publishing nibble turned out to be a dud

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well, the nibble I got regarding publishing my novella turned out to be a dud. The whole thing was all about selling me on a publishing service that charges to publish, with prices starting at 600 dollars and going up from there.

Ah, well.


Most of them are

Angharad's picture

Sadly, vanity thy name is author(ess) means loads of people get suckered every year by advertisers offering to publish their manuscript.

There are still ways of doing it as an ebook or through Lulu as a paperback but it's sales are going to be small. There are regularly articles in the Guardian or on their website about people who have made it work, but it takes loads of effort and time and sometimes money.

Try this one:



But this means we still get to keep you to ourselves : )

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair