To Make A Wish Chapter 27

 © September 2007-2012

Chapter Twenty Seven


    Sara was in shock at the news of the men in black setting up a mission to watch her and Sheana, but she was also trying to remember who was around them on Friday at school when she had her blow out at Jo. Sara suddenly found herself reliving that part of the day on Friday, as she pulled Sheana, Michelle and Josie into it with her.

     “What’s going on?” Jo’s voice asked as they found themselves all sat under the tree at school.

     “I’m trying to work out who could have seen us and then reported back to the men in black about what they saw.” Sara explained as she started to look around.

    Jo, Michelle and Sheana all did the same. It was just like being back at school for real, the sun felt warm where it poked through the leafs of the tree they were under, and they could feel the breeze on their faces as they looked around.

     “I don’t see any teachers anywhere.” Jo said.

     “I see some of the other students watching, but none of them could be a spy, could they?” Michelle asked with worry in her voice.

     “No, not a student, but it would have to be someone new, someone we wouldn’t have seen before.” Sara said as she looked around for any sign of something they were missing. “Someone like that!” Sara suddenly shouted as she pointed to the man pretending to look busy pruning some bushes while he kept looking over at them under the tree.

     “A maintenance man?” Josie said it like Sara had lost her mind. “You think a maintenance man is one of the Commanders undercover agents?”

     “Why not?” Sara snapped back at Josie. “We just instantly assumed that all the people The Commander was sending into the school were teachers, but what if one or maybe more of them were just like him?” Sara asked as she pointed at the man now paused in Sara’s version of an instant replay from Friday lunchtime at school.

     “Sara’s right.” Michelle said after giving it some thought. “We did just assume they would all be teachers, but it would make more sense to have a couple in other places as well. I bet he has someone working in the main office as well.” Michelle added.

     “We better go down and let your mum know about all this Sara.” Josie said.

     “She won’t be happy about it.” Sara said looking more worried about facing her mother, than she did about facing a vampire.

     “True, but she might have some idea as to how we get them off your back before they see something we don’t want them to.” Josie said sounding sensible for once.

     “You should become Josie more often.” Sara smiled. “You seem much smarter than Jo.” Sara giggled just before she kissed a growling Josie.

     “Maybe because she’s only thinking with the one brain.” Michelle said with a grin as she looked down at Josie’s groin.

     “What is this, pick on Josie day?” Josie pouted as she cuddled into Sara for protection from the mean words. Josie soon found herself in the middle of a group hug.

    Sara was soon picking up Jenna who had been sat playing with a couple of cuddly toys on the bed while the others spoke., then they all left the bedroom to go and see if Karen and the others had any advice about stopping the men in black from spying on Sara and Sheana .

And now the story continues...

    Karen was sat talking with Prue and Sandy when she saw Sara walk into the room with Jenna in her arms and Sheana, Michelle and Josie following close behind. It didn’t take much working out judging by the looks on their faces, that something was wrong.

     “What’s happened?” Karen asked, cutting Prue off mid sentence.

     “Michelle just checked to see what the men in black are up to, and it looks like they’re planning to start a new mission in the morning.” Sara said looking nervous.

     “And what is this new mission?” Karen asked, not sure she wanted to hear the answer.

     “The new mission is going to be watching me and Sheana to see if we might be the slayer and her witch friend.” Sara said just before she started chewing on her bottom lip.

    Karen tried to keep calm as she took a couple of deep breaths. “How do you think they got onto you both?” Karen finally asked.

     “We think that not all The Commanders spies are teachers. A maintenance man saw me jump on Jo, he said I did it with unnatural speed and then held him down afterwards.” Sara explained.

    “Sounds a little desperate to me.” Prue said.

     “Yes, but even a fool can get lucky.” Karen pointed out just how close to the truth they could be if they kept looking at Sara and Sheana. “We need to get them off you and Sheana before they have time to take a proper look.” Karen added as she looked to be deep in thought.

     “You need to get the Slayer and Sara in the same place at the same time.” Sandy said.

     “And just how do we do that without making it look to obvious?” Sara asked, and don’t forget that they are one and the same person.” Sara pointed out.

     “There is one way we can do it.” Michelle said. “I could play you, so you can play the Slayer. They all think I’m dead, so they won’t be missing anyone else from school.”

     “That’s a good idea, but how do we make it so the Slayer needs to show up at the school and get seen close to Sara.” Karen said liking the idea Michelle just came up with.

     “What about a vampire in wolf form running through the school? I’ll need some help from Sheana to make me look a little different though. The men in black have seen me in wolf form, and I don’t want them working out it’s all being staged.” Prue said as she offered to scare some school kids to help keep Sara and Sheana’s secret.

     “So we get Michelle to play me for the day, and then I show up chasing you through the school where the men in black get to see the two of us together before I chase you off school grounds again?” Sara said trying to get the plan straight in her own head.

     “Yep, that about sums it up in a nut shell.” Prue grinned like she was looking forward to it.

     “I’m not sure I like this plan very much, but it’s all we’ve got, and I’d rather stop these silly little men in black before they get settled in for a long visit into our lives.” Karen frowned.

    They spent a little more time talking over details of where Prue should show up for the best effect. Sara sorted out her timetable with Sheana and Michelle, so Prue would know which way to head through the school and meet up with them, so the Slayer could then appear and chase Prue off again.

     “I think we could have some fun with this.” Prue was grinning as she sat with Sheana a little later working on a spell to make her look much bigger and meaner when she took on her wolf form. Prue had talked Sheana into making her the size of one of the wolves from the latest Twilight move, just to poke some fun at it. Prue was still having a problem with vampires that sparkled in the sunlight.

    It was soon time for Jo to head home, so Josie slipped the ring off her finger and then spent the next hour cuddled up to Sara on her bed waiting for the effects to wear off so he could then walk home. Sara said good night to Jo at the front door, but opened a mind link and spoke to him as he made his way home. She also wanted to make sure Jo didn’t get into any trouble with vampires as he made his way home. He made it home safely and Sara was soon getting ready for bed. Sleep didn’t come easy for any of the girls as they thought about the plan to get the men in black off Sara and Sheana’s trail before they really got started.


    Sara found it all a little weird the next morning as she helped Michelle get ready for school looking like an identical twin for her.

     “Stick close to Sheana and she’ll make sure you know where you’re going. Don’t get me in trouble, and remember not to get to touchy with each other.” Sara said as she handed Michelle/Sara her book bag.

     “Calm down Sara.” Michelle/Sara giggled. “I’ve got this covered. Just worry about playing the Slayer and stopping the big bad wolf.” Michelle/Sara grinned as she looked over at Prue sat on the bed playing patter cake with Jenna.

     “MMMM, I’ll be eating you later.” Prue grinned back at Michelle/Sara.

     “I’d like to see you try.” Michelle/Sara grinned back. “I’m the slayer remember.” She added as she puffed her chest out a little more.

     “No, she’s the slayer, you’re playing the helpless little school girl in this little play.” Prue pointed out to a now worried looking Michelle/Sara.

    Sara started walking them down to the front door, but was stopped when Karen pulled her back into the living room and made her wait there while she saw the two girls to the front door instead.

     “Don’t you think it will look odd if you wave yourself off at the front door sweetie?” Karen asked as she sat Sara down on the sofa.

     “Sorry mum, I didn’t think of that.” Sara said looking a little sheepish. “Guess this plan has me a little on edge.”

     “I can understand that honey. I just hope Michelle is right, and they are only starting this mission today at school, and they haven’t already been watching you over the weekend.” Karen said looking worried that they may already have been keeping an eye on Sara and Sheana, not that they had done much over the weekend, and they wouldn’t have been able to get close to Hypatia’s place on Saturday.

