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Chapter Thirty
Prue was in the kitchen sorting out dinner when she heard the front door and then saw Sara and the others walk into the kitchen. “Hi kids. Good day at school?”
“We think so, but Michelle is going to check and make sure The Commander doesn’t have his men watching us again.” Sara said as she led the others through the kitchen and up the stairs to her room where Michelle’s laptop was set up.
Michelle was soon logged on and then she routed her connection through a couple of different servers before she logged on to the MIB’s network to see what interesting things they’d been doing through the day. “Looks like we’re in the clear Sara, I can’t see anything about any of us, or the house.” Michelle said as she looked through all the mission reports. “There is one interesting little fact here though.” Michelle added as she pointed at a spot on the laptop screen.
“What’s that?” Sara asked as she got up off the bed and walked over to see what Michelle had found.
“Spike was spotted drinking at Armen’s pub last night.” Michelle read out for the others. “Do you think he might be there again tonight?” Michelle asked.
“There’s only one way to find out.” Sara said as she realised that the Slayer would need to pay a visit to the pub and see if she could track down Spike and finally put an end to him. “Are you sure that this deflecting spell you’ve added to our suits will really stop Drusilla from being able to use the crystals against us sis?” Sara asked as she looked at Sheana worriedly.
“Yes, we will be protected, but Spike will be angry when he sees his mate destroyed.” Sheana warned.
“I’ll handle Spike, you just make sure Drusilla is taken care of, and also you and Prue are kept safe while I deal with spike.” Sara growled.
“Mike... I mean Michelle and I will keep an eye on the men in black for you from here.” Jo said as he looked a little sad after saying Mike’s name on reflex before correcting himself.
“Won’t your mum be worried if you stop out that late?” Sara asked.
“I was hoping you or Sheana would come and get me after I go home and head up to bed, or that’s what my parents will think I’ve done.” Jo said looking hopeful that he could feel like part of the team later in the evening. “Or you could just do that cool trick with the phone again Sheana.” Jo grinned as he remembered the little trick that Sheana had done by pulling Jo through the phone on Saturday when he told them he thought Mike had been killed.
“That I can do easily Jo.” Sheana smiled.
“That’s settled then. Tonight we track down and put an end to Spike and his little bitch of a girlfriend.” Sara said as she looked at the others looking determined to put an end to the threat that Spike and Drusilla posed.
And now the story continues...
Karl was determined to get to the bottom of what the commander was up to in the sectioned off part of the base he was using for his side project. Karl was also getting more and more worried about the commanders obsession with the Slayer over tracking down this Spike and his vampire mate Drusilla. Karl was stood just down the hallway waiting for the commander to leave his office and make his way down to the secret section.
“Good I caught you sir!” Karl said as he made his way over and placed a hand on the commander’s shoulder as he tried to hand him a file. “Here are the mission reports you asked for.” Karl added as he tried to give the commander the folder he was carrying.
“I was just on my way out, place it on my desk, I’ll look at it later.” The Commander said as he opened his office door again and let Karl enter while he made his way down the corridor.
Karl entered the commander’s office and placed the file on the desk before leaving again. Karl smiled as he walked away from the commander who had stopped at the other end of the corridor to make sure Karl wasn’t in his office any longer than needed. Karl had already worked out that the commander was testing him, but Karl had already done what he wanted by planning a bug on the commander when her placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m not that stupid.” Karl thought to himself as he made his way back to his own office to see if he could find out just what the commander was doing is that sealed off section of the base. Karl placed the little set of headphones in his ears and then listened to the commander entering section six before walking down a long corridor and then entering a room and speaking to someone.
“Do you think you can help me catch this Slayer?” The commander asked the person in the room.
“I don’t see a problem with catching this woman for you, but are you willing to stand back and let me have the demon called Spike and his mate?” A man with a strange sounding voice asked. “I’ve been hunting that bastard for many years now, and I want to torture him for many more before I send him to his final death.” The man added with anger in his voice.
