Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

What are your favorite movies?

I was sitting around in a drunken stupor and wondered what your favorite movie was? I read a favorite summer picture survey and wondered what our favorite might be? I thought of mine and chose to list them, fiction and non-fiction My fiction favorites are, let me hear the drums please, Bridge on the River Kwai, Antie Mame, The Great Escape, The Worlds Fastest Indian, Breakfast At Tiffanys, Around The World In Eighty Days, and of course Star War's episode four. Non-fiction has to be On Any Sunday. Well, how about yours? Arecee

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Have I really been here a year?

Apparently so.

Member for:
1 year 17 hours

During that time I've commented on oodles of stories, written 13 short tales and have a fourteenth under construction (plus an abandoned story which I might upload somewhere so others can hijack), and somehow came up with the daft idea of producing background resources for this site's very own soap opera... (not to mention persuading a certain Kiwi to help out!)

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Dealing With Nurse Nightmare

I have been doing battle the last two days trying to get two of my meds refilled. I have had to deal with the nurse for my Endocrinologist. I have been so frustrated with her I could scream! She interrogated me up one side and down the other about why I needed the refills. I have dubbed her "Nurse Nightmare, because it is a real nightmare dealing with her . I told her that my prescriptions were expired. She kept arguing that I couldn't be out of refills. The doctor put five refills on there, but there is no way that I use five vials in a year.

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Working Girl...Weekend Update.

Hi, this is Andrea, filling in for Bobbie! She's finishing up her stay in the Philippines with a return on Monday and she'll be back here on Tuesday afternoon, owing to the nearly day long flight. (A shout out to her girls in the chatroom!) This weekend, she and some of her colleagues will be going either to somewhere in the south to the Palawan Islands,

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Chapter 4 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Here is the fourth chapter. I am also going to post a separate file for the List of Characters. It will have all of the characters for Books 1 and 2. There will be some chapters that I will post that will not have the characters listed with the chapter. That list will get longer and longer if I do that. The main list will be modified as needed.

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I'm back!

The Comic-Con was great but after six hours there, I started having back pains from all the walking, so I took some time to take pain pills, relax and then I drove home. People really liked the Quillian color pages I handed out to a few friends and pros and I touched base with almost everyone I know in the industry. I even got a half-hour to talk to Bob Burden! (Flaming Carrot, Mystery Men).

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The straw that broke the ass's back

Haven't been on BC much lately, too much turmoil in my life. Lost my job and have been preparing to move so I might get one doing basic factory labor for less than half what I'm used to making I don't mind working, but my health issues have been none too stable for the last year, and this isn't going to help. And the move also means closing up my house (MY house, bought and paid for!) and moving in with my brother, so I'm losing a significant amount of personal freedom as well.

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Adverts... specifically the removal of...

Okay I understand the reasoning behind having adverts on the site, I even click the ones that interest me on occasion however a current advert (through project wonderful) is actually making me want to visit the site less often or find some way of blocking all the adverts.

The advert in question leads to the 'Worlds Biggest Zit' website and to be honest the image of the huge thing on the guy's neck makes me ill every time I see it. I have tried blocking just that advert and blocking just that image with no luck.


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A look Back

So it has been 41 years on this earth as of 2:30 this 22nd day of July. I am most thankful for my Family though there is just the 4 of us, as it has been Since Davids Parents Passed 4 years ago. I am happy my dear Daughters have each other and Hope to be a Grandmother in about 10 years, I know it will probably come much sooner than that. After all One is 17. I have been fortunate to make so many friends in so many different places.

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Searching for your roots

This may be of importance to T folk because some of us want to know what is in the public record or are trying to locate loved ones.

Last night I happened upon what I thought was a legitimate service called, "Intelius" for looking at public records, first to see what is in mine and second to hopefully locate two of my children. Much to my surprise, the actual sign up was rife with loops and diversions to entice me to sign up for even more. I thought I was spending $39.95 but by the time I was finished, I paid $69.99.

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How to give a cat a pill...

No I'm not going to go through that old one about how you give a cat a pill, but for reference, you can find it here.

Instead, I'm going to tell you how yesterday I risked life and limbs (I have the gouges, scratches, lacerations and other abrasions to show for it) to take our cat, Sammo, to the vet.

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I have an 80 page manuscript that I just found. It is in Typewritten print. Perhaps I did it on a Typewriter, so that would say before 82'. I also had a scanner that I could scan it in with but I have never liked the program that puts it into a file on the computer.

Has the technology improved so I could go to Kinkos or somewhere and get it done or am I going to intput it myself?



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Completion of sissy farm 18

Well that's 18 posted. I'm coming close to the new Sissy farm chapters and whilst I was poking through some old floppy discs, (God! Doesn't computer technology move quickly!) I came accross the original copies of some other stories. I'll be overhauling these eventually and also sticking them on Big Closet.
Busy at the Royal Welsh how this week. Took my two nieces there today aged 6 and 4. God they don't half ask some tricky questions when they get amongst the cattle, sheep, horses and pigs. (And they always seem to be anatomical questions!)

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NS Opinion: Don't foster the gender divide

Interesting article spotted in this week's New Scientist:

"IN 2010 we need to ask afresh just how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to gender politics - and how far we are from digging ourselves out. Our beliefs about differences between the sexes have an impact on society vastly out of proportion to the magnitude of those differences, from female scientists defending their mathematical and technical expertise to boys accused of lacking the communication and emotional skills to succeed at school."

New Scientist: Opinion | Out with pink and blue: Don't foster the gender divide | 19th July 2010

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Princess For Hire: User Recommendations! Volume 4

Parents' Day has been passed, and now it's time to start working on what comes next.

Which leads me to the question presented in this blog: do readers want to experience Beck's Thanksgiving break at Sarah's, including some more fun times around the town of Persistence, or would you rather me move right on to the buildup to Christmas?

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For All You Non-Golfers Out There - Golfers Too

I've started posting a story about Bobbie (Schmedlap) Anderson, Cindy's best friend. You might remember (Cynthis and the Reluctant Girlfriend) that Bobbie used to be Bobby, a ten year old, sports loving little boy who happened to be a girl. Thanks to Cindy and The Wizard, she became that girl. Let there be no doubt about it, Bobbie is all woman, and a very sensual woman at that, when it comes to her relationship with her boyfriend, and now husband Andy Anderson; however, Bobbie refuses to allow a male dominated sport hold her back. She knows actions speak louder than words.

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Well it's up

Well, Georgina 2 is up. I want to apologise for the delay, not only did real life get in the way, but I got sidetracked by some of Margaret Jeanette's story endings that kept rolling around in my brain and wouldn't let me do anything else. Now all I've got to do is write part 3. I hope this won't take as long. I hope that part 2 will not disappoint anyone. I found the tears welling up when I wrote the ambulance journey. I don't know why, they just did. I knew Sam would make it, so why did I want to cry?
Anyway. my thanks to everyone who read my stories and to those that comment.


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Chapter 2 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello everyone at BC.

I posted the second chapter for the Omega Unicorn Chronicles. I'm setting up another problem to be solved. I'm also exploring more of Richard's background in this chapter. He talks about two more stories in his life that defines some of his emotions.

The first story is with his brothers, Chapter 1. That has been resolved, but it will be told again in a later chapter for a certain point to be made.

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Late entry

I actually managed to finish (more or less) my Summer Romance contest entry last night. It's kind of rough, but done. I still need to do some minor formatting stuff with it and give it a title. Then I'll go through it one last time and probably tidy up the ending a bit. So I'll probably be posting it sometime between eight and ten tonight (Pacific Time). A bit last minute, I know, but this one has been a bit of a pain.

