To Make A Wish Chapter 26

 © September 2007-2012

Chapter Twenty Six


    Sheana was soon suited up in her witch armour and then she cast a spell that made her and Michelle invisible before they blinked over to Mike’s house. The room was empty, but they could hear sobbing from down the hall, so they both sneaked down to see the figure of Mike’s mum lying on the bed crying as she hugged a picture of her dead son in her hands.

    Sheana had used the same spell she’d used on her and Sara at school on the day Mike was being bulled, so she could see the tears rolling down Michelle’s cheeks. She didn’t think it safe to let Michelle stand there any longer, so she pulled her back down the hallway and set to work making a copy of Mike’s laptop before letting Michelle fire it up and deleting everything to do with the men in black and there computer system. The last thing they needed was either of Mike’s parents finding any of that stuff.

    Once that was all sorted out, Sheana and Michelle blinked home again to let the others know everything had gone just fine. Sheana retracted her armour and then they all got ready for bed. It was too late to go out on patrol and Sara was tired from having a busy day of training with Hypatia anyway.

And now the story continues...

    The new larger bed had worked great, all the girls had lots of room to spread out, not that you’d have thought so to see the way Sheana and Michelle were cuddled up to each other the next morning when Sara woke up and looked over at them.

    Sara had to smile when she looked down and saw Jenna cuddled into her side fast asleep still. Sara slowly slid out of bed and went to use the bathroom and take a shower before the others started moving. She was just drying herself off after getting done in the shower, when she heard the bedroom door open and close, it was a couple of minutes later when there was a scream from out in the hallway.

    Sandy was stood on the landing with her back pressed up against the wall, looking like she’d just seen a ghost as she looked into the bathroom.

     “What’s wrong Sandy?” Karen asked as she came out her bedroom to see what all the noise was about.

     “There’s a ghost in the bathroom.” Sandy said in a shaky voice as she pointed at the door, just as Michelle stepped out looking worried.

     “Michelle isn’t a ghost sis.” Sara giggled.

     “But I heard on the radio as I was driving home early this morning that a Michael Baker had been killed when a lorry hit him.” Sandy said looking confused as she stepped away from the wall and reached out with a finger very slowly before she poked Michelle in the shoulder to make sure for herself.

     “Some guy snatched Michelle’s purse and then put the ring on that made Michelle look like Mike. It was he that got killed.” Sara explained.

     “Thank god for that.” Sandy said as she threw her arms around Michelle and hugged her.

     “Thanks Sandy.” Michelle smiled as she got the hug from sandy.

    Karen and the others then spent a little time filling Sandy in on what was going to be happening, and Sandy giggled when she took a look at the new bed in Sara’s room.

     “You’ll need some custom sheets for that bed now.” Sandy pointed out.

     “Sheana changed some of the sheets we already have to fit it.” Sara pointed out as they made their way down to get some breakfast.

     “It’s turning out to be quite handy having our own little witch in the house.” Sandy said as she wrapped an arm around Sheana’s waist and hugged her.

     “Yes it is, but I don’t want any of you thinking that Magic can fix all your problems.” Karen warned them all as they entered the kitchen so they could all have some breakfast before Sara, Sheana, and Michelle left with Jo, so they could visit Susan in the hospital and see if Sara and Sheana could help her recover from whatever mind control Spike did to her.

    Sandy had an interesting thought while they sat eating. “If you lost your phone when that guy stole your purse Michelle, why didn’t you just try calling Sara in your mind, I thought you had a strong link with each other?”

     “I did try a number of times, but Sara wasn’t picking up.” Michelle pouted.

     “It’s not like using a cell phone!” Sara complained. “And Hypatia put up a wall to block all outside voices and distractions while she helped me get control of my visions when I chat with the others.” Sara explained.

     “Is that so you don’t slip like the other day, and let them see parts of your past you don’t want them to see?” Sandy asked.

     “Yes it is.” Sara said looking a little shamed still that Michelle got to see what she use to look like.

