Odyssey III Chapter 11

Chapter 11

The entire congregation was moved by Benny’s display. Although none knew the man, that he was seated with the Clan Wells Point did not surprise them. When Benny finally recovered his composure, he was aware he’d made a spectacle of himself. Ashamed, he slowly took his seat, sure everyone would be laughing. When he heard no chuckles, he hesitantly glanced about. While many were looking at him, none were laughing. Instead they were smiling warmly! It came to Benny as a revelation that they understood he’d discovered God! They were happy for him, not amused.

After the service, the Clan stayed seated as many parishioners came to openly welcome Benny into their midst. Rev. Giles was the last to greet him.

“Rev. Giles,” Cynthia began once the initial reviews were done. “In my younger days I did a lot of foolish things. Part of that was the way I raise my son. At the time I was too concerned about myself to fully understand how Benny was growing up. I failed him and as a result failed my daughter in laws and grandchildren. Since then I have matured and have changed my stripes. I think today Benny discovered that God truly exists. If Benny agrees I would like to take immediate steps to remedy one of the things I neglected. Benny was never baptized. Would it be possible to do so now with all of us as witnesses?”

“It is a bit unusual,” Rev. Giles smiled. “But after all, this is the Clan Wells Point. Benjamin Reese, how do you feel about being baptized?”

“Scared,” Benny replied. “But willing and grateful.”

Thirty minutes later, the Clan Wells Point left the church with the newly baptized and beaming Benny. His children were smiling as were his wives. Upon returning home everyone met at the main farmhouse for sandwiches to tide them over to the evening meal. Then he spent the time meeting and talking to every member of the Clan. For the first time in his life, he understood what home truly meant.

The Clan gathering continued through the evening as everyone gathered around to watch the Super Bowl. The game kicked off at 6:32pm EST. The New York Giants beat the New England Patriots. Since no one had a vested interest in either team although several had favorites, they thoroughly enjoyed the game, especially since they knew Kylie and Evelyn were finally on their way home.


The jet took off from Bangkok at 7:10am TT on February 4 (7:10pm EST February third while the rest of the Clan Wells Point watched the Super Bowl). Once more Kylie and Evelyn were glad they had first class seats. The two thousand eight hundred and sixty mile flight to Japan took six hours but with the change in time zones they landed in Tokyo at 3:10pm (1:10am EST, both now February fourth). The layover was two and one quarter hours and they used it to stretch their legs and walk about. While the surgical incisions had healed nicely, there was still a lot of sensitivity in the area.

Kylie was not looking forward to the fourteen hour return flight to DC. The flight to DC took off at 5:25pm (3:10am EST). As she’d done on the first flight, Kylie had a medical note she gave to the stewardesses that said she had to get up and walk for ten minutes every two hours. While some of the passengers were a bit miffed at having someone walk aimlessly up and down the aisles, the stewardesses quietly informed the disgruntled passengers Kylie had to do so because of a medical condition. No one bothered to ask what that condition might be.

It was a sunny nearly cloudless day as the jet headed into Dulles International. From 35,000 feet, Kylie saw the Chesapeake Bay in all it’s mid winter beauty. She heart beat faster and she snapped photos of the Bay Hundred area as the jet circled to line up for it’s descent path. Kylie’s excitement grew as they felt the wheels touch the tarmac at 5:40pm EST.

It seemed to take forever for the Kylie and Evelyn to pass through customs. Larry paced up and down the concourse as he kept a watchful eye out for the love of his life. Everyone in the terminal could see he was anxious and excited. Sheila and Robert stayed off to one side letting their youngest son impatiently simmer while waiting for Kylie to appear.

Kylie spotted Larry before he spotted her immediately shouting “Larry!”

Hearing Kylie, Larry was already running as he spun towards her. Kylie dropped her bags and ran towards Larry. He scooped her into his arms and they frantically kissed as he effortlessly spun her in a circle. The onlookers fully expected a field of flowers to pop into existence around the romantic lovers. Sheila hugged Evelyn as Robert retrieved Kylie’s abandoned luggage. After five minutes of unrelented kissing, Sheila and Evelyn tapped the lovers on their shoulders and cleared their throats.

