Odyssey III Chapter 1


by Jennifer Sue

Chapter 1

The teens and chaperones gathered at the school gymnasium at 10:00 Saturday morning to remove the decorations that had been put up for the dance. Naturally all the Clan Wells Point teens were there as well as most of the student council and Christmas dance committee. Outside the school stood a few protestors with signs condemning the transsexual Queen and the gay couple. They had apparently been notified by either dissenting students or disgruntled parents of the clean-up plans. Warned by the St. Michaels police chief the protestors were present, Leroy was in his deputy uniform and most of the Clan Wells Point adults were also there. Harry Halls pulled up in the remote broadcast van emblazoned ‘WBOC-TV Channel 16 Salisbury, Fox News’. After filming the protestors Harry set up to interview a few. What the protesters failed to realize was that he strategically manipulated them to stand so their misspelled protest signs such as ‘BLASTFAMY’ were in the picture.

“These people are being influenced by Satan,” their leader piously raged. “The Lord doesn’t like perverts and sinners yet this school and community has opened it’s doors to a silver tongued demon! Because of the influence of that misguided deviant the events that took place during their Christmas Dance are the damning result! Jesus has to be horrified that a dance held to honor his birth has been corrupted by the selection of an ill-advised homosexual boy as queen of the dance. It’s utter depravity and blasphemy!”

“Thank you for talking to me,” Harry cut the man off while struggling to keep his opinion of the man’s bigoted tirade to himself. Then he turned to face the supporters of the students. “Deputy Scott,” Harry greeted in a friendly manner as the camera rolled. “I find it no surprise to see you here. I take it your daughter had a hand in last night’s events?”

“Only in that she has openly supported those who are all too often unfairly ostracized,” Leroy Scott smiled in reply with a nod toward the protesters. “She had a part in convincing the students these misguided protestors so ignorantly condemn to attend the dance and introduced them to their fellow students. Without any urging or suggestions the students attending voted for the king and queen without any campaigns. Miss Ewell and Mr. Grant won with sixty five percent of the vote, the first time the winners of the event ever had a majority win.”

“Impressive,” Harry replied as the protestors began to boo and shout disparaging remarks. “Quite a contrast to the bigots we see with their misspelled signs. Do you think I could go inside and interview the students?”

“Let me check,” Leroy smiled. “I don’t think they’ll object.”

A few moments later, Harry was filming the students. Krista Scott and Jazmine Reese greeted him with hugs.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you girls again,” Harry smiled. “I understand you’ve been busy young ladies.”

“We’re only helping others to learn to be true to themselves,” Jaz replied. “Krista has made us all firm believers in passing it on.”

Gwen Moore and Ken Poore, the president and vice president of the student council were called over for an interview. They too declared the positive influence Krista was having on the school and community.

Dwayne Harper and Phil Abott were the next before the camera. “Thank you for talking to me,” Harry smiled. “I understand you took a huge step in your lives by attending the dance.”

“We are a couple,” Phil unabashedly announced. “We’ve always been best friends but it wasn’t until Krista opened our eyes that we realized we cared for each other a lot more than just being friends. We’re young but we both think we’re soul mates. Thanks to what Krista has brought to our community, we’re free to express our true selves. In fact, she encouraged us to be true to ourselves.”

“It’s great to see you’re not the least bit reluctant to voice your mutual attraction,” Harry nodded. “Aren’t you afraid of being called some rather nasty names?”

“Just because we are a gay couple does not automatically make us lovers,” Dwayne added. “We are like any other couple our age. We talk and hold hands. Occasionally we cuddle but we’ve only exchanged brief kisses. We’re way to young to even think about doing the stuff people might accuse us of doing. Thanks to Krista, people in this area who can’t accept us as a couple are keeping their feelings to themselves. All we want is to be free to live life as ourselves.”

“Your self confidence is quite evident and it’s clear neither of you fit any of the stereo-typical misconceptions about gay teens,” Harry smiled. “Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.”