     “I double, and then triple checked all the data Karen, and they are starting the surveillance today at school.” Michelle/Sara said as she stood next to Sheana just inside the front door.

     “I believe you Michelle dear, but I’m still going to worry until you show me a print out that says the file has been closed on the matter.” Karen said as she opened the front door and then gave each girl a hug like she always did when seeing them off to school.

    Karen looked up and down the street, but couldn’t see anything that looked out of place, but then she knew how good they were at their job, so didn’t expect to see a van that said ‘secret government agents’ plastered down the side of it. She watched them walk to the end of the road where she could see Jo stood waiting for them looking depressed. Karen waved to him, and she saw him wave back just as the girls reached him and also turned to join in the wave before they walked out of sight.


     “Hi Jo.” Michelle/Sara said as she kissed him on the cheek as they hugged. “How are you feeling today?” she asked looking worried for her best friend.

     “I’m missing Mike already, and I know it’s only going to get worse as the day goes on.” Jo sighed as he hugged Michelle/Sara.

    His Sara had told Jo the night before that he’d have to play it like him and Michelle were a loving couple, or the men in black might smell a rat. Jo wasn’t finding it as hard as he thought it would be, he really was missing Mike, and the fact that he’d never get to bum around and act daft with him again was driven home as he walked up the road to meet the two girls, even if he knew one was Mike, now Michelle, who was pretending to be his girlfriend.

     “They’ll be moving me into Susan Hopkins room at this rate.” Jo thought to himself as he tried to get it all straight in his own head.

     “Not if I can help it.” Sara’s voice sad in his head with a little giggle. “Morning baby.” She purred.

     “It’s going to be weird pretending that Michelle is you all day.” Jo thought back to Sara.

     “Why? She looks and sounds just like me.” Sara thought back with a pout. “And the two of you are mourning the loss of a friend, so no one will be expecting the two of you to be all lovey duvey.” She pointed out.

     “True, but it would still have been nice to have you here in person today, to help me deal with all the fallout from Mike’s death.” Jo thought with a sigh.

     “Well you are getting Mike and me, all rolled into one.” Sara giggled.

     “That’s not quite what I had in mind.” Jo grumbled.

     “I’m pulled Michelle and Sheana in now, so we can go over the plan again before you all get to school.” Sara said just before Sheana and Michelle’s thoughts merged with Jo and Sara’s. “How does it feel to be going to school as a girl then Michelle?” Sara asked with a smile in her voice.

     “It feels exciting and scary all at the same time.” Michelle said with a buzz in her voice. “I think I’ll enjoy it more when I’m just going as me, and not trying to be you though.” Michelle pointed out with some worry.

     “I’m looking forward to spending the day with you pretending to be my sister.” Sheana giggled. “But it’s going to suck that I won’t be able to hug you like I want to.” She added with a pout.

    The others all giggled when they heard Sheana using slang and acting like a typical teenage girl for once. They were soon talking over the plan, and what they would need to do when they saw Prue show up disguised as a large white wolf. They were going with the white wolf in the hope that the men in black will think it’s Spike looking for the slayer, or something else in the school, and the large size of the wolf is due to the age of Spike being unknown, other than he’s very old.

     “I’m going to close the link now, but call out in your mind if you need me for anything, and I’ll see you all later in the morning. Well the Slayer will anyway.” Sara said before the others were all back to using their mouths to communicate.

    Sara had no sooner broken the link with Jo, than he was being approached by all the students and told how sorry they were to hear about Mike. Jo never tried to answer any of them; he just gave a nod as tears ran down his cheeks as he mourned the loss of his best friend. Michelle/Sara and Sheana stuck close by and they also had the other students saying how sorry they were. Sheana got more of it than Michelle/Sara, due to her and Mike being a couple. She did feel sad as she realised that there would be no more cuddling under the tree during lunchtime, and holding hands as they walked home, but in private it would be a different matter.