As they broke the kiss but not the hug, both grew red-faced as they realized they’d made a spectacle of themselves before several dozen smiling onlookers. However, their embarrassment was short lived as someone began to clap. Nearly everyone joined in, happy to see the young couple was obviously so full of love. Breaking the hug but staying wrapped in Larry’s right arm, Kylie gracefully curtseyed to the appreciative onlookers. Not to be outdone, Larry bowed.

Twenty minutes later, Kylie snugged into Larry’s embrace as they drove from the parking lot. Exhausted by their emotion not to mention the trip, the couple dozed off during the two and a half hour drive back to Wells Point. It was a bit after 10:00pm when they finally arrived home to discover the entire Clan Wells Point was inside the main farmhouse to greet Kylie and Evelyn. The greeting were warm and heartfelt as everyone greeted the travelers with hugs and kisses. Since they had lived in the Bay hundred area, Gilligan, Marcy and Sam Evans as well as Kurt and Amanda Schilling were familiar faces and were introduced to Kylie and Evelyn as the newest members of the Clan Wells Point. Kylie had been kept posted on the trial and its results and was introduced to Benny. The man clearly uncomfortable and more than a bit nerdy, but seemed to be genuinely contrite. Everyone had been forewarned Kylie and Evelyn would be exhausted by the grueling nearly twenty four hour flights so after the welcome home, everyone left. By 11:00pm, Kylie and Evelyn were sound asleep. Of course, Kylie was wrapped in Larry’s strong arms.

Tuesday morning, Rachel was up a bit earlier than normal to make breakfast almost as she had done Larry and Tony for the past month. This time she included her sister-in-law Evelyn and niece Kylie. As could be expected Larry and Tony were the first ones down since they had to go milk the cows before Tony headed off to school. Evelyn and Kylie made it down before the guys left to do their chore and everyone smiled as Kylie and Larry hugged and kissed before he left.

Evelyn and Kylie spent the morning unpacking and just settling back into the routine of daily life. After lunch Evelyn drove Kylie over to CWP Engine and Mechanical Repair. Kylie felt good to be back in her shop and fondly ran her hands over her toolboxes and equipment. Ed kept a watchful eye on her as he showed her the current works in progress to make sure she didn’t over do it. It wasn’t until she stepped through the plastic curtains that surrounded the DUKW that Kylie realized what Benny had been doing for the past four days. There wasn’t a bit of paint left on the old DUKW. The raw metal was polished to a near sheen. There was a faint smell of solvent, evidence that Benny had wiped down the entire vehicle with a dampened rag to remove every trace of dust. Kylie was quite impressed and said so to Benny, who beamed appreciation.

For Benny, it was the first time he’d ever been praised for a non-academic task. Although his muscles still ached a bit, the physical labor actually felt good. For the first time in his life he understood that manual labor could be satisfying.

Freddy left school at lunch to have the preliminary fitting for his prosthetic legs. Casts were made of his stumps and based on his body dimensions, the length of the legs along with knee and ankle placement and foot size was calculated. It would take two weeks for the legs to be made. The anxious lad could barely wait.

A welcome home party was planned for that evening at the CWP B&B. The clan teens rushed about their chores after school and met in the ballroom of the B&B. Their instruments had already been brought from the practice studio so they set everything up then began practicing their numbers. They made sure to wrap things up so that Kylie and Evelyn wouldn’t have a clue about their performance. With Larry and Rachel’s assistance Kylie and Evelyn were the last to arrive.

The huge dining room accommodated all fifty eight members of the Clan Wells Point. Everyone enjoyed a large family-style meal. A white curtain had been hung in front of the small stage in the ballroom that perfectly hid Certain Change’s instruments. A computer projector had been set up to use the curtain as a projection screen so that Kylie and Evelyn could show their photographs and films they’d taken in exotic Thailand.

Everyone was impressed by the beautiful scenery, the ancient temples, and the beautiful beaches. The film of their snorkeling expedition stunned everyone with its beauty. When the last of the photos had been shown, the teens slipped behind the curtain while Evelyn and Kylie were kept distracted.

