Odyssey III Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Saturday at 6:00am TT Kylie called Larry, who answered at 6:00pm Eastern time Friday. “Hi Larry, I just needed to hear your voice,” Kylie declared as she tried to hide her anxiety. “I’m getting ready to head to the clinic. The surgery is scheduled to begin in two hours.”

“Everything will be alright, babe,” Larry soothed. “Just remember, you don’t have to do this. I love you, the person inside.”

“I love you too,” Kylie replied. “But I need this. I want you to have a real woman for your wife.”

“Kylie, you already are a real woman,” Larry stated. “Best of all you’re my woman.”

“I know, that’s why you deserve the best,” Kylie answered as she shook off her pre-surgery jitters. “I just needed to hear your voice and have you tell me you love me. Mom will call when I come out of the surgery. I’ll call as soon as I’m up to it. In a few hours, I’ll be complete. Larry, I’m really looking forward to our honeymoon.”

“So am I,” Larry chuckled in a lecherous tone. “We’ll get the best wedding present ever when we give each other our virginity.”

“I’m looking forward to that,” Kylie giggled as the worst of her anxiety passed. “I love you, hun!”

“I love you too, babe,” Larry declared.

With the call completed, Kylie finished dressing. She and her mom entered the patient prep area at 6:30. At 7:30 they gave her a shot to relax her and at 7:45 she was rolled into the surgery. At 8:00am TT, 1/5/08, the doctor entered the operating room. He smiled at Kylie and reassured her everything would go well and that when she awoke, she’d be the girl she needed to be. Then he nodded to the anaesthesiologist. Fifteen seconds later, Kylie was out.

Half way around the world, at 8:00pm EST, 1/4/08, Larry was a nervous wreck. Even though he knew Kylie was in good, experienced hands, the anxiety he felt for Kylie’s well being was nearly overwhelming. Sheila and Robert were with him in the big Farm house as were Tony and Rachel Masters. All did their best to keep their spirits high.

The surgery was quite successful and Kylie was taken from the surgical theatre a bit after 2:00pm TT to the recovery room. Over the next hour, she slowly emerged from the anesthesia. Fortunately the pain she felt was dulled by pain medication, for which she was truly grateful. At 3:10pm she was wheeled into her room where she would spend the next seven days in closely monitored recovery. Evelyn was in the room to welcome her daughter.

The nurses were gentle as they transferred her from the litter into the bed. They made sure she was comfortable before leaving. As per the clinic standards, at all times at least one of the on duty nurses would be able to speak and understand English.

Kylie smiled wearily but utterly happily at her mother. “It’s done! My birth defect has been removed! Mom, I’m so happy!”

“I can see that, baby,” Evelyn smiled as she squeezed Kylie’s hand being careful not to disturb the IV in her wrist. “Does it hurt?”

“God yes,” Kylie giggled still under the effects of the anesthesia. “But the painkillers are great!”

Both women chuckled.

“Mom, I know it’s late back home,” Kylie sighed once they stopped giggling. “But can you call Larry? I want to let him know I’m okay and tell him that I love him.”

It was 3:18am when the phone rang. Larry was still down stairs in front of the TV but had dozed off. The first ring startled him into wakefulness. At the second ring he fumbled with the phone almost dropping it before he brought it to his ear. “H... Hello...” his voice quivered as he feared the worst.

“Larry, this is Evelyn,” Evelyn spoke clearly instantly hearing Larry’s anxiety. “My DAUGHTER would like to speak to you.”

“Larry, I love you,” Kylie whisper/cried into the phone her mom held for her.

“Kylie... I love you, baby, oh God it so good to hear your voice,” Larry gushed as he fought down his own tears of joy. “I know it was silly, but I was so afraid...”

“It’s done now,” Kylie soothed as tears of joy and love ran from her eyes. “I just got into my room and asked mom to call. I can finally be ALL the woman you’ll ever need!”

“You already were all the woman I needed,” Larry choked out. “I know you had to do this, and I appreciate it, but if you ever scare me like this again...”

“I promise, once I get back home, we’ll never be apart,” Kylie gushed.

“I’m looking forward to your return,” Larry whispered as he fought to get himself under control.

“So am I, lover,” Kylie giggled. “Right now, I’m worn out and drugged up. I know you’ve been waiting to hear about the surgery. I think we’d both better get some sleep. I’ll see you in my dreams. Mwah!” She kissed him through the phone line.