     “Why couldn’t you hear Michelle calling to you after Tia dropped the wall though?” Sandy asked looking puzzled.

     “I got the call from Jo, and then we found out about Mike, and things got a little weird after that.” Sara said looking a little uncomfortable for some reason, a detail that didn’t escape Sandy’s keen eye.

     “What aren’t you telling us baby sister?” Sandy pushed for an answer.

    Sara tried to keep her head down and focused on her breakfast, but she could feel the eyes of everyone watching her, all except Jenna, she was humming to herself as she worked her way down a bowl of coco pops. “Oaky! I did hear Michelle calling to me, but I’d just been told she was dead, and I was scared I might have the gift of being able to hear dead people, and it freaked me out.” Sara said looking scared just thinking about being able to do that. “I’m sorry Michelle.” Sara added with a pleading look.

     “No need to apologise Sara.” Michelle said with a wave of her hand. “I think I’d have reacted the same way if I was hearing one of you in my head, just after being told you had died.”

     “I think it would be cool to be able to speak with the dead.” Sandy said as she gave it some more thought.

     “Speaking with the dead is not a good thing to be able to do.” Sheana warned. “You have very little control over whom and when they come to you, and once they hear of someone that can bridge the gap to the living...”

     “Not good?” Sandy finished.

     “Very not good. Most go mad within a year.” Sheana said looking worried for Sara getting such a power.

     “I doubt we’d notice that part with Sara though.” Sandy replied in a fake whisper, just before she was trying to dodge a piece of toast that Sara threw in her direction. It did her no good though, thanks to Sara being the Slayer, she hit her mark anyway. “See what I mean? She’s violent as well.” Sandy giggled as she picked the toast up off the floor and placed it on her empty breakfast place.

     “Think yourself lucky it didn’t have jam on it.” Sara said trying to look angry, but even she was soon giggling.

    Michelle found being around this bunch of people to feel like what a real family should. Mike had never had fun times like this with his parents. Michelle found herself wondering if they would even miss Mike now he was dead to them. She was soon snapped out of her thoughts when Sheana and the others started clearing the table and getting the dishes washed and put away. Michelle was put on washing detail with Jenna, while Sheana and Sara dried and put away.


    The girls had finished the dishes and were dressed ready to leave when Jo knocked on the door later in the morning. Michelle was hoping to find a little time before they left to look on her laptop to see what the men in black were up to, but she’d been dragged into having a little fashion show with Sara and Sheana while Sandy tried to find them all something to wear that didn’t clash with each other. Sandy had them all giggling as they played around, so Michelle had a lot of fun.

     “Morning baby.” Sara purred as she let Jo into the house. “You don’t look very happy, what’s wrong?” Sara asked when she saw the gloomy look on his face.

     “I’ll be alright.” Jo said, not looking very convincing as he said it. “Okay, I’m sick of everyone asking if I’m doing okay with Mike’s death.” He added after Sara gave him a head tilted look with her hands on her hips to say she wasn’t buying it.

     “Everyone’s worried about how you’re taking it all. They know how close the two of you were, or are.” Sara said with a quick shake of her head when she realised that she was talking about Michelle in the past tense.

     “I understand all that Sara, but why ask if I’m okay? I just lost my best friend, so NO! I’m not okay!” Jo snapped. “I’m sorry.” Jo added with a sigh when he saw he’d made Sara step back when he shouted.

     “Is there anything I can do to help?” Sara asked.

v“There is something you could do for me.” Jo said looking nervous. “I was hoping you’d let me spend the day as Josie? I just want to get away from myself for a bit, and being just one of the girls sounds like a good way to do that.” Jo had a pleading look as he asked.

     “I don’t mind spending the day with Josie, and I know that Sheana and Michelle will be happy to spend some time with her as well. “Sara smiled as she took Jo by the hand and then led him through the kitchen and up the stairs to her room where Sheana and Michelle were sat cuddling on the bed. “I hope this doesn’t put you off Jo, but we’re all going to see Susan at the hospital.” Sara pointed out.

