Wiggo takes the Crit du Dauphine again

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For those with an interest in things cycling, Bradley Wiggins has just won the Criterium du Dauphine for the second year running, and on current form could be a good bet for the TdF, for at least a podium place or possibly (dare I say it) an overall win. If so he'd be the first Brit to do so. This win also places him third in the UCI rankings, with Team Sky, the top ranked teams. Yep, cycling's full of rankers!

Well done, Brad.



Wasn't that crit last

Wasn't that crit last thursday (local) ???Was watching in the café although I didn't see the finish due to the start of the soccergame (they switched channels on me)and I didn't look it up.

Als wondering what our 2 girls would say :d

The race was over six days

Angharad's picture

with Wiggins winning the time trial by over a minute on his nearest rival, which was what you saw on thursday.


Hooray! Makes me glad to be British.

Where there's a wheel, there's a way.

Wasn't the Criterion our local cinema? It's now a supermarket; how the mighty have fallen.


He's certainly going well ...

... but let's keep our fingers crossed because he had great form last year too and look what happened then. That time trial victory was brilliant; not called the race of truth for nothing :) Whilst Cav is a brilliant sprinter it's the testers and climbers I admire most. I just hope Sky haven't bitten off too much having candidates for both points and GC victories on the team.

His physique is much like an old friend of mine who was 6'5" and weighed 11 stone 7 lbs when he was fit - and looked like death at the same time.


Common Wealth Cousins

Hi: I noticed what must have been an oversight. when the Canadian from British Columbia, coincidentaly named Ryder, won the Italian cycling tour I thought for sure you would mention his singular feat as well. All the best on this diamond year. Another Brian

Go Wiggo!

Yes, the TdF will be interesting this year. The Schlecht(sp) brothers are not doing that well. Liepheimer's leg is not healed. Cadel doesn't look to be in the same form as last year. But watch out for Peter Sagan!

Red MacDonald

The time trial

Yes, in the TT (Time Trial) Brad was just stupendous. It's a pity that cycling is such a poor relation in British Sport. When one looks at the number of 'Fat Slags' waddling around our streets it's a disgrace. Cycling would get at least some of them off the sofa.
(OK. I throw up my hands and admit to being 'fattist')

Brad's time trial performance was the only thing anybody in the club (PT Wheelers.) was talking about on Friday night.

Beverly (Get on yer Bike.) Taff.



Angharad's picture

Radio 4's Today Programme on it's sport bit, mentioned football - there's some obscure tornament going on - Grand prix racing - Hamilton wins Canadian race of gas guzzling F1 cars - cat food, sorry, horse racing - cricket - which will be rained off - but no mention of cycling.

In a country which is dominated by football, a game in which England haven't won anything significant since 1966, cycling remains unrecognised, even though we won more gold medals at it than any other sport at the previous Olympics. Go figure.


'twas ever thus.

The Today's 'sport' slot should be called the football slot as it's very rare no mention is made of it in either the 7.30 or 8.30 sections. Mind you, Ang, our favourite daily paper is no better as over 50% of the sports pages are equally devoted to footie.

I get just as frustrated about the ignorance and lack of publicity dinghy racing gets and we're just as successful there.


Just Watched Peter Sagan Win Today's Tour de Suisse Stage

Extremely dangerous conditions with wet roads and a finish that had several tight turns in it at the finish. Still, Peter Sagan won pretty much like he did all the Tour of California sprints. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does vs. Mark Cavendish and other top sprinters in the TDF.