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Chapter Twenty One
Sara blinked herself to the pub using the crystal in her belt, while Sheana blinked herself and Prue there. “You ready to do this Slayer?” Prue asked as they stood looking at the entrance to the pub where two large men were standing guard like a couple of bouncers.
“More than ready.” Sara said with an evil grin in her sexy adult sounding voice. “Let’s go and show everyone that the Slayer is still protecting this town.” Sara added as she started walking towards the pub.
Sara was soon stopped in her tracks when one of the two men at the entrance to the pub held out his hand to stop her, Sheana and Prue from entering the pub. “Sorry darling, but you three are barred from entering.” The large man said as he looked down at the girls.
“On who’s orders?” Sara asked as she slapped the man’s hand away from her chest where it was dangerously close to touching.
“Armen’s.” The man said. “After seeing what the vampire Spike did to you the other night, he can’t see why he should help you out, or let you start trouble in his tavern.” The man added with a snarl.
“So beat it girls, before we start beating it, in to you.” The second man said as he slammed his fist into the open palm of his other hand.
Sara was expecting trouble once she got into the tavern as they put it, but she didn’t think Armen would stop any of them getting in there to begin with. “I can’t see as either of you have a chance of stopping me or my two friends from entering this fine tavern.” Sara said in a polite voice, which still sounded very sexy.
The second man to speak laughed as he took a swing at Sara, but just ended up hitting thin air as Sara easily ducked out the way and came up behind the man just before jumping up and kicking out with both feet to send him flying to the ground in a heap at Prue and Sheana’s feet, where Sheana used some magic to keep him down while Sara sorted out the other man.
The first man to speak turned on Sara and reached out to grab her by the throat, but was stopped when Sara grabbed his wrist and twisted it around until the man fell to his knees just before Sara stepped past him, taking the man with her so he was now lying on his back looking up at her as she planted a boot on his chest to keep him down. The man looked shocked to feel just how strong this Slayer was.
“Like I just said, me and my friends will be going into the tavern now to have a drink and wait for Spike to arrive.” Sara smiled just before she took her foot off the man’s chest and then turned around before walking into the pub with Sheana and Prue following close behind.
And now the story continues...
Sara, Sheana and Prue entered the pub and all noise died out as the demons and humans all fell quiet. Sara smiled at some of the looks she was getting. It didn’t take long for a couple of vampires to jump up thinking they were in with a chance of making a name for themselves by giving this Slayer more of what they saw Spike do to her a couple of days ago.
“Did you not learn your lesson the last time you tried to come in here acting all tough little girl?” One of the vampires asked as he walked over looking full of himself. “My friend and I...” Was all the vampire got out before Sara punched a hole through his chest, taking his cold black heart with it. He burst into flames before he was nothing more than a pile of ash on the floor.
The dead vampire’s friend quickly turned and tried to run away, but Sara was soon on him, and he too was soon nothing but a pile of ash on the floor.
“Does anyone else have a problem with my friends and I having a drink, while we wait for Spike to arrive?” Sara asked with a smile as she looked around the pub at all the demons trying to not make eye contact with the Slayer.
Armen was now stood behind the bar looking very confused at just how easy the Slayer had taken care of the two vampires compared to what happened with Spike the other night. “I don’t want any trouble Slayer.” Armen said as he raised his hands as though he was surrendering to her.
“Well you should have thought of that before you got the two apes on the door to try and stop us from entering.” Sara pouted like she was upset with him for it. “I trust it was just a simple misunderstanding?” Sara asked, giving Armen a way out of the tough spot he’d put himself in.
“Yes! You just can’t get the staff these days.” Armen said with a roll of the eyes. “Please let me get you a drink, on the house, my way of saying sorry for the trouble.” Armen added with a worried smile.
“That’s so kind of you Armen.” Sara smiled. “We’ll have three cokes please. I’ve got a lot of slaying to do later, so I want to keep a clear head for it.” Sara explained when she saw Armen give her a strange look.
“As you wish Slayer.” Armen nodded as he sorted out the three glasses of coke.
“I trust someone’s called Spike to let him know I’m ready for our rematch?” Sara asked after taking a sip from her coke. “No point lying to me Armen, I’ve already read it in your mind.” Sara smirked.
Sara had probed Armen’s mind to make sure the drinks were just that, and they hadn’t been laced with any drugs. That was when she saw that he’d made a call to let Spike know that the Slayer was still on her feet and in the bar causing trouble.
“He asked that I do so if you ever recovered enough to show your face.” Armen explained his reason for making the call to Spike.
The thing Sara found interesting was the fact Armen also knew about the men in black, and he had made a call to them as well, and this was the thing that had Armen worried now he knew the Slayer could read his mind.
“I can do far more than just read your mind Armen.” Sara thought into Armen’s mind using her slayer voice still, so he wouldn’t realise that the voice he heard her use out loud was just a fake. “I wonder what your customers would do if they found out about you informing on them to the soldiers that like to hunt them?” Sara asked in his mind.
Armen first looked worried when he heard the slayers voice in his head, but then he looked scared for his life when she added the next bit about telling his customers about his contact with the men in black that liked to hunt, catch, or kill them.
“Don’t look so worried Armen, and smile.” Sara thought to him. “Your secret is safe for now, but if I have any more trouble from you in the future, then I will inform all the demons I can find. I’m sure they won’t be as understanding about it as I am.” Sara added with a pout to her voice.
Even though Sara had promised not to tell anyone, she still planned to inform Hypatia and see what she wants to do about it. Sara didn’t think Hypatia was going to be very happy about one of her own kind selling them out to the Commander and his little army of soldiers.
The Commander grabbed his phone when it started ringing for the second time this night. “I hope someone is calling me to say they’ve found a way to listen in on the encrypted chatter you found earlier?” The Commander snapped down the phone, not giving the person on the other end time to speak.
“I’m sorry sir, but we’re still working on that problem.” The voice on the other end said sounding very nervous. “We’ve had another problem come up, or not a problem as much as a solution to another problem.” The man babbled on down the phone.
“What are you going on about man! Just get to the point will you.” The commander shouted down the phone, not happy with the blithering idiot on the other end of the line.
“We’ve just had a call from Armen at demon central. He says the Slayer is back in his pub looking for Spike.” The man finally got out.
“Why didn’t you say that to start with?” The Commander said just before slamming the phone down and jumping to his feet so he could get back to command and see if they had eyes in the place.
The Commander had humans scattered around the pub, thanks to some help from Armen, but they didn’t always have cameras on them. The Commander was hoping that tonight they had at least one camera in the place. Karl and his team had managed to force Armen into helping them when they caught a pet human that Armen was fond of a couple of years back, so now Armen kept them informed on any trouble making vampires they came across. The Commander had wanted to wipe them all out, but it was decided to just go after the large groups or the ones that were showing up in the public eye a little too much. The Commander had no idea that Armen had contact with Spike though, not until he found out he’d called him when the Slayer turned up that was.
“Tell me we have cameras in there filming all this?” The Commander asked as he entered the coms centre.
“We have three in there filming, but none on a live feed.” One of the techs answered. “But we’ve got some on the way now.” The tech guy added before the Commander could snap at them to do just that.
“How long before they get there?” The Commander grumbled, not very happy with the tech person stealing his thunder.
“Ten minutes sir.” Another person answered.
“Ten minutes is to long! Tell them to get a move on; I want them there in five.” The commander ordered.
“Yes sir.” The room said as they all seemed to start working faster.
“So the Slayer survived her attack after all?” The Commander said more to himself than the rest of the room. The Commander thought about informing Karl, but then decided to leave it until he finished collecting the people from the school they wanted to replace.
Five minutes later the first couple of people fitted with live cameras were entering the pub, with another person waiting to enter a couple of minutes later, so they didn’t look like they were all together.
Sara was half way down her coke when she heard Michelle’s voice calling her name in her ear. “Slayer, we need to talk about a possible problem that just walked in to the pub.”
Not wanting to, or needing to talk over the coms Michelle had set up, Sara opened a mind link between herself and the others, so Michelle could tell them all the news she’d found out. Sara knew that the ear wigs were more for Michelle and Jo to talk with the others, and warn them if they found out anything about the men in black, just like Michelle had done this time.
“What’s going on Michelle?” Sara asked once the mind link was open with them all there to hear what Michelle had found out.
“The Commander and his team have got eyes in the place ready to film what happens between you and Spike.” Michelle warned them. “One group just walked in, and another person is waiting outside to enter any minute.” Michelle added as she watched the same feed the men in black would be watching.
“I don’t think they’ll be raiding the place.” Sara said. “Probably hoping I’ll take care of the Spike problem for them.” Sara added.
“Most their teams are off on another operation, but the details are a bit vague.” Michelle explained as she tried to get more info on this other mission Karl and his teams were on.