    Jo stayed with Sheana and Michelle/Sara right up until the last minute, and then he left to get to his own homeroom ready for roll call. The headmaster made a big deal of the morning assembly as he went on about Mike’s death. The headmaster then spent some time going on about road safety and what the students should do before crossing the road. Jo felt like standing up and telling the headmaster to have a word about not stealing from others and then getting yourself killed by putting on magic rings, but he fought with the urge and got through the rest of it with his hands balled into fists as he kept his head down so people couldn’t see him shedding a few more tears.

    Some of the students had let Sara and Sheana sit with Jo, so Michelle/Sara had taken hold of Jo’s hand half way through to let him know he wasn’t on his own. Jo smiled as he looked at Sara’s beautiful face, and saw a hint of his best friend looking back at him through his girlfriends eyes.

    Once the assembly was over, they all returned to their homerooms to collect their bags and then make their way to the first lesson of the day. Michelle/Sara was worried about Jo getting behind in his lessons, due to Mike normally helping him to keep on track and focused on the subjects. Michelle was also hoping that maybe Sara would be keeping an eye on him, and would help if Jo’s mind started to wander. Michelle couldn’t help wondering also just what sort of footage the men in black were getting of her, and if they had realised yet that she wasn’t the Slayer they were looking for.


     “Has our subject done anything out of the ordinary yet?” Karl asked the tech guys charged with watching the student called Sara, and her cousin Sheana.

     “Not yet sir, but we’ve only been observing her for the past hour since arriving at school.” One of the guys replied. “She doesn’t look much like a slayer to me though.” He added as he looked at the blond girl sat in the classroom listening to the teacher talk about the English language and the many ways people speak it.

     “I think it’s a waste of time as well, but we have to follow every lead, no matter how far out it seems.” Karl said with a frown as he looked at the girl on the monitor and found it hard to believe that this was the same girl he fought with and lost. “Just keep watching and call me if anything happens I should know about.” Karl added as he went over to another computer and started going through data from another mission.


    Jo was waiting for Michelle/Sara and Sheana when they got out of English, so they could go and get in position for when Prue and Sara showed up. The three of them were just walked between two buildings with some other students when they heard some screaming as a large white wolf stalked around the corner like it was looking for something. All the students including Sheana, Jo and Michelle/Sara looked just as shocked to see the wolf where it was, this hadn’t been the plan.

    What they didn’t know was that Prue and Sara had always planned to do the big scene this way, but thought it best to keep the other three in the dark, so it would make for a more real reaction when it all happened.

     Sheana, Jo and Michelle/Sara jumped back against the wall with Jo trying to defend them as both girls screamed along with the rest of them.

    The large white wolf walked down the middle of all the students like it was looking for something. It was making a sound like it was growling, but in reality it was laughing, well Prue was laughing as she saw all the frightened faces. She saw Sheana, Jo and Sara, or Michelle pretending to be Sara, and she walked close to them as she started sniffing the air and then the students.

    Michelle wasn’t expecting Prue to look quite as big as she did in this wolf disguise, so the fear on her face was real as she tried to push herself further into the wall she had her back to when the wolfs muzzle got so close she could feel its hot breath on her face, but the wolf suddenly spun around and started growling at a group of four girls huddled together on the other side of the passageway.

    Prue had to take a step back when more than one of the girls in the huddle lost their bladder and were now stood in a puddle.

     “Why have I just made a group of girls wet themselves?” Prue thought to a giggling Sara, who was guiding her through the group of students. “And do you have any idea just how bad it smells when I’m in my wolf form?”

     “Sorry about that Prue, but those four girls use to be friends of Susan, the girl that we went to see yesterday in hospital.” Sara explained. “They’ve been saying some pretty nasty things about her, so I thought we could help take some of the pressure off Susan when she returns to school later in the week. I didn’t think they would wet their panties though.” Sara giggled some more.

