Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

The End Verdict

This is a followup blog to my last one, "I Dunno What I'm Gonna Do."

Well, I'm trying to get a week of vacation time organized at work near the end of October to go home for a week. While there, me and my parents will sit down and talk through the advantages and disadvantages of moving back to see what can be done, and I'll come out to my dad, since that HAS to be done -- and him if not okay with it then at least accepting of it -- before I'll really consider moving back.

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An Unusual Problem

As I've explained elsewhere before, I'm a straight, married, male crossdresser. As a class, we're famous for living so deep in the closet, we can't see what we're doing. :) I've read the stories of those who, taken with a bout of guilt, stress, or recent threat of discovery, "purge" their entire collections of mtf goodies: clothes, makeup, wigs, shoes, everything.

Well, I've never had that problem.

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duty and destiny

I'm messing around with a new story. I'm not sure what I'll title it; at the moment I've given it the working title of "duty and destiny.' It takes place in the same world as my stories The Necessity of Winter, and After Winter. Chronologically, I'd say it is 3 or 4 years after After Winter.

As soon as I finish it, I will post it here, but as I said, it's still in the messin around stage. I've even posted a map, but it is a little crappy. I'm so jealous of Persephone's map (I have map envy).

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to anyone worried about my take on amanda waller

I just want to re-assure anyone worried about my take on Amanda Waller, she will not end up in a silly costume, and her abilities will not exceed human. Meanwhile, I have had a couple of dreams recently where its clear I am fully female. I think that's a good sign.

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Is Lulu any good?

I was thinking of all those millions that J.K. Rowling has managed to amass and I thought that it might be a good idea to put a few of my stories on Lulu and then sit back and wait for the doubloons to come rolling in.

I got to the stage where I was thinking of opening a Swiss bank account or at least get a new piggy bank when I paused. Ms Doubt came up in my mind as she often does when I have hair brained schemes.

Is it any good? Does it work, is it like those self publishing scams where you put all the money and nothing comes out?

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good news/bad news

well, the ex apologized and that is good. Unfortunately, yesterday, i got hurt badly at work, and i an still recovering. I pulled muscles in my chest, and it was so bad i had trouble breathing. My supervisor had me lie down in the first aide room for a half hour, and i was on light duty the rest of the day. Today I am doing better, but it was still scary

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Been under the weather, but better now :-)

Hey all,

I just wanted to leave a little note here that this past week I've been pretty under the weather. It's not anything serious, but it's left me feeling drained, so that's why the big delay so far. Next chapter (or two, maybe) of Robin should be up by Sunday, if not sooner.

Sorry for the delay. I don't like to let my writing go this long normally, but when all your muse says is "Shut up and take some medicine!" it's kind of hard to get anything done. :-D


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I was the pet in the zoo today.

So, what do I have to bitch about? I am living almost the perfect life now if you ignore the black hole in my heart at the loss of my whole family. Shit, that was over 5 years ago now, so I just need to buck up, pull up my skirt, keep my lipstick straight, and not fall off my heels, right?

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Contemplating Change

So, I am currently contemplating cutting down my various writing commitments. What does this mean practically for you the reader... not sure. I am going to stop other stories. I have two Kim Possible stories to finish and my Ranma 1/2 story to do. Once that is over I am hoping to focus on getting published professionally and doing Whateley stuff. That does mean that a number of fun side stories I have been working on are not going to go much farther.

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New Gabysode/Gabycon news

Maddy has posted a new episode and there is news of the 2010 Gabycon here in Dorchester.
There's still spaces for people to come - it should be fun, with new material from Maddy and myself, age is no barrier from 9-99years will be welcome, especially if they bring their bicycles.

See the link but hurry, it's nearly here.


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Chapter 16 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello again BC fans,

In this chapter we get to see the process how someone becomes a master wizard or master sorceress. Then we hear the suggestions and which island will do to solve the sickness problem. The idea of regional meetings greatly expanded quickly. I had to do some penciling and figuring out the time differentials to make it work for a long day.