“Catch me the Slayer and I won’t need any more vampires or other demons. I will make a fortune in the private sector when I find out what makes this Slayer able to do what she does.” The Commander said with an evil laugh.
Karl was shocked to confirm that the commander had sold them out, and was now trying to catch the Slayer and find out what gives her all her special gifts. Karl knew he had to get this information to the right people and also stop the commander from letting this Man he heard the commander talking to, from getting his hands on Spike or Drusilla. Karl found himself hoping that the Slayer might get to Spike first and upset the commander’s plan by killing him and making their deal worthless.
“I wonder who the man is he was talking to.” Karl thought to himself as he made his way to command, to see if they could track down where Spike was and see if he could get a face to go with the voice.
Karl knew he’d have to be very careful until he had enough evidence to take it above the commander’s head and put a stop to his insane plan to make an army of Slayers for the private sector, but Karl was on his way towards having enough evidence with the recording he already had.
Sara, Sheana and Prue were all suited up and ready to leave as they waited for Sheana to get the call from Jo and then pull him back to the house by using the phone signal.
They all stood and watched as bright blue mist came from Sara’s phone that formed into a small twister in the middle of the bedroom and then it took on the form of Jo.
“Wow that looked so cool!” Michelle said as she saw it all happen for the first time. She’d not been at Hypatia’s when Sheana did it the first time.
“Beats walking.” Jo grinned as he took a seat next to Michelle at the desk where the laptop was set up.
“Are we all set then?” Sara asked as she waited for Michelle to log into the men in black network and find out if they knew where Spike and Drusilla were.
“I’m on it now Slayer.” Michelle said as she started tapping away on the computer. “They have him located at Armen’s place, but for some reason the Commander has ordered all teams to stay back and just observe for some reason.” Michelle sounded puzzled.
“Maybe he’s learning and is waiting for us to take care of him instead of sending in his own men.” Sara shrugged, not understanding herself why the commander would tell his teams to keep back.
“That doesn’t sound like the commander I know.” Prue said not liking the way the commander was just sat back letting Spike run amuck all over town.
“It does seem strange for a crack team of demon hunters to sit back and not catch demons.” Sara agreed with what Prue was thinking. “Well no one told me to keep out of it, and I want to put an end to that blonde haired asshole for what he did to me.” Sara growled as she thought back to Spike breaking her back when they first met, and then skipping out the second time when she almost had him beat until Drusilla hit her with some sort of magic attack.
“True Slayer, but let’s be very careful and make sure the commander doesn’t have something up his sleeve for us as well as Spike.” Prue warned.
“Can’t you just read the commanders mind and pluck the plan out of his head?” Jo asked.
“I’ve been trying, but he’s found some way to block me reading his mind.” Sara frowned. “Hypatia has been having the same problem as well for some reason.” Sara added.
“Doesn’t it scare you not being able to find out what the commander has planned?” Jo asked looking worried for his girlfriend, even if she was an all powerful slayer.
“Yes it worries me Jo, but not stopping Spike worries me more at the minute, and I have you and Michelle keeping an eye on them for me.” Sara smiled, which looked weird while she was suited up as the Slayer all in red with sunglasses hiding her eyes and flaming red hair on top of her head. “Let’s go and see if we can find Spike.” Sara said as she touched her belt and was gone. Sheana placed her hand on Prue’s shoulder and they too vanished.
“They'll be alright Jo.” Michelle said when she saw the worried look on her friends face as he turned to help keep an eye on the men in black. “Sara almost killed him the last time they faced each other, and she’s even more upset with him now.” Michelle pointed out with a grin.
“Spike wasn’t ready for her the last time they faced off, this time he is, and his psycho of a girl friend didn’t have an evil set of crystals either.” Jo said, not feeling any better after Michelle’s little pep talk.
“True, but Hypatia has warned Sheana about those crystals, and she’s added protection spells to stop Drusilla being able to use them against any of them.” Michelle smiled, but even she was feeling a little worried about it all.
