To Make A Wish Chapter 29

 © September 2007-2012

Chapter Twenty Nine


    Sara, Sheana and Jo all returned to the living room where Michelle was still cuddled up to Karen, while Sandy was sat on another sofa with Prue sat next to her, and Jenna was sat on Sandy’s knee getting a cuddle from her. Sara was carrying the charmed bracelet in her hand and she handed it over to her mother to try it out.

     “Are you sure this is the one that will turn me into Michelle’s mother Maggie, and not her father?” Karen asked as she looked at the bracelet.

     “Yes we’re sure mum.” Sara replied in a whiney voice. “Jo has just had the other one on upstairs in our room, and that is where he left it.” Sara pointed out.

     “Do you want me to try it on first mum?” Michelle asked as she held out her hand to take the bracelet off Karen.

     “No, I need to do this myself, and I trust Sara not to play such a cruel joke on me.” Karen said as she took a deep breath and then slipped the bracelet onto her wrist. Karen winced as she waited for the pain to start, but other than a tingly feeling and her clothes changing, nothing else happened. “Did it work? My voice!” Karen suddenly said as she realised that she sounded like another woman now.

    Karen was soon on her feet and making her way into the hallway where there was a large mirror for her to see what she looked like now. Karen found herself looking at a stranger in the mirror, but she was doing everything that she did.

     “What do you think mum?” Sara asked as she stood with the others watching Karen lift up her hands and then open and close her mouth trying to catch out the woman in the mirror.

     “I think it’s amazing, but I can’t believe it’s still me.” Karen said as she looked at her hands as she open and closed them. “I don’t feel any different.” She added with a giggle.

     “You’d feel the difference if you became a male.” Jo pointed out. “But the female to female change I gather is like the male to male change I just did upstairs.” Jo added with a shrug having never gone from a female to female change before.

     “Well I think we’re all set for getting you into school then tomorrow Michelle.” Karen smiled using her new Maggie Taylor disguise. “We just need to sort out a uniform for you, and then get Sheana to transport us over to the Cafe before eight in the morning.” Karen pointed out.

     “Why so early?” Sara asked.

     “Samantha told me that the workmen will be in at eight thirty, and it will look a little weird if we suddenly appear in front of them.” Karen pointed out.

    Sara could understand them not wanting that to happen, so she let the matter drop as they watched Karen remove the bracelet and then they set to work getting everything ready for the next morning and Michelle’s first real day at school.

    Jo stopped another couple of hours, and then he left for home, but had Sara as company all the way. Sara had morphed into her armour and was ready to blink to Jo’s location if he got in trouble, as she had formed a mind link with him, but he made it home safely. So she morphed back and then got ready for bed before joining the other down in the kitchen for a hot chocolate.

And now the story continues...

     “We’ll meet up with you at school if you get put in different classes to us Michelle, but mum’s going to tell the Headmaster that you’ve already made a couple of friends with two of the girls that will be working at your families new cafe.” Sara said as she gave Michelle a hug.

    Sheana and Karen, or Maggie as it was now, due to her wearing the bracelet to make her Michelle’s mother, Maggie Taylor. Stood waiting for the two girls to finish hugging.

     “Michelle Taylor will be joining you in your class’s sweetie.” Maggie said in a voice that left Sara with no doubt she would be. Sara could still hear a hint of her mother Karen in the voice, but there was also an edge of something with more authority in it as well, and the power suit she had on just added to the look.

     “Remind me never to upset your mum, she looks mean.” Sara said in a fake whisper just before she started giggling, which soon had the others giggling as well.

     “I’ll give you mean, young lady.” Maggie giggled as she gave Sara a quick hug just before Sheana got ready to blink the three of them over to the cafe before the builders turned up to start work.

     “I’ll see you in a couple of minute’s sis.” Sheana smiled as she touched Maggie and Michelle’s shoulder and then they were gone.

    Sara felt nervous about her mum pretending to be someone else and going into the school where they knew the men in black were watching them on cameras and also had people in the school playing undercover spies. Sara stood waiting for a long five minutes as she waited for Sheana to return.