Finally Jamie Ewell, Freddy Grant and Barney Flint were called over. It was clear Jamie was a bit overwhelmed but Freddy and Barney were all smiles. For her part, Jamie was dressed in a knee length skirt and sweater, looking as if she’d been physically born a girl. While it was true she’d never win a beauty contest, few girls ever would. Her demeanor and movement were undeniably feminine.

The guys boldly explained how the trio had been grousing about wanting to attend the dance but had no date until they came up with the idea of having Jamie step out of the closet. Once she saw Harry was genuinely impressed, Jamie opened up and explained how everyone had helped her transition to presenting as the girl she truly was. Her eyes were filled with tears of joy as she recounted the open acceptance and her shock upon learning she had been elected queen.

Harry spent several minutes going around to the other students who unhesitatingly supported Jamie, Phil and Dwayne. They all credited Krista for opening the horizons of the school. By the time he’d spoken to everyone, the teens had finished the clean-up and prepared to head out. Harry and his camera man kept the cameras running as Krista organized everyone at the door.

“The protesters are still out there,” Krista stated. “They’ll try to get a reaction out of us as we leave. I’ve been through this before. Jamie, Dwayne, Phil, it’ll be toughest on you. Remember, we’re the good guys so smile. Just remember the protesters are haters and people like that are never happy. Instead of getting angry at their ignorance, pity them for their unhappy bigoted existence. Todd Beamer's final known words from 9/11 say it all. Are you guys ready? Let's roll!”

In an orderly manner the teens surged from the gym toward the playground. They surrounded Jamie, Dwayne, and Phil three people deep as they moved through the protesters so the three could enter Jane’s van. With the police watching, the protesters shouted and shook their signs but because of the police allowed the students to pass. Krista, Jaz, Tony Masters, and Jimmy Boswell stayed behind as the van left.

“There he is,” the lead protestor began to shout when he saw Krista staring unflinchingly at them. “Satan’s servant who brought this blasphemy into our midst! You are sinning against God’s Holy Laws! Deuteronomy Chapter 22 verse 5 says: A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God!”

“Obviously you can read the words of the Bible,” Krista smiled at the hate filled man. “But the real issue is do you actually understand them? Let me ask you a question. I assume you went to school in the late fifties or early sixties, right?”

“Yes I did,” the man answered upset by her inference that he didn’t understand the Bible. “In those days we read the Bible in school and prayed every day! Not like you heathens of today!”

“Heathens, eh. There may be heathens here but I think they’re carrying protest signs,” Krista zinged back at him with a sweet smile. “So tell me, didn’t females back then know their place in society and wear dresses?”

“Of course,” the man replied in a surly tone. “Back before those so-called feminists started burning their brassieres women wore dresses and men wore pants!”

“So I am correct that by your way of thinking since I’m a genetic male and wearing a skirt and not pants, I’m an abomination,” Krista declared.

“Of course,” the man scowled as he finally began to suspect Krista was setting him up. “You and anyone else who wear the clothes of the opposite sex are sinners!”

“Okay, so that means,” Krista reasoned as she eyed the women protestors. “That the women protesting with you are also abominations and sinners because they’re wearing pants which by your own admission are MALE clothes!”

The man’s face clouded as he looked at the women in his protest group. Every one of them was looking at him, waiting. “You’re twisting my words,” he stalled. “The clothes they’re wearing were designed for women.”

“Yet they are PATTERNED off of MEN’s clothes,” Krista replied with a smile. “It seems to me you’re twisting God’s prohibition against wearing the clothes of the opposite sex to fit your own situation while using it to bash others.”

“That’s not what I’m doing,” the man protested.

“Okay, IF I give you that point, what about the other laws in Deuteronomy,” Krista asked. “If you insist we follow the law in Chapter 22 Verse 5, then you also must follow the other laws listed. In the same chapter simply go to Verse 12. It says: You shall make yourself tassels on the four corners of your garment with which you cover yourself. As far as I can see, not one of you has any tassels on your clothing! Where are your tassels? If, as you declared, we MUST obey the laws written in the Bible... in fact in the very same chapter you’re using to condemn me...you are freely and willingly disobeying the Law that orders you to wear tassels on your clothing! If you can freely flaunt THAT law in Verse 12 by so obviously violating it, why can’t I do the same with the law from Verse 5?”