Kylie stopped in mid conversation to look at the curtain as she the heard plinking of a banjo playing the opening chords of one of her favorite songs, ‘The Rainbow Connection’. Larry took Kylie’s hand and began dancing to the music as others moved chairs out of the way. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when the curtain drew back and she saw the teens playing the song and singing the lyrics. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she sank into Larry’s loving embrace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSFLZ-MzIhM The strumming banjo of the song plucked Kylie’s soul. Everyone applauded when Larry kissed her when the song finished.

As soon as the applause ended, the teens began their next song, also from the first movie, ‘Movin Right Along’. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMR5JVo21wQ Everyone clapped in time to the music as Larry mimed the words the teens happily sang. From there the teens sang the silly yet meaningful song from Monty Python’s ‘The Life of Brian’, the irreverent ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”. http://www.youtube.com/user/MontyPython#p/u/0/JrdEMERq8MA
Steven and Kevin joined them during the last chorus playing the bagpipes. Kylie was giggling as she watched the two men parade before the stage. Everyone applauded. Kylie was clearly impressed by the teens. She’d known they had been planning to form a band before she’d left, but to have come so far in only a month blew her away.

Then, Larry took Kylie’s hand to lead her to the stage. There he sat on the edge of the stage and gently pulled Kylie onto his lap. At his signal Certain Change struck up a happy horn intro then Jamie began to sing directly to the lovers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqOMuR5Z530

Once I believed that when love came to me
It would come with rockets, bells and poetry
But with me and you, it just started quietly and grew
And believe it or not
Now there's something groovy and good
Bout whatever we got
And it's getting better
Growing stronger warm and wilder
Getting better everyday, better everyday
I don't feel all turned on and starry eyed
I just feel a sweet contentment deep inside
Holding you at night just seems kind of natural and right
And it's not hard to see
That it isn't half of what it's going to turn out to be
Cause it's getting better
Growing stronger, warm and wilder
Getting better everyday, better everyday
And I don't mind waitin', I don't mind waitin'
Cause no matter how long it takes
The two of us know
That it's getting better
Growing stronger, warm and wilder
Getting better everyday, better everyday'
Getting better everyday
Getting better everyday
Getting better everyday
Getting better everyday
Getting better everyday
Getting better everyday
Getting better everyday

Kylie and Larry seemed to meld into one as they cuddled. The starry eyed couple lost themselves in the lyrics that so aptly described their love. They kissed long and passionately through the applause that filled the room. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room by the time the song ended. If Jamie had any doubts left as to the quality of her singing voice, the appreciative applause washed it away.

Krista slipped off her guitar and moved forward to speak to Kylie when the kiss ended. “Kylie, our band is Certain Change. If you’ll have us, we’d like to offer our services as your wedding band.”

“Krista, guys, you guys are great,” Kylie gushed still enmeshed in Larry’s arms. “I can tell you’ve put a LOT of effort into the band and I’d be honored to have you be our wedding band!”

The rest of the teens had gathered behind Krista and high fives were freely exchanged. The rest of the clan came and offered their appreciation of the teens’ efforts. None of the adults had really heard the teens actually play complete songs. They’d caught bits and pieces, but never complete songs. All were impressed by their drive and spirit.

It was during the last song that Kevin and Jane realized their relationship was getting better everyday just as the song said. They were together at every Clan event. While they didn’t always see eye to eye they could respect the other’s point of view. While everyone was applauding and congratulating the band, Kevin took Jane’s hands in his and asked if he’d married her. Jane was surprised but delighted. She had found comfort being with Kevin, the first true male companionship she had since her husband passed away six years ago. With tears in her eyes Jane said yes. They decided to hold off announcing their engagement until the next Clan meeting since they didn’t want to interfere with Kylie’s homecoming celebration.


On Saturday, February 9 Kevin and Jane stood at the end of the Clan meal. “We have an announcement to make,” Kevin declared. “Jane has agreed to become my wife.”

The announcement didn’t surprise anyone in fact most were surprised it had taken as long as it did for Kevin to propose. Everyone congratulated the couple. After Krista hugged her grandmother, she turned to Kevin and hugged him. “I think I’m going to like having a second grandfather,” she announced loudly. Kevin’s face turned red while everyone chuckled. It was clear to all that Kevin had not thought about becoming a grandfather. They didn’t doubt his capability to do so but they also understood he would have his hands full with six grandchildren.