I assure you, the action and drama will pick up in the next set of chapters.

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my ex has lost it

Well, i think my ex is losing it. I was helping her tonight like I always do, and she asked me to write a letter for my daughter's new teacher at school. I agreed, and I started writing it. She was dictating to me, and i tried to make a suggestion about some words, and she completely lost it. She starting swearing at me, and told me I have nothing to do with my daughter's future. I am hurt, angry, and ready to do something drastic.

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Story Hunting

Hi everybody. I'm looking for a story about a boy who is raped by a bunch of boys and is so tramatized by that he can't stand to be around any other men besides his dad. He goes to a girls school and begins to become more and more femine. Very suportive family and friends. Great story.

Any ideas on the name or author? I really want to read this story again.


Jessica Marie


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Posting schedule change

I've been working up to this for a while, and it's still kind of premature, but I've decided to go ahead and change my posting schedule from every 7 days (Fridays) to every 6 days. This means I'll be posting on Thursday this week. I'm going to SacAnime Friday-Sunday, so it seemed as good a time as any. ;)

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Bull Durham Script

I'm not going to lie to you and try to tell you that Bull Durham wasn't about baseball. That's mostly what it was about. But, it was also about people, and sex, and a bit of mysticism.

Not sure how or why, but I tripped over a link to the screenplay. It's richer, darker, possibly funnier, but definitely more touching than the movie was. I was particularly taken with its very open view of sexuality, sensuality and gender. If you do nothing else, just word-seach on "panties" and skip through it. Oh, and read the ending. It's nice.

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And that was fun

And I am back. Just in the door, kettle on and tent laid out to dry. I spent four and a half hours playing in a session last night, preceded by two hours at lunchtime, and similar times for Saturday and Sunday. Not only was the fiddler I largely based a character on there, but I heard that his old collaborator of years past has now come out as transgender, so all threads seemed to be drawn together. I played bodhran for a while with a woman who loved to syncopate, and we ended up having a duet of sorts which was huge fun; I then got asked by one of the audience for a lesson (blush)

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Helping out at Fictioneer

Hi folks.

To try and take some of the load off Erin with Fictioneer, I am now helping her out with some of the day-to-day administrative duties. This pretty much means I'll mainly be getting rid of spam, which over the last few weeks has been filtering through.

On top of that, I will also be helping out with some of the issues readers and authors may have that Erin doesn't have to make a decision on.

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Crossed Out!

Well that's done, at least. So far it seems the reaction to the story is good, and I'm grateful to everyone who has commented about it so far. I added a "Chapter Zero" that explains who's who, and where they come from, so hopefully that will help the story make more sense.

This is, without a doubt, the most ambitious project I've ever completed, and I'm feeling a little burned-out at the moment. But I'm also too wired to sleep; as usual, my Muse has stolen my sleep!

Good thing I have the day off, huh?

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Story about a rich cross dresser seeing a shrink

Last night before bed I was reading a story about a rich cross dresser seeing an MD Shrink. The Shrink was being a real ass and as the story developed, it turned out the cross dresser was actually smarter than him.

The problem is that this morning I can't find the story to finish it. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Need ideas on a theme


As a follow up to Gillian is born, I am exploring a concept of a mid-twenties crossdressing male who has the fantasy to be a woman who is heavily pregnant, and who discovers a partner who can make this happen in a prosthetic manner to his becoming her delight. Would this be too much? would anyone be interested in reading such a tale?
This involves
1. Meeting up
2. Discussion of the future
3. Entering an into a Bi-sexual relationship initially
4. Hormones
5. Surgery and enhancement's to that
6. Life after


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The Bailey Summers Character-kitchen 1

This is a pretty basic recipe really. The first thing you need is plain white bread dough, these are rolls and not cinnamon swirls which are made from a biscuit base.

I'm going to assume If you're cooking you can made bread dough. If you cannot you can find lots of recipes on the net. Or you can buy uncooked dough at any bakery. I have done this to cheat when I had to make 600 of these things.