     “People will get to see Josie around in the cafe soon enough, so it will all help to build up some background for her.” Jo shrugged, not looking too bothered about letting Susan see Josie. “Michelle and Josie are supposed to be cousins anyway, so it would look odd if we’re not seen together from the start, so this could work even better.” Jo said.

    Sara handed Jo her dressing gown and then handed him the ring that would change his body, but not his clothes, Sara wanted to help Josie get dressed today. Sara had an outfit ready when Josie stepped out the bathroom.

     “Hi Josie.” Sara grinned as she stepped over and wrapped her arms around Josie’s neck before leaning in for a kiss. “Do you feel any better now?” Sara asked when they stopped kissing.

     “Don’t take this the wrong way, but yes I feel much better knowing I can go out and walk down the street without all the kids from school saying they’re sorry to hear about Mike, and asking if I’m doing okay.” Josie said with a sigh as she rested her head on Sara’s shoulder.

     “Let’s get you dressed, so we can go see Susan.” Sara said as she set to work helping Josie get her underwear on before helping her put on a pink lady fit t-shirt and denim skirt. It was a simple look, but it matched the look Sara and the others had.

     “Is it wrong to feel like I can show my feeling and the loss of my best friend while in this form?” Josie asked as she let Sara hug her again.

     “I think men find it harder to let others see when they are hurting, women don’t have the same worries, and the world just expects it.” Sara tried to explain her thoughts on the subject.

     “I’m not really dead though Josie. Remember that.” Michelle said as she joined the hug along with Sheana.

     “But in a way you are, or Mike is.” Josie said. “I won’t be able to hang with you at school anymore, well not as Mike anyway, and there’ll be no more trips to the cinema to watch the latest horror flicks.” Josie added with a sigh.

     “You’re right about us hanging out at school like we use to, but I’m still up for trips to the cinema. None of that has changed.” Michelle said as she stepped back from the hug and playfully slapped Josie on the arm.

     “Anyone ever told you that you hit like a girl.” Josie giggled as she slapped her back.

     “That’s because I am a girl, just like you.” Michelle giggled some more as she threw her arms around Josie and then kissed her on the cheek without thinking. “Sorry.” Michelle quickly added looking worried as she stepped back.

     “Don’t worry about it.” Josie giggled. “I understand it’s just a thing girls do.”

     “I could get upset with you though.” Sheana pouted as she pulled Michelle away and started kissing her on the lips. Not wanting to be outdone, Sara pulled Josie closer and started doing the same thing.

    They finally stopped kissing each other and made their way out the door and walked up the road to the bus stop, where they got on the bus that took them past the hospital. They saw some kids from school on the bus, and they said how sorry they were to hear about Mike, and asked if Sheana was doing okay. Sheana soon found out why Jo had wanted to spend the day as Josie now.

    Sara got them off the subject of Mike, by introducing Josie and Michelle. Sara said that Michelle would be going to their school, but Josie was going to a private school for girls just outside the town. The other kids seem to buy it and were soon getting off and going to do whatever they did on a Sunday.

     “There is no private girl’s school just outside the town.” Josie said once they were off the bus and walking into the hospital.

     “They don’t know that, and I did imply it was on the same side of town as Tia’s house was, so they would just think that could be it.” Sara pointed out with a grin. “None of them would want to look stupid and say they didn’t know the place.”

     “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a sneaky little thing.” Josie giggled with pride for her girlfriend. She wanted to give Sara a hug, but not in the middle of a hospital full of sick people.

     “Yes, but I prefer it when they call me cute and sexy.” Sara said as she stopped walking and struck a sexy pose, which earned her a wolf whistle from a couple of men in dressing gowns just on their way out of the hospital building to have a cigarette judging by the fact they were both carrying packets of the death sticks. Sara just gave them a wiggle of her butt before she started walking again, as she started giggling with the other three.