     “Well they did, now can you get your butt in gear, so we can finish this up and get out of here before we have company wanting to make me a trophy for their wall.” Prue thought to Sara nervously. Prue was already worried about Hypatia’s reaction to what they were doing, but keeping Sara and Sheana’s secret was more important than Hypatia and the men in black covering up a supernatural sighting.

     “I’m coming around the corner now, so get ready to put on a show.” Sara warned Prue.

    Prue growled at the four girls again now she knew the reason for Sara getting her to scare them in the first place, but she was soon spinning around to face the person calling to her, or calling to the wolf she was pretending to be.

     “Here doggy, doggy, doggy.” Sara called as she started walking down the middle of the students lined up down each side of the passageway, all of them too scared to run away, or even move.

    All the students looked at the tall woman, thanks to the heels on the boots, dressed all in red with hair to match, as she did her provocative walk towards the growling wolf. Sara had to stop herself from smirking when she saw the looks on some of the guy’s faces as she walked past. She wanted to slap a couple of them for some of the thoughts they were having, but that’s not what she was here for, so she just focused on the large white wolf instead.

     “Do you really want to do this here Spike?” Sara asked in her sexy sounding Slayer voice as she kept walking towards the wolf like it didn’t scare her one bit.

    Prue started to back away from the students, just like her and Sara had said she would, so the kids had a chance to run away, and Sara could then run after Prue as she made for a wooded area that backed onto the school.

    All the students were still too scared to move, even with the wolf focused on the woman in the red cat suit walking towards it, but they did move when they heard her speak again.

     “Children, be gone, NOW!” Sara said with authority.

    Prue played up her part as she made it look like she was going for a couple of the students, but Sara stopped her by wrapping her hands around the wolfs large muzzle and then pushed her out onto the field where the running track was. Prue turned on her heels and started running for the wooded area with the Slayer on her tail.


    Karl was lost in thought when an alarm snapped him out of it just before one of the tech guys he’d got watching the two school girls started calling to him.

     “I think you need to see this Sir!”

     “What’s going on?” Karl asked as he shot out his seat and ran across the room to look at the thing causing all the alarms to be going off. He was stunned with what he saw on the monitors before him.

     “Look at the size of that wolf.” The tech guy said to his partner sat next to him. “I think we can safely say that the girl isn’t the Slayer as well.” He pointed out as the girl and the Slayer were in the same shot now paused on another monitor.

     “The Slayer just called the wolf Spike as well, so she’s still trying to track him down, but I have no idea why he’s at the school in broad daylight?” The first tech guy said.

     “He’s there because he knows the Slayer has a link to the school, but like us, he just doesn’t know what it is yet.” Karl growled as he slammed his hand down on the desk just as the door burst open and The Commander ran into the room.

     “What’s going on?” The Commander asked as he looked around the room until he saw Karl stood looking over the shoulders of two techie’s sat at a bank of monitors.

     “We’ve got trouble at the school between the Slayer and Spike in his wolf form.” Karl explained as The Commander made his way over to see for himself.

     “They're fighting in broad daylight? And in the middle of a school?” The commander asked, like he found it impossible. “What’s the Slayer thinking?”

     “The wolf showed up first Sir.” One of the tech guys said. “She turned up a little later to stop him attacking any of the students.” He added.

     “Has anyone been hurt?” The Commander asked.

     “No, but we’re back to square one on tracking down the identity of the Slayer.” Karl pointed out as he directed the commanders eyes to the image still paused of the Slayer and the school girl called Sara they thought looked like a good candidate for being her.

     “Forget about the girl then, and keep eyes on them two.” The Commander said as he went back to looking at the live feed coming in of the Slayer throwing the wolf out onto the field.

     “We’ll lose them if they go into the woods Sir. We don’t have monitoring equipment out there.” The tech guys pointed out as they tried to keep watching the Slayer and the Wolf do their little dance on the field, but the wolf was soon running for the woods with the slayer on its tail.

    Look at how fast she can move!” One of the tech guys said as they saw the Slayer run off after the wolf at a unnatural speed.