The teens did not back off on their rehearsals after their successful debut. They knew as Kylie and Larry’s wedding band they’d need a large repertoire. None of the teens felt their music was a chore. For them it was great comradery and a way to blow off steam.

Even with their chores and music, the teens still found time to talk. One of the things they discussed was the turn-about of Benny Reese. Each callous he developed seemed to be a reward for tearing down another bit of the tower of selfishness he’d inhabited. After much discussion with the teens and her sisters, Jaz asked to address the Clan and her father at one of their Saturday night after meal meetings. They chose February 16, the day after CWP Contracting and Construction won the bid for the expansion of the public dock on the west side of St Michaels. A berth for the CWP Charter Fishing Boat was thus assured.

“Holly, Ivy, and I have discussed the issue of our father,” Jaz began with a firm cold voice as her sisters stood by her side. “We’ve tried to find it in our hearts to forgive him. Unfortunately, because of what he did to us, we can not do so.”

The adults were surprised. Everyone knew Benny was improving and trying to change his colors. They feared this rejection by the girls could jeopardize his goals. Benny was crestfallen.

“As far as we are concerned, our father, Benjamin Reese, is dead,” Jaz harshly summarized. Then she continued in a conciliatory tone. “Benny, you are not our father. The very thought of our father makes us sad. You are not like the self-centered man he was and we do not want you associated with the negative memories of him. Instead, we’d like to start off fresh. Will you be our Uncle Benny?”

Benny was as shocked as everyone else. The depression that had settled on him at the rejection of his fatherhood by his daughters lifted. Rising to his feet he stood tall. “Holly, Ivy, Jasmine, I’d be honored to be your uncle. However, I ask one favor. As Benny, I was a scumbag. I want to leave that part of me behind. I think I can do that best by shedding my childish name of Benny. If you’ll have me, I’d like to be your Uncle Ben.”

“It simply won’t do to have him be your Uncle Ben,” Jane brusquely spoke up. “Benny is still on probation and we can not release him from that for five years. The only way we can allow Ben to become your uncle is if we vote him into the Clan. All in favor raise your hand.”

When they saw everyone raise their hand the girls smiled and scurried to him to exchange hugs. Nearly everyone smiled. Only Krista noted the quivering lips on Sandi. As the others crowded around Ben and his nieces, Krista made her way to Sandi and gently led her to the kitchen.

No words were spoken as Sandi quietly broke down in tears, wrapped safely in Krista’s caring arms. After a few moments Sandi pulled herself together. Krista dropped to one knee and held her adopted sister by the shoulders. “Sandi, you are my sister. We share the same mom, dad and siblings. But that does not mean you have to give up your birth mother. It’s okay to love her and to miss her. She knew she failed to be a good mother when she allowed those nasty things to happen to you. But that does not mean she doesn’t love you. In fact, she loves you so much she allowed you to be adopted into our family. I’ll tell you what. Right now, instead of going off to play with the other kids, how about you and I go in to the Clan meeting. I’ll speak on your behalf to see if there might be a possibility of getting her released to the Clan.”

Sandi smiled, eagerly nodding her head.

As Krista took Sandi’s hand to lead her back to the dining room, they bumped into Tony who was looking for his girlfriend. One look at the sisters and he understood. Nodding, he took up station on the other side of Sandi and took her other hand. “Krista, I seem to remember us doing something like this a few months ago. I think everything turned out fine then. I don’t see why tonight should be any different.”

Krista and Sandi smiled.

The adults turned to look at the three as they purposefully entered the room. It was clear they were intent on speaking to the group. Pat and Leroy exchanged glances as they suspected the kid’s agenda and felt a pang of anguish that Sandi didn’t want them as parents.

“Sandi has a request,” Krista began. “She knows why Ben is here and has no issues with him. She would like to know if the Clan would consider seeking a work release parole for her birth mother. Isn’t that right, sis?”

“Uh huh,” Sandi declared emboldened by Krista and Tony’s support. “I want to see if I could get another aunt... Aunt Buffy.”