    They finally found the right part of the hospital, after calling in at the shop to buy Susan some chocolate bars and a cute little teddy bear. They could have gotten something better and cheaper from the high street in town, but this was a last minute thing, and Sara felt like it was partly her fault Susan was in here to begin with.

     “I thought it would be more secure than this.” Josie said as they walked down a hallway that said they were about to enter the psychiatric ward. She’d been expecting large nurses in white coats that could either be male or female, but they just walked down to a reception desk where a pretty looking middle aged woman wearing a nurse’s uniform smiled at them.

     “Good morning, who are you here to see?” The nurse asked.

     “Good morning. We’d like to see Susan Hopkins, please.” Sara said.

     “That’s wonderful, she’s not had many visitors since she came in, just her mum and another friend.” The nurse smiled. “Go down the hallway and take the second left, and she’s in room twelve.” She added.

     “Thank you.” Sara said as she led the others down the hallway where the nurse had just told them to go.

    They soon found the room and knocked on the door where they could hear a couple of girls giggling. The giggling stopped and they heard Susan shout for them to come in, so Sara opened the door and was shocked to see Kimmie sat on the bed smiling as the two of them looked through a girl’s magazine.

     “Hi Sara!” Susan said looking more shocked to see her, than Sara was to see Kimmie in the room. “You come to see the insane girl?” Susan asked with an edge of anger in her voice, as she tried to work out why Sara was there in the first place.

     “No! I came to see how you were doing.” Sara said in a hurt tone. “Just because we got off to a rough start, doesn’t mean I wasn’t worried about what happened.” Sara added as she entered the room and let the other three follow her in.

     “I’m sorry, but Kimmie was just telling me what some of the other kids have been saying about me back at school. Most of which I thought were my friends, but none have come to see me while I’ve been stuck in here.” Susan said looking depressed about it.

     “Well we came to see how you are, and we brought you gifts as well.” Sara grinned as she let Sheana step around her and hand over the teddy bear and the chocolates.

     “Thanks Sheana, Sara. I was sorry to hear about Mike, he was a nice boy. He even helped me with my homework once.” Susan said as she remembered the time. “I did ask him as well, not bully him into doing it for me.” Susan added when she saw the look Sara gave her.

     “We still can’t believe he’s gone.” Sara said looking lost in thought. “Feels like he’s still with us at the minute.” Sara added as she looked over her shoulder at Michelle and then Josie.

     “Who are your new friends? I don’t think I’ve seen them around before.” Susan said when she saw Sara look at them.

     “This is Michelle and Josie. Michelle’s parents are the ones opening that new internet cafe in town.” Sara said as she pointed at each girl as she said their name. “Josie is Michelle’s cousin; her parents aren’t with us anymore, so she’s moving here with them.” Sara added in a whisper with a sad look.

     “I’m sorry to hear that, but how did you all get to know each other?” Susan asked excited to finally have people to talk to.

     “Sheana and I will be working at the cafe when we’re not at school, and we got talking after our interview and found out they didn’t know anyone, so we offered to show them around.” Sara smiled as she made up the story on the fly.

     “And you thought that starting at the bottom of the pile would be good for them?” Susan asked with a giggle. “Maybe you were hoping to find me in a padded room, wearing a straight jacket.” Susan teased.

     “No, we’ve been worried about you, and what you got taken away for.” Sara said in a hurt tone. “Do you remember why you did it?” Sara asked, hoping to find out if she remembered Spike compelling her to do what she did at school with the posters.

     “I don’t remember what made me do it, but I keep having nightmares about a man with long bleached blond hair wearing a suit and carrying a Cane. He keeps telling me to go to him and bring some Slayer.” Susan said with a shudder as she looked scared of what was happening to her.

    Sara knew she needed some time to probe Susan’s mind while the others distracted her. Sara wanted to see if she could force Spike to break his connection with Susan, so she could get out of this place.

     “Michelle, Josie. This is Susan and Kimmie.” Sara said when she suddenly realised that none of them should know each other.