“Oh Kylie,” Larry sighed. “I think I felt that! Here’s one for you, babe. GROWWWLLL... MWAH!”

The exhausted lovers quickly drifted off to sleep.


At nine the shopping warriors gathered, fully prepared to enter the fray. Krista, Jaz, Jamie, Ruth, and Gretchen were fully prepared to lead a very nervous new recruit into her first battle. Jennifer Sue was excited and scared about her first encounter with that dreaded foe, the shopping mall!

This would also be Krista’s first real shopping trip to an enclosed mall. The only time she’d ever been in a mall was when they had taken Heather after her release from prison. For Jamie it would be her first trip to a mall as a girl and for Jaz her first since coming out of the coma.

The nearest mall was The Centre At Salisbury, fifty five miles south of St. Michaels. The trip took almost an hour and a half. The Campbells had graciously loaned their new Lincoln Navigator for the trip so they traveled in comfort. The girls gabbed endlessly as their excitement grew.

By the time they arrived at the mall, the ground rules had been established. The girls had to stick together and not wonder off. Everyone had some cash to spend on themselves but understood the primary task was to outfit Jennifer Sue. As soon as they entered the mall, Krista checked the map kiosk and led the way to Claires, located in the center of the mall.

As Ruth signed the permission forms the teens began checking out the selections. Jenny was excited about the prospect of getting her ears pierced yet there was still some fear and hesitation as the effects of her forced boyhood reared its ugly head. Those lingering reservations quickly dissipated when she saw the tiny gold butterfly earrings with tiny fake emeralds embedded in the wings. They simply spoke to her, calling her name.

Before her nerves could get to her Jenny was seated on a high stool as the clerk marked her ears. While she wanted to let her girl side free, she was still more than a bit hesitant. Years of burying her innate girlishness were difficult to overcome. Fortunately the deed was quickly done. A simple POP with a slight tug and the butterflies were in her lobes. Looking into the mirror, she was delighted to see the sparkle as the light reflected off the fake emeralds.

All the teems selected bracelets, bangles and necklaces to add to their personal collections while seeing that Jenny also had a decent selection. The giggling girls left heading to JC Penney to begin building Jenny’s wardrobe. It was decided they would start with the basics.

Being older than the thirteen year olds, Jamie stayed with her mother and Gretchen as they guided the younger girls as they shopped. She was able to soak up the sharing of shopping expertise while allowing the younger girls to be themselves. There was no doubt in her mind she would love being Jenny’s big sister.

Jenny blushed as they entered the girls’ department, even more so when they headed to the lingerie. While excited she was still apprehensive. The idea of selecting lingerie was a terrifying yet utter delight. Naturally her burgeoning girlishness was drawn to the lacy and provocative styles but she took no umbrage to the gentle cautions that practicality was the number one concern.

Even though the girls were teenagers, size wise they were preteen. As Ruth looked on Gretchen guided Jenny as well as Krista, Jaz and Jamie in selecting practical pretty lingerie. Thongs and cheekinis while cute and daring were discouraged. Bikini style panties could be okay if they were not too skimpy. Brief style panties were very practical but simply not girly enough for them. The boy short, boy brief and boykini styles could be comfortable and practical, but these girls wanted nothing remotely boyish as undies. The style they found best was the hipster. They were practical and girly. Jenny selected a wide variety of colors and patterns evenly split between cotton and nylon but all had lace trim. The most daring pair was blue cotton with a picture of Cookie Monster in the center of the backside holding a cookie he was about to munch with the word yummy printed above it. This appealed to Jenny’s fondness for Sesame Street as well as the double entendre.

What finally broke down the last of Jenny’s boyish angst was being fitted for her first bra. The selection of her first bra was the final step in abandoning the prohibitions and limitations being a boy had placed in her life. Although she blushed as she tried it on, she kept the Maidenform molded triangle girls bra on. Made of nylon spandex with padded cups, the adjustable strap rear closure bra hugged her thirty two inch chest. The molded padded cups reshaped the flat boyish chest into a that of a budding teen.

By the time they finished shopping, Jenny had two dresses, six skirts, ten tops, four sweaters, four pairs of jeans, six hoodies and three pair of leggings. She also had a pair of Uggs boots, a pair of mucking boots for being out of doors on the Clan Wells Point, two pair of trainers, two pairs of flats, and one pair of darling heels even if they wee only one and half inches high. She also had a starter make-up kit that would soon see a lot of use.