Sara had blinked to a dark spot just around the corner from the entrance to the pub Armen owned while she waited for Sheana and Prue to join her. It was only a couple of seconds before they joined her and they looked around to see if anything looked out of place, but all looked quiet, apart from the normal noise that was coming from inside the pub. Sara reached out with her mind, but couldn’t sense anything or anyone waiting to spring a trap, but the fact she could no longer sense the commander didn’t make her feel any better about that.
“Keep an eye out for trouble once we get in there.” Sara warned the two of them in her sexy slayer voice as she led the way around the corner and over to the entrance where the same two men were guarding the door. Not wanting another ass kicking from the Slayer, the two men stepped aside and let the three of them enter the pub.
The pub was quite busy with a mix of demons and humans, but Sara could pick out Spike stood over at the bar talking to Armen, while Drusilla was sat at a table on the other side of the room. Sara could see right away that this was a trap to get the Slayer’s back to Drusilla while she talked with Spike, giving Drusilla enough time to use the crystals to destroy her.
“Hello Spike.” Sara said in a friendly tone as she made her way over to the bar and leaned on it next to where Spike was stood. “You never call, you never write. A girl would think you didn’t love her anymore.” Sara pouted.
“I never bleeding loved you in the first place, now piss off and let a fella enjoy a drink in peace.” Spike said as he tried to act calm. “I ante looking for any trouble.” He added just before finishing off his drink and then pushing himself away from the bar.
“That’s a pity because I am.” Sara grinned. “You left the last time before we got to finish of our little battle, and I still owe you a one way ticket to hell.” Sara added in a matter of fact way for the whole pub to hear.
“Look darling, I’m willing to admit that I was wrong about you, and you are the real thing, now all I want to do is leave this pub, and then this bloody town and never look back.” Spike said as he raised his hands as a sign of surrender.
While Spike was talking to her, she was reaching out and feeling for what Drusilla was doing, and Sara could hear her chanting something in her mind while gripping the crystals her and Spike had stolen from the museum.
“And you want me to just let you leave?” Sara asked with a little laugh. “Sorry, but I can’t let that happen.” Sara added looking serious all of a sudden.
“I had a feeling you’d say that darling.” Spike smirked as he stepped back like he was getting ready for a fight, but Sara had already worked out it was because he didn’t want to get caught up in Drusilla’s magic attack.
There was a loud explosion from the area of the room where Drusilla had been seated, and when Sara looked in that direction she could see that the table she’d been sat at was now just a mass of splintered wood lying around the room. Drusilla had even managed to kill a couple of vampires where bits of the table had ripped straight through their hearts, leaving piles of ash where they had just been standing.
Drusilla was now on her feet gripping the crystals in her hands and her eyes were glowing red as a blood red glow started to spread out from the crystal and make its way towards Sara. Sheana stepped in the way and this just made Spike grin even more as he thought Drusilla was going to get rid of the Slayer and her little witch friend. Spike’s grin suddenly turned to one of worry when he saw the red glow start to split into two different streams of light and then they turned into a pair of hands as they wrapped themselves around Drusilla and started to squeeze the life out of her. Drusilla let out a scream of pain.
“Drusilla!” Spike shouted as he covered the distance between him and her in a blink of an eye, but it was already too late and all he managed to do was catch the crystal before it hit the floor.
Spike just knelt down on the floor holding the crystal in his hands for a couple of seconds and he started to shake with anger. Sara could feel his power growing wilder and out of control. This is just how Hypatia said he would react, and this would make it easier for Sara to kill him.
“What did you do you fucking witch?” Spike spat out as he jumped to his feet and made a run at Sheana, but found his path blocked by Sara.
Sheana used the fact that Sara was blocking Spike’s path to chant something and the crystal in his hand was suddenly gone. Sheana had sent it back to Hypatia where she could keep it safe.
Spike was confused and in shock at losing his mate and he started looking around on the floor thinking he had just dropped the crystal to start with, but then he looked at the Slayer with anger in his eyes.