     “Hi.” Kimmie smiled in her normal bubbly way. “It’s nice to meet you both, and I’m looking forward to hanging out in your new cafe when it opens.” Kimmie added with a grin.

     “Hi, it’s nice to meet both of you.” Michelle and Josie said looking nervous, but not for the same reason Susan and Kimmie thought.

    Michelle and Josie were nervous because this would be the first time either of them had ever tried to fool people they knew from school, not that either of them looked anything like Mike and Jo at the minute.

     “You’re the last person I expected to be sat in here with Susan, Kimmie.” Sara said trying to help out Michelle and Josie when she saw how uncomfortable they looked being in a room with the two girls.

     “My mum’s a nurse here in the hospital, and I come in and help out where I can on the weekends.” Kimmie smiled. “Mum told me that Susan hadn’t had any friends visit her since she was brought in, and I’d already heard what people were saying about her, so here I am.” Kimmie giggled, looking all excited about the time she’d been spending with her new friend.

     “I think she’s just here to make me feel guilty about all the times I picked on her, and made her feel small.” Susan teased as she playfully gave Kimmie a little push.

     “Is that what you’d do? If the tables were turned and it was Kimmie or I stuck here?” Sara asked.

     “In the beginning, probably, but having spent some time with Kimmie now and with all you coming to see me... I’m going to be making some changes to who I think of as friends from now on and god help anyone who even thinks about picking on Kimmie when I get back to school.” Susan said with anger in her voice.

     “I’m glad to hear it Susan. Kimmie is a great friend once you take the time to see it.” Sara smiled as she saw how close the two of them had become over the past couple of days.

     “I want to say how sorry I am for how I treated you when we first met.” Susan said looking sincere. “You coming to see me after how I’ve treated you, shows me just what an amazing person you are as well. Friends?” Susan asked as she held out her hand to shake Sara’s.

     “Friends!” Sara smiled as she took Susan’s hand in hers and shook it. Sara felt a sudden jolt as she shook Susan’s hand, and she could feel another presence lurking in the dark corners of Susan’s mind, like someone, or something was living there, but wasn’t home at the minute. “Sleep” Sara thought to Susan.

    Susan suddenly closed her eyes and fell back on the bed like she’d fainted. Sara needed this time to probe Susan’s mind and find the link Spike still had over her and try to break it. Kimmie looked panicked as she watched her new friend fall back on the bed, and she was soon running from the room looking for a nurse to come and check on Susan to see if anything was wrong.

     “I’ve done this to Susan, so I can break the link I feel Spike still has over her.” Sara thought to the other three, just before she delved deeper into Susan’s mind to find out just what Spike had done to her mind.

    Sara found herself in a large room with two doors in it. The door at the far end of the room didn’t look like it belonged, so Sara went to see where it led. What she found when she opened the door and looked beyond it was Spikes mind with all the different people he’d been over the years.

     “What the bloody hell are you doing in here?” A different looking version of Spike asked when he saw the slayer in the room.

    Sara had projected her Slayer form into Susan’s mind, just in case Susan remembered any of this. Sara was glad she had now that Spike was aware of her presence. She was soon being pushed out of the room, but only with all the Spikes in there working together to force her out. The minute Sara was free of Spike’s mind, the doorway vanished, and the room looked a much happier place. Sara could no longer sense the dark presence of Spike in there either.

     “You can wake up again now Susan.” Sara said to the sleeping form of Susan she found in the room now.

    Susan’s eyes flickered open in the real world, just as Kimmie ran back into the room dragging a nurse behind her. “She’s passed out, and I’m scared for her mum!” Kimmie said as she pulled the female nurse around to take a look at Susan.

     “She looks just fine to me Kimmie.” The nurse said as she frowned at Kimmie.

     “She did just pass out Miss.” Sara said jumping to Kimmie’s defence.

     “How are you feeling now dear?” The nurse asked as she helped Susan to sit up again.

     “I’m feeling much better. I don’t feel like I have anyone else in my head with me either.” Susan grinned as she looked off into space trying to sense if the man with the Cane was still in her head, but she couldn’t feel anything but her own thoughts.