     “Did you get them there okay sis?” Sara asked the minute she saw Sheana return.

     “Yes I got them there okay, and I even stood at an upstairs window and watched them get in the car and drive away.” Sheana said as she tried to calm Sara back down again. “Everything will be just fine sis. But not for us if we don’t get a move on and meet up with Jo.” Sheana smiled.

    Both girls grabbed their school bags and left the house. Prue and Jenna were still inside, but they didn’t want to risk being seen at the front door without their disguises, just in case the men in black might still be keeping an eye on the place.

    Jo was stood at the end of the road looking gloomy as he saw the two girls run up the road to join him. Sara and Sheana could both see that losing Mike as a friend was beginning to sink in and make Jo look even more depressed now.

     “Hi Jo.” Sara said as she got to him and wrapped her arms around his neck before she kissed him good morning. “You doing okay baby?” Sara asked looking worried.

     “Yes, but I just miss Mike more at times like this.” Jo sighed as he looked to his side where Mike would normally be stood now with Sheana.

     “I’m sure it will get easier with time Jo.” Sara said as they started walking towards the school. She didn’t know what else to say. As Simon she’d never had any close friends to lose like Jo had, but she did know she’d feel lost if Sheana was suddenly taken away from her. Sara knew that Mike was still around, even if it was as Michelle now, but it was going to be very different for Jo to know his best friend will be the new girl walking around school.

     “Did you have any trouble getting ready for school this morning?” Jo asked with a cryptic look that meant he wanted to know if Michelle and Karen got sorted out and were on their way to school, as they made their way to school.

    Sara formed a mind link with Jo and Sheana, so they could talk as they walked to school without worrying about people listening in on their conversation.

     “Yes Sheana blinked them over to the cafe, and then she watched them drive away in the car that Samantha sorted out for my mum to use.” Sara thought to Jo.

     “Are you sure this is going to work?” Jo thought back with some worry in his voice.

     “I can’t see why it wouldn’t work. No one has any idea that Mike and Michelle are the same person, and we did go and see Susan with you and Mike as Michelle and Jodie, so when she comes back to school later this week, she will back up the cover we’ve set up.” Sara pointed out.

     “True. Guess I’m just trying to protect my best friend still.” Jo thought with a chuckle. “It’s hard to break old habits.” He added.

     “I’m sure Michelle will be glad to have you still looking out for her, just like you use to look out for Mike.” Sara thought with pride in her voice for what Jo did for Mike, and was still willing to do for Michelle.

     “Michelle has you to look out for her now, so I’m not needed for that stuff anymore.” Jo said with a gloomy edge to his voice.

     “Just because I can do some pretty amazing things Jo, it doesn’t mean you can sit back and relax buddy boy.” Sara sounded shocked that Jo thought his role was over as protector now. “Having you step in and play protector will help keep the men in black off mine and Sheana’s trail as well.” Sara pointed out.

    Sara’s words seemed to work, as Jo stopped slouching and started walking proud again with Sara and Sheana walking at his side.


    Michelle sat looking out the window being very quiet as Karen drove her to school looking like Michelle’s new mother, Maggie Taylor.

     “I hope you’re not planning to be this quiet at school Michelle? The other kids may start picking on you if you are.” Karen/Maggie warned as she tried to get Michelle to open up a little bit.

     “I’m sorry mum, but I’m just a little nervous about going to school looking like this.” Michelle picked up part of her gray school skirt to make her point.

     “You were fine yesterday when you pretended to be Sara.” Karen/Maggie said looking puzzled. “Why would this be any different? You’re still a girl.”

     “Everyone’s used to seeing Sara around school, so it was easier pretending to be her for a day, but this is me just being me, with everyone looking at me like I’m the new girl.” Michelle whined.

     “You are the new girl, a very new girl.” Karen/Maggie giggled as she tried to help Michelle relax a little.

     “You’re not helping mum.” Michelle frowned just before she started to giggle herself.