“As long as they don’t turn up here, then I’ll be happy.” Sara thought with a smile in her voice. “Last thing I need is them turning up and getting in the way.”
“They’re probably off chasing down a nest of vampires, or picking fights with more Krennan demons.” Prue giggled.
“I’ll do some more digging and see if I can find out more about the other mission and get back to you later if I think you need to know about it.” Michelle said. “The second person with a live feed to the men in black is just entering the pub now.” Michelle warned them.
Sara. Sheana and Prue all looked towards the entrance to the pub just as a stocky looking man in biker leathers entered the pub with a helmet under his arm. He looked in the direction of the slayer quickly, before he went over to the bar and ordered a drink. The man had on a pair of sunglasses, but Sara noticed he placed his helmet down and then slowly turned it until the visor was pointing in her direction. Sara was careful not to make it look like she was paying too much attention to him, but she could tell he was now filming her, even without using her mind link.
“The men in black now have four cameras on you all.” Michelle warned them. “The other two are on the other side of the room to where the new one in the room is.” Michelle added.
Sara was just about to thank Michelle for the heads up when the entrance to the pub burst open and Spike walked into the place like he owned it. “We’ll speak later Michelle. My date just arrived.” Sara said just before ending the mind link.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the bleeding slayer back on her feet again.” Spike said in the same sounding cockney accent Spike in the TV show used. “Thought someone was taking the piss when I got a call to say you were back in here already.” He added as he glided across the room as the people parted like a human version of the red sea parting for Moses.
“Sorry about dashing off like I did last time Spike dear, but you stabbed my friend and I needed to make sure she was alright.” Sara said, not fazed by the vampire now just inches from her.
“Bollocks! I felt your bloody back break.” Spike shouted.
“Do I look like someone with a broken back to you?” Sara asked as she did a quick spin to prove she had full use of her legs still. Sara had formed a link with Spike, so she knew if he was about to make a move on her, but he was still trying to work out how she could still be on her feet after what he did the last time. “Did you lie to all these people?” Sara asked with a pout.
“I isn’t a bleeding liar you bitch! I felt your back break as I stamped my foot into it.” Spike snarled as he started to lose his cool with her. “I’ll just do it again, but this time I’ll kill you before you can do that neat little disappearing trick again.” Spike added with an evil grin.
“Well is the little doggie going to bite, or just keep barking?” Sara asked in a mocking tone. She wanted to keep Spike off balance, and having some of the people in the pub laughing at him, seemed to be working.
Spike was soon taking a swing at Sara, but she read the move in his mind and just stepped back, letting him hit nothing but air. Then he tried moving at lightening fast speed to come at her from the side, but once again she read his every move and stepped out the way as she put her foot out, tripping him up and then watching as he ploughed into a group of vamps sat around a table watching the show.
“You’re not the same bleeding bitch I fought the other night.” Spike growled just before he tried to punch Sara right in the face, just to have her catch his fist before twisting it around until something cracked and Spike stepped back gripping it as he twisted it back into place and then shaking off the break as it healed in seconds.
“Name calling? You can’t fight worth a dam, so you think calling me names will do the trick?” Sara laughed mockingly. “For a bad ass vampire, you really do suck, and not in a vampire way.” Sara giggled at her little joke.
Spike had lost all his humour now, and looked serious as he went for Sara again and again, but she blocked all his moves without bothering to hit back once. She wanted to let the pub see just how powerful she really was, and she was having fun watching this cocky vampire get taken down a peg or two before she finally decided to kill him.
“What the bloody hell are you?” Spike growled as he yet again was blocked from an attack.
“I’m the Slayer. I thought we cleared this up the last time we spoke?” Sara asked as she stood with her hands on her hips like she was talking to a naughty child that had just been caught doing something he shouldn’t have.
“No way are you the same Slayer I fought the other night.” Spike said in a disbelieving voice.
“There is only one of me Spike, and now I think it’s time to end this and send you on your way.” Sara said as she finally started attacking Spike.
Spike tried to get out the way of this Slayer, but she seemed to know his every move. So he just found himself running into her kicks and punches all the time as she slowly punished him for what he’d done to her the other night, and also nearly killing Prue.
“Prue? I’m ready to end this, so get the silver stake ready for me.” Sara said in a mind link with Prue. Prue slipped the silver stake out and got ready to hand it over to Sara.
Spike thought it was time to get out of there and regroup, as he could see this wasn’t going to end well for him if he hung around much longer, so he was now trying to find a clear path for him and Drusilla to make their escape.