“Did you lose something?” Sara asked sarcastically as she realised it had a double meaning. “I really think your girlfriend should have read the instructions before use, don’t you?” Sara smirked.
“I’m going to tear you limb from limb and then I’m going to suck the marrow from your bones.” Spike spat out as he balled up his fist and got ready to make good on his threat.
“Well what are you waiting for?” Sara asked with a grin.
Spike lashed out at Sara and she dodged it and then a string of other punches. Even as pissed off and unfocused as he was, Spike was still a good fighter, but Sara was holding her own and also putting on a good show for all the other vampires and demons watching. She wanted them all to see that not even someone as old and powerful as Spike could beat her.
“Why don’t you just give up and let me end your misery?” Sara asked with a pout at one point during the fight. All this seemed to do was make Spike even madder as he started lashing out wildly with punches and kicks, all of which Sara blocked and returned.
Sara was landing blow after blow on Spike, but he was not landing a single punch on her. He was to wild with rage to see that he had already lost. All he could think about was living his days without Drusilla at his side. The fight went on for another ten minutes with Sara almost getting bored to the point she was beginning to feel sorry for him. Evil or not, she knew how she’d feel if someone killed Jo and left her feeling lost. Seeing that she’d proved her point to everyone in the pub, she got ready to end it all.
Spike’s need to survive finally kicked in and he suddenly realised that he wasn’t going to win this fight after all, and he took a quick look over his shoulder and saw the path to the exit was clear and he made a break for it, hoping to find some way to get his beloved Drusilla back, and also end the Slayer at a later date. He was almost out the door when he saw a red flash out the corner of his eye and then he felt a sharp pain in his chest as he came to a stop and looked down to see the silver shaft of a stake stuck out his chest where his heart was. Spike looked up and saw the Slayer stood in front of him, but she wasn’t smiling like he expected, she looked very serious with tight set lips and he looked at his own reflexion in her red tinted sunglasses.
Sara was glad to see the end of Spike, but at the same time she felt sad for the lost love between him and Drusilla. Sara watched as he staggered back just before he burst into flames and he gave Sara a little nod, as if to say ‘well done you beat me’ just before he fell to the ground in a pile of ash.
The whole pub fell quiet as they watched the flames go out leaving nothing but ash where one of the oldest vampires had once been stood boasting just how good he was, and how he’d teach this Slayer a lesson. The silence was soon broken though by the sound of someone clapping. Sara looked to see the person doing it, but he was blocked from view by some other people to start with, but they soon parted to let him step into view.
“Very nicely done Slayer.” The man said as he kept clapping while walking into view. “You’ve caused me some trouble now, but still very nicely done.” He added.
Sara thought she knew this man, but at the same time she knew that she’d never met him either. She was just about to ask him his name when she heard Prue let out a gasp and then say. “Valeck?”
“Valeck? As in the vampire who sired you?” Sara asked looking shocked, but also remembering where she’d seen him before. Sara had been in Prue’s mind one night while they slept, she was shown how this man had saved Prue from death by turning her into a vampire so she could go and save Jenna from death.
“Hello Prudence. I see that you still fight for the side of justice then?” Valeck said with a smile as he walked past Sara and made his way over to where Prue was stood with Sheana at her side.
Prue smiled back as she stepped forward; glad to see her old friend and sire, but the look on Valeck’s face changed from one of happiness to see her, to one of anger as he took in a deep breath. Before anyone had time to react, Valeck had pulled a stake from somewhere and was driving it deep into Prue’s chest, or he would have if not for the protection spell Prue had keeping her safe. The wooden stake with the silver core just splintered and bent an inch away from Prue’s chest.
Valeck found himself bouncing off a wall on the other side of the room having taken a couple of other people with him before he had time to realise that his stake hadn’t killed Prue like he’d hoped. Sara had thrown him back when she saw what he was planning to do the second he thought it, but he was fast, and if not for the ring keeping Prue safe, she would be a pile of ash, just like Spike was right now.
“What the hell is your problem?!” Sara screamed at Valeck, as she turned to look at Prue and make sure she was alright.
