I've always wondered about everyone's view on transexuality as it involves the behaviors of the transgendered individual. When I normally write my stories, I tend to not focus so much on the physical change of the individual as I do the mental change, for example. How much does your femininity (or masculinity) affect how you behave in your life.
I myself do classify myself as transgender, but I've never felt as if I needed to me "feminine." To me it's all about being comfortable. I don't feel "right" as a guy. But that doesn't mean my behaviors would really change if I were to be a girl. Sure I may add a few more "quirks" in my attitude as I continue through the journey, and maybe even try some things such as makeup and the occasional dress wearing, but ultimately I don't think I'd act a whole lot different than I am now.
So I'd like to hear your thoughts.
No, not feminine
I learned as a child that feminine behavior from a big guy is not acceptable, so no, I don't act feminine. I am a "softer" person, not aggressive really, although I can fake it well. I was a very successful bouncer because I wasn't looking for a fight, but I wasn't afraid of one. I'm a shy, easy-going person, frustrated by my body. My personality would have worked with a 5'5" Girl, rather than a 6'3" guy. Oh Well.
I don't like how far we go
I don't like how far we go classifying what is feminine or masculine really. What I've observed from my life is that regardless of whom I hang out with neither gender acts one way or the other, unless they have some unquenchable need to be perfect (like hiding themselves from what they truly are, for example). But I don't think gender roles exist, or at least they are grey enough that I don't think acting one way or the other truly defines what a person is.