The trio of pretty girls didn’t go unnoticed as they shopped. The giggling girls thoroughly enjoyed the appraising looks from the boys wondering the concourse. For Jenny, this was cathartic as it gave value to her self worth as a girl.

It was after dark when they all arrived home. Most of Jenny’s new clothes went into the closet of what was soon to be Jenny’s bedroom with the Ewells before she and Jenny returned to the O’Brien/Scott home. All the girls easily slipped into dreamland that night.


The next morning, Krista helped Jenny into her first dress. She was excited and scared. She would be accompanying the Clan Wells Point to Church. As in any small community, rumors of the circumstances of Jenny’s arrival had spread. The service went smoothly and Jenny finally got something out of a church service. She took the messages of love, acceptance, hope, and salvation to heart. The members of St. Luke’s UMC had already grown to accept and welcome anyone associated with the Clan Wells Point so Jenny was warmly welcomed by many parishioners after the service ended. When the Clan gathered for supper, Jenny no longer felt like an outsider.

After much discussion it was agreed that Jenny should attend her parent’s viewing and funerals scheduled to start at 10:30am the next day. Once again the Campbells allowed the Navigator to be used. The teens gathered and talked about their band which helped Jenny’s mind away from dark thoughts. In fact, she was quite delighted they asked her to join the band. Pat knew Jenny would be asked and had brought the her sax with them. Jenny blew everyone away when she played for them. After that, Robert led the teens and several others across to the shed where he revealed their newly constructed studio. Needless to say the teens, who had not realized the studio was being built, were stunned and decidedly grateful.


Jenny was nervous as she slipped into the Navigator for the three and a half hour trip to Pennsylvania for the viewing and funeral. Leroy drove while Kevin rode shotgun. Ruth sat in the middle seat with snacks and drinks while Krista and Jenny sat in the third seat. It was clear Jennifer Sue needed to talk about her birth family. As they drove she quietly went into catharic detail about her life as Justin. When she described her grandparents, Krista had a difficult time believing anyone could be that cruel to their grandchild. Krista grew quite angry when Kevin explained his encounter with Richard and Virginia. The fear and guilt Jenny felt for her role in the deaths of her parents was nearly overwhelming but talking about her unhappy life did a lot to give her the strength to see her through the ordeal.

The Berks County Sheriff’s office had been notified and two deputies were on hand to insure the service was trouble free. They greeted Leroy when they arrived outside the funeral home. One man headed inside to make his presence noticeable yet unintrusive. The other would follow behind the small group from Maryland.

Jenny wore a modest knee length black skirt and dark green sweater along with her heels and dark pantyhose. Her make-up consisted of pink lipstick and a touch of eyeliner. Anyone who saw her would never suspect she was a genetic boy. Jenny clung to Ruth’s hand as she made her way to the open caskets. Tears flooded her eyes and tiny sobs wracked her body as she gazed on the bodies of her parents. She felt nothing but sadness when she looked at her father. He looked as nasty and unforgiving in death as he had in life. She would not miss him. At first glance it seemed as if her mother was sleeping. But she could see the heavy make-up that had been used to disguise the bruising hand prints about her mother’s neck. She felt remorse for her mother’s sacrifice and could not help but wonder how their life might have been if she had come to Justin’s defense sooner.

Those in attendance were split quite unevenly in the seats facing the open caskets. The seating area that was before Charlie’s casket was virtually empty while the seats behind Lorraine’s casket were full of mourners. Truth be told, most were there out of respect for Lorraine. Many felt uncomfortable she was lying in state next to the thug that had killed her. Few had spoken to Richard and Virginia who sat by themselves in front of Charlie.

Everyone was wondering who the pretty crying girl was as she stood looking into the caskets and why the deputies were with her. They were even more confused as they realized the deputy with the crying girl was from Maryland.

It was only when she turned away from the caskets that Jennifer Sue saw her grandparents. With a look of fear she froze in place. She was not ready for this confrontation.

Like the rest of the people at the viewing, the grandparents wondered who the pretty girl was who had cried upon looking into the caskets. When she turned around they thought she looked familiar but could not place her. It wasn’t until the cute girl froze with fear clearly etched on her face... An expression Virginia had often seen on the face of her murderous grandson! Virginia connected the dots.