The man and his followers were almost apoplectic as they could not refute Krista’s logic. The many onlookers who supported Krista began to applaud and whistle. The protesters looked at each other and their leader for guidance.

“It seems to me you are behaving like the Pharisees and Sadducees did towards Jesus as he preached his message about love,” Krista declared. “You hide behind the words of the Biblical laws, appearing devout and self-righteous while your hearts are filled with hatred. Since I firmly believe in God, I can honestly say that I love each and every one of you. Granted, I don’t like your actions but that has nothing to do with sharing the love of our fellow man which is the very heart and soul of Jesus’ message.”

The faces of the protesters dropped even further as they finally began to realize that Krista was shaming them for their pompous self-righteousness. The wind not only had been taken from their sails, the sails had fallen on top of the hapless protesters. In groups of two or three, they began to slink away to their vehicles to flee the scene of their embarrassment. When the erstwile leader realized he was being abandoned by his followers, he too turned tail and left. The crowd turned to Krista and cheered her. Krista smiled and curtseyed.

Harry Halls caught the entire exchange on film. That evening on the news he wrapped up his report on the events at the St. Michaels Christmas dance with that clip. As with the other news reports Harry Halls posted involving Krista, this one also went nationwide. Many people admired Krista for being so feisty. A few hated her for the same reason.


After lunch on Saturday December 22, the Clan Wells Point youth who had been at the Christmas dance and clean-up gathered at the Youth Rehab Hostel to discuss the momentous events of the previous night. As they talked, Freddy mentioned how one of his pipe dreams had always been to be in a band. Krista and Jaz looked at each other and smiled.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Krista enthused. “We could form our own band.”

“Yeah,” Jaz agreed. “I started playing the flute before everything went south. I don’t think it would take much to pick up where I left off. I could also play a second set of keyboards. Barney, you can be the drummer, like the Thunder God, Rick Allen of Def Leppard, the British rock drummer! He lost his left arm in a car crash just like you did!”

Barney sighed wistfully. “Do you really think I could?”

“You can do anything if you put your heart into it,” Krista declared. “After all, I do believe in miracles. We’ve all experienced them one way or another. Heck, look at what we’ve been through. Besides, I think I’d make a mean lead guitarist!” With that she played a bit of dramatic air guitar.

“I’ve got dibs on the bass guitar,” Tony jumped in as he played an invisible bass.

“Keyboards,” Freddy exclaimed. “I could really go to town on a synthesizer!

“I’ve always liked the fiddle,” Jimmy chuckled.

“I’m hopeless,” Jamie sighed. “I’d be lucky to play the tambourine.”

“That’s a great instrument for a vocalist,” Barney chuckled.

“Vocalist...,” Jamie declared in surprise. “Most of the time I still sound like a guy!”

“With the training you’re taking it’s modulating well,” Krista smiled. “Once you get the testosterone out of your system and the estrogen takes over, you’ll develop a fantastic alto! You’d be great torch song singer! All great torch singers are alto! Look at Joni Mitchell and Momma Cass Elliot and Mary Travers from Peter, Paul, and Mary! With your voice training you’ll be right up there with them!”

Jamie was unsure but knew Krista had a way of making her ideas fly. “Do you really think so?”

“Sure,” the others chorused as one which set everyone laughing.

“If we get working on this, I’ll bet we’ll be good enough to play for Kylie and Larry’s wedding,” Krista enthused.

“That’d be great,” Tony agreed.

“We’ll need a name,” Jaz declared.

“How about The Changelings?” Barney suggested.

“That’s a good theme but I think it might limit our appeal if we take off,” Jamie said.

“WHEN we take off,” Krista chuckled. “Think positive! But you’re right. Keep the theme but make it more appealing and appropriate.”

“How about the Change Ups?”

“Or the Changers?”

“Or the Change-gralas?”

They all moaned.

“How about Exchange?”

“I’ve got it,” Krista giggled. “Gram is always saying the only thing that’s ever certain in life is change. Let’s call ourselves Certain Change!”

They all nodded their heads in agreement.

Jamie asked “So do we do rock, country or what?”