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Helping Hollywood Get It Right

Forwarding this from a friend:

Being part of Gay Male Hollywood Doesn’t Give You a Free Pass to Defame Transsexual Women!
by Ashley Love | Article Date: 07/15/2010 4:20 PM

Media Advocates Giving National Equality to Transsexual & Transgender People (MAGNET) is hosting a panel discussion tonight entitled ‘Women Demanding Change Now: The Dehumanization of Transsexual Women through the Gay Male Hollywood Lens’

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Ed, Edd n' Eddy

I have recently been considering Animation where characters are drawn with feminine characteristics, I noticed that with Ed, Edd n' Eddy one of three may have been drawn with a feminine bias, its subtle and I think it was done as a teaser.

I wonder what would happen in real life if one developed animated feminine characteristics and as a result looked cartoonish!

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The Working Girl Blog #43: Getting used to things

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #43: Getting used to things

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:


There are four things I'm putting in tonight's blog: one - I've been in the Philippines over five days now, on a business trip for my company, to help set up a new call center; two - I'm getting to know the place and the people (and the shopping!) and am enjoying it so far; three - there was a metro-wide blackout due to downed power lines because of a typhoon, and: four - apparently I look like someone named Nancy.

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On the future of Becoming Robin

What an amazing journey this has been for me both as an author and, I feel, as a human being, not so much from writing my Robin stories but from my connection with the community here.

I've been thinking for awhile now about what it is I want to do with Robin's tale. I read somewhere recently (I STRONGLY suspect someone's signature right here at BCTS actually :-D) that the sign of a great story is when you dread writing the final chapter.

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Chapter 17 of Sissy Farm

Chapter 17 of Sissy farm posted. I'll soon be at 19 then the unposted new chapters will start to flow. I dunno how it'll end but probably about thirty-ish chapters. Thirty seems a goodly number. I've already sorted out the femme version of 'The Angry Mermaid.' In my head, it'll be quite a bit different from the 'Normal' version, whatever 'Normal' is! Whilst I'm writing the femme version I'll be using some of my older material as 'fillers' to satisfy appetites.

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HELP !!!!!

First let me apologize the Staff and Editors. I tried to post two chapters of a story I wrote some time. I have no clue about how HTML works. I tried several times before I got it to look right and hit the submit content button......but oops I didn't clear out the others that didn't look good before I did. So you may have got the first chapter of the same story several times. I have read through a lot of the FAQ but I use Word Perfect so it's bit different from MS word.

Still I am open to any all help as I have more than a few story's I would like to post. Thanks to all. Joe

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Rae Summers: A new Beginning Posted

Well it is better but probably more confusing than ever before. I think it confused more than entertained. I definitely need help any and all suggestions welcomed. Think the problem is more me than anything as i have a 8 track mind and need an upgrade. the problem is I really never wanted to publish the original. But My beloved Husband felt it should be shared so he opened an account as author on Storysite for me and I read it again a couple of weeks ago and could not believe how bad it was so....

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I Need New Reads!

I read a lot. Really. I mean REALLY.

Because of that, I've started having trouble finding stories to read that sit along the types I tend to prefer, which, unfortunately, is a fairly narrow spectrum of what's out there.

So, here I am, asking for recommendations. Here's a quick list of what I'm looking for:


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OMG! My GPS Speaks English!

I got a Garmin NUVI for nearly free, and while I was setting it up I selected English. So imagine my delight when I was driving down the road and it began speaking to me in English. NO, not American English but what they speak in the UK! She speaks in such a commanding tone; almost compelling me to say "Yes Mum" when she has finished.

When she is speaking American English, I feel like I can say "NO" when she gives me directions I don't like, but when espeakin da queens English, I wouldna dare. It would be the ruler on my bottom it would.

Jolly good.


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To borrow a line from Ross Perot,

Okay, now here's the deal.

I have agonized for months, re: my feminine presentation. Having somewhat low self esteem regarding my overall presentation, I have never, I repeat, NEVER considered myself female looking enough to be comfortable in public. That has gone by the boards. Over the last few months there have been more than a few instances where I have been accepted by people who have no other reason to accept that I am who and what I appear to be. To be accepted simply as just another female is still heady stuff for me, but I LOVE it!