Prue was fine, but she looked shocked and was feeling her chest to make sure she hadn’t just been staked by her Sire. “I don’t understand?” Prue said in a daze as she let Sheana hold her, just so she didn’t fall over.
“I can smell the death on you, and I will end your life animal.” Valeck growled as he got to his feet again. “How could someone I sired take the blood of a human and still feel able to walk this planet?” He asked with anger in his voice.
“Yes Prue has done some evil things, but she’s good again now and working to make amends for what she did.” Sara tried to explain. “If you try to harm her again, you will have me to deal with.” Sara said as she stepped between him and Prue, as he made his way towards her again.
“She will never be able to do enough good to make up for what she’s become.” Valeck growled. “I’ve tracked Spike for hundreds of years, ever since I found out he was the one that made the vampire that killed my wife. You took the pleasure I was going to have torturing him, but I will soon have her to take his place, and I will make her beg me to kill her.” Valeck said just before he turned and left the pub.
Sara watched as six other men and two women got up and they also left the room. Sara knew them all to be vampires from the energy they were giving off. Sara would worry about his threat to Prue later, but right now she just wanted to get back to the safety of the house, but firsts she needed to make contact with Hypatia to see what she knew about this Valeck and make sure the black crystal was safely back with her where it belonged.
Karl was sat in command in shock, he’d just seen the Slayer take down Spike after watching his girlfriend get destroyed by some form of magic spell gone wrong, but the biggest shock was the man that had just tried to kill the vampire called Prue. The man’s voice was the same voice Karl had heard talking to the commander earlier in the night.
“The Commander is making deals with vampires?” Karl thought to himself. “And he’s trying to catch the one person that could help us stop them. He really has lost his mind.” Karl thought, as he tried to work out what he needed to do next. He knew he couldn’t let the commander keep running the operation now he knew all this. He made a copy of what just happened and added it to the recording he already had, and he knew he’d have to keep an eye on what the commander planned to try next. Karl also knew that it wouldn’t be long before this Valeck made a move against Prue and the Slayer if she gets in the way.
Karl was snapped out of his planning when he saw the commander enter the room looking upset. Karl had a pretty good idea what he was upset about, but couldn’t; let on without letting the commander know he knew things he shouldn’t.
“The Slayer solved the Spike and Drusilla problem for us sir, but it looks like we have a new problem to worry about.” Karl said referring to the vampire Valeck.
“Don’t worry about this Valeck. I’ve been briefed on him. He’s a vampire yes, but he’s also a vampire hunter, and only kills members of his own kind.” The commander said in a matter of fact way.
“Shouldn’t we still be keeping an eye on him, just in case the Intel is wrong and he starts killing humans?” Karl asked looking a little shocked at the way the commander was acting.
“No! We focus on tracking down this slayer and catching her. We can’t have some want to be Buffy running around doing our job for us.” The commander argued.
Karl had to look away so the commander couldn’t see the look in his eyes as he knew the real reason he wanted this Slayer caught. Karl was beginning to get angry with the way the commander was acting, and how he was putting his own greed in front of the safety of his own men and the country he swore to protect with his life. Karl knew more than ever now he just had to put a stop to the commander’s plans and also find some way to contact and warn the Slayer.
Sara had stepped outside trying to see where this Valeck and his team had gone to, but they were nowhere in sight, but not wanting to risk them or anyone else overhearing her talk to Sheana and Prue, she formed a mind link and spoke that way instead.
“I want to go and see Hypatia before we head home. I want to find out what she knows about this Valeck, and just how worried we should be about him.” Sara thought to them both.
“I can’t believe he tried to kill me.” Was all Prue kept thinking back as she still had a hand on the spot where he’d tried to drive a stake through her chest.
“I think that would be a good idea sis, but you better link with Jo and Michelle to let them know where we’re going.” Sheana agreed as she took hold of Prue’s free hand and then blinked them both over to Hypatia’s home.
“Jo, Michelle? Are you there?” Sara thought to the two of them.