     “I made you laugh, so I must be doing something right.” Karen/Maggie said looking proud of herself. “I’m sure things will be just fine once you meet up with Sara and Sheana.”

    Michelle couldn’t argue with her mum on that point, she had just made her laugh, but Michelle also had so much stuff going through her head at the minute, that she thought it might explode. “What do you think Mike’s parents are doing right now?” Michelle suddenly asked.

    This caught Karen/Maggie off guard. “I’m not sure sweetie. If it was me I’d either be a mess in the corner of a room sobbing, or I’d be throwing myself into my work to try and work through the worst of the feelings.”

     “I bet they are both doing the latter of the two things you just said.” Michelle said in a matter of fact way as she looked out the window. “Mike’s mum looked more upset the other night than I thought she would have.” Michelle added with a sigh.

    Karen thought it a little odd the way Michelle was talking about her male self in the third person, but then she thought it was just a coping mechanism. “I’m sure they both loved Mike more than they ever let him know, and I’m sure that they both wish they had taken more time to tell him so now he’s gone.” Karen/Maggie said as she reached over and took hold of Michelle’s hand. “Are you sure you’re ready for this so soon after what happened?” She asked looking a little worried with Michelle’s conversation.

     “No, I want to do this mum; I just wanted to get some thoughts off my chest.” Michelle smiled as she gave Karen/Maggie’s hand a squeeze. “I have enough on my chest as it is now days.” Michelle added with a giggle as she stuck her chest out a little more to get her point across.

    Karen/Maggie giggled as well, just before she needed to let go of Michelle’s hand, so she could indicate and turn into the street that led to the school. It was still a little early for the school to be full of children, but you could see small groups starting to form, and a couple of news vans were parked up ready to get some interviews with the children that were caught up on the scare the day before.

     “Looks like the news people are still looking for a story.” Michelle said as her mum drove the car into the school grounds and parked up in the visitor car park.

     “I’m sure someone will make sure they don’t get it, not unless they want them to.” Karen said with some anger in her voice as she referred to the men in black, but without saying it out load where someone could overhear it.

     “This does sound like an exciting place to come to school.” Michelle said sounding all bubbly as she got out the car, once Karen/Maggie had parked up and turned off the engine.

     “Only you my dear would think a large wolf and a woman dressed in kinky red leather, was exciting.” Karen/Maggie said with a roll of her eyes like this was normal behaviour for her daughter, as they both got into character for the cameras that they knew to be on them now.

     “Mum!” Michelle whined. “You know that was just some silly movie stunt to try and get some free press for them.” Michelle added as she waved to a man pointed a camera at her from just outside the main gate where a couple of other men were stopping them from gaining access to the school grounds. Michelle wondered if the men playing security were part of The Commanders team. It would stand to reason he’d want to keep the press where he could control them, she thought to herself.

     “Well I think someone should be arrested for letting such a silly stunt to be allowed.” Karen/Maggie smirked as she walked around to Michelle’s side of the car.

    Michelle had to smile at the thought of it technically being Karen’s fault, due to her giving the go ahead for Sara and Prue to show up in the school and scare all the other children the day before. “I’m sure they had a good reason to do it though mum.” Michelle ended up saying as she let her mum drape an arm around her shoulder as she led Michelle into the school.

     “I think it’s down this way sweetie.” Karen/Maggie said as she gave Michelle’s shoulder a squeeze to let Michelle know that she shouldn’t know her way around the school. Michelle caught onto to what her mum was trying to say, and let Karen/Maggie lead them both down the wrong hallway.

     “I’m not sure this is the right way mum.” Michelle said just as they were walking past a woman Michelle knew to work in the main office where they needed to go and see the headmaster.

     “I think you could be right dear.” Karen/Maggie said with a big frustrated sounding sigh. “Excuse me miss, but could you point me in the direction of the main office?” Karen/Maggie asked the woman about to walk past them heading in the other direction.

     “I can do better than that ma’am. I can take you there because that’s where I’m heading myself.” The woman smiled as she started walking again after she made sure Karen/Maggie and Michelle were following.