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Clothing as a sex toy!

For many years, I was too in the closet to have some fancy jeans, and then when was thrown out of the closet, I was too poor. Last year, in a moment of insanity, I bought some "True Religion" jeans, tried them on once but was still too sore to wear them. So, this spring, having lost the weight that the psych drugs put on, I took them out, and shortened the legs for my size.

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I've given my Organizers a facelift

Just a quick note for anyone that's interested, I've finally sat down and done some uniformity tweaks to my Organizer pages.

I haven't decided if I'm going to do anything with my Author page yet, but Book One now has a proper title, and all three have a proper, brief synopsis attached.

Sorry it's taken me so long to get around to doing this. I really, honestly did not expect my Robin chapters to become so popular especially as the first serious writing I've done in years, not counting the odd fanfic here and there.

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No more guilt?

well, its kinda snuck up on me, but I have noticed its been a while since i really struggled with guilt over my tg issues. I think my decision to be honest with myself, my family, and my God has paid off. Its such a relief to not beat myself up every time I wanted to dress up. That feels like a major victory, to me.

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New Kid On The Block...

Hi everyone. I'm Trisha Randell. I'm new at this writing thing but I must admit that I'm having my fun trying. I like a story with a twist to it and I hope you all have enjoyed my little posts thus far. I am also enjoying the comments and I hope I haven't left too ugly an impression of Fairy God Mothers. I've always viewed them as elder spirits who come to educate us rather than to perform tricks and change lives as an easy out to what really ails us.

Love and Hugs...


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The Sparkle weekend in Manchester.

Well I got back from the Sparkle ball and party in the park.
Had a wild time.
Gosh those Manchester girls are bold lasses first she wanted to have her photo taken with me (Then she squeezed my boob.)
Next she demanded a second photo and the cheeky cow was checking out my boobs.


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seeing your roses before they bloom

My world is beyond imagination when I know my femme side. I love what comes out of me. yes I am not afraid but I need a push and big sister. I love my sexy side just wish that I had gone all the way twenty years ago. Every part of me know my arousal to all senses when I am en femme and I touch my nipplesand explode with joy. My next play is to give in to desire and give up reluctance. Maybe a public outing.. Can anyone relate??


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Arthurs Round Table Identified?

Historians claim to have identified the site of the Round Table of King Arthur, at a site near Chester. A recently uncovered collesium like structure is believed the be the fabled location. It could seat about 1,000 people, nobles and retainers mostly, and would have been an assembly area for preparing for war. Thought it was interesting since there has been some interest in Ancient Briton and associated areas.

See link above for more.

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found a local ts group

Well, I am feeling a little better. I think I am just getting anxious about school. I am stuck waiting for info so I can get my approvai for funding, and I cant do anything but wait, and time is running short. Meanwhile, however, I was able to find a local TS group online, and submitted a application to join. Assuming that I am accepted, they have a brunch at the end of the month that I could attend. It would be great to have some local girls to help me really get started on this journey.

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There Are No Rules

AOL this morning has a story about Jack Norworth, the man who penned “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”. The refrain to that song is almost as familiar as the Big Closet melody, There Are No Rules, which is chirped every time someone suggests a methodology for writing.

Rules are made to be broken, but it’s easier to successfully engage the reader if you put the ball close to the strike zone.

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The Working Girl Blog #42: On the ground safe n sound

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #42: On the ground safe n sound

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:


Hi! Como esta? (my seatmate said it's actually colloquially pronounced "coomoo-sta" here)

Just arrived in Manila, and wanted to drop a little quickie note to tell everyone we're all safe and sound

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Sitting in the dark
Only my thoughts for company
My mind drifts back
To times I won't forget

The crease of your lips
A split second before you laugh
The widening of your eyes
Before you realize my teasing

Now it's nearly time to go
And no matter now near or far
I want you to know
How proud I am to call you my friend

A dear friend of mine took a job on the east coast recently and I wrote this for her. She's a sweetheart and while we'll still chat on facebook, it won't be the same as in person.