“Where else would we be, but in our own minds.” Jo thought back heavy with sarcasm. “On second thoughts, don’t answer that one.” He quickly added.
Sara couldn’t help giggling as she let Jo’s playing around relieve the tension she’d been feeing since defeating Spike and then facing off against this new vampire menace that seemed to want Prue dead even more than the commander did. “You take all the fun out of things.” She thought back with a pout to her voice.
“We just saw what happened on some of the MIB’s video feeds, but they were ordered not to take any action still.” Michelle said. “How’s Prue? She looked pretty shook up just before you left the pub.” Michelle asked with worry in her voice.
“She’s pretty shook up by it all, just like you said. Do the men in black have any info on him?” Sara asked.
“Not that’s showing up on their system, other than none of them are to pursue. It looks like you’re still the commander’s main target.” Michelle explained.
“Okay, keep an eye on their chatter. Sheana, Prue and I are going to call in on Hypatia to see what she can tell us about this Valeck.” Sara said with a sigh in her voice. “We’ll be home soon. Bye.” Sara said before breaking the link and then blinking over to join Sheana and Prue at Hypatia’s.
Hypatia was stood in the hallway holding the black crystal in her hand when she saw Sheana and Prue appear looking worried.
“What happened? Is Sara alright?” Hypatia asked looking worried herself now as she saw that Sara wasn’t with them.
“She’s fine, and Spike is no more, but we may have another problem.” Sheana started to explain. “We had company at Armen’s pub, and he tried to kill Prue.” Sheana added just as she saw Sara appear next to her.
“Who was it?” Hypatia asked as she looked at a shocked Prue still in a daze from meeting Valeck after all this time, just to have him try and kill her.
“Valeck, he’s the vampire that Sired her.” Sara said. “What can you tell us about him, and why are the men in black not worried about him?” Sara asked as she helped Sheana get Prue into the living room where she could sit down and recover for a couple of minutes.
“Valeck is a vampire hunter; he only feeds on the blood of his own kind, and only the ones who have killed humans.” Hypatia started to explain. “His wife took in a vampire not knowing what he was, and he killed Valeck’s wife and then turned Valeck so he would be left with the memory of his lost love for as long as he walked the planet. Valeck felt such anger over what this vampire had done that he tracked him down and then tortured him until he knew all there was to know about vampires.”
“He said something about Spike being the one responsible for it though.” Sara pointed out.
“I did hear that Spike was the one to sire the vampire that killed Valeck’s wife, so I guess Valeck wanted to take out his revenge on Spike for his part in it.” Hypatia shrugged, not having all the answers to what made Valeck do what he does. “Valeck has his own little army of vampires that are all like him and feed only on animals, or other vampires” Hypatia added with a shudder.
“Is it safe to do that?” Sara asked as she pulled a face at the thought of drinking any form of blood.
“It won’t hurt a vampire to drink another vampire’s blood, but it’s not very tasty either. Kind of like eating something you don’t like, but if you’re hungry enough then you will do it anyway.
“You mean like drinking a glass of muddy water when you’re dying of thirst?” Sara asked.
“Yes, just like that.” Hypatia said with a raised eyebrow at just how quick Sara was at understanding things.
“But why does he want to see Prue dead if he was the one that Sired her in the first place?” Sara asked still not understanding the reason for him wanting Prue dead.
“What did he say before he tried to kill her?” Hypatia asked.
“He said she had the smell of death on her, and he would destroy her like the animal she was. Or something like that.” Sara said as she tried to remember what happened. “I got distracted when he tried to drive a stake through her heart.” Sara added as she remembered throwing him across the room and the look of shock on his face with just how fast she could move and how strong she was to go with it.
“He must have smelt the death on her.” Hypatia sighed heavily. “Once a vampire drinks human blood, they have a smell about them that other vampires can smell. Valeck must hunt his own kind using this method.” Hypatia explained when she saw Sara and Sheana looking at her with puzzled looks.
