Hatbox Access Page

This is the signup page for the HatBox, BigCloset's premium pages where stories contributed by authors can be viewed or downloaded by people who have joined the Hatbox. After one year in the Hatbox, contributed stories are made available elsewhere, either on BC or on the donors' own websites. Downloads are made available on the honor system, please do not distribute these files privately as that would be a violation of the copyright of the author. Please do not share your login or password with others.

If you have already signed up to the HatBox the link is: The HatBox. You will need your Hatbox user id and password (different from your BigCloset id and password) to access the HatBox stories.

If you want to contribute a story to the HatBox, send me a private message.

If you need a refund, send me an email at [email protected].

Enjoy and thanks,

After you arrange to pay Amazon, they will send you back to a page here that will give you the username and password you will use to access the premium pages. Also a link to reach those premium pages. If something goes wrong, PM or eMail me and we'll fix it.

One-Time Payment
This payment will be made from your Amazon account only once.
Access to the Hatbox is for as long as we continue the program, it's been operating for five years as of March, 2012.
The idea of paying for access and contributing stories is to help support the site.
This payment is for access and is not tax-deductible.

Privacy Policy: Neither we nor Amazon will use the private information received for any purpose not related to giving you access to the Hatbox pages.

$35 Hatbox Access:

If paying over the 'net is not possible or not to your liking, you may mail checks or money orders to:

Joyce Melton
16478 Beach Blvd. #151
Westminster, CA 92683
Then PM or email me and I can provide you with the password and username to access the subscription content.

Thank You,
Joyce Melton