The adults exchanged looks of guilt and shame. They had forgotten about Buffy Herr but clearly Sandi had not. Pat and Leroy breathed a sigh of relief. Sandi’s request was not for her mother, but for an aunt. The youngster understood the significance of Jaz and her sisters rejecting Ben as their father but accepting him as an uncle. Clearly, she wanted to do the same.

No words were spoken as the adults exchanged glances. With nods from Pat and Leroy, Kevin spoke. “Miss Sandi Scott, as legal council for the Clan Wells Point I promise you that first thing Monday morning I will begin investigating the possibility of paroling Buffy Herr to our custody. We do not know if we can obtain her release. However, young lady, you must have patience. It took two months from the time Ms Herr was arrested until she was sentenced. It could take many weeks to get her released if we can do so.”

“I understand,” Sandi nodded. “I know we’re good people and I trust you to do all you can. Do you think I can visit her to tell her we’re working on it?”

Pat looked at Leroy who shrugged and smiled. “Sandi, I’ll have to see if the prison will allow someone your age to visit. If you can, we’ll take you.”

Sandi smiled and nodded.


Buffy Herr was serving her sentence in the same prison in which Heather had been incarcerated. Serving time in the Maryland Correctional Institute for Women in Jessup was not a pleasant experience for Buffy. Even though she had been roughed up a few times, she never fought back or tried to shield herself. She simply allowed the abuse as if she deserved it. The corrections officers noted her fatalistic acceptance of abuse. When she wasn’t being treated for injuries she was polite and obedient, a model prisoner.

Buffy’s parents had been lower middle class, they had given her nearly everything she wanted. The result was she developed into an unmotivated slacker. When finally out on her own, reality slapped her in the face. Instead of getting her act together and finding a job, she took the route of welfare and drugs. That Sandi was born without any apparent mental issues was somewhat miraculous. What truly depressed Buffy was how she had allowed Sandi to be molested.

Never having to stick up for herself, she was easily bullied by the more hardened inmates. Meekly Buffy accepted the abuse her fellow prisoners heaped upon her since she felt it was just punishment for betraying her daughter. One thing it did do for her was to make her resolve stronger. She was taking classes hoping to earn a GED. When she was released, she intended to get a job and assist Sandi. Allowing her to be adopted by the Scotts was the first positive thing she’d done. She thanked God that Sandi had been found by Krista who was now her big sister.

Buffy was unaware the wheels of justice had begun to turn on her behalf.


As the days of winter passed, life for the Clan moved onward. Day by day Kylie grew stronger and day by day began to do more physical work. Weekly check-ups with Dr. Sykes made sure she didn’t over-do things.

Monday February 18, 2008 was a momentous day for the Clan Wells Point. Another person was added bringing the Clan roster to fifty nine souls. George Reese was born at 11:47am. Mother Gretchen was delighted. Everyone was delighted and when they came home two days later, everyone stopped by to see the newest Clan member and congratulate Gretchen.


For nearly forty years Leonard Kahn ran a small collision repair and body shop on his property. The parcel he owned was on the north side of almost Neavitt road, directly opposite the recent CWP land aquisitions to the south of the road and west and south of the forested CWP area by the Bosman-Neavitt Road. Leo learned the trade while in the Army during the Vietnam War. He’d helped armor the gun trucks guarding the convoys as well as the trucks hauling supplies to outlying bases. Much of the work was done salvaging and scrounging parts and armor plating. When he came home he spent a few years learning collision repair on normal cars and trucks but never lost the rough edges of the Army salvage and scrounging days.

Leo had two sons who worked in the shop until they graduated high school. The hard nosed vet expected the boys to work and accepted nothing short of 100% effort. The boys ducked out as soon as they were old enough although they did stay in touch and occasionally visit. Over the years, Leo had hired numerous workers, but none lasted. Widowed by age sixty, Leo feared he’d have to close the business when he retired... if he ever retired.

Then in the spring of 2007 Leo, having been invited and attended the graduation of all his other grandchildren, wondered why he hadn’t been invited to the graduation of his youngest grandchild. Not one to pry he said nothing but his daughter in law let it slip that Brandon was openly gay and had been promptly thrown out of his family home the day he graduated from high school and no one in the family had attended the ceremony. While he didn’t support homosexuals, family was family. During his time in the army he had known several gay soldiers in his unit. None were swishy and were better than average soldiers. One had been killed and others wounded, they certainly were not cowards. Leo could not understand why his son and the rest of the family had disowned Brandon. But no one would reply whenever he asked what happened to Brandon.

