making a book

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Tried to make a book for out of morning but didn't see how? Tall keep changing things.


An easier way

IF you do not need to have a full control over the way the front page will look. I suggest you supply the information that you want on this page and let the readers use some cut/paste from any sensible wordprocessor and produce it.


Title and include the fontname and size

A possisble picture

The line "By Athour Name"

and the copyright message

I feel that a good story merits a good first page and have sometimes made one up when there, late in the story, sudenly comes a picture. If this is supplied at the beginning of the story the picture do not need to be repeated with every chapter if the story do mot need a new piscture to indicate some change in story line. This will save space at servers and in the computers at home with your readers. If you think this is a good idea, I would just suggests that you leave at least 1 inch free on both sides of the page as the DIN A4 pages are a little narower than the Letter-sized pages.

Wishing all writers all the best and thanking you all for the pleassure you bring us readers.