Okay! You need a rolling pin.

A pizza cutter or a really good sharp knife.

Several baking sheet pans or any pan you wish to use.

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Home Alone

I have decided that as there doesn't appear to be overmuch interest in reading the 'new version' of the story, I will discontinue amending the story for now. I have therefore put the remainder of the original stories back up.

I might return to it later, but as I want to clear the decks as it were for Football Girl Book 2 and other future stories.

Many thanks for the people who did comment.


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My only complaint!

I get so disappointed when I read on BCTS sometimes. I just get into a story, and it is really getting interesting, when boom! It's done, and incomplete and I feel so disappointed! I know that Erin and the others here have no control over an author's commiment to a story, but could there be some kind of a notiification that the story is not updating after a certain time? I thought the writing for Becoming Christine was very good, but after chapter 5...nothing. So depressing, and this is just one of the stories like that. AAArgh!

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Fanfiction and Copyrights

When writing fanfiction, like the current Comics Retcon Universe stuff, it's polite and considerate to acknowledge the current copyright and/or trademark holders, when known. Especially if using artwork or logos.

Just a line near the top or bottom of a story, or on the Title page is enough. And it isn't required here, it's just a nice thing to do for the original owners of the stuff.

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Another Sunday...

Okay... I am exhausted. I had to drive my daughter to college over 10 hours away, help her get her room set up, buy more stuff and deal with that as well as drive home. Granted it was over three days, but if I hadn't edited before the trip there was no way this weeks chapter would be ready. But it is, so please enjoy.

Things are getting more confusing for poor Geoff and the thot plickens.

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*sigh* Maybe I'm just crazy.

A few of you might have caught a glimpse of my earlier blog/rant/vent before I pulled it in regards to family issues.

I decided after posting it that it was just too heated and not within the general "friendly" of the site, so I pulled it though I have a hard-copy for myself because just writing it helped me quite a bit. :-)

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about "missing"

I think I should try and explain about my latest piece, "missing". Its actually not that recent, probably more than a year old. I have hesitated to share it because its not an easy piece, and I feared that it would be misunderstood. Its my rather faulting attempt to describe what might happen if the Rapture occurs in my lifetime. It is an attempt to describe both the sadness those who might miss me, with the joy I would know at that moment. Hugs to all who worried about me, I am not planning on leaving anytime soon, although God might have other plans.....

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The Sissy farm 26

Well that's chapter 26 posted. This story will soon be finished then I can get on with some more original stuff. I'm really getting quite stale with it now and not much in the way of comments.

Went to Wild Passions in South Wales, (Newport gwent) this friday. Fabulous venue.
Alan and Mandy perfect hosts to fifty plus trannies of asorted ages from 20 to 80.

Good time was had by all though.

I'll definitely be going again, - and again, and again.

Cheers all Beverly.

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New wonder drug!


The BNF has 20,000 different drugs to take - so Adam Kay and Suman Biswas thought "What could we produce to give you all a break?"

In a nutshell: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin is a cure-all, but has some rather unusual side-effects...

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why I've been Tanya Allan

To everyone who has contacted me recently, thanks so much for writing. The answer is, yes, I'm fine (apart from a bad back, which is an old friend), but soooo busy. My parents (both mid 80s and not at all well) found their rambling home in Scotland too much and have finally accepted the suggestion that they'd be better closer to me and in a retirement comunity (independent living but with care if and when they need/want it)

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Miss Mars - apologies

I want to apologize, but that latest installment of Out of the Ashes is taking longer than I expected.

I know what I want to happen, and how it should happen -- and I'm kinda excited about it, but my muse isn't helping me to break it down into bite-sized story pieces just yet.

Plus that pesky real life keeps butting into my writing time :)

Anyway, just wanted to say I haven't abandoned Megan just yet. I think there's at least two more chapters to this arc.