     “I hear you had some excitement yesterday?” Karen/Maggie asked as they walked along the hallway towards the main office.

     “That would be one word for it, not that we found it very exciting when we have angry parents calling up all afternoon wanting an answer to how we could let people dressed in costumes get onto the school grounds.” The woman complained.

     “I trust it was just a one off thing, and you don’t let people do things like that all the time?” Karen/Maggie asked with some worry in her voice. “I almost changed my mind about bringing my daughter here, after I saw the news last night.” Karen/Maggie added.

     “That’s the first time anything like that has ever happened ma’am.” The woman said rather quickly, as she tried to play down the incident.

     “I thought I read about something with a female student causing trouble just last week.” Karen/Maggie said. “Vandalism due to mental breakdown, or something like that.” She added.

     “That was just a student playing up, trying to get people’s attention.” The woman pointed out. “Trouble at home I think.” The woman added in a whisper. “She’s been given the all clear, and she should be back at school today.” She said cheerfully as they made it to the main office and the woman held the door open for Karen and Michelle to enter.

    Karen/Maggie stepped up to the main desk in the office and informed the woman behind it that she was here to see the headmaster about enrolling her daughter at the school. She was asked to take a seat, and the headmaster would be with her shortly.


    Sara, Sheana and Jo could see the news vans parked up, and some people with cameras and mikes were stood talking to some of the students just outside the school gates. Sara not wanting to draw any attention to herself slipped into the school behind the crowd of students all trying to get on one of the many cameras.

     “Must be a slow news day.” Jo said as he looked across the road at all the news vans.

     “A very slow news day.” Sara agreed.

    They had only got a couple of feet into the school when they heard some girls shouting and teasing someone, so Sara looked over to see who was being called names. She was shocked to see it was Susan’s posse of old friends calling Susan names as she tried to make her way up to the main building with her head down as she hugged her school bag close to her chest.

    Susan’s four old friends had a group of other students stood behind them laughing and giggling as they watched Susan’s old friends make fun of her. Sara was just about to step in and put a stop to it, but was beaten to it by Jo shouting out to the four girls instead.

     “Well, well, well! If it isn’t the diaper divas making fun of their old friend.” Jo shouted to the four girls, who all stopped teasing Susan and scowled at Jo.

     “Butt out Norman, don’t you have a funeral to sort out.” One of the girls snapped at him. The girl quickly realised that she might have said the wrong thing when there was a large collective gasp from all the other students, even a couple of her own friends looked a little shocked she’d just said such a thing.

     “That’s the job of Mike’s parents.” Jo snapped back as he stepped closer to the girls, putting himself between them and Susan, who was now stood with Sara and Sheana. “So I have time to chat with you.” Jo said with an evil looking grin on his face. “Why don’t we talk about how you and your friends all wet their panties yesterday when that very fake looking wolf walked past you.” Jo pointed out.

     “That was a real wolf!” The girl shouted.

     “So you don’t deny that you all wet you panties like little babies then?” Jo asked with venom in his voice.

     “That’s not the point.” The girl said looking more and more nervous as she realised that all the student that had just been laughing with her and her friends as they teased Susan, were now laughing at her and her friends for wetting themselves when they got scared.

     “Susan carried out a cool prank on the school, and you tease her for it.” Jo said trying to play down what Susan did with the posters while Spike was controlling her. “While you and the other diaper Divas think it’s normal for four grown girls to just release their bodily fluids where ever they feel like?” Jo added.

     Sara could see that Jo was on a roll, and letting off some steam, so her and Sheana stood either side of Susan and slipped away. The group of students had lost all interest in Susan, and were now laughing and giggling at the four girls as they called them the diaper divas. Sara looked back just in time to see Jo start to follow them with a smug looking smile on his face.

     “Are you okay Susan?” Sara asked when she heard Susan snuffle as she kept her head down.

     “Those bitches are so cruel.” Susan snuffled some more. “I can’t believe I once thought of them as my friends.” She added as she pulled a tissue out her pocket and dried her eyes.