Sara saw her chance so she snatched the silver spike from Prue’s hand, then she spun around ready to drive it through Spikes heart, when all of a sudden there was a scream and she was blown off her feet by a blast of some sort. By the time Sara got back on her feet, Spike was gone, and so was Drusilla.
“What was that?” Sara asked as she looked around the room at the mess and all the humans and non humans looking around in shock.
“Drusilla used a raw shot of magic to stop you killing Spike.” Sheana explained. “Are you hurt Slayer?” She asked with some worry in her sexy adult sounding voice.
“No, I’m fine. Just a little pissed I didn’t get to finish him off like I planned.” Sara said as she brushed herself off. “Where did Drusilla find that kind of power?” Sara asked.
“I did not realise she had a crystal. She used it to try and kill you.” Sheana explained how Drusilla was able to knock Sara off her feet and then magically make her and Spike vanish.
“Can you track them?” Sara asked as she looked at Sheana hopefully.
“Not without some items, and I’d rather not do it in a place like this.” Sheana said as she looked around at all the people looking at them.
“Well I think we made our point, so let’s get out of here.” Sara said just before she touched her belt and blinked home again.
Sheana reached out and touched Prue’s shoulder before she blinked the two of them back to the house as well.
Karen, Sandy and Jenna were all sat in the kitchen when Sheana and Prue appeared. “How did it go? Where’s Sara?” Karen asked looking panicked when she didn’t see Sara with them.
“She should be back already mother. Sara blinked out just before we did.” Sheana explained.
“Maybe she blinked into the bedroom mum.” Sandy said as she tried to stop their mum from panicking more than she needed to. “I’ll go and take a look.” Sandy added as she jumped up and made her way out the room.
“I’m coming with you.” Karen said in a firm voice as she too got up and started following close behind.
Sheana, Prue and Jenna also decided to follow them, so they too could see if Sara was safely up in the bedroom.
The bedroom and the bathroom were also empty when they got up there. Karen was now beginning to really panic as she looked in the bathroom again, just to make sure she hadn’t missed her the first time.
“Where could she be?” Karen asked looking frantic.
“I’m sure she’s okay mum, where ever she might be right now.” Sandy said as she pulled her worried mother into a hug as she tried to calm her back down again, even if Sandy was worried just as much for her baby sister. “It’s a shame that telepathy thing doesn’t work both ways.” Sandy added with a growl.
“We have something just as good though.” Sheana said as she remembered the little ear thing that Michelle had given them all, well it was Mike that gave it to them, but Sheana always thought of Mike as Michelle.
Sandy and Karen looked puzzled for a couple of seconds, but soon remembered about the ear wigs. They both looked at Sheana as they waited for her to make a call, or whatever it was you did to make one of these things work.
“Michelle? Michelle? Are you hearing me?” Sheana asked feeling a little silly talking to thin air. She soon didn’t feel so bad though when she heard the musical voice of the girl she loved speak back into her ear.
“Sheana? Is everything alright with you and Prue?” Michelle’s voice asked with some worry in it.
“Yes we’re fine, but Sara never came back with us, can you track her down and find out where she’s got to?” Sheana asked.
“I don’t need to track her down Sheana. She’s right here with Jo and me.” Michelle said sounding much happier now she knew Sheana was safe.
“Thank god for that.” Sheana said with a sigh of relief. Sheana had heard people on TV, and at school say the same thing, so she thought it would fit this moment perfectly.
“Thank god for what? Is my daughter alright?” Karen asked still looking worried.
“Sara’s fine mum, she blinked over to see Jo at Michelle’s house.” Sheana explained.
Karen was just about to explode with anger over Sara making her worry for nothing, when she suddenly heard Sara’s voice in her head.
“I’m sorry if I worried you mum, but I blinked back to Michelle’s to see if she’d been able to find out what mission the men in black are carrying out, and see if they might need any help.” Sara’s calming voice said in her mother’s head.
“You could have come home first and let us all know you were safe.” Karen snapped out, making the others in the bedroom jump at the sudden outburst. Karen still wasn’t use to talking with Sara in this way, so she was just speaking out loud like she normally did.
“I had no idea Sheana was going to blink back to our house rather than coming here to Michelle’s with me first.” Sara said with a whine in her voice.
“So you think going to see your boyfriend is more important than letting your own mother know that you’re safe?” Karen asked.