“You have a lot of damn gall to show up here you little freak,” she sneered scathingly as she rose to her feet. “You and your sick perversion caused this! You little faggot bastard! You killed my son!”

Everyone in attendance was well aware that the homicides were the result of Justin’s announcement that he was a transsexual. After Virginia’s outburst, it only took a few seconds until everyone realized that the pretty girl was in deed Justin. None could believe that the pretty girl had ever been anything other than a girl. Murmurs of discontent and confusion began amongst those attending.

It took Richard a bit longer to realize who the girl was. But at that instant he flew from his seat and rushed to throttle the devil incarnate in a dress. “You’re a fuckin’ abomination,” he cursed as his hands reached out for Jenny’s throat.

Before anyone could move, Krista stepped in front of Jenny putting herself between the terrified new girl and her irate grandfather. “Settle down sir,” Krista ordered in a tone of voice that left everyone know she was not a girl with whom anyone would want to trifle. That her eyes flashed fire only served to reinforce her fearless ‘don’t mess with me’ stance. “Jennifer Sue has as much right to be here as you do. These were her parents.”

Everyone in the room had their suspicions about the scared teary eyed girl’s identity confirmed. She was in deed Justin, just as her posting on Facebook had announced. The two Berks County sheriff deputies stepped forward to stand on either side of Jenny as Richard backed off a bit.

“That fuckin’ bastard killed my boy and is going to get away with it,” Richard yelled as he backed off a bit more as Leroy stepped by Krista. “Look at IT! It’s wearing a freakin’ dress!”

“You have just got to be Jennifer Sue’s grandfather Richard,” Krista stated disdainfully. “You know, you really are a Dick, and I mean that in every way you can imagine.”

Everyone gasped at Krista’s surly remark. Quite a few chuckled quietly since they all realized that Richard really was a Dick in more ways than one. Richard on the other hand was left sputtering, stupefied and outraged.

“In the first place quite a few of the women here are wearing dresses,” Krista stated. “It’s sign of respect for the deceased, something you’ve obviously forgotten. However, like many of the women here, Jennifer Sue is wearing a nice skirt and sweater, not that someone like you would be capable of making such a distinction. For your edification and for that of anyone else who may be interested, Jenny is a girl who has a birth defect that is finally being corrected. Her family, including you, Sir, denied and ignored her needs. It was your failure and that of your son to meet her psychological needs that directly led to the deaths of her parents. Justin was sure that he’d be killed when he confronted his parents yet had run out of options to continue living the lie she’d been forced to live. Fortunately Jennifer Sue survived and fled to us after that horrible night. We have gotten her the medical treatment she has needed for years. The very treatments her birth family should have obtained for her.”

“What the fuck do you know girl? A real girl has a pussy like you do,” Richard snarled. “You’re not like her, some fag boy wearing a skirt.”

“Thank you,” Krista smiled smugly as she did a mini curtsey. “But Jennifer is no more a fag than I am. We’re both girls, we just had to hide it for several years because of bigots like you.”

It took a moment for Richard to realize what Krista just said. “You... you’re the one who Justin idolized! You’re Krista, the murdering sicko pervert! You’re as much of a freak as he is!”

“I’m just as much of a GIRL as Jennifer Sue is,” Krista smiled with more than a bit of moral superiority. “We simply have physical birth defects which, unlike you with your obvious mental defect, can be corrected. As for your comment about my being a murder, I killed a man in self defense to save two people as well as myself. Jennifer Sue killed her father in an effort to save her mother. Both cases have been ruled as justifiable homicide. Believe me, I know what it feels like to take a life and it isn’t a good feeling. Now, this is supposed to be a time of respect for the deceased. Let’s not ruin it any further than YOU already have.”

With that Krista turned to Jenny and held out her hand. “I think we’ve paid our respects and seen enough bigotry. Come on Jennifer Sue, lets go outside for some fresh air before we head to the cemetery.”

Jenny gratefully accepted Krista’s hand and meekly allowed herself to led outside. She kept her eyes focused on the exit as everyone mutely wondered how Krista had been so easily able to put Richard and Virginia in their place. Once outside, Jenny broke down in tears as Krista and Ruth hugged her.

Richard was livid. It had taken a few moments for him to realize Krista had verbally shredded him. Virginia was stunned and angry, further adding to Richard’s fury. Angrily he stormed after the girls, only to run into Leroy and one of the local sheriffs.