     “Karl, get your team together and get out there!” The commander snapped as they saw the Slayer vanish into the woods and out of sight. “Track them down and bring them back to me.”

    Karl ran from the room and was soon suited up and on the road making his way to the woods with his team, not that he expected to find the Slayer or the large white wolf. Karl thought his, and his teams time would be better spent trying to play down and come up with a cover story for the parents and news people that were bound to find out about it all.

    There was no sign of the slayer or the wolf in the woods. They couldn’t even find any tracks to follow, so they were soon helping to come up with a reason for the wolf and sexy looking red head roaming around the school.


    Sara followed Prue into the woods and then met up with her and blinked them both back to the house so Sara could remove the stud from Prue’s ear that Sheana had charmed to enable her to become the large white beast. Jenna was next door being looked after by Holly while she played with Maggie and Cathleen, so they had the house to themselves.

     “Do you think that did the trick?” Sara asked once she’d retracted her armour and collapsed on a chair in the kitchen.

     “I can’t see why it wouldn’t have. We had our little stand off right next to Michelle and the others, so unless they know we’re spying on them, they would just think Spike had gone looking for the Slayer.” Prue said as she sat on another one of the chairs around the kitchen table.

     “I don’t think Sheana and the others are going to be very happy with me for lying to them about the place it was going to go down though.” Sara pouted, just before she started giggling.

     “True, but they sure looked scared to me. You can’t act like that, which is what we wanted, to sell it as being real.” Prue said in agreement with what Sara had done. “They may be mad with you for a couple of days, but they’ll soon get over it.” Prue added with a wave of her hand like it was no big deal, given what they had managed to do.

     “Thanks for what you did with those four girls as well Prue.” Sara grinned as she thought about the look on their faces as she saw them through Prue’s eyes as she scared them.

     “I was a little shocked at what you were asking me to do at first, but once you said they had been mean about that poor girl that spike got to, I was glad to help after that.” Prue grinned back.

     “I just want to give Susan a fighting chance when she gets back to school.” Sara said. “Those four will be less likely to poke fun at Susan know they have been seen doing something they would rather people forget.”

     “That wasn’t a very pleasant smell for my nose though.” Prue said as she pulled a face. “I can still smell it now.” She added with a shudder.

     “Jo doesn’t sound happy with me.” Sara suddenly said as she rolled her eyes.

     “Is he talking to you now?” Prue asked.

     “No, but he’s trying to get my attention by shouting my name.” Sara groaned.

     “Are they alright?” Prue asked looking worried about what they did, and all the scared faces she saw.

     “Yes they’re all fine, just a little shook up, and mad with us for what we did.” Sara giggled as she heard Jo calling her again.

     “I’ll just tell them it was your idea.” Prue said trying to get herself out of trouble with the others when they got home later in the day.

     “Thanks a bunch friend!” Sara shouted looking shocked that Prue would just let her take the blame for their idea.

     “Face it Sara, it doesn’t matter what you tell them, they will still blame you for not telling them the real plan.” Prue pointed out, much to Sara annoyance. “Now answer your boyfriend before you upset him even more.” Prue pushed.


    Jo Had dragged the girls into a classroom with a load of other students and then they had closed the door and put some desks in front of it to try and keep the wolf out, not that any of them knew if the wolf was coming after them or not. The four girls Prue had scared were also part of their group, but they were being told to stand away from the other students due to the smell of urine coming from them. Jo. Sheana and Michelle/Sara just looked at each other and all had the same look that said they all planned to kill Sara when they got their hands on her later.

    “Sara! Sara! Slayer!!!!” Jo kept screaming in his head trying to get a reply from his girlfriend, but she seemed to be ignoring him at the minute, and with good cause given how upset he was with her and Prue changing the plan. Worse was not being able to say anything to Sheana or Michelle/Sara, due to him giving the game away to the men in black and the spies they have around the school. “I know you can hear me Sara, so answer the...” Jo had no idea what to call this thing he was doing, trying to get hold of his girlfriend.