Sara let out a groan as she realised that she was never going to win this argument with her mother, and she would need to go home and try to calm her down. “I’m coming home now mum.” Sara thought to her mother with a sigh.
“Don’t let me be the one to make you rush home.” Karen said with hurt in her voice.
It took Sheana, Sandy and Prue a couple of minutes to realise that Karen was talking to Sara through her telepathy, and not them. Sheana had looked worried that Karen was upset with her to begin with. Now she knew it was Sara getting the telling off, she felt a little better about it, but still worried for the trouble she might have just got her sister in.
“I better get home before mum grounds me until I’m forty.” Sara said with a whine as she wrapped her arms around Jo and kissed him.
“Is it wrong for me to find you super hot dressed like this, and sounding like you do right now?” Jo asked when they stopped kissing.
“No, but only if you remember that it’s still me, your girlfriend under all this.” Sara said with a grin in her sexy slayer voice.
“Get a room you two.” Michelle groaned as she had to suffer the two of them making out in her bedroom. “And don’t even think about it!” She added when she saw the two of them look at her bed.
Sara and Jo both started to giggle when they turned to see the worried look Michelle had.
I really should see about getting back home, but I need you to keep digging into this mission the MIB’s were on tonight for me.” Sara said as she looked at Michelle. “I have a feeling this mission could mean more trouble for us at school.” Sara added looking worried.
“Are we talking gut feeling? Or have you got another new power starting to show itself?” Jo asked.
“Just a gut feeling, but I wouldn’t put anything past those people.” Sara frowned. “Look at how I saved some of the Commanders men, and he still wants to catch me and Sheana, so he can find out what makes us tick.” Sara added with a growl.
“The guy sounds like a control freak to me, and you’re the new kid on the block with cool new toys, that he wants to be in control off.” Jo said soothingly as he pulled Sara back into a hug, so he could kiss her one more time before she blinked home to face the wrath of her mother.
“If I’m anyone’s toy to play with, it would be you baby.” Sara purred just before they started kissing. Sara was soon trying not to giggle though, when she felt something poking her in the belly. “This look really does turn you on doesn’t it?” Sara asked as she ran her gloved hand over the lump tenting out Jo’s trousers.
“Sara!” Jo whined as he had to turn his back to Michelle while he tried to calm himself down enough to get rid of his not so little problem.
“Would you like to have me for the first time dressed like this, or in my school uniform?” Sara asked, she was having way to much fun watching how many shades of red Jo could turn.
“Sara! You’re not helping me right now.” Jo growled as he fought with his ever tightening trouser problem. “Please just go and let your mother see that you’re alright.” Jo added with pleading in his voice for this version of his girlfriend to just leave him to his painful misery.
Michelle was trying not to giggle as she watched Sara tormenting Jo. Sara kissed Jo once more and then she walked over and gave Michelle a hug and a peck on the cheek before saying goodbye and then blinking home to see if she could calm her mother down.
Karen was pacing back and forth in Sara and Sheana’s bedroom when Sara appeared. Karen was so engrossed in how long she’d be grounding her daughter for that she never noticed Sara dressing in her Slayer armour stood right in her path until she walked straight into her. All of Karen’s anger faded away when she saw Sara stood there looking at her.
“Please don’t ever worry me like that again sweetie.” Karen said as she threw her arms around Sara and hugged her for all she was worth.
“I’m sorry mum.” Sara said, or more to the point the Slayer said. “Can you just give me a second to change back to my normal look?” Sara asked as she stepped back from her mother and focused on putting the armour back in the locket around her neck.
Karen stood and watched as the red armour, hair and makeup all vanished into a spot just below Sara’s neck. Sheana had made it so only she and Sara could see the lockets they wore, so it looked strange to Karen as the armour vanished from sight leaving her daughter stood there smiling at her.
“You see, I’m perfectly fine.” Sara said with a smile as she did a quick spin for her mother. “I really was just checking in with Michelle to see if she had any more information on what the men in black were up to.” Sara added as she let her mother give her another hug, but without all the armour between them.
Karen felt better being able to hug her daughter normally again. She was glad that Sara looked so different when she went out to fight the forces of evil, but Karen liked to hug her daughter while she still looked like her daughter, not someone’s idea of a wet dream.
“I should ground you for the rest of your life young lady.” Karen said as she hugged her. “Just for all the worry you caused me tonight.” Karen added with a little giggle.
“Does this mean I’m not grounded then?” Sara asked looking hopeful.