Leo was concerned for Brandon’s welfare but had no idea how to locate him. Since he was a businessman, Leo heard all about Krista through the local gossip mongers. Leo knew the Scott family and Jane O’Brien and admired them for their ability to not only accept Krista, but to encourage her and accept others in similar situations. The concept of The Clan Wells Point made him smile. The hubub about the Christmas Dance made him sigh. The Clan had accepted and encouraged two gay boys. If only Brandon were here, his life might be better. When he learned the Clan had acquired the two neighboring properties and that Kylie had her SRS surgery and was engaged to the youngest Scott boy, Larry, he knew he had to find Brandon.

On Tuesday, February 19, after two weeks of discovering nothing, he swallowed his bull headed pride and called Jane.

Jane was surprised by the unexpected call and waited patiently while Leo talked in circles without getting to the point. “Leo Kahn, I’ve known you for years. You didn’t call to be sociable. Stop beating around the bush and tell me why you called.”

“Women,” Leo spat in exasperation. “But, God, do I miss Irene. Jane, I’m a proud man and I come hat in hand, I need your help. Brandon, my youngest grandson is gay. His family threw him out when he graduated last spring. They refuse to even talk about him. I haven’t been able to locate him and was wondering if your Clan could help me find him.”

“Leo, we’ll do our best,” Jane assured him. She knew it had taken a lot of desperation and will power for the proud stubborn man to ask for help. “Write down everything you know about him. Full name, birth date, former address, the school he attended, and any other information. My granddaughter Krista has some friends in school she’s nick-named the data duo. They were the ones that dug up the clues that blew the lid of the Apple Tree Scandal. I’m sure they’ll jump at the chance to play sleuth on their computers.”

“Jane, I already have all I know about Brandon,” Leo said. “If it’s okay, I’ll be right over with all the information.”

“I’ll make some fresh coffee,” Jane replied.

After Leo arrived and a bit of discussion, Jane decided to take Leo over to the barn to meet Kylie. A bit apprehensive at meeting a transsexual, he decided to do so with an open mind. After all, he’d known Kylie’s father and was aware that Kylie was already living up to the late mechanic’s excellent reputation.

Not sure what he expected, he was surprised to meet the perky grease stained young lady who ran the business. The scale and scope of the shop surprised him. When he saw the DUKW ready for painting, he was awestruck. “Jane, is this the same one your dad used?”

“Sure is,” Jane smiled. “All those rescues during hurricane Agnes took a toll on it and it needed a complete overhaul. We just never got around to it and it sat here until Kylie started her business. Thanks to her it’s been completely over-hauled.”

Leo nodded his head obviously impressed by Kylie’s drive. “Are you trying to return it to original specs?”

“Not quite,” Kylie answered. “The engine was shot as was the transmission. While trying to get it replaced I came across information about upgrades. It now has 350 Chevy V-8 and an automatic transmission. This gives it a lot more power. Top speed with the six-cylinder was fifty five miles an hour, with the V-8 it should be seventy five. Water speed was six miles per hour and now it should be ten MPH or about eight and a half knots. In addition the automatic will make it much easier to drive and should last longer.”

“Kylie, you are simply amazing,” Leo smiled. “I see it’s ready to be primed. Do you have a color scheme in mind?”

“Sure,” Kylie giggled. “My biggest problem is I’m not skilled enough to tackle the job.”

“Well let’s have a look here,” Leo gruffly stated as he walked around the behemoth checking out the body. Despite his efforts to be a hard-nosed old man the glint of admiration in his eye was unmistakable. “This should have an epoxy primer base. It’ll waterproof everything, be tougher and last longer than regular primer. Then to do the paint job right you should use an epoxy paint then several epoxy clear coats. I’ll tell you what,” Leo smiled. “If you can get it over to my place, I’ll do the job. Just charge you for the paint and supplies if you take me out on her.”

“I appreciate the offer, Mr. Kahn,” Kylie sheepishly smiled. “But the paint scheme we want to use is quite complicated.”