“Mr. Raven, I suggest you not make this day any worse,” Leroy cautioned. “My daughter speaks her mind and that often upsets close minded people. Her words may have been insensitive but they were the truth. Once the burials are done, we’ll be heading home. I suggest you do the same.”

“Your daughter,” Richard swore. “How the hell can you say that thing is your freaking daughter?”

“Quite simply,” Leroy replied. “She is my child and she is a girl. Tell me, do you honestly think a sissy boy could have ripped you apart like Krista did? Face it Krista and Jennifer Sue are girls.”

“Mr. Raven, please, don’t make this is any uglier than it already has been,” the local deputy said. “Let this go before it gets to the point that someone gets arrested.”

Facing the uniforms, Richard wisely decided discretion was the better option. However he could not simply return to the viewing without losing face. Grumbling and fuming he paced in the lobby for a few minutes before heading back inside.

“Jennifer Sue,” Ruth declared once the girl had cried herself out. “You will soon be my daughter and these people who hate are already forever out of your life. If you want to leave now, you can do so. The choice is yours.”

“I came this far, I’m going to see it through,” Jenny sniffed as she regained control. “I just don’t want to go back inside there.”

Quietly, they waited for the viewing to end.

The funeral director understood who Jennifer Sue was since he’d been contacted by Attorney Lieberman. Since Attorney Lieberman had been hired by the Clan Wells Point to see to Jennifer Sue’s Pennsylvania interests, he was doing so to the best of his abilities. The lawyer made sure the funeral director understood Jenny had a right to attend the funeral. Since Charlie and Lorraine had died without wills, the Pennsylvania laws regarding Intestate Succession were in place. The documents to represent Jennifer’s interests in her parents estates had been filed Friday afternoon. The state laws are designed to protect and provide for the surviving spouse and children of the decedent to assure that these individuals are provided for in the event of the untimely demise of a loved one

Before the decedent’s estate is distributed, the decedent’s debts, taxes, funeral expenses, and the expenses of administration are paid first, just like in estates where there is a will. What remains is what makes up the decedent’s distributable estate. In cases such as this where there is no surviving spouse the laws of Intestate Succession regulates the passing of the remainder of the estate to the children of the decedent. In this case the only child was Jennifer Sue

Thus the funeral director knew the estate would go to Jennifer Sue AFTER he was paid. Putting professionality forward, he placed the Navigator behind the limo that would carry Richard and Virginia in the funeral procession. Needless to say when the procession formed, Virginia and Richard were furious to see their perverted grandson in the line-up. The funeral director refused to ban Jennifer even when Richard threatened not to pay for the funerals. Richard and Virginia were both quite stunned to learn that attorney Lieberman had already filed the paperwork to be the executor of Charlie’s and Lorraine’s estate on behalf of their surviving child Jennifer Sue and that payment for the funerals would be made from the estate.

Needless to say by the time they reached the cemetery Richard and Virginia were beside themselves. Richard had called his lawyer who bluntly told him that Jennifer Sue nee Justin not only had every right to be at the service, SHE would be the SOLE beneficiary of the estate.

As the mourners followed the caskets to the gravesite, most couldn’t keep their eyes off Jennifer Sue and her companions. Even though they now knew the two young girls were really boys, they still had difficulty in accepting that fact. Krista’s statements to Richard had made them all think. Even the pastor conducting the service had the wind blown from his sails. The fact the deputies were with Jenny made it clear she was backed by the law.

Jennifer made no effort to sit in the provided seats under the canopy as the brief graveside service was conducted. She left that area to her furious grandparents. She stood between Ruth and Krista with Leroy directly behind her. Surrounded by her friends and new family she felt secure. Quite naturally she sobbed quietly as the coffins were lowered into the ground.

Fortunately the service was brief and Ruth wisely ushered Jenny back to the Navigator. “Now, young lady, let’s go home,”

Teary-eyed but with a smile that she’d made it through the funeral, Jenny looked up at Ruth. “Home... yes, that’s what the Clan Wells Point is. It’s home. Thank you Mrs Ew... mom!”

Now it was Ruth’s turn to cry as she hugged her soon to daughter.

Unfortunately the Navigator was parked in by the rest of the funeral procession. When Richard and Virginia came back to the limo, Richard hurled a 3 inch rounded stone he’d plucked from the excavated dirt at the windshield of the Navigator. “You ungrateful bastard,” Richard screamed. “I’ll see you burn in hell before you get anything from their estate!”

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