weapon really works.” Prue put her arm around Sara and pulled her into a hug. “With your punishment I could see Jenna, but not hug her or protect her. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t even see her again. That would really kill me Sara, so thank you for making me see what I could have lost.”
“It doesn’t really make me feel any better about what I did Prue. I’m not cut out for that sort of thing.”
“I could see that Sara, and all I wanted to do is hug you and say that it was all okay, and I understood what you were trying to make me see. I also knew that Jenna was going to be safe while I was being punished, even if you thought that she hated you. I knew that you would do what ever it took to protect her.”
“You know I would do that for her and you Prue.” Sara said as a tear ran down her cheek.
“I know you would Sara, I know you would.” Prue had tears running down her cheek now as well.
Sara lifted Jenna onto her knee so she had a leg running down each side of her and she was facing her. “I love you Jenna, and would never let any one harm you. I hope you know that.”
“I knows Sara, dat is why I loves you so much. I’s just sorry for dis morning. Prue says I bad girl for doing dat.” Jenna hugged Sara so hard it felt like she was scared of losing her again.
“So are we okay again then now Jenna?” Sara pulled Jenna’s face away from herself so she could look her in the eyes.
“Yes Sara! I never want argue with you again!” Jenna shouted as she clung to Sara.
“I think she missed being able to hug you Sara, she told me she thought it would have looked bad on me if she kept hugging you while I was being punished. I really did learn my lesson Sara, but why did you end it early?”
“I never did plan on keeping you trapped as a dog for a whole week, I just wanted you to feel like it would be too much for you to take.” Sara told Prue as she rested her cheek on the top of Jenna’s head.
Prue put her arms around Jenna and Sara and hugged them both. All three of them looked at the bedroom door when they heard a snuffle, they found Sandy, Sheana, and Mum all stood there with tears in their eyes. The smiles on their face said they understood why Sara did what she did, and that Prue and Jenna really did still love her.
Sara decided it was too late to make a start on the ring for Jo, so they would do it tomorrow night instead. She also needed Mike to make a list of stuff he needed to sort out the camera feed at School. So she could try and get Hypatia to help them out. Sara was planning on Hypatia wanting the info that Mike could get and work a trade.
Sara fell asleep that night with Jenna cuddled up to her and Sheana cuddled up to Jenna. Prue was back in her wolf form and asleep at the bottom of the bed and keeping Sara’s feet warm. Funny how she had missed it the night before, she lay there thinking how much her life had changed in a couple of weeks. And it was all down to one simple Wish.
To Be Continued Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
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To Make A Wish (Revised, Reformatted, Reposted) Chapter 06
Waiting for new chapters.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The collar
The collar seems to have had a permanent effect as long as it's being worn, unlike the rings Sheanna has been making which have had limited time of effect. Does it use Prue's own shapeshifting ability, are animal forms easier than human forms to maintain, is it because it's locked to Sara or Sheanna and nobody else, or is there another explanation for how it can last that long?
The Spell on Prue's collar
The spell works different on Prue because she is already a supernatural being to begine with, therefore once Sara had put the collar around her neck, Prue is trapped in that form until the collar is removed. That's how I like to think it works anyway :)
Hugs and Love
It seems to me that Sara has developed a bit of a mean streak. The collar would be the straw that broke the camel's back for me. It's time a means was found to rein her in a bit.
BTW, who are Jessica and Betty?
Karen J.
* * *
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. - Winston Churchill
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Jessica rabbit and Betty boop.
Sara made the two solders think it was Jessica rabbit and Betty boop that tied them up in the back of their own van. I thought I made that pretty clear.
Mean streak...
I don't think it's so much a mean streak as a desire to drive home the trust point viscerally. Given Prue and Jenna's history, it's not such a stretch to imagine them slipping back into the pattern of solitary survival developed over years on the run. It does certainly seem mean on the surface and definitely unpleasant for Prue and Jenna, but all hard lessons are. I'm not saying I necessarily agree with the punishment or its necessity but remember that Sara isn't privy to all the information we have about Prue and Jenna's inner thoughts, either.
I don't think Sara is going to need too much reining in - consider how much it tore her up inside doing the punishment thing. I think her own conscience and nature, combined with her extended family, will probably be enough to keep any tendancies to the extreme in check as much as anything else could. Also consider that the punishment itself was rather benign, if maybe a bit reckless.
I'm looking forward to catching up on the rest of the story. There have been a few subtle things along the way that make me think this is going to be a wild ride.
Erm, is that SOP for the UK army to try to forcibly
... conscript all those who are different or can be 'useful' to them? I thought that was the province of the Royal Navy ;-).
In that sense this is all kinda bizarre as if this is happening then Sara can just go to the plod and say while she is at school she is being harassed by persons unknown ( even if she actually do know who they are ) and put those army nutters on the defensive that way. Harassment of children by the army in a Daily Mail or Guardian headline will not be good for them. I do recall that Sara's second wish was to give her full documentation so there will be no background issues keeping her from fouling up the army's plans this way.
That would give Sara away as the slayer.
I can see the point you're trying to make Kimmie, but if Sara starts shouting and telling people that she's being harrassed, then that will tip off the MIB's as to who she is and then they will track down Prue, Jenna and Sheana.
It also never works out to well for the good guys in the movies when they go to the police. :)
Also the human and supernatural world don't want the masses to know about them in that way, so both sides would want to stop the papers finding out, but more about this will be explained in future chapters.
Thanks for reading the story and helping to keep me on my toes :)
Hugs and Love