     “The doctors will be glad to hear that sweetie.” The nurse smiled. “I’ll just go and find one of them to come and have a look at you.” She said just before leaving the room.

     “So that was your mum then?” Sara asked as she looked at the door where the nurse had just left.

     “Yes, that’s her.” Kimmie sighed. “She gets angry with me for wasting her time. I tend to panic a lot when I think people are ill, so she snaps at me for it.” Kimmie explained the reason for her mum having a go at her then.

     “Well it looked like a good call this time Kimmie.” Sheana grinned as she looked at a much happier looking Susan sat on the bed grinning at them all.

    Sara and the others had to leave the room while Susan spoke to a couple of doctors and then a woman turned up, who Kimmie informed them, was Susan’s mother. They were all let back it and Susan said that if she showed more improvement over the next two days, she would be allowed home, and then back to school next week.

    The girls stopped for another couple of hours, but left when the nurses started bringing the meals around to all the patients. They were getting hungry, so they took a bus into town and went for a slice of pizza before wandering around the shops for a couple of hours. They even walked past the new cafe and saw that it was getting close to being ready to open, so they all knew it wouldn’t be long before they were all working, but the thought of earning some extra money for new clothes would be nice.


    Sara and the others could smell dinner cooking when they walked back in the house just before five that evening. “Hi Mum, we’re home!” Sara shouted as she let all the others into the house before she entered herself.”

     “We’re in the living room honey!” Her mum shouted back.

     “Dinner smells amazing.” Sara said as she entered the room and gave her mum a hug before dropping on one of the sofas and then catching Jenna as she jumped at her. “Hello, you little monster.” Sara added as she started to tickle the little girl as she giggled and screamed.

     “How was your friend when you saw her? Were you able to help?” Karen asked looking hopeful.

     “Yes, I think I fixed her.” Sara smiled. “Spike still had a link to her, but he soon broke it when he realised that I could use it to gain access to his mind through it.” Sara added with a grin.

     “What’s to stop him being able to enter it again?” Karen asked looking worried at the news Spike still had control of the poor child.

     “I left a loose link to her mind open, like I have with all of you. Hypatia taught me how to do it.” Sara grinned. “I’ll know if Spike or anyone else tries to play with her mind.”

     “I’m glad you were able to help her honey.” Karen smiled with pride. “Will Josie be joining us for dinner this evening?” Karen asked.

     “Only if it’s not too much trouble Karen.” Josie smiled.

     “You better text your mother and let her know. I don’t want her to worry about you, or Jo.” Karen said looking a little confused.

    Josie pulled Jo’s mobile out the little backpack she was using as a purse and groaned when she saw all the texts and missed calls he’d had. “I never realised just how popular I’d become, just because my best bud died.” Josie said, making it sound weird coming from a girl, being a typical guy thing to say. She quickly typed in the text message to send to Jo’s mum and then waited for a reply. It came a couple of minutes later and just said ‘thanks for letting me know’ Jo’s mum could only just use texting, but it was one way to get her son to speak, so she stuck with it.

     “I wonder what your mum would say if she could see what you look like right now?” Sara asked with a grin just before she leaned over and kissed Josie on the cheek.

     “As she doesn’t believe in magic, she wouldn’t believe it was really me, well not unless I removed the ring and then let her see me change back that is.” Josie said with a worried look just thinking about it, as she turned to look Sara in the eyes, just before she kissed Sara on the lips.

     “Will you be okay tomorrow at School?” Michelle asked looking worriedly at Josie.

     “I’ve got nothing to be worried about.” Josie grinned. “I’m not going to be there.” She giggled

     “You know what I mean.” Michelle whined. “Will Jo be alright dealing with all the other kids saying how sorry they are for the loss of your best friend.” Michelle explained.