“Let’s do whatever we like,” Jaz declared. “We can ‘change it up’.”

They all laughed, knowing they’d soon be taking music lessons.


That evening the Clan Wells Point gathered in the main farmhouse for their weekly meal meeting. After the meal they rehearsed their parts in the Christmas Eve Church Service. They ran through it several times until they were all comfortable with their roles. The younger kids headed off to play as they began the meeting.

Larry was the primary speaker. “I’ve been doing a lot of research about what it will take to increase our dairy herd. Our present way of handling manure is adequate for the size of our operation. However if we increase the number of cattle and chickens as we’ve discussed, the methods we use now will be inadequate to comply with the Chesapeake Bay environmental regulations and standards. We have two options, one is to store the waste and transport it to a site that can handle it. The transport costs alone would be detrimental, but we’d also have to pay someone to accept the waste. The second method is the one we should do, but it requires a substantial investment to construct a system to handle all we produce.”

“What we can do is construct a biogas system,” Larry continued. “Each cow produces one hundred twenty pounds of manure a day. Combining that with the horse and chicken manure, we’ll have a lot of shit.”

Everyone chuckled.

“I’ve done some research,” Larry added. “Haubenschild Farms in Minnesota built a manure digester in 1999. The largest component is a covered 350,000 gallon concrete tank installed partially in the ground, with suspended heating pipes to heat the manure inside the digester so bacteria breaks down the manure creating methane. They have a 135-kilowatt engine-generator set-up fueled with the methane captured from the digester. The hot water to heat the digester is recovered from the engine-generator’s cooling jacket. Barn floor space is also heated with the recovered heat. The digested effluent, odor reduced and pollutants rendered harmless , flows to a lined storage pond where it is kept until it can be injected or broadcast spread on fields for crop production.”

Nearly everyone gasped.

“The sale of the electricity generated is an important benefit of the project,” Larry went on. “We’d have to enter into a power purchase contract with Choptank Electric Cooperative. Haubenschild Farms has about seven hundred fifty cows, their digester has been producing enough electricity to provide all the electric needs on-farm with enough surplus electricity to power about 75 additional homes.”

Nearly everyone raised their eyebrows and nodded their heads.

“The manure our increased operation would produce would be about sixty percent of what they do,” Larry added. “The digester I’m proposing to process our manure would about three quarters the size of theirs which would make it a little less expensive and give us a bit of extra capacity. Since our climate isn’t as cold as Minnesota, we would not have to use as much heat to keep the digester functioning. We not only should be able to heat the barns, we should be able to heat this house, the Ewell home, and the CWP Landing buildings. If there is any left over we can use it to heat the big barn up the road. I also estimate the electricity we produce can supply all of the power we currently need. At our current power usage we’ll be spending about three thousand dollars a year per home and business. We currently have sixteen sites which will cost us forty eight thousand dollars a year. Since we’ll build our digester smaller and can use their general design as well as if we build it ourselves, I’d guess we could bring it in for a bit over two hundred thousand dollars. That would give us a payback on the electricity alone of about four and half years. In addition, if we squeeze or spin the liquid out the effluent, we can use the liquid as a spay on fertilizer and dry the remaining fiber to use as bedding for the animals.”

Everyone was impressed and agreed to pursue the plan.

At that point the teens spoke up and the adults were once more surprised by the initiative of the youth. They quickly agreed to let the teens take music lessons. As they expected, the younger kids wanted to take lessons too. The adults set up rules. Everyone who wanted to play an instrument would start with the piano to learn the scales and how to read music. Once they had the basics mastered, they had to be nine before they could move on to other instruments. Naturally, they all had to keep their school grades up.

Even better was the fact there were three upright and two baby grand pianos already in the Clan Wells Point. Jane O’Brien had an old upright piano in her living room and, while she was a bit rusty, agreed to refresh her skills and teach the kids. Sheila Scott also played and Kylie Masters offered her the upright piano in the big house on the main farm to work with the kids. There was a also an upright in the Spade home at the Landing and, as a retired elementary school teacher, Sarah Spade played and would use that one to teach the youth. Cynthia Campbell had a baby grand in her home and was more than happy to offer to share her musical gifts with the youth. Lastly there was a baby grand piano in the B&B. Ruth Ewell mentioned she had played all through high school and gladly volunteered to work with the kids on that piano.