     “Calm down, you don’t need to shout.” Sara’s voice said in Jo’s head.

     “Don’t need to shout!” Jo thought back with a growl. “Why the hell did you and Prue change the plan?”

     “Prue and I thought it better to carry out the plan when none of you expected it, so it looked more real.”

     “Well congratulations!” Jo snapped at her. “I almost wet myself, and some of the other students did.” Jo pointed out, just in case Sara didn’t know that yet.

     “I already know that, I was the one that got Prue to scare them.” Sara said in a calm voice. “And I won’t warn you again about your shouting Jo.” Sara added sounding just as calm.

     “After what you just did to me, Sheana and Michelle, you don’t get to tell me anything!” Jo snapped again.

     “So be it.” Sara’s voice said in Jo’s head with a little sad sigh at the end.

    Jo suddenly felt worried as to what Sara meant by that last comment, but he soon found out as he was now fighting the urge to start acting like a chicken. He was able to control himself, but only just, and he knew that Sara could force him to walk around the room clucking and flapping his arms if she wanted him to. Sara hated this part of her new gift, but she needed to get the point across to Jo, and make him calm down before he said something the men in black could hear.

     “Okay, Okay. I’m sorry for shouting.” Jo thought to Sara in a pleading voice as he fought the urge to act like a chicken.

    Sara released Jo from the compulsion he was feeling. “I’m the one that’s sorry for going behind your back, but it worked much better this way. And I’m sorry for what I just did to you.” Sara said with a pout in her voice. “I never would have made you act like a chicken, baby; I just wanted to calm you down.” Sara purred as she made Jo feel all warm and happy.

     “You could have just hit me with this feeling to begin with.” Jo thought back with a sigh.

     “Where’s the fun in doing that?” Sara giggled. “I’m going to pull Sheana and Michelle in now, and make sure they’re both alright.” Sara added just before she reached out and found Sheana and Michelle’s minds.

     “Sara?! What happened to the plan we came up with last night?” Michelle said before Sheana could get a thought in.

     “Sorry Michelle, but I thought it best to just let you look as shocked as the other students when the wolf showed up.”

     “Shocked?! I almost peed myself.” Michelle thought to Sara in an angry whisper.

     “I hear some of the other students did.” Sara giggled about it some more.

     “Yes, we can tell.” Jo chipped in. “You’re not the one shut in a classroom with them.” Jo pointed out as he looked over his shoulder at the four girls packed in a corner of the room looking embarrassed.

     “Well you can leave the classroom now. Prue and I are back at home again.” Sara said.

     “I know that, you know that, but try telling the nine students that put all the desks and chairs in the room, right in front of the door.” Jo pointed out as he turned to look at them all, so Sara could see for herself through his eyes.

    Sara got worried when a couple of girls started screaming on the other side of the room, but had to wait for Jo, Sheana or Michelle to look at what set the girl’s off in the first place.

     “What’s going on?” Sara asked with worry in her voice.

     “Someone just tried the door handle.” Sheana whispered.

    “Why are you whispering sis?” Sara giggled.

     “I’ve got no idea.” Sheana replied in her normal volume. “Just felt like a whispering moment.” She added with a giggle when she realised just how silly it looked to whisper in a mind chat.

     “The danger’s passed, and you can all come out again now!” Came the sound of a teacher’s voice through the door.

    Jo, Sheana and Michelle/Sara stood back and watched some of the other students start removing all the desks and chairs out the way, so the teacher could get in the room and check that they were all unharmed.

    Sara kept the mind link open as she saw her friends being led into the main hall, so the headmaster could explain what had happened. Most of the school already knew though, but it was soon going to be put into question though, as the Headmaster addressed all the students.

     “I know some of you had a scare earlier, but it was nothing to be worried about!” The headmaster shouted out across the hall full of students and teachers. “I’ve just found out that it was all a publicity stunt for a new movie that’s being filmed in the area!” The Headmaster added with a sigh.