“No silly, you’re not grounded, but I would like you to check in after going out and doing something dangerous like this in the future.” Karen said in a scolding motherly way.
“Yes mum.” Sara smiled as she hugged her mother again and kissed her on the cheek.
“Let’s go down to the kitchen and have a hot chocolate with the others.” Karen said as she took Sara by the hand and led her out the bedroom and down to the kitchen where the others were.
Sheana and Prue were glad to see Sara was okay. Sheana looked a little worried that she might be in trouble with Sara for blinking home and getting her in trouble with their mother, but Sara smiled at her just before she wrapped her arms around her from behind and hugged her as she kissed her sister on the cheek.
“Sorry for not saying we needed to check in with Michelle and Jo before coming home sis.” Sara said as she took her normal seat on the other side of Jenna to where Sheana was sat with a mug of hot chocolate in front of her.
“I’m sorry for getting you in trouble with mother as well sis.” Sheana said with a smile, now she knew that Sara wasn’t angry with her.
Sara, Sheana and Prue filled in the others about what happened at the pub, and how Spike managed to get away before Sara could finish him off.
“Will this Spike and Drusilla be a problem?” Karen asked with worry in her voice.
“I doubt it Karen.” Prue said not looking worried at all. “After the way Sara showed him up, he’ll more than likely leave town. I know I would after being shown up like that.” Prue added with a grin.
“I’ve got Michelle trying to find out if the men in black have any idea where Spike might have been hiding out through the day, but so far they don’t have much on him, other than what they’ve seen him do at the pub, and the night he attacked Karl and his team.” Sara explained.
“Maybe if these men in black spent more time tracking down people like this Spike and Drusilla instead of looking for you, then they might be better at their job.” Karen said looking unhappy with the Commander and his men. None of the others could argue with Karen’s opinion, as they all agreed with her.
Sara and Sheana were just washing the mugs out after they all finished their hot chocolate when the phone started ringing. Sandy grabbed it due to her being the closest one to the phone. Karen was sat with a dosing Jenna on her knee at the kitchen table, while Prue was up in Sara and Sheana’s room getting changed. Prue wasn’t as lucky as Sara and Sheana; she still had to get changed the old fashioned way.
“Hello, you’ve reached the Read residents, Sandy speaking.” Sandy said in her best business sounding voice.
“Hi Sandy, its Michelle. Can I have a word with Sara please?” Michelle’s voice asked on the other end of the line sounding worried about something.
“Hi Michelle. Sure I’ll get her for you now.” Sandy said as she walked across the kitchen and handed Sara the phone once she’d finished drying her wet hands.
“What’s wrong Michelle?” Sara asked as she put the phone to her ear.
“Sorry to call so late Sara, but I really think you and Sheana should blink over here, so me and Jo and show you what we’ve managed to find out about Karl and his teams mission tonight.” Michelle said sounding worried.
“Okay, we’ll be right over.” Sara said just before she ended the call, so she could let her mum know that Michelle had found something out that had her worried for some reason.
Sara told her mum and then had to stop Prue from suiting up again to go with them, but Prue would only agree to stop behind after Sara promised to come and get her if they went out on another mission. Sara took Sheana’s hand and they were soon stood in Michelle’s bedroom with her and Jo.
“Okay Michelle, what have you found out that has the two of you looking so worried?” Sara asked.
“It took some digging, but we’ve found out that The Commander and his men are replacing four people at the school, so he can find out who you and Sheana are, or find out why you two have such an interest in the school.” Michelle explained.
“By replace, do you mean kill?” Sara asked looking worried now.
“No, they plan to use some sort of brainwashing on them, and move them to another part of the country, or world for all I know, but they aren’t going to be hurt.” Michelle said to calm Sara down.
“What do they hope to learn by doing this? They already know that I can read minds, so I’ll just find out who they are and then we’ll just not speak around them.” Sara shrugged at the silly plan the Commander had come up with.
“The four people won’t know what they are doing each day because the Commander is having them hypnotised into thinking they are teachers at the school. He will then have then debriefed each night back at command.” Michelle pointed out the twist in The Commanders little plan.
“I need to get back out there and stop them taking the teachers and replacing them.” Sara said.
“You can’t do that Sara!” Hypatia’s voice said in her head just before her and the other three found themselves stood in the garden at Hypatia’s mansion, or the mind version of it.
“I can’t just let The Commander and his goons get away with this Hypatia.” Sara said, not fazed by the sudden shift from Michelle’s bedroom to now being stood in the garden at the mansion. Sara knew that she was actually still in Michelle’s bedroom, and this was just a way for them all to sit and talk with Hypatia.