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Heard this on the tv and though of Angharad

Quote from "Wonder Boys" with Michael Douglas.

This black man asks Trip who is an author... "If you don't know what its about [his draft novel] why did you write it?"
Trip responds... "I couldn't stop."

Haha. Some authors here might answer the same...


Link to movie "Wonder Boys"

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Too Many Ideas! (Or Ow, My Brain Hurts!)

Too Many Ideas!
Or "Ow, My Brain Hurts!"

Two hours ago I tried to go to bed, but resulted in my just laying awake and thinking. I have so many plot threads going around in my head right now, and to add to that complexity, Aria Blade's sub-story just became a TG story in and of itself in the darker reaches of my warped imagination too.

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The Working Girl Blog #41: Seeya in two weeks

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #41: Seeya in two weeks

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I'm going to the Far East this afternoon. There are four of us flying to the Philippines this afternoon. Our flight leaves at 5:30pm later, so last night, I packed a my one and only wheelie bag with just five outfits, a couple of heels (in black, of course, so it'll match with virtually anything) a couple of pajamas, and just enough underwear for a week (plus make-up, toiletries, brushes n combs and everything else a girl needs).

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Federal gay marriage ban is ruled unconstitutional

This was on Yahoo today and I thought you'al would be interested! Richard

By DENISE LAVOIE, AP Legal Affairs Writer Denise Lavoie, Ap Legal Affairs Writer — 1 hr 32 mins ago
BOSTON — The federal law banning gay marriage is unconstitutional because it interferes with the right of a state to define the institution and therefore denies married gay couples some federal benefits, a federal judge ruled Thursday in Boston.

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Unfortunate Reuters headline

In their sports section, Gene Cherry wrote an article covering the results of the 200m sprint at the Prefontaine Classic Diamond League meeting on Saturday. Either Gene was in a funny mood, or someone needs to educate Gene on double-entendres...

Needless to say, it's doing the rounds on Twitter...
(Yes, I am a member of the Twitterati, FWIW)

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I need a proof reader for my sci-fi story

This is a call to those who like to proof read stories. The first book is written of the series The Omega Unicorn Chronicles. I couldn't use the title The Last Unicorn, because there is already a book with that title. Book One is 30 chapters long. Book Two has 31 chapters and still counting. The Third Book is going to wait until Book Two is done. The Rescue Mission will be re-written to reflect books one and two better. I suggest reading the story first before taking it apart. There are rabbit trails and mysteries along the way.

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How can time be so confusing?

After a month of poor health, I'm getting back to my writing or at least trying to. Is there a BC author or commenter from Australia who can help me? I'm trying to determine the time in Alice Springs compared to other parts of world, and the websites I'm finding are telling me time in that part of Australia is currently 12:21 a.m. when it is 10:51 a.m. where I'm writing. Note the 21 and 51. Is CST Time Australia, a half hour different from other places?* I always thought time zone changes were hourly. IF its say 9:51 in Bombay, its something 51 in all other parts of the world.

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Chapter 15 posted


Mmmm. That tastes really nice!

Well, that's Chapter 15 of 'The Sissy Farm posted.

I won't be posting anything now until after Monday.

The Angry mermaid is at Chapter 12 and going strong. It's a bit like Conan the Destroyer insofar as our hero and heroine go from place to place righting wrongs; sometime deliberately and sometimes inadvertently.

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The Center Universe

I've been contacted by a number of people regarding The Center, and whether or not the two recent stories are authorized and whether or not they can write a story as well. Yes, they are, and yes you can. In Chapter Nine (Comments) I made it an open universe to anyone that wants to write in it. There's no need to ask permission. Though if you want questions answered or more inside information about some of the characters, that didn't get revealed too much, for your own story, then PM me.

If you do write one, just credit me for the characters and universe. That's all I ask.

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