     “I’d like to say I’m surprised, but it’s just the sort of thing you used to do along with them.” Sara pointed out the sad truth of the matter. “It’s a little different being on the other side of it though.” Sara added.

     “It’s very different being the one on the receiving end.” Susan said with a sad smile as she looked up at Sara. “I wanted to knock that smug smile off all their faces, but knew that it would just give the school another reason to have me thrown out.” Susan added with some anger in her voice.

     “I think Jo handled it pretty well for you.” Sara grinned as Jo finally caught up with them. “Feel any better now baby?” Sara asked a grinning Jo.

     “I do actually.” Jo said with a thoughtful look on his face. “How are you doing Susan?” Jo asked as he looked past Sara at a teary eyed Susan.

     “Better now I’m away from them.” Susan said as she looked back over her shoulder at the four ex friends all being teased about their toilet habits. “Did they really wet themselves yesterday?” Susan asked as she turned back to look at Jo and Sara.

     “A couple of them did, but I’m not sure which ones.” Jo said as he screwed up his nose at the thought of the smell in the classroom. “Now the whole school will know about it, and with some luck, they will all think that you just played some cool prank on the school.” Jo added looking smug again.

     “Thank you for helping me back there Jo. I’m sorry to hear about Mike, he was a nice guy.” Susan said.

     “Thanks Susan.” Jo said looking sad again. “I still find it hard to believe he’s gone. Feels like part of him is still here.” Jo added.

     “We better get you to a restroom, so you can get cleaned up before class.” Sara said, wanting to change the subject away from Mike, and also to help Susan clean up the mess she’d made of the little makeup she’d used that morning.

     “Do I look that bad?” Susan asked with a playful pout.

     “Probably worse.” Sara frowned as they entered the school and made their way to the toilets.

    Jo waited outside while Sara and Sheana went with Susan into the toilets, just to make sure there were no other students in there ready to make fun of her. The toilet was empty, so Sara and Sheana stood talking to Susan while she fixed her makeup and tried to hide her puffy red eyes where she’d been crying.

     “You weren’t kidding about my face looking a mess were you?” Susan said as she looked in the mirror.

     “Will you be okay in your classes today Susan?” Sara asked looking a little worried. “Don’t you have them with most of those girls who were just teasing you?” Sara asked.

     “Yes I do, but I’m feeling much better about myself now, so I’ll be just fine.” Susan said as she cleaned off the makeup and then started to reply it again. Susan was just about to say more, but was stopped when they heard the sound of footsteps running into the toilet. They all looked round expecting to see trouble, but relaxed when they saw Kimmie enter looking worried.

     “Are you okay Suzie? I just heard that those evil bitches were picking on you.” Kimmie said sounding out of breath.

     “I’m fine Kimmie.” Susan smiled. “Thanks for being worried about me though.” She added as she held her arms open so Kimmie could get a hug.

    Sara and Sheana looked a little shocked at the sudden change in Susan, but they liked this new side to her.

     “I hope you don’t mind Sara, but I just gave Jo a hug to thank him for standing up to those evil girls in Suzie’s defence.” Kimmie said when Susan stopped hugging her. “I don’t want you thinking I’m trying to steal your boyfriend.” Kimmie added with a giggle.

     “I’ll let you off this time then Kimmie.” Sara smiled, not worried for a second that Jo would go off looking for a new girlfriend.

     “Thanks Sara.” Kimmie smiled. “I’ve just seen Michelle in the main office sat with her mum waiting to go in and see the headmaster. She’ll be taking my old seat in homeroom, because I’ll be moving to join Suzie’s class.” Kimmie explained.

     “Yes, Michelle said she’d be starting today.” Sara said. “She was going to start yesterday, but something came up and her mum couldn’t make it.” Sara added.

     “Must be tough opening a new shop.” Kimmie said looking thoughtful.