“You have to do just that Sara, or The Commander is going to think we have a spy in his command, or worse find out that we’ve tapped into his computer system.” Hypatia explained her reason for them not doing anything about The Commander and his men taking normal hard working people and upturning their lives.
“She does have a point Sara.” Michelle pointed out. “If you suddenly turn up and try to stop them taking the people they have targeted, then they will know we’ve been spying on them in some way.” She added with a sigh.
“So what do we do then? Just keep going to school like everything is just fine, while these four people keep reporting back to The Commander?” Sara asked as she looked around the table they were all now sat at.
“Yes my little Slayer, but we will also find out which people they are replacing, and then we can control The Commander a little bit more than we could before.” Hypatia pointed out to the young Slayer. “This isn’t the first time The Commander has done this sort of thing, but normally it’s to help a family cope with a loss after a vampire or demon attack.” Hypatia explained.
“So they do actually help people as well then?” Sara asked, not sure if she understood Hypatia correctly.
“Yes they do a lot of good, which is why I let The Commander think he’s the one in control most the time.” Hypatia said with a smirk. “These four people will move on to new lives someplace and be happier and better off for it.” She added.
“What if they see something at school that gives me or Sheana away, and they then report back to The Commander with it?” Sara asked, still not happy with this plan.
“Then I will give them a different memory to pass on to The Commander.” Hypatia said as she took them all from the warm feeling of the garden, to a cold snow capped mountain someplace else. “I’m very good at this you see.” She giggled as she looked at the four shivering teenagers.
“You’ve got to teach me how you do this.” Sara said as her teeth started to chatter from the cold.
“All in good time my dear.” Hypatia smiled as she took them all back to the warm garden. “Now I need you all to get a good night’s sleep ready for school in the morning.” She added just before they all found themselves back in Michelle’s bedroom.
“Remind me to never get on the wrong side of her.” Jo said as he looked around the room and shivered at the thought of where he just thought he was. “It was a cool way to have a meeting though.” He added with a grin.
“Very true, but I hate it when she’s right all the time.” Sara growled, not happy to be left with The Commander thinking he was in control, but she also knew that Hypatia was right, and this would be the best way to keep him under control, by letting him think he was the one in control. “Michelle? Can you find out which teachers are being replaced?” Sara asked.
“There are no names in any of the files we found so far, and I won’t be able to check with the school until tomorrow when we get there.” Michelle explained. “The school has a closed network, so I’ll have to hack into it while I’m in school.” She added when she saw the blank looks Sara and Sheana were giving her.
“You’ve hacked into the school computers before?” Sara asked.
“Yes, all the time.” Michelle giggled. “Someone had to keep Jo out of trouble before you and Sheana turned up.” Michelle added with a roll of her eyes just before she started giggling again.
“I was beginning to wonder about that.” Sara pouted as she wrapped her arms around a frowning Jo. “I think you look cute when you’re getting in trouble though.” Sara added just before she kissed him.
Sara and Sheana said good night to Michelle and Jo before Sheana blinked the two of them back home again. Sara thought about lying to her mum, but then thought it was wrong to do that, so they sat down in the living room with Karen, Prue and Sandy. Jenna was there as well, but she was fast asleep on Sandy’s knee.
Karen wasn’t happy to find out what The Commander was doing, and she had another go about him using more of his men to sort out Spike, so Sara didn’t have to. They let her have another little rant before Sara explained how Hypatia said it would make life easier now they had four willing souls to help feed him the information they wanted him to have, and also it would help keep him from finding out about Sara and Sheana being the Slayer and her witch side kick.
Sara Carried Jenna up to bed once they’d brought the others up to speed. They brushed their teeth before climbing into bed to get some much needed sleep, so they could start a new battle with the men in black tomorrow.
To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
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Oh well... the commander is
Oh well... the commander is one of those annoying people who you have to assasinate before they stop hunting you. I think if they keep up foiling him they'll give him a heart attack or something.
thank you for writing,
To Make A Wish Chapter 21 (New Chapter)
What if Spike has a way of tracking the M.I.B. or Sara and company?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Another day, another battle
Spike is gonna be a pain in the butt though.
What it really means is that Sheana is not covering our Slayer's back by taking out Drusilla while Sara is taking on Spike.