“I still find it hard to believe he’d just want to kill her without finding out why she has this smell of death you just mentioned.” Sara huffed in anger.
“”To Valeck there is no greater sin than a vampire taking a human life, and the fact that someone he Sired doing it, well in his eyes that makes him no better than Spike was for the one he sired that went on to kill his wife.” Hypatia said. “I was worried he’d turn up when I first found out spike was in town, then I hoped you killing Spike would stop Valeck’s need to come here, but now he’s smelt Prue and knows that she’s tasted human blood, he will keep coming at her until he’s carried out his promise.” Hypatia added as she looked to be deep in thought trying to work out some way to get rid of him.
“What if I left town and forced him to come after me?” Prue said as she tried to get her head back in the game, as it was her Valeck wanted to kill.
“He’d track you down in no time and catch you Prudence. No we need to keep you someplace safe until we can make him move on.” Hypatia pointed out. “I think you and Jenna should move in here until he’s gone, there is no way for him to gain access to you here, or track you with magic.” She added.
“I did notice he seamed to have a team of other vampires with him as well, do you know anything about them?” Sara asked.
“Yes he has a small army of vampires that are all like him and hunt other vampires. None of his men and woman has ever fed on humans, and they all live to see the vampires that have get turned to ash.” Hypatia explained.
“You just said he won’t be able to find Prue here even using magic, does that mean he has a witch of his own?” Sara asked looking worried.
“Yes, but only weak ones with very little power. They are like children playing with fire most the time. They band together and call themselves a Covent.” Hypatia laughed. “They have nothing on the powers Sheana commands. Most of them are so many times removed from the power of their line that they are not worthy of the name ‘witch’.” Hypatia added with a laugh.
“I think it best if I stay at Sara’s, but thank you for the offer Tia.” Prue said after giving it some thought. “Valeck may track me to Sara’s, and I don’t want to leave any of them in harm’s way because of me.” Prue added with a worried look.
“I’ll add more protection to the house, so none of them will be able to harm you, and I’ve also been thinking of coming up with some way for you all to get to safety if needed at anytime.” Sheana said.
“What sort of thing were you thinking about Sheana?” Hypatia asked looking interested in the girl’s idea.
“I was thinking of a spell that would blink them to a safe place away from any danger, like here or the house once I’ve increased the protection there.” Sheana explained.
“What about the spell you used on Jo earlier tonight?” Sara asked. “You could add it to all our phones, and we can put it on speed dial to make it quick and easy to use if we ever need to.” Sara added as she looked at the others to see what they thought of it.
“Yes that would work, and I could also add a voice activation to the spell to stop anyone else from using it to gain access to any of the locations the spell will transport them too.” Sheana said looking excited to carry out the spell on everyone’s phones.
“That would be a good idea, and it will mean you and Sara won’t need to run in and rescue everyone, risking the commander finding out who the two of you really are. Samantha wanted to have a word with you about devising some way for you all to get to and from the hidden room under the cafe anyway, so this would solve that little problem as well.” Hypatia smiled.
“Where is Samantha?” Sheana asked. She found it odd not to see Samantha at Hypatia’s side.
“She’d down in her lab adding the finishing touches to the computer system.” Hypatia sighed. “I sometimes think that girl loves tinkering around in her lab more than she does me.” She added with a pout.
“You are far more fun to tinker with than anything in my lab.” Samantha said as she entered the room at that very minute. “Did I leave you feeling lonely mistress?” Samantha asked with a pout as she slipped onto Hypatia’s knee and cuddled up to her trying to say sorry for leaving her up in the house alone.
“I think we better be going now.” Sara smirked as she looked at a wrist watch she didn’t have on.
Hypatia and Samantha both blushed at what Sara was implying as they all got to their feet and made their way out into the hallway. Hypatia explained to Samantha what Sheana planned to do with the spell on everyone’s phones as they walked, and Samantha thought it was a great idea that would also work great for the hidden room at the cafe.