     “It is from what Michelle has told us.” Sara lied. “We’ve got a lot to learn before the big opening this Saturday. I hope the two of you will call in for a look around, and maybe let us serve you some tea.” Sara grinned as she did a little curtsey.

     “That sounds like fun. I’ll be there.” Kimmie said excitedly.

     “You can count me in too.” Susan said as she finished up.

    Sara and Sheana waited with Susan and Kimmie why Susan made herself look presentable again, and then they left the toilets. Jo was still stood waiting for them, so Sara and Sheana walked off with Jo, while Susan walked off in the other direction with Kimmie.

     “I hear you’re sneaking hugs from other girls.” Sara teased as she walked down the hallway with Jo holding her hand.

     “More like getting leapt on by crazy girls.” Jo chuckled. “She just came from nowhere and threw her arms around me.” Jo added.

     “I think she’s just grateful for what you did for her friend.” Sara said as she looked over her shoulder at Kimmie and Susan walking away from them. “Does anyone else find it a little weird to see the two of them as best friends?” Sara asked.

     “It does seem a little weird, but I think Sue needs to find a better class of friend to hang with, and she can’t do better than Kimmie.” Jo said as he also looked down the hallway at the two girls walking arm in arm like girls do from time to time.

     “Should I be worried about you?” Sara asked with a pout as she wrapped her arms around one of Jo’s and rested her head on his shoulder.

     “Nope. Kimmie’s way too smart for me.” Jo said with pride. “I only date the dumb blonde types.” Jo added with a chuckle, just before Sara let go of his arm and started playfully slapping him for calling her a dumb blonde.

     “Keep talking like that and I’ll let Kimmie have you.” Sara teased.

    Sara was soon back with her arms wrapped around Jo’ arm as they walked down the hallway to hers and Sheana’s homeroom. Sara was glad she’d not lost Jo, and she knew that she needed to stop flying off the handle at every little thing she thought might be going off. She trusted Jo, and knew he’d never cheat on her or miss treat her in anyway, and not just because she could kick his ass if he tried either.

    Jo stood with them until he was cutting it close getting back to his own homeroom before the bell sounded. He wandered off up the hallway looking lost on his own, but Sara could do nothing to help him feel better about it, she let out a sigh before leading Sheana into their room to wait for Michelle to turn up.

    The home room teacher was a couple of minutes late getting to the room, but she did have Michelle walking beside her when she entered the room.

     “Good morning class. Please take your seats and be quiet, so we can get some things sorted out.” The home room teacher said as she watched all the students take their seats and start whispering about the new girl stood at the front of the class. “As you can clearly see, we have a new student starting with us. This is Michelle Taylor. I’m sure you will all make her feel welcome as the day goes on.” The teacher added as she pointed Michelle towards the empty seat where Kimmie used to sit next to Sara.

    Michelle nervously walked up the classroom and took the seat as she smiled at Sara. “Hi Sara, Sheana.” Michelle said with a little wave.

     “What do you think to the school?” Sara asked trying to make it look like Michelle didn’t already know the place when they saw a couple of the male students look at Michelle funny when she seemed to know who Sara and Sheana were.

     “It’s much nicer than you made it out to be when we spoke after your interview at my parent’s new shop.” Michelle said when she saw the two guys looking at them, and she realised what Sara was up to with her question.

     “I’d be happy to give you a tour of the school if you’d like.” One of the guys said with a smile that looked a little creepy, like he was trying to work out what Michelle looked like naked. “I’m Peter by the way.” He added as he looked Michelle up and down.

     “Back off Pete, she’s already going steady.” Sara said as she gave the guy an evil look. “And Sheana and I will give her a tour of the school thanks.”

     “I was just trying to be nice.” Peter said as he raised his hands.

     “Looked more like you were trying to mark your territory to me.” Sara shot back with a scowl.

     “Touchy bitch.” Peter said under his breath as he turned to talk to his friend sat next to him.

    The teacher got them all to calm down, so she could take the register and then send them all off to their first lesson of the day. Michelle had been put in all the same classes as Sara and Sheana, so they could walk around together.