“Please call me Leo,” he smiled. “I like a challenge. Exactly what do you have in mind?”

“Well, one of our newest members came up with a Tartan for our Clan,” Kylie said with a nose wrinkling grin. “I’ve got a copy of it on my desk.”

“Well, that certainly is a unique plaid,” Leo declared as he scratched his chin while holding the page with the Tartan printed on it. “It certainly will be a challenge to paint this on a vehicle this size. I assume you would want the Tartan to be recognizable from a distance?”

“Of course,” Kylie smiled.

“In that case I’d suggest we paint the dark green lines six inches wide, and the pink lines nine inches wide. That would leave the lighter green diamonds with nine inch sides. I’d start with a base coat of the lighter green, then tape everything off to put in the dark green stripes. Last would be the pink stripes,” Leo declared as he sought out the scheme. “It would be a bit labor intensive but using the epoxy paints and waiting three days between coats there shouldn’t be any problem with paint leaking into other areas. If some of your Clan youngsters would like to help with the taping I’d be more than willing to teach them.”

“Mr. Kahn, you’ve got a deal,” Kylie enthused. “I don’t think it’ll be any problem at all getting the teens to help with the taping. Let me know when your ready and I’ll drive the DUKW over.”

“Bring it tomorrow,” Leo smiled. “I can’t wait to get to work on this baby!”

Leo stayed for supper. To say he was surprised by Krista is an understatement. Kylie had dented the sheet metal walls of his preconceived notions of what a transsexual would be like, Krista popped the rivets and it fell to pieces. While he was not sure what he’d expected to find when he met this young boy/girl, a cute, bubbly, healthy girl was not it. He was impressed by her spirit and was truly grateful when she accepted the information he brought about his grandson and promised to get it to the data duo.

Freddy had skipped school to spend the entire day at Requard Rehab Center for Acute Rehabilitation. The newly made prosthetic legs were carefully tweaked to properly fit his stumps. Once the fitters were sure the fit was perfect, they showed Freddy how to strap the limbs into place. With help, he was able to stand for the first time since Halloween. With a therapist on either side holding his arms, they slowly began to walk. Freddy had to learn how the legs felt when they were functioning properly. Five minutes of walking was offset by five minutes sitting. Each hour they removed the legs to check for skin irritation on the stumps. While red, there were no sore spots. By the end of the day, Freddy was able to take a few steps on his own. His stumps were tender and the therapists explained that his skin would thicken and toughen with use but that the process would take several weeks. Freddy was overjoyed.


Serena Moonflower and Misty Dawn were best friends and lovers. They’d met at Woodstock back in 1969 and remained steadfast best friends. In true hippie style, they were bisexual and had never married although they had a total of nine partners over the years. In 1977 they had hooked up with couple of guys who were working for a two men in California. They were soon working there too. The operation was laid back and employee centered, the ideal working conditions for maturing hippies. The wages were low but the owners insisted the business would take off and all of the early low paid workers who stuck it out would be rewarded with free stock when the company went public. When the stock went on sale in 1980, they received each received 300 shares for their longevity and a one time option to purchase more at the initial IPO price. Since they were still basically living a hippie lifestyle, they had managed to save half of their earnings, which they promptly invested in the options. That company was Apple Computer. Needless to say, the ladies never had to worry about money again.

As they aged, the free love and pot of the late sixties and seventies slowly melded into new age philosophies before settling down in Wicca. After years of traveling about the country, they decided to settle down. They found the ideal locale in the Bay Hundred area. They bought adjoining simple homes along the east side of SR 579, the Bozman-Neavitt Road, just north of Neavitt in 1990. They were open and friendly an were at least on nodding terms with all their neighbors. After their current boyfriends wore out their welcome they decided to stop looking and moved in together renting out the other home. Their properties were now bounded to the north and east by the Clan Wells Point.

By 2008 they were 59, they laughingly considered themselves mature hippies. They appreciated the closeness of the Clan and admired their drive and openness to different lifestyles and sexual orientations. Their only hesitation in becoming better friends was that the Clan was obviously Christian and most Christians had little understanding much less acceptance of those who followed Wicca. When they learned of the Clan plans to adopt green farming methods, they decided it was time to become better acquainted.


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