    The Hall was filled with the chatter of students, as they all argued with the person next to them about it being a lie, and the wolf being real. Not some guy in a suit pretending to be one.

     “What’s the name of the movie?!” Someone shouted.

     “They don’t have a title for it yet, but the movie company has said we will be getting some tickets to go see it when it comes out. Just to say sorry for scaring you all.” The headmaster informed the students.

     “I’m beginning to wonder how the men in black have managed to keep the supernatural world a secret this long, with lame cover-ups like that.” Jo thought to the others, thanks to Sara keeping them all linked so they could talk like this.

     “Just to be on the safe side. The army and animal control want to close the school for the rest of the day, just so they can be sure all is safe, and to let the students closest to the animal attack to fully recover.” The headmaster said to a hall full of cheering students.

     “So one minute it’s just a publicity stunt by a film company, but they still called in animal control and the army to check the school for any sign of trouble?” Jo pointed out the flaw in the headmasters little speech. “They’re really not good at thinking on their feet are they?” Jo chuckled.

     “Let them tell their little lies, just as long as it stops them looking at me and Sheana.” Sara said to the three of them. “Most the students will be too excited about getting the rest of the day off to think too much about it being anything but what they were just told.” Sara pointed out the clever part of the cover story the men in black had come up with.

     “But what about the students that saw the wolf, and know it wasn’t a man in a wolf costume?” Jo asked.

     “Most the school didn’t see what happened and most will end up going with the cover story, just so they don’t look like nut jobs.” Sara said.

     “So the cover story isn’t as lame as I first thought. Do you know if it’s worked yet?” Jo asked. “Our little plan that is.” Jo pointed out.

     “No, not yet. Michelle will have to log on and check later when she gets home from playing me at school.” Sara said with a smile in her voice because she was getting to have the rest of the day off school. “How you finding school from a girl’s point of view anyway Michelle?”

     “I like it a lot Sara, even if I am pretending to be you for the day.” Michelle giggled. “But it will be better when I can just be myself though. I’m worried about making you look to smart.” Michelle tried to explain.

     “Are you calling me dumb?” Sara asked with some anger in her voice, but she was soon giggling when she sensed the worry coming from Michelle.

     “No! I didn’t mean it like that Sara. I just find it hard not to put my hand up and answer questions in your classes.” Michelle quickly said with even more fear in her voice over upsetting Sara.

     “Relax Michelle.” Sara giggled. “I’m just teasing you, but please don’t go making me look to brainy. Mum might expect it all the time.” Sara warned with another giggle.

    Prue had put the TV on and was checking out a couple of the news channels when she came across one of them showing live footage of Sara’s school with a female reporter going on about the wild animal sighting, and how it was rumoured to be a hoax connected to a new movie being made. The thing that left Prue and Sara with their mouths hanging open was the footage of them both that looked like it had been filmed on a mobile phone.

     “I’ll let the three of you get done so you can come home, I need to have a word with Prue about something.” Sara said just before she broke the mind link and looked at Prue worriedly.

     “Hypatia is not going to be happy when she sees this all over the news Sara.” Prue pointed out as she pointed at the TV with a worried look.

     “She might not see it.” Sara said sounding hopeful. “I’ve never seen a TV while I’ve been at the mansion.” Sara pointed out, but her hopes were soon dashed when she heard the dreaded voice in her head.

     “Just because you don’t see one, doesn’t mean I don’t have one child.” Hypatia’s voice thundered in her head. “You and Prudence better get over here and start explain yourselves.” Hypatia added just before Sara felt the presence fade again.

     “She’s seen it.” Sara said looking worried as she looked over at Prue.

     “I know. I just heard her speaking too.” Prue said looking even more worried now.

    Sara was soon suited up in her slayer armour, so she could blink the two of them over to Hypatia’s place to explain the reason for the public outing.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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