     “I’ll be fine Michelle.” Josie said looking serious all of a sudden. “After all, it’s not true, even if you are only a girl now.” She added as she pulled a face like it was a bad thing. Josie was soon giggling as she got attacked by three girls armed with cushions from the sofas.

     “You sexist little pig.” Sara shouted as she hit Josie with her cushion over and over again. “How can you sit there and say that when you’re a girl as well at the minute?” Sara asked as she kept hitting Josie, while they all giggled.

    Dinner was soon ready and they all sat down to eat while they talked about their plans to have Karen pretend to be Michelle’s mother by using the rubber band that Sheana made for Michelle to use.

     “I think the sooner we get you back in school the better it will be for you Michelle.” Karen said with a sad smile. “I know you’re dealing with a lot right now, but keeping busy and getting back to some sort of normal routine will help you focus.” Karen added.

     “I’m not sure using the term ‘normal routine’ is quite right mum.” Sandy giggled as she looked at Michelle across the table. “Starting school as a girl, when you were boy before, is anything but routine.” Sandy added.

     “You’re not helping sis.” Sara said through gritted teeth when she saw the worry on Michelle’s face.

     “I’m sorry Michelle; I didn’t mean any of it in a bad way.” Sandy said when she also saw the worry on Michelle’s face. “I just thought you’d be excited about finally being able to go to school as a girl. I thought that’s what you wanted?” Sandy asked.

     “I did, but I was hoping to make my parents understand how I felt, and they would be a part of it all happening.” Michelle wiped a tear away from her cheek as she spoke. “I didn’t think they would be mourning the death of some stranger that stole my ring and then got himself run over.” She added as she broke down and had to be hugged by Sheana until she stopped.

    Deep down Michelle knew that neither of her parents would ever understand her need to be Michelle. She also knew that she would never be able to let them see that Sheana had used magic to make it happen, but to suddenly have something snatched away from you, and then have to stand on the side line while you saw people you still loved in pain because of it, was just a little too much for Michelle to deal with right now.

     “I’m sorry for upsetting you Michelle.” Sandy said as she ran around the table and pulled the sobbing girl into her arms when Sheana let go of her.

     “You didn’t upset me Sandy.” Michelle snuffled. “The guy that stole my purse upset me.” She added with a weak smile.

     “True, but I still opened my big mouth at the wrong time.” Sandy pouted.

     “Nothing new there then.” Michelle giggled.

     “Hey! You cheeky cow!” Sandy said in mock horror just before she started laughing and trying to hug Michelle to death. “I’m not sure I should let you spend any more time with Sara and Sheana. You’re already beginning to sound like them.” Sandy giggled, happy to hear Michelle sounding a little happier again.

    They finally got back to eating their dinner, and then they had some sponge pudding and custard for desert. Sara, Sheana, Josie and Michelle got the task of washing the dishes. It didn’t take long with the four of them doing it. They did have a fifth helper, but none of the girls were sure if Jenna helping was actually making things any quicker, but the little girl just loved playing around in the water.

    Once the dishes were washed and put away, the girls all went up to Sara’s room, which was now Sheana’s, Michelle’s and Jenna’s as well. Sara smiled as she thought back to when it belonged to a boy called Simon, she was glad it wasn’t the case anymore though.

     “Do you mind if I fire up my laptop and see what the men in black have been up to?” Michelle asked Sara once they were in the room and Sheana was giggling as she jumped up and down on the bed with Jenna.

     “No, not at all. I was going to ask you to check and see if they had any idea where Spike might be.” Sara said as she followed Michelle over to where her laptop was on the dressing table. “I need to stop him before he finds some other poor girl like Susan to torment.”

     “I bet he wasn’t too happy to find you in his mind earlier today.” Michelle giggled when she thought about what Sara had said to them after they left Susan and Kimmie at the hospital.

     “He didn’t look to happy at all. In fact he looked totally shocked by it, to the point that he’d got no idea just how powerful I truly am.” Sara smiled at the thought of the look on Spikes face.

     “I wish you’d been able to finish him off the other night when you had the chance.” Josie said as she stood with Sara watching Michelle fire up her laptop and log onto the net.

