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Insights from a trans meeting

Yesterday we had a pot-luck at the trans group I belong to, and what happened there opened my eyes a bit. See, there was a new person there, who had just started to come out, and was getting harassed for it at work. But it was her attitude that made an impact. She seemed to be resigned to abuse, and in fact acted like she deserved it. She called herself a "freak", and all I wanted to do was give her a big hug and tell her, "You are not a freak. You are precious, and beautiful."

That's when it really hit me.

How many times have I called myself names?

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My muse is back!

and Holy Cow, is she talking to me! In starting this new Epic, in combination with several talented writers, my muse has been literally screaming at me to write, Write, WRITE!

The ideas are flowing like never before, being fed with the wonderful input from Ariel, Grover, Erin, Maggie Finson, I can hardly keep pace with my fingers, with what my brain is putting out, word-wise!

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The Homestead / Kodiak - Book 2 - Part 2


The Homestead / Kodiak

by: Anon Allsop
Book Two- Part 2

Chapter 6

We continued moving downward for almost an hour, eased left onto a flattened area for several hundred yards and then sharply right again, taking us down at a very steep angle.

"There's a creek at the bottom of this drop, just past this line of trees. Slide here any further and you'd probably be taking a dip in the drink." He smiled, showing his white teeth. "Not that I'd mind seeing you take a swim."

I wondered to myself about his comment, whether he wanted me to fall in because he would be amused at seeing me soaking wet. Or was it that he was dwelling on the thought of seeing me wet, forced to have to remove my clothing and allow it to dry, putting me in a compromised position?

Wild Magic 23

The pain was the first thing I noticed. I was afraid to open my eyes because the light already hurt, even through my eyelids. I had the most incredible headache, kind of like brain freeze multiplied a hundred times. My tongue tasted kind of like I had spent the night mopping the floor with my tongue, and every sound seemed to make my brain pound. I sort of wanted to puke, and I think every part of me was in pain.

"E-Girl" universe

For those who have read my latest story, and wanted a little background, here you go:

General concept: A long time ago, powerful beings were on Earth, and they were worshiped as gods. When Christianity became the dominant religion, most left Earth, but some stayed. About two years ago, a man called Commander Ares made his debut, and since then about two dozen more people with extraordinary gifts have made an appearance. It seems that most of these are the agents of one god or another, and that there isnt going to end up being more than a handful of these super-beings.



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one small victory

Well one problem solved. Leaving mall with new smart phone. The old one was dying and the battery was swelling in the center. So now I need to wait for next unemployment check to get antenna for computer. But. Will be writing till then and may move. Computer to modem and post thatway

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surviving a tough night

Well, I managed to live through a pretty tough night. Basically, I managed to lose track of time so I was more than 15 minutes late to go get the ex at her job. She had gone, so I tried the doctor's office she cleans, and the closest bus stops, and didnt see her. Meanwhile, my daughter was trying to help prevent me from beating myself up about it. Finally, I had to take my daughter back home to my mom, and ask her to take her to the ex when the ex called, as I was now late for work.

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The Ram 23

The chapter deals with Daphne's convalescence and the stay by Shirley and the children for the last week of the Christmas 'hols'.
Dave anbd Blodwen meet an old classmate who proves to be sympathetic to Daphne.
Arfon also appears at the end.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 23.

Briony... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.

Enlightened Speech on Equality

This video has gone viral; so, many of you may have seen it already, but if you haven't, it's something to see. This is Washington State (Republican) Representative Maureen Walsh's heartfelt remarks on ESSB 6239 (same sex marriage in Washington State) during the recent pre-vote debate.!

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The Madonna Of The Future: 9. Fumes

"Ugh, Mom, what is that smell?" I shouted, not knowing where in the house she was.
"Is there a skunk outside?"

"Oh, Marcie," Mom scoffed as she entered from the kitchen.
"You can't pretend you can smell anything. And it's not as bad as all that."

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Wild Magic 22

This was very hard to write. Been there, done that, but nobody ever found out. At least so far as I know!

Mom, Grandma and I went outside to the backyard, and we walked up to the tree. It was quite large, easily 40 feet tall.

“Okay, now what am I supposed to do with it?” I asked.

“Well, the first thing to do would be to strip the leaves off of it, then remove the branches from the main trunk, stacking them carefully over by the garage for a bonfire Friday night.” Mom said.

“How should I do it? Is there some kind of mental tool I need to use?”

Not healthy, not healthy at all.

For those of you who don't know, in a previous male only life I was a world class wrestler (not that crap on television but Greco-Roman). In fact I won nationals in college twice (wasn't a Div I school so I don't know if you count that as an accomplishment but I do.) I also wrestled overseas in Central America representing our country. Internationally I am undefeated in Greco Roman Wrestling and hold a 12-1 in Freestyle (I lost to the bronze medalist of the 92 Olympics, he tore me apart).

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Abby's Ultimate Bean Paste Sandwiches

The following recipe makes a great balanced meal for on the go. I make the paste in large quantity and freeze most of it, getting out a weeks allotment at a time. The reason for using dry beans and soaking, cooking and then softening them for so long is, first, best results for pasting, second, elimination of the stereotypical gaseous components of the beans.


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I was thinking the other day about the band Klaatu. I grew up on their music, and I find I miss it even now. I'm not really sure why it spoke to me the way it did, but somehow, it reached me in a way that few other bands have ever managed. Its too bad they didnt have a bigger following, but maybe that was part of the appeal.

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The Ram 22

A chapter that describes the friends settling in for a brief holiday at Plas Graig Las.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 22

Briony... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Elsbeth... Briony’s sister.
Daphne... Daves’ ‘girlfriend’

The Homestead / Kodiak - Book 2 - Part 1


The Homestead / Kodiak

by: Anon Allsop
Book Two- Part 1

This story takes place just after Kodiak escorted Samantha down from his mountain where she would eventually meet and marry Quin. This story is Kodiak’s story.

Chapter 1

The short beady-eyed man reached back under the decking of the porch and dragged me out. "Let go of me, you asshole!" I hissed and swung at him. He pulled me up onto the steps and with a firm grasp of my hair and hauled me inside his saloon.

As we passed the bartender, he spoke as though it was any other day, "Snuff out the candle that this street rat had lit under my porch, I don't want this little shit causing a fire!"

Forcibly, I was thrown into a small room, knocking over a single chair. Behind me I heard the door slam shut and lock, with a very audible click.

learning my lesson

Well, I'm working on part 8 of "The Dead Kid Returns", and its a good lesson for me. Never again will I post something unless its finished. Its been pulling teeth to try and get this one done, and I'm still not sure what the conclusion is going to look like. So to anyone who has been reading it and has frustrated them, all I can say is "me too."


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Has anyone ever thought of creating a 'Writers Pool'?

I was wondering if anyone here has ever thought of creating a 'Writers Pool'? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I've been writing stories for quite some time, and have quite a bit of stories that I've started but for one reason or another, have shelved. Some of my longer ones may end up as stories when I can get my muse to work them in but I do have some really good starts but have lost interest in continuing.


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I must apologise

Some of the time I can be prone to acts of sheer brilliance. Most of the time I prove myself to be adequate and the rest of the time I fuck up.

I have royally cocked up this time and I hope you will forgive me for having done so.

Now there are heaps of you you out there that love serials. Ang's Bike serial is getting to be more like The Archers than simply a long story and I'm sure there are others too.

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The Prequel is posted.

I will need to see/read each hero's bio (so to speak) to determine whether or not he or she is overpowered, underpowered, or whatever, along with his or her back story and a name is possible. PM them to me, or email to cathy_ t_ 99 at yahoo dot com. Any questions at all, PM me, skype me.


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Reckoning - New Universe.

This is the prequel for the new universe. Timeline: Today, Feb 8 2012


You humans go about your daily lives, dealing with each crisis as it comes up as best you can. Sometimes though an event that can and will change everything about your lives, your planet, your entire existence are destined to occur and, without help from somewhere, your race will vanish completely and utterly.

starting to think about spring

I was thinking about spring yesterday. Right now, with a sweater and a coat on every time I go out, I dont have to worry about the wrong person (ie: my ex) noticing the fact that I'm in ladies clothes. Wont be able to do that once it gets warm, so I'm not sure what I'll do.

Ah, well.

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A New Universe?

I'm thinking of starting a new universe which will deal with an alien superintelligence appearing to the people of earth with a doomsday prediction. To combat/stop this event, a team of heroes will be established by him. The powers/abilities he grants each member of the team will be limited to about half what Superman is capable of. This will be a co-operative series of tales and, by that I mean, we will meet regularly to discuss what the heroes do. each writer will have complete autonomy of their hero character, and will determine their actions etc.

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Meeting others

I reside in Delaware and am wondering howI can meet others like me with out having to join an online porno site (my idea of what the sites are). I am not looking for a one night stand, I am looking for people to talk to to be able to discuss how I really feel somedays.
I went online and the sites for Delaware are listed but the meeting places no longer exist.
Driving any length of distance outside of Delaware is almost a day trip.
Any one with any ideas?

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Reunion Resolution - (Part 1)

Reunion Resolution (Part 1)
By ashes

Walter's 10 year high school reunion is going to be later this year, and he wants to lose weight, He resolves to do it by any means necessary, and when his methods don't work his friend's wife has a suggestion. Little does he know she also has an agenda.

The Ram 21

A Chapter where Briony and Rachel bring Daphne home to the relative safety of Plas Glas.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 21

Briony... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Elsbeth... Briony’s sister.
Daphne... Daves’ ‘girlfriend’

found my glasses, Yay!

I found my glasses. Somehow,they had fallen behind my bed. So that's better. Last night, I was talking to a co-worker about where I am, and where I hope to be, and it occurred to me that once I have my name change, I'll be as done as I expect to be, since SRS is not a realistic goal. So in one way, I'll never be a full woman.

And that hurts.

Ah, well.

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Blog 4: The Girly Idol - Hopeful New Author?


The picture here is one of the two outfits Charlie tries on in my upcoming instalment of the Adventures of Crossdressing Charlie. I hope you all like it :)

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Name Change!!!

I am pleased to announce that after 3 years of having dusty forms, almost 23 years of having this god awful name 'derek joseph fletcher' and 2 years of being tooo scared to go alone downtown. I have as of today submitted my name change application, so its on its way to thunder bay pending aproval. 4-8 weeks and I will Be Erin Amelia Fletcher legally , my patience will be tested like its xmas....I am on cloud 9 now wait till then and cloud 9 will be an understatement lol

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