On top of that, old Bill Dougherty chuckled. “Ah’m a might rusty, but back in the day Ah played a mean fiddle. Na that ah’m retird, ah was thinkin’ of loosenin’ up these ol’ fingas. Ah won’t mind showin’ a young whipper snappa haw to saw some wood.”

Jimmy was smiled and eagerly nodded, just as Bill hoped.

“I was a fair drummer,” Leroy said as his mom looked at him expectantly. “I take it you still have the trap set?”

“Of course,” Sheila smiled.

“Well, Barney, looks like I’m gonna teach you how to be a percussionist,” Leroy smiled. “I always admired Rick Allen, now I’ll be able to see up close how he does it!”

Barney smiled and nodded.

“I think I can be of help there,” Greg Olsen spoke up. “I’ve always admired Rick Allen and since I’m a machinist/designer, the set up he has for using his feet to replace his missing arm has fascinated me. I’ve watched a lot of videos and did a lot of research. I’m sure I can make similar adaptions for Barney. Rick Allen’s setup is an acoustic kick and snare, with a snare sample that he can fire with his left foot as well as his right. From left to right on floor pedals it's snare trigger, hi-hat, kick drum, snare drum, and tom-tom. The top tier is pretty much a carbon copy of that, pads that correspond, sound-wise, to what is on the floor pedals. The cymbals are all real. The drummer must learn a heel/toe-type technique on the kick drum that's like a rocking motion. On the downbeat you come down with your heel and then on an upbeat you come up with the ball of your foot. It's unusual, almost like tap dancing. Delays are used on certain drums. What Rick does is create two-beat, three-beat, or four-beat phrases with percussion elements like tambourine or shaker. Then he makes two-beat samples from those phrases and will fire those from triggers attached to the bottom of the hi-hat cymbals. The use of sequencers and that kind of stuff ties the drummer to that tempo or length of a song or the length of a section. Doing it with two beat samples makes it a lot freer with the rest of the band because there's more room for improvisation. Rick Allen wears headphones for listening to the loops but for seventy-five percent of the show he uses the base kit which is everything straight, no loops, nothing extra. It's just what he plays with one arm and two feet. And then for the occasional song that he think needs to be carried by some kind of percussive element, he'll use some of the triggering devices since it makes for a very musical approach to using percussion.”

“It sounds like you really like Rick Allen,” Leroy chuckled.

“I do,” Greg smiled. “Not only has he overcome a handicap, but he’s done it with gadgets. That’s right up my alley.”

Everyone chuckled.

“I assume you still have my bass guitar,” David Scott smiled as he looked at his mother.

“Of course,” Sheila smiled.

“Tony, guess I’ll have to learn you how to strum,” David nodded.

Tony smiled eagerly.

“I know I have my guitar,” Larry Scott declared. “Krista, I’m gonna see you earn your callouses!”

“Bring it on, Unc,” Krista smiled as she played a little air guitar.


It was already a habit for The Clan Wells Point to attend weekly worship services. Most Sundays they attended the 8:30am ‘Come As You Are’ service held in the church hall which was adjacent to the church. The service was a bit more laid back than the 10:00am traditional service in the Church’s second floor sanctuary.

The December 23 after the service was a time of anxiety for sisters Krista, Lyndi, Teri and Sandy Scott as well as sisters Jaz, Holly and Ivy Reese. The girls sat listening quietly as their mothers spoke to Rev. Giles about the Christmas Eve service. For the girls, this would be their first Midnight Christmas Eve Service. Even more significantly, it would be their first communion. Despite the fact there was a communion service the first Sunday of every month the children had not participated. Their issues with communion were due to a feeling of inadequacy and fear of doing something wrong. Since the girls had in truth been unchurched before becoming involved with the Clan Wells Point, they didn’t have the background necessary for understanding communion. It made him a bit ashamed to see kids from other families taking communion while they sat in the pews watching.