Sara, Sheana and Prue all blinked home after Samantha had sorted out a time for the girls to meet up at the cafe the next evening for their training with the manager they had found to run the cafe for them.
Jo and Michelle were still sat looking at all the data the men in black had gathered on Sara’s killing of Spike, and also this new vampire Valeck that showed up and tried to kill Prue. They both jumped up and ran over to their loved one when they saw then appear in the middle of the room. Even Prue got jumped on by Jenna, who had been sat on the bed playing with a teddy belonging to Sara.
Sara was too tired to take a look at any of the data they had found out, so she got Sheana to blink Jo home after she said goodnight to him with a long kiss, and then she got ready for bed and settled down for some much needed sleep, thinking she would deal with this Valeck and the commander once she’s had a good night’s sleep.
Karl was sat in his office deep in thought trying to work out what his next move should be over what he knew about the commander and his deal with a vampire, when the sound of the commander talking to someone caught his attention. Karl had forgotten that he’d turned on the bug again when he got to his office, hoping to find out more information about what the commander was planning, and it looked like he was about to get it.
“I warned you that the Slayer had some skills.” The Commander said to someone.
“Yes you did, but I never expected her to take down Spike so easily. I can see why you want her now.” The male voice Karl knew to be Valeck replied.
“What does this mean to our deal? Now the Slayer’s killed Spike.” The Commander asked sounding nervous of Valeck’s answer.
“Oh don’t worry, our deal is still on, but I want the one called Prue. I get her alive, and I will bring you this Slayer.” Valeck said sounding sure he could deliver.
“What about the sister?” The Commander asked.
“You can have the sister Jenna. I have no need of a child getting underfoot once I’ve killed Prue.” Valeck said in a cold voice that lacked any emotion.
“If you plan to kill Prue, then why not just let me keep her here in section six and experiment on her?” The Commander said trying to sweeten the pot for himself.
“No! I will use Prue to draw out the Slayer and then I will take her back with me to spend many years torturing her for what she’s done. No child of mine will kill and then live to see another day of freedom.” Valeck said with a tone to his voice that told the commander the conversation concerning Prue was over.
“Your child? Do you mean that...” The Commander started to ask.
“No, not like that, but I did Sire her, and now she’s tasted human blood she must be punished and in the end killed for her crimes.” Valeck explained.
“Valeck was the one that Sired Prue, and he kills his own kind?” Karl thought to himself.
Karl knew he had to get a message to the Slayer and warn her to watch out. He may not like the way the Slayer left him and his men looking like fools in the past, but at the end of the day, she was still helping to keep the supernatural world in order, and stopping his men getting killed at the same time. Working out how to get a message to the Slayer was going to be tricky, and he left his office and headed down to his quarters thinking about how to do just that, and not let anyone from the base find out what he was doing.
To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
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To Make A Wish Chapter 30 (New Chapter)
Things just keep on getting worse for them it seems. :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
The commander is obviously
The commander is obviously delusional, power has definitely gone to his head, hopefully Karl can warn Slayer, maybe Hypatia will turn her mind to Karl and see he want to help.
Great story, thanks for sharing
Big hugs
Lizzie :-)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
This plot has more tendrils trying to get out than .... what? I dunno, but there are plenty there to take this story in so many directions we are bound to like at least one of them!!!
Somehow, I think Valeck can be detered from getting Prue (parental love is greater than the urge to kill) once someone is able to show him what the actual situation is....perhaps a mind joining with Hypatia? And What can Samantha do?
++ VOTE ++ ++ VOTE ++
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
It sounds like in the commander's crack brained mind
(best way to describe it imho) what he is doing is a quadruple win for him.
a) He gets money for capturing the Slayer but selling her out to private concerns to essentially vivisection her I think.
b) He is not violating his oath (in his mind) of protecting humanity since if they can copy more slayers, there will be that much more protection for humanity.
c) Getting rid of the slayer provides job security for him as there is no more competition.
d) Finally, he gets to set policy of how to handle the 'demonic menace' without interference any more and thus opportunity to look good.
The man is absolutely sick.