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AG Research: Lake Michigan

A decent sized chunk of my next AquaGirl story is going to involve her swimming around in Lake Michigan. But being a UK citizen, I know virtually nothing about it other than what I can dig up on a Wikipedia trawl. So, since I figure some of you probably live a little nearer it than I do, I thought I'd pick your brains... :)

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"First, Be A Woman"

Just tripped over a link to this (Thanks SLOG and Horse Meat Disco!)

It's an obscure, extended mix disco track by Leonnore O'Malley, later covered by Gloria Gaynor.

The lyrics are of a woman giving advice to a TG person on dating men. It's very positive and upbeat, if you like that sort of thing. :) I thought it might cheer someone up.

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The Crossover Begins!

First, I'd like to offer my apologies to anyone who doesn't like superheroes or the Retcon universe for the utter spam of stories of late as I've built up to this, my first attempt at a real Retcon crossover storyline.

Sure, we've had cameos and brief crossings before now, but this is the big one I'd been leading up to for some time now. It's probably the most ambitious thing I've ever done as a writer, and the concept terrifies me. My Muse, however, remains confident (and crazy) as she eternally stands between me and sleep.

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PayPal Problem

Someone raided my PayPal account for $400. Paypal was suspicious so they flagged the transaction but NOT before charging my credit card. I contacted the seller and they have agreed to refund the charges so it will get resolved. Meanwhile I have to wonder who the heck got into my PayPal account and charged $400 against a social networking sites internal accounts.

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little bit stuck

Well, i am working on my Amanda Waller story, and a little bit stuck. What i need is a way to get from Amanda coming back home for the first time after her transformation, to fighting a local gang, who will be led by a name that might be familier to comic book readers, - Tombstone. Wish me luck.

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Thunder and Lightning

I may not be on much today, there's thunderstorms and flashfloods predicted for this area from now till the early morning. We're pretty safe from flashfloods, there are arroyos either side of me to channel the rainwater away but lightning, winds or floods may take out the power. I'll be staying off line, mostly, till this blows over, using my laptop or phone to access the site.


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MI6 agent death: Wild Sun speculation

Background: A person who was coming to the end of a secondment from GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) to MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service) was discovered dead in his flat, his body contained within a bag within his bath. The first post mortem was inconclusive, and there's speculation he'd been killed two weeks beforehand. As there was no sign of forced entry, it's believed the victim knew his attacker - so his private life is being investigated.

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Next Story

I'm not nearly done with my Green Arrow Retcon but I'd like to propose a vote. I've currently got two more stories in the works, another Retcon and a new Center story.

I wanted to know which one I should write and post first?

My new Retcon is going to be about the Jaime Reyes incarnation of Blue Beetle. I've got some pretty cool ideas on how to do it. My new Center story is about a pair of twins, a brother and sister, who change at the same time and are hounded by some shadowy individuals who are out to get them. So what do you guys think, which one should I write first?

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My brother's acting like an A** hole! What should I do? Serious Rant!

This is so hard! Ontop of everything else, I just don't know what to do.

Mom went into my Brother's room awhile ago to get batteries so She could check my blood-pressure. She was concerned about the effect of my new antidepressants, as was I. Well, the pressure was O.K.,(though on the very low side), but a few minutes later my Brother came storming out of his room and slammed a bunch of batteries down on the table.

He was screaming about getting his own place as soon as he could.

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A hooker with a heart of gold

I've been reading several comments about Assassin pertaining to Stan and not feeling the love. Several have said they can't feel empathy toward the boy. I'm sorry to pop that balloon, but Stan is an assassin. I'm sorry that some of my readers think that I'm not going in the right direction, but the story is what it is. A boy led adrift and he kills people. Yes he has many issues he hasn't dealt with and yes he's trying to be a patriotic citizen. The important thing to remember is that he's eighteen. Even if he had never been to Afghanistan he would still be immature.

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Masculine/feminine writing style

Several years ago, there was a "thing" going round about our writing voices. There was even a test to take and I rated quite feminine in my speech patterns, and actually still have the list of feminine words, pasted on the side of my monitor, that women "supposedly" use. The whole shtik is that women's speech patterns are more tentative and colaborative.