Something tells me Spike will
Something tells me Spike will be back in fact he's probably already planning his next move, the commander is a pain in the proverbial but at least Hypatia is on the case.
I'm still wondering is Susan will be back, anyways as always I'm looking forward to finding out what will happen next.
Big Hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
The Commander's Right...
...given his priorities and those of this superiors -- especially now that he can see that the Slayer's far more powerful than Spike.
Spike's an annoyance -- a murderous one, but an annoyance nevertheless -- and one who apparently hasn't set his sights on subjugating the MIB.
The Slayer's a solution, if they can either control her or immobilize her and duplicate her powers. Besides which, she and the MIB are in direct conflict, and she's aligned with a were, Prue, that they consider an enemy.
What's frustrating about this, of course, is that an alliance between the MIB and the Slayer would benefit both parties, if only by keeping them both from distracting each other to the benefit of their mutual enemies. And initially the Commander seemed open to such an arrangement, until he was egged into doing more by the people above and immediately below him, and it became clear that the Slayer was teasing him with her responses to their offensives. (To be fair, the two sides would have had a tough time negotiating anything, as long as each insisted on being in command.)
It might be worth mentioning that the Commander thinks he's dealing with another adult, not a young teenager who's lacking in adult inhibitions and caution. So I think he's going to take being toyed with as sardonic rather than playful, even though it has to be clear to him by now that the Slayer could have been killing his people instead. That's only going to make him more determined to strive for the upper hand.
And consider another element here: remember the ancient ploy where a ruler has the other side's agents maimed rather than killing them, and then sends them back as a terror tactic. The Slayer hasn't gone quite that far, but her behavior does suggest that the Slayer thinks of this encounter the way a cat does in playing with a mouse before the final kill. The Commander at least wants the MIB to be a mouse that roars.
Which in a way is the whole problem: if he'd leave her alone, she'd at least be less obtrusive about being in control.
Granted, I may be putting too much stock in our first, more sympathetic look at the Commander back in the earlier chapters. But I don't see him as the complete villain that, say, Spike is.
(Readers of the Perry Mason books may be aware that Hamilton Burger, when introduced as a new D.A. a few books into the series, was relatively benign -- he even withheld his objections in one court case to help Perry arrive at the truth and discover the guilty party. It wasn't until Mason started winning case after case over him (and the author decided that Burger worked better in the stories as his main adversary) that he became the avowed enemy we saw in the television show. There's something of that here, I think.)
Well the Commanders thinking is too focused
... on pure control through coercive means. Other alternatives such as putting out an offer to outright purchase her services and even possibly enlisting Hypatia as a possible way of reaching out to finding more about the Slayer (given she might have contacts in the paranormal community) before going half-cocked after her should've occurred to him.
Instead he only has one plan: put the bag on her and wring her secrets out of her. *rolls eyes*.
His vision should be about his mission and how to manage available resources to complete said mission in the most efficient manner. Instead I feel it is more about ego to him than anything, reacting to sardonic teasing like a little boy, letting his temper get the better of him.
Frankly in some ways he is more childish than Sara.
The Commander
Is indoctrinated with the superiority of the hierarchical organization. The command structure, which has it's civilian counterparts. At the very top is the commander in chief, who tells the generals what he wants done, who then tell the people below them, and so on down the line. Each person has their place on a neat chart, with responsibilities and privileges clearly defined at each level, each person fitting into a tidy little box.
The problem is, Sara doesn't want to fit into one of those boxes, she just wants to hang off in her own area, doing what she wants to when she wants to. And one thing that command and corporate structures are very - very good at is taking non-compliant people and grinding them down to fit one of those neat little boxes. Sara's current box in the commander's eyes is as a rogue piece who might be useful if her talents were analyzed, categorized, and synthesized. They can't allow her to be under her own control, she might not follow orders.
Remember the story about one of Napoleon's generals who won an important battle by disregarding Napoleon's orders and exercising his own initiative? Napoleon gave him a medal for winning, then had him put to death for disobeying orders. That's where Sara is right now.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
But will Spike run?
Is he stupid enough to think he can beat her somehow? I think he might be stubborn enough to think that this was a fluke, or maybe he'll decide to get a little help. I'll wait to see what happens.
Is no one concerned about the people that are replaced against their will? I agree with Hypatia, that the Slayer can't do much, but there should be something they can do to fix things. Heck, just let Sheana do it. I don't think hypnosis can stand up to her magic, and I'll bet there would be heck to pay when the people showed up demanding their lives back.
Excellent story, Sara.