    Sara opened a mind link, so they could chat about Michelle’s meeting with the headmaster, and also find out how their mum did pretending to be Maggie Taylor.

     “Did you have any trouble with the headmaster?” Sara asked in the mind link.

     “No, mum was amazingly cool and calm. You would have thought she did this sort of thing all the time.” Michelle said with high praise for Sara’s mum.

     “Oh crap!” Sheana suddenly thought sounding worried.

     “What’s wrong sis?” Sara asked with worry in her voice now.

     “We forgot one little detail when we came up with this plan to get Michelle into school here.” Sheana said nervously.

     “And what would that be?” Sara asked as she tried to work out what they might have forgotten, but was drawing a blank.

     “We never worked out how our mother was going to get back home so she could get her car and then go to work.” Sheana pointed out.

     “Oh god! How could we forget something like that?” Sara said in a panic. “I better reach out and see if she’s okay.” Sara thought to the other two just before she reached out until she found her mother. “Mum?” Sara asked nervously in her mother’s mind.

     “Hello sweetie. Is Michelle settling in alright?” Karen thought back sounding very calm for someone walking around looking like another woman.

     “Michelle is doing just fine mum, but we never sorted out a plan for you to become you again.” Sara explained her reason for the mind link.

     “I’m sorting that as we speak honey. I am quite able to think for myself you know.” Karen pointed out sounding a little hurt that Sara thought otherwise.

     “Do you need me to send Sheana to help you?” Sara asked.

     “Not everything needs magic to fix it Sara.” Karen said with some pride in her voice. “I’ve just parked the car up behind the new cafe, which is looking very nice by the way. And I am now walking down to get a coffee from the restaurant in the supermarket, and then I’ll wander into the restroom as Maggie Taylor, but come out as Karen Read.” She explained her plan.

     “Wow that is a good plan.” Sara said sounding impressed. “I can see where I get my brains and looks from now.” Sara giggled.

     “Flattery will get you everywhere sweetie.” Karen giggled. “I’ll call if I have any trouble, but in the mean time I want you all to focus on your lessons. Now be gone with you.” Karen ordered. Sara broke the link with her mum, but kept the one she had with Sheana and Michelle.

     “I never realised just how amazing my mum could be.” Sara said with a little shock in her voice as she spoke with Sheana and Michelle.

     “She was just as amazing in the headmaster’s office as well Sara.” Michelle pointed out.

    They carried on walking to their first class of the day as they spoke to each other. It might have looked a little odd as the three girls walked down the hallway not speaking to each other out loud, but they were all talking about the way Jo had stepped in and defended Susan against her old friends earlier. Michelle had to stop herself from giggling out loud when Sara called Susan’s old friends ‘the diaper divas’. The girls were brought to a sudden stop when they found their path blocked by the very same girls they had just been talking about in their mind link.

     “We heard there was a new girl in school.” Beverly the new leader of the divas said as she looked Michelle up and down. “I thought we’d come and offer you the chance to join a better class of students.” She added as she tried to look down her nose at Sara and Sheana.

     “I’d love to join your little group, but sadly I have full control of my bodily functions, and don’t wish to become a diaper diva.” Michelle said sounding very bitchy as she screwed up her nose just before stepping around the group of girls and carrying on down the hallway with Sara and Sheana at her side giggling along with all the other students that heard Michelle’s little speech.

     By lunchtime Michelle had a very different standing in the school to what Mike use to have. Mike had been a non entity apart from when it came to being bullied. Michelle had been shocked to find out that many of the students mourned his passing, but they did, and were still walking up to Sheana and Sara to say how sorry they were to hear about Mike, and how they had liked him.

    Jo was stood waiting for them just outside the dining room, so Sara walked up to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips before a teacher made them stop it and join the cue.

     “How’s your first day here been so far Michelle?” Jo asked with added meaning to his question.

     “It’s been lots of fun.” Michelle grinned. “I got asked to join the diaper divas.” She added looking excited.