I wonder if any of that makes sense now?


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Chapter 14 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

I am back BC fans,

I'm sorry for the late add. My PC developed a bug. I was told first it was a hardware issue. Then a software issue. They said it worked fine for 24 hours without self shutting off. They used MS Security Essentials free download. They said they download it onto my PC. They didn't. So, I download it myself. I hope it works. I also bought a new UPS device. That should smooth the spikes from our frequent lightning storms here in Florida.

Back to the story.

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AquaGirl: Treasure Hunt

First up, I've started writing AquaGirl 2: Chicago Water Torture
(Well, I couldn't resist another corny aquatic title - and what Rena's about to go through would be torture... for anyone else!)

Secondly, as you read through AquaGirl 1: Born in a Watery Grave, you may have noticed the occasional reference to a Sci-Fi show.

Those references were quite deliberate.

Unless I added any others before compiling the list of references, you should find 18 different references, either hidden in plain sight, alluded to, or otherwise concealed.

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Dormouse Assault Course


For all the followers of EAFOAB, I just thought you would like to know that one council is taking the dormouse situation seriously, no matter what the cost

Here’s the link:

Whilst I am glad it’s not on my council bill, I do hope the first dormouse to use it has undergone a council Health and Safety check.
Love to All

Anne G.

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More coming

Well, I'm going on a story that Lilith and I were co-writing. But she can't think of anything to do to it, so I'm finishing the story. It's coming, Batgirl/Catwoman retcon. But it going to take me a bit to finish it up. It's at 20 pages and growing now.

Don't despair, things will come.

Don't know if I'm going to be finishing the other series though. I have to just to wrap them up, but other than just tying up the hanging threads, I don't think I'll do much more. My Ninja Muse just isn't talking to me much anymore.

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Suggestions for dissemination of new 360,000 tg novel

I've just finished a 360,000-page tg novel. It should be available soon via an Amazon subsidiary. How and where should I publicize it? Would it be appropriate to put excerpts here in BigCloset? Below I've pasted a part of the back-cover blurb--it gives a pretty good idea of the plot.

Napoleon said that women are only baby machines.

George disagrees: They are also very good machines for cooking and cleaning.

Would he still hold that opinion if he found himself renamed “Pansy-Ann” and filling out a dress?



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The Snow White that wasn't

Did I see the dress as a threat to my legacy, an insult to generations of men who fought wars and presided over propane grills? No, I honestly don't believe that a 4-year-old's Halloween costume has the power to cement his sexual identity for life. I was not threatened by fears of a same-sex, vegan wedding ceremony or a rejection of power tools and the Super Bowl. A far more immediate evil loomed in my magic mirror: children who mock other children.

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The Sissy farm 25

Well, no more comments again.
Never mind.
It'll shortly be finished and I can post some other stuff. Just a few more chapters probably 30.

Did a few more miles on Miranda this afternoon. Shoulder hurting a bit but the clavicle isn't grinding end to end, (crepitus.)
Few more days and I'll be back in harness.
Typing with two fingers again.

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The Funniest Book In The English (?) Language

Someone has posted a public domain version of a famously thin and stupid book known as English As She Is Spoke.

Mark Twain wrote the forward to the first American Version. Here is an excerpt of that forward:

Many persons have believed that this book's miraculous stupidities were
studied and disingenuous; but no one can read the volume carefully through and keep
that opinion. It was written in serious good faith and deep earnestness, by an honest
and upright idiot who believed he knew something of the English language, and could

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Enought is enough. Who ever did it stop it, NOW! This borders on theft

I was informed that someone has been spoofing my IP address(s) here to badmouth other members of BC.

THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE ! and I do not apologize for shouting,

I may joke, I may kid others here -- ones I know well and who know me -- but I never have and hope I never will attack any one for being themselves or for what they post. I may not like things others might post but it is their post not mine, their opinion/taste not mine and it is not fair for me to criticize others except for when they attack me or someone else unfairly.

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A Question of Character(s)

How often are your characters influenced by other media, either in direct inspiration or as a base template to extrapolate and 'grow' from?