     “He won’t be so lucky the next time we fight.” Sara growled.

    Sara and Josie stood and watched Michelle work on her laptop as she brought up a couple of different programs before she was logged onto the men in black server, looking through the mission briefings. Michelle soon had Sara’s full attention with what she said next.

     “Oh crap! Houston we have a major problem.” Michelle said as she turned to look at Sara looking more scared than she ever had before.

     “What’s happened?” Sara asked looking just as scared.

     “The men in black have a mission set to start first thing tomorrow.” Michelle explained.

     “The men in black are always starting new missions.” Josie pointed out. “What’s so special about this one?” She asked.

     “This one is being set up to watch one Sara Anne Read, and Sheana Read. Targets being watched as possible candidates for the Slayer and her Witch.” Michelle said as she read the text on the screen.

     “No! How could they be on to them?” Josie asked as she pushed Michelle out the way so she could read down and see if anything had been written down to explain it. “It says you showed unnatural speed and strength while fighting with a boy on Friday. The undercover person stood and watched as the boy looked to be struggling to remove the girl, but without any luck.” Josie said as she read the screen out to the others.

     “How could they know all that?” Michelle asked. “There are no cameras in that part of the school, and I didn’t see any teachers around.” She added looking more freaked out now she knew they were being watched everywhere at school.

    Sara was in shock at the news of the men in black setting up a mission to watch her and Sheana, but she was also trying to remember who was around them on Friday at school when she had her blow out at Jo. Sara suddenly found herself reliving that part of the day on Friday, as she pulled Sheana, Michelle and Josie into it with her.

     “What’s going on?” Jo’s voice asked as they found themselves all sat under the tree at school.

     “I’m trying to work out who could have seen us and then reported back to the men in black about what they saw.” Sara explained as she started to look around.

    Jo, Michelle and Sheana all did the same. It was just like being back at school for real, the sun felt warm where it poked through the leafs of the tree they were under, and they could feel the breeze on their faces as they looked around.

     “I don’t see any teachers anywhere.” Jo said.

     “I see some of the other students watching, but none of them could be a spy, could they?” Michelle asked with worry in her voice.

     “No, not a student, but it would have to be someone new, someone we wouldn’t have seen before.” Sara said as she looked around for any sign of something they were missing. “Someone like that!” Sara suddenly shouted as she pointed to the man pretending to look busy pruning some bushes while he kept looking over at them under the tree.

     “A maintenance man?” Josie said it like Sara had lost her mind. “You think a maintenance man is one of the Commanders undercover agents?”

     “Why not?” Sara snapped back at Josie. “We just instantly assumed that all the people The Commander was sending into the school were teachers, but what if one or maybe more of them were just like him?” Sara asked as she pointed at the man now paused in Sara’s version of an instant reply from Friday lunchtime at school.

     “Sara’s right.” Michelle said after giving it some thought. “We did just assume they would all be teachers, but it would make more sense to have a couple in other places as well. I bet he has someone working in the main office as well.” Michelle added.

     “We better go down and let your mum know about all this Sara.” Josie said.

     “She won’t be happy about it.” Sara said looking more worried about facing her mother, than she did about facing a vampire.

     “True, but she might have some idea as to how we get them off your back before they see something we don’t want them to.” Josie said sounding sensible for once.

     “You should become Josie more often.” Sara smiled. “You seem much smarter than Jo.” Sara giggled just before she kissed a growling Josie.

     “Maybe because she’s only thinking with the one brain.” Michelle said with a grin as she looked down at Josie’s groin.

     “What is this, pick on Josie day?” Josie pouted as she cuddled into Sara for protection from the mean words. Josie soon found herself in the middle of a group hug.

    Sara was soon picking up Jenna who had been sat playing with a couple of cuddly toys on the bed while the others spoke., then they all left the bedroom to go and see if Karen and the others had any advice about stopping the men in black from spying on Sara and Sheana .


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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