     “Yes, I heard all about that.” Jo chuckled. “The whole school knows about it by now I bet.” Jo added as he looked over at the table where the four girls were all sat looking red faced as other students walked past laughing at them.

     “Looks like your little outburst this morning didn’t do Susan any harm either.” Sara said as she looked at Susan sat with Kimmie and some other girls as it looked like they wanted to know why she played the prank and got herself put on the loony ward at the hospital for it.

     “I never thought I’d be sticking up for Susan Hopkins before you came into my life.” Jo frowned.

     “Face it; I bring out the best in you.” Sara pouted as she let Jo wrap his arms around her.

    They soon had their lunch and then they found a quiet table to eat it at, but they soon had other students joining them, wanting to find out more about Michelle and her parent’s internet cafe. Michelle even had a couple of the students from one of Mike’s computer course asking if they might be able to get a job at the cafe keeping an eye on the computers. Neither of the students were very good, but Michelle wasn’t suppose to know that, so she wrote down their details and said she’d pass them onto her parents.

    Once they had finished eating they went out and hid in their normal spot under their favourite tree. No one bothered them while they were out there, so it was a nice peaceful time until the bell sounded to let them know it was time to head back into the school and start their afternoon lessons.

    Jo met up with them at the end of the day so he could walk them home. Michelle was going back to Sara’s, or that’s what they talked about where other students could hear, so it didn’t look odd when Michelle did it at the end of the school day. Michelle had made up some story about her mum being out late, so Sara invited her over to study and have some dinner with her and Sheana. Jo was also invited to join them for dinner, so they could log on and see what the men in black had been up to while they were at school. Sara wanted to be sure her mum and Michelle were in the clear after being filmed on the school grounds.


    Prue was in the kitchen sorting out dinner when she heard the front door and then saw Sara and the others walk into the kitchen. “Hi kids. Good day at school?”

     “We think so, but Michelle is going to check and make sure The Commander doesn’t have his men watching us again.” Sara said as she led the others through the kitchen and up the stairs to her room where Michelle’s laptop was set up.

    Michelle was soon logged on and then she routed her connection through a couple of different servers before she logged on to the MIB’s network to see what interesting things they’d been doing through the day. “Looks like we’re in the clear Sara, I can’t see anything about any of us, or the house.” Michelle said as she looked through all the mission reports. “There is one interesting little fact here though.” Michelle added as she pointed at a spot on the laptop screen.

     “What’s that?” Sara asked as she got up off the bed and walked over to see what Michelle had found.

     “Spike was spotted drinking at Armen’s pub last night.” Michelle read out for the others. “Do you think he might be there again tonight?” Michelle asked.

     “There’s only one way to find out.” Sara said as she realised that the Slayer would need to pay a visit to the pub and see if she could track down Spike and finally put an end to him. “Are you sure that this deflecting spell you’ve added to our suits will really stop Drusilla from being able to use the crystals against us sis?” Sara asked as she looked at Sheana worriedly.

     “Yes, we will be protected, but Spike will be angry when he sees his mate destroyed.” Sheana warned.

     “I’ll handle Spike, you just make sure Drusilla is taken care of, and also you and Prue are kept safe while I deal with spike.” Sara growled.

     “Mike... I mean Michelle and I will keep an eye on the men in black for you from here.” Jo said as he looked a little sad after saying Mike’s name on reflex before correcting himself.

     “Won’t your mum be worried if you stop out that late?” Sara asked.

     “I was hoping you or Sheana would come and get me after I go home and head up to bed, or that’s what my parents will think I’ve done.” Jo said looking hopeful that he could feel like part of the team later in the evening. “Or you could just do that cool trick with the phone again Sheana.” Jo grinned as he remembered the little trick that Sheana had done by pulling Jo through the phone on Saturday when he told them he thought Mike had been killed.

     “That I can do easily Jo.” Sheana smiled.

     “That’s settled then. Tonight we track down and put an end to Spike and his little bitch of a girlfriend.” Sara said as she looked at the others looking determined to put an end to the threat that Spike and Drusilla posed.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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