For example in Becoming Robin Nicole is loosely based on an original character of mine from several years ago. The key differences are age and upbringing, and of course Raven Wing is based on Nicole.


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Rude and unfriendly comments as 'Visitor"

Here's a lesson in how the internet works. When you make a comment, even an anonymous comment, on a board like this, it leaves behind a trace. That trace contains, at minimum, your IP address at the time of the hookup. It works this way because it must since actually sending a comment is not instantaneous, your computer and my server have to know where each other are so they can communicate until the transaction is done.


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the girl in my dreams

I had a dream a couple of days ago that, to me, shows how far my integration of my female side has become. The details of the dream are not important, but one thing stood out - I was female. Now, mostly before I couldnt see myself in my dreams - I couldnt have told you if i was male or female, or what I was wearing. So the fact that I knew i was female, in public, and nobody seemed to notice that being different says something to me.

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Superheroes - From the Guardian

Superheroes: A Warning

Interesting podcast from The Guardian

The portion on Superheroes starts at 27:20

Her thesis is that the film versions of superhero characters are typically hypermasculinised in comparison to the stories portrayed in the comics the characters are drawn from, and reduces the acceptable story arcs to a handful of "movie versions."

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I think I'm slipping.

Well, this has got to be a giant red flag.

I remember reading somewhere that the human heartbeat cycle has a weakness such that if the heart receives a blow at just the wrong instant in the cycle it will stop beating.

Well, I spent a solid five minutes hitting my own chest trying to make my heart stop beating.

At church tonight, someone mentioned she and her partner were celebrating their second wedding anniversary and... god damn it... I just... couldn't help being reminded of what I am no longer able to even believe I will ever have.

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One Month

I'm pretty floored. Today has been exactly one month since I've started writing on this site. I've been a member for a while but last month was the first time that I've ever gotten up enough courage to post something here, even though I've wanted to for a long time. I've been extremely overwhelmed by all the great comments and praise that my stories have received from everyone one.

So thanks to you all and here's hoping there will be many stories to come.

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Bonzi Regrets…

…that there seems to be a small problem with his and Angharad's ISP which appears to be down for some reason. EAFOAB Part 1092 has been written (in fact Angharad read it to me–aren't I a lucky girl?) but she won't e able to post it till a bit later. She has gone to bed (to rest her knee) and hopes to be able to post it later this morning (23rd August).

They both send hugs to all (as do I)


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Princess For Hire: User Recommendations! Volume 5

And so we finally have the delayed chapter 13 of Princess For Hire! With, at its end, a mysterious pseudo-cliffhanger, WOOoooOOOOooo *ghosty sounds*

So, here comes the User Recommendation part. You, yes, YOU, have a say in what happens in the story. Does Beck's dad decide to come up and stay with Sarah's family in Persistence? Or does Beck go home with his dad, meet the mysterious voice on the other end of the phone, and have whatever adventures I can come up with there?

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Somethng to Declare, Technical and local stuff

We have had rugby and there are some bits involving climbing coming up, as well as rather a lot of local Welsh stuff. I have added weblinks to photos and reference sites that will give some explanation, but I do not want to tangle the narrative of a story that is important to me with a lot of technical exposition. If anyone wants or needs to work out whet the hell I am writing about, feel free to ask and I will answer.I was reminded of the problem when a comment (a nice one) was made about "places on the Moon"

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I Went To My 20th Reunion Last Night

I went to my 20th High School Reunion last night and the reaction to me was very positive. The girls I spent time with in High School welcomed me with open arms. We had so much fun! There were eight of us girls out on the floor at one time and we just let loose! We danced four dances in a row before we sat down to rest. My friends were thrilled that I found happiness and that I was finally on the same side of the fence with them.

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Men experience virtual reality as girl

In experiments in Spain, men are being put into virtual reality as girls to determine their reactions when, as virtual girls, they experience violence. An interesting story.

It can surely be only a matter of time before we are able to use such software for our personal use.

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