Since Christmas was a unique location the girls had discussed among themselves what they would have to do and learn to be able to take communion. Basically they want to be educated in the protocols.

Pat Scott was already familiar with the UMC stance on children participating in the Communion service is listed and had encouraged Heather and the girls to speak to Pastor Giles about their concerns with children taking Communion and just what Communion meant.

“Pastor Giles, in the churches I’ve attended, children are not allowed to take communion until they are confirmed,” Heather Reese began. “Pat tells me young children may receive Communion in the UMC. Is that right?”

“It certainly is,” Rev. Giles smiled at her concern. “As The United Methodist Book of Worship puts it, “All who intend to lead a Christian life, together with their children, are invited to receive the bread and cup.” We remember that in Mark 10:14 when some of Jesus’ disciples tried to keep children away from him he said: “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs””

Heather still had doubts. “But do young children know what they are doing when they receive Communion?”

Rev. Giles smiled again. “Do they understand the full meaning of this holy sacrament? No, and neither do any of us. It is a wonderful mystery and children can sense wonder and mystery. Children cannot understand the full significance of family meals, but we feed them at our family tables and at Christ’s family table. Young children experience being loved by being fed. They sense the difference between being included and excluded at a family meal. They have the faith of a child, appropriate to their stage of development, which Jesus recognized and honored. Indeed, in Mark 10:15 he said to adults: “Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.””

Heather smiled and nodded. She could accept the explanation.

“Heather, you, Jaz. Holly and Ivy can take communion,” Rev. Giles chuckled. “Any child old enough to feed themselves is welcomed at the Lord’s able. Krista, Lyndi, Teri, and Sandi, you are also invited to the Lord’s table.”

Heather’s eyebrows raised at that revelation, but Pat’s smile and nod told her that was the truth.

Rev. Giles then spoke to the girls. “Jesus gave his life for us. He willingly died on the cross to take away our sins even before we came into existence much less sinned. The night before he was executed on the cross he gathered his disciples for the Passover meal. There he broke bread and shared it with them telling them ‘This is my body given for you’. Then he gave them wine telling them ‘This is my blood shed for you.’ He ended the meal by saying ‘Do ths in remembrance of me.’ Communion means three things to us. Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again”

Christ has died is the portion of Communion that is a time to remember Jesus death, his self-giving sacrifice on our behalf. As he said to the disciples at their last meal together, “Do this in remembrance of me.” In remembering his passion and crucifixion, we remember our own guilt; for we know that in our sin we crucify Christ many times over from day to day. So the Lord’s Supper is a time of confession: “We confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart….We have not heard the cry of the needy”“

“Christ is risen is the portion of Communion that reminds us it is not a memorial service for a dead Jesus. It’s not a time to wallow in our own guilt for our sins. It’s a time to celebrate the Resurrection, to recognize and give thanks for the Risen Christ. The bread and wine represent the living presence of Christ among us though we do not claim, as some denominations do, that they become Christ’s body and blood.

“In Luke’s Resurrection story, the Risen Christ broke bread with two of his followers at Emmaus, ‘Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.’ So, as we’re nourished by this meal, our eyes are opened; and we recognize Christ here in our congregation, our community, and our world. Whats our response? Thanksgiving! In fact, another of our words for Communion, the Eucharist, means thanksgiving.

“Christ will come again is the portion of Communion where we also celebrate the final victory of Christ. We anticipate God’s coming reign, God’s future for this world and all creation. As Jesus said, ‘I tell you, I will never again drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.’ We believe that we’re partners with God in creating this future, but the demands of discipleship are rigorous. In the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper, in the fellowship of Christian friends gathered at his table, we find the nourishment we need for the tasks of discipleship ahead.”

Even Sandi, the youngest understood the significance of Communion. Of course none of the children fully understood the real meaning of Communion, but then most adults don’t understand either. They did have a lot to think about and smiled to each other as they truly understood that God loved them and they love God. Children have an unquestioning love of God. They have not been jaded by life and their love is pure and unencumbered. Exactly the Way, Jesus wants adults to love him. They went home feeling comfortable